Claudia Erbar | Universität Heidelberg (original) (raw)

Papers by Claudia Erbar

Research paper thumbnail of Style diversity in Asteraceae: - morphology, anatomy, phylogeny, and function

Research paper thumbnail of Hippuridaceae

Springer eBooks, 2004

Aquatic or amphibious, rarely terrestrial herbs with creeping rhizome. Stems usually erect and em... more Aquatic or amphibious, rarely terrestrial herbs with creeping rhizome. Stems usually erect and emergent or sometimes floating. Leaves verticillate (4-16 per whorl), linear, estipulate. Stems and leaves with peltate glandular hairs. Flowers small, bisexual or rarely unisexual, solitary in the axils of the upper aerial leaves. Perianth a low collar. Stamen solitary, inserted on abaxial side of flower, with slender filament and tetrasporangiate, introrse anther. Gynoecium inferior, monocarpellate (or pseudomonomerous), style elongate. Ovule one, pendulous, anatropous, unitegmic, tenuinucellate. Fruit a drupe. Fruit wall consisting of cup-shaped sclerified pericarp topped by a plug formed by sclerified funicle and upper part of integument.

Research paper thumbnail of The Intelligent Play with Chances and Selection

Research paper thumbnail of Silique valves as sails in anemochory of<i>Lunaria</i>(Brassicaceae)

Plant Biology, Nov 28, 2017

The generally held opinion that seeds of Lunaria remain at the replum after detachment of the two... more The generally held opinion that seeds of Lunaria remain at the replum after detachment of the two valves and then wind causes a shaking or rattling of the replum with its diaphragm, thus launching the seeds, is challenged. In a sparse forest in the Swabian Alb, the first author noticed flying valves of Lunaria rediviva to which the narrow-winged flat seeds are attached. • Investigations with SEM and histology have shown that the valves secrete a glue only at those sites where the seeds rest on the valves before valve tissues die. Further analysis has shown (using the periodic acid-Schiff reaction) that the glue consists of polysaccharides. After detachment and dispersal of the valves, the adhesive strength continuously decreases. • This is the first report for a sticky valve exudate in the Brassicaceae. Because of the adhesion of Lunaria seeds to their valves for some time, the 1st order diaspore is a mericarp, in a broad sense, and can be interpreted as an adaptation to long-distance dispersal by stronger winds. In this context, the 'flying carpets' of Lunaria are more effective and transport more than one seed. • Molecular studies assigned Lunaria to the tribe Biscutelleae, which now contains the angustiseptate genera Biscutella and Megadenia as well as the latiseptate genera Lunaria and Ricotia. The valves in Ricotia can easily be detached (studied in herbarium material and a living plant), but, in contrast to Lunaria, the ripe seeds remain at the replum and its diaphragm, respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Callitrichaceae

Springer eBooks, 2004


Research paper thumbnail of Blütenentwicklungsgeschichtliche Studien an Aralia und Hedera (Araliaceae)

Flora, 1988

In both Aralia elata (MIQ.) SEEMANN and Hedera helix L. the sequence and position of the sepals v... more In both Aralia elata (MIQ.) SEEMANN and Hedera helix L. the sequence and position of the sepals vary. The different possibilities are shown diagrammatically in Figs. 38 and 39. Most commonly the calyx is initiated in a 2/5 spiral with sepal 1 to the right or left of the subtending bract (Figs. 38a, 39a). When the initiation of the calyx starts in the upper median, the last three or two sepals often do not continue this "new" spiral sequence (Figs. 38c, 39c-d). In Aralia (Fig. 38 d) sepal 1 can shift from an adaxial into a laterally diagonal position (position and sequence similar in Lobelia!). In the absence of prophylls in Hedera the first sepals can occupy-though slightly shifted-their position (Fig. 39 d). The corolla of Aralia and Hedera, which later is choripetalous, is initiated sympetalously as a ring wall. This character also was found in Hydrocotyle (Apiaceae) and, besides many well known others (for compilation see LEINS & ERBAR 1987), supports the assumption of a close relationship between Apiales and Campanulales-Asterales. The stamens are initiated in a fast sequence in Aralia and simultaneously in Hedera. Important similarities to the neighbouring Apiaceae can be found in the gynoecium in the number of ovules (2 per carpel, of which one degenerates persisting for a long time in an upwards-pointing position), their orientation and place of origin, the stylopodium, the development of the inferior ovary, and in its complete and deep septation.

