Jens Herrle | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (original) (raw)

Papers by Jens Herrle

Research paper thumbnail of Upper Aptian Pré-Guittard (Niveau Kilian) ecological important nannofossils, stable isotopes, carbonate and TOC values in SE France

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Research paper thumbnail of Calcareous nannofossils of section A5_VB_MP, mid-Cretaceous

A high-resolution calcareous nannofossil record is presented from the Lower Albian Niveau Paquier... more A high-resolution calcareous nannofossil record is presented from the Lower Albian Niveau Paquier black shale from the Vocontian Basin (SE France). The Niveau Paquier black shale represents the regional equivalent of the supraregionally distributed Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b (OAE 1b). To reconstruct surface water fertility, a nutrient index based on Zeugrhabdotus erectus, Discorhabdus rotatorius (high fertility indicators), and Watznaueria barnesae (low fertility indicator) was established using principal component analysis. In addition, the distribution of Nannoconus spp. and absolute abundances of coccoliths (coccoliths per gram) were used for reconstructing nutricline dynamics of the surface waters. High surface water fertility coincides with low percentages of nannoconids and vice versa. Moreover, high percentages of nannoconids correlate with low absolute abundances of all other coccoliths. Based on the observed nannoplankton distribution pattern and a suggested similarity in ecological requirements between nannoconids and the modern taxon Florisphaera profunda, a model is proposed that couples nannoconid abundances with dynamics of the nutricline. Time series analyses of the nutrient index show fluctuations within the precessional band. The precession-controlled fluctuations of the surface water fertility may represent a monsoonal signal, with the nutrient supply in the surface waters depending on the strength of monsoonal activity. During periods of enhanced monsoonal activity, which were characterized by humid conditions and stronger winds, mixing of the upper water column was enhanced. During that time, the abundance of nannoconids decreased as a consequence of enhanced wind stress that improved vertical mixing and led to an entrainment of nutrients into the surface waters. This resulted in an increase of primary production. During periods of reduced monsoonal activity, marked by drier conditions and reduced wind stress, the surface waters were depleted in nutrients. As a result of a deep nutricline and a r [...]

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper Aptian Pré-Guittard (Niveau Kilian) range chart in percentages of nannofossils in SE France

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Arbeitskreis Geologie und Geophysik der Polargebiete

Jens O. Herrle1, Cornelia Spiegel2, Andreas Läufer3, and Jean-Pierre Paul de Vera4 1Institut für ... more Jens O. Herrle1, Cornelia Spiegel2, Andreas Läufer3, and Jean-Pierre Paul de Vera4 1Institut für Geowissenschaften, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland 2Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, Postfach 330440, 28334 Bremen, Deutschland 3Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Postfach 510153, 30631 Hannover, Deutschland 4Deutsches Zentrum für Luftund Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Raumflugbetrieb und Astronautentraining Microgravity User Support Center (MUSC), Geb. 29, Linder Höhe, 51147 Köln, Deutschland

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Research paper thumbnail of Chronostratigraphic framework and environmental setting of Upper Jurassic-Paleogene strata: a multi-national project to address large-scale integrated correlations and paleogeographic reconstructions of the Canadian Arctic

Introduction Rapid climate and environmental change has created significant government and intern... more Introduction Rapid climate and environmental change has created significant government and international research interest in Canada’s Arctic region. The Arctic basins provide a singular record of Late Jurassic to Paleogene sedimentation and geological history in the high Boreal region. This stratigraphic record provides a unique opportunity to study ecosystems of a past geological time when predominantly greenhouse climates prevailed. Large-scale stratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic correlations require biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic frameworks. Detailed documentation of multitaxial faunal and floral successions will provide a necessary framework to enhance our understanding of tectonism, sea-level history, and paleoceanographic changes that are recorded in the stratigraphic record of the Arctic basins. A pan-Arctic approach is needed to improve existing paleogeographic reconstructions.

