Driton Sylqa | Universiteti publik ''Haxhi Zeka' ' (original) (raw)

Journal Working Papers by Driton Sylqa

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Performance Appraisal on Remuneration Practices and its Impact on Motivation of Employees in Public and Private Sector Companies in Kosovo

Journal of Education, Culture and Society / Indexed with Scopus and Web of Science , 2022

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of reward policies that are based on performa... more The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of reward policies that are based on performance evaluation of employees. The study links employee performance appraisal with remuneration and other used features for capacity building of employees. Methods. The research consists of primary and secondary data, according to the quantitative method with deductive approach by using the comparison of correlation in analysis. Apart from literature review, the research involves surveys with different entities that would bring an insight into the present situation pertaining to reward practices. Results. The study confirms the significance of the problem between performance evaluation and reward, since there is a weak connection between reward systems and employee' needs. The majority of respondents approve that reward is bound to the systematic performance appraisal. Results indicate that work experience, acquired knowledge and skills are more often being used, based on high correlation coefficient .435-.784. The ANOVA model shows the accuracy of the regression model with the significance p < .001, whereas the value of independent variables, 66.766 may be used for further research. Conclusions. There is a slight difference between public and private companies concerning the research phenomenon, which makes it a good topic for further research in this field. Based on the study outcomes, we recommend that managers can use promotion as a tool to motivate employees to perform at a higher level and attain their work objectives, especially those that operate in private sector.


Knowledge International Journal - Vol.17.1, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of knowledge management concept in knowle... more The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of knowledge management concept in knowledge creation in institutions of higher education. Theoretical model would be based on the concept of knowledge management and organizational learning concept, from which derives the program of development of organizational knowledge. Moreover, the model involves the study of the effects of knowledge management, use of information technology, and of personnel behavior in the process of knowledge creation. The research would be based on the survey method, as well as on the interviews of leaders respectively employees of institutions of higher education in the Republic of Kosovo in order to identify the techniques used in the creation of knowledge. Concerning the research, it is applied the positivistic scientific approach, using hypothetical deductive approach. Whilst, for testing hypothesis, variables are measured using SPSS program, and patterns that emerge from this program, such as regression analysis, box plot and anova. The main factors that influence the effectiveness of knowledge management program are meant to be ICT, preoccupation on work, share of knowledge, and development of new knowledge. Finally, the outcome of the research specifies that application of the program for knowledge creation brings competitive advantages to institutions of higher education.


Journal of Bussiness and Economics / Vol 3 No 1, 2012

In support of private sector investment in the economy, the Assembly of Kosovo have adopted a set... more In support of private sector investment in the economy, the Assembly of Kosovo have adopted a set of laws to ensure a very investor-friendly environment including regulations on foreign direct investment, repatriation of capital, the purchase of real estate, the registration of businesses and land, and the 99 year lease of land formerly used by “socially-owned enterprises” (SOEs). The purpose of the paper is to reveal main points of restructuring of the economy of Kosovo. Paper includes a general reflection upon privatization process. Empirical data were obtained from the research conducted on privatized enterprises and from data base of Privatisation Agency of Kosovo. It emphasizes the necessity to transform the social property into private property, which would ensure foundation of prerequisites for development of a sustainable trade economy. Then, it is presented a legal framework of PAK. A link between macroeconomic data and privatization in general is also displayed. In addition, updated privatization results, challenges and difficulties of the process are included as well. Identification of main advantages and weaknesses of the privatization process open the path toward analyses of data. Taking into consideration the modalities and difficulties of the privatization process, complexity of social property, as well as circumstances and specifications in which our country lies, it is concluded that privatization process in Kosovo was quite successful up to date. Transformation of social property is valued to be of a tremendous importance for revitalization of the economy and its development

Research paper thumbnail of Purchase Decision-Making during the Covid Pandemic 19: The Character of International Consumer Behavior


The aim of this paper is explaining the justification of the phenomenon of consumer behavior is a... more The aim of this paper is explaining the justification of the phenomenon of consumer behavior is a quite new scientific discipline that emerged only in the middle of the last century, has always been a challenge for companies, especially in the period of the Covid 19 pandemic, where the unpredictable situation affects consumer behavior. The research methods in this paper are the interaction of several scientific methods such is a historical method that took data from the professional literature in the field of marketing, which analyzed the factors and processes of consumer behavior by using the quantitative statistical method with a deductive approach. It has been proven that business results mostly bought products in stores to which they are "loyal" regardless of brand and origin, while a smaller part started buying exclusively products of SEE companies. The analysis concluded that R Square .511 showed that online shopping depends on fear of consumers for possible appeals the same tested model showed that consumers are careful to buy their products because they are not able to physically intoxicate purchased products on the Internet. Also, research results show that companies in the SEE that consumer behavior is a very important indicator for organizational behavior experts on how and in what way to choose the right marketing strategy.

Research paper thumbnail of The Relation Between Organizational Learning and Information Technology in Companies with International Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Web of Science / Quality Access to Success, 2022

The paper discusses the phenomena of the present such as information technology and organizationa... more The paper discusses the phenomena of the present such as information technology and organizational learning as elements of business performance. In order to better understand the study, a theoretical paradigm of the relationship between information technology performance and elements of organizational learning was created. The mentioned theoretical paradigm was conditioned by the focus on the new theoretical thesis of the pandemic that is currently ruling in the world. To test the research variables, a quantitative method of de-effective approach was used. Through this quantitative method, statistical analysis of data derived from the research questionnaire was used. According to the T-test, correlation and regression analyses the article was improve statistically significant relationships between information technology items and certain organizational learning as a business performance, in Southeast European Country companies dealing with international activities during the period of Covid 19, also is improved statistically significant difference between the influences of high values (values above average) and low values (values below average) dimensions of information technology on individual organizational learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and finally statistically significant correlations between information technology items and observed performances (of organizational learning).


Economic Archive / EBSCO, 2020

The paper addresses the issue of personnel turnover in enterprises in Bulgaria and Kosovo. It pre... more The paper addresses the issue of personnel turnover in enterprises in Bulgaria and Kosovo. It presents the theoretic aspects of the nature and forms of personnel turnover, its determinative factors and effects for business entities as well as focuses on some initial prerequisites for the two countries, which indirectly influence it. The paper also presents the findings from a conducted survey among companies from the two countries which findings confirm the significance of the problem with personnel turnover and are used for an analysis of the practices for its management.


Business Management AS Tsenov Academy of Economics Journal of , 2020

Abstract: Numerous researches show how motivation of employees influence the labor productivity, ... more Abstract: Numerous researches show how motivation of employees influence the labor productivity, business performance and goal achievement. Even though studies often show that employees tend to report enjoying their jobs, however organisations continuously face with staff turnover due to various reasons, and therefore fail to fulfill its objectives. This paper reflects upon classical and modern views of motivation aspects. And the research includes different entities all around Kosovo that bring an insight into the present situation pertaining to motivation of employees and possibly identify potential mistakes and suggestion for the process improvements within organisations. According to results, the turnover average rate in investigated enterprises is within a natural range. Meanwhile the, management is advised to make the employees aware that rewards are recognition of a job well done and not simply the goal of doing the work. Whilst, bonuses in cash prevails dominantly the motivation system in investigated enterprises, many of them seem to use evaluation of performance as a tool for remuneration policy. Whereas in most cases remuneration depends on the annual profit of the enterprise, reasons for leaving are not being recorded in a system. Yet, financial incentives are an important motivator for most people, money is not the only motivator and, in some cases, is not the primary motivator for everyone. A qualitative approach and theory based application were considered for this study.

