Luciano Rezzolla | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (original) (raw)

Papers by Luciano Rezzolla

Research paper thumbnail of Strong-field scattering of two black holes: Numerics versus analytics

Research paper thumbnail of Spectral properties of the post-merger gravitational-wave signal from binary neutron stars

Research paper thumbnail of Source Redshifts from Gravitational-Wave Observations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers

Research paper thumbnail of Constraining the Equation of State of Neutron Stars from Binary Mergers

Physical Review Letters, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Nonsingular electrodynamics of a rotating black hole moving in an asymptotically uniform magnetic test field

Physical Review D, 2014

ABSTRACT We extend the Wald solution to a black hole that is also boosted. More specifically, we ... more ABSTRACT We extend the Wald solution to a black hole that is also boosted. More specifically, we derive analytic solutions for the Maxwell equations for a rotating black hole moving at constant speed in an asymptotically uniform magnetic test field. By adopting Kerr-Schild coordinates we avoid singular behaviours at the horizon and obtain a complete description of the charge and current distributions in terms of the black-hole spin and boost. Using this solution, we compute the energy losses expected when charged particles are accelerated along the magnetic field lines, improving previous estimates that had to cope with singular electromagnetic fields on the horizon. When used to approximate the emission from binary black holes in a uniform magnetic field, our estimates match reasonably well those from numerical-relativity calculations in the force-free approximation.

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical evolutions of a black hole-neutron star system in full general relativity: Head-on collision

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of a simplified approach to radiative transfer in general relativity

Physical Review D, 2013

ABSTRACT We describe in detail the implementation of a simplified approach to radiative transfer ... more ABSTRACT We describe in detail the implementation of a simplified approach to radiative transfer in general relativity by means of the well-known neutrino leakage scheme (NLS). In particular, we carry out an extensive investigation of the properties and limitations of the NLS for isolated relativistic stars to a level of detail that has not been discussed before in a general-relativistic context. Although the numerous tests considered here are rather idealized, they provide a well-controlled environment in which to understand the relationship between the matter dynamics and the neutrino emission, which is important in order to model the neutrino signals from more complicated scenarios, such as binary neutron-star mergers. When considering nonrotating hot neutron stars we confirm earlier results of one-dimensional simulations, but also present novel results about the equilibrium properties and on how the cooling affects the stability of these configurations. In our idealized but controlled setup, we can then show that deviations from the thermal and weak-interaction equilibrium affect the stability of these models to radial perturbations, leading models that are stable in the absence of radiative losses, to a gravitational collapse to a black hole when neutrinos are instead radiated.

Research paper thumbnail of Iterated Crank-Nicolson method for hyperbolic and parabolic equations in numerical relativity

Research paper thumbnail of Three Little Pieces for Computer and Relativity

General Relativity, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 2014


The Astrophysical Journal, 2012


The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of r-Mode Oscillations in Rotating Magnetic Neutron Stars

The Astrophysical journal, Jan 10, 2000

We show that r-mode oscillations distort the magnetic fields of neutron stars and that their occu... more We show that r-mode oscillations distort the magnetic fields of neutron stars and that their occurrence is likely to be limited by this interaction. If the field is greater, similar1016(Omega/OmegaB) G, where Omega and OmegaB are the angular velocities of the star and at which mass shedding occurs, r-mode oscillations cannot occur. Much weaker fields will prevent gravitational radiation from exciting r-mode oscillations or will damp them on a relatively short timescale by extracting energy from the modes faster than gravitational-wave emission can pump energy into them. For example, a 1010 G poloidal magnetic field that threads the star's superconducting core is likely to prevent the l=2 mode from being excited unless Omega exceeds 0.35OmegaB. If Omega is larger than 0.35OmegaB initially, the l=2 mode may be excited but is likely to decay rapidly once Omega falls below 0.35OmegaB, which happens in less, similar15 days if the saturation amplitude is greater, similar0.1. The r-mod...

Research paper thumbnail of Magnetic field instabiities in neutron stars

Astronomische Nachrichten, 2014

ABSTRACT Magnetic fields represent a crucial aspect of the physics and astrophysics of neutron st... more ABSTRACT Magnetic fields represent a crucial aspect of the physics and astrophysics of neutron stars. Despite its great relevance, the internal magnetic field configuration of neutron stars is very poorly constrained by the observations, and understanding its properties is a long-standing theoretical challenge. The investigation on the subject is focused on the search for those magnetic field geometries which are stable on several Alfv\`en timescales, thus constituting a viable description of neutron star interiors. Assesing the stability of a given magnetic field geometry is therefore an important part of this research. So far only simple configurations, such as the purely poloidal or purely toroidal ones, have been studied in detail in perturbation theory and, most recently, by means of nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Here we review the basic results of the state-of-the-art general relativistic nonlinear studies, discussing the present status of the field and its future directions.

