Christine G. Krüger | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (original) (raw)

Books by Christine G. Krüger

Research paper thumbnail of „Die Scylla und Charybdis der socialen Frage“. Urbane Sicherheitsentwürfe in Hamburg und London, 1880-1900

The book questions the popular thesis that the social reforms of the late 19th century were fuell... more The book questions the popular thesis that the social reforms of the late 19th century were fuelled by the fear of revolutionary upheaval. Growing social tensions, which often enough led to violent confrontations, threatened the need for security in urban centres. The urban authorities often reacted with demands for repressive measures rather than with proposals for inclusive social reforms. Although security is a central political concern, its various conceptual designs for the major urban centres of the 19th century have hardly been systematically studied in detail so far. The study is a comparison of the two major port strikes in London in 1889 and Hamburg in 1896/97 to examine urban security designs for the first time, questioning the often drastic reactions and correcting the apparent unambiguity of old basic assumptions.

Research paper thumbnail of Freiwilligenarbeit und gemeinnützige Organisationen im Wandel. Historische Zeitschrift. Beiheft, N.F., Nr. 76

Freiwilliges Engagement ist in aller Munde, doch die in Politik und Medien gängigen Vorstellungen... more Freiwilliges Engagement ist in aller Munde, doch die in Politik und Medien gängigen Vorstellungen zu Funktion und Wirkungsweise freiwilliger Arbeit übersehen zumeist deren Wandelbarkeit, sodass die Geschichtsforschung ein wichtiges Korrektiv zu liefern hat.
Anders als die englischsprachige hat sich die deutschsprachige Historiographie zur Freiwilligenarbeit noch nicht als eigenes Feld etabliert und es fehlt bislang eine systematische Debatte. Um eine solche anzuregen, bringt das Beiheft aktuelle Studien zum Thema zusammen. Es schlägt dafür eine Brücke zwischen der angelsächsischen Voluntary Action History einerseits und den neueren Forschungen zur Freiwilligenarbeit und zum gemeinnützigen Sektor in Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern andererseits. Die Beiträge demonstrieren die fruchtbare Spannbreite unterschiedlicher Herangehensweisen an das Thema und diskutieren verschiedene konzeptionelle Ansätze. Ein besonderes Augenmerk gilt dem Bedeutungswandel freiwilligen Engagements, seinem Verhältnis zu Staat und Markt sowie seiner transnationalen Dimension.
Der Band wirft damit neues Licht auf für das Verständnis freiwilligen Engagements zentrale Fragen, deren Debatte nicht nur der Geschichtswissenschaft zugutekommt.

Research paper thumbnail of Dienstethos, Abenteuerlust, Bürgerpflicht. Jugendfreiwilligendienste in Deutschland und Großbritannien im 20. Jahrhundert (Habilitationsschrift), erscheint: Göttingen 2016 (Kritische Studien für Geschichtswissenschaft)

Research paper thumbnail of Christine G. Krüger/Sonja Levsen (eds): War Volunteering in Modern Times, From the French Revolution to the Second World War, Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

Why do individuals voluntarily fight in wars? Volunteering is a characteristic phenomenon of mode... more Why do individuals voluntarily fight in wars? Volunteering is a characteristic phenomenon of modern wars, yet has surprisingly never been approached by historians, sociologists or political scientists in a comprehensive way. This book therefore fills an important gap in the historiography of war and society in modern times by tackling the motivations, social backgrounds, military uses and experiences of war volunteers in the wars between the early nineteenth century and today. By using a comparative perspective, the book provides an important basis for the interpretation of volunteer movements and significantly furthers our understanding of the relationship between war and society in modern times.

Research paper thumbnail of “Sind wir denn nicht Brüder?” - Deutsche Juden im nationalen Krieg, 1870/71, Paderborn: Schöningh, 2006.

The Franco-German War of 1870/71 led Germany to unification. The decisions on how the newborn nat... more The Franco-German War of 1870/71 led Germany to unification. The decisions on how the newborn nation was going to define itself were crucial for the social and legal status, that the Jews should hold in it. The German Jewry placed vast hopes in the unification. They expected to be finally recognized as equal citizens. Unity, Right and Freedom – the goals of war, put forward over and over again by the German public, could equally be read as the aims that the Jews hoped to achieve in the future German Empire. Moreover, the war seemed to be an opportunity to refute one of the chief arguments voiced by opponents of emancipation. Those adversaries of emancipation called into question that the Jews, waiting for their return to Palestine, would regard Germany as their fatherland. Thus – they concluded – as there could be no trust in the willingness of the Jews to fulfil their civic duties, and especially to defend Germany in case of war, civic rights could not be given to them either.
Unanimously, the German Jews – orthodox and reformists alike – favoured the Jewish participation of the war. Numerous Jews enthusiastically contributed to patriotic mani¬fes¬tations of all kinds. But the profession of patriotism led to a conflict: Fighting against France, they had to fight against the first nation which had emancipated the Jews and the example of which served to underline most of the German Jews were claiming for in Germany. Thus, the French Jews, but also those of other countries, blamed their German co-religionists to do harm to their own goals. These reproaches were intensified when, with the plan of the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine, the war ceased to be a merely defensive one. The Alsatian Jews, i.e. over the half of the French Jewry, feared that their social and legal status would worsen. Many of them emigrated to France or to the United States. Until the Franco-German War, German and French Jews had fostered a good relationship, that now was highly strained. Both sides deplored this, as international solidarity in Diaspora was a vital part of the Jewish identity.
Jewish authors were not always successful in bringing into accord their patriotic enthusiasm with their recognition of the merits that France had gained in the process of emancipation. Often they joined in the rhetoric of the general public. But nevertheless, Jewish commentators frequently named the dangers of war and nationalism more clearly than their compatriots. It is characteristic how often and how unanimously orthodox and reformers alike tried to put forward their own opinion in opposition to the prevalent discourse, and how often they propagated either a German-Jewish, a Jewish, or a cosmopolitan mission for peace and freedom.
Major sources are Jewish newspapers, rabbinical sermons and private correspondence of Jewish soldiers.

