ETNOSIA: Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia | Hasanuddin University (original) (raw)
Papers by ETNOSIA: Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia
A myth is the entrance to figure out the reality of culture in an ethnic group. This article aims... more A myth is the entrance to figure out the reality of culture in an ethnic group. This article aims to analyze the myth of Sawerigading. The analysis approach is Structural Leivist analysis used to reveal the Structure in the myth of Sawerigading as a socio-cultural transformation and kinship structure to gain an understanding about the position of Sawerigading in the lagaligos epoch. The results show that the structure of Bugis-Makassar culture is always based on a divided binary opposition structure in three vertical parts, namely, upper structure, middle structure, and bottom. this structure originating from the cosmogini division transformed unconsciously and automatically into natural objects, house shape, and social stratification. Then, the existence of Sawerigading as a central character in the middle world is the result of the transformation of a limited exchange structure to the upper and the underworld kinship group through a marriage described as the foundation of the culture of Buginese and Makassarese people on earth. Liminal position on the myth of Sawerigading is a firm position to explain the reality of culture of the Buginese-Makassarese people. That is why the Buginese-Makassarese people have a strong and firm character.
This research discusses about traditional children song tunda-tunda bamban in Melayu Tamiang soci... more This research discusses about traditional children song tunda-tunda bamban in Melayu Tamiang society. Using qualitative approach, the data were taken from field research as the result of observation and directly interview toward informant of Melayu Tamiang society in Kampong Batu Aru, District Bandar Pusaka, Province Aceh. To analyze function and meaning of the song, we used theory of context and semiotics, while the function of the song is analyzed by using Easman's etnoscience theory. The research found that tunda-tunda bamban is sang for starting and during the game. The functions of tunda-tunda bamban are to entertain children, as education media, to instill norms and sosial control, and to strenghten the bounding of fraternity.
Dr. General Education Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo is the hospital with the most ED referral pat... more Dr. General Education Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo is the hospital with the most ED referral patients in the Eastern Indonesia region. This study aims to, (1) determine the ethics of physician professionalism in relation to the relationships established between doctors-patients and established medical communication, (2) analyze differences in physician-patient relations using health insurance and general patients, (3) find out the kinship network patients who are instructed on medical treatment obtained. This research was conducted at the Emergency Room at RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar using a qualitative descriptive study. The methods used are observation and interviews with doctors and patients. This study shows that (1) the doctors did not pay attention to and run the SOP IGD of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital so that there was miscommunication, (2) health insurance patients and the general got different treatment in medical treatment, (3) kinship network was very influential in the medical action given by the doctor to his patient.
This article intends to identify and to describe the unique structure and the managing style that... more This article intends to identify and to describe the unique structure and the managing style that owns primordial characteristics, that is giving significance to kinship, religion, and local Bugis cultural values, which made up the cultural system of PT. Hadji Kalla family business. Theoritically, this research was inspired from Weberian perspective on the ideal types of bureaucracy that observes organizations (in this case is the family business) as one of the socio-cultural phenomena which is neutral and value-free, that is place aside its subjective aspects. The research was conducted in two locations, the head office and one of the branch offices using qualitative approach that relies on participant observation, in-depth interviews, and literature studies. The results of the research shows that the family business of PT. Hadji Kalla that has advanced into national level still prioritizes kinship, ethnicity, and religious aspects in the daily activities of the company. The value even take parts in providing the company's colour to the urban societies in various districts where the company stands. This means that although the society has undergone transformations, it doesn't mean that the primordial value, and the elements that exist outside of businesses (such as kinship, big men, religion, cultural values, and interest) do not influence the activities that are held in formal organizations. Therefore, the interventions of subjective aspects will always appear, followed with the application of the modern management system that is implemented by PT. Hadji Kalla company.
The aim of the research was to describe and get understanding on health care practiced by communi... more The aim of the research was to describe and get understanding on health care practiced by community members infected or indicated infected by malaria in Topoyo District, Central Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province. Using ethnographic approach, data was obtained through observation and in-depth interview. The study indicates that the community members infected or indicated infected by malaria not only to practice health care in various ways in overcoming malaria but also to mix the elements of treatment techniques derived from scientific medical tradition and local medical tradition. The variety and mixture of the health treatment is conditioned by the assumption that all types of medicines are powerful to cure illnesses. The cure of illnesses is determined by the compatibility of the drug and the blessing of God as the primary cause for the occurrence and cure of illnesses. It is also affected by different understandings, experiences, and information networks on malaria that are accessed by each actor and the attitude to respond illness.
The aim of the research was to describe and get understanding on health care practiced by communi... more The aim of the research was to describe and get understanding on health care practiced by community members infected or indicated infected by malaria in Topoyo District, Central Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province. Using ethnographic approach, data was obtained through observation and in-depth interview. The study indicates that the community members infected or indicated infected by malaria not only to practice health care in various ways in overcoming malaria but also to mix the elements of treatment techniques derived from scientific medical tradition and local medical tradition. The variety and mixture of the health treatment is conditioned by the assumption that all types of medicines are powerful to cure illnesses. The cure of illnesses is determined by the compatibility of the drug and the blessing of God as the primary cause for the occurrence and cure of illnesses. It is also affected by different understandings, experiences, and information networks on malaria that are accessed by each actor and the attitude to respond illness.
