Maiken Kores | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts (original) (raw)
Books by Maiken Kores
Words, Music and Propaganda, 2024
In the United States, following the sexual revolution and the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, the so-ca... more In the United States, following the sexual revolution and the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, the so-called purity movement has, with the backing of the U.S. federal government, grown to become a multi-million-dollar industry. Since 1993, funds allocated to numerous religious and faith-based community organizations have increasingly promoted an abstinence-only sex education, prompting many youths to sign virginity pledges and promise to abstain from
sexual intercourse until marriage. One of the ways religious leaders succeeded in making the topic of abstinence more approachable to younger generations is through music. Employing the methods of critical discourse analysis, the following paper proposes an examination of the evangelical purity movement, its values and their long-lasting impact on women, as well as its use of mass media, music and other tools for the spread of propaganda.
Words, Music and Gender, 2020
This chapter will provide a linguistic analysis of the representation of women in the lyrics of t... more This chapter will provide a linguistic analysis of the representation of women in the lyrics of the 1980s glam metal band, Mötley Crüe. An analysis of the band's discography gives insight into the roles and characteristics typically accorded to women, shedding light on their perceived role during this time in music history. The way in which male glam metal bands expressed and performed gender could best be described as controversial, even oxymoronic. The machismo and misogyny expressed in most glam bands' lyrics contrast heavily with the performers' feminine appearance and vocals. It has been argued that by appropriating traditionally feminine characteristics, male glam metal bands prove that gender is something that is performed, thus liberating women by subverting traditional norms on gender appearance and behaviour (Sollee 2011; Simon 2014, 59). On the other hand, the intense sexism and misogyny of many glam lyrics, and the actions of artists on and off stage, can be interpreted as precisely the opposite. By appropriating through performance what is socially perceived as feminine behaviours and attributes, while simultaneously behaving in a traditionally macho way, male glam rock artists ended up by occupying all possible roles in the genre, leaving little or no space available for women on the stage and in the music itself.
Papers by Maiken Kores
Diplomska naloga preko kritične analize diskurza preučuje sodoben medijski in politični diskurz v... more Diplomska naloga preko kritične analize diskurza preučuje sodoben medijski in politični diskurz v Veliki Britaniji in Franciji v povezavi s tremi nedavnimi dogodki. Naloga sestoji iz predstavitve raziskovalne drže in razmerij moči v obdobju kolonializma ter subalternih študij, ki so se razvila kot odziv nanje. Hipoteza predvideva, da se posledice interpelacija iz časov kolonializma še čutijo v postkolonialni dobi in da Zahod še vedno karakterizira prebivalce globalnega Vzhoda/Juga kot Druge. Analiza naključno izbranih besedil iz britanskega in francoskega okolja je to hipotezo, kar se tiče teh konkretnih primerov, potrdila, vendar so zaradi obsega in kompleksnosti problematike posamezne analize zasnovane kot uvod v širšo in bolj poglobljeno študijo. /// This thesis uses Critical Discourse Analysis to examine contemporary media and political discourse in the UK and France related to three recent events. The seminar paper consists of an outline of the analytic approach, power relations in colonial times, and of the subaltern studies group that was formed as a reaction of these power imbalances. The hypothesis assumes that the consequences of colonial-era interpellation are still felt in postcolonial times and that the West continues to characterise individuals from the global East/South as Others. An analysis of randomly selected text from the British and French environments has confirmed this hypothesis, at any rate in regard to these concrete examples. However, due to the extent and complexity of these issues, the analysis is meant to lay the groundwork for a subsequent, more in-depth study.