Research paper thumbnail of Christine G. Krüger/Martin Lindner (eds): Nationalismus und Antikenrezeption, Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag, 2009.

Papers by Christine G. Krüger

Research paper thumbnail of War Volunteering in Modern Times

Research paper thumbnail of Zwischen Gefährdung und Gefährlichkeit. Wechselbeziehungen sicherheitsbezogener Zugehörigkeitsbestimmungen und Verantwortungshierarchien in den 1970er Jahren

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG eBooks, 2022

Der vorliegende Band geht aus einem zweitägigen Workshop hervor, der im Februar 2021 an der Justu... more Der vorliegende Band geht aus einem zweitägigen Workshop hervor, der im Februar 2021 an der Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen stattfand, aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie allerdings im digitalen Raum abgehalten werden musste. Veranstalter war der seit 2014 von der DFG geförderte interdisziplinäre Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 138 "Dynamiken der Sicherheit. Formen der Versicherheitlichung in historischer Perspektive" und innerhalb dessen die Konzeptgruppe "Differenz und Intersektionalität". Die in der zweiten Förderphase (2018-2021) eingesetzte und von der Kunsthistorikerin Sigrid Ruby geleitete Konzeptgruppe hatte sich in eine dezidiert kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Critical Security Studies begeben. Die Kritik speiste sich aus Unzufriedenheit mit den theoretischkonzeptuellen Angeboten der Forschung und dem in der Gruppe verbreiteten Bedürfnis, sowohl von den historischen Sicherheitsinteressen "der Anderen" zu erfahren als auch dem emanzipativen Potenzial sozialer wie personaler Unsicherheit nachzuspüren. Aus der gemeinsamen Arbeit entstand das Konzept des internationalen Workshops "Sicherheit und Differenz in historischer Perspektive"/"Security and Difference in Historical Perspective". Neben den Autorinnen und Autoren der hier versammelten Beiträge haben zum Erfolg unseres Workshops und damit auch dieses Buches beigetragen: Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg,

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Hopes and Disappointments: German and French Jews during the Wars of 1870/71 and 1914–18

Beyond Inclusion and Exclusion

Research paper thumbnail of Zwischen Gefährdung und Gefährlichkeit. Wechselbeziehungen sicherheitsbezogener Zugehörigkeitsbestimmungen und Verantwortungshierarchien in den 1970er Jahren

Krause, Anja/Ruby, Sigrid (Hrsg.): Sicherheit und Differenz in historischer Perspektive - Security and Difference in Historical Perspective, 2022

Focussing the example of the squatter movement and the construction of large housing estates in t... more Focussing the example of the squatter movement and the construction of large housing estates in the 1970s, the article examines the interplay of the two pairs of difference categories 'endangered'/'dangerous' and 'in need of protection'/'entrusted with protection tasks'. Both are constitutive in different ways for the construction of group identities: While the distinction between dangerous and non-dangerous often represents a determinant of belonging, the distribution of security responsibilities reflected in the second pair of difference categories regulates hierarchies within a collective. Both pairs of difference categories are closely related to each other and can easily merge into each other, and both usually overlap at the same time with differently determined categories of difference derived from social origin, age and gender, for example. This explains why, for example, the London family squatters, who tried to present themselves in the public media as needing protection, were nevertheless perceived by many contemporaries as dangerous dropouts, or why only a small step was missing to turn the endangered children of large housing estates into dangerous teenagers in the public perception.

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Scientist as Security Actor

Journal of Modern European History, 2022

Recent historiography has been more positive about the Wilhelmine German Empire, which long had a... more Recent historiography has been more positive about the Wilhelmine German Empire, which long had a poor reputation. This might be partly due to the trend towards transnational history with a specific focus on transfer and exchange. This article argues that from such a perspective we may easily overshoot the mark. Focusing on a comparative study of Hamburg and London, it analyses a classic topic of transnational history – the field of science and social reform. However, by approaching it in the context of a history of security, the article provides a valuable corrective in the debate on the German Empire. It thereby also opens a new path for the history of security. Although security and knowledge are closely interrelated, this relationship has been rather neglected in the historiography. It is argued here that security concerns related to social unrest were a major factor that gave rise to the emergence of the social sciences at the turn of the twentieth century. Social reformers and social scientists believed that supposedly neutral scientific knowledge was a prerequisite for resolving social conflicts. However, public acceptance of their expert status in security matters was far from self-evident. While they met fierce opposition in Hamburg, liberal and democratic traditions facilitated its acceptance in London.

Research paper thumbnail of The Changing Nature of Participation and Solidarity: Voluntary Action, Volunteering, and NGOs in Contemporary History

While the history of voluntary action and charities has long been an established field in Britain... more While the history of voluntary action and charities has long been an established field in Britain, little attention to volunteering has been paid so far by German historians. To analyse these differences and to discuss the changing nature of voluntary action since the mid20th century and the changing interaction of volunteering and the welfare state, Nicole Kramer (Frankfurt am Main) and Christine G. Krüger (Gießen) brought together scholars from English and German speaking countries for a critical inventory of approaches to voluntary action history. See workshop announcement: The Changing Nature of Participation and Solidarity: Voluntary Action, Volunteering, and NGOs in Contemporary History, 10.09.2015 – 11.09.2015 Frankfurt am Main, in: H-SozKult, 28.08.2015, .

Research paper thumbnail of Are We Not Brothers?" German Jews in the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871

The Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook, 2005

RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. ...