The ideology of state-ibuism has always been interwoven with how the New Order regime until nowad... more The ideology of state-ibuism has always been interwoven with how the New Order regime until nowadays government constructing the " ideal " role of women in the family and community through the PKK (Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga) organization. However, in Cangkring Village, Indramayu, the ideology of ibuism works not because of the massive government regulating the role of women through the PKK organization, but it is possible because of the structure of the kampung community itself. Through involved observations and in-depth interviews about a kindergarten in the village, a group of housewives who dedicated themselves to teaching in kindergarten were met without getting paid high. From these socio-cultural phenomenons, this paper will describe descriptively and analytically that housewives in the Cangkring village are willing to become kindergarten teachers because of their moral burden as part of the warga kampung and also from community pressure from people who want their children to be able to read and write.
News around celebrity's life has been the topic of interest of televition audience and netizens, ... more News around celebrity's life has been the topic of interest of televition audience and netizens, and causes pros and cons. Those who pros claim to be the fans of the celebrity. On the contrary, those who cons refer themselves as haters. This article focuses on how haters express their hate through haters account in Instagram and how the owner of haters account earn money from their account, using two most popular celebrities who have the highest number of haters account in Indonesia, Mulan Jameela and Ayu Ting Ting. The study indicates that in spreading hatred of celebrities in Instagram, there are generally two categories of haters, the owner and the followers of haters account. In regard to their activities, followers of haters account can be divided into three: followers who only observe the uploads, followers who only 'like' the uploads through 'love' symbol, and followers who comment on the uploads. But, not all followers of haters account are haters. Whether or not one is a hater, this can be seen from one's hatred comments. On the contrary, by solely observing or liking uploads one cannot be perceived as a non-hater. Passivity of followers to uploads can happen because of various reasons (i.e. using original identity, afraid of bullying from the lovers of hated celebrity). Haters account is not just a media to express their hate, but also a way to earn money for those who have lots of followers, by promoting online shop in their own haters account, called paid promote.
How to cite: Sakinah. (2018). Selebgram: MEraih Popularitas Melalui Dunia Maya. Etnosia: Jurnal E... more How to cite: Sakinah. (2018). Selebgram: MEraih Popularitas Melalui Dunia Maya. Etnosia: Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia, 3(1), 48-71. Media communication began to shift toward cyber media with the presence of various kinds of social media as a form of modern communication which not only can share audio information, but also images and video, including Instagram. Uploaded content can be appreciated by netizens who then create public figures in social media instagram, called Selebgram. This article is focused on how netizens categorize selebgram and what selebgrams' strategies to become popular and how they maintain their popularity. The study shows that netizens categorize a person as a selebgram not only based on the number of followers, the number of likers and comments on the uploaded content, taking endorsement, but also appear in the search field. Some selebgram use fake account provider to get more followers instantly, others beautifying the uploaded content, channelling hobbies, and into coincidental programming. To maintain their followers, a selebgram uploads content by following and creating trends, uploading periodically to update the content of their timeline and utilizing the offered endorsement. It is also found that interaction between selebgram and their followers is more active in Instagram (i.e. comment and direct message) than face to face interaction. Followers even tend to feel reluctant to directly greet, take picture or ask for signature of the selebgram in the view of the fact that selebgram is a celebrity of Instagram, not celebrity in the real world.
Pendahuluan Secara umum buku BUKAN NARKOBA BISA BERBAHAYA; Produk Kimia, Aspirasi, dan Kehidupan ... more Pendahuluan Secara umum buku BUKAN NARKOBA BISA BERBAHAYA; Produk Kimia, Aspirasi, dan Kehidupan Remaja adalah buku yang menarik dan sangat kontekstual, ditengah minimnya buku sejenis yang beredar di Indonesia. Desain Sampul sangat menarik perhartian dan sesuai dengan poin pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Judul berupa diksi "Narkoba" yang digambarkan sebagai Narkotika untuk menarik perhatian pembacanya yang memang memahami bahwa Narkoba itu adalah Narkotik, walaupun hal tersebut sebenarnya adalah singkatan dari "Narkotika dan obat berbahaya", dimana sudah termasuk didalamnya adalah obat-obat golongan keras yang harus diresepkan dokter, maupun produk kimia berbahaya lainnya yang sering disalah-gunakan dan digunakan-salah oleh remaja. Jumlah halaman sebanyak 350 adalah cukup proporsional untuk menyampaikan satu topik penting dari sebuah buku yang membahas fenomena sosial, yang terdiri atas 10 bagian yang tersusun sistematik, runtut, dengan tata bahasa yang baik dan sistematika penulisan yang mudah dicerna, baik oleh para ilmuan maupun masyarakat awam lainnya.