V pričujočem članku raziskujem slog pisatelja Ivana Cankarja, natančneje sintakso znotraj njegovi... more V pričujočem članku raziskujem slog pisatelja Ivana Cankarja, natančneje sintakso znotraj njegovih političnih spisov in družbenokritičnih besedil. Pri analizi segmentov iz besedil uporabljam raziskovalno metodo kritične stilistike, ki povezuje stilistiko in kritično proučevanje ideologij v jeziku. Zaradi Cankarjevega značilnega sloga in družbeno-zgodovinskih okoliščin časa, v katerem je živel, nudi ta primer možnost bogate in poglobljene jezikoslovne analize v to, kakšno vlogo imajo same stilistične odločitve pri naslavljanju družbene kritike.
Ars & Humanitas
Given the rise in far-right and populist rhetoric in Europe, particularly in light of the 2015 re... more Given the rise in far-right and populist rhetoric in Europe, particularly in light of the 2015 refugee crisis and the racist and xenophobic responses to it, this paper provides a multimodal analysis of the campaign slogans and posters of Slovenian political parties that gained parliamentary seats during the 2018 parliamentary elections that were, alongside focusing on issues pertaining to the Slovenian political landscape, heavily infused with concerns and potential solutions on how to tackle the challenges currently faced by Europe. The aim is to examine the linguistic and visual tools used by parties across the political spectrum, and to find out if the use of certain elements is characteristic of a determined political orientation. A brief outline of Slovenian party dynamics and the conditions that have contributed to them is followed by an analysis of the parties’ political campaigns. Using the tools of political discourse analysis, the first part is centred around parties’ choi...
Ars & Humanitas: L. 14 Št. 1 (2020): Prepričevalna moč sodobnega političnega in medijskega diskurza, 2020
Given the rise of far-right and populist rhetoric in Europe, particularly in light of the 2015 re... more Given the rise of far-right and populist rhetoric in Europe, particularly in light of the 2015 refugee crisis and the racist and xenophobic responses to it, this paper provides a multimodal analysis of the campaign slogans and posters of Slovenian political parties that gained parliamentary seats during the 2018 parliamentary elections that were, alongside focusing on issues pertaining to the Slovenian political landscape, heavily infused with concerns and potential solutions on how to tackle the challenges currently faced by Europe. The aim is to examine the linguistic and visual tools used by parties across different ends of the political spectrum and indeed if the use of certain elements is characteristic of a determined political orientation. A brief outline of Slovenian party dynamics and the conditions that have contributed to them is followed by an analysis of parties' political campaigns. Using the tools of political discourse analysis, the first part is centered around parties' choice of syntax and lexis in their political slogans, as well as the imagery on their posters, whereas the second portion is devoted to a linguistic analysis of how parties frame and address five key common issues in their political programs: pensions, corruption, finance, healthcare and safety. Their stances and how these differ or coincide based on their place on the political spectrum are exemplified by short excerpts from the programs.
Цанкар и(н) ми : зборник радова са Међународне студентске конференције одржане на Филолошком факултету Универзитета у Београду, Србија, 8. и 9. 12. 2018., 2019
V pričujočem članku raziskujem slog pisatelja Ivana Cankarja, natančneje sintakso znotraj njegovi... more V pričujočem članku raziskujem slog pisatelja Ivana Cankarja, natančneje sintakso znotraj njegovih političnih spisov in družbenokritičnih besedil. Pri analizi segmentov iz besedil uporabljam raziskovalno metodo kritične stilistike, ki povezuje stilistiko in kritično proučevanje ideologij v jeziku. Zaradi Cankarjevega značilnega sloga in družbeno-zgodovinskih okoliščin časa, v katerem je živel, nudi ta primer možnost bogate in poglobljene jezikoslovne analize v to, kakšno vlogo imajo same stilistične odločitve pri naslavljanju družbene kritike.