Research paper thumbnail of Mjedisi i shëndoshë natyror për një zhvillim të qëndrueshëm

Revista Shkencore AB nr.3 . vol 2, 2011

Ky punim ngërthen në vete idenë se mjedisi natyror ka rëndësi të jashtëzakonshme për zhvillim dhe... more Ky punim ngërthen në vete idenë se mjedisi natyror ka rëndësi të jashtëzakonshme për zhvillim dhe rritje të qëndrueshme ekonomike. Nga analiza e gjendjes ambientale në Kosovë vlerësohet se të gjithë elementet dhe komponentët e mjedisit jetësor (ajri, uji, dheu) janë të rrezikuara. Rrezikimi i ambientit në Kosovë është rezultat i ndotjes së ambientit, i ndërtimeve të pakontrolluara, prerjes së pakontrolluar të pyjeve, erozionit të dheut, nga menaxhimi i dobët i mbeturinave, si dhe aktiviteteve të tjera humane. Raporti i mjedisit natyror me rritjen ekonomike është reciprok sa edhe i ndërlikuar. Një zhvillim i qëndrueshëm i sektorëve të ndryshëm ekonomik nuk mund të imagjinohet pa një mjedis të shëndoshë natyror. Lidhur me këtë tematikë në punim janë trajtuar konceptet kyçe të mjedisit dhe janë identifikuar sektorët e ndryshëm ekonomik që kanë ndikim në mjedisin natyror. Në përmbyllje, është propozuar një model i detajuar me masat adekuate për mbrojtjen e mjedisit dhe rrjedhimisht inicimin e një zhvillimi të qëndrueshëm ekonomik.

Research paper thumbnail of Business electronic services

Research paper thumbnail of KONCEPTI I MESIMIT ORGANIZATIV

Revista Administrim Biznesi, 2010

Kohëve të fundit, aktiviteti afarist për shumë ndërmarrje po bëhet gjithnjë e më kompleks dhe kre... more Kohëve të fundit, aktiviteti afarist për shumë ndërmarrje po bëhet gjithnjë e më kompleks dhe kreativ për arsyen e proceseve dinamike dhe ndryshimeve të shpejta që po ngjajnë në ekonomi. Zhvillimi rapid tekniko-teknologjik dhe rritja e konkurrencës në tregjet globale po i shtyjnë ndërmarrjet që vazhdimisht të ndryshojnë, të ristrukturohen, investojnë në teknologji të reja dhe të minimizojnë koston e prodhimit me të vetmin objektiv – që të mbesin konkurrentë në treg. Kështu që, mësimi organizativ po bëhet me rëndësi të jashtëzakonshme nëse organizatat dëshirojnë të kenë sukses. Aplikimi praktik i këtij procesi premtues është i kushtueshëm pasi që kërkon investime në teknologjitë moderne të informacionit. Rrjedhimisht, duke marrë parasysh kapacitetin e vogël veprues dhe burimet e kufizuara me të cilat disponojnë ndërmarrjet e vogla dhe të mesme, lind pyetja se a kanë mundësi që këto ndërmarrje të aplikojnë këtë proces modern? NVM-të që të jenë konkurrentë dhe të sigurojnë qëndrueshmëri duhet të përqendrohen më tepër në diturinë e fshehur dhe në shfrytëzimin e trendeve të teknologjisë së informacionit sepse ndikimi i tij është i konsiderueshëm në zhvillimin e mësimit organizativ.


Revista Empirikus, 2013

Për të arritur mirëqenie dhe stabilitet politik, qeveritë kombëtare synojnë arritjen e ekuilibrit... more Për të arritur mirëqenie dhe stabilitet politik, qeveritë kombëtare synojnë arritjen e ekuilibrit ekonomik. Qeveria përdor instrumente të ndryshme për të stimuluar rritjen e ekonomisë, për të ulur papunësinë dhe për të arritur objektivat makroekonomike. Në kontekst të rritjes së ngadalshme ekonomike të viteve të fundit dhe të presioneve fiskale, Kosova ballafaqohet me sfidën komplekse të zhvillimit ekonomik. Papunësia vazhdon të jetë në një shkallë të lartë. Kërkesa për fuqi punëtore është ende shumë e ulët dhe krijimi i një ambienti që do të favorizojë formimin e vendeve të qëndrueshme të punës është një detyrë sfiduese që kërkon reforma shumëdimensionale në ekonomi. Ky punim adreson çështjen e impaktit të politikës fiskale në zbutjen e papunësisë, rritjen e investimeve dhe të konsumit për të gjeneruar rritje ekonomike të qëndrueshme.


Scientific Journal Monte, 2015

The year 2014 was a difficult one for south-eastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo. T... more The year 2014 was a difficult one for south-eastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo.
Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of economic performance of SSE countries in
light of globalization, with special reflection on Kosovo’s efforts toward European integration
processes. Official statistical data are used for analyses of different features that helped identifying the
most important reasons that causing Kosovo to lag behind in achieving its European aspirations.
Moreover, comprehensive political analysis of various factors with significant impact on economic
stability is conducted to be able to propose the concrete structural reforms that would ensure higher
economic growth and hence macroeconomic stability.

Research paper thumbnail of Privatisation of Joint Stock Companies

International Scientific Journals , 2013

Abstract The Privatisation Agency of Kosovo (PAK) is responsible for the privatisation and liquid... more Abstract
The Privatisation Agency of Kosovo (PAK) is responsible for the privatisation and
liquidation of Socially Owned Enterprises in Kosovo. One of the challenges that PAK is
facing since its establishment is the unresolved status of “Gjakova companies”. These
enterprises are pretending to be JSCs, arguing to have been transformed / privatised
during the nineties with then applicable and non-discriminatory laws. This way, these
companies are continuously rejecting the jurisdiction of the Agency. As of 2012, the
Agency failed to privatise most of them due to tremendous resistance of companies.
Thus, the aim of the paper is to assess whether the goal of teh Agency to sell them has to
do with privatisation vs re-privatisation of certain companies.

Research paper thumbnail of "Fenomeni i dështimit të bizneseve"

Scientific Journal Pentza, 2016

Abstrakti Në literaturën e sotme debatohen mjaft shumë shkaqet e dështimit të bizneseve në përgji... more Abstrakti Në literaturën e sotme debatohen mjaft shumë shkaqet e dështimit të bizneseve në përgjithësi e sidomos të biznesit të vogël për shkak të rëndësisë dhe vendit që ai zë në kuadrin e ekonomisë kombëtare të një vendi. Në Kosovë ekziston një numër i madh i bizneseve të reja të regjistruara, por shumica prej tyre nuk kanë arritur t'iu bëjnë ballë ndryshimeve ekonomike të tregut, konkurrencës, ambientit e shumë barrierave tjera. Shpesh herë shkak i falimentimit janë edhe mungesa e eksperiencës, menaxhimi i dobët, marketingu i varfër, si edhe vendimet e gabuara të cilat qojnë në rrugën e dështimit. Për të konstatuar shkaqet e dështimit janë konsultuar të dhënat statistikore të vitit 2012, 2013, 2014, dhe 2015 lidhur me regjistrimin dhe dështimin e bizneseve të reja. Këto të dhëna analizohen, si dhe krahasohen me rezultatet e hulumtimit. Në përmbyllje jepen disa rekomandime të përgjithshme, e sidomos për bizneset të cilave ju kërcënohet mbijetesa, që t'ju kushtojnë vëmendje dhe të merren parasysh gjatë zhvillimit dhe rritjes së tyre. Mesazhi i këtij punimi është që bizneset e brishta të sensibilizohen për vështirësitë të cilat i kanosen atyre, në mënyrë qe më pastaj të gjejnë një zgjidhje adekuate dhe me kohë për problemet eventuale me të cilat mund të ballafaqohet.


