Christian Promitzer | University of Graz (original) (raw)
Papers by Christian Promitzer
Contributions to Contemporary History, 2001
je razširjena verzija referata "History and Anthropology. The Yugoslav Focus in the Work of Niko ... more je razširjena verzija referata "History and Anthropology. The Yugoslav Focus in the Work of Niko @upanič" na workshopu "Ideology and Historiography: The Making of Identity in Yugoslavian Historiography" v Firencah 8.-9. maja 2000 v tamkajšnjem Evropskem univerzitetnem inštitutu pod okriljem centra Roberta Schumana. Avtor se zahvaljuje dr. Ervinu Dolencu za povabilo, pripraviti referat za objavo v slovenščini in za številne nasvete na poti do dokončanja. Za podporo se zahvaljuje tudi Slovenskemu etnografskemu muzeju in Izpostavi Avstrijskega inštituta za vzhodno in jugovzhodno Evropo v Ljubljani.
Central European University Press eBooks, Jan 20, 2011
Central European University Press eBooks, Nov 10, 2006
... 25 Konsulov's interpretation of racial hygiene implicitly referred to th... more ... 25 Konsulov's interpretation of racial hygiene implicitly referred to the eugenic arguments developed by Baur, Fischer, and Lenz. For Konsu-lov, culture and material wealth were responsible for the degeneration of the nation. ...
Berghahn Books, Dec 31, 2022
Manchester University Press eBooks, Apr 1, 2021
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2010
Sažetak: U članku se propituje teza prema kojoj među intelektualcima u današnjoj Austriji prevlad... more Sažetak: U članku se propituje teza prema kojoj među intelektualcima u današnjoj Austriji prevladava uvjerenje da su oni prije svih drugih pozvani tumačiti društvenu, političku i ekonomsku situaciju u zemljama srednjoistočne, istočne i jugoistočne Europe. Takvo prisvajanje prava na regionalnu ekspertizu može se djelomično objasniti geopolitičkim položajem Republike Austrije i Beča kao centra nekadašnje Habsburške Monarhije, što podsjeća na već elaborirani ideološki koncept "Srednja Europa"-"Mitteleuropa" iz vremena Prvoga svjetskog rata. Taj je koncept poslije sloma Austro-Ugarske pao u zaborav nekoliko desetljeća. Kada su komunistički režimi 1970-ih i 1980-ih godina počeli naglo razvojno zaostajati iza zapadne Europe, gdje se u međuvremenu bio etablirao novi sustav postfordističke kapitalističke akumulacije kao nadmoćan gospodarski model, i kada je spomenute komunističke režime počela slabiti rastuća moć raznovrsnih disidentskih krugova, pojavio se upravo među disidentima osuvremenjeni koncept "Srednje Europe". U Austriji su neki utjecajni konzervativni intelektualci preuzeli ovaj pojam, ali je austrijska inačica "Srednje Europe" ipak više podsjetila na koncept "Mitteleuropa" iz prošlosti. Ključno je pitanje je li regionalna ekspertiza austrijskih intelektualaca, koja svoj procvat doživljava u kasnom 20. stoljeću i početkom 21. stoljeća, samo znanje u službi austrijske vlasti ili je na tom polju također moguće formulirati i paradigme kritičke intervencije.
Berghahn Books, Dec 2, 2017
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2018
Focaal, Dec 1, 2010
This article engages with the commonly encountered claim that Bulgarian physical anthropology "fe... more This article engages with the commonly encountered claim that Bulgarian physical anthropology "features a long, fruitful, and honorable existence, " by discussing Bulgarian anthropology's contribution to the controversial issue of ethnogenesis. With the Russian influence waning from the mid-1880s on, the pioneers of Bulgarian anthropology were largely influenced by the German example. But the first generation of Bulgarian anthropologists' tradition of "racial liberalism" (Benoit Massin) was lost after World War I. On the eve of World War II a debate on racism raged among Bulgarian intellectuals. By the time blood group analysis had joined anthropometrics, adherents of a closer collaboration with the Third Reich used it to argue for the Bulgarian nation's non-Slavic origins. In 1938 they even disrupted a lecture given by the biologist Metodiy Popov when he wanted to stress the Bulgarians' ethnic relationship with the other Slavic nations, and to repudiate the idea of a hierarchy of races. During the Socialist period a new generation of anthropologists went on to investigate the Bulgarian ethnogenesis using the term "race", although this clearly contravened the 1950 UNESCO statement on the race question.
