Tim Stoffel | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (original) (raw)

Papers by Tim Stoffel

Research paper thumbnail of Pathways for integrating socially responsible public procurement in municipalities

Public procurement expenditures of European Union (EU) member states are enormous, accounting for... more Public procurement expenditures of European Union (EU) member states are enormous, accounting for approximately 14 per cent of value creation in the EU. In many European countries, municipalities are responsible for a large share of these expenditures, as is the case in Germany. By integrating sustainability criteria in tenders for goods, works and services, municipalities can significantly contribute to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.<br>Sustainable public procurement (SPP) practices are, however, the exception rather than the rule. While environmental criteria are increasingly considered, social standards have thus far been considered far less in public tenders. Thus, we analysed what could be done to support the implementation of Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) practices in German municipalities.<br>Our empirical evidence shows that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Soziale und ökologische Herausforderungen der globalen Textilwirtschaft: Lösungsbeiträge der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

EconStor Research Reports, 2019

Bekleidung fur den rasch wachsenden Weltmarkt wird fast ausschlieslich in Entwicklungs- und Schwe... more Bekleidung fur den rasch wachsenden Weltmarkt wird fast ausschlieslich in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenlandern gefertigt. Die Produktionsbedingungen in diesen Landern gehen mit erheblichen sozialen und okologischen Problemen einher. Diese in den Griff zu bekommen, ist eines der wesentlichen Ziele der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Dabei werden Masnahmen in den Produktionslandern verknupft mit Anstrengungen, unternehmerische Verantwortung entlang der gesamten Textil-Lieferkette einzufordern und hohe und transparente Standards durch den „Grunen Knopf“ zu zertifizieren. Die vorliegende Studie identifiziert die wichtigsten sozialen und okologischen Herausforderungen in der Textil-Lieferkette. Sie betont drei Hauptproblemfelder: Arbeitsbedingungen in der Konfektion; Umweltprobleme in den vorgeschalteten Nassprozessen; und soziale und okologischen Probleme in der Baumwollerzeugung. Des Weiteren werden (neue) Handlungsfelder fur Deutschlands internationale Zusammenarbeit in vier Berei...

Research paper thumbnail of Multidimensionality of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP)—Exploring Concepts and Effects in Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe

Sustainability, 2019

Strategic objectives in public procurement, such as environmental or social considerations, are b... more Strategic objectives in public procurement, such as environmental or social considerations, are being increasingly referred to under the umbrella term of sustainable public procurement (SPP). The concept of sustainability is intrinsically multidimensional, encompassing environmental, social, and economic aspects. However, the existing literature on SPP highlights the generalization that the regulation and practices of public procurement are biased toward the environmental dimension. There is conflicting evidence from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) that calls for further investigation. Analyzing how SPP is actually constituted in SSA and contrasting it with the situation in the European Union (EU), as a spotlight on the Global South and North, contributes to a better understanding of sustainability in public procurement. The comparative analysis will help with understanding processes related to the integration or disintegration of sustainability dimensions in SPP. Our results ...

Research paper thumbnail of Konzepte von Green Economy und Green Society – Soziale Aspekte Grünen Wirtschaftens im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Verantwortliches Wirtschaften, 2014

In den letzten Jahren ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu einem Schlusselthema in vielen wissenschaft... more In den letzten Jahren ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu einem Schlusselthema in vielen wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Diskursen geworden. Ausgehend von natur-, technik-, politik- und zunehmend wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Fragestellungen im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit, sind diese in den Mittelpunkt gesellschaftlicher und politischer Wahrnehmung geruckt.

