Martin Beckstein | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (original) (raw)
Books by Martin Beckstein
Routledge, 2022
Political theory offers a great variety of interpretive traditions and models. Today, pluralism i... more Political theory offers a great variety of interpretive traditions and models. Today, pluralism is the paradigm. But are all approaches equally useful? What are their limits and possibilities? Can we practice them in isolation, or can we combine them? Modeling Interpretation and the
Practice of Political Theory addresses these questions in a refreshing and hands- on manner. It not only models in the abstract, but also tests in practice eight basic schemes of interpretation with which any ambitious reader of political texts should already be familiar.
Comprehensive and engaging, the book includes:
• A straightforward typology of interpretation in political theory.
• Chapters on the analytical Oxford model, biographical and oeuvre- based interpretation, Skinner’s Cambridge School, the esoteric model, reflexive hermeneutics, reception analysis and conceptual history.
• Original readings of Federalist Paper No. 10, Plato’s Statesman, de Gouges’s The Three Urns, Rivera’s wall painting The History of Mexico and Strauss’s Persecution and the Art of Writing; with further chapters on Machiavelli, Huang Zongxi and a Hittite loyalty oath.
• An Epilogue proposing pragmatist eclecticism as the way forward in interpretation.
An inspiring, hands- on textbook suitable for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as experienced scholars of political theory, intellectual history and philosophy interested in learning more about types and models of interpretation, and the challenge of combining them in interpretive practice.
Habilitation Thesis, 2019
Cosmos+Taxis, 2019
Full issue for download:
The Monist, 2016
This special issue is motivated by the observation that conservatism plays a marginal role in con... more This special issue is motivated by the observation that conservatism plays a marginal role in contemporary philosophy even though it appears to be of considerable importance in moral, social, and political reality. One reason for this neglect is that defenders of conservatism have often refrained from articulating their arguments in a language that is acceptable to and understandable by analytically trained philosophers. The contributions of this special issue show that conservatism can profitably be approached from the point of view of analytic philosophy. Many of them are indebted to Jerry Cohen's (2012) seminal paper on conservative value, which develops a sophisticated justification of what Michael Oakeshott (1991) called the disposition to be conservative.
Routledge, 2015
In recent years, economic life has become increasingly politicized: now, every company has a ‘phi... more In recent years, economic life has become increasingly politicized: now, every company has a ‘philosophy’, promising its customers some ethical surplus in return for buying their products; consumers shop for change; workers engage in individualized forms of employee activism such as whistleblowing; and governments contribute to the re-configuration of the economic sphere as a site of political contestation by reminding corporate and private economic actors of their duty to ‘do their bit’. The Politics of Economic Life addresses this trend by exploring the ways in which practices of consumption, work, production, and entrepreneurship are imbued with political strategy and ideology, and assesses the potentials and perils of the politicization of economic activity for democracy in the 21st century.
Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht/UTB, Sep 17, 2014
A textbook (in German) on different interpretational approaches to texts in the History of Politi... more A textbook (in German) on different interpretational approaches to texts in the History of Political Ideas, exemplified with selected texts, arguing for a meta-methodological approach along the lines of a Pragmatist Eclecticism.
Table of Contents:
1. The Analytical Approach: The Example of Federalist Paper Nr. 10
2. The Biographical Approach: The Example of Plato's Statesman
3. The Oeuvre-Based Approach: The Example of Olympe de Gouges's Three Urns
4. The Esoteric Approach: The Example of Persecution and the Art of Writing
5. The Contextualist Approach: The Example of the Epos of the Mexican People
6. The Hermeneutic Approach: The Example of Huang Zongxi and his Mingyi daifang lu
7. The Reader-Response Approach: The Example of Interpretations of The Prince
8. The Conceptual History Approach: The Example of the Concept of Contract in the Oaths for Officals by Arnuwanda
Ein Lehrbuch zu Interpretationsansätzen in der Politischen Ideengeschichte mit Beispielanwendungen an ausgewählten Texten und einem Plädoyer für den meta-methodischen Ansatz der Pragmatistischen Eklektik
1. Der analytische Ansatz: Am Beispiel des Federalist Paper Nr. 10
2. Der biografische Ansatz: Am Beispiel von Platons Der Staatsmann
3. Der werkimmanente Ansatz: Am Beispiel von Olympe de Gouges’ Drei Urnen
4. Der esoterische Ansatz: Am Beispiel von Verfolgung und die Kunst des Schreibens
5. Der kontextuelle Ansatz: Am Beispiel des Epos des mexikanischen Volks
6. Der hermeneutische Ansatz: Am Beispiel von Huang Zongxi und seinem Mingyi daifang lu
7. Der rezeptionstheoretische Ansatz: Am Beispiel der Deutungen von Der Fürst
8. Der begriffsgeschichtliche Ansatz: Am Beispiel des Vertrags in Die Würdenträgereide des Arnuwanda
Articles by Martin Beckstein
Dating apps as tools for social engineering, 2025
In a bid to boost their below-replacement fertility levels, some countries, such as China, India,... more In a bid to boost their below-replacement fertility levels, some countries, such as China, India, Iran, and Japan, have launched state-sponsored dating apps, with more potentially following. However, the use of dating apps as tools for social engineering has been largely neglected by political theorists and public policy experts. This article fills this gap. While acknowledging the risks and historical baggage of social engineering, the article provides a qualified defense of using these apps for three purposes: raising below-replacement birth rates, increasing social cohesion, and preventing certain genetic diseases.
Indes - Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft, 2024
Demokratie ist eine gute Sache.1 Wenn Demokratie eine gute Sache ist, dann sollte mehr davon noch... more Demokratie ist eine gute Sache.1 Wenn Demokratie eine gute Sache ist,
dann sollte mehr davon noch besser sein. Diese Logik ist schlicht und bestechend.
Der Wert eines Guts erhöht sich mit dessen quantitativer oder
qualitativer Zunahme. Allerdings scheint es Ausnahmen zu geben. Jedenfalls
besagt ein Sprichwort, dass weniger durchaus mehr sein kann. Aus
ästhetischer Perspektive mögen schlichte Formen beispielsweise reizvoller
als ornamentübersähte wirken. Doch sollte auch die Demokratie zu
den Ausnahmen gehören? Nachdruck wird der Frage durch Willy Brandts
berühmte Regierungserklärung von 1969 verliehen. Brandt wollte »mehr
Demokratie wagen« – und schätzte eben dadurch Demokratisierung sowohl
als ein Gut als auch als ein Wagnis ein. Ein Wagnis ist ein riskantes
Unterfangen, es beinhaltet die Gefahr des Scheiterns. Doch wovon hängt
es ab, ob ein demokratisches Wagnis reüssiert oder scheitert? Vom Mut
der Reformierenden? Von der Bereitschaft und Fähigkeit der Bevölkerung?
Von den konkreten Demokratisierungsvorhaben? Oder von der
Demokratie als solcher?