Social history of medicine, Oct 8, 2013
This volume is concerned with the history of a major ecclesiastical foundation, Westburyon-Trym, ... more This volume is concerned with the history of a major ecclesiastical foundation, Westburyon-Trym, situated on the outskirts of Bristol. The book is divided into four main sections, each consisting of several chapters.The first section deals with the history of the monastery from its origins in the early middle ages until its dissolution in 1544.The narrative starts with the early history of the church, of which not much is known before Norman times, but it becomes more detailed with the ascension of Godfrey Giffard to the bishopric of Worcester in 1268. An energetic reformer, Giffard sought to makeWestbury a more central place in his diocese, by altering the status of local churches as prebends of Westbury and, consequently, augmenting the number of local prebends. These efforts, however, failed, due to the opposition of Worcester Cathedral monks. By 1291 the college had five prebends, representing an important source of the house's income. Later prebendaries included some notable scholars, such as Adam Murimouth, the chronicler (c. 1337), and JohnWycliffe, the theologian (c. 1366-84) whose role as a prebendary of Aust (Gloucestershire) is discussed in detail. Perhaps the most influential figure in the history of the college, however, was John Carpenter, Bishop ofWorcester (1443-76), who, like Giffard, expended considerable energy on the reorganization of Westbury. Unlike Giffard, however, Carpenter's efforts bore fruit. His reforms are outlined in his Statutes from 1455, which included the transfer of the dean's and prebendaries' assets to the collective use of the college and conversion of prebendaries into a purely honorific post, whose annual stipend had been drastically cut. The Westbury college church was rebuilt at the personal expense of Carpenter between 1453 and 1457. Between 1463 and 1470 the college was endowed with a number of manors, churches, and other properties, mostly in the west midland counties of Gloucestershire and Worcestershire, but also in Warwickshire and Berkshire. It was not until this reorganization that the Westbury college became a vivid and actively functioning religious and educational institution, and it remained as such until the Reformation and dissolution in 1544. Part two is concerned with architectural history of the site from Anglo-Saxon times to the late middle ages. The present-day Westbury church must have originated in the Anglo-Saxon period. The first phase of rebuilding started around 1220, and by the early fourteenth century most original Anglo-Saxon features were taken over by new additions. The reforms of Bishop Carpenter manifested themselves in the rebuilding and reconstruction of the church. By 1480 Westbury church was an impressive ecclesiastical structure by any standards. The chapter is full of technical details regarding various buildings and sites within the college precincts, including a large number of various reconstructed plans (based on archaeological excavations of 1968-70) and photographs, complementing the narrative and analysis. Part three, which might have been incorporated into the appendices, provides a list of all known Westbury clerks occupying various posts, as well as the names of local almsfolk.The chapter lists, with some chronological gaps, the names of 46 deans and 165 canons, from the early twelfth century down to the dissolution; 11 sub-deans, 6 schoolmasters, and 9 treasurers, whose offices were first introduced by Carpenter's reforms; and 81 minor clerks, occupying various positions between the late thirteenth century and 1544.
Slovene Studies, Jun 1, 2002
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2012
Manchester University Press eBooks, Mar 13, 2018
Manchester University Press eBooks, May 11, 2021
Contributions to Contemporary History, 2001
je razširjena verzija referata "History and Anthropology. The Yugoslav Focus in the Work of Niko ... more je razširjena verzija referata "History and Anthropology. The Yugoslav Focus in the Work of Niko @upanič" na workshopu "Ideology and Historiography: The Making of Identity in Yugoslavian Historiography" v Firencah 8.-9. maja 2000 v tamkajšnjem Evropskem univerzitetnem inštitutu pod okriljem centra Roberta Schumana. Avtor se zahvaljuje dr. Ervinu Dolencu za povabilo, pripraviti referat za objavo v slovenščini in za številne nasvete na poti do dokončanja. Za podporo se zahvaljuje tudi Slovenskemu etnografskemu muzeju in Izpostavi Avstrijskega inštituta za vzhodno in jugovzhodno Evropo v Ljubljani.
Central European University Press eBooks, Jan 20, 2011
Central European University Press eBooks, Nov 10, 2006
... 25 Konsulov's interpretation of racial hygiene implicitly referred to th... more ... 25 Konsulov's interpretation of racial hygiene implicitly referred to the eugenic arguments developed by Baur, Fischer, and Lenz. For Konsu-lov, culture and material wealth were responsible for the degeneration of the nation. ...
Berghahn Books, Dec 31, 2022
Manchester University Press eBooks, Apr 1, 2021
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2010
Sažetak: U članku se propituje teza prema kojoj među intelektualcima u današnjoj Austriji prevlad... more Sažetak: U članku se propituje teza prema kojoj među intelektualcima u današnjoj Austriji prevladava uvjerenje da su oni prije svih drugih pozvani tumačiti društvenu, političku i ekonomsku situaciju u zemljama srednjoistočne, istočne i jugoistočne Europe. Takvo prisvajanje prava na regionalnu ekspertizu može se djelomično objasniti geopolitičkim položajem Republike Austrije i Beča kao centra nekadašnje Habsburške Monarhije, što podsjeća na već elaborirani ideološki koncept "Srednja Europa"-"Mitteleuropa" iz vremena Prvoga svjetskog rata. Taj je koncept poslije sloma Austro-Ugarske pao u zaborav nekoliko desetljeća. Kada su komunistički režimi 1970-ih i 1980-ih godina počeli naglo razvojno zaostajati iza zapadne Europe, gdje se u međuvremenu bio etablirao novi sustav postfordističke kapitalističke akumulacije kao nadmoćan gospodarski model, i kada je spomenute komunističke režime počela slabiti rastuća moć raznovrsnih disidentskih krugova, pojavio se upravo među disidentima osuvremenjeni koncept "Srednje Europe". U Austriji su neki utjecajni konzervativni intelektualci preuzeli ovaj pojam, ali je austrijska inačica "Srednje Europe" ipak više podsjetila na koncept "Mitteleuropa" iz prošlosti. Ključno je pitanje je li regionalna ekspertiza austrijskih intelektualaca, koja svoj procvat doživljava u kasnom 20. stoljeću i početkom 21. stoljeća, samo znanje u službi austrijske vlasti ili je na tom polju također moguće formulirati i paradigme kritičke intervencije.