Research paper thumbnail of “A question of power and war:” Social Conflict in Hamburg and London in the Late Nineteenth Century

Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization, 2019

It is stating the obvious if one stresses the intimate relationship between questions of security... more It is stating the obvious if one stresses the intimate relationship between questions of security and those of power. The problem becomes more interesting, however, if one contrasts different conceptions of both power and security and their implications for empirical analysis. This is what this article tries to do, taking the reactions to social unrest in Hamburg and London at the end of the nineteenth century as the empirical example and the conceptual work of the Copenhagen School of security studies and the theoretical offerings of governmentality studies in a Foucauldian tradition as analytical tools. 2 For London, we will concentrate particularly on three events: the West End Riots in February 1886, "Bloody Sunday" in November 1887 and the dock labourers' strike in summer 1889, and for Hamburg on the riots of May 1890 and the dock workers' strike of 1896/97. 3 And since comparing two cases and two theoretical approaches at the same time is bound to confuse the reader, the main part of the article will demonstrate the usefulness of the terms 'securitization' and 'desecuritization' 4 for understanding our two metropolitan stories, while the comparative reflection of the tradition of governmentality studies will be reserved for a much briefer epilogue.

Research paper thumbnail of Der heilige Pakt, der unsere Kraft und unser Stolz... : Selbstpositionierungen deutscher und französischer Juden im Spannungsfeld von jüdischer Solidarität und Patriotismus, 1870/71

Research paper thumbnail of Dienstethos, Abenteuerlust, Bürgerpflicht

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Crisis O Repunte Del Voluntariado Social? Gran Bretaña y Alemania Occidental en La Década De Los Setenta Del Siglo XX

Historia, 2020

El estudio de los programas de servicios voluntarios para jovenes alemanes y britanicos ofrece ev... more El estudio de los programas de servicios voluntarios para jovenes alemanes y britanicos ofrece evidencia sobre la historia de la accion voluntaria en una perspectiva comparada. En ambos paises, el objetivo inicial de los programas de servicio voluntario juvenil en la decada de 1950 era detener el cambio de valores de una “sociedad adinerada”. Los conservadores de Alemania Occidental, alarmados por el aumento del empleo femenino, concibieron el servicio voluntario como una “escuela para el matrimonio”. En contraste, los programas britanicos se enfocaron en los varones. El decenio de los sesenta y el inicio de los setenta se convirtieron en un periodo de cambio fundamental para el voluntariado. Por un lado, los partidarios de la Nueva Izquierda criticaron duramente los servicios voluntarios como una forma de paternalismo, y por otro, establecieron una mayor participacion de los ciudadanos como una de sus principales demandas. En consecuencia, en ambos paises, el servicio voluntario ju...

Research paper thumbnail of War volunteering in modern times : from the French Revolution to the Second World War

Introduction: Volunteers, War and the Nation since the French Revolution C.G.Kruger & S.Levsen Vo... more Introduction: Volunteers, War and the Nation since the French Revolution C.G.Kruger & S.Levsen Volunteers of the French Revolutionary Wars: Myths and Reinterpretations T.Hippler For the Fatherland? The Motivations of Austrian and Prussian Volunteers during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars L.S.James '... so that people talk about Poland out loud again in the world today!' (Adam Mickiewicz, Pan Tadeusz): Polish Volunteers in the Napoleonic Wars R.Leiserowitz Fag an Bealeagh: Irish Volunteers in the American Civil War M.Hochgeschwender 'A Race that is Thus Willing to Die for its Country': African-American Volunteers in the Spanish-American War 1898 M.Speidel British and Imperial Volunteers in the South African War S.M.Miller Welcome but not that Welcome: the Relations between Foreign Volunteers and the Boers in the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902 F.Pretorius Heroes or Citizens? The 1916 Debate on Harvard Volunteers in the 'European War' A.Jansen Voluntary Enlis...

Research paper thumbnail of Hannah Ahlheim, „Deutsche, kauft nicht bei Juden!“ Antisemitismus und politischer Boykott in Deutschland 1924 bis 1935. Göttingen, Wallstein 2011 Ahlheim Hannah „Deutsche, kauft nicht bei Juden!“ Antisemitismus und politischer Boykott in Deutschland 1924 bis 1935. 2011 Wallstein Göttingen € 39,90

Historische Zeitschrift, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Tim Grady, The German-Jewish Soldiers of the First World War in History and Memory

European History Quarterly, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of „Die Scylla und Charybdis der socialen Frage“. Urbane Sicherheitsentwürfe in Hamburg und London, 1880-1900

The book questions the popular thesis that the social reforms of the late 19th century were fuell... more The book questions the popular thesis that the social reforms of the late 19th century were fuelled by the fear of revolutionary upheaval. Growing social tensions, which often enough led to violent confrontations, threatened the need for security in urban centres. The urban authorities often reacted with demands for repressive measures rather than with proposals for inclusive social reforms. Although security is a central political concern, its various conceptual designs for the major urban centres of the 19th century have hardly been systematically studied in detail so far. The study is a comparison of the two major port strikes in London in 1889 and Hamburg in 1896/97 to examine urban security designs for the first time, questioning the often drastic reactions and correcting the apparent unambiguity of old basic assumptions.

Research paper thumbnail of Freiwilligenarbeit und gemeinnützige Organisationen im Wandel. Historische Zeitschrift. Beiheft, N.F., Nr. 76

Freiwilliges Engagement ist in aller Munde, doch die in Politik und Medien gängigen Vorstellungen... more Freiwilliges Engagement ist in aller Munde, doch die in Politik und Medien gängigen Vorstellungen zu Funktion und Wirkungsweise freiwilliger Arbeit übersehen zumeist deren Wandelbarkeit, sodass die Geschichtsforschung ein wichtiges Korrektiv zu liefern hat.
Anders als die englischsprachige hat sich die deutschsprachige Historiographie zur Freiwilligenarbeit noch nicht als eigenes Feld etabliert und es fehlt bislang eine systematische Debatte. Um eine solche anzuregen, bringt das Beiheft aktuelle Studien zum Thema zusammen. Es schlägt dafür eine Brücke zwischen der angelsächsischen Voluntary Action History einerseits und den neueren Forschungen zur Freiwilligenarbeit und zum gemeinnützigen Sektor in Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern andererseits. Die Beiträge demonstrieren die fruchtbare Spannbreite unterschiedlicher Herangehensweisen an das Thema und diskutieren verschiedene konzeptionelle Ansätze. Ein besonderes Augenmerk gilt dem Bedeutungswandel freiwilligen Engagements, seinem Verhältnis zu Staat und Markt sowie seiner transnationalen Dimension.
Der Band wirft damit neues Licht auf für das Verständnis freiwilligen Engagements zentrale Fragen, deren Debatte nicht nur der Geschichtswissenschaft zugutekommt.