Politische Grundbegriffe im 21. Jahrhundert, 2023
Gemäß führenden Experten spielt Konservatismus im deutschen politischen Diskurs der erweiterten M... more Gemäß führenden Experten spielt Konservatismus im deutschen politischen Diskurs der erweiterten Mitte keine Rolle mehr. Jens Hacke (2015: 28) will den Konservatismus zwar nicht totgesagt wissen, spricht ihm eine ungebrochene Attraktion aber nur für "die Skeptiker der Demokratie und Feinde des Liberalismus" zu. Thomas Biebricher (2018) zufolge ist der Konservatismus vollständig von einem Erschöpfungssyndrom befallen. Helmut Kohls pathetisch proklamierter "geistig-moralischer Wende" zum Trotz hätten die Unionsparteien seit den frühen 1980er Jahren den Ausverkauf wertkonservativer Positionen betrieben-und sich dadurch ideologisch halbiert. Unter Angela Merkel sei dieses Projekt im Grunde-u.a. mit dem Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie, der Legalisierung der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe und der Öffnung der Grenzen im Zuge der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise von 2015-abgeschlossen worden. Diese Entwicklung, so Biebricher (2018: 297f.) weiter, sei beunruhigend und zwar aus parteiübergreifender Sicht: "Die Freude bei den Gegnern des Konservatismus über seine diagnostizierte Erschöpfung sollte also nicht zu überschwänglich ausfallen, steht doch zu befürchten, dass nach dem Konservatismus auch die Demokratie insgesamt vom Erschöpfungssyndrom befallen wird. " Es lohnt sich, kurz über diese besorgniserregende Einschätzung zu reflektieren. Warum sollte ein pluralistisches politisches System in Not geraten, wenn eine Denkhaltung an Zuspruch verliert? Warum sollte dies gerade beim Konservatismus der Fall sein, dessen Ruf höchst ambivalent ist? Die Antwort lautet: weil Demokratie einen lebhaften politischen Diskurs voraussetzt, in dem unterschiedliche politische Positionen artikuliert und debattiert werden. Wie besonders prominent zum Beispiel Chantal Mouffe (2005) gezeigt hat, entwickeln sich politische Identitäten im agonalen Wettbewerb und in wechselseitiger Abgrenzung. Wenn den Diskurs jedoch ein ideologischer Zentripetalismus erfasst und die Parteien anstatt Alternativen 285
Politische Vierteljahrsschrift, 2023
Contemporary political theory often discards Montesquieu’s political theory of climate. It is gen... more Contemporary political theory often discards Montesquieu’s political theory of climate. It is generally viewed as misguided and potentially offensive due to its perceived associations with Eurocentric and racist stereotypes, as well as its seeming justification of colonial injustice. However, this paper argues that Montesquieu’s political theory of climate warrants a reevaluation for at least three reasons. First, the theory is more complex than is often believed. Second, it makes more sense than is commonly held. Third, it prompts intriguing inquiries about the challenges of integrating scientific findings from diverse fields and about implications of the human factor in relation to climate change.
Handbuch Liberlismus, hrsg. von Michael Festl (J.B. Metzler), 2021
Kommunitarismus bezeichnet keine vollumfängliche politische Theorie oder Ideologie, sondern eine ... more Kommunitarismus bezeichnet keine vollumfängliche politische Theorie oder Ideologie, sondern eine Kritik an der kantianisch motivierten, liberalen Theoriebildung sowie der Ausprägung eines übersteigerten Individualismus in modernen Gesellschaften. Zur Selbstcharakterisierung wurde die Bezeichnung kaum genutzt. Die Kritiker verstanden sich eher als dem Republikanismus oder einem „wohlverstandenen“ Liberalismus, mit Abstrichen auch dem Konservatismus verpflichtet. Tatsächlich ist klassisch-republikanisches
Gedankengut, gepaart mit soziologischen Beobachtungen, am deutlichsten als intellektuelle Inspirationsquelle auszumachen. Wie sinnhaft die Bezeichnung Kommunitarismus auch immer sein mag, sie vermittelt intuitiv ein grundlegendes Verständnis der Stoßrichtung des damit auf den Begriff gebrachten Ansinnens: dem gemeinschaftlichen Leben, dem Aktivbürgertum und Gemeinsinn, müsse theoretisch wie praktisch größerer Wert beigemessen werden.
Ethics & Global Politics, 2020
To assess the merits and demerits of the content of Culp’s educational program, the paper does th... more To assess the merits and demerits of the content of Culp’s educational program, the paper does three things: First, it discusses whether Culp’s defense against conceivable objections manages to effectively dispel the charge of cosmopolitan arrogance. Second, it spell out one implication of epistemic modesty, which Culp considers a core competence to be imparted by citizenship education. Third, it reflects upon the tricky task of motivating individuals to comply with the demands of justice. Taken together, the paper argues that Culp’s case is impressively strong but nevertheless tends to suffer from a rationalist constriction. It does not leave sufficient room for tradition in private life and public reasoning. This rationalist constriction is problematic from a normative philosophical, and especially a practice-oriented viewpoint.
Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie, 2019
Abstract: Wie soll die Zivilgesellschaft mit radikalen Akteuren wie PopulistInnen umgehen? Gilt e... more Abstract: Wie soll die Zivilgesellschaft mit radikalen Akteuren wie PopulistInnen umgehen? Gilt es, den Dialog mit ihnen zu suchen oder zu vermeiden? Sollte man ihnen zuhören, sie sprechen lassen und argumentativ zu entlarven versuchen oder ihnen kein Forum bieten und so den Zugang zum gesellschaftlichen Diskurs erschweren? Der vorliegende Artikel will diese Fragen nicht einer normativ fundierten Beantwortung zuführen, sondern analysiert und systematisiert im öffentlichen Diskurs bereits kursierende Antworten. Konkret liegt der Fokus auf Stellungnahmen, die anlässlich der Einladung der AfD-PolitikerInnen Alice Weidel und Marc Jongen an die Oxford Union (2018) bzw. an das Zürcher Theater Gessnerallee und das Hannah-Arendt-Center in New York (beide 2017) vorgebracht wurden. Es erweist sich, dass die Kontroversen einerseits auf demokratietheoretische Grundsatzfragen zurückfielen und andererseits den konkreten Kontextbedingungen der jeweiligen Events zu wenig Bedeutung schenkten.
Abstract: How should civil society deal with radical actors such as populists? Should democrats engage in an open dialogue or avoid the confrontation? Should they listen to them, let them speak and try to expose them argumentatively, or should they deny them any kind of public plattform? Rather than providing a normative answer to these questions, this article analyzes and systematizes responses that are already circulating in public discourse. In particular, we focus on reactions to the invitations of the AfD politicians Alice Weidel and Marc Jongen to the Oxford Union (2018), the Zurich Theater Gessnerallee as well as the Hannah Arendt-Center in New York (both 2017). We will show that the debates gave excessive weight to fundamental questions of democratic theory while marginalizing the specific context factors of the events. Because of this, the populists eventually gained the moral victory.
Constellations, 2019
Sometimes established institutions aren't perfect but cannot be replaced with better solutions. I... more Sometimes established institutions aren't perfect but cannot be replaced with better solutions. In situations of this kind, forestalling decay, not forcing progress, is the order of the day. But what needs to be done to prevent change for the worse? Must anything be done at all? To help answering these questions, the article explores conservation as a mode of political action. It argues that securing the choice to retain a comparatively favored institution becomes a practical challenge for legislators when technological, economic, ecological and other external developments threaten to turn its effective function away from which we value it. To cope with the task, legislators must resolve Edmund Burke's 'conservation paradox' in which existing arrangements can only stay the same if they are changed. The article provides a formal solution by construing political conservation as renovative reformism that adapts institutional structures, cultures or mechanisms to changing circumstances in order to prevent the accidental transformation of institutional mandates, and points out why political disputes may arise even among persons who are equally interested in leaving things as they are.