Knowledge International Journal, 2019

This paper aims to research the possibilities of the gap between knowing-doing in companies that ... more This paper aims to research the possibilities of the gap between knowing-doing in companies that implement the concept of Intellectual Capital (IC). Skandia is the best sample of IC concept and will provide a lot of useful information to conduct the respective project. As a multinational company, Skandia group, develops activities around the globe, and is the pioneer in implementing the concept of IC. Hence, it was chosen to be the subject of this case study research. The research includes interviews, with several people in different positions, in each management level into which every interview is interpreted through hermeneutic approach in order to achieve a better understanding of the phenomenon of the study. The research were made within different offices of company in various cities in Sweden. The study applies the descriptive case study approach, whilst investigated the possibility of gaps of IC between Knowing-Doing. The research shows that the concepts of IC and knowing-doing gap, could be found in headquarters of Skandia to a large extent, and this way basic assumption about a possible gap was verified. The implementation of IC within Skandia and its employees is for sure not completed yet. Also the shareholders are not convinced by the concept if one looks at Skandia´s performance on the stock markets. Nevertheless it offers a rhetorically positive way to tackle future challenges. In that respect this study got a deeper understanding concerning Skandia and IC. The research made many things visible that were not seen in the literature so far.


Knowledge International Journal, 2018

The last years were difficult ones for southeastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo. T... more The last years were difficult ones for southeastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of economic performance of SSE countries in light of globalization, with special reflection on Kosovo's efforts toward European integration processes. Official statistical data are used for analyses of different features that helped identifying the most important reasons that causing Kosovo to lag behind in achieving its European aspirations. Moreover, comprehensive political analysis of various factors with significant impact on economic stability is conducted to be able to propose the concrete structural reforms that would ensure higher economic growth and hence macroeconomic stability.


Knowlege International Journal, 2017

Customers are a cornerstone to success for all type businesses. Knowledge about customers should ... more Customers are a cornerstone to success for all type businesses. Knowledge about customers should lead to improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal business processes, for examples, the productivity of customer service representative; the reduction in learning curve, and the acceleration of product and service projection. Thus, knowing customers is not only very important for knowledge management but rather a necessity. Sustainable competitive advantages of those firms that are based on customers knowledge lead to higher performance as described in theory. Therefore, the paper provides information to what extent the relationship between customers and knowledge management is developed in practice of the respective sector of industry. The research includes the variables of knowledge management, such are: possession of knowledge, saving of knowledge, processing of knowledge and knowledge transmission, whilst the hypotheses are tested through empirical data of 323 correspondents. The data were analyzed using SPSS software and regression model of Anova. Results of the study indicate a direct impact and positive relation of knowledge management respectively costumer capital and competitive advantage.

Research paper thumbnail of Globalisation in transition economies and its impact on Economy of Kosovo

Global crisis has negative effects on economies in transition. The crisis stemmed form a combinat... more Global crisis has negative effects on economies in transition. The crisis stemmed form a combination of unsustainable global macroeconomic imbalances, loose monetary policy and structural weaknesses in the financial system. In many transition countries the crisis has manifested itself terms of trade and investment links, including a drop in exports, remittances and foreign direct investments. Thus, this paper aims to reveal the issues of FDI and remittances and its impact on economy of Kosovo. Thus, the economic trends of Kosovo are discussed and, analyzed, and where possible better solutions to problems are proposed.

Research paper thumbnail of Sfidat dhe efektet e privatizimit ne Kosove

Përmbledhje: Punimi përmban një reflektim gjeneral për procesin e privatizimit në Kosovë. Qëllimi... more Përmbledhje: Punimi përmban një reflektim gjeneral për procesin e privatizimit në Kosovë. Qëllimi i punimit është të nxjerr në pah rezultatet nga procesi i privatizimit, që është ndërmarrë nga Agjencia Kosovare e Mirëbesimit (AKM), si dhe të analizojë performancën e saj. Një qasje e tillë ka bërë të mundur identifikimin e të metave, gabimeve dhe lëshimeve të bëra. Në këtë mënyrë, është krijuar mundësia për të sugjeruar që agjencia e re e privatizimit të intervenojë në pika të caktuara me qëllim që të përmirësojë performancën e saj në vazhdën e përmbushjes së objektivave të veta. Të dhënat empirike janë marrë nga hulumtimet e bëra me ndërmarrjet e privatizuara, si dhe nga baza e të dhënave të AKM-së. Në pjesën hyrëse theksohet domosdoshmëria e transformimit të pronës shoqërore në atë private drejt krijimit të parakushteve për zhvillimin e një ekonomie të shëndoshë të tregut. Në vazhdim, në pjesën e dytë prezantohet korniza ligjore dhe administrative e AKM-së, si dhe struktura organizative e saj. Në pjesën e tretë të titulluar " efektet ekonomike të privatizimit " paraqitet ndërlidhja e të dhëna makroekonomike me privatizimin në përgjithësi. Në këtë pjesë prezantohen edhe dhjetë raste të suksesshme të privatizimit. Në vijim pasqyrohen rezultatet e gjithmbarshme të privatizimit të gjertanishëm, sfidat dhe vështirësitë e procesit. Identifikimi i të metave dhe përparësive kryesore të procesit të privatizimit i hapin rrugën analizës dhe krahasimit të këtyre të dhënave. Duke marrë parasysh vështirësitë dhe specifikat e procesit, kompleksitetin e pronës shoqërore, si dhe në anën tjetër kushtet dhe rrethanat në të cilat gjendet vendi ynë, është konkluduar se procesi i privatizimit ka qenë i suksesshëm. Transformimi i pronës shoqërore është cilësuar jo vetëm si i domosdoshëm por edhe me rëndësi vitale për zhvillimin ekonomik. Privatizimi ka gëzuar dhe vazhdon të gëzojë përkrahjen e plotë nga të gjithë. Vlen të theksohet se autori ishte i përfshirë në privatizim për katër vite me rradhë (2004 – 2008). Ky fakt konsiderohet si një privilegj për qasje të shumëfishta në të dhëna. Krahas përvojës së fituar dhe observimit nga afër të procesit të privatizimit autorit i është mundësuar që këtë punim ta përfundojë me sukses.

Research paper thumbnail of Ndikimi i proceseve integruese evropiane ne zhvillimin e privatizimit te ndermarrjeve ne Kosove

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Performance Appraisal on Remuneration Practices and its Impact on Motivation of Employees in Public and Private Sector Companies in Kosovo

Journal of Education, Culture and Society / Indexed with Scopus and Web of Science , 2022

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of reward policies that are based on performa... more The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of reward policies that are based on performance evaluation of employees. The study links employee performance appraisal with remuneration and other used features for capacity building of employees. Methods. The research consists of primary and secondary data, according to the quantitative method with deductive approach by using the comparison of correlation in analysis. Apart from literature review, the research involves surveys with different entities that would bring an insight into the present situation pertaining to reward practices. Results. The study confirms the significance of the problem between performance evaluation and reward, since there is a weak connection between reward systems and employee' needs. The majority of respondents approve that reward is bound to the systematic performance appraisal. Results indicate that work experience, acquired knowledge and skills are more often being used, based on high correlation coefficient .435-.784. The ANOVA model shows the accuracy of the regression model with the significance p < .001, whereas the value of independent variables, 66.766 may be used for further research. Conclusions. There is a slight difference between public and private companies concerning the research phenomenon, which makes it a good topic for further research in this field. Based on the study outcomes, we recommend that managers can use promotion as a tool to motivate employees to perform at a higher level and attain their work objectives, especially those that operate in private sector.