Research paper thumbnail of New parametrization for spherically symmetric black holes in metric theories of gravity

Research paper thumbnail of Spectral properties of the post-merger gravitational-wave signal from binary neutron stars

Research paper thumbnail of Electromagnetic counterparts of binary black-hole mergers

Research paper thumbnail of Geodesic Deviation and Weak-Field Solutions

Research paper thumbnail of Session 27. Neutron Stars, Pulsars Gamma ray Bursts Oral, Monday, June 4, 2001, 2: 00-3: 30pm, C107

Research paper thumbnail of Magnetorotational instability in hypermassive neutron stars

Research paper thumbnail of On the iterated Crank-Nicolson for hyperbolic and parabolic equations in numerical relativity

Research paper thumbnail of Strong-field scattering of two black holes: Numerics versus analytics

Research paper thumbnail of Spectral properties of the post-merger gravitational-wave signal from binary neutron stars

Research paper thumbnail of Source Redshifts from Gravitational-Wave Observations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers

Research paper thumbnail of Constraining the Equation of State of Neutron Stars from Binary Mergers

Physical Review Letters, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Nonsingular electrodynamics of a rotating black hole moving in an asymptotically uniform magnetic test field

Physical Review D, 2014

ABSTRACT We extend the Wald solution to a black hole that is also boosted. More specifically, we ... more ABSTRACT We extend the Wald solution to a black hole that is also boosted. More specifically, we derive analytic solutions for the Maxwell equations for a rotating black hole moving at constant speed in an asymptotically uniform magnetic test field. By adopting Kerr-Schild coordinates we avoid singular behaviours at the horizon and obtain a complete description of the charge and current distributions in terms of the black-hole spin and boost. Using this solution, we compute the energy losses expected when charged particles are accelerated along the magnetic field lines, improving previous estimates that had to cope with singular electromagnetic fields on the horizon. When used to approximate the emission from binary black holes in a uniform magnetic field, our estimates match reasonably well those from numerical-relativity calculations in the force-free approximation.

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical evolutions of a black hole-neutron star system in full general relativity: Head-on collision

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of a simplified approach to radiative transfer in general relativity

Physical Review D, 2013

ABSTRACT We describe in detail the implementation of a simplified approach to radiative transfer ... more ABSTRACT We describe in detail the implementation of a simplified approach to radiative transfer in general relativity by means of the well-known neutrino leakage scheme (NLS). In particular, we carry out an extensive investigation of the properties and limitations of the NLS for isolated relativistic stars to a level of detail that has not been discussed before in a general-relativistic context. Although the numerous tests considered here are rather idealized, they provide a well-controlled environment in which to understand the relationship between the matter dynamics and the neutrino emission, which is important in order to model the neutrino signals from more complicated scenarios, such as binary neutron-star mergers. When considering nonrotating hot neutron stars we confirm earlier results of one-dimensional simulations, but also present novel results about the equilibrium properties and on how the cooling affects the stability of these configurations. In our idealized but controlled setup, we can then show that deviations from the thermal and weak-interaction equilibrium affect the stability of these models to radial perturbations, leading models that are stable in the absence of radiative losses, to a gravitational collapse to a black hole when neutrinos are instead radiated.

Research paper thumbnail of Iterated Crank-Nicolson method for hyperbolic and parabolic equations in numerical relativity

Research paper thumbnail of Three Little Pieces for Computer and Relativity

General Relativity, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 2014


The Astrophysical Journal, 2012


The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of r-Mode Oscillations in Rotating Magnetic Neutron Stars

The Astrophysical journal, Jan 10, 2000

We show that r-mode oscillations distort the magnetic fields of neutron stars and that their occu... more We show that r-mode oscillations distort the magnetic fields of neutron stars and that their occurrence is likely to be limited by this interaction. If the field is greater, similar1016(Omega/OmegaB) G, where Omega and OmegaB are the angular velocities of the star and at which mass shedding occurs, r-mode oscillations cannot occur. Much weaker fields will prevent gravitational radiation from exciting r-mode oscillations or will damp them on a relatively short timescale by extracting energy from the modes faster than gravitational-wave emission can pump energy into them. For example, a 1010 G poloidal magnetic field that threads the star's superconducting core is likely to prevent the l=2 mode from being excited unless Omega exceeds 0.35OmegaB. If Omega is larger than 0.35OmegaB initially, the l=2 mode may be excited but is likely to decay rapidly once Omega falls below 0.35OmegaB, which happens in less, similar15 days if the saturation amplitude is greater, similar0.1. The r-mod...

Research paper thumbnail of Magnetic field instabiities in neutron stars

Astronomische Nachrichten, 2014

ABSTRACT Magnetic fields represent a crucial aspect of the physics and astrophysics of neutron st... more ABSTRACT Magnetic fields represent a crucial aspect of the physics and astrophysics of neutron stars. Despite its great relevance, the internal magnetic field configuration of neutron stars is very poorly constrained by the observations, and understanding its properties is a long-standing theoretical challenge. The investigation on the subject is focused on the search for those magnetic field geometries which are stable on several Alfv\`en timescales, thus constituting a viable description of neutron star interiors. Assesing the stability of a given magnetic field geometry is therefore an important part of this research. So far only simple configurations, such as the purely poloidal or purely toroidal ones, have been studied in detail in perturbation theory and, most recently, by means of nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Here we review the basic results of the state-of-the-art general relativistic nonlinear studies, discussing the present status of the field and its future directions.

Research paper thumbnail of New parametrization for spherically symmetric black holes in metric theories of gravity

Research paper thumbnail of Spectral properties of the post-merger gravitational-wave signal from binary neutron stars

Research paper thumbnail of Electromagnetic counterparts of binary black-hole mergers

Research paper thumbnail of Geodesic Deviation and Weak-Field Solutions

Research paper thumbnail of Session 27. Neutron Stars, Pulsars Gamma ray Bursts Oral, Monday, June 4, 2001, 2: 00-3: 30pm, C107

Research paper thumbnail of Magnetorotational instability in hypermassive neutron stars

Research paper thumbnail of On the iterated Crank-Nicolson for hyperbolic and parabolic equations in numerical relativity