Research paper thumbnail of Nectaries in Rosaceae

Plant diversity and evolution, Nov 21, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of On the early floral development and the mechanisms of secondary pollen presentation in Campanula, Jasione and Lobelia

Research paper thumbnail of Note on the floral development of Thottea (Aristolochiaceae)

Blumea, 1988

The occurrence of four placentae is a constant character in Thottea. The species can be distingui... more The occurrence of four placentae is a constant character in Thottea. The species can be distinguished by differences in the androecium. The androecial pattern is relatively variable and its rather high plasticity in the genus is suggested to be a derived feature within the family. The gynoecial structure is most remarkable, as the stylar organs do not correspond with the placentae in number nor in position. It is assumed that these organs do not belong to the gynoecium morphologically. They may represent independent, phylogenetically secondary organs, which may function in the capturing of pollen.

Research paper thumbnail of Hydrostachyaceae

Flowering Plants · Dicotyledons, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Falsche Versprechen. Lug und Trug in der Blütenwelt

Pflanzen locken mit ihren Bluten Insekten an und bieten den Tieren Nahrung in Form von Nektar und... more Pflanzen locken mit ihren Bluten Insekten an und bieten den Tieren Nahrung in Form von Nektar und Pollen. Im Gegenzug ubernehmen die Insekten den Pollentransport, also die Bestaubung. Um den Fortpflanzungserfolg zu sichern, scheint jedes Mittel recht zu sein. So haben sich im Laufe der Evolution bei den Blutenpflanzen auch betrugerische Anwerbemethoden entwickelt.

Research paper thumbnail of Das intelligente Spiel mit Zufällen und Auslese

Gleichgültig, ob als aus der Organismischen Evolution hervorgegangenes oder vom Menschen hergeste... more Gleichgültig, ob als aus der Organismischen Evolution hervorgegangenes oder vom Menschen hergestelltes Produkt, wenn es den Anspruch optimaler Funktionalität bei gleichzeitiger Sparsamkeit erhebt, wird ihm im Sprachgebrauch vielfach das Adjektiv "intelligent" verliehen. Mit "intelligent" ist natürlich nur der Urheber gemeint: Im einen Fall die Evolution mit ihrem intelligenten Spiel mit den Zufällen und der Auslese, im anderen die Kreativität des "Säugetiers" Homo sapiens. Bemerkenswert ist eine gewisse Parallelität in Bau und Funktionalität unabhängig voneinander entstandener Geräte und Systeme. Oder aber von der Natur vorgegebene Konstruktionen dienen als Vorbild, was zur Bionik als eigene Wissenschaftsdisziplin geführt hat. Aus der unüberschaubaren Fülle intelligenter Problemlösungen sind in diesem Artikel einige wenige herausgegriffen. Sie betreffen zunächst Gebrauchsgegenstände aus dem Alltag. Es sind z. B. Salzstreuer, die fürs Frühstücksei geeign...

Research paper thumbnail of Blüte und Frucht

Inhalt Vorworte V Vorab einige Gedanken zur Entstehung und zur Bedeutung der Bliite im Lebenszykl... more Inhalt Vorworte V Vorab einige Gedanken zur Entstehung und zur Bedeutung der Bliite im Lebenszyklus der Pflanzen 1 Fossilien alter Angiospermen 7 Kurze Beschreibung einer Angiospermen-Bliite-einige Grundbegriffe.... 10

Research paper thumbnail of Bäume und Sträucher in Herbst und Winter erkennen

Research paper thumbnail of Styles in Carduoideae (Asteraceae) – diversity in the uniformity

Plant Diversity and Evolution, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Bi- to Multi-seriate Stylar Hairs in Eremothamneae, Oldenburgieae, Stifftieae, and Wunderlichieae (Asteraceae)