Popular culture has rapidly developed and massively influence people's life. One of the progresse... more Popular culture has rapidly developed and massively influence people's life. One of the progressed popular culture is Korean Pop (popularly known as K-Pop), which come from Korea and spread out to various countries in the world. Boy band EXO is one of the examples of Key-Pop which spreads around the world, including Indonesia through social media. The study indicates that the popularity of EXO has inspired boy band' fans to create a community called EXO-L which has spread in various countries, including Indonesia, and Makassar is one of the cities in Indonesia where such community exists. EXO-L community interact each other not just in the real world through related events, but they also interacts through cyber space, through which members of the community know each other, add and follow one another, sharing information about EXO and Korea in a faster, easier and more effective way, as well as to be 'closer' to their boy band idol. The manager of social media (i.e. Line group) has the authority to decide who is eligible to be members of the group and who can be exluded from the group, but this is not without some consideration, and is commonly associated with the livelines to the group. But, they are different between the policy in the real world and in cyber space. Members of the group need to be more actively involved in the social media grup than in the real world. This shows the significance of the interaction in the social media than in the real world. Globalisasi memberikan dampak bagi keterbukaan informasi yang begitu luas dan besar di dunia ini. Hal ini membuat media massa menjadi alat untuk menyebarkan informasi-informasi baru yang efektif karena dapat melintas batas geografis negara dan dapat menjangkau segala kalangan dengan mudahnya. Menurut Malthy (dalam Tressia 2012:20-37), budaya populer atau budaya massa merupakan hasil dari teknik-teknik industrialisasi produksi
Technology today cannot be denied is developed very rapidly. People compete to innovate and take ... more Technology today cannot be denied is developed very rapidly. People compete to innovate and take advantage of this technology development to create something that has economic value. One form of these rapid technology development that is currently being discussed and massively utilised is the presence of online-based application transportation. In Indonesia, there are a number of online-based application transportation companies, one of the most popular companies is Grab. However, this technological advance still have a gap to be cheated by irresponsible people who want to earn money by breaking the rules through modifying android handphone (HP root). Thus, they do not have to bother driving to pick up passengers from place of origin to destination by onlinely 'playing' the aplication. In this way, incentives are obtained, something that can only be legally obtained with certain targets of a company with considerable revenue. Both driver 'tuyul' and police understand that burglary apllication is a violation of the law. However, there is a symbiotic mutualism between the two. On the one hand, 'tuyul' drivers are excempted for the offence committed by paying some money. On the other hand, police also get some money from 'the release'. Such 'peaceful arrangement' can be done only if the case is not exposed to the media, especially social media which release news is much faster and up-to-date. This indicates the significant role of media, not only to expose cases of 'tuyul' driver, but also to make these cases go into the realm of law. This proves that the media is more respected than the police and money remains a 'king' capable of buying the law. Therefore, online trandportation companies should evaluate and improve the security sistem of their application so as not to be easily broken by 'tuyul' drivers. In addition, cooperation among Grab companies, police, and media in conducting raids since research findings indicate that media can be a controller in expressing this online-based application transportation crime.
The existence of Indonesia women through media has been pioneered by R.A Kartini who is known for... more The existence of Indonesia women through media has been pioneered by R.A Kartini who is known for hes ability in voicing his opinions and thoughts into her writing ability through letters. These letters in the present transformed into social media that became the medium of self-actualization of women. This Article focuses on how women educators in Makassar activity in the Facebook and Whatsapp. The study indicates that there are two main reasons why Facebook and Whatsapp are the preferred informative social media in this research, both of which are the most popular (because they are mostly used by one's networking) and practical social media (because people can be easily found and to be found through these two social media and because of the facilities of these social media, they can share (like photos, documents, videos, etc.), and interact in various forms (such as video call, online games, etc.). Facebook and Whatsapp are used to connect each other, as the source of information, as an online shopping venue, a place hobby channeling, as well as a space to share moments. Their activities on Facebook and Whatsapp can be classified into silent readers, commentators, broadcasters, promoters, and owners of the stage. In fact, social media users are inversely proportional to the ability to understand Facebook and Whatsapp as 'private spaces' rather than as 'public spaces' where content are shared openly.
Wahdah Islamiyah (WI) is a community organization (ormas) based in Makassar under the aupices of ... more Wahdah Islamiyah (WI) is a community organization (ormas) based in Makassar under the aupices of Yayasan Pesantren Wahdah Islamiyah (YPWI). Members of WI are the followers of Salafi, a social movement which tries to practice Islamic values according to the understanding of As-Salaf As-Shalih. While members of WI consists of men and women, this article is focused on how female members of WI practice the ideal values of womenhood set by WI in the everyday life. The research findings indicates that members of WI consist of three categories, namely: new members, teachers (murabbiah), and administrative staff of its Lembaga Muslimah WI. The value of womenhood is set by the organization, and is classified into three, namely how to dress properly, how women behaves towards the opposite sex, and how 'to become a wife/mother'. The application of such values is not always syncronised with the ideal ones, depending on their level of membership and which value and which condition faced by the members. While new members tend to have a space for negotiation; murabbiah is more advance than new members in the practice of womenhood values, which can be seen from how they dress (ber-hijab) and how they interact with the opposite sex; staff of Lembaga Muslimah WI is focused on how to practice such values in relation to how 'to become a wife/mother'. Thus, women transform themselves spiritually on the basis of womenhood values as they become part of the organization and the level of their membership.
The existence of online mode of transportation has attracted consumers' attention, and therefore ... more The existence of online mode of transportation has attracted consumers' attention, and therefore many switch from the use of conventional to online mode of transportation. The switch has become a trigger of conflict between drivers of conventional transportation, such as city transportation (angkot), taxi, motorbike (bentor), rickshaw (ojek pangkalan), and drivers of online transportation, such as Grab and Go-Jek. This artikel is focused on the existence and the conflict between these two mode of transportations in Kota Makassar. It was found that online transportation has become an alternative of transportation for society for a number of reasons: practicality, transparency, trustworthiness, security, insurance, features, discount and promotion rates, as well as new employment/part-time opportunities. The existence of online-based transportation has caused a conflict between the two. In one side, online transportation is considered to facilitate drivers and their passangers. On the other side, online transportation got criticised from drivers of conventional transportation due to the fact that the latter is being marginalised by the former. Conflict between the two is commonly base on operating lisence, colour of vehicle plate that significantly impacted on payment of taxes, passangers' recruitment base, and competitive online transportation rates. The rate has becomeone of the advantages of online transportation as well as one of the source of conflicts between conventional and online transportation.