European Journal of Political Research, 2018
This paper explores the neglected relationship between conservatism as a political theory, and co... more This paper explores the neglected relationship between conservatism as a political theory, and conservatism as political practice, using the example of recent immigration to Europe. A cursory glance at how European politicians have responded to migration challenges suggests that they roughly divide into a leftist 'liberal' and a rightist 'conservative' camp, between those that favour some form of an open-arms policy and those who prefer to close borders. The situation, however, is more complex. This article engages with the resources of conservative theory to argue that there are many distinct conservative-theoretical positions for any one policy point. Using contemporary migration patterns as a case-study, we suggest that Conservative parties have not borrowed much from conservative theory in its variety of incarnations. In fact, conservative theory can buttress a course of action that is generous toward migrants and at odds with the claims of right-wing populist movements. While certain strands of conservatism imagine a homogenous people, there are others that are no less pro-pluralization than liberal theory, and sometimes more so.
Zeitschrift für Politik, 2018
Zusammenfassung: Methodenpluralismus in der Politischen Ideengeschichte Verschiedenartige Interpr... more Zusammenfassung: Methodenpluralismus in der Politischen Ideengeschichte
Verschiedenartige Interpretationsansätze werden nicht nur von verschiedenen Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Politischen Ideengeschichte verwendet, sondern auch in jeder einzelnen politikwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung, die Texte interpretiert. Durchaus fraglich ist, wie sich eine solche »eklektische« Forschungspraxis rechtfertigt, zumal sie zentrale Kriterien der Wissenschaftlichkeit wie insbesondere Transparenz und Konsistenz kaum zu gewährleisten vermag. Der vorliegende Aufsatz argumentiert, dass methodenplurale Forschung keine Option, sondern unhintergehbare Realität ist. Über den Rückgriff auf die philosophische Eklektik der deutschen Frühaufklärung und den amerikanischen Pragmatismus wird eine Alternative zu einer im alltagssprachlichen Sinn eklektischen Forschungspraxis aufgezeigt, welche das Problem von theoretischen Spannungen nicht überspielt und die bessere Überprüfbarkeit von Forschungsergebnissen ermöglicht.
Summary: The Plurality of Methods in the History of Political Thought
Different methods of interpretation are practiced not only by different historians of Political Thought, but also within each and every individual study in Political Science that in some way interprets texts. This »eclectic« practice might be reasonable, but so far it stands on shaky grounds, as it does not warrant the key values of scientific inquiry such as transparency and consistency. This article shows that there is actually no viable alternative to the selective combination of interpretive methods. However, there is a plausible way for coping with this problem: scholars should adopt a meta-methodological attitude that combines the virtues of the early Enlightenment tradition of philosophic eclecticism and American pragmatism.
European Journal of Social Theory, 2017
Starting with Popper, social theorists across the board have acknowledged that traditions serve s... more Starting with Popper, social theorists across the board have acknowledged that traditions serve socially valuable functions. However, while traditions are usually understood as ‘living’ entities that come in overlapping varieties and evolve over time, the socially valuable functions attributed to tradition tend to presuppose invariability in ways of thinking and acting. Addressing this tension, this article provides a detailed analysis of the concept of tradition, and directs special attention to conceivable criteria for the authentic continuation of a tradition. It is argued that the ways of thinking and acting that constitute the material of a tradition must—among faithful members of that tradition—stand in a relation of equivalence—not identity or similarity. The implications of this account concern our ability to decide (normatively) conflicts over authenticity among rival tradition branches as well as the role that traditions play in policy-making.
Jahrbuch für Politisches Denken, 2017
In a post-feudal order, Joseph von Radowitz argues in “A Contemporary Conversation on Church and ... more In a post-feudal order, Joseph von Radowitz argues in “A Contemporary Conversation on Church and State” (1846), the noblesse oblige principle can only be preserved if translated into a more general property obliges principle. Because of this argument, scholars rank Radowitz’s text among the documents that intellectually pioneered the social welfare state. Nevertheless, “A Contemporary Conversation on Church and State” has not yet been analyzed in detail, which however is indispensable for its interpretation given the playful exoteric/esoteric form of the text. The present article fills this lacuna and shows that Radowitz aimed at forging an alliance across all classes to prevent institutional decay in the face of nascent industrialization rather than at beguiling the working class to keep the aspiring bourgeoisie in check.
In seiner Schrift, „Gespräche aus der Gegenwart über Staat und Kirche“ (1846), leitet Joseph von Radowitz eine allgemeine Sozialbindung des Eigentums aus dem Prinzip „Adel verpflichtet“ ab. Während der Text in den vergangenen Jahren als wichtiges Dokument der intellektuellen Vorbereitung des Wohlfahrtsstaats in Deutschland entdeckt wurde, steht eine detaillierte Interpretation noch aus – und zwar nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil die Intention des Autors durch die platonische Dialogform des anonym veröffentlichten Texts, die Namensgebung der miteinander diskutierenden Charaktere und das sonderbare Vorwort offensichtlich verschleiert wird. Die vorliegende Untersuchung holt dies nach und zeigt, dass Radowitz mittels der Ausbildung sozialstaatlicher Strukturen nicht, wie bislang angenommen, einen machtpolitischen Schulterschluss zwischen Arbeiterschaft und Erbadel gegen das aufstrebende Bürgertum zu befördern, sondern eine überparteiliche Allianz zu schmieden suchte, um dem schleichenden Funktionsverlust institutioneller Errungenschaften entgegenzuwirken.
The Monist, 2016
This special issue is motivated by the observation that conservatism plays a marginal role in con... more This special issue is motivated by the observation that conservatism plays a marginal role in contemporary philosophy even though it appears to be of considerable importance in moral, social, and political reality. One reason for this neglect is that defenders of conservatism have often refrained from articulating their arguments in a language that is acceptable to and understandable by analytically trained philosophers. The contributions of this special issue show that conservatism can profitably be approached from the point of view of analytic philosophy. Many of them are indebted to Jerry Cohen's (2012) seminal paper on conservative value, which develops a sophisticated justification of what Michael Oakeshott (1991) called the disposition to be conservative. In this vein, Geoffrey Brennan and Alan Hamlin contribute two important papers, by which they complete a 'trilogy' on conservatism, that is to say a series of papers that present three forms of conservatism: adjectival, practical, and nominal. While the mentioned authors dealt with adjectival conservatism in previous work (Brennan and Hamlin 2004), in their papers in this volume they analyze practical and nominal conservatism. Practical conservatism is an attitude involving an empirical claim about possible costs and risks of departure from a status quo that is interpreted as a convention-equilibrium. Such equilibria are highly difficult to plan and replicate, so that the process of change from the prevailing equilibrium to a desired, different though not yet established equilibrium necessarily occasions significant transition costs. Hence, practical conservatism develops a status quo argument against imprudent forms of change under circumstances of uncertainty or risk. Nominal conservatives hold specific values not recognized by others and they do so even under conditions of certainty. According to Brennan and Hamlin, these specific and substantive values attribute normative authority to an element of the status quo because it is an element of the status quo. More specifically, they argue that nominal conservatives attach particular value on things of positive basic value. The opposite does not apply. Conservatives do not attribute negative particular value to things of negative basic value, as this would make conservatism indistinguishable from radicalism. Equally, they do not, here and now, attribute positive particular value to things in the future. They just consider they might do so once they get there. In sum, this means that nominal conservatives either justify the status quo because they attribute a particular value to it or they necessarily need to remain silent. There is a direct connection between this systematic point of Brennan and Hamlin and Vanessa Rampton's historical paper on the situation of conservatives in the context of czarist Russia before and after the first revolution. What disposition do conservatives adopt when they find little to no value attributable to the status quo and when a positive value in the future is merely expected and aspired to in societal action? Rampton shows that in such situations taking sides with forces of radical change is as difficult for conservatives as justifying a status quo. Under dire circumstances, when the status quo loses its value-aptness, nominal conservatism needs to go into a switch-off mode, as it can neither find value in the status quo nor in the radical change that is deemed necessary to overcome it. In all other circumstances nominal conservatism values the status quo for a particular reason not recognized by others.
