Kaja Harter-Uibopuu | University of Hamburg (original) (raw)

Books by Kaja Harter-Uibopuu

Research paper thumbnail of Studien zum Spannungsfeld von Geschichtskultur, Geschichtswissenschaft und Religion

Geschichte entsteht, wenn Menschen vielgestaltige Spuren der Vergangenheit als bedeutungstragende... more Geschichte entsteht, wenn Menschen vielgestaltige Spuren der Vergangenheit als bedeutungstragenden, sinnvollen Zusammenhang lesen und erzählen. Geschichtswissenschaft basiert ebenso wie andere Praktiken der Geschichtskultur auf dem Glaubenssatz, dass eben diese Spuren mehr sind als ein zufälliges Durcheinander unendlicher Episoden. Doch worauf beruht diese Überzeugung und wann wird ein Ereignis zu einem 'Teil der Geschichte'? Welche Bedeutung hatte und hat Geschichte für vormoderne und moderne Gesellschaften?

Die Autorinnen und Autoren laden zu einer Reflexion der geschichtskulturellen Praxis und des Selbstverständnisses der Geschichtswissenschaft ein. Sie zeichnen nach, wie von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert der Zusammenhang von bedeutsamen Ereignissen betont worden ist, um aktuellen Bedürfnissen nach Tradition und Identität zu dienen – oder um Gespenster aus Vergangenheit und Zukunft zu beschwören.

History comes into being whenever people read and narrate the manifold traces of the past as a meaningful and significant context. Historical scholarship, like other practices of historical culture, is based on the belief that these very traces are more than a random mishmash of infinite episodes. But what is this belief based on and when does an event become a 'part of history'? What meaning did and does history have for pre-modern and modern societies?

The authors invite reflection on the practice of historical culture and the self-understanding of historical scholarship. They trace how, from antiquity to the 20th century, the context of significant events has been emphasized to serve current needs for tradition and identity-or to conjure up ghosts from the past and future.


Research paper thumbnail of Symposion 2019. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Hamburg, 26.-28. August 2019)

Open Access: https://www.austriaca.at/?arp=0x003d1382 Die Reihe „Akten der Gesellschaft für gri... more Open Access: https://www.austriaca.at/?arp=0x003d1382

Die Reihe „Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschiche“ publiziert seit 1975 die Vorträge und Antworten, die auf den regelmäßigen Tagungen der Gesellschaft gehalten werden. Der vorliegende Band enthält dreißig Beiträge, die sich dem Recht Athens, dem öffentlichen Recht und der Administration in den griechischen Poleis, sowie Fragen der Sklaverei und Freilassungen widmen.

The series „Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschicht“ (Acts of the Society for Greek and Hellenistic Legal History) has been publishing the papers and responses presented at the regular meetings of the Society since 1975. The present volume contains thirty papers devoted to the law of Athens, public law and administration in the Greek poleis, and questions of slavery and manumissions.

Research paper thumbnail of Studien zu Bau und Recht in der Antike

https://www.steiner-verlag.de/Studien-zu-Bau-und-Recht-in-der-Antike/9783515132657 Hamburger Stud... more https://www.steiner-verlag.de/Studien-zu-Bau-und-Recht-in-der-Antike/9783515132657
Hamburger Studien zu Gesellschaften und Kulturen der Vormoderne 20

Wer haftete für Baumängel in der Antike? Wie war das staatlich-städtische Bauen organisiert? Und welchen Stellenwert hatten Bürgen im Rahmen von Bauverträgen im klassischen und hellenistischen Griechenland?

Diesen und weiteren Fragen widmen sich die Autorinnen und Autoren und beleuchten so das Phänomen "Baurecht" aus ganz unterschiedlichen Perspektiven: Die Rechtsakte, die im Rahmen privater und öffentlicher Bautätigkeit stets eine große Rolle spielen, reichen von Ausschreibungen, die von Bauherren verfasst und Aufträgen, die an ausgesuchte Unternehmer vergeben werden, bis hin zu Konsequenzen, die drohen, wenn es zu Unrechtmäßigkeiten oder Fehlern kommt. Die Verantwortlichkeiten im Rahmen der Bauprojekte lassen sich so gut darstellen. Epigraphische, literarische und juristische Quellen aus der Antike bieten zu diesen Vorgängen in der klassischen und hellenistischen griechischen Polis sowie im Römischen Reich eine Fülle an Material. Archäologische Überreste können zudem die oftmals komplexen Rechtsvorschriften verständlich machen und die Verbindung zwischen Theorie und Praxis verdeutlichen.