Systematic Botany, 2016

Abstract Bi- (to tri-) seriate stylar sweeping hairs are well-known from both genera (Eremothamnu... more Abstract Bi- (to tri-) seriate stylar sweeping hairs are well-known from both genera (Eremothamnus, Hoplophyllum) of Eremothamneae (Asteraceae-Cichorioideae), and their assumed exclusive occurrence has been used in defining the tribe. In order to proof the phylogenetic/ taxonomic relevance of this character, I comprehensively studied genera of all tribes with respect to the occurrence of multi-seriate hairs. I describe for the first time bi- to even multi-seriate stylar hairs in the Hyaloseris clade (Stifftioideae-Stifftieae), in Oldenburgieae (Carduoideae), and in Wunderlichieae (Wunderlichioideae), formerly placed in a broadly circumscribed Mutisieae. The clusters of two to variable numbers of hairs, tightly linked together by their longitudinal cell walls, differ in the length of the tips of the individual cells, which remain separate during ontogeny and in the extent to which they cover the stylar branches and the stylar shaft. Stifftia exhibits papillate epidermal cells at the dorsal flanks of the stylar branches arranged in a line. On the basis of this observation, one can imagine that bi- to multi-seriate hairs result, if the walls of adjacent cells remain tightly linked during further elongation growth. Although the bi- to multi-seriate hairs are homoplasious, such hairs are not found in sister clades. Depending on their length and location on the styles, the bi- to multi-seriate stylar hairs are involved either in a brushing mechanism, in a pump mechanism, or in a combination of a brushing and a deposition mechanism of secondary pollen presentation.

Research paper thumbnail of Entwicklungen in der Entwicklung – Fortwährende Veränderungen im Fluss der Organismenwelt

Unserem lieben Freund, Herrn Prof. Dr. Ernst Jung, zu seinem 88. Geburtstag in herzlicher Verbund... more Unserem lieben Freund, Herrn Prof. Dr. Ernst Jung, zu seinem 88. Geburtstag in herzlicher Verbundenheit gewidmet. Zusammenfassung "Die reinste Anschauung der Dinge hat, wer sie vom Anbeginn her wachsen sieht" (Aristoteles 384 v. Chr.-322 v. Chr.). Dieser Erkenntnis folgend werden Beispiele aus dem Blütenbereich der Angiospermae (Blütenpflanzen) in dem vorliegenden Artikel vorgestellt. Ähnlich aussehende Strukturen, wie etwa die multistaminaten (aus vielen Staubgefäßen bestehenden) Androeceen in den Blüten unterschiedlicher Verwandtschaftsgruppen oder Blumenkronröhren, die insbesondere im oberen Stammbaumniveau zu finden sind, können sich auf vielfältige Weise entwickeln. Durch Vergleich verschieden alter Stadien machen sich die "individuellen" Entwicklungsweisen beobachtbar; wir nennen sie Ontogenien. Demgegenüber sind Stammbäume nicht beobachtbare Rekonstruktionen der historischen Verwandtschaft von Lebewesen. Eine stammesgeschichtliche Entwicklung, die Phylogenie, ist also stets Theorie behaftet. Um die Plausibilität einer Stammbaumrekonstruktion zu erhöhen, bedient man sich der evolutionären Erkenntnis, d. h. wir können uns auf die (wiederum beobachtbaren) Faktoren der Evolution (Mutation, Rekombination, Migration,

Research paper thumbnail of Aspects of floral development

Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Dec 27, 1988

Research paper thumbnail of Clypeal pollen accumulation in a new species of bee from Syria: A hitherto unknown phenomenon in megachilid bees (Megachilidae: Anthidiini)

Zoology in the Middle East, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Der Codex Palatinus germanicus 539

Research paper thumbnail of Style diversity in Asteraceae: - morphology, anatomy, phylogeny, and function

Research paper thumbnail of Hippuridaceae

Springer eBooks, 2004

Aquatic or amphibious, rarely terrestrial herbs with creeping rhizome. Stems usually erect and em... more Aquatic or amphibious, rarely terrestrial herbs with creeping rhizome. Stems usually erect and emergent or sometimes floating. Leaves verticillate (4-16 per whorl), linear, estipulate. Stems and leaves with peltate glandular hairs. Flowers small, bisexual or rarely unisexual, solitary in the axils of the upper aerial leaves. Perianth a low collar. Stamen solitary, inserted on abaxial side of flower, with slender filament and tetrasporangiate, introrse anther. Gynoecium inferior, monocarpellate (or pseudomonomerous), style elongate. Ovule one, pendulous, anatropous, unitegmic, tenuinucellate. Fruit a drupe. Fruit wall consisting of cup-shaped sclerified pericarp topped by a plug formed by sclerified funicle and upper part of integument.