Knowledge International Journal - Vol.17.1, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of knowledge management concept in knowle... more The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of knowledge management concept in knowledge creation in institutions of higher education. Theoretical model would be based on the concept of knowledge management and organizational learning concept, from which derives the program of development of organizational knowledge. Moreover, the model involves the study of the effects of knowledge management, use of information technology, and of personnel behavior in the process of knowledge creation. The research would be based on the survey method, as well as on the interviews of leaders respectively employees of institutions of higher education in the Republic of Kosovo in order to identify the techniques used in the creation of knowledge. Concerning the research, it is applied the positivistic scientific approach, using hypothetical deductive approach. Whilst, for testing hypothesis, variables are measured using SPSS program, and patterns that emerge from this program, such as regression analysis, box plot and anova. The main factors that influence the effectiveness of knowledge management program are meant to be ICT, preoccupation on work, share of knowledge, and development of new knowledge. Finally, the outcome of the research specifies that application of the program for knowledge creation brings competitive advantages to institutions of higher education.


Journal of Bussiness and Economics / Vol 3 No 1, 2012

In support of private sector investment in the economy, the Assembly of Kosovo have adopted a set... more In support of private sector investment in the economy, the Assembly of Kosovo have adopted a set of laws to ensure a very investor-friendly environment including regulations on foreign direct investment, repatriation of capital, the purchase of real estate, the registration of businesses and land, and the 99 year lease of land formerly used by “socially-owned enterprises” (SOEs). The purpose of the paper is to reveal main points of restructuring of the economy of Kosovo. Paper includes a general reflection upon privatization process. Empirical data were obtained from the research conducted on privatized enterprises and from data base of Privatisation Agency of Kosovo. It emphasizes the necessity to transform the social property into private property, which would ensure foundation of prerequisites for development of a sustainable trade economy. Then, it is presented a legal framework of PAK. A link between macroeconomic data and privatization in general is also displayed. In addition, updated privatization results, challenges and difficulties of the process are included as well. Identification of main advantages and weaknesses of the privatization process open the path toward analyses of data. Taking into consideration the modalities and difficulties of the privatization process, complexity of social property, as well as circumstances and specifications in which our country lies, it is concluded that privatization process in Kosovo was quite successful up to date. Transformation of social property is valued to be of a tremendous importance for revitalization of the economy and its development

Research paper thumbnail of Purchase Decision-Making during the Covid Pandemic 19: The Character of International Consumer Behavior


The aim of this paper is explaining the justification of the phenomenon of consumer behavior is a... more The aim of this paper is explaining the justification of the phenomenon of consumer behavior is a quite new scientific discipline that emerged only in the middle of the last century, has always been a challenge for companies, especially in the period of the Covid 19 pandemic, where the unpredictable situation affects consumer behavior. The research methods in this paper are the interaction of several scientific methods such is a historical method that took data from the professional literature in the field of marketing, which analyzed the factors and processes of consumer behavior by using the quantitative statistical method with a deductive approach. It has been proven that business results mostly bought products in stores to which they are "loyal" regardless of brand and origin, while a smaller part started buying exclusively products of SEE companies. The analysis concluded that R Square .511 showed that online shopping depends on fear of consumers for possible appeals the same tested model showed that consumers are careful to buy their products because they are not able to physically intoxicate purchased products on the Internet. Also, research results show that companies in the SEE that consumer behavior is a very important indicator for organizational behavior experts on how and in what way to choose the right marketing strategy.

Research paper thumbnail of The Relation Between Organizational Learning and Information Technology in Companies with International Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Web of Science / Quality Access to Success, 2022

The paper discusses the phenomena of the present such as information technology and organizationa... more The paper discusses the phenomena of the present such as information technology and organizational learning as elements of business performance. In order to better understand the study, a theoretical paradigm of the relationship between information technology performance and elements of organizational learning was created. The mentioned theoretical paradigm was conditioned by the focus on the new theoretical thesis of the pandemic that is currently ruling in the world. To test the research variables, a quantitative method of de-effective approach was used. Through this quantitative method, statistical analysis of data derived from the research questionnaire was used. According to the T-test, correlation and regression analyses the article was improve statistically significant relationships between information technology items and certain organizational learning as a business performance, in Southeast European Country companies dealing with international activities during the period of Covid 19, also is improved statistically significant difference between the influences of high values (values above average) and low values (values below average) dimensions of information technology on individual organizational learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and finally statistically significant correlations between information technology items and observed performances (of organizational learning).


Economic Archive / EBSCO, 2020

The paper addresses the issue of personnel turnover in enterprises in Bulgaria and Kosovo. It pre... more The paper addresses the issue of personnel turnover in enterprises in Bulgaria and Kosovo. It presents the theoretic aspects of the nature and forms of personnel turnover, its determinative factors and effects for business entities as well as focuses on some initial prerequisites for the two countries, which indirectly influence it. The paper also presents the findings from a conducted survey among companies from the two countries which findings confirm the significance of the problem with personnel turnover and are used for an analysis of the practices for its management.


Business Management AS Tsenov Academy of Economics Journal of , 2020

Abstract: Numerous researches show how motivation of employees influence the labor productivity, ... more Abstract: Numerous researches show how motivation of employees influence the labor productivity, business performance and goal achievement. Even though studies often show that employees tend to report enjoying their jobs, however organisations continuously face with staff turnover due to various reasons, and therefore fail to fulfill its objectives. This paper reflects upon classical and modern views of motivation aspects. And the research includes different entities all around Kosovo that bring an insight into the present situation pertaining to motivation of employees and possibly identify potential mistakes and suggestion for the process improvements within organisations. According to results, the turnover average rate in investigated enterprises is within a natural range. Meanwhile the, management is advised to make the employees aware that rewards are recognition of a job well done and not simply the goal of doing the work. Whilst, bonuses in cash prevails dominantly the motivation system in investigated enterprises, many of them seem to use evaluation of performance as a tool for remuneration policy. Whereas in most cases remuneration depends on the annual profit of the enterprise, reasons for leaving are not being recorded in a system. Yet, financial incentives are an important motivator for most people, money is not the only motivator and, in some cases, is not the primary motivator for everyone. A qualitative approach and theory based application were considered for this study.

Research paper thumbnail of Mjedisi i shëndoshë natyror për një zhvillim të qëndrueshëm

Revista Shkencore AB nr.3 . vol 2, 2011

Ky punim ngërthen në vete idenë se mjedisi natyror ka rëndësi të jashtëzakonshme për zhvillim dhe... more Ky punim ngërthen në vete idenë se mjedisi natyror ka rëndësi të jashtëzakonshme për zhvillim dhe rritje të qëndrueshme ekonomike. Nga analiza e gjendjes ambientale në Kosovë vlerësohet se të gjithë elementet dhe komponentët e mjedisit jetësor (ajri, uji, dheu) janë të rrezikuara. Rrezikimi i ambientit në Kosovë është rezultat i ndotjes së ambientit, i ndërtimeve të pakontrolluara, prerjes së pakontrolluar të pyjeve, erozionit të dheut, nga menaxhimi i dobët i mbeturinave, si dhe aktiviteteve të tjera humane. Raporti i mjedisit natyror me rritjen ekonomike është reciprok sa edhe i ndërlikuar. Një zhvillim i qëndrueshëm i sektorëve të ndryshëm ekonomik nuk mund të imagjinohet pa një mjedis të shëndoshë natyror. Lidhur me këtë tematikë në punim janë trajtuar konceptet kyçe të mjedisit dhe janë identifikuar sektorët e ndryshëm ekonomik që kanë ndikim në mjedisin natyror. Në përmbyllje, është propozuar një model i detajuar me masat adekuate për mbrojtjen e mjedisit dhe rrjedhimisht inicimin e një zhvillimi të qëndrueshëm ekonomik.