Research paper thumbnail of Epigraphische Notizen: Zur Erinnerung an Peter Herrmann, Inhaltsverzeichnis

Epigraphische Notizen. Zur Erinnerung an Peter Herrmann, 2019

http://www.steiner-verlag.de/reihe/view/titel/61738.html 2017 fand in Hamburg eine Tagung zur Er... more http://www.steiner-verlag.de/reihe/view/titel/61738.html
2017 fand in Hamburg eine Tagung zur Erinnerung an Peter Herrmann statt. Die Akten liegen nunmehr als Publikation vor.

Research paper thumbnail of K. Harter-Uibopuu – T. Kruse (Hg.), Sport und Recht in der Antike, WKAR 2 (Beiträge zum zweiten Wiener Kolloquium zur Antiken Rechtsgeschichte, Wien, 27.-28.10.2011), Wien 2014

Research paper thumbnail of K. Harter-Uibopuu – F. Mitthof (Hg.), Vergeben und Vergessen? Amnestie in der Antike. WKAR 1 (Beiträge zum ersten Wiener Kolloquium zur Antiken Rechtsgeschichte, Wien, 27.-28.10.2008,) Wien 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Das zwischenstaatliche Schiedsverfahren im Achäischen Koinon. Zur friedlichen Streitbeilegung nach den epigraphischen Quellen, in: Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte, Band 12, Köln-Weimar-Wien 1998

Papers by Kaja Harter-Uibopuu

Research paper thumbnail of Antike Rechtsgeschichte

Werkzeuge der HistorikerInnen, Hg. P. Reinard, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2023, 189-212, 2023


Research paper thumbnail of Mediation und Schiedsverfahren im antiken Griechenland

N. Grotkamp, A. Seelentag, Konfliktlösung in der Antike. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa 1, 187-195, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Fremde vor Gerichten der griechischen Städte

N. Grotkamp, A. Seelentag, Konfliktlösung in der Antike. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa 1, 147-156, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Immersive Inscribed Spaces – Bringing Virtuality to Written Artefacts for Humanities

i-com, 2022

Writing is an essential cultural technique, and the resulting artefacts are an important part of ... more Writing is an essential cultural technique, and the resulting artefacts are an important part of cultural heritage. The Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’ is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural long-term project dedicated to studying so-called ‘written artefacts (WA)’. Our work introduces immersive technologies such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality to the research cluster for the first time. In this paper, we outline the scope of our research project and present our current implementations of immersive applications based on two scenarios involving inscribed spaces. So far, immersive technologies have not been used in academia to create research focused applications for exploring, analysing, and understanding WA within their inscribed space, including providing access to appropriate spatial and temporal contexts. Thus, we collaborate closely with researchers from the humanities to create interactive and immersive applications for the novel field of WA...

Research paper thumbnail of User-Centered Design of Immersive Research Applications for Understanding Written Artefacts

Writing is an essential cultural technique that shaped our world’s societies and is an important ... more Writing is an essential cultural technique that shaped our world’s societies and is an important cultural heritage. The Cluster of Excellence ’Understanding Written Artefacts’ is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural long-term project dedicated to studying so-called ’Written Artefacts (WA)’, which include all sorts of objects on which visual signs are applied by hand. Through our work, the research field of human-computer interaction is represented in the Cluster for the first time. This paper introduces our interdisciplinary research on immersive applications for understanding WA. We motivate the usage of virtual reality (VR) technologies for the novel field of WA research, in which we explore new immersive ways of studying WA. Currently, only fieldwork provides the spatial context to the WA in the inscribed spaces. Immersive applications could provide researchers with virtual access to the spatial and even temporal context at any time, but so far, VR has not been used in academi...