The existence of mountain rock has become a grace for people in Desa Allakuan, particularly for c... more The existence of mountain rock has become a grace for people in Desa Allakuan, particularly for craftsmen, and has been used by others from different part of Sidrap. This article aims to explore the craftsmen's activities and and the impacts of such activities toward the surrounding society, particularly towards craftsmen themselves. The result shows that craftmen are hereditary work. Children are introduced and get involved in such kind of work together with their fathers since childhood. As the result, they are accustomed to such kind of work, and from one generation to another and this has impacted on their motivation to continue their study. However, their perception about being craftmen is rather ambivalent, as a grace as well as a trap since their level of education is low and they do not have other skill to make money. Therefore, they very much depend on the mountain rock as the basic materials for crafts (by combining between traditional and modern technology) and for construction. Despite the fact that this has become the main source of income, it is follow by some negative impact on the environment and public health. The former is related to the mountain rock digging using heavy equipment without considering the balance between the exploitation of natural resources and its maintenance as well as occupational health and safety (K3). The latter is associated with the dust resulted from using carving machine.
Tu tamanang is a Makassar term for bad soil (butta kodi) for women and bad seed (biné kodi) for m... more Tu tamanang is a Makassar term for bad soil (butta kodi) for women and bad seed (biné kodi) for men, as sexual intercourse is analogised with planting (lamung-lamung). Whether or not one is considered as tu tamanang is not based on biomedical checkup , but simply on the basis ofmarital duration (5 years and more) and the attributes attached to tu tamanang which may be different by gender. The importance of the existence of children in the family has caused social stigma among tu tamanang. Such stigma is based on the attributes that can be observed, the gendered parable, the reproductive health-related perception towards the couple, and the label that tu tamanang are infortune persons. In dealing with such social stigma, tamanang women tend to be passive, while men are more aggressive, by showing their refusal to stigma through polygyny or divorce to get married. However, women also become agents in regard to divorce and polygyny. But, refusal towards social stigma is also the case for couple who does not problematised lack of children in the family, and tamanang is not simply a source of conflict. Stigma towards tu tamanang significantly affects the social life of tu tamanang, which is classified into 3 categories: self-isolation, demanding divorce and polygyny. There is a need to educate the society regarding the cause of infertility and how to deal with it, since existing various stigma against tu tamanang are based on social perception, which are non-medical and presumption. In addition, since biomedical service is not the main priority for tu tamanang, they need relevant information regarding existing service and service procedures because even though they access medical service, it has never been continued. This is because accessing medical service is identical with handling of various documents which they consider rather complicated.
Jeneponto is one of the toponomi of Makassar kingdom, which is located in the coastal area of Sou... more Jeneponto is one of the toponomi of Makassar kingdom, which is located in the coastal area of South Sulawesi, has its own dynamic history. This study aims to explore socio-political phenomenon of Jeneponto local kingdoms, using two main toponimi of local kingdoms of Jeneponto, Bangkala and Binamu, from their establishment, the dynamic of their growth, and their relationship with the outer kingdoms in XVI and XVII centuries, so as to complete the narrative of socio-political history of Makassar. Based on philological approach, the study relies on Lontara' Patturioloang through five manuscripts, supported by existing literatures as well as oral tradition. At first, Jeneponto noble hegemony is controlled by Bangkala. Then, this switched to Binamu after Makassar War in 1666. As part of Jeneponto kingdom, Bangkala was firstly developed and had royal blood from Kalimporo. In its development, Bangkala then forged political alliances and genealogy with Gowa since the XVI century. As a local kingdom, Binamu had high noble degree which was rooted from Bantaeng, then it made blood connection with Tallo kingdom. However, since the XVII it established political connection with Bone kingdom. The marriage of Binamu and Bangkala nobles with high nobles of Gowa, Tallo, Bantaeng and Bone not only enhanced the degree of nobility and developed a kinship network, but also became a political strategy for piece.
The struggle among various ethnic groups socially forms ethnic stratification and contestation di... more The struggle among various ethnic groups socially forms ethnic stratification and contestation discourse. This article aims to explore Tidung movement as native inhabitants, but marginalised minority in order to get involved in the struggle of power relations in Pulau Sebatik which has been dominated by migrants. The study indicates that as minority group, Tidung people is stereotyped by other ethnic group as lazy, slow, less educated, and under develop. These marginalised them in many aspects of life, particularly in economics, politics, land tenure. In responding to this, Tidung people establish a movement to develop symbolic investation strategy, so that they have a space in rhe struggle of power relations in Pulau Sebatik. The movement unites sub-ethnic Tidung, namely Sebuku, Sembakung, dan Sesayap by establishing FKWT-Forum Komunikasi Warga Tidung (Communication Forum of Tidung People) and LAT-Lembaga Adat Tidung (Customary Institution of Tidung) in order to legitimate their power as indigeneous people. Then, customary forest is claimed as the symbol to gain their right for forest management. They also gain prestige by getting involved in the border conflict between Malaysia and Indonesia through which they can show that they contribute in maintaining state sovereignity.