Research paper thumbnail of Dienstethos, Abenteuerlust, Bürgerpflicht. Jugendfreiwilligendienste in Deutschland und Großbritannien im 20. Jahrhundert (Habilitationsschrift), erscheint: Göttingen 2016 (Kritische Studien für Geschichtswissenschaft)

Research paper thumbnail of Christine G. Krüger/Sonja Levsen (eds): War Volunteering in Modern Times, From the French Revolution to the Second World War, Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

Why do individuals voluntarily fight in wars? Volunteering is a characteristic phenomenon of mode... more Why do individuals voluntarily fight in wars? Volunteering is a characteristic phenomenon of modern wars, yet has surprisingly never been approached by historians, sociologists or political scientists in a comprehensive way. This book therefore fills an important gap in the historiography of war and society in modern times by tackling the motivations, social backgrounds, military uses and experiences of war volunteers in the wars between the early nineteenth century and today. By using a comparative perspective, the book provides an important basis for the interpretation of volunteer movements and significantly furthers our understanding of the relationship between war and society in modern times.

Research paper thumbnail of “Sind wir denn nicht Brüder?” - Deutsche Juden im nationalen Krieg, 1870/71, Paderborn: Schöningh, 2006.

The Franco-German War of 1870/71 led Germany to unification. The decisions on how the newborn nat... more The Franco-German War of 1870/71 led Germany to unification. The decisions on how the newborn nation was going to define itself were crucial for the social and legal status, that the Jews should hold in it. The German Jewry placed vast hopes in the unification. They expected to be finally recognized as equal citizens. Unity, Right and Freedom – the goals of war, put forward over and over again by the German public, could equally be read as the aims that the Jews hoped to achieve in the future German Empire. Moreover, the war seemed to be an opportunity to refute one of the chief arguments voiced by opponents of emancipation. Those adversaries of emancipation called into question that the Jews, waiting for their return to Palestine, would regard Germany as their fatherland. Thus – they concluded – as there could be no trust in the willingness of the Jews to fulfil their civic duties, and especially to defend Germany in case of war, civic rights could not be given to them either.
Unanimously, the German Jews – orthodox and reformists alike – favoured the Jewish participation of the war. Numerous Jews enthusiastically contributed to patriotic mani¬fes¬tations of all kinds. But the profession of patriotism led to a conflict: Fighting against France, they had to fight against the first nation which had emancipated the Jews and the example of which served to underline most of the German Jews were claiming for in Germany. Thus, the French Jews, but also those of other countries, blamed their German co-religionists to do harm to their own goals. These reproaches were intensified when, with the plan of the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine, the war ceased to be a merely defensive one. The Alsatian Jews, i.e. over the half of the French Jewry, feared that their social and legal status would worsen. Many of them emigrated to France or to the United States. Until the Franco-German War, German and French Jews had fostered a good relationship, that now was highly strained. Both sides deplored this, as international solidarity in Diaspora was a vital part of the Jewish identity.
Jewish authors were not always successful in bringing into accord their patriotic enthusiasm with their recognition of the merits that France had gained in the process of emancipation. Often they joined in the rhetoric of the general public. But nevertheless, Jewish commentators frequently named the dangers of war and nationalism more clearly than their compatriots. It is characteristic how often and how unanimously orthodox and reformers alike tried to put forward their own opinion in opposition to the prevalent discourse, and how often they propagated either a German-Jewish, a Jewish, or a cosmopolitan mission for peace and freedom.
Major sources are Jewish newspapers, rabbinical sermons and private correspondence of Jewish soldiers.

Research paper thumbnail of Christine G. Krüger/Martin Lindner (eds): Nationalismus und Antikenrezeption, Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag, 2009.

Research paper thumbnail of War Volunteering in Modern Times

Research paper thumbnail of Zwischen Gefährdung und Gefährlichkeit. Wechselbeziehungen sicherheitsbezogener Zugehörigkeitsbestimmungen und Verantwortungshierarchien in den 1970er Jahren

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG eBooks, 2022

Der vorliegende Band geht aus einem zweitägigen Workshop hervor, der im Februar 2021 an der Justu... more Der vorliegende Band geht aus einem zweitägigen Workshop hervor, der im Februar 2021 an der Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen stattfand, aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie allerdings im digitalen Raum abgehalten werden musste. Veranstalter war der seit 2014 von der DFG geförderte interdisziplinäre Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 138 "Dynamiken der Sicherheit. Formen der Versicherheitlichung in historischer Perspektive" und innerhalb dessen die Konzeptgruppe "Differenz und Intersektionalität". Die in der zweiten Förderphase (2018-2021) eingesetzte und von der Kunsthistorikerin Sigrid Ruby geleitete Konzeptgruppe hatte sich in eine dezidiert kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Critical Security Studies begeben. Die Kritik speiste sich aus Unzufriedenheit mit den theoretischkonzeptuellen Angeboten der Forschung und dem in der Gruppe verbreiteten Bedürfnis, sowohl von den historischen Sicherheitsinteressen "der Anderen" zu erfahren als auch dem emanzipativen Potenzial sozialer wie personaler Unsicherheit nachzuspüren. Aus der gemeinsamen Arbeit entstand das Konzept des internationalen Workshops "Sicherheit und Differenz in historischer Perspektive"/"Security and Difference in Historical Perspective". Neben den Autorinnen und Autoren der hier versammelten Beiträge haben zum Erfolg unseres Workshops und damit auch dieses Buches beigetragen: Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg,