Routledge, 2022
Political theory offers a great variety of interpretive traditions and models. Today, pluralism i... more Political theory offers a great variety of interpretive traditions and models. Today, pluralism is the paradigm. But are all approaches equally useful? What are their limits and possibilities? Can we practice them in isolation, or can we combine them? Modeling Interpretation and the
Practice of Political Theory addresses these questions in a refreshing and hands- on manner. It not only models in the abstract, but also tests in practice eight basic schemes of interpretation with which any ambitious reader of political texts should already be familiar.
Comprehensive and engaging, the book includes:
• A straightforward typology of interpretation in political theory.
• Chapters on the analytical Oxford model, biographical and oeuvre- based interpretation, Skinner’s Cambridge School, the esoteric model, reflexive hermeneutics, reception analysis and conceptual history.
• Original readings of Federalist Paper No. 10, Plato’s Statesman, de Gouges’s The Three Urns, Rivera’s wall painting The History of Mexico and Strauss’s Persecution and the Art of Writing; with further chapters on Machiavelli, Huang Zongxi and a Hittite loyalty oath.
• An Epilogue proposing pragmatist eclecticism as the way forward in interpretation.
An inspiring, hands- on textbook suitable for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as experienced scholars of political theory, intellectual history and philosophy interested in learning more about types and models of interpretation, and the challenge of combining them in interpretive practice.
Habilitation Thesis, 2019
Cosmos+Taxis, 2019
Full issue for download:
The Monist, 2016
This special issue is motivated by the observation that conservatism plays a marginal role in con... more This special issue is motivated by the observation that conservatism plays a marginal role in contemporary philosophy even though it appears to be of considerable importance in moral, social, and political reality. One reason for this neglect is that defenders of conservatism have often refrained from articulating their arguments in a language that is acceptable to and understandable by analytically trained philosophers. The contributions of this special issue show that conservatism can profitably be approached from the point of view of analytic philosophy. Many of them are indebted to Jerry Cohen's (2012) seminal paper on conservative value, which develops a sophisticated justification of what Michael Oakeshott (1991) called the disposition to be conservative.
Routledge, 2015
In recent years, economic life has become increasingly politicized: now, every company has a ‘phi... more In recent years, economic life has become increasingly politicized: now, every company has a ‘philosophy’, promising its customers some ethical surplus in return for buying their products; consumers shop for change; workers engage in individualized forms of employee activism such as whistleblowing; and governments contribute to the re-configuration of the economic sphere as a site of political contestation by reminding corporate and private economic actors of their duty to ‘do their bit’. The Politics of Economic Life addresses this trend by exploring the ways in which practices of consumption, work, production, and entrepreneurship are imbued with political strategy and ideology, and assesses the potentials and perils of the politicization of economic activity for democracy in the 21st century.
Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht/UTB, Sep 17, 2014
A textbook (in German) on different interpretational approaches to texts in the History of Politi... more A textbook (in German) on different interpretational approaches to texts in the History of Political Ideas, exemplified with selected texts, arguing for a meta-methodological approach along the lines of a Pragmatist Eclecticism.
Table of Contents:
1. The Analytical Approach: The Example of Federalist Paper Nr. 10
2. The Biographical Approach: The Example of Plato's Statesman
3. The Oeuvre-Based Approach: The Example of Olympe de Gouges's Three Urns
4. The Esoteric Approach: The Example of Persecution and the Art of Writing
5. The Contextualist Approach: The Example of the Epos of the Mexican People
6. The Hermeneutic Approach: The Example of Huang Zongxi and his Mingyi daifang lu
7. The Reader-Response Approach: The Example of Interpretations of The Prince
8. The Conceptual History Approach: The Example of the Concept of Contract in the Oaths for Officals by Arnuwanda
Ein Lehrbuch zu Interpretationsansätzen in der Politischen Ideengeschichte mit Beispielanwendungen an ausgewählten Texten und einem Plädoyer für den meta-methodischen Ansatz der Pragmatistischen Eklektik
1. Der analytische Ansatz: Am Beispiel des Federalist Paper Nr. 10
2. Der biografische Ansatz: Am Beispiel von Platons Der Staatsmann
3. Der werkimmanente Ansatz: Am Beispiel von Olympe de Gouges’ Drei Urnen
4. Der esoterische Ansatz: Am Beispiel von Verfolgung und die Kunst des Schreibens
5. Der kontextuelle Ansatz: Am Beispiel des Epos des mexikanischen Volks
6. Der hermeneutische Ansatz: Am Beispiel von Huang Zongxi und seinem Mingyi daifang lu
7. Der rezeptionstheoretische Ansatz: Am Beispiel der Deutungen von Der Fürst
8. Der begriffsgeschichtliche Ansatz: Am Beispiel des Vertrags in Die Würdenträgereide des Arnuwanda
Dating apps as tools for social engineering, 2025
In a bid to boost their below-replacement fertility levels, some countries, such as China, India,... more In a bid to boost their below-replacement fertility levels, some countries, such as China, India, Iran, and Japan, have launched state-sponsored dating apps, with more potentially following. However, the use of dating apps as tools for social engineering has been largely neglected by political theorists and public policy experts. This article fills this gap. While acknowledging the risks and historical baggage of social engineering, the article provides a qualified defense of using these apps for three purposes: raising below-replacement birth rates, increasing social cohesion, and preventing certain genetic diseases.
Indes - Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft, 2024
Demokratie ist eine gute Sache.1 Wenn Demokratie eine gute Sache ist, dann sollte mehr davon noch... more Demokratie ist eine gute Sache.1 Wenn Demokratie eine gute Sache ist,
dann sollte mehr davon noch besser sein. Diese Logik ist schlicht und bestechend.