Research paper thumbnail of Wege zur erfolgreichen Integration sozialverantwortlicher öffentlicher Beschaffung in Kommunen

Von den fast 500 Milliarden Euro, die in Deutschland jährlich für die öffentliche Beschaffung aus... more Von den fast 500 Milliarden Euro, die in Deutschland jährlich für die öffentliche Beschaffung ausgegeben werden, entfallen mehr als 50 Prozent auf Kommunen. Neben dem Preis können bei der Auftragsvergabe auch soziale Kriterien zum Tragen kommen (Socially Responsible Public Procurement, SRPP). Somit birgt die öffentliche Beschaffung ein großes Potenzial, zu nachhaltigeren Konsum- und Produktionsmustern im Sinne von Ziel 12 der Agenda 2030 beizutragen. Bislang nutzen deutsche Kommunen diesen Hebel aber nur zurückhaltend. Was ist zu tun, um dies zu ändern? Es gibt nicht den einen Goldstandard für die Umsetzung von SRPP in deutschen Kommunen. Abbildung 1 zeigt einen Baukasten unterschiedlicher Maßnahmen, die je nach kommunalem Kontext und differenziert nach Einführungs- und Konsolidierungsphase genutzt werden können und sich über drei Dimensionen erstrecken – eine regulatorische, eine institutionelle und eine individuelle. Obwohl lokale Maßnahmen somit unterschiedlich aussehen können, e...

Research paper thumbnail of Soziale und ökologische Herausforderungen der globalen Textilwirtschaft: Lösungsbeiträge der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

EconStor Research Reports, 2019

Bekleidung fur den rasch wachsenden Weltmarkt wird fast ausschlieslich in Entwicklungs- und Schwe... more Bekleidung fur den rasch wachsenden Weltmarkt wird fast ausschlieslich in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenlandern gefertigt. Die Produktionsbedingungen in diesen Landern gehen mit erheblichen sozialen und okologischen Problemen einher. Diese in den Griff zu bekommen, ist eines der wesentlichen Ziele der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Dabei werden Masnahmen in den Produktionslandern verknupft mit Anstrengungen, unternehmerische Verantwortung entlang der gesamten Textil-Lieferkette einzufordern und hohe und transparente Standards durch den „Grunen Knopf“ zu zertifizieren. Die vorliegende Studie identifiziert die wichtigsten sozialen und okologischen Herausforderungen in der Textil-Lieferkette. Sie betont drei Hauptproblemfelder: Arbeitsbedingungen in der Konfektion; Umweltprobleme in den vorgeschalteten Nassprozessen; und soziale und okologischen Probleme in der Baumwollerzeugung. Des Weiteren werden (neue) Handlungsfelder fur Deutschlands internationale Zusammenarbeit in vier Berei...

Research paper thumbnail of Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) in multi-level regulatory frameworks: Assessment report on policy space for SRPP regulation and implementation in Germany and Kenya

Public Procurement is a highly regulated process ruled by a complex legal framework. It comprises... more Public Procurement is a highly regulated process ruled by a complex legal framework. It comprises not only national but also, increasingly, suband supranational regulations, giving rise to a multi-level regulatory governance of public procurement. The integration of sustainability aspects into public procurement, as called for in goal 12.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030, needs to take this multi-level character into account. This reports focuses on social considerations, which are a central part of sustainable procurement – whether with a domestic focus or along international value chains. Social considerations have been somewhat neglected in Europe, whereas they feature prominently in procurement regulations in many countries of the Global South, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (see Stoffel, Cravero, La Chimia, & Quinot, 2019). The advanced process of regional integration in the European Union (EU) and the progress made towards integration in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies to strengthen socially responsible public procurement practices in German municipalities: A mapping exercise

www.die-gdi.de This analysis is part of the project "Municipalities Promoting and Shaping Sustain... more www.die-gdi.de This analysis is part of the project "Municipalities Promoting and Shaping Sustainable Value Creation (MUPASS)-Public Procurement for Fair and Sustainable Production". MUPASS represents an international research and dialogue project, implemented by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in close collaboration with Engagement Global and its Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The analysis, results and recommendations in this paper represent the opinion of the authors and are not necessarily representative of the position of Engagement Global or the BMZ.

Research paper thumbnail of Pathways towards sustainable public procurement: success factors drawn from pioneering municipalities in Germany and Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil's Landless Workers’ Movement: a Replicable Strategy for Social Change?