Research paper thumbnail of Business electronic services

Research paper thumbnail of KONCEPTI I MESIMIT ORGANIZATIV

Revista Administrim Biznesi, 2010

Kohëve të fundit, aktiviteti afarist për shumë ndërmarrje po bëhet gjithnjë e më kompleks dhe kre... more Kohëve të fundit, aktiviteti afarist për shumë ndërmarrje po bëhet gjithnjë e më kompleks dhe kreativ për arsyen e proceseve dinamike dhe ndryshimeve të shpejta që po ngjajnë në ekonomi. Zhvillimi rapid tekniko-teknologjik dhe rritja e konkurrencës në tregjet globale po i shtyjnë ndërmarrjet që vazhdimisht të ndryshojnë, të ristrukturohen, investojnë në teknologji të reja dhe të minimizojnë koston e prodhimit me të vetmin objektiv – që të mbesin konkurrentë në treg. Kështu që, mësimi organizativ po bëhet me rëndësi të jashtëzakonshme nëse organizatat dëshirojnë të kenë sukses. Aplikimi praktik i këtij procesi premtues është i kushtueshëm pasi që kërkon investime në teknologjitë moderne të informacionit. Rrjedhimisht, duke marrë parasysh kapacitetin e vogël veprues dhe burimet e kufizuara me të cilat disponojnë ndërmarrjet e vogla dhe të mesme, lind pyetja se a kanë mundësi që këto ndërmarrje të aplikojnë këtë proces modern? NVM-të që të jenë konkurrentë dhe të sigurojnë qëndrueshmëri duhet të përqendrohen më tepër në diturinë e fshehur dhe në shfrytëzimin e trendeve të teknologjisë së informacionit sepse ndikimi i tij është i konsiderueshëm në zhvillimin e mësimit organizativ.


Revista Empirikus, 2013

Për të arritur mirëqenie dhe stabilitet politik, qeveritë kombëtare synojnë arritjen e ekuilibrit... more Për të arritur mirëqenie dhe stabilitet politik, qeveritë kombëtare synojnë arritjen e ekuilibrit ekonomik. Qeveria përdor instrumente të ndryshme për të stimuluar rritjen e ekonomisë, për të ulur papunësinë dhe për të arritur objektivat makroekonomike. Në kontekst të rritjes së ngadalshme ekonomike të viteve të fundit dhe të presioneve fiskale, Kosova ballafaqohet me sfidën komplekse të zhvillimit ekonomik. Papunësia vazhdon të jetë në një shkallë të lartë. Kërkesa për fuqi punëtore është ende shumë e ulët dhe krijimi i një ambienti që do të favorizojë formimin e vendeve të qëndrueshme të punës është një detyrë sfiduese që kërkon reforma shumëdimensionale në ekonomi. Ky punim adreson çështjen e impaktit të politikës fiskale në zbutjen e papunësisë, rritjen e investimeve dhe të konsumit për të gjeneruar rritje ekonomike të qëndrueshme.


Scientific Journal Monte, 2015

The year 2014 was a difficult one for south-eastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo. T... more The year 2014 was a difficult one for south-eastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo.
Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of economic performance of SSE countries in
light of globalization, with special reflection on Kosovo’s efforts toward European integration
processes. Official statistical data are used for analyses of different features that helped identifying the
most important reasons that causing Kosovo to lag behind in achieving its European aspirations.
Moreover, comprehensive political analysis of various factors with significant impact on economic
stability is conducted to be able to propose the concrete structural reforms that would ensure higher
economic growth and hence macroeconomic stability.

Research paper thumbnail of Privatisation of Joint Stock Companies

International Scientific Journals , 2013

Abstract The Privatisation Agency of Kosovo (PAK) is responsible for the privatisation and liquid... more Abstract
The Privatisation Agency of Kosovo (PAK) is responsible for the privatisation and
liquidation of Socially Owned Enterprises in Kosovo. One of the challenges that PAK is
facing since its establishment is the unresolved status of “Gjakova companies”. These
enterprises are pretending to be JSCs, arguing to have been transformed / privatised
during the nineties with then applicable and non-discriminatory laws. This way, these
companies are continuously rejecting the jurisdiction of the Agency. As of 2012, the
Agency failed to privatise most of them due to tremendous resistance of companies.
Thus, the aim of the paper is to assess whether the goal of teh Agency to sell them has to
do with privatisation vs re-privatisation of certain companies.

Research paper thumbnail of "Fenomeni i dështimit të bizneseve"

Scientific Journal Pentza, 2016

Abstrakti Në literaturën e sotme debatohen mjaft shumë shkaqet e dështimit të bizneseve në përgji... more Abstrakti Në literaturën e sotme debatohen mjaft shumë shkaqet e dështimit të bizneseve në përgjithësi e sidomos të biznesit të vogël për shkak të rëndësisë dhe vendit që ai zë në kuadrin e ekonomisë kombëtare të një vendi. Në Kosovë ekziston një numër i madh i bizneseve të reja të regjistruara, por shumica prej tyre nuk kanë arritur t'iu bëjnë ballë ndryshimeve ekonomike të tregut, konkurrencës, ambientit e shumë barrierave tjera. Shpesh herë shkak i falimentimit janë edhe mungesa e eksperiencës, menaxhimi i dobët, marketingu i varfër, si edhe vendimet e gabuara të cilat qojnë në rrugën e dështimit. Për të konstatuar shkaqet e dështimit janë konsultuar të dhënat statistikore të vitit 2012, 2013, 2014, dhe 2015 lidhur me regjistrimin dhe dështimin e bizneseve të reja. Këto të dhëna analizohen, si dhe krahasohen me rezultatet e hulumtimit. Në përmbyllje jepen disa rekomandime të përgjithshme, e sidomos për bizneset të cilave ju kërcënohet mbijetesa, që t'ju kushtojnë vëmendje dhe të merren parasysh gjatë zhvillimit dhe rritjes së tyre. Mesazhi i këtij punimi është që bizneset e brishta të sensibilizohen për vështirësitë të cilat i kanosen atyre, në mënyrë qe më pastaj të gjejnë një zgjidhje adekuate dhe me kohë për problemet eventuale me të cilat mund të ballafaqohet.


Knowledge International Journal, 2019

This paper aims to research the possibilities of the gap between knowing-doing in companies that ... more This paper aims to research the possibilities of the gap between knowing-doing in companies that implement the concept of Intellectual Capital (IC). Skandia is the best sample of IC concept and will provide a lot of useful information to conduct the respective project. As a multinational company, Skandia group, develops activities around the globe, and is the pioneer in implementing the concept of IC. Hence, it was chosen to be the subject of this case study research. The research includes interviews, with several people in different positions, in each management level into which every interview is interpreted through hermeneutic approach in order to achieve a better understanding of the phenomenon of the study. The research were made within different offices of company in various cities in Sweden. The study applies the descriptive case study approach, whilst investigated the possibility of gaps of IC between Knowing-Doing. The research shows that the concepts of IC and knowing-doing gap, could be found in headquarters of Skandia to a large extent, and this way basic assumption about a possible gap was verified. The implementation of IC within Skandia and its employees is for sure not completed yet. Also the shareholders are not convinced by the concept if one looks at Skandia´s performance on the stock markets. Nevertheless it offers a rhetorically positive way to tackle future challenges. In that respect this study got a deeper understanding concerning Skandia and IC. The research made many things visible that were not seen in the literature so far.