Berghahn Books, Dec 2, 2017
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2018
Focaal, Dec 1, 2010
This article engages with the commonly encountered claim that Bulgarian physical anthropology "fe... more This article engages with the commonly encountered claim that Bulgarian physical anthropology "features a long, fruitful, and honorable existence, " by discussing Bulgarian anthropology's contribution to the controversial issue of ethnogenesis. With the Russian influence waning from the mid-1880s on, the pioneers of Bulgarian anthropology were largely influenced by the German example. But the first generation of Bulgarian anthropologists' tradition of "racial liberalism" (Benoit Massin) was lost after World War I. On the eve of World War II a debate on racism raged among Bulgarian intellectuals. By the time blood group analysis had joined anthropometrics, adherents of a closer collaboration with the Third Reich used it to argue for the Bulgarian nation's non-Slavic origins. In 1938 they even disrupted a lecture given by the biologist Metodiy Popov when he wanted to stress the Bulgarians' ethnic relationship with the other Slavic nations, and to repudiate the idea of a hierarchy of races. During the Socialist period a new generation of anthropologists went on to investigate the Bulgarian ethnogenesis using the term "race", although this clearly contravened the 1950 UNESCO statement on the race question.
Social history of medicine, Oct 8, 2013
This volume is concerned with the history of a major ecclesiastical foundation, Westburyon-Trym, ... more This volume is concerned with the history of a major ecclesiastical foundation, Westburyon-Trym, situated on the outskirts of Bristol. The book is divided into four main sections, each consisting of several chapters.The first section deals with the history of the monastery from its origins in the early middle ages until its dissolution in 1544.The narrative starts with the early history of the church, of which not much is known before Norman times, but it becomes more detailed with the ascension of Godfrey Giffard to the bishopric of Worcester in 1268. An energetic reformer, Giffard sought to makeWestbury a more central place in his diocese, by altering the status of local churches as prebends of Westbury and, consequently, augmenting the number of local prebends. These efforts, however, failed, due to the opposition of Worcester Cathedral monks. By 1291 the college had five prebends, representing an important source of the house's income. Later prebendaries included some notable scholars, such as Adam Murimouth, the chronicler (c. 1337), and JohnWycliffe, the theologian (c. 1366-84) whose role as a prebendary of Aust (Gloucestershire) is discussed in detail. Perhaps the most influential figure in the history of the college, however, was John Carpenter, Bishop ofWorcester (1443-76), who, like Giffard, expended considerable energy on the reorganization of Westbury. Unlike Giffard, however, Carpenter's efforts bore fruit. His reforms are outlined in his Statutes from 1455, which included the transfer of the dean's and prebendaries' assets to the collective use of the college and conversion of prebendaries into a purely honorific post, whose annual stipend had been drastically cut. The Westbury college church was rebuilt at the personal expense of Carpenter between 1453 and 1457. Between 1463 and 1470 the college was endowed with a number of manors, churches, and other properties, mostly in the west midland counties of Gloucestershire and Worcestershire, but also in Warwickshire and Berkshire. It was not until this reorganization that the Westbury college became a vivid and actively functioning religious and educational institution, and it remained as such until the Reformation and dissolution in 1544. Part two is concerned with architectural history of the site from Anglo-Saxon times to the late middle ages. The present-day Westbury church must have originated in the Anglo-Saxon period. The first phase of rebuilding started around 1220, and by the early fourteenth century most original Anglo-Saxon features were taken over by new additions. The reforms of Bishop Carpenter manifested themselves in the rebuilding and reconstruction of the church. By 1480 Westbury church was an impressive ecclesiastical structure by any standards. The chapter is full of technical details regarding various buildings and sites within the college precincts, including a large number of various reconstructed plans (based on archaeological excavations of 1968-70) and photographs, complementing the narrative and analysis. Part three, which might have been incorporated into the appendices, provides a list of all known Westbury clerks occupying various posts, as well as the names of local almsfolk.The chapter lists, with some chronological gaps, the names of 46 deans and 165 canons, from the early twelfth century down to the dissolution; 11 sub-deans, 6 schoolmasters, and 9 treasurers, whose offices were first introduced by Carpenter's reforms; and 81 minor clerks, occupying various positions between the late thirteenth century and 1544.
Slovene Studies, Jun 1, 2002
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2012
Manchester University Press eBooks, Mar 13, 2018
Manchester University Press eBooks, May 11, 2021