Research paper thumbnail of Crack-enhanced weathering in inscribed marble: a possible application in epigraphy

European Journal of Mineralogy, 2021

Abstract. Raman spectroscopy has been applied to check if there are detectible material differenc... more Abstract. Raman spectroscopy has been applied to check if there are detectible material differences beneath the inscribed and non-inscribed areas of marble-based written artefacts, which could be further used to visualize lost or hardly readable text via suitable mapping. As a case study, marble segments with ∼ 2000-year-old inscribed letters from Asia Minor (western Turkey) and marble gravestones with 66 ± 14-year-old inscriptions from the cemetery of Ohlsdorf (Hamburg, Germany) have been subjected to Raman spectroscopy, as well as to complementary X-ray diffraction, wavelength-dispersive electron probe microanalysis, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, to thoroughly study the effect of different environmental conditions, grain size, and inscription age on the nature and penetration depth of marble alteration. The results demonstrate that environmental conditions rule over the type of dominant weathering changes, which are carotenoid molecular inclusions produced by lic...

Research paper thumbnail of Inscribed Gems: Material Profiling beyond Visible Examination

Exploring Written Artefacts, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Harter-Uibopuu, Publikationsliste 02_2022

Research paper thumbnail of Die diatheke des Epikrates aus Nakrason: Ein Beitrag zur Verwaltung privater donationes sub modo

K. Harter-Uibopuu, W. Riess: Symposion 2019. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Hamburg, 26.-28. August 2019), Wien, 2021

The diatheke of Epicrates is a complex document that brings together several legal transactions ... more The diatheke of Epicrates is a complex document that brings together
several legal transactions in one document serving as the basis for entitlements as well as for indicating potential misconduct and its sanctions. Like other documents, the deed cannot simply be pressed into one legal category but bears witness to the diversity of forms in Hellenistic and Roman Greece. Its aim is clear: maintenance and use of the heroon of Diophantos and of the family tomb of Tertia and Secundus, provision for Laevilla and Cestia beyond the death of Epicrates, inalienability of at least certain parts of Epicrates’ lands. This way the everlasting commemoration is guaranteed for him and his family

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple-Text Inscriptions in the Greco-Roman World

Jörg Quenzer, Exploring Written Artefacts. Objects, Methods and Concepts, 2021

The concept of multiple-text manuscripts will be tested for its applica- bility to the epigraphic... more The concept of multiple-text manuscripts will be tested for its applica-
bility to the epigraphic evidence. On the basis of four specific examples from
different cities of the Greco-Roman world, the advantages of this approach will be made clear, as will its limitations.

Research paper thumbnail of Synchoresis, parachoresis, ekchoresis. Formen der Übertragung von Grabrechten im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien

Research paper thumbnail of Bau und Recht in der Antike: 4. Wiener Kolloquium zur antiken Rechtsgeschichte, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 10. und 11. November 2016, Forum Archaeologiae 81/XII/2016 (http://farch.net)

Research paper thumbnail of Rechtsentwicklung im ostmediterranen Raum, in: A.M. Wittke, Frühgeschichte der Mittelmeehrkulturen. Historisch-archäologisches Handbuch, Der Neue Pauly Supplemente 10, Stuttgart-Weimar 2015, 1029-1044

Research paper thumbnail of Studien zum Spannungsfeld von Geschichtskultur, Geschichtswissenschaft und Religion

Geschichte entsteht, wenn Menschen vielgestaltige Spuren der Vergangenheit als bedeutungstragende... more Geschichte entsteht, wenn Menschen vielgestaltige Spuren der Vergangenheit als bedeutungstragenden, sinnvollen Zusammenhang lesen und erzählen. Geschichtswissenschaft basiert ebenso wie andere Praktiken der Geschichtskultur auf dem Glaubenssatz, dass eben diese Spuren mehr sind als ein zufälliges Durcheinander unendlicher Episoden. Doch worauf beruht diese Überzeugung und wann wird ein Ereignis zu einem 'Teil der Geschichte'? Welche Bedeutung hatte und hat Geschichte für vormoderne und moderne Gesellschaften?