Der Wert eines Guts erhöht sich mit dessen quantitativer oder
qualitativer Zunahme. Allerdings scheint es Ausnahmen zu geben. Jedenfalls
besagt ein Sprichwort, dass weniger durchaus mehr sein kann. Aus
ästhetischer Perspektive mögen schlichte Formen beispielsweise reizvoller
als ornamentübersähte wirken. Doch sollte auch die Demokratie zu
den Ausnahmen gehören? Nachdruck wird der Frage durch Willy Brandts
berühmte Regierungserklärung von 1969 verliehen. Brandt wollte »mehr
Demokratie wagen« – und schätzte eben dadurch Demokratisierung sowohl
als ein Gut als auch als ein Wagnis ein. Ein Wagnis ist ein riskantes
Unterfangen, es beinhaltet die Gefahr des Scheiterns. Doch wovon hängt
es ab, ob ein demokratisches Wagnis reüssiert oder scheitert? Vom Mut
der Reformierenden? Von der Bereitschaft und Fähigkeit der Bevölkerung?
Von den konkreten Demokratisierungsvorhaben? Oder von der
Demokratie als solcher?
Politische Grundbegriffe im 21. Jahrhundert, 2023
Gemäß führenden Experten spielt Konservatismus im deutschen politischen Diskurs der erweiterten M... more Gemäß führenden Experten spielt Konservatismus im deutschen politischen Diskurs der erweiterten Mitte keine Rolle mehr. Jens Hacke (2015: 28) will den Konservatismus zwar nicht totgesagt wissen, spricht ihm eine ungebrochene Attraktion aber nur für "die Skeptiker der Demokratie und Feinde des Liberalismus" zu. Thomas Biebricher (2018) zufolge ist der Konservatismus vollständig von einem Erschöpfungssyndrom befallen. Helmut Kohls pathetisch proklamierter "geistig-moralischer Wende" zum Trotz hätten die Unionsparteien seit den frühen 1980er Jahren den Ausverkauf wertkonservativer Positionen betrieben-und sich dadurch ideologisch halbiert. Unter Angela Merkel sei dieses Projekt im Grunde-u.a. mit dem Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie, der Legalisierung der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe und der Öffnung der Grenzen im Zuge der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise von 2015-abgeschlossen worden. Diese Entwicklung, so Biebricher (2018: 297f.) weiter, sei beunruhigend und zwar aus parteiübergreifender Sicht: "Die Freude bei den Gegnern des Konservatismus über seine diagnostizierte Erschöpfung sollte also nicht zu überschwänglich ausfallen, steht doch zu befürchten, dass nach dem Konservatismus auch die Demokratie insgesamt vom Erschöpfungssyndrom befallen wird. " Es lohnt sich, kurz über diese besorgniserregende Einschätzung zu reflektieren. Warum sollte ein pluralistisches politisches System in Not geraten, wenn eine Denkhaltung an Zuspruch verliert? Warum sollte dies gerade beim Konservatismus der Fall sein, dessen Ruf höchst ambivalent ist? Die Antwort lautet: weil Demokratie einen lebhaften politischen Diskurs voraussetzt, in dem unterschiedliche politische Positionen artikuliert und debattiert werden. Wie besonders prominent zum Beispiel Chantal Mouffe (2005) gezeigt hat, entwickeln sich politische Identitäten im agonalen Wettbewerb und in wechselseitiger Abgrenzung. Wenn den Diskurs jedoch ein ideologischer Zentripetalismus erfasst und die Parteien anstatt Alternativen 285
Politische Vierteljahrsschrift, 2023
Contemporary political theory often discards Montesquieu’s political theory of climate. It is gen... more Contemporary political theory often discards Montesquieu’s political theory of climate. It is generally viewed as misguided and potentially offensive due to its perceived associations with Eurocentric and racist stereotypes, as well as its seeming justification of colonial injustice. However, this paper argues that Montesquieu’s political theory of climate warrants a reevaluation for at least three reasons. First, the theory is more complex than is often believed. Second, it makes more sense than is commonly held. Third, it prompts intriguing inquiries about the challenges of integrating scientific findings from diverse fields and about implications of the human factor in relation to climate change.
Handbuch Liberlismus, hrsg. von Michael Festl (J.B. Metzler), 2021
Kommunitarismus bezeichnet keine vollumfängliche politische Theorie oder Ideologie, sondern eine ... more Kommunitarismus bezeichnet keine vollumfängliche politische Theorie oder Ideologie, sondern eine Kritik an der kantianisch motivierten, liberalen Theoriebildung sowie der Ausprägung eines übersteigerten Individualismus in modernen Gesellschaften. Zur Selbstcharakterisierung wurde die Bezeichnung kaum genutzt. Die Kritiker verstanden sich eher als dem Republikanismus oder einem „wohlverstandenen“ Liberalismus, mit Abstrichen auch dem Konservatismus verpflichtet. Tatsächlich ist klassisch-republikanisches
Gedankengut, gepaart mit soziologischen Beobachtungen, am deutlichsten als intellektuelle Inspirationsquelle auszumachen. Wie sinnhaft die Bezeichnung Kommunitarismus auch immer sein mag, sie vermittelt intuitiv ein grundlegendes Verständnis der Stoßrichtung des damit auf den Begriff gebrachten Ansinnens: dem gemeinschaftlichen Leben, dem Aktivbürgertum und Gemeinsinn, müsse theoretisch wie praktisch größerer Wert beigemessen werden.
Ethics & Global Politics, 2020
To assess the merits and demerits of the content of Culp’s educational program, the paper does th... more To assess the merits and demerits of the content of Culp’s educational program, the paper does three things: First, it discusses whether Culp’s defense against conceivable objections manages to effectively dispel the charge of cosmopolitan arrogance. Second, it spell out one implication of epistemic modesty, which Culp considers a core competence to be imparted by citizenship education. Third, it reflects upon the tricky task of motivating individuals to comply with the demands of justice. Taken together, the paper argues that Culp’s case is impressively strong but nevertheless tends to suffer from a rationalist constriction. It does not leave sufficient room for tradition in private life and public reasoning. This rationalist constriction is problematic from a normative philosophical, and especially a practice-oriented viewpoint.
Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie, 2019
Abstract: Wie soll die Zivilgesellschaft mit radikalen Akteuren wie PopulistInnen umgehen? Gilt e... more Abstract: Wie soll die Zivilgesellschaft mit radikalen Akteuren wie PopulistInnen umgehen? Gilt es, den Dialog mit ihnen zu suchen oder zu vermeiden? Sollte man ihnen zuhören, sie sprechen lassen und argumentativ zu entlarven versuchen oder ihnen kein Forum bieten und so den Zugang zum gesellschaftlichen Diskurs erschweren? Der vorliegende Artikel will diese Fragen nicht einer normativ fundierten Beantwortung zuführen, sondern analysiert und systematisiert im öffentlichen Diskurs bereits kursierende Antworten. Konkret liegt der Fokus auf Stellungnahmen, die anlässlich der Einladung der AfD-PolitikerInnen Alice Weidel und Marc Jongen an die Oxford Union (2018) bzw. an das Zürcher Theater Gessnerallee und das Hannah-Arendt-Center in New York (beide 2017) vorgebracht wurden. Es erweist sich, dass die Kontroversen einerseits auf demokratietheoretische Grundsatzfragen zurückfielen und andererseits den konkreten Kontextbedingungen der jeweiligen Events zu wenig Bedeutung schenkten.