Knowledge International Journal, 2018

The last years were difficult ones for southeastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo. T... more The last years were difficult ones for southeastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of economic performance of SSE countries in light of globalization, with special reflection on Kosovo's efforts toward European integration processes. Official statistical data are used for analyses of different features that helped identifying the most important reasons that causing Kosovo to lag behind in achieving its European aspirations. Moreover, comprehensive political analysis of various factors with significant impact on economic stability is conducted to be able to propose the concrete structural reforms that would ensure higher economic growth and hence macroeconomic stability.


Knowlege International Journal, 2017

Customers are a cornerstone to success for all type businesses. Knowledge about customers should ... more Customers are a cornerstone to success for all type businesses. Knowledge about customers should lead to improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal business processes, for examples, the productivity of customer service representative; the reduction in learning curve, and the acceleration of product and service projection. Thus, knowing customers is not only very important for knowledge management but rather a necessity. Sustainable competitive advantages of those firms that are based on customers knowledge lead to higher performance as described in theory. Therefore, the paper provides information to what extent the relationship between customers and knowledge management is developed in practice of the respective sector of industry. The research includes the variables of knowledge management, such are: possession of knowledge, saving of knowledge, processing of knowledge and knowledge transmission, whilst the hypotheses are tested through empirical data of 323 correspondents. The data were analyzed using SPSS software and regression model of Anova. Results of the study indicate a direct impact and positive relation of knowledge management respectively costumer capital and competitive advantage.

Research paper thumbnail of Globalisation in transition economies and its impact on Economy of Kosovo

Global crisis has negative effects on economies in transition. The crisis stemmed form a combinat... more Global crisis has negative effects on economies in transition. The crisis stemmed form a combination of unsustainable global macroeconomic imbalances, loose monetary policy and structural weaknesses in the financial system. In many transition countries the crisis has manifested itself terms of trade and investment links, including a drop in exports, remittances and foreign direct investments. Thus, this paper aims to reveal the issues of FDI and remittances and its impact on economy of Kosovo. Thus, the economic trends of Kosovo are discussed and, analyzed, and where possible better solutions to problems are proposed.

Research paper thumbnail of Sfidat dhe efektet e privatizimit ne Kosove

Përmbledhje: Punimi përmban një reflektim gjeneral për procesin e privatizimit në Kosovë. Qëllimi... more Përmbledhje: Punimi përmban një reflektim gjeneral për procesin e privatizimit në Kosovë. Qëllimi i punimit është të nxjerr në pah rezultatet nga procesi i privatizimit, që është ndërmarrë nga Agjencia Kosovare e Mirëbesimit (AKM), si dhe të analizojë performancën e saj. Një qasje e tillë ka bërë të mundur identifikimin e të metave, gabimeve dhe lëshimeve të bëra. Në këtë mënyrë, është krijuar mundësia për të sugjeruar që agjencia e re e privatizimit të intervenojë në pika të caktuara me qëllim që të përmirësojë performancën e saj në vazhdën e përmbushjes së objektivave të veta. Të dhënat empirike janë marrë nga hulumtimet e bëra me ndërmarrjet e privatizuara, si dhe nga baza e të dhënave të AKM-së. Në pjesën hyrëse theksohet domosdoshmëria e transformimit të pronës shoqërore në atë private drejt krijimit të parakushteve për zhvillimin e një ekonomie të shëndoshë të tregut. Në vazhdim, në pjesën e dytë prezantohet korniza ligjore dhe administrative e AKM-së, si dhe struktura organizative e saj. Në pjesën e tretë të titulluar " efektet ekonomike të privatizimit " paraqitet ndërlidhja e të dhëna makroekonomike me privatizimin në përgjithësi. Në këtë pjesë prezantohen edhe dhjetë raste të suksesshme të privatizimit. Në vijim pasqyrohen rezultatet e gjithmbarshme të privatizimit të gjertanishëm, sfidat dhe vështirësitë e procesit. Identifikimi i të metave dhe përparësive kryesore të procesit të privatizimit i hapin rrugën analizës dhe krahasimit të këtyre të dhënave. Duke marrë parasysh vështirësitë dhe specifikat e procesit, kompleksitetin e pronës shoqërore, si dhe në anën tjetër kushtet dhe rrethanat në të cilat gjendet vendi ynë, është konkluduar se procesi i privatizimit ka qenë i suksesshëm. Transformimi i pronës shoqërore është cilësuar jo vetëm si i domosdoshëm por edhe me rëndësi vitale për zhvillimin ekonomik. Privatizimi ka gëzuar dhe vazhdon të gëzojë përkrahjen e plotë nga të gjithë. Vlen të theksohet se autori ishte i përfshirë në privatizim për katër vite me rradhë (2004 – 2008). Ky fakt konsiderohet si një privilegj për qasje të shumëfishta në të dhëna. Krahas përvojës së fituar dhe observimit nga afër të procesit të privatizimit autorit i është mundësuar që këtë punim ta përfundojë me sukses.

Research paper thumbnail of Ndikimi i proceseve integruese evropiane ne zhvillimin e privatizimit te ndermarrjeve ne Kosove

Research paper thumbnail of Acquiring competitive advantage through finding and attracting new customers by e-business trade enterprises

Research Cult, 2022

Aim: This paper will investigate the impact of e-business on small trading businesses in Kosovo b... more Aim: This paper will investigate the impact of e-business on small trading businesses in Kosovo by identifying perceived benefits caused by e-business model.
Theoretical background: According to the research, the theoretical part of the paper is structured to explain the basic theoretical claims related to the benefits of e-business with a focus on product sales.
Methodology: A mixed research method was used for data collection and analysis. In effect, the paper used qualitative methods where an interview was conducted with managers and after adopting the nature of the problem, a quantitative method with a deductive approach was applied to measure and process statistical data.
Results: Based on empirical research, it was discovered that the ability to find and attract new customers is one of the main advantages for small trading enterprises. Moreover, the cost factor is still very important for these enterprises as high costs hinder their future development

Research paper thumbnail of Acquiring competitive advantage through finding and attracting new customers by e-business trade enterprises


Aim: This paper will investigate the impact of e-business on small trading businesses in Kosovo b... more Aim: This paper will investigate the impact of e-business on small trading businesses in Kosovo by identifying perceived benefits caused by e-business model.
Theoretical background: According to the research, the theoretical part of the paper is structured to explain the basic theoretical claims related to the benefits of e-business with a focus on product sales.
Methodology: A mixed research method was used for data collection and analysis. In effect, the paper used qualitative methods where an interview was conducted with managers and after adopting the nature of the problem, a quantitative method with a deductive approach was applied to measure and process statistical data.
Results: Based on empirical research, it was discovered that the ability to find and attract new customers is one of the main advantages for small trading enterprises. Moreover, the cost factor is still very important for these enterprises as high costs hinder their future development.


International Conference - Proceedings OFEL 2015 Dubrovnik, Croatia , 2015

VIRTUAL CURRENCIES AS PAYMENT METHOD OF this field. We look at the effect by sec fines after the ... more VIRTUAL CURRENCIES AS PAYMENT METHOD OF this field. We look at the effect by sec fines after the year 2000 and measuring the effect on shareholder value using the event-study methodology. We also tried to evaluate if this effect varies according to the corrupt practices the companies had been involved by using three categories: misleading investors, money laundering practices, and other miscellaneous malpractices. the analysis shows that shareholder value is destroyed in all three categories. of these categories, we see that money laundering practices have the highest negative impact on shareholder value with-16.4% on average. the second severest category consists of miscellaneous wrongdoings with-8.8% on average. the smallest effect had misleading investors with-5.7%.