Die Autorinnen und Autoren laden zu einer Reflexion der geschichtskulturellen Praxis und des Selbstverständnisses der Geschichtswissenschaft ein. Sie zeichnen nach, wie von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert der Zusammenhang von bedeutsamen Ereignissen betont worden ist, um aktuellen Bedürfnissen nach Tradition und Identität zu dienen – oder um Gespenster aus Vergangenheit und Zukunft zu beschwören.

History comes into being whenever people read and narrate the manifold traces of the past as a meaningful and significant context. Historical scholarship, like other practices of historical culture, is based on the belief that these very traces are more than a random mishmash of infinite episodes. But what is this belief based on and when does an event become a 'part of history'? What meaning did and does history have for pre-modern and modern societies?

The authors invite reflection on the practice of historical culture and the self-understanding of historical scholarship. They trace how, from antiquity to the 20th century, the context of significant events has been emphasized to serve current needs for tradition and identity-or to conjure up ghosts from the past and future.


Research paper thumbnail of Symposion 2019. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Hamburg, 26.-28. August 2019)

Open Access: https://www.austriaca.at/?arp=0x003d1382 Die Reihe „Akten der Gesellschaft für gri... more Open Access: https://www.austriaca.at/?arp=0x003d1382

Die Reihe „Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschiche“ publiziert seit 1975 die Vorträge und Antworten, die auf den regelmäßigen Tagungen der Gesellschaft gehalten werden. Der vorliegende Band enthält dreißig Beiträge, die sich dem Recht Athens, dem öffentlichen Recht und der Administration in den griechischen Poleis, sowie Fragen der Sklaverei und Freilassungen widmen.

The series „Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschicht“ (Acts of the Society for Greek and Hellenistic Legal History) has been publishing the papers and responses presented at the regular meetings of the Society since 1975. The present volume contains thirty papers devoted to the law of Athens, public law and administration in the Greek poleis, and questions of slavery and manumissions.

Research paper thumbnail of Studien zu Bau und Recht in der Antike

https://www.steiner-verlag.de/Studien-zu-Bau-und-Recht-in-der-Antike/9783515132657 Hamburger Stud... more https://www.steiner-verlag.de/Studien-zu-Bau-und-Recht-in-der-Antike/9783515132657
Hamburger Studien zu Gesellschaften und Kulturen der Vormoderne 20

Wer haftete für Baumängel in der Antike? Wie war das staatlich-städtische Bauen organisiert? Und welchen Stellenwert hatten Bürgen im Rahmen von Bauverträgen im klassischen und hellenistischen Griechenland?

Diesen und weiteren Fragen widmen sich die Autorinnen und Autoren und beleuchten so das Phänomen "Baurecht" aus ganz unterschiedlichen Perspektiven: Die Rechtsakte, die im Rahmen privater und öffentlicher Bautätigkeit stets eine große Rolle spielen, reichen von Ausschreibungen, die von Bauherren verfasst und Aufträgen, die an ausgesuchte Unternehmer vergeben werden, bis hin zu Konsequenzen, die drohen, wenn es zu Unrechtmäßigkeiten oder Fehlern kommt. Die Verantwortlichkeiten im Rahmen der Bauprojekte lassen sich so gut darstellen. Epigraphische, literarische und juristische Quellen aus der Antike bieten zu diesen Vorgängen in der klassischen und hellenistischen griechischen Polis sowie im Römischen Reich eine Fülle an Material. Archäologische Überreste können zudem die oftmals komplexen Rechtsvorschriften verständlich machen und die Verbindung zwischen Theorie und Praxis verdeutlichen.

Research paper thumbnail of Epigraphische Notizen: Zur Erinnerung an Peter Herrmann, Inhaltsverzeichnis

Epigraphische Notizen. Zur Erinnerung an Peter Herrmann, 2019

http://www.steiner-verlag.de/reihe/view/titel/61738.html 2017 fand in Hamburg eine Tagung zur Er... more http://www.steiner-verlag.de/reihe/view/titel/61738.html
2017 fand in Hamburg eine Tagung zur Erinnerung an Peter Herrmann statt. Die Akten liegen nunmehr als Publikation vor.