Abstract: How should civil society deal with radical actors such as populists? Should democrats engage in an open dialogue or avoid the confrontation? Should they listen to them, let them speak and try to expose them argumentatively, or should they deny them any kind of public plattform? Rather than providing a normative answer to these questions, this article analyzes and systematizes responses that are already circulating in public discourse. In particular, we focus on reactions to the invitations of the AfD politicians Alice Weidel and Marc Jongen to the Oxford Union (2018), the Zurich Theater Gessnerallee as well as the Hannah Arendt-Center in New York (both 2017). We will show that the debates gave excessive weight to fundamental questions of democratic theory while marginalizing the specific context factors of the events. Because of this, the populists eventually gained the moral victory.
Constellations, 2019
Sometimes established institutions aren't perfect but cannot be replaced with better solutions. I... more Sometimes established institutions aren't perfect but cannot be replaced with better solutions. In situations of this kind, forestalling decay, not forcing progress, is the order of the day. But what needs to be done to prevent change for the worse? Must anything be done at all? To help answering these questions, the article explores conservation as a mode of political action. It argues that securing the choice to retain a comparatively favored institution becomes a practical challenge for legislators when technological, economic, ecological and other external developments threaten to turn its effective function away from which we value it. To cope with the task, legislators must resolve Edmund Burke's 'conservation paradox' in which existing arrangements can only stay the same if they are changed. The article provides a formal solution by construing political conservation as renovative reformism that adapts institutional structures, cultures or mechanisms to changing circumstances in order to prevent the accidental transformation of institutional mandates, and points out why political disputes may arise even among persons who are equally interested in leaving things as they are.
European Journal of Political Research, 2018
This paper explores the neglected relationship between conservatism as a political theory, and co... more This paper explores the neglected relationship between conservatism as a political theory, and conservatism as political practice, using the example of recent immigration to Europe. A cursory glance at how European politicians have responded to migration challenges suggests that they roughly divide into a leftist 'liberal' and a rightist 'conservative' camp, between those that favour some form of an open-arms policy and those who prefer to close borders. The situation, however, is more complex. This article engages with the resources of conservative theory to argue that there are many distinct conservative-theoretical positions for any one policy point. Using contemporary migration patterns as a case-study, we suggest that Conservative parties have not borrowed much from conservative theory in its variety of incarnations. In fact, conservative theory can buttress a course of action that is generous toward migrants and at odds with the claims of right-wing populist movements. While certain strands of conservatism imagine a homogenous people, there are others that are no less pro-pluralization than liberal theory, and sometimes more so.
Zeitschrift für Politik, 2018
Zusammenfassung: Methodenpluralismus in der Politischen Ideengeschichte Verschiedenartige Interpr... more Zusammenfassung: Methodenpluralismus in der Politischen Ideengeschichte
Verschiedenartige Interpretationsansätze werden nicht nur von verschiedenen Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Politischen Ideengeschichte verwendet, sondern auch in jeder einzelnen politikwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung, die Texte interpretiert. Durchaus fraglich ist, wie sich eine solche »eklektische« Forschungspraxis rechtfertigt, zumal sie zentrale Kriterien der Wissenschaftlichkeit wie insbesondere Transparenz und Konsistenz kaum zu gewährleisten vermag. Der vorliegende Aufsatz argumentiert, dass methodenplurale Forschung keine Option, sondern unhintergehbare Realität ist. Über den Rückgriff auf die philosophische Eklektik der deutschen Frühaufklärung und den amerikanischen Pragmatismus wird eine Alternative zu einer im alltagssprachlichen Sinn eklektischen Forschungspraxis aufgezeigt, welche das Problem von theoretischen Spannungen nicht überspielt und die bessere Überprüfbarkeit von Forschungsergebnissen ermöglicht.
Summary: The Plurality of Methods in the History of Political Thought
Different methods of interpretation are practiced not only by different historians of Political Thought, but also within each and every individual study in Political Science that in some way interprets texts. This »eclectic« practice might be reasonable, but so far it stands on shaky grounds, as it does not warrant the key values of scientific inquiry such as transparency and consistency. This article shows that there is actually no viable alternative to the selective combination of interpretive methods. However, there is a plausible way for coping with this problem: scholars should adopt a meta-methodological attitude that combines the virtues of the early Enlightenment tradition of philosophic eclecticism and American pragmatism.
European Journal of Social Theory, 2017
Starting with Popper, social theorists across the board have acknowledged that traditions serve s... more Starting with Popper, social theorists across the board have acknowledged that traditions serve socially valuable functions. However, while traditions are usually understood as ‘living’ entities that come in overlapping varieties and evolve over time, the socially valuable functions attributed to tradition tend to presuppose invariability in ways of thinking and acting. Addressing this tension, this article provides a detailed analysis of the concept of tradition, and directs special attention to conceivable criteria for the authentic continuation of a tradition. It is argued that the ways of thinking and acting that constitute the material of a tradition must—among faithful members of that tradition—stand in a relation of equivalence—not identity or similarity. The implications of this account concern our ability to decide (normatively) conflicts over authenticity among rival tradition branches as well as the role that traditions play in policy-making.
Jahrbuch für Politisches Denken, 2017
In a post-feudal order, Joseph von Radowitz argues in “A Contemporary Conversation on Church and ... more In a post-feudal order, Joseph von Radowitz argues in “A Contemporary Conversation on Church and State” (1846), the noblesse oblige principle can only be preserved if translated into a more general property obliges principle. Because of this argument, scholars rank Radowitz’s text among the documents that intellectually pioneered the social welfare state. Nevertheless, “A Contemporary Conversation on Church and State” has not yet been analyzed in detail, which however is indispensable for its interpretation given the playful exoteric/esoteric form of the text. The present article fills this lacuna and shows that Radowitz aimed at forging an alliance across all classes to prevent institutional decay in the face of nascent industrialization rather than at beguiling the working class to keep the aspiring bourgeoisie in check.
In seiner Schrift, „Gespräche aus der Gegenwart über Staat und Kirche“ (1846), leitet Joseph von Radowitz eine allgemeine Sozialbindung des Eigentums aus dem Prinzip „Adel verpflichtet“ ab. Während der Text in den vergangenen Jahren als wichtiges Dokument der intellektuellen Vorbereitung des Wohlfahrtsstaats in Deutschland entdeckt wurde, steht eine detaillierte Interpretation noch aus – und zwar nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil die Intention des Autors durch die platonische Dialogform des anonym veröffentlichten Texts, die Namensgebung der miteinander diskutierenden Charaktere und das sonderbare Vorwort offensichtlich verschleiert wird. Die vorliegende Untersuchung holt dies nach und zeigt, dass Radowitz mittels der Ausbildung sozialstaatlicher Strukturen nicht, wie bislang angenommen, einen machtpolitischen Schulterschluss zwischen Arbeiterschaft und Erbadel gegen das aufstrebende Bürgertum zu befördern, sondern eine überparteiliche Allianz zu schmieden suchte, um dem schleichenden Funktionsverlust institutioneller Errungenschaften entgegenzuwirken.