Revista Shkencore Administrim Biznesi , 2011

Pozita gjeografike e “Bjeshkëve të Nemuna” me veçoritë e saj specifike e bën të pashmangshme emër... more Pozita gjeografike e “Bjeshkëve të Nemuna” me veçoritë e saj specifike e bën të pashmangshme emërtimin e këtij destinacioni si potencial të fuqishëm për zhvillimin e turizmit malor. Ky punim diskuton rëndësinë e planifikimit strategjik për zhvillimin e turizmit malor në vendin tonë, për të paraqitur më pastaj karakteristikat impresive dhe potencialin e "Bjeshkëve të Nemuna". Një konsideratë e posaçme i është dhënë arsimimit profesional të gjeneratave të reja në sektorin e turizmit. Një vlerësim i përgjithshëm rekapitulon idenë se bashkëpunimi dhe harmonizimi ndërshtetëror rajonal është i domosdoshëm për të siguruar një zhvillim të qëndrueshëm të këtij destinacioni turistik.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of privatisation in establishing private sector in Kosovo

Scientific Conefrence Kavala Grece, 2010

A major objective of the Government of Kosovo and the donor agencies is the development of Kosovo... more A major objective of the Government of Kosovo and the donor agencies is the development of Kosovo's private
sector economy. In support of private sector investment in the economy, the Assembly of Kosovo have adopted a
set of laws to ensure a very investor-friendly environment including regulations on foreign direct investment,
repatriation of capital, the purchase of real estate, the registration of businesses and land, and the 99 year lease of
land formerly used by "socially-owned enterprises" (SOEs). Hence, the Privatization Agency of Kosovo (PAK) is
responsible for the privatization and liquidation of SOEs. This paper includes a general reflection upon
privatization process in Kosovo. The aim of the paper is to reveal privatization results undertaken by PAK, which
are based on recent data and information as well as to analyze its performance. Such course enabled us to identify
emerged, strengths, weaknesses and failures of the process. In this way was created an opportunity for us to
suggest improvement on certain points of the PAK performance toward accomplishment of its objectives.
Empirical data were obtained from the research conducted on privatized enterprises and from data base of PAK. In
the introduction part is emphasized the necessity to transform the social property into private property, which
would ensure foundation of prerequisites for development of a sustainable trade economy. In the second part, it is
presented a legal framework of PAK including its organizational chart. In the following part, a link between
macroeconomic data and privatization in general is displayed. In addition, some success stories of privatization are
also included in this part. The next part includes updated privatization results, challenges and difficulties of the
process. The identification of main advantages and weaknesses of the privatization process open the path toward
analyses of data. Taking into consideration the modalities and difficulties of the privatization process, complexity
of social property, as well as the circumstances and specifications in which our country lies, it is concluded that
privatization process in Kosovo was quite successful up to date. Transformation of social property is valued to be
of a tremendous importance for revitalization of the economy and its development.

Research paper thumbnail of Management of policy effectiveness in economic stabilization

International Scientific Journals, 2014

The aim of this paper is to offer an overview of how public finances in the euro area countries a... more The aim of this paper is to offer an overview of how public finances in the euro area countries
and the euro area as a whole have been affected by the crisis, what risks to fiscal sustainability
have emerged and what lessons may be drawn for the future for euro area fiscal policies. After
this reflection, the focus is laid on current economic policy in Kosovo, using official statistical
data. Moreover, comprehensive analysis of various factors with significant impact on economic
stability is conducted to be able to propose an appropriate pattern that would ensures
sustainable growth and economic stability.


CSARA , 2013

In the context of slow economic growth in recent years and fiscal pressures, Kosovo is faced with... more In the context of slow economic growth in recent years and fiscal pressures, Kosovo is faced with the complex challenge of
unemployment, which still remains at a high level. The demand for labor is still very low and establishment of a favorable
environment that would create sustainable jobs will be a challenging task that requires reforms in the economic policy. Hence,
this paper addresses one of the deepest challenges of Kosovo that is domestic economic capacity to generate economic
growth. By analyzing the economic factors affecting economic development, this paper identifies barriers and though
discusses real opportunities for a better economic growth pattern to finaly highlight the recomendations.
Keywords: labor market, economic growth, economic challenges, sustainable development.

Research paper thumbnail of Globalisation and its impact on economic growth in Kosovo

International Conference Globus InstituteInter, 2012

Global crisis has negative effects on economies in transition. The crisis stemmed form a combinat... more Global crisis has negative effects on economies in transition. The crisis stemmed form a combination of unsustainable global macroeconomic imbalances, loose monetary policy and structural weaknesses in the financial system. In many transition countries the crisis has manifested itself terms of trade and investment links, including a drop in exports, remittances and foreign direct investments. Thus, this paper aims to reveal the issues of FDI and remittances and its impact on economy of Kosovo. Thus, the economic trends of Kosovo are discussed and, analyzed, and where possible better solutions to problems are proposed.

Research paper thumbnail of Organisation of Transboundary Cooperation, an Excellent Opportunity for Sustainable Development

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Roli i administrimit ndër-sektorial në sigurimin e rritjes së qëndrueshme ekonomike

This paper includes idea that a synchronized management of multi economic sectors has tremendous ... more This paper includes idea that a synchronized management of multi economic sectors has tremendous significance for sustainable development and economic growth. Kosovo has high unemployment (over 40%), new large population (50% under age 25), and high level of poverty (45%). It needs long-term sustainable economic possibilities, which can only be created by the private sector. A sustainable development of different economic sectors can not be thought without a healthy natural environment as well. Regarding this topic, the paper identified various economic parameters with high potencial for development, and key concepts of the natural environment.are also treated. In conclusion, it is proposed a model with concrete steps to initiate economic growth, and through its provision a sustainable economic development.

Research paper thumbnail of Kompleksiteti i pronës shoqërore, transformimi dhe privatizimi i saj

Research paper thumbnail of Perkrahja dhe ndihma e NVM-ve ne kapercimin e veshtiresive me te cilat ato ballafaqohen

Research paper thumbnail of NVM-te dhe perspektiva e zhvillimit ekonomik

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of privatisation in establishing private sector in Kosovo

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections of the Global Financial Crisis and the Performance of Macro-Economic Development in Kosovo

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2013


Research paper thumbnail of Reflections of the Global Financial Crisis and the Performance of Macro-Economic Development in Kosovo

While it is argued that the global financial crisis have not directly hit Kosovo, however, its ec... more While it is argued that the global financial crisis have not directly hit Kosovo, however, its economy has felt its indirect effects. Kosovo's economy in 2012 has been increased, but the growth rate was lower compared to previous years. The slowdown in economic progress has been caused due to global economic developments. This is because foreign direct investments and exports declined more pronounced in 2012, while imports also were characterized by slower growth. It should also be noted that increased public investments and remittances have had a tremendous contribution to economic activity. In the context of slow economic growth in recent years and fiscal pressures, Kosovo is faced with the complex challenge of unemployment, which still remains at a high level. The demand for labor is still very low and establishment of a favorable environment that would create sustainable jobs will be a challenging task that requires reforms in the economic policy. Hence, this paper addresses one of the deepest challenges of Kosovo that is domestic economic capacity to generate economic growth. By analyzing the economic factors affecting economic development, this paper identifies barriers and though discusses real opportunities for a better economic growth pattern to finally highlight the recommendations.

Research paper thumbnail of Justina Pula, Emin Neziraj, Driton Sylqa: Organizational Change and relation between Employees in Kosova Banks

In this paper work we will deal with topics which are closely connected to understanding of pheno... more In this paper work we will deal with topics which are closely connected to understanding of phenomena, organizational changes regarding to how the change production process can makes resistance between employees. According to resistance We will try to find the difference between employee's and managers behavior in different banks such are Sweden and Kosovo. The companies which I use for case study is Commercial banks in Kosova.