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Research paper thumbnail of The early opening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway and the evolution of Cretaceous peak warming


The Cretaceous opening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway (EAG) is considered a driver of major c... more The Cretaceous opening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway (EAG) is considered a driver of major changes in global oceanography, carbon cycling, and climate. However, the early stages of EAG opening are poorly understood. We present seawater Nd-isotope, bulk geochemical, and micropaleontological data from two South Atlantic drill cores that constrain the onset of shallow (<500 m) and intermediate (<~1000 m) water mass exchange across the EAG to 113 Ma and 107 Ma, respectively. Deep water mass exchange (>2000 m) was enabled by at least ca. 100 Ma, as much as 10 m.y. earlier than previously estimated. In response to EAG opening, deep-water ventilation in the South Atlantic, North Atlantic, and Tethys basins intensified, thereby triggering basin-scale reductions in organic carbon burial. We propose that the consequent drop in carbon sequestration in concert with increased atmospheric CO2 fluxes from subduction zones acted as major amplifiers of global warming that culminated in...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stable carbon isotope ratios and accumulation rates of organic carbon and nutrients of DSDP Hole 79-545 (Appendix A), supplement to: Wagner, Thomas; Wallmann, Klaus; Herrle, Jens O; Hofmann, Peter; Stuesser, Isabel (2007): Consequences of moderate ~25,000 yr lasting emission of light CO2 into the...

Future warming is predicted to shift the Earth system into a mode with progressive increase and v... more Future warming is predicted to shift the Earth system into a mode with progressive increase and vigour of extreme climate events possibly stimulating other mechanisms that invigorate global warming. This study provides new data and modelling investigating climatic consequences and biogeochemical feedbacks that happened in a warmer world ~112 Myr ago. Our study focuses on the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1b and explores how the Earth system responded to a moderate ~25,000 yr lasting climate perturbation that is modelled to be less than 1 °C in global average temperature. Using a new chronological model for OAE 1b we present high-resolution elemental and bulk carbon isotope records from DSDP Site 545 from Mazagan Plateau off NW Africa and combine this information with a coupled atmosphere-land-ocean model. The simulations suggest that a perturbation at the onset of OAE 1b caused almost instantaneous warming of the atmosphere on the order of 0.3 °C followed by a longer (~45,00...

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Research paper thumbnail of Supplementary material to "Driving mechanisms of organic carbon burial in the Early Cretaceous South Atlantic Cape Basin (DSDP Site 361)

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Research paper thumbnail of Lower Albian Mazagan Plateau (Oceanic Anoxic station 1b) ecological important nannofossils and stable isotopes, DSDP Site 545

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Research paper thumbnail of Strain-specific morphological response of the dominant calcifying phytoplankton species Emiliania huxleyi to salinity change

PLOS ONE, 2021

The future physiology of marine phytoplankton will be impacted by a range of changes in global oc... more The future physiology of marine phytoplankton will be impacted by a range of changes in global ocean conditions, including salinity regimes that vary spatially and on a range of short- to geological timescales. Coccolithophores have global ecological and biogeochemical significance as the most important calcifying marine phytoplankton group. Previous research has shown that the morphology of their exoskeletal calcified plates (coccoliths) responds to changing salinity in the most abundant coccolithophore species, Emiliania huxleyi. However, the extent to which these responses may be strain-specific is not well established. Here we investigated the growth response of six strains of E. huxleyi under low (ca. 25) and high (ca. 45) salinity batch culture conditions and found substantial variability in the magnitude and direction of response to salinity change across strains. Growth rates declined under low and high salinity conditions in four of the six strains but increased under both ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Age model based on benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes of sediment core ODP Site 199-1218, equatorial Pacific

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Research paper thumbnail of Equatorial Pacific``stable isotope reference curve''for the Oligocene

We present an uninterrupted chronology of climate and ocean carbon chemistry from ODP Site 1218 r... more We present an uninterrupted chronology of climate and ocean carbon chemistry from ODP Site 1218 recovered in the equatorial Pacific, from the Eocene / Oligocene to the Oligocene / Miocene boundary, ~34 to 23 Ma. Using astronomically age calibrated data we find a strong imprint of the 405, 127 and 96-thousand-year (kyr) Earth&amp;#39;s eccentricity as well as a dominant influence

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Research paper thumbnail of Mid-Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in the Vocontian Basin, Southeast France

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper Albian–upper Turonian calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy in the Vocontian Basin, southeastern France

Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Eastern equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature annual cycle in the Kiel Climate Model: simulation benefits from enhancing atmospheric resolution

Climate Dynamics, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of High Arctic paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic changes in the Mid-Cretaceous

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Research paper thumbnail of Stable isotope record of profile Les Oustaus in SE France

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Research paper thumbnail of Celebrating 25 years of advances in microbiology: a review

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Research paper thumbnail of Stable isotope record of profile Tarendol in SE France