Research paper thumbnail of K. Harter-Uibopuu – T. Kruse (Hg.), Sport und Recht in der Antike, WKAR 2 (Beiträge zum zweiten Wiener Kolloquium zur Antiken Rechtsgeschichte, Wien, 27.-28.10.2011), Wien 2014

Research paper thumbnail of K. Harter-Uibopuu – F. Mitthof (Hg.), Vergeben und Vergessen? Amnestie in der Antike. WKAR 1 (Beiträge zum ersten Wiener Kolloquium zur Antiken Rechtsgeschichte, Wien, 27.-28.10.2008,) Wien 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Das zwischenstaatliche Schiedsverfahren im Achäischen Koinon. Zur friedlichen Streitbeilegung nach den epigraphischen Quellen, in: Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte, Band 12, Köln-Weimar-Wien 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Antike Rechtsgeschichte

Werkzeuge der HistorikerInnen, Hg. P. Reinard, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2023, 189-212, 2023


Research paper thumbnail of Mediation und Schiedsverfahren im antiken Griechenland

N. Grotkamp, A. Seelentag, Konfliktlösung in der Antike. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa 1, 187-195, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Fremde vor Gerichten der griechischen Städte

N. Grotkamp, A. Seelentag, Konfliktlösung in der Antike. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa 1, 147-156, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Immersive Inscribed Spaces – Bringing Virtuality to Written Artefacts for Humanities

i-com, 2022

Writing is an essential cultural technique, and the resulting artefacts are an important part of ... more Writing is an essential cultural technique, and the resulting artefacts are an important part of cultural heritage. The Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’ is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural long-term project dedicated to studying so-called ‘written artefacts (WA)’. Our work introduces immersive technologies such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality to the research cluster for the first time. In this paper, we outline the scope of our research project and present our current implementations of immersive applications based on two scenarios involving inscribed spaces. So far, immersive technologies have not been used in academia to create research focused applications for exploring, analysing, and understanding WA within their inscribed space, including providing access to appropriate spatial and temporal contexts. Thus, we collaborate closely with researchers from the humanities to create interactive and immersive applications for the novel field of WA...

Research paper thumbnail of User-Centered Design of Immersive Research Applications for Understanding Written Artefacts

Writing is an essential cultural technique that shaped our world’s societies and is an important ... more Writing is an essential cultural technique that shaped our world’s societies and is an important cultural heritage. The Cluster of Excellence ’Understanding Written Artefacts’ is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural long-term project dedicated to studying so-called ’Written Artefacts (WA)’, which include all sorts of objects on which visual signs are applied by hand. Through our work, the research field of human-computer interaction is represented in the Cluster for the first time. This paper introduces our interdisciplinary research on immersive applications for understanding WA. We motivate the usage of virtual reality (VR) technologies for the novel field of WA research, in which we explore new immersive ways of studying WA. Currently, only fieldwork provides the spatial context to the WA in the inscribed spaces. Immersive applications could provide researchers with virtual access to the spatial and even temporal context at any time, but so far, VR has not been used in academi...

Research paper thumbnail of Crack-enhanced weathering in inscribed marble: a possible application in epigraphy

European Journal of Mineralogy, 2021

Abstract. Raman spectroscopy has been applied to check if there are detectible material differenc... more Abstract. Raman spectroscopy has been applied to check if there are detectible material differences beneath the inscribed and non-inscribed areas of marble-based written artefacts, which could be further used to visualize lost or hardly readable text via suitable mapping. As a case study, marble segments with ∼ 2000-year-old inscribed letters from Asia Minor (western Turkey) and marble gravestones with 66 ± 14-year-old inscriptions from the cemetery of Ohlsdorf (Hamburg, Germany) have been subjected to Raman spectroscopy, as well as to complementary X-ray diffraction, wavelength-dispersive electron probe microanalysis, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, to thoroughly study the effect of different environmental conditions, grain size, and inscription age on the nature and penetration depth of marble alteration. The results demonstrate that environmental conditions rule over the type of dominant weathering changes, which are carotenoid molecular inclusions produced by lic...