Despite the fact that the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Brazil was founde... more Despite the fact that the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Brazil was founded in 1985 and is therefore more than 20 years old, the available literature is concentrated mainly in articles and these, as well as the few books about the movement are mostly recent publications. The main reasons for that are not only the growth of the movement but also a changing focus of the political and social sciences and the public interest. The MST is counted as a regional force within the world wide anti-neoliberal struggle and is not longer looked at as a pure interest group.

Research paper thumbnail of Human development and the construction of middle classes in the Global South

The rise of Africa’s middle class

Research paper thumbnail of Human development and the construction of middle classes in the Global South

The rise of Africa’s middle class

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability Through Public Procurement: The Way Forward – Reform Proposals

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability Through Public Procurement: The Way Forward – Reform Proposals

Research paper thumbnail of Multidimensionality of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) – Exploring Concepts and Effects in Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe

Sustainability (MDPI), 2019

Strategic objectives in public procurement, such as environmental or social considerations, are b... more Strategic objectives in public procurement, such as environmental or social considerations, are being increasingly referred to under the umbrella term of sustainable public procurement (SPP). The concept of sustainability is intrinsically multidimensional, encompassing environmental, social, and economic aspects. However, the existing literature on SPP highlights the generalization that the regulation and practices of public procurement are biased toward the environmental dimension. There is conflicting evidence from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) that calls for further investigation. Analyzing how SPP is actually constituted in SSA and contrasting it with the situation in the European Union (EU), as a spotlight on the Global South and North, contributes to a better understanding of sustainability in public procurement. The comparative analysis will help with understanding processes related to the integration or disintegration of sustainability dimensions in SPP. Our results indicate a contrary orientation on the environmental and the social dimensions in the EU and SSA. Although there is no sign of a comprehensive integration of all dimensions in SPP, there are developments toward the integration of the ‘missing’ dimension in the respective regional setting. Thus, at the moment, achieving a multidimensional implementation of SPP appears to be more a matter of expanding SPP practices of the ‘missing’ dimension than of pushing for integrated concepts.

Research paper thumbnail of Bestandsaufnahme aktueller entwicklungsbezogener Forschung, Lehre und Beratung in NRW

Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist eine möglichst umfassende Bestandsaufnahme der ent- wicklungsbez... more Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist eine möglichst umfassende Bestandsaufnahme der ent- wicklungsbezogenen Forschung, Lehre und forschungsgestützten Beratung in Nord- rhein-Westfalen. Eine solche Bestandsaufnahme der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten1 im Ent- wicklungsbereich ist insofern bedeutsam, als Entwicklungsländer und ihre (kommenden) Eli- ten für das Land NRW als entwicklungs- und außenwirtschaftlicher Akteur von wachsender Bedeutung sind. Tendenzen, Themen, Kooperationspartner und Netzwerke der Wissen- schaft hier und in den Entwicklungsländern zu kennen kann hilfreich sein. Zudem lassen sich wissenschaftspolitische Schlussfolgerungen ziehen, die für die Internationalisierung der nordrhein-westfälischen Hochschulen und innovative Formen transdimensionaler Vernetzung von Politik, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft wertvoll sein können. Diese Studie soll vor allem dreierlei leisten. (1) Zum einen stellt sich die Frage nach der ak- tuellen Situation der Entwicklungsforschung...

Research paper thumbnail of Konzepte von Green Economy und Green Society – Soziale Aspekte Grünen Wirtschaftens im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Research paper thumbnail of Multidimensional Poverty and the Construction of Middle Classes in Ghana