The Monist, 2016
This special issue is motivated by the observation that conservatism plays a marginal role in con... more This special issue is motivated by the observation that conservatism plays a marginal role in contemporary philosophy even though it appears to be of considerable importance in moral, social, and political reality. One reason for this neglect is that defenders of conservatism have often refrained from articulating their arguments in a language that is acceptable to and understandable by analytically trained philosophers. The contributions of this special issue show that conservatism can profitably be approached from the point of view of analytic philosophy. Many of them are indebted to Jerry Cohen's (2012) seminal paper on conservative value, which develops a sophisticated justification of what Michael Oakeshott (1991) called the disposition to be conservative. In this vein, Geoffrey Brennan and Alan Hamlin contribute two important papers, by which they complete a 'trilogy' on conservatism, that is to say a series of papers that present three forms of conservatism: adjectival, practical, and nominal. While the mentioned authors dealt with adjectival conservatism in previous work (Brennan and Hamlin 2004), in their papers in this volume they analyze practical and nominal conservatism. Practical conservatism is an attitude involving an empirical claim about possible costs and risks of departure from a status quo that is interpreted as a convention-equilibrium. Such equilibria are highly difficult to plan and replicate, so that the process of change from the prevailing equilibrium to a desired, different though not yet established equilibrium necessarily occasions significant transition costs. Hence, practical conservatism develops a status quo argument against imprudent forms of change under circumstances of uncertainty or risk. Nominal conservatives hold specific values not recognized by others and they do so even under conditions of certainty. According to Brennan and Hamlin, these specific and substantive values attribute normative authority to an element of the status quo because it is an element of the status quo. More specifically, they argue that nominal conservatives attach particular value on things of positive basic value. The opposite does not apply. Conservatives do not attribute negative particular value to things of negative basic value, as this would make conservatism indistinguishable from radicalism. Equally, they do not, here and now, attribute positive particular value to things in the future. They just consider they might do so once they get there. In sum, this means that nominal conservatives either justify the status quo because they attribute a particular value to it or they necessarily need to remain silent. There is a direct connection between this systematic point of Brennan and Hamlin and Vanessa Rampton's historical paper on the situation of conservatives in the context of czarist Russia before and after the first revolution. What disposition do conservatives adopt when they find little to no value attributable to the status quo and when a positive value in the future is merely expected and aspired to in societal action? Rampton shows that in such situations taking sides with forces of radical change is as difficult for conservatives as justifying a status quo. Under dire circumstances, when the status quo loses its value-aptness, nominal conservatism needs to go into a switch-off mode, as it can neither find value in the status quo nor in the radical change that is deemed necessary to overcome it. In all other circumstances nominal conservatism values the status quo for a particular reason not recognized by others.
Global Discourse 5/1, 4-21, Jun 27, 2014
Is there any reason to discriminate among the rival claims self-proclaimed conservatives make for... more Is there any reason to discriminate among the rival claims self-proclaimed conservatives make for being truly conservative? This article argues that at least some of these claims can legitimately be dismissed by an independent third. Drawing on and critically interrogating the theories of conservatism provided by Huntington, Oakeshott, as well as Brennan and Hamlin, this article argues that many characterizations of conservatism mistake contingent circumstances explaining why people historically were or conceivably might be reluctant to promote social change for a fully formed conservative ideology. Not least, risk- and uncertainty-centered accounts, which have gained in popularity as of recently, constitute no viable basis for plausible claims to being truly conservative. Rather than specifying what it takes to be a true conservative, these accounts provide a formalized description of one kind of contingent circumstances that may lead a principled non-conservative to adopt conservative political attitudes.
Nations and Nationalism 19/4, 761-780, Aug 30, 2013
This article examines the contending redefinitions of national identity in contemporary Germany's... more This article examines the contending redefinitions of national identity in contemporary Germany's memorial culture, focusing particularly on the ensemble of monuments and parade fields known as the former Nazi Party rally grounds in Nuremberg. In a detailed case study, I analyse the recent conversion of one of the physical remnants of National Socialism – Albert Speer's transformer station – into a fast-food restaurant and interpret this conversion as a novel contribution to the discourse on German nationhood. I argue that the provocative commercial reutilisation of the former Nazi monument gives expression to a renewed self-confidence that Germany has gained from displaying a willingness to face up to its past as perpetrator nation. While the intervention thus deviates from the self-indicting spirit that had been characteristic for Germany's memorial culture after World War II, an ironic note is conspicuous in this act of commemorative politics that indicates a way of dealing with the fascist legacy that is, surprisingly in some respects, superior to more conventional memory strategies.
Journal of Political Ideologies 16/1 (2011) 33-51, 2011
In her more recent work, Chantal Mouffe enters into what she calls a ‘dialogue’ with Carl Schmitt... more In her more recent work, Chantal Mouffe enters into what she calls a ‘dialogue’ with Carl Schmitt on the political. So far, interpretations of this dialogue suggest that Mouffe attempts to revise Schmitt’s friend/enemy-distinction and carve out a theory of agonistic pluralism. An interpretation on these grounds, this article argues, reduces the dialogue to its analytical dimension and cannot comfortably be uphold. Mouffe indeed appropriates Schmitt’s friend/enemy-distinction, but she also gets inspired by the metatheoretical facet of his intellectual heritage to the result that her theory becomes organically interwoven with a polemical dimension. Rather than aiming at a poststructuralist defanging of Schmitt’s conception of the political, Mouffe recontextualizes and applies it to current academic discourse, for this allows decontesting her radical pluralist cause by establishing a we/them opposition along a political/post-political divide.
Handbuch Gerechtigkeit, 2016
Studies in Social and Political Thought 24, 41-64, 2014
This article discusses consumer activism not as an ethical, but as a political phenomenon. A poli... more This article discusses consumer activism not as an ethical, but as a political phenomenon. A political concept of consumer activism implies, first, that consumers sometimes express support or opposition to products and services or consumer and business practices at least partly in order to advance nonmarket agendas, and, second, that consumer activism in the economic sphere occasionally has palpable impact on the organization of social life. Early contributors to the debate were optimistic that political consumer activism might be able to extend democracy into the economic sphere. In recent years, however, scholars have increasingly voiced misgivings about this, arguing that political consumer activism may suffer from a democratic deficit: it may amount to an impermissible form of vigilantism or facilitate the illegitimate conversion of market
power into political power. This article systematizes and
reassesses these concerns, focusing in particular on arguments that dispute the compatibility of political consumer activism with liberal democracy as a procedural ideal. I conclude that political consumer activism does not face problems to do with legitimacy in this regard, most importantly because money does not play a more important role in market-based politics than in official democratic processes. Political consumer activism takes many forms, yet it is hardly ever about voting with the pocketbook.
Politische Vierteljahrsschrift, 2024
Mit "Grundlagen der Politischen Theorie-Ein Überblick" lässt der Heidelberger Politikwissenschaft... more Mit "Grundlagen der Politischen Theorie-Ein Überblick" lässt der Heidelberger Politikwissenschaftler Michael Haus eine breitere Öffentlichkeit an seiner Lehrerfahrung teilhaben. Im Anschluss an eine ausführliche Einleitung durchschreitet er in zehn Vorlesungen die politische Ideengeschichte anhand paarweise präsentierter Klassiker*innen von Aristoteles und Augustinus bis hin zu Niklas Luhmann und Chantal Mouffe. Drei weitere Vorlesungen widmen sich dem Feminismus, Postkolonialismus und Ökologismus. Angegliedert ist dem Lehrbuch ein umfangreicher digitaler Fragenpool zur Lernfortschrittsüberprüfung.