Research paper thumbnail of Inscribed Gems: Material Profiling beyond Visible Examination

Exploring Written Artefacts, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Harter-Uibopuu, Publikationsliste 02_2022

Research paper thumbnail of Die diatheke des Epikrates aus Nakrason: Ein Beitrag zur Verwaltung privater donationes sub modo

K. Harter-Uibopuu, W. Riess: Symposion 2019. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Hamburg, 26.-28. August 2019), Wien, 2021

The diatheke of Epicrates is a complex document that brings together several legal transactions ... more The diatheke of Epicrates is a complex document that brings together
several legal transactions in one document serving as the basis for entitlements as well as for indicating potential misconduct and its sanctions. Like other documents, the deed cannot simply be pressed into one legal category but bears witness to the diversity of forms in Hellenistic and Roman Greece. Its aim is clear: maintenance and use of the heroon of Diophantos and of the family tomb of Tertia and Secundus, provision for Laevilla and Cestia beyond the death of Epicrates, inalienability of at least certain parts of Epicrates’ lands. This way the everlasting commemoration is guaranteed for him and his family

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple-Text Inscriptions in the Greco-Roman World

Jörg Quenzer, Exploring Written Artefacts. Objects, Methods and Concepts, 2021

The concept of multiple-text manuscripts will be tested for its applica- bility to the epigraphic... more The concept of multiple-text manuscripts will be tested for its applica-
bility to the epigraphic evidence. On the basis of four specific examples from
different cities of the Greco-Roman world, the advantages of this approach will be made clear, as will its limitations.

Research paper thumbnail of Synchoresis, parachoresis, ekchoresis. Formen der Übertragung von Grabrechten im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien

Research paper thumbnail of Bau und Recht in der Antike: 4. Wiener Kolloquium zur antiken Rechtsgeschichte, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 10. und 11. November 2016, Forum Archaeologiae 81/XII/2016 (http://farch.net)

Research paper thumbnail of Rechtsentwicklung im ostmediterranen Raum, in: A.M. Wittke, Frühgeschichte der Mittelmeehrkulturen. Historisch-archäologisches Handbuch, Der Neue Pauly Supplemente 10, Stuttgart-Weimar 2015, 1029-1044

Research paper thumbnail of Hermogenes und die πρόβατα des Kaikos (TAM V 1, 464), Philia 2 (2016) 63-71

TAM V 1, 464 is a typical confession-inscription from Lydia, relating to the case of Hermogenes, ... more TAM V 1, 464 is a typical confession-inscription from Lydia, relating to the case of Hermogenes, son of Apollonios, who had perjured himself in a trial concerning the sheep of a certain Kaikos. The god punished Hermogenes by killing his animals and later on his daughter, before the culprit finally repented and his family errected the stele. Apart from offering a new reading of the name in l. 3 this article provides a juridical analysis of the controversy between the two men. The matter in dispute seems to have been a question of custody of livestock entrusted to Hermogenes. The procedure shows the application of an assertory oath imposed on
Hermogenes. By swearing this oath Hermogenes was freed of any civil obligation towards Kaikos, but in the end the god, who knew of the perjury, took revenge and thus forced him to admit his guilt.
Keywords: Lydia; Confession inscription; Hermogenes; Kaikos; Divine punishment; Oat

Research paper thumbnail of "Niemand anderer soll hier bestattet werden..." – Grabschutz im kaiserzeitlichen Milet

Research paper thumbnail of Bestandsklauseln und Abänderungsverbote. Der Schutz zweckgebundener Gelder in der späthellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Polis, Tyche 28 (2013) 51-96

Research paper thumbnail of Rechtshistorische Überlegungen zu Dio Chrysostomus Rede an die Rhodier, in: M. Gagarin – A. Lanni, Symposion 2013,Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte, Band 24, Wien 2014, 439-469

Research paper thumbnail of Epigraphische Quellen zum Archivwesen in den griechischen Poleis des ausgehenden Hellenismus und der Kaiserzeit, in: M. Faraguna (Hg.), Archives and Archival Documents in Ancient Societies (Trieste 30 September - 1 October 2011), Graeca Tergestina. Storia e civltà 1, Trieste 2013, 273-305

Research paper thumbnail of IG XIV 948 – Eine metrische Strafklausel aus Portus, in: C. Ulf – P. Mauritsch (Hg.), Kultur(en) – Formen des Alltäglichen in der Antike. Festschrift für Ingomar Weiler zum 75. Geburtstag, Graz 2013, 177-191