Thesis Chapters by Maiken Kores
Diplomska naloga preko kritične analize diskurza preučuje sodoben medijski in politični diskurz v... more Diplomska naloga preko kritične analize diskurza preučuje sodoben medijski in politični diskurz v Veliki Britaniji in Franciji v povezavi s tremi nedavnimi dogodki. Naloga sestoji iz predstavitve raziskovalne drže in razmerij moči v obdobju kolonializma ter subalternih študij, ki so se razvila kot odziv nanje. Hipoteza predvideva, da se posledice interpelacija iz časov kolonializma še čutijo v postkolonialni dobi in da Zahod še vedno karakterizira prebivalce globalnega Vzhoda/Juga kot Druge. Analiza naključno izbranih besedil iz britanskega in francoskega okolja je to hipotezo, kar se tiče teh konkretnih primerov, potrdila, vendar so zaradi obsega in kompleksnosti problematike posamezne analize zasnovane kot uvod v širšo in bolj poglobljeno študijo. /// This thesis uses Critical Discourse Analysis to examine contemporary media and political discourse in the UK and France related to three recent events. The seminar paper consists of an outline of the analytic approach, power relations in colonial times, and of the subaltern studies group that was formed as a reaction of these power imbalances. The hypothesis assumes that the consequences of colonial-era interpellation are still felt in postcolonial times and that the West continues to characterise individuals from the global East/South as Others. An analysis of randomly selected text from the British and French environments has confirmed this hypothesis, at any rate in regard to these concrete examples. However, due to the extent and complexity of these issues, the analysis is meant to lay the groundwork for a subsequent, more in-depth study.
Drafts by Maiken Kores
The following paper presents the idea of implementing the underscore as a new element in the gram... more The following paper presents the idea of implementing the underscore as a new element in the grammar of the Slovene language that would serve as an alternative to the hitherto used slash. Its function would be to express gender pluralism, thus opening a space for the visibility of non-binary and other gender identities. In my thesis, I draw upon Pierre Bourdieu's sociological theory, which includes the theory on symbolic capital that dominant social groups utilise to reproduce and maintain their symbolic power. Furthermore, I highlight how it is possible, through a consciousness of heteronormative practices, to deconstruct discriminatory social practices, and make language–even a gendered language like Slovene–more inclusive. The research on the actual use of the underscore was conducted via a corpus based on texts from pages that are known to regularly implement it.
Words, Music and Propaganda, 2024
In the United States, following the sexual revolution and the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, the so-ca... more In the United States, following the sexual revolution and the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, the so-called purity movement has, with the backing of the U.S. federal government, grown to become a multi-million-dollar industry. Since 1993, funds allocated to numerous religious and faith-based community organizations have increasingly promoted an abstinence-only sex education, prompting many youths to sign virginity pledges and promise to abstain from
sexual intercourse until marriage. One of the ways religious leaders succeeded in making the topic of abstinence more approachable to younger generations is through music. Employing the methods of critical discourse analysis, the following paper proposes an examination of the evangelical purity movement, its values and their long-lasting impact on women, as well as its use of mass media, music and other tools for the spread of propaganda.
Words, Music and Gender, 2020
This chapter will provide a linguistic analysis of the representation of women in the lyrics of t... more This chapter will provide a linguistic analysis of the representation of women in the lyrics of the 1980s glam metal band, Mötley Crüe. An analysis of the band's discography gives insight into the roles and characteristics typically accorded to women, shedding light on their perceived role during this time in music history. The way in which male glam metal bands expressed and performed gender could best be described as controversial, even oxymoronic. The machismo and misogyny expressed in most glam bands' lyrics contrast heavily with the performers' feminine appearance and vocals. It has been argued that by appropriating traditionally feminine characteristics, male glam metal bands prove that gender is something that is performed, thus liberating women by subverting traditional norms on gender appearance and behaviour (Sollee 2011; Simon 2014, 59). On the other hand, the intense sexism and misogyny of many glam lyrics, and the actions of artists on and off stage, can be interpreted as precisely the opposite. By appropriating through performance what is socially perceived as feminine behaviours and attributes, while simultaneously behaving in a traditionally macho way, male glam rock artists ended up by occupying all possible roles in the genre, leaving little or no space available for women on the stage and in the music itself.