Research paper thumbnail of 1 Hopes and Disappointments: German and French Jews during the Wars of 1870/71 and 1914–18

Beyond Inclusion and Exclusion

Research paper thumbnail of Zwischen Gefährdung und Gefährlichkeit. Wechselbeziehungen sicherheitsbezogener Zugehörigkeitsbestimmungen und Verantwortungshierarchien in den 1970er Jahren

Krause, Anja/Ruby, Sigrid (Hrsg.): Sicherheit und Differenz in historischer Perspektive - Security and Difference in Historical Perspective, 2022

Focussing the example of the squatter movement and the construction of large housing estates in t... more Focussing the example of the squatter movement and the construction of large housing estates in the 1970s, the article examines the interplay of the two pairs of difference categories 'endangered'/'dangerous' and 'in need of protection'/'entrusted with protection tasks'. Both are constitutive in different ways for the construction of group identities: While the distinction between dangerous and non-dangerous often represents a determinant of belonging, the distribution of security responsibilities reflected in the second pair of difference categories regulates hierarchies within a collective. Both pairs of difference categories are closely related to each other and can easily merge into each other, and both usually overlap at the same time with differently determined categories of difference derived from social origin, age and gender, for example. This explains why, for example, the London family squatters, who tried to present themselves in the public media as needing protection, were nevertheless perceived by many contemporaries as dangerous dropouts, or why only a small step was missing to turn the endangered children of large housing estates into dangerous teenagers in the public perception.

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Scientist as Security Actor

Journal of Modern European History, 2022

Recent historiography has been more positive about the Wilhelmine German Empire, which long had a... more Recent historiography has been more positive about the Wilhelmine German Empire, which long had a poor reputation. This might be partly due to the trend towards transnational history with a specific focus on transfer and exchange. This article argues that from such a perspective we may easily overshoot the mark. Focusing on a comparative study of Hamburg and London, it analyses a classic topic of transnational history – the field of science and social reform. However, by approaching it in the context of a history of security, the article provides a valuable corrective in the debate on the German Empire. It thereby also opens a new path for the history of security. Although security and knowledge are closely interrelated, this relationship has been rather neglected in the historiography. It is argued here that security concerns related to social unrest were a major factor that gave rise to the emergence of the social sciences at the turn of the twentieth century. Social reformers and social scientists believed that supposedly neutral scientific knowledge was a prerequisite for resolving social conflicts. However, public acceptance of their expert status in security matters was far from self-evident. While they met fierce opposition in Hamburg, liberal and democratic traditions facilitated its acceptance in London.

Research paper thumbnail of The Changing Nature of Participation and Solidarity: Voluntary Action, Volunteering, and NGOs in Contemporary History

While the history of voluntary action and charities has long been an established field in Britain... more While the history of voluntary action and charities has long been an established field in Britain, little attention to volunteering has been paid so far by German historians. To analyse these differences and to discuss the changing nature of voluntary action since the mid20th century and the changing interaction of volunteering and the welfare state, Nicole Kramer (Frankfurt am Main) and Christine G. Krüger (Gießen) brought together scholars from English and German speaking countries for a critical inventory of approaches to voluntary action history. See workshop announcement: The Changing Nature of Participation and Solidarity: Voluntary Action, Volunteering, and NGOs in Contemporary History, 10.09.2015 – 11.09.2015 Frankfurt am Main, in: H-SozKult, 28.08.2015, .

Research paper thumbnail of Are We Not Brothers?" German Jews in the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871

The Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook, 2005

RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. ...

Research paper thumbnail of “A question of power and war:” Social Conflict in Hamburg and London in the Late Nineteenth Century

Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization, 2019

It is stating the obvious if one stresses the intimate relationship between questions of security... more It is stating the obvious if one stresses the intimate relationship between questions of security and those of power. The problem becomes more interesting, however, if one contrasts different conceptions of both power and security and their implications for empirical analysis. This is what this article tries to do, taking the reactions to social unrest in Hamburg and London at the end of the nineteenth century as the empirical example and the conceptual work of the Copenhagen School of security studies and the theoretical offerings of governmentality studies in a Foucauldian tradition as analytical tools. 2 For London, we will concentrate particularly on three events: the West End Riots in February 1886, "Bloody Sunday" in November 1887 and the dock labourers' strike in summer 1889, and for Hamburg on the riots of May 1890 and the dock workers' strike of 1896/97. 3 And since comparing two cases and two theoretical approaches at the same time is bound to confuse the reader, the main part of the article will demonstrate the usefulness of the terms 'securitization' and 'desecuritization' 4 for understanding our two metropolitan stories, while the comparative reflection of the tradition of governmentality studies will be reserved for a much briefer epilogue.

Research paper thumbnail of Der heilige Pakt, der unsere Kraft und unser Stolz... : Selbstpositionierungen deutscher und französischer Juden im Spannungsfeld von jüdischer Solidarität und Patriotismus, 1870/71

Research paper thumbnail of Dienstethos, Abenteuerlust, Bürgerpflicht

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Crisis O Repunte Del Voluntariado Social? Gran Bretaña y Alemania Occidental en La Década De Los Setenta Del Siglo XX

Historia, 2020

El estudio de los programas de servicios voluntarios para jovenes alemanes y britanicos ofrece ev... more El estudio de los programas de servicios voluntarios para jovenes alemanes y britanicos ofrece evidencia sobre la historia de la accion voluntaria en una perspectiva comparada. En ambos paises, el objetivo inicial de los programas de servicio voluntario juvenil en la decada de 1950 era detener el cambio de valores de una “sociedad adinerada”. Los conservadores de Alemania Occidental, alarmados por el aumento del empleo femenino, concibieron el servicio voluntario como una “escuela para el matrimonio”. En contraste, los programas britanicos se enfocaron en los varones. El decenio de los sesenta y el inicio de los setenta se convirtieron en un periodo de cambio fundamental para el voluntariado. Por un lado, los partidarios de la Nueva Izquierda criticaron duramente los servicios voluntarios como una forma de paternalismo, y por otro, establecieron una mayor participacion de los ciudadanos como una de sus principales demandas. En consecuencia, en ambos paises, el servicio voluntario ju...