A myth is the entrance to figure out the reality of culture in an ethnic group. This article aims... more A myth is the entrance to figure out the reality of culture in an ethnic group. This article aims to analyze the myth of Sawerigading. The analysis approach is Structural Leivist analysis used to reveal the Structure in the myth of Sawerigading as a socio-cultural transformation and kinship structure to gain an understanding about the position of Sawerigading in the lagaligos epoch. The results show that the structure of Bugis-Makassar culture is always based on a divided binary opposition structure in three vertical parts, namely, upper structure, middle structure, and bottom. this structure originating from the cosmogini division transformed unconsciously and automatically into natural objects, house shape, and social stratification. Then, the existence of Sawerigading as a central character in the middle world is the result of the transformation of a limited exchange structure to the upper and the underworld kinship group through a marriage described as the foundation of the culture of Buginese and Makassarese people on earth. Liminal position on the myth of Sawerigading is a firm position to explain the reality of culture of the Buginese-Makassarese people. That is why the Buginese-Makassarese people have a strong and firm character.
This research discusses about traditional children song tunda-tunda bamban in Melayu Tamiang soci... more This research discusses about traditional children song tunda-tunda bamban in Melayu Tamiang society. Using qualitative approach, the data were taken from field research as the result of observation and directly interview toward informant of Melayu Tamiang society in Kampong Batu Aru, District Bandar Pusaka, Province Aceh. To analyze function and meaning of the song, we used theory of context and semiotics, while the function of the song is analyzed by using Easman's etnoscience theory. The research found that tunda-tunda bamban is sang for starting and during the game. The functions of tunda-tunda bamban are to entertain children, as education media, to instill norms and sosial control, and to strenghten the bounding of fraternity.
Dr. General Education Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo is the hospital with the most ED referral pat... more Dr. General Education Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo is the hospital with the most ED referral patients in the Eastern Indonesia region. This study aims to, (1) determine the ethics of physician professionalism in relation to the relationships established between doctors-patients and established medical communication, (2) analyze differences in physician-patient relations using health insurance and general patients, (3) find out the kinship network patients who are instructed on medical treatment obtained. This research was conducted at the Emergency Room at RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar using a qualitative descriptive study. The methods used are observation and interviews with doctors and patients. This study shows that (1) the doctors did not pay attention to and run the SOP IGD of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital so that there was miscommunication, (2) health insurance patients and the general got different treatment in medical treatment, (3) kinship network was very influential in the medical action given by the doctor to his patient.
This article intends to identify and to describe the unique structure and the managing style that... more This article intends to identify and to describe the unique structure and the managing style that owns primordial characteristics, that is giving significance to kinship, religion, and local Bugis cultural values, which made up the cultural system of PT. Hadji Kalla family business. Theoritically, this research was inspired from Weberian perspective on the ideal types of bureaucracy that observes organizations (in this case is the family business) as one of the socio-cultural phenomena which is neutral and value-free, that is place aside its subjective aspects. The research was conducted in two locations, the head office and one of the branch offices using qualitative approach that relies on participant observation, in-depth interviews, and literature studies. The results of the research shows that the family business of PT. Hadji Kalla that has advanced into national level still prioritizes kinship, ethnicity, and religious aspects in the daily activities of the company. The value even take parts in providing the company's colour to the urban societies in various districts where the company stands. This means that although the society has undergone transformations, it doesn't mean that the primordial value, and the elements that exist outside of businesses (such as kinship, big men, religion, cultural values, and interest) do not influence the activities that are held in formal organizations. Therefore, the interventions of subjective aspects will always appear, followed with the application of the modern management system that is implemented by PT. Hadji Kalla company.
The aim of the research was to describe and get understanding on health care practiced by communi... more The aim of the research was to describe and get understanding on health care practiced by community members infected or indicated infected by malaria in Topoyo District, Central Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province. Using ethnographic approach, data was obtained through observation and in-depth interview. The study indicates that the community members infected or indicated infected by malaria not only to practice health care in various ways in overcoming malaria but also to mix the elements of treatment techniques derived from scientific medical tradition and local medical tradition. The variety and mixture of the health treatment is conditioned by the assumption that all types of medicines are powerful to cure illnesses. The cure of illnesses is determined by the compatibility of the drug and the blessing of God as the primary cause for the occurrence and cure of illnesses. It is also affected by different understandings, experiences, and information networks on malaria that are accessed by each actor and the attitude to respond illness.
The aim of the research was to describe and get understanding on health care practiced by communi... more The aim of the research was to describe and get understanding on health care practiced by community members infected or indicated infected by malaria in Topoyo District, Central Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province. Using ethnographic approach, data was obtained through observation and in-depth interview. The study indicates that the community members infected or indicated infected by malaria not only to practice health care in various ways in overcoming malaria but also to mix the elements of treatment techniques derived from scientific medical tradition and local medical tradition. The variety and mixture of the health treatment is conditioned by the assumption that all types of medicines are powerful to cure illnesses. The cure of illnesses is determined by the compatibility of the drug and the blessing of God as the primary cause for the occurrence and cure of illnesses. It is also affected by different understandings, experiences, and information networks on malaria that are accessed by each actor and the attitude to respond illness.