Research paper thumbnail of Driton Sylqa, Emin Neziraj - Innovation and investments as a cornerstone of economic performance toward European integration processes

Kosovo is developing country with a high rate of unemployment, the lowest income per capita in th... more Kosovo is developing country with a high rate of unemployment, the lowest income per capita in the region and a lot of socio-economic problems affecting negatively European integration process. Disregarding of the legal concerns encountered in the relation between EU and Kosovo government is more responsible for lagging behind in the process of EU integration. The Kosovo government has not approached the process of integration with due diligence and seriousness, whilst blaming EU for applying double standards for integration purposes. Thus, paper aims to provide an overview of economic performance of countries in the region, with special reflection on Kosovo's efforts toward European integration processes. Official statistical data are used for analyses of different features that helped identifying the most important reasons that causing Kosovo to lag behind in achieving its European aspirations. Moreover, comprehensive political analysis of various factors with significant impact on economic stability is conducted to be able to propose the concrete structural reforms that would secure a higher growth and progress.

Research paper thumbnail of Cause Effect Relationship Between Costumer Capital and Competitive Advantage in Private Sector

Knowledge International Journal, Mar 9, 2018

The four papers in this symposium were selected from thirty submissions for the Past President's ... more The four papers in this symposium were selected from thirty submissions for the Past President's Panel at the 2014 annual meeting of the John Dewey Society in Philadelphia. Taken collectively, they demonstrate the continuing power of Dewey's philosophy to inspire, clarify, and critique contemporary educational ideas and practices. I will have a few words to say about these papers below, but first I want to put them in context. The John Dewey Society, in its current form, has three operational missions: (1) to encourage, and contribute to, critical inquiry into pressing contemporary issues in culture, society, and education in the spirit of John Dewey; (2) to foster and provide venues for new educational knowledge; and (3) to encourage studies of the philosophy of John Dewey and American pragmatism. In recent years, the society has served mission (1) by the publication of its blog Social Issues, its new journal, School and Society, its Commission on Social Issues, and occasionally, by organizing its John Dewey Lectures and Symposia on social and cultural issues at its annual meetings. It has served mission (2) through the publication of this journal, Education and Culture, and the journal Educational Theory, which it cosponsors with the University of Illinois Department of Educational Theory and Policy. Some Dewey Lectures and Symposia also fall into this second category. Our sister organization, the John Dewey Studies Special Interest Group (SIG) at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), is also devoted to this educational studies mission and it frames its annual meeting around studies in the Dewey tradition. Roughly five years ago, the executive committee of the Dewey Society decided to create an annual panel of papers, selected from submissions responding to a specified call, on major works of Dewey himself, in order to serve mission (3). We have been gratified by the response to this new effort, as each call has generated many submissions. The panel has been labeled the Past President's Panel (or PPP) because the members of the executive committee wanted to create a significant role for the past presidents of the society in order to keep them active and visible. In the initial conception, the president-elect would organize the call and the selection process, and a past president would be selected to respond to the presentations. The name of the panel led to a number of problems. Some past presidents assumed that this would be an invited panel of past presidents, and were frustrated when the expected invitations did

Research paper thumbnail of Personnel Turnover Management Practices in Bulgaria and Kosovo Enterprises

Research paper thumbnail of Drama of the Eu Integration Process of Kosovo Implying Certain Economic Implications

Knowledge International Journal, Dec 8, 2017

The last years were difficult ones for southeastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo. T... more The last years were difficult ones for southeastern European countries (SEE), including Kosovo. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of economic performance of SSE countries in light of globalization, with special reflection on Kosovo&#39;s efforts toward European integration processes. Official statistical data are used for analyses of different features that helped identifying the most important reasons that causing Kosovo to lag behind in achieving its European aspirations. Moreover, comprehensive political analysis of various factors with significant impact on economic stability is conducted to be able to propose the concrete structural reforms that would ensure higher economic growth and hence macroeconomic stability.

Research paper thumbnail of Purchase Decision-Making during the Covid Pandemic 19: The Character of International Consumer Behavior


The aim of this paper is explaining the justification of the phenomenon of consumer behavior is a... more The aim of this paper is explaining the justification of the phenomenon of consumer behavior is a quite new scientific discipline that emerged only in the middle of the last century, has always been a challenge for companies, especially in the period of the Covid 19 pandemic, where the unpredictable situation affects consumer behavior. The research methods in this paper are the interaction of several scientific methods such is a historical method that took data from the professional literature in the field of marketing, which analyzed the factors and processes of consumer behavior by using the quantitative statistical method with a deductive approach. It has been proven that business results mostly bought products in stores to which they are "loyal" regardless of brand and origin, while a smaller part started buying exclusively products of SEE companies. The analysis concluded that R Square .511 showed that online shopping depends on fear of consumers for possible appeals ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Knowing-Doing Gap of Intellectual Capital in Multinational Companies - Case Study: Skandia Group

Knowledge International Journal, 2019

This paper aims to research the possibilities of the gap between knowing-doing in companies that ... more This paper aims to research the possibilities of the gap between knowing-doing in companies that implement the concept of Intellectual Capital (IC). Skandia is the best sample of IC concept and will provide a lot of useful information to conduct the respective project. As a multinational company, Skandia group, develops activities around the globe, and is the pioneer in implementing the concept of IC. Hence, it was chosen to be the subject of this case study research. The research includes interviews, with several people in different positions, in each management level into which every interview is interpreted through hermeneutic approach in order to achieve a better understanding of the phenomenon of the study. The research were made within different offices of company in various cities in Sweden. The study applies the descriptive case study approach, whilst investigated the possibility of gaps of IC between Knowing-Doing. The research shows that the concepts of IC and knowing-doin...

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Change and Relation between Employees in Kosova Banks

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2015

In this paper work we will deal with topics which are closely connected to understanding of pheno... more In this paper work we will deal with topics which are closely connected to understanding of phenomena, organizational changes regarding to how the change production process can makes resistance between employees. According to resistance We will try to find the difference between employee's and managers behavior in different banks such are Sweden and Kosovo. The companie which we used for the case study are Commercial bank in Kosova.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between Customer and Management Knowledge Based of Life Cycle Concept

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2014

Modern business world,, the role of consumer knowledge plays an important role in developing a kn... more Modern business world,, the role of consumer knowledge plays an important role in developing a knowledge management in SME respectively in industry sales industry of wholesalers and retailers. With that developed countries, the management team their knowledge harmonizes with the needs of consumers consumer knowledge. Exactly relations between of consumers and management in themselves owns series of problems which need to be resolved to an effective way. This relation in SME by transition countries has not been developed to the level as in the developed countries. Therefore, research is necessary in the SME of countries in transition, which shall first of all to determine level of relations between the consumer and the of the management team of SME the relationship the consumer of knowledge and the of knowledge of management team. Regarding to the main reason of studies and also with the problematic situations research paper require the theoretical model witches divided into two parts The first part of theatrical model is discussion about topics which is quit significant with studies areas as : Knowledge cycle based view with the main elements such are theoretical approach by creation knowledge, capture knowledge and etc. The second part of theoretical background is discussion about customer knowledge on the relation with management cycle and their segments. Empirical data of this research include the total representative number of 323 correspondents where are 253 male and 70 female, according to the statistical method of obtaining a sample size where is expedited P = 30% therefore Suggestion precision d = 0.05. According to the Questionnaires were gathered after completion and were analyzed by SPSS Software, which caring up the results of research variables which means regression analyzes with ANOVAs model will show P=0,35.The regression coefficient give us the discussion between following Hypothesis H0 Knowledge management is in relation with client knowledge in industry of wholesalers and retailers H1 Knowledge management is not in relation with client knowledge industry of wholesalers and retailers. And finally results will give explain about econometric parameters p=0,35 and =0,0356.