Research paper thumbnail of War volunteering in modern times : from the French Revolution to the Second World War

Introduction: Volunteers, War and the Nation since the French Revolution C.G.Kruger & S.Levsen Vo... more Introduction: Volunteers, War and the Nation since the French Revolution C.G.Kruger & S.Levsen Volunteers of the French Revolutionary Wars: Myths and Reinterpretations T.Hippler For the Fatherland? The Motivations of Austrian and Prussian Volunteers during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars L.S.James '... so that people talk about Poland out loud again in the world today!' (Adam Mickiewicz, Pan Tadeusz): Polish Volunteers in the Napoleonic Wars R.Leiserowitz Fag an Bealeagh: Irish Volunteers in the American Civil War M.Hochgeschwender 'A Race that is Thus Willing to Die for its Country': African-American Volunteers in the Spanish-American War 1898 M.Speidel British and Imperial Volunteers in the South African War S.M.Miller Welcome but not that Welcome: the Relations between Foreign Volunteers and the Boers in the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902 F.Pretorius Heroes or Citizens? The 1916 Debate on Harvard Volunteers in the 'European War' A.Jansen Voluntary Enlis...

Research paper thumbnail of Hannah Ahlheim, „Deutsche, kauft nicht bei Juden!“ Antisemitismus und politischer Boykott in Deutschland 1924 bis 1935. Göttingen, Wallstein 2011 Ahlheim Hannah „Deutsche, kauft nicht bei Juden!“ Antisemitismus und politischer Boykott in Deutschland 1924 bis 1935. 2011 Wallstein Göttingen € 39,90

Historische Zeitschrift, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Tim Grady, The German-Jewish Soldiers of the First World War in History and Memory

European History Quarterly, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: The Siege of Strasbourg by Rachel Chrastil

War in History, 2016

the development of the state’ (p. 240). This book certainly adds to the richness of our understan... more the development of the state’ (p. 240). This book certainly adds to the richness of our understanding of the Tudor state and the important role that war played in the lives of Elizabethan men and women. Younger is to be congratulated on a book that is ambitious and wide-ranging, and based on an impressive amount of archival research. It makes a significant contribution to an expanding field of enquiry.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Volunteers, War, and the Nation since the French Revolution

War Volunteering in Modern Times, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Mareike König / Élise Julien, Verfeindung und Verflechtung. Deutschland und Frankreich 1870–1918. (Deutsch-Französische Geschichte, Bd. 7.) Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Karen Hagemann / Donna Harsch / Friederike Brühöfener (Eds.), Gendering Post-1945 German History. Entanglements. Oxford, Berghahn 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Frank Bajohr / Dieter Pohl (Eds.), Right-Wing Politics and the Rise of Antisemitism in Europe, 1935–1941. (European Holocaust Studies, Vol. 1.) Göttingen, Wallstein 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Susanne Wein, Antisemitismus im Reichstag. Judenfeindliche Sprache in Politik und Gesellschaft der Weimarer Republik. (Zivilisationen & Geschichte, Bd. 30.) Frankfurt am Main, Lang 2014


Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte - Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft - Rheinische Fr... more Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte - Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft - Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Research paper thumbnail of Mit Pike und Schaufel für den Frieden. Die ersten internationalen Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste im Nachkriegsdeutschland, in: Bald, Detlef/Wette, Wolfram (eds.): Friedensinitiativen in der Frühzeit des Kalten Krieges, 1945-1955, under contract, Essen, Klartext 2010, pp. 65-78.

Research paper thumbnail of In der Tradition der bürgerlichen Wohlfahrt? Freiwilligenarbeit von Jugendlichen nach 1945, in Budde, Gunilla/Conze, Eckart/Rauh, Cornelia (eds.): Bürgertum nach dem bürgerlichen Zeitalter. Leitbilder und Praxis seit 1945, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2010, pp. 53-69.

Research paper thumbnail of Arbeit – Gemeinschaft – Internationalität, Die Friedenspädagogik der Workcampbewegung, in: Kössler, Till/Schwitanski, Alexander (Hrsg.): Frieden lernen. Friedenserziehung und Gesellschaftsreform im 20. Jahrhundert, Essen 2014, S. 161-177.

Research paper thumbnail of Weibliche Dienstbarkeit und (post-)koloniale Abenteuerlust: ein deutscher und ein britischer Weg zum Ideal der „aktiven Bürgergesellschaft“, in: Levsen, Sonja/Torp, Cornelius (Hrsg.): Wo liegt die Bundesrepublik. Vergleichende Perspektiven auf die westdeutsche Geschichte, Göttingen 2016, S. 166-184.

Weibliche Dienstbarkeit und (post-)koloniale Abenteuerlust: ein deutscher und ein britischer Weg ... more Weibliche Dienstbarkeit und (post-)koloniale Abenteuerlust: ein deutscher und ein britischer Weg zum Ideal der »aktiven Bürgergesellschaft« Seit etwa einem Vierteljahrhundert ist das Ideal der »aktiven Bürgergesellschaft« oder der »active citizenship« in der deutschen wie in der britischen Öffentlichkeit zu einer gesellschaftspolitischen Leitvorstellung avanciert. Als beispielhafte Musterinstitution der hierfür angestrebten Kultur des »bürgerschaftlichen Engagements« werden immer wieder die Jugendfreiwilligendienste angeführt, an denen in beiden Ländern seit den fünfziger Jahren Hunderttausende Jugendliche teilgenommen haben. Die Intentionen, mit denen diese Dienste gegründet wurden, und die Geschichte ihres Wandels sind allerdings kaum bekannt. Hier sollen sie aus der Gender-Perspektive untersucht werden, die nationale Spezifika besonders deutlich zum Vorschein bringt. These ist, dass die Vorstellung, Freiwilligenarbeit im sozialen Sektor sei ein weibliches Feld, in der Bundesrepublik persistenter war als in Großbritannien. Wenngleich auch dort Pflegedienste seit dem 19. Jahrhundert als weibliche Aufgabe galten, herrschte bereits im beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert bei der geschlechterbezogenen Definition von sozialer Freiwilligenarbeit ein gradueller Unterschied zwischen beiden Ländern.1 Dieser verstärkte sich nach 1945 infolge des Nationalsozialismus und in der Abkehr von diesem. Darin schlagen sich teilweise allgemeine Unterschiede in den Geschlechterdefinitionen beider Länder nieder, die sich ebenfalls während und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg profilierten.