According to official statistics poverty in Ghana is dropping and the country is on its way to re... more According to official statistics poverty in Ghana is dropping and the country is on its way to reach the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG) before 2015. A significant number of people have already jumped the hurdle of 1.25 USD a day or even the 2 USD a day mark, set as a threshold for poverty by the World Bank and the country has reached middle income status. This fits well into the context of the discussion about the rise of a middle class in Ghana, as the backbone of a new, prosperous economy and a way out of different aspects of poverty. There is no doubt about the fact that there has been a progress in economic and social indicators for some Ghanaians, but a closer look at the detailed and multidimensional poverty reports by the Ghanaian Statistical Service (Ghana Living Standards Surveys) tells another story. The story of the people left behind and the boats that did not rise with the flood and which are in danger not to rise with the new oil wealth that is anticipated by Ghana officials and the public, either. Most of the world’s poor live in middle income countries. For Ghana as for many other countries can be said, that especially the poorest groups seem to have missed out on the overall growth of the economy. How effective can the rise of middle classes be, in terms of overall poverty reduction, if the majority of Ghanaians still life of agricultural small-scale farming, which indicates a lack of a structural transformation?
The paper aims to illuminate the foundations of the high expectations projected on the constructed rise of middle classes in the Ghanaian socio-economic context. Recent discourses about the role of middle classes in the developing world start to challenge these expectations. A multidimensional approach towards poverty can help to assess how far rising average income is going together with improvements in social indicators. By analyzing socio-economic indicators from an interdisciplinary point of view, it can be tested if the category of middle classes is expedient and useful to describe recent social change in Ghana. To relate economic indicators, like the unequal distribution of the fruits of economic progress and a lack in structural transformation of the overall economy, to policy formulations, in the field of poverty reduction and the creation of new middle classes, will enable an understanding of the nature, effect, and sustainability of middle classes. On that ground the paper shows how multidimensional poverty has developed in the Ghanaian case and how the assumed rise of middle classes, as an empirical as well as an analytical category, fits into this development. (Bonn 2014)

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement: a Replicable Strategy for Social Change?

Despite the fact that the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Brazil was founde... more Despite the fact that the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Brazil was founded in 1985 and is therefore more than 20 years old, the available literature is concentrated mainly in articles and these, as well as the few books about the movement are mostly recent publications. The main reasons for that are not only the growth of the movement but also a changing focus of the political and social sciences and the public interest. The MST is counted as a regional force within the world wide anti-neoliberal struggle and is not longer looked at as a pure interest group. In front of this the question arises if the MST offers a strategy for social change to be replicated elsewhere? (Leeds 2010)

Research paper thumbnail of Pathways for integrating socially responsible public procurement in municipalities

Public procurement expenditures of European Union (EU) member states are enormous, accounting for... more Public procurement expenditures of European Union (EU) member states are enormous, accounting for approximately 14 per cent of value creation in the EU. In many European countries, municipalities are responsible for a large share of these expenditures, as is the case in Germany. By integrating sustainability criteria in tenders for goods, works and services, municipalities can significantly contribute to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.<br>Sustainable public procurement (SPP) practices are, however, the exception rather than the rule. While environmental criteria are increasingly considered, social standards have thus far been considered far less in public tenders. Thus, we analysed what could be done to support the implementation of Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) practices in German municipalities.<br>Our empirical evidence shows that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Soziale und ökologische Herausforderungen der globalen Textilwirtschaft: Lösungsbeiträge der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

EconStor Research Reports, 2019

Bekleidung fur den rasch wachsenden Weltmarkt wird fast ausschlieslich in Entwicklungs- und Schwe... more Bekleidung fur den rasch wachsenden Weltmarkt wird fast ausschlieslich in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenlandern gefertigt. Die Produktionsbedingungen in diesen Landern gehen mit erheblichen sozialen und okologischen Problemen einher. Diese in den Griff zu bekommen, ist eines der wesentlichen Ziele der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Dabei werden Masnahmen in den Produktionslandern verknupft mit Anstrengungen, unternehmerische Verantwortung entlang der gesamten Textil-Lieferkette einzufordern und hohe und transparente Standards durch den „Grunen Knopf“ zu zertifizieren. Die vorliegende Studie identifiziert die wichtigsten sozialen und okologischen Herausforderungen in der Textil-Lieferkette. Sie betont drei Hauptproblemfelder: Arbeitsbedingungen in der Konfektion; Umweltprobleme in den vorgeschalteten Nassprozessen; und soziale und okologischen Probleme in der Baumwollerzeugung. Des Weiteren werden (neue) Handlungsfelder fur Deutschlands internationale Zusammenarbeit in vier Berei...