Ethik & Gesellschaft, 2019
Grundsätzlich muss nicht überraschen, wenn eine demokratische Partei nach vierzehn Jahren Regieru... more Grundsätzlich muss nicht überraschen, wenn eine demokratische Partei nach vierzehn Jahren Regierungstätigkeit mitsamt Kanzlerschaft Einbußen in der Wählergunst hinnehmen muss. Aus demokratietheoretischer Sicht sollte man es sogar begrüßen. Das Theorem des losers content besagt schließlich, dass eine Demokratie den in Wahlen unterlegenen Parteien den Platz auf der Oppositionsbank nicht zuletzt durch die Inaussichtstellung eines Machtwechsels bei der nächsten Wahl schmackhaft machen möchte. Nur scheinen die derzeitigen, durch die deutschen Unionsparteien zu erleidenden Wählerabwanderungen mit einer geradezu tektonischen Verschiebung in der Parteienlandschaft einherzugehen, einer Verschiebung zumal, die sämtliche westliche Demokratien zu betreffen scheint. Und so verlangt der aktuelle Wählerschwund der Union nach einer tiefergreifenden Erklärung, wie auch als zweifelhaft gelten muss, dass die SPD allein aufgrund der jahrelangen Tätigkeit als Juniorpartner in einer großen Koalition auf die eines Juniorpartners würdige Größe zusammengeschrumpft ist.
Millennium 37,1 (2008), 238-239., Jan 1, 2008
Efraim Podoksik (ed.) (2011)The Cambridge Companion to Oakeshott. Cambridge: Cambridge University... more Efraim Podoksik (ed.) (2011)The Cambridge Companion to Oakeshott. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 386pp., £19.99, ISBN 978 0 521 14792 7.
Political Studies Review, 2014
Martin Beckstein and Ralph Weber in conservation with Frauke Höntzsch, Margarete Tiessen and Adri... more Martin Beckstein and Ralph Weber in conservation with Frauke Höntzsch, Margarete Tiessen and Adrian Blau - organized and hosted by Andreas Busen
Abstract In a post-feudal order, Joseph von Radowitz argues in “A Contemporary Conversation on Ch... more Abstract In a post-feudal order, Joseph von Radowitz argues in “A Contemporary Conversation on Church and State” (1846), the noblesse oblige principle can only be preserved if translated into a more general property obliges principle. Because of this argument, scholars rank Radowitz’s text among the documents that intellectually pioneered the social welfare state. Nevertheless, “A Contemporary Conversation on Church and State” has not yet been analyzed in detail, which however is indispensable for its interpretation given the playful exoteric/esoteric form of the text. The present article fills this lacuna and shows that Radowitz aimed at forging an alliance across all classes to prevent institutional decay in the face of nascent industrialization rather than at beguiling the working class to keep the aspiring bourgeoisie in check. Zusammenfassung In seiner Schrift, „Gesprache aus der Gegenwart uber Staat und Kirche“ (1846), leitet Joseph von Radowitz eine allgemeine Sozialbindung des Eigentums aus dem Prinzip „Adel verpflichtet“ ab. Wahrend der Text in den vergangenen Jahren als wichtiges Dokument der intellektuellen Vorbereitung des Wohlfahrtsstaats in Deutschland entdeckt wurde, steht eine detaillierte Interpretation noch aus – und zwar nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil die Intention des Autors durch die platonische Dialogform des anonym veroffentlichten Texts, die Namensgebung der miteinander diskutierenden Charaktere und das sonderbare Vorwort offensichtlich verschleiert wird. Die vorliegende Untersuchung holt dies nach und zeigt, dass Radowitz mittels der Ausbildung sozialstaatlicher Strukturen nicht, wie bislang angenommen, einen machtpolitischen Schulterschluss zwischen Arbeiterschaft und Erbadel gegen das aufstrebende Burgertum zu befordern, sondern eine uberparteiliche Allianz zu schmieden suchte, um dem schleichenden Funktionsverlust institutioneller Errungenschaften entgegenzuwirken.
In recent years, economic life has become increasingly politicized: now, every company has a ‘phi... more In recent years, economic life has become increasingly politicized: now, every company has a ‘philosophy’, promising its customers some ethical surplus in return for buying their products; consumers shop for change; workers engage in individualized forms of employee activism such as whistleblowing; and governments contribute to the re-configuration of the economic sphere as a site of political contestation by reminding corporate and private economic actors of their duty to ‘do their bit’. The Politics of Economic Life addresses this trend by exploring the ways in which practices of consumption, work, production, and entrepreneurship are imbued with political strategy and ideology, and assesses the potentials and perils of the politicization of economic activity for democracy in the 21st century.
Routledge eBooks, Jul 7, 2021
J.B. Metzler eBooks, 2016
European Journal of Social Theory, Sep 16, 2016
Zeitschrift für politische Theorie, 2019
Routledge eBooks, Jul 7, 2021
Routledge eBooks, Jul 7, 2021
Routledge eBooks, Jul 7, 2021
Sie haben bestimmt diesen Satz auch schon gehort: Freiheit ist das hochste Gut. Ist es das wirkli... more Sie haben bestimmt diesen Satz auch schon gehort: Freiheit ist das hochste Gut. Ist es das wirklich? Was bedeutet Freiheit fur Sie? Wann fuhlen Sie sich frei? In der Sendung «Treffpunkt» philosophieren wir mit dem Publikum uber den Begriff «Freiheit». Diskussion mit Philosoph Martin Beckstein In der Sendung «Treffpunkt» wollen wir mit dem Publikum unter anderem herausfinden, ob die personliche «Entscheidung» der Schlussel ist, um sich frei zu fuhlen. Und ob Freiheit heisst, auch einmal Nein zu sagen. Gast in der Sendung ist Martin Beckstein, Philosoph und Politikwissenschaftler an der Universitat Zurich. Ihn fasziniert das Thema schon lange. Moderation: Michael Brunner, Redaktion: Sirio Fluckiger
Politische Vierteljahresschrift
ZusammenfassungMontesquieus politische Klimatheorie findet in der Politikwissenschaft wenig Anerk... more ZusammenfassungMontesquieus politische Klimatheorie findet in der Politikwissenschaft wenig Anerkennung. Sie gilt als abwegig. Wenn sie nicht ins Lächerliche gezogen wird, dann vor allem deshalb, weil sie in einer Tradition eurozentrischer und rassistischer Stereotypisierung und Rechtfertigung kolonialer Ungerechtigkeit zu stehen scheint. Eine Neubetrachtung Montesquieus Klimatheorie ist jedoch mindestens aus drei Gründen geboten. Erstens ist die Theorie komplexer und zweitens plausibler als gemeinhin angenommen wird. Drittens wirft sie interessante Fragen über die integrationswissenschaftlichen Herausforderungen politikwissenschaftlicher Forschung sowie den Umgang mit dem anthropogenen Klimawandel auf.
Modeling Interpretation and the Practice of Political Theory
Modeling Interpretation and the Practice of Political Theory, 2021