Research paper thumbnail of Auf dass Ehren ewig währen – Epigraphische Zeugnisse zum Schutz von Auszeichnungen, in: R. Breitwieser, M. Frass, G. Nightingale, Calamus. Festschrift für Herbert Graßl zum 65. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden 2013,  245-260

Research paper thumbnail of Tomb Plundering in Ancient Greece and Rome. Conference from May 12–13, 2022 Rome, Istituto Svizzero, Via Liguria 20, 00187

This conference is dedicated to the subject of grave looting and robbing in the Graeco-Roman Worl... more This conference is dedicated to the subject of grave looting and robbing in the Graeco-Roman World. Bringing together archaeological, epigraphic, li- terary, and legal evidence, this conference will be the first time that the phe- nomenon of ancient tomb plundering, and its many historical contexts will be discussed from a perspective of longue durée (from the Bronze Age to the Early Middle Ages, 2500 BC - AD 800). To this end, experts in various discip- lines (ancient history, classical archaeology, classical philology, legal history, and related disciplines) will shed new light on the wide variety of potential motivations behind this habit (ranging from economic to ideological to cultu- ral factors) and the possible actors responsible for the plundering of tombs in very different time periods. The aim of the conference is to clarify whether such transgressions occur more frequently in times of major socio-political instability. Furthermore, the conference aims to ensure that the phenomenon of tomb plundering is given greater attention in future classical studies and related disciplines. For registration: https://www.istitutosvizzero.it/it/conferenza/tomb-plundering-in-ancient-greece-and-rome/

Research paper thumbnail of The manumission of slaves in Hellenistic and Roman Greece

Research paper thumbnail of Inscriptions as a Source for Ancient Law

Research paper thumbnail of Was there Ancient Public International Law?

Research paper thumbnail of Decrees and treaties – the legal framework for the successful flow of goods and money

Research paper thumbnail of Wanted and Unwanted Burials. The Protection of Graves in Greco-Roman Asia Minor

Research paper thumbnail of How to protect your grave — Funerary inscriptions from Greco-Roman Asia Minor

Research paper thumbnail of Schuldenerlasse der griechischen Poleis am Beispiel der mithradatischen Kriege

Research paper thumbnail of Eide und Verfluchungen im griechischen Prozess der Kaiserzeit

Research paper thumbnail of “Grabraub” (τυμβωρυχία) nach den epigraphischen Zeugnissen des griechisch-römischen Kleinasien

Research paper thumbnail of Rechtshistorische Überlegungen zu Dio Chrysostomus' Rede an die Rhodier

Research paper thumbnail of Ἐξέστω δὲ τῷ βουλομένῳ ... Die Popularklage in späthellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen griechischen Poleis

Research paper thumbnail of Elections and impediments: Litigation concerning the Eleusinian Priesthoods in Roman Athens

Archaeological, epigraphic as well as literary evidence shows, that the Eleusinian mysteries pros... more Archaeological, epigraphic as well as literary evidence shows, that the Eleusinian mysteries prospered in Roman Athens and the priesthoods were as prestigious and sought after as before. The Athenian inscription EM 13366 (J.H. Oliver, Hesperia Suppl. XIII, 1970) contains — among others — two cases of appeal concerning the election of Valerius Mamertinus and Aelius Dionysius to the offices of the hierokeryx and dadouchos, which were brought before Marcus Aurelius to decide. The interesting text illustrates not only the conflicts between the family and followers of Herodes Atticus and his antagonists and the different forms of attack on each other. Litigation under Athenian jurisdiction and the almost automatically following appeal to the emperor by the defeated party seem to have been the last resort in the campaign for prestigious civic as well as priestly offices as well as memberships in the political assemblies of the city. The political elite of Athens guarded their spheres of influence jealously and used the different courts in order to discredit and hinder their opponents. Rather than concentrating on procedural details of the appeal and the role of the Roman emperor in finally trying to bring the long lasting disagreement between his friend Herodes Atticus and his fellow-citizens to an end, I will present the different stages of procedure in Athens that led to the appeals. It can be shown that some of the institutions and forms of procedure that were characteristic for the late classical system of Athenian jurisdiction still existed and were in use although not in their original forms.