The ideology of state-ibuism has always been interwoven with how the New Order regime until nowad... more The ideology of state-ibuism has always been interwoven with how the New Order regime until nowadays government constructing the " ideal " role of women in the family and community through the PKK (Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga) organization. However, in Cangkring Village, Indramayu, the ideology of ibuism works not because of the massive government regulating the role of women through the PKK organization, but it is possible because of the structure of the kampung community itself. Through involved observations and in-depth interviews about a kindergarten in the village, a group of housewives who dedicated themselves to teaching in kindergarten were met without getting paid high. From these socio-cultural phenomenons, this paper will describe descriptively and analytically that housewives in the Cangkring village are willing to become kindergarten teachers because of their moral burden as part of the warga kampung and also from community pressure from people who want their children to be able to read and write.
News around celebrity's life has been the topic of interest of televition audience and netizens, ... more News around celebrity's life has been the topic of interest of televition audience and netizens, and causes pros and cons. Those who pros claim to be the fans of the celebrity. On the contrary, those who cons refer themselves as haters. This article focuses on how haters express their hate through haters account in Instagram and how the owner of haters account earn money from their account, using two most popular celebrities who have the highest number of haters account in Indonesia, Mulan Jameela and Ayu Ting Ting. The study indicates that in spreading hatred of celebrities in Instagram, there are generally two categories of haters, the owner and the followers of haters account. In regard to their activities, followers of haters account can be divided into three: followers who only observe the uploads, followers who only 'like' the uploads through 'love' symbol, and followers who comment on the uploads. But, not all followers of haters account are haters. Whether or not one is a hater, this can be seen from one's hatred comments. On the contrary, by solely observing or liking uploads one cannot be perceived as a non-hater. Passivity of followers to uploads can happen because of various reasons (i.e. using original identity, afraid of bullying from the lovers of hated celebrity). Haters account is not just a media to express their hate, but also a way to earn money for those who have lots of followers, by promoting online shop in their own haters account, called paid promote.
How to cite: Sakinah. (2018). Selebgram: MEraih Popularitas Melalui Dunia Maya. Etnosia: Jurnal E... more How to cite: Sakinah. (2018). Selebgram: MEraih Popularitas Melalui Dunia Maya. Etnosia: Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia, 3(1), 48-71. Media communication began to shift toward cyber media with the presence of various kinds of social media as a form of modern communication which not only can share audio information, but also images and video, including Instagram. Uploaded content can be appreciated by netizens who then create public figures in social media instagram, called Selebgram. This article is focused on how netizens categorize selebgram and what selebgrams' strategies to become popular and how they maintain their popularity. The study shows that netizens categorize a person as a selebgram not only based on the number of followers, the number of likers and comments on the uploaded content, taking endorsement, but also appear in the search field. Some selebgram use fake account provider to get more followers instantly, others beautifying the uploaded content, channelling hobbies, and into coincidental programming. To maintain their followers, a selebgram uploads content by following and creating trends, uploading periodically to update the content of their timeline and utilizing the offered endorsement. It is also found that interaction between selebgram and their followers is more active in Instagram (i.e. comment and direct message) than face to face interaction. Followers even tend to feel reluctant to directly greet, take picture or ask for signature of the selebgram in the view of the fact that selebgram is a celebrity of Instagram, not celebrity in the real world.
Pendahuluan Secara umum buku BUKAN NARKOBA BISA BERBAHAYA; Produk Kimia, Aspirasi, dan Kehidupan ... more Pendahuluan Secara umum buku BUKAN NARKOBA BISA BERBAHAYA; Produk Kimia, Aspirasi, dan Kehidupan Remaja adalah buku yang menarik dan sangat kontekstual, ditengah minimnya buku sejenis yang beredar di Indonesia. Desain Sampul sangat menarik perhartian dan sesuai dengan poin pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Judul berupa diksi "Narkoba" yang digambarkan sebagai Narkotika untuk menarik perhatian pembacanya yang memang memahami bahwa Narkoba itu adalah Narkotik, walaupun hal tersebut sebenarnya adalah singkatan dari "Narkotika dan obat berbahaya", dimana sudah termasuk didalamnya adalah obat-obat golongan keras yang harus diresepkan dokter, maupun produk kimia berbahaya lainnya yang sering disalah-gunakan dan digunakan-salah oleh remaja. Jumlah halaman sebanyak 350 adalah cukup proporsional untuk menyampaikan satu topik penting dari sebuah buku yang membahas fenomena sosial, yang terdiri atas 10 bagian yang tersusun sistematik, runtut, dengan tata bahasa yang baik dan sistematika penulisan yang mudah dicerna, baik oleh para ilmuan maupun masyarakat awam lainnya.