Research paper thumbnail of Einleitung

• Einleitung, in: Kramer, Nicole/Krüger, Christine G. (Hrsg.): Freiwilligenarbeit und gemeinnützige Organisationen im Wandel: Neue Perspektiven auf das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Beiheft der Historischen Zeitschrift, N.F., Nr. 76, (2019), S. 9-30, (gemeinsam mit Nicole Kramer), 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Der Wert der Freiwilligkeit

Der Wert der Freiwilligkeit, in: in: Kramer, Nicole/Krüger, Christine G. (Hrsg.): Freiwilligenarb... more Der Wert der Freiwilligkeit, in: in: Kramer, Nicole/Krüger, Christine G. (Hrsg.): Freiwilligenarbeit und gemeinnützige Organisationen im Wandel: Neue Perspektiven auf das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Beiheft der Historischen Zeitschrift, N.F., Nr. 76, (2019), S. 123-151.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘“Are We Not Brothers?” German Jews in the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871’, in Leo Baeck Institute Year Book (2005), 50, pp. 354f.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Transnationale Öffentlichkeit – nationale Feindschaft. Die deutsch-jüdische Presse und der Krieg von 1870/71’, in Lappin, Eleonore/Nagel, Michael (Hrsg.): Deutsch-jüdische Presse und jüdische Geschichte/The German-Jewish Press and Jewish History, Vol. 2: Dokumente, Darstellungen, Wechselbeziehungen/Documents, Representations, Interrelation. Religion und Politik in der europäisch-jüdischen Presse vor der Shoah - Antisemitismus, Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus, 1880-1943 - Neuorientierungen nach der Shoah/Religion and Politics in the European Jewish Press prior to the Shoah - Anti-Semitism, Fascism and National Socialism, 1880-1943 - Reorientation after the Shoah, Bremen: Edition Lumière 2008, pp. 33-45.

‘Transnationale Öffentlichkeit – nationale Feindschaft. Die deutsch-jüdische Presse und der Krieg von 1870/71’, in Lappin, Eleonore/Nagel, Michael (Hrsg.): Deutsch-jüdische Presse und jüdische Geschichte/The German-Jewish Press and Jewish History, Vol. 2: Dokumente, Darstellungen, Wechselbeziehungen/Documents, Representations, Interrelation. Religion und Politik in der europäisch-jüdischen Presse vor der Shoah - Antisemitismus, Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus, 1880-1943 - Neuorientierungen nach der Shoah/Religion and Politics in the European Jewish Press prior to the Shoah - Anti-Semitism, Fascism and National Socialism, 1880-1943 - Reorientation after the Shoah, Bremen: Edition Lumière 2008, pp. 33-45.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Treuevorstellungen deutscher und französischer Juden im Krieg von 1870/71’, in Buschmann, Nikolaus/Murr, Karl Borromäus (eds.): Treue. Politische Loyalität und militärische Gefolgschaft in der Moderne, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2008, pp. 328-347.

Research paper thumbnail of   "...ידושים בחקר תולדות יהודי גרמניה, 11 =)  "ברית המקודשת היא מקור כוחנו וגאוותנו) Jersualem 2008.

The paper compares national and religious self-definitions of French and German Jews during the w... more The paper compares national and religious self-definitions of French and German Jews during the war of 1870/71.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘“Der heilige Pakt, der unsere Kraft und unser Stolz...” Selbstpositionierungen deutscher und französischer Juden im Spannungsfeld von jüdischer Solidarität und Patriotismus, 1870/71’, in Judaica (March/June 2007), 63:1/2, pp. 76-102

Research paper thumbnail of ‘“Weil nun der Kampf der Völker die jüdischen Bruchstücke gegeneinander schleudert…” Die deutsch-jüdische Öffentlichkeit im Krieg von 1870/71’, in Geschichte und Gesellschaft (2005), 31:2, pp. 149-168.

The War of 1870-71 led Germany to unification. Hoping to finally fully integrate into German Soci... more The War of 1870-71 led Germany to unification. Hoping to finally fully integrate into German Society, German Jews unanimously backed Jewish participation in the war. However, this demonstration of patriotism caused a conflict. France, the opposition in the war, had been the first European nation to emancipate the Jews. French Jews blamed their German coreligionists for undermining their common goals. Reactions varied but in general German-Jewish leaders were more vocal than other Germans in warning of the dangers of war and nationalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Kriege und Integration – Deutsche und französische Juden im Vergleich, Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook 12 (2013), S. 173-193

Research paper thumbnail of Die Bestimmungen des Artikels 16 – Juden im Militär, in: Diekmann, Irene A. (Hrsg.): Das Emanzipationsedikt von 1812 in Preußen – Der lange Weg der Juden zu „Einländern“ und „preußischen Staatsbürgern“ (Europäisch-jüdische Studien, Beiträge Bd. 15), Berlin/Boston 2013, S. 237-254.