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Research paper thumbnail of Stable isotope record of profile Col de Palluel in SE France

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper Aptian Pré-Guittard (Niveau Kilian) ecological important nannofossils, stable isotopes, carbonate and TOC values in SE France

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Research paper thumbnail of Calcareous nannofossils of section A5_VB_MP, mid-Cretaceous

A high-resolution calcareous nannofossil record is presented from the Lower Albian Niveau Paquier... more A high-resolution calcareous nannofossil record is presented from the Lower Albian Niveau Paquier black shale from the Vocontian Basin (SE France). The Niveau Paquier black shale represents the regional equivalent of the supraregionally distributed Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b (OAE 1b). To reconstruct surface water fertility, a nutrient index based on Zeugrhabdotus erectus, Discorhabdus rotatorius (high fertility indicators), and Watznaueria barnesae (low fertility indicator) was established using principal component analysis. In addition, the distribution of Nannoconus spp. and absolute abundances of coccoliths (coccoliths per gram) were used for reconstructing nutricline dynamics of the surface waters. High surface water fertility coincides with low percentages of nannoconids and vice versa. Moreover, high percentages of nannoconids correlate with low absolute abundances of all other coccoliths. Based on the observed nannoplankton distribution pattern and a suggested similarity in ecological requirements between nannoconids and the modern taxon Florisphaera profunda, a model is proposed that couples nannoconid abundances with dynamics of the nutricline. Time series analyses of the nutrient index show fluctuations within the precessional band. The precession-controlled fluctuations of the surface water fertility may represent a monsoonal signal, with the nutrient supply in the surface waters depending on the strength of monsoonal activity. During periods of enhanced monsoonal activity, which were characterized by humid conditions and stronger winds, mixing of the upper water column was enhanced. During that time, the abundance of nannoconids decreased as a consequence of enhanced wind stress that improved vertical mixing and led to an entrainment of nutrients into the surface waters. This resulted in an increase of primary production. During periods of reduced monsoonal activity, marked by drier conditions and reduced wind stress, the surface waters were depleted in nutrients. As a result of a deep nutricline and a r [...]

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper Aptian Pré-Guittard (Niveau Kilian) range chart in percentages of nannofossils in SE France

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Arbeitskreis Geologie und Geophysik der Polargebiete

Jens O. Herrle1, Cornelia Spiegel2, Andreas Läufer3, and Jean-Pierre Paul de Vera4 1Institut für ... more Jens O. Herrle1, Cornelia Spiegel2, Andreas Läufer3, and Jean-Pierre Paul de Vera4 1Institut für Geowissenschaften, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland 2Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, Postfach 330440, 28334 Bremen, Deutschland 3Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Postfach 510153, 30631 Hannover, Deutschland 4Deutsches Zentrum für Luftund Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Raumflugbetrieb und Astronautentraining Microgravity User Support Center (MUSC), Geb. 29, Linder Höhe, 51147 Köln, Deutschland

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Research paper thumbnail of Chronostratigraphic framework and environmental setting of Upper Jurassic-Paleogene strata: a multi-national project to address large-scale integrated correlations and paleogeographic reconstructions of the Canadian Arctic

Introduction Rapid climate and environmental change has created significant government and intern... more Introduction Rapid climate and environmental change has created significant government and international research interest in Canada’s Arctic region. The Arctic basins provide a singular record of Late Jurassic to Paleogene sedimentation and geological history in the high Boreal region. This stratigraphic record provides a unique opportunity to study ecosystems of a past geological time when predominantly greenhouse climates prevailed. Large-scale stratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic correlations require biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic frameworks. Detailed documentation of multitaxial faunal and floral successions will provide a necessary framework to enhance our understanding of tectonism, sea-level history, and paleoceanographic changes that are recorded in the stratigraphic record of the Arctic basins. A pan-Arctic approach is needed to improve existing paleogeographic reconstructions.