Popular culture has rapidly developed and massively influence people's life. One of the progresse... more Popular culture has rapidly developed and massively influence people's life. One of the progressed popular culture is Korean Pop (popularly known as K-Pop), which come from Korea and spread out to various countries in the world. Boy band EXO is one of the examples of Key-Pop which spreads around the world, including Indonesia through social media. The study indicates that the popularity of EXO has inspired boy band' fans to create a community called EXO-L which has spread in various countries, including Indonesia, and Makassar is one of the cities in Indonesia where such community exists. EXO-L community interact each other not just in the real world through related events, but they also interacts through cyber space, through which members of the community know each other, add and follow one another, sharing information about EXO and Korea in a faster, easier and more effective way, as well as to be 'closer' to their boy band idol. The manager of social media (i.e. Line group) has the authority to decide who is eligible to be members of the group and who can be exluded from the group, but this is not without some consideration, and is commonly associated with the livelines to the group. But, they are different between the policy in the real world and in cyber space. Members of the group need to be more actively involved in the social media grup than in the real world. This shows the significance of the interaction in the social media than in the real world. Globalisasi memberikan dampak bagi keterbukaan informasi yang begitu luas dan besar di dunia ini. Hal ini membuat media massa menjadi alat untuk menyebarkan informasi-informasi baru yang efektif karena dapat melintas batas geografis negara dan dapat menjangkau segala kalangan dengan mudahnya. Menurut Malthy (dalam Tressia 2012:20-37), budaya populer atau budaya massa merupakan hasil dari teknik-teknik industrialisasi produksi
Technology today cannot be denied is developed very rapidly. People compete to innovate and take ... more Technology today cannot be denied is developed very rapidly. People compete to innovate and take advantage of this technology development to create something that has economic value. One form of these rapid technology development that is currently being discussed and massively utilised is the presence of online-based application transportation. In Indonesia, there are a number of online-based application transportation companies, one of the most popular companies is Grab. However, this technological advance still have a gap to be cheated by irresponsible people who want to earn money by breaking the rules through modifying android handphone (HP root). Thus, they do not have to bother driving to pick up passengers from place of origin to destination by onlinely 'playing' the aplication. In this way, incentives are obtained, something that can only be legally obtained with certain targets of a company with considerable revenue. Both driver 'tuyul' and police understand that burglary apllication is a violation of the law. However, there is a symbiotic mutualism between the two. On the one hand, 'tuyul' drivers are excempted for the offence committed by paying some money. On the other hand, police also get some money from 'the release'. Such 'peaceful arrangement' can be done only if the case is not exposed to the media, especially social media which release news is much faster and up-to-date. This indicates the significant role of media, not only to expose cases of 'tuyul' driver, but also to make these cases go into the realm of law. This proves that the media is more respected than the police and money remains a 'king' capable of buying the law. Therefore, online trandportation companies should evaluate and improve the security sistem of their application so as not to be easily broken by 'tuyul' drivers. In addition, cooperation among Grab companies, police, and media in conducting raids since research findings indicate that media can be a controller in expressing this online-based application transportation crime.
The existence of Indonesia women through media has been pioneered by R.A Kartini who is known for... more The existence of Indonesia women through media has been pioneered by R.A Kartini who is known for hes ability in voicing his opinions and thoughts into her writing ability through letters. These letters in the present transformed into social media that became the medium of self-actualization of women. This Article focuses on how women educators in Makassar activity in the Facebook and Whatsapp. The study indicates that there are two main reasons why Facebook and Whatsapp are the preferred informative social media in this research, both of which are the most popular (because they are mostly used by one's networking) and practical social media (because people can be easily found and to be found through these two social media and because of the facilities of these social media, they can share (like photos, documents, videos, etc.), and interact in various forms (such as video call, online games, etc.). Facebook and Whatsapp are used to connect each other, as the source of information, as an online shopping venue, a place hobby channeling, as well as a space to share moments. Their activities on Facebook and Whatsapp can be classified into silent readers, commentators, broadcasters, promoters, and owners of the stage. In fact, social media users are inversely proportional to the ability to understand Facebook and Whatsapp as 'private spaces' rather than as 'public spaces' where content are shared openly.
Wahdah Islamiyah (WI) is a community organization (ormas) based in Makassar under the aupices of ... more Wahdah Islamiyah (WI) is a community organization (ormas) based in Makassar under the aupices of Yayasan Pesantren Wahdah Islamiyah (YPWI). Members of WI are the followers of Salafi, a social movement which tries to practice Islamic values according to the understanding of As-Salaf As-Shalih. While members of WI consists of men and women, this article is focused on how female members of WI practice the ideal values of womenhood set by WI in the everyday life. The research findings indicates that members of WI consist of three categories, namely: new members, teachers (murabbiah), and administrative staff of its Lembaga Muslimah WI. The value of womenhood is set by the organization, and is classified into three, namely how to dress properly, how women behaves towards the opposite sex, and how 'to become a wife/mother'. The application of such values is not always syncronised with the ideal ones, depending on their level of membership and which value and which condition faced by the members. While new members tend to have a space for negotiation; murabbiah is more advance than new members in the practice of womenhood values, which can be seen from how they dress (ber-hijab) and how they interact with the opposite sex; staff of Lembaga Muslimah WI is focused on how to practice such values in relation to how 'to become a wife/mother'. Thus, women transform themselves spiritually on the basis of womenhood values as they become part of the organization and the level of their membership.
The existence of online mode of transportation has attracted consumers' attention, and therefore ... more The existence of online mode of transportation has attracted consumers' attention, and therefore many switch from the use of conventional to online mode of transportation. The switch has become a trigger of conflict between drivers of conventional transportation, such as city transportation (angkot), taxi, motorbike (bentor), rickshaw (ojek pangkalan), and drivers of online transportation, such as Grab and Go-Jek. This artikel is focused on the existence and the conflict between these two mode of transportations in Kota Makassar. It was found that online transportation has become an alternative of transportation for society for a number of reasons: practicality, transparency, trustworthiness, security, insurance, features, discount and promotion rates, as well as new employment/part-time opportunities. The existence of online-based transportation has caused a conflict between the two. In one side, online transportation is considered to facilitate drivers and their passangers. On the other side, online transportation got criticised from drivers of conventional transportation due to the fact that the latter is being marginalised by the former. Conflict between the two is commonly base on operating lisence, colour of vehicle plate that significantly impacted on payment of taxes, passangers' recruitment base, and competitive online transportation rates. The rate has becomeone of the advantages of online transportation as well as one of the source of conflicts between conventional and online transportation.