Research paper thumbnail of Quelle nation ? Les juifs de France et d’Allemagne dans les guerres de 1870 et de 1914-1918

Research paper thumbnail of Un adversaire ou un modèle ? La France vue par les Juifs allemands pendant la guerre de 1870/71

Archives Juives, 2018

During the Franco-German war of 1870/71, it was not easy for German Jews to justify their patriot... more During the Franco-German war of 1870/71, it was not easy for German Jews to justify their patriotic participation in the war. Fighting against France, they had to fight against the first European nation which had emancipated the Jews and the example of which served to underline most of the claims they were calling for in Germany. Thus, French Jews, but also those of other countries, blamed their German coreligionists for harming their own goals.
Some German Jewish authors stressed that emancipation had advanced a lot in Germany as well. More frequently, however, they continued to praise France’s merits for the emancipation of the Jews. Such arguments were always a tightrope walk: If German Jews paid too much tribute to France, they risked being described as friends with the enemy.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Alte neue Mythen – Nationalismus und die Legitimationskraft der Antike’, in Krüger, Christine/Lindner, Martin (eds.): Nationalismus und Antikenrezeption, Oldenburg: Bis-Verlag, 2009, pp. 7-21.

Nationalismus und Antikenrezeption

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Der Streit um das makedonische Erbe – Griechenland und Mazedonien’, in Krüger, Christine/Lindner, Martin (eds.): Nationalismus und Antikenrezeption, Oldenburg: Bis-Verlag, 2009, pp. 111-127.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Nationale Mythen von Albanien bis Wales’, in Krüger, Christine/Lindner, Martin (eds.): Nationalismus und Antikenrezeption, Oldenburg: Bis-Verlag, 2009, pp. 159-174

Nationalismus und Antikenrezeption

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Die Wahrnehmung der Gewalt im deutsch-französischen Krieg 1870/71, untersucht anhand von württembergischen Zeitungen’, in Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte, 62 (2003), pp. 219-243.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘“Die Bestialität feiert schreckliche Orgien.” Das Bild des deutsch-französischen Krieges in der württembergischen Tagespresse’, in Manfred Bosch et al. (eds.): Schwabenspiegel: Literatur vom Neckar bis zum Bodensee 1800–1950, 2 vols., vol. 2.1: Aufsätze, Biberach 2006, pp. 585-594.

Research paper thumbnail of German Suffering in the Franco–German War, 1870/71, in German History Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 404–422

"Suffering during the Franco–Prussian War of 1870/71 has to be interpreted in the context of thre... more "Suffering during the Franco–Prussian War of 1870/71 has to be interpreted in the context of three developments: the willingness to alleviate wartime suffering, which had led to the foundation of the International Red Cross and the Geneva Convention a few years earlier, the industrialization of war, which had enormously
increased the efficiency of the weaponry, and the nationalization of war. For many Germans, the outcome of the war justified the wartime suffering, which was often trivialized in the media. The small number of authors who saw the high casualty numbers and the pain of the victims as a warning about the onsequences of modern warfare usually belonged to the anti-Prussian opposition. Nationalist euphoria in the face of victory and German unification drowned out such critics, whose patriotism was in doubt. Finally, the remembrance of the war during the Kaiserreich aimed largely at celebrating the triumph of the German army and the foundation of the national state. The glorification of the military was hardly compatible with a detailed description of the misery of the battlefield and the pain of war victims. In 1870/71 and in the subsequent decades, nationalism overwhelmed and eventually excluded a humanitarian narrative.
Keywords: Franco–Prussian War, suffering, nationalism, ideology of progress, international humanitarian law, war remembrance"

Research paper thumbnail of "A question of power and war." Social conflict in Hamburg and London in the late nineteenth century 1

Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization, Beyond State and International System, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Slums und Villenviertel. Städtische Grenzziehungen und Sicherheitsentwürfe in London und Hamburg im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert

Saeculum , 2018

Taking the harbor cities of Hamburg and London as case studies, this article examines the correla... more Taking the harbor cities of Hamburg and London as case studies, this article examines the correlation between urban security designs, inner-city border demarcations and the factors that determined affiliations with particular urban areas in the late 19th century. The article begins with an analysis of the way in which increasing socio-spatial segregation was perceived at the time, and then investigates instances of "frontier crossing", both out of the slums into more affluent areas as well as the reverse. It also looks at ways in which police acted as guardians of these urban borders and investigates the city planners' reactions to the segregation tendency that took hold in these two cities. In both Hamburg and London, a security paradox manifested itself whereby inner-city borders that were introduced to guarantee safety at the same time created a new sense of unease. However, the intensity of this social conflict differed in each city, which meant that clearly divergent ways of dealing with the dilemma were opted for in each place.

Research paper thumbnail of Von Mummelmannsberg bis Allermohe erste Seite

• Von Mümmelmannsberg bis Allermöhe: Sicherheits- und Unsicherheitskonstruktionen, in: Forum Stadt, 47 (2020), Nr. 3, (=Schwerpunktheft: Großsiedlungen als Problemkonstruktion, hg. von Sebastian Haumann und Swenja Hoschek), S. 223-237, 2020

Der Artikel analysiert wie Hamburger Großsiedlungen in den 1970er Jahren in der öffentlichen Disk... more Der Artikel analysiert wie Hamburger Großsiedlungen in den 1970er Jahren in der öffentlichen Diskussion zu einem Sicherheitsthema konstruiert wurden.

Research paper thumbnail of Gewalt im Wilhelminischen Kaiserreich – zwei Studien zur Rolle der Polizei

Research paper thumbnail of Job Posting - Research Associate (PhD Student)

University of Bonn, 2021

The research associate will prepare a doctoral dissertation as part of the research project "Resi... more The research associate will prepare a doctoral dissertation as part of the research project "Resilience and Vulnerability. European Noble Families in an Age of Revolutions 1760-1830," which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Through case studies of noble family networks in European middle states and smaller empires (Spain, Portugal, Sardinia-Piedmont, Saxony, Denmark) the project examines how aristocratic elites countered increased vulnerability in a period of upheaval and great political instability.