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Research paper thumbnail of The early opening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway and the evolution of Cretaceous peak warming


The Cretaceous opening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway (EAG) is considered a driver of major c... more The Cretaceous opening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway (EAG) is considered a driver of major changes in global oceanography, carbon cycling, and climate. However, the early stages of EAG opening are poorly understood. We present seawater Nd-isotope, bulk geochemical, and micropaleontological data from two South Atlantic drill cores that constrain the onset of shallow (<500 m) and intermediate (<~1000 m) water mass exchange across the EAG to 113 Ma and 107 Ma, respectively. Deep water mass exchange (>2000 m) was enabled by at least ca. 100 Ma, as much as 10 m.y. earlier than previously estimated. In response to EAG opening, deep-water ventilation in the South Atlantic, North Atlantic, and Tethys basins intensified, thereby triggering basin-scale reductions in organic carbon burial. We propose that the consequent drop in carbon sequestration in concert with increased atmospheric CO2 fluxes from subduction zones acted as major amplifiers of global warming that culminated in...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stable carbon isotope ratios and accumulation rates of organic carbon and nutrients of DSDP Hole 79-545 (Appendix A), supplement to: Wagner, Thomas; Wallmann, Klaus; Herrle, Jens O; Hofmann, Peter; Stuesser, Isabel (2007): Consequences of moderate ~25,000 yr lasting emission of light CO2 into the...

Future warming is predicted to shift the Earth system into a mode with progressive increase and v... more Future warming is predicted to shift the Earth system into a mode with progressive increase and vigour of extreme climate events possibly stimulating other mechanisms that invigorate global warming. This study provides new data and modelling investigating climatic consequences and biogeochemical feedbacks that happened in a warmer world ~112 Myr ago. Our study focuses on the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1b and explores how the Earth system responded to a moderate ~25,000 yr lasting climate perturbation that is modelled to be less than 1 °C in global average temperature. Using a new chronological model for OAE 1b we present high-resolution elemental and bulk carbon isotope records from DSDP Site 545 from Mazagan Plateau off NW Africa and combine this information with a coupled atmosphere-land-ocean model. The simulations suggest that a perturbation at the onset of OAE 1b caused almost instantaneous warming of the atmosphere on the order of 0.3 °C followed by a longer (~45,00...

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Research paper thumbnail of Supplementary material to "Driving mechanisms of organic carbon burial in the Early Cretaceous South Atlantic Cape Basin (DSDP Site 361)

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Research paper thumbnail of Lower Albian Mazagan Plateau (Oceanic Anoxic station 1b) ecological important nannofossils and stable isotopes, DSDP Site 545

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Research paper thumbnail of Strain-specific morphological response of the dominant calcifying phytoplankton species Emiliania huxleyi to salinity change

PLOS ONE, 2021

The future physiology of marine phytoplankton will be impacted by a range of changes in global oc... more The future physiology of marine phytoplankton will be impacted by a range of changes in global ocean conditions, including salinity regimes that vary spatially and on a range of short- to geological timescales. Coccolithophores have global ecological and biogeochemical significance as the most important calcifying marine phytoplankton group. Previous research has shown that the morphology of their exoskeletal calcified plates (coccoliths) responds to changing salinity in the most abundant coccolithophore species, Emiliania huxleyi. However, the extent to which these responses may be strain-specific is not well established. Here we investigated the growth response of six strains of E. huxleyi under low (ca. 25) and high (ca. 45) salinity batch culture conditions and found substantial variability in the magnitude and direction of response to salinity change across strains. Growth rates declined under low and high salinity conditions in four of the six strains but increased under both ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Age model based on benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes of sediment core ODP Site 199-1218, equatorial Pacific

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Research paper thumbnail of Equatorial Pacific``stable isotope reference curve''for the Oligocene

We present an uninterrupted chronology of climate and ocean carbon chemistry from ODP Site 1218 r... more We present an uninterrupted chronology of climate and ocean carbon chemistry from ODP Site 1218 recovered in the equatorial Pacific, from the Eocene / Oligocene to the Oligocene / Miocene boundary, ~34 to 23 Ma. Using astronomically age calibrated data we find a strong imprint of the 405, 127 and 96-thousand-year (kyr) Earth&amp;#39;s eccentricity as well as a dominant influence

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Research paper thumbnail of Mid-Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in the Vocontian Basin, Southeast France

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper Albian–upper Turonian calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy in the Vocontian Basin, southeastern France

Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Eastern equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature annual cycle in the Kiel Climate Model: simulation benefits from enhancing atmospheric resolution

Climate Dynamics, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of High Arctic paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic changes in the Mid-Cretaceous

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Research paper thumbnail of Stable isotope record of profile Les Oustaus in SE France

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Research paper thumbnail of Celebrating 25 years of advances in microbiology: a review

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Research paper thumbnail of Stable isotope record of profile Tarendol in SE France

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Research paper thumbnail of Stable isotope record of profile Col de Palluel in SE France

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