Research paper thumbnail of Multidimensionality of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP)—Exploring Concepts and Effects in Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe

Sustainability, 2019

Strategic objectives in public procurement, such as environmental or social considerations, are b... more Strategic objectives in public procurement, such as environmental or social considerations, are being increasingly referred to under the umbrella term of sustainable public procurement (SPP). The concept of sustainability is intrinsically multidimensional, encompassing environmental, social, and economic aspects. However, the existing literature on SPP highlights the generalization that the regulation and practices of public procurement are biased toward the environmental dimension. There is conflicting evidence from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) that calls for further investigation. Analyzing how SPP is actually constituted in SSA and contrasting it with the situation in the European Union (EU), as a spotlight on the Global South and North, contributes to a better understanding of sustainability in public procurement. The comparative analysis will help with understanding processes related to the integration or disintegration of sustainability dimensions in SPP. Our results ...

Research paper thumbnail of Konzepte von Green Economy und Green Society – Soziale Aspekte Grünen Wirtschaftens im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Verantwortliches Wirtschaften, 2014

In den letzten Jahren ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu einem Schlusselthema in vielen wissenschaft... more In den letzten Jahren ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu einem Schlusselthema in vielen wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Diskursen geworden. Ausgehend von natur-, technik-, politik- und zunehmend wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Fragestellungen im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit, sind diese in den Mittelpunkt gesellschaftlicher und politischer Wahrnehmung geruckt.

Research paper thumbnail of Wege zur erfolgreichen Integration sozialverantwortlicher öffentlicher Beschaffung in Kommunen

Von den fast 500 Milliarden Euro, die in Deutschland jährlich für die öffentliche Beschaffung aus... more Von den fast 500 Milliarden Euro, die in Deutschland jährlich für die öffentliche Beschaffung ausgegeben werden, entfallen mehr als 50 Prozent auf Kommunen. Neben dem Preis können bei der Auftragsvergabe auch soziale Kriterien zum Tragen kommen (Socially Responsible Public Procurement, SRPP). Somit birgt die öffentliche Beschaffung ein großes Potenzial, zu nachhaltigeren Konsum- und Produktionsmustern im Sinne von Ziel 12 der Agenda 2030 beizutragen. Bislang nutzen deutsche Kommunen diesen Hebel aber nur zurückhaltend. Was ist zu tun, um dies zu ändern? Es gibt nicht den einen Goldstandard für die Umsetzung von SRPP in deutschen Kommunen. Abbildung 1 zeigt einen Baukasten unterschiedlicher Maßnahmen, die je nach kommunalem Kontext und differenziert nach Einführungs- und Konsolidierungsphase genutzt werden können und sich über drei Dimensionen erstrecken – eine regulatorische, eine institutionelle und eine individuelle. Obwohl lokale Maßnahmen somit unterschiedlich aussehen können, e...

Research paper thumbnail of Soziale und ökologische Herausforderungen der globalen Textilwirtschaft: Lösungsbeiträge der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

EconStor Research Reports, 2019

Bekleidung fur den rasch wachsenden Weltmarkt wird fast ausschlieslich in Entwicklungs- und Schwe... more Bekleidung fur den rasch wachsenden Weltmarkt wird fast ausschlieslich in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenlandern gefertigt. Die Produktionsbedingungen in diesen Landern gehen mit erheblichen sozialen und okologischen Problemen einher. Diese in den Griff zu bekommen, ist eines der wesentlichen Ziele der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Dabei werden Masnahmen in den Produktionslandern verknupft mit Anstrengungen, unternehmerische Verantwortung entlang der gesamten Textil-Lieferkette einzufordern und hohe und transparente Standards durch den „Grunen Knopf“ zu zertifizieren. Die vorliegende Studie identifiziert die wichtigsten sozialen und okologischen Herausforderungen in der Textil-Lieferkette. Sie betont drei Hauptproblemfelder: Arbeitsbedingungen in der Konfektion; Umweltprobleme in den vorgeschalteten Nassprozessen; und soziale und okologischen Probleme in der Baumwollerzeugung. Des Weiteren werden (neue) Handlungsfelder fur Deutschlands internationale Zusammenarbeit in vier Berei...