The existence of mountain rock has become a grace for people in Desa Allakuan, particularly for c... more The existence of mountain rock has become a grace for people in Desa Allakuan, particularly for craftsmen, and has been used by others from different part of Sidrap. This article aims to explore the craftsmen's activities and and the impacts of such activities toward the surrounding society, particularly towards craftsmen themselves. The result shows that craftmen are hereditary work. Children are introduced and get involved in such kind of work together with their fathers since childhood. As the result, they are accustomed to such kind of work, and from one generation to another and this has impacted on their motivation to continue their study. However, their perception about being craftmen is rather ambivalent, as a grace as well as a trap since their level of education is low and they do not have other skill to make money. Therefore, they very much depend on the mountain rock as the basic materials for crafts (by combining between traditional and modern technology) and for construction. Despite the fact that this has become the main source of income, it is follow by some negative impact on the environment and public health. The former is related to the mountain rock digging using heavy equipment without considering the balance between the exploitation of natural resources and its maintenance as well as occupational health and safety (K3). The latter is associated with the dust resulted from using carving machine.
Tu tamanang is a Makassar term for bad soil (butta kodi) for women and bad seed (biné kodi) for m... more Tu tamanang is a Makassar term for bad soil (butta kodi) for women and bad seed (biné kodi) for men, as sexual intercourse is analogised with planting (lamung-lamung). Whether or not one is considered as tu tamanang is not based on biomedical checkup , but simply on the basis ofmarital duration (5 years and more) and the attributes attached to tu tamanang which may be different by gender. The importance of the existence of children in the family has caused social stigma among tu tamanang. Such stigma is based on the attributes that can be observed, the gendered parable, the reproductive health-related perception towards the couple, and the label that tu tamanang are infortune persons. In dealing with such social stigma, tamanang women tend to be passive, while men are more aggressive, by showing their refusal to stigma through polygyny or divorce to get married. However, women also become agents in regard to divorce and polygyny. But, refusal towards social stigma is also the case for couple who does not problematised lack of children in the family, and tamanang is not simply a source of conflict. Stigma towards tu tamanang significantly affects the social life of tu tamanang, which is classified into 3 categories: self-isolation, demanding divorce and polygyny. There is a need to educate the society regarding the cause of infertility and how to deal with it, since existing various stigma against tu tamanang are based on social perception, which are non-medical and presumption. In addition, since biomedical service is not the main priority for tu tamanang, they need relevant information regarding existing service and service procedures because even though they access medical service, it has never been continued. This is because accessing medical service is identical with handling of various documents which they consider rather complicated.
Jeneponto is one of the toponomi of Makassar kingdom, which is located in the coastal area of Sou... more Jeneponto is one of the toponomi of Makassar kingdom, which is located in the coastal area of South Sulawesi, has its own dynamic history. This study aims to explore socio-political phenomenon of Jeneponto local kingdoms, using two main toponimi of local kingdoms of Jeneponto, Bangkala and Binamu, from their establishment, the dynamic of their growth, and their relationship with the outer kingdoms in XVI and XVII centuries, so as to complete the narrative of socio-political history of Makassar. Based on philological approach, the study relies on Lontara' Patturioloang through five manuscripts, supported by existing literatures as well as oral tradition. At first, Jeneponto noble hegemony is controlled by Bangkala. Then, this switched to Binamu after Makassar War in 1666. As part of Jeneponto kingdom, Bangkala was firstly developed and had royal blood from Kalimporo. In its development, Bangkala then forged political alliances and genealogy with Gowa since the XVI century. As a local kingdom, Binamu had high noble degree which was rooted from Bantaeng, then it made blood connection with Tallo kingdom. However, since the XVII it established political connection with Bone kingdom. The marriage of Binamu and Bangkala nobles with high nobles of Gowa, Tallo, Bantaeng and Bone not only enhanced the degree of nobility and developed a kinship network, but also became a political strategy for piece.
The struggle among various ethnic groups socially forms ethnic stratification and contestation di... more The struggle among various ethnic groups socially forms ethnic stratification and contestation discourse. This article aims to explore Tidung movement as native inhabitants, but marginalised minority in order to get involved in the struggle of power relations in Pulau Sebatik which has been dominated by migrants. The study indicates that as minority group, Tidung people is stereotyped by other ethnic group as lazy, slow, less educated, and under develop. These marginalised them in many aspects of life, particularly in economics, politics, land tenure. In responding to this, Tidung people establish a movement to develop symbolic investation strategy, so that they have a space in rhe struggle of power relations in Pulau Sebatik. The movement unites sub-ethnic Tidung, namely Sebuku, Sembakung, dan Sesayap by establishing FKWT-Forum Komunikasi Warga Tidung (Communication Forum of Tidung People) and LAT-Lembaga Adat Tidung (Customary Institution of Tidung) in order to legitimate their power as indigeneous people. Then, customary forest is claimed as the symbol to gain their right for forest management. They also gain prestige by getting involved in the border conflict between Malaysia and Indonesia through which they can show that they contribute in maintaining state sovereignity.