Research paper thumbnail of The Intelligent Play with Chances and Selection

Research paper thumbnail of Silique valves as sails in anemochory of<i>Lunaria</i>(Brassicaceae)

Plant Biology, Nov 28, 2017

The generally held opinion that seeds of Lunaria remain at the replum after detachment of the two... more The generally held opinion that seeds of Lunaria remain at the replum after detachment of the two valves and then wind causes a shaking or rattling of the replum with its diaphragm, thus launching the seeds, is challenged. In a sparse forest in the Swabian Alb, the first author noticed flying valves of Lunaria rediviva to which the narrow-winged flat seeds are attached. • Investigations with SEM and histology have shown that the valves secrete a glue only at those sites where the seeds rest on the valves before valve tissues die. Further analysis has shown (using the periodic acid-Schiff reaction) that the glue consists of polysaccharides. After detachment and dispersal of the valves, the adhesive strength continuously decreases. • This is the first report for a sticky valve exudate in the Brassicaceae. Because of the adhesion of Lunaria seeds to their valves for some time, the 1st order diaspore is a mericarp, in a broad sense, and can be interpreted as an adaptation to long-distance dispersal by stronger winds. In this context, the 'flying carpets' of Lunaria are more effective and transport more than one seed. • Molecular studies assigned Lunaria to the tribe Biscutelleae, which now contains the angustiseptate genera Biscutella and Megadenia as well as the latiseptate genera Lunaria and Ricotia. The valves in Ricotia can easily be detached (studied in herbarium material and a living plant), but, in contrast to Lunaria, the ripe seeds remain at the replum and its diaphragm, respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Callitrichaceae

Springer eBooks, 2004


Research paper thumbnail of Blütenentwicklungsgeschichtliche Studien an Aralia und Hedera (Araliaceae)

Flora, 1988

In both Aralia elata (MIQ.) SEEMANN and Hedera helix L. the sequence and position of the sepals v... more In both Aralia elata (MIQ.) SEEMANN and Hedera helix L. the sequence and position of the sepals vary. The different possibilities are shown diagrammatically in Figs. 38 and 39. Most commonly the calyx is initiated in a 2/5 spiral with sepal 1 to the right or left of the subtending bract (Figs. 38a, 39a). When the initiation of the calyx starts in the upper median, the last three or two sepals often do not continue this "new" spiral sequence (Figs. 38c, 39c-d). In Aralia (Fig. 38 d) sepal 1 can shift from an adaxial into a laterally diagonal position (position and sequence similar in Lobelia!). In the absence of prophylls in Hedera the first sepals can occupy-though slightly shifted-their position (Fig. 39 d). The corolla of Aralia and Hedera, which later is choripetalous, is initiated sympetalously as a ring wall. This character also was found in Hydrocotyle (Apiaceae) and, besides many well known others (for compilation see LEINS & ERBAR 1987), supports the assumption of a close relationship between Apiales and Campanulales-Asterales. The stamens are initiated in a fast sequence in Aralia and simultaneously in Hedera. Important similarities to the neighbouring Apiaceae can be found in the gynoecium in the number of ovules (2 per carpel, of which one degenerates persisting for a long time in an upwards-pointing position), their orientation and place of origin, the stylopodium, the development of the inferior ovary, and in its complete and deep septation.

Research paper thumbnail of Nectaries in Rosaceae

Plant diversity and evolution, Nov 21, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of On the early floral development and the mechanisms of secondary pollen presentation in Campanula, Jasione and Lobelia

Research paper thumbnail of Note on the floral development of Thottea (Aristolochiaceae)

Blumea, 1988

The occurrence of four placentae is a constant character in Thottea. The species can be distingui... more The occurrence of four placentae is a constant character in Thottea. The species can be distinguished by differences in the androecium. The androecial pattern is relatively variable