Research paper thumbnail of Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) in multi-level regulatory frameworks: Assessment report on policy space for SRPP regulation and implementation in Germany and Kenya

Public Procurement is a highly regulated process ruled by a complex legal framework. It comprises... more Public Procurement is a highly regulated process ruled by a complex legal framework. It comprises not only national but also, increasingly, suband supranational regulations, giving rise to a multi-level regulatory governance of public procurement. The integration of sustainability aspects into public procurement, as called for in goal 12.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030, needs to take this multi-level character into account. This reports focuses on social considerations, which are a central part of sustainable procurement – whether with a domestic focus or along international value chains. Social considerations have been somewhat neglected in Europe, whereas they feature prominently in procurement regulations in many countries of the Global South, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (see Stoffel, Cravero, La Chimia, & Quinot, 2019). The advanced process of regional integration in the European Union (EU) and the progress made towards integration in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies to strengthen socially responsible public procurement practices in German municipalities: A mapping exercise

www.die-gdi.de This analysis is part of the project "Municipalities Promoting and Shaping Sustain... more www.die-gdi.de This analysis is part of the project "Municipalities Promoting and Shaping Sustainable Value Creation (MUPASS)-Public Procurement for Fair and Sustainable Production". MUPASS represents an international research and dialogue project, implemented by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in close collaboration with Engagement Global and its Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The analysis, results and recommendations in this paper represent the opinion of the authors and are not necessarily representative of the position of Engagement Global or the BMZ.

Research paper thumbnail of Pathways towards sustainable public procurement: success factors drawn from pioneering municipalities in Germany and Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil's Landless Workers’ Movement: a Replicable Strategy for Social Change?

Despite the fact that the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Brazil was founde... more Despite the fact that the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Brazil was founded in 1985 and is therefore more than 20 years old, the available literature is concentrated mainly in articles and these, as well as the few books about the movement are mostly recent publications. The main reasons for that are not only the growth of the movement but also a changing focus of the political and social sciences and the public interest. The MST is counted as a regional force within the world wide anti-neoliberal struggle and is not longer looked at as a pure interest group.

Research paper thumbnail of Human development and the construction of middle classes in the Global South

The rise of Africa’s middle class

Research paper thumbnail of Human development and the construction of middle classes in the Global South

The rise of Africa’s middle class

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability Through Public Procurement: The Way Forward – Reform Proposals

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability Through Public Procurement: The Way Forward – Reform Proposals

Research paper thumbnail of Multidimensionality of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) – Exploring Concepts and Effects in Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe

Sustainability (MDPI), 2019

Strategic objectives in public procurement, such as environmental or social considerations, are b... more Strategic objectives in public procurement, such as environmental or social considerations, are being increasingly referred to under the umbrella term of sustainable public procurement (SPP). The concept of sustainability is intrinsically multidimensional, encompassing environmental, social, and economic aspects. However, the existing literature on SPP highlights the generalization that the regulation and practices of public procurement are biased toward the environmental dimension. There is conflicting evidence from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) that calls for further investigation. Analyzing how SPP is actually constituted in SSA and contrasting it with the situation in the European Union (EU), as a spotlight on the Global South and North, contributes to a better understanding of sustainability in public procurement. The comparative analysis will help with understanding processes related to the integration or disintegration of sustainability dimensions in SPP. Our results indicate a contrary orientation on the environmental and the social dimensions in the EU and SSA. Although there is no sign of a comprehensive integration of all dimensions in SPP, there are developments toward the integration of the ‘missing’ dimension in the respective regional setting. Thus, at the moment, achieving a multidimensional implementation of SPP appears to be more a matter of expanding SPP practices of the ‘missing’ dimension than of pushing for integrated concepts.