Diplomska naloga preko kritične analize diskurza preučuje sodoben medijski in politični diskurz v... more Diplomska naloga preko kritične analize diskurza preučuje sodoben medijski in politični diskurz v Veliki Britaniji in Franciji v povezavi s tremi nedavnimi dogodki. Naloga sestoji iz predstavitve raziskovalne drže in razmerij moči v obdobju kolonializma ter subalternih študij, ki so se razvila kot odziv nanje. Hipoteza predvideva, da se posledice interpelacija iz časov kolonializma še čutijo v postkolonialni dobi in da Zahod še vedno karakterizira prebivalce globalnega Vzhoda/Juga kot Druge. Analiza naključno izbranih besedil iz britanskega in francoskega okolja je to hipotezo, kar se tiče teh konkretnih primerov, potrdila, vendar so zaradi obsega in kompleksnosti problematike posamezne analize zasnovane kot uvod v širšo in bolj poglobljeno študijo. /// This thesis uses Critical Discourse Analysis to examine contemporary media and political discourse in the UK and France related to three recent events. The seminar paper consists of an outline of the analytic approach, power relations in colonial times, and of the subaltern studies group that was formed as a reaction of these power imbalances. The hypothesis assumes that the consequences of colonial-era interpellation are still felt in postcolonial times and that the West continues to characterise individuals from the global East/South as Others. An analysis of randomly selected text from the British and French environments has confirmed this hypothesis, at any rate in regard to these concrete examples. However, due to the extent and complexity of these issues, the analysis is meant to lay the groundwork for a subsequent, more in-depth study.
V pričujočem članku raziskujem slog pisatelja Ivana Cankarja, natančneje sintakso znotraj njegovi... more V pričujočem članku raziskujem slog pisatelja Ivana Cankarja, natančneje sintakso znotraj njegovih političnih spisov in družbenokritičnih besedil. Pri analizi segmentov iz besedil uporabljam raziskovalno metodo kritične stilistike, ki povezuje stilistiko in kritično proučevanje ideologij v jeziku. Zaradi Cankarjevega značilnega sloga in družbeno-zgodovinskih okoliščin časa, v katerem je živel, nudi ta primer možnost bogate in poglobljene jezikoslovne analize v to, kakšno vlogo imajo same stilistične odločitve pri naslavljanju družbene kritike.
Ars & Humanitas
Given the rise in far-right and populist rhetoric in Europe, particularly in light of the 2015 re... more Given the rise in far-right and populist rhetoric in Europe, particularly in light of the 2015 refugee crisis and the racist and xenophobic responses to it, this paper provides a multimodal analysis of the campaign slogans and posters of Slovenian political parties that gained parliamentary seats during the 2018 parliamentary elections that were, alongside focusing on issues pertaining to the Slovenian political landscape, heavily infused with concerns and potential solutions on how to tackle the challenges currently faced by Europe. The aim is to examine the linguistic and visual tools used by parties across the political spectrum, and to find out if the use of certain elements is characteristic of a determined political orientation. A brief outline of Slovenian party dynamics and the conditions that have contributed to them is followed by an analysis of the parties’ political campaigns. Using the tools of political discourse analysis, the first part is centred around parties’ choi...