Research paper thumbnail of How to protect your grave - Funerary inscriptions in Greco-Roman Asia Minor

Research paper thumbnail of Denkmalschutz in der Antike? – Rechtshistorische Überlegungen zu Dio’s Rede an die Rhodier

Research paper thumbnail of Vom praktischen Nutzen der Sarkophaginschriften

Ausgehend von der in der Forschung vertretenen Meinung, dass sich die Strafklauseln in den Grabin... more Ausgehend von der in der Forschung vertretenen Meinung, dass sich die Strafklauseln in den Grabinschriften des kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien an den „vorübergehenden Betrachter“ richten, wollen wir in unserem Beitrag das Zielpublikum speziell der Sarkophaginschriften untersuchen. Dazu ist es notwendig, zunächst einen Überblick über die möglichen Inschriftentypen auf Sarkophagen sowie ihr Verbreitungsgebiet zu präsentieren und diesen in allgemeine Überlegungen zu den Grabinschriften einzubetten. Im Weiteren werden Fragen der Aufstellung von Sarkophagen innerhalb der Nekropolen und im Verbund von Grabhäusern sowie deren Auswirkung auf die Lesbarkeit der Inschriften erörtert. Auch die Platzierung der Inschriften auf dem Sarkophag, Schrift und Schriftgröße, die Hervorhebung einzelner Worte und Passagen sowie das Verhältnis der Inschrift zum Schmuck des Sarkophages werden anhand einiger Beispiele vornehmlich aus Ionien und Karien diskutiert.

Research paper thumbnail of Streit um Land oder Streit um Grenzen. Überlegungen zur zwischenstaatlichen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Research paper thumbnail of Streit um Land und Grenzen – die zwischenstaatliche Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit im antiken Völkerrecht

Research paper thumbnail of Epigraphische Quellen zum Archivwesen in den griechischen Poleis der Kaiserzeit

Anhand ausgewählter Beispiele aus den delphischen Freilassungsinschriften und den Grabinschriften... more Anhand ausgewählter Beispiele aus den delphischen Freilassungsinschriften und den Grabinschriften aus Kleinasien versuche ich, die Rolle der Archive bei der Erstellung, Beglaubigung und Aufbewahrung von Urkunden zu erläutern.

Research paper thumbnail of Ein Fest für meinen toten Sohn: Die Stiftung des Kritolaos aus Aigiale auf Amorgos

Research paper thumbnail of Ringvorlesung Antike Rechtsgeschichte UHH WiSe 2022/23

The first lecture series of the 'Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Ancient Law' (CISAL) w... more The first lecture series of the 'Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Ancient Law' (CISAL) will focus on the diversity of the interdisciplinary research field of Ancient Legal History. Therefore, the geographical, chronological, and typological range of the available sources will be reviewed, and approaches and methods of both disciplines evaluated. Furthermore, the invited speakers, all scholars of Ancient Law or Ancient History, will present insight into current research projects.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for applications: Doctoral scholarships for internationals


The Graduate School of the Cluster of Excellence "Understanding Written Artefacts" at CSMC invite... more The Graduate School of the Cluster of Excellence "Understanding Written Artefacts" at CSMC invites applications for doctoral scholarships within the Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), for a 3-year period of doctoral studies starting from 1 April 2024 onwards. Awardees will receive a full scholarship (1200 EUR/month) plus health insurance and additional allowances (for details, see here). An extension to four years is possible in well-grounded cases. We are looking for highly qualified and very motivated international candidates (non-German citizens) with excellent English skills and holding a Master's, Diploma or equivalent degree in any discipline concerned with the study of manuscript cultures and written artefacts. In particular, we welcome applications from candidates from developing and emerging countries. About CSMC as a research environment CSMC has created a cross-disciplinary and international research environment for the holistic study of handwritten artefacts and the rich diversity of global manuscript cultures beyond traditionally held boundaries of academic discipline, time, and space. Today, around 150 researchers from over 40 academic disciplines are working on more than 60 research projects, many of which combine the humanities with the natural sciences and computer sciences. To get an impression what it is like to study written artefacts at CSMC, watch these films.