Research paper thumbnail of Bestandsaufnahme aktueller entwicklungsbezogener Forschung, Lehre und Beratung in NRW

Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist eine möglichst umfassende Bestandsaufnahme der ent- wicklungsbez... more Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist eine möglichst umfassende Bestandsaufnahme der ent- wicklungsbezogenen Forschung, Lehre und forschungsgestützten Beratung in Nord- rhein-Westfalen. Eine solche Bestandsaufnahme der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten1 im Ent- wicklungsbereich ist insofern bedeutsam, als Entwicklungsländer und ihre (kommenden) Eli- ten für das Land NRW als entwicklungs- und außenwirtschaftlicher Akteur von wachsender Bedeutung sind. Tendenzen, Themen, Kooperationspartner und Netzwerke der Wissen- schaft hier und in den Entwicklungsländern zu kennen kann hilfreich sein. Zudem lassen sich wissenschaftspolitische Schlussfolgerungen ziehen, die für die Internationalisierung der nordrhein-westfälischen Hochschulen und innovative Formen transdimensionaler Vernetzung von Politik, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft wertvoll sein können. Diese Studie soll vor allem dreierlei leisten. (1) Zum einen stellt sich die Frage nach der ak- tuellen Situation der Entwicklungsforschung...

Research paper thumbnail of Konzepte von Green Economy und Green Society – Soziale Aspekte Grünen Wirtschaftens im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Research paper thumbnail of Multidimensional Poverty and the Construction of Middle Classes in Ghana

According to official statistics poverty in Ghana is dropping and the country is on its way to re... more According to official statistics poverty in Ghana is dropping and the country is on its way to reach the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG) before 2015. A significant number of people have already jumped the hurdle of 1.25 USD a day or even the 2 USD a day mark, set as a threshold for poverty by the World Bank and the country has reached middle income status. This fits well into the context of the discussion about the rise of a middle class in Ghana, as the backbone of a new, prosperous economy and a way out of different aspects of poverty. There is no doubt about the fact that there has been a progress in economic and social indicators for some Ghanaians, but a closer look at the detailed and multidimensional poverty reports by the Ghanaian Statistical Service (Ghana Living Standards Surveys) tells another story. The story of the people left behind and the boats that did not rise with the flood and which are in danger not to rise with the new oil wealth that is anticipated by Ghana officials and the public, either. Most of the world’s poor live in middle income countries. For Ghana as for many other countries can be said, that especially the poorest groups seem to have missed out on the overall growth of the economy. How effective can the rise of middle classes be, in terms of overall poverty reduction, if the majority of Ghanaians still life of agricultural small-scale farming, which indicates a lack of a structural transformation?
The paper aims to illuminate the foundations of the high expectations projected on the constructed rise of middle classes in the Ghanaian socio-economic context. Recent discourses about the role of middle classes in the developing world start to challenge these expectations. A multidimensional approach towards poverty can help to assess how far rising average income is going together with improvements in social indicators. By analyzing socio-economic indicators from an interdisciplinary point of view, it can be tested if the category of middle classes is expedient and useful to describe recent social change in Ghana. To relate economic indicators, like the unequal distribution of the fruits of economic progress and a lack in structural transformation of the overall economy, to policy formulations, in the field of poverty reduction and the creation of new middle classes, will enable an understanding of the nature, effect, and sustainability of middle classes. On that ground the paper shows how multidimensional poverty has developed in the Ghanaian case and how the assumed rise of middle classes, as an empirical as well as an analytical category, fits into this development. (Bonn 2014)

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement: a Replicable Strategy for Social Change?

Despite the fact that the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Brazil was founde... more Despite the fact that the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Brazil was founded in 1985 and is therefore more than 20 years old, the available literature is concentrated mainly in articles and these, as well as the few books about the movement are mostly recent publications. The main reasons for that are not only the growth of the movement but also a changing focus of the political and social sciences and the public interest. The MST is counted as a regional force within the world wide anti-neoliberal struggle and is not longer looked at as a pure interest group. In front of this the question arises if the MST offers a strategy for social change to be replicated elsewhere? (Leeds 2010)