Ars & Humanitas: L. 14 Št. 1 (2020): Prepričevalna moč sodobnega političnega in medijskega diskurza, 2020
Given the rise of far-right and populist rhetoric in Europe, particularly in light of the 2015 re... more Given the rise of far-right and populist rhetoric in Europe, particularly in light of the 2015 refugee crisis and the racist and xenophobic responses to it, this paper provides a multimodal analysis of the campaign slogans and posters of Slovenian political parties that gained parliamentary seats during the 2018 parliamentary elections that were, alongside focusing on issues pertaining to the Slovenian political landscape, heavily infused with concerns and potential solutions on how to tackle the challenges currently faced by Europe. The aim is to examine the linguistic and visual tools used by parties across different ends of the political spectrum and indeed if the use of certain elements is characteristic of a determined political orientation. A brief outline of Slovenian party dynamics and the conditions that have contributed to them is followed by an analysis of parties' political campaigns. Using the tools of political discourse analysis, the first part is centered around parties' choice of syntax and lexis in their political slogans, as well as the imagery on their posters, whereas the second portion is devoted to a linguistic analysis of how parties frame and address five key common issues in their political programs: pensions, corruption, finance, healthcare and safety. Their stances and how these differ or coincide based on their place on the political spectrum are exemplified by short excerpts from the programs.
Цанкар и(н) ми : зборник радова са Међународне студентске конференције одржане на Филолошком факултету Универзитета у Београду, Србија, 8. и 9. 12. 2018., 2019
V pričujočem članku raziskujem slog pisatelja Ivana Cankarja, natančneje sintakso znotraj njegovi... more V pričujočem članku raziskujem slog pisatelja Ivana Cankarja, natančneje sintakso znotraj njegovih političnih spisov in družbenokritičnih besedil. Pri analizi segmentov iz besedil uporabljam raziskovalno metodo kritične stilistike, ki povezuje stilistiko in kritično proučevanje ideologij v jeziku. Zaradi Cankarjevega značilnega sloga in družbeno-zgodovinskih okoliščin časa, v katerem je živel, nudi ta primer možnost bogate in poglobljene jezikoslovne analize v to, kakšno vlogo imajo same stilistične odločitve pri naslavljanju družbene kritike.
Diplomska naloga preko kritične analize diskurza preučuje sodoben medijski in politični diskurz v... more Diplomska naloga preko kritične analize diskurza preučuje sodoben medijski in politični diskurz v Veliki Britaniji in Franciji v povezavi s tremi nedavnimi dogodki. Naloga sestoji iz predstavitve raziskovalne drže in razmerij moči v obdobju kolonializma ter subalternih študij, ki so se razvila kot odziv nanje. Hipoteza predvideva, da se posledice interpelacija iz časov kolonializma še čutijo v postkolonialni dobi in da Zahod še vedno karakterizira prebivalce globalnega Vzhoda/Juga kot Druge. Analiza naključno izbranih besedil iz britanskega in francoskega okolja je to hipotezo, kar se tiče teh konkretnih primerov, potrdila, vendar so zaradi obsega in kompleksnosti problematike posamezne analize zasnovane kot uvod v širšo in bolj poglobljeno študijo. /// This thesis uses Critical Discourse Analysis to examine contemporary media and political discourse in the UK and France related to three recent events. The seminar paper consists of an outline of the analytic approach, power relations in colonial times, and of the subaltern studies group that was formed as a reaction of these power imbalances. The hypothesis assumes that the consequences of colonial-era interpellation are still felt in postcolonial times and that the West continues to characterise individuals from the global East/South as Others. An analysis of randomly selected text from the British and French environments has confirmed this hypothesis, at any rate in regard to these concrete examples. However, due to the extent and complexity of these issues, the analysis is meant to lay the groundwork for a subsequent, more in-depth study.
The following paper presents the idea of implementing the underscore as a new element in the gram... more The following paper presents the idea of implementing the underscore as a new element in the grammar of the Slovene language that would serve as an alternative to the hitherto used slash. Its function would be to express gender pluralism, thus opening a space for the visibility of non-binary and other gender identities. In my thesis, I draw upon Pierre Bourdieu's sociological theory, which includes the theory on symbolic capital that dominant social groups utilise to reproduce and maintain their symbolic power. Furthermore, I highlight how it is possible, through a consciousness of heteronormative practices, to deconstruct discriminatory social practices, and make language–even a gendered language like Slovene–more inclusive. The research on the actual use of the underscore was conducted via a corpus based on texts from pages that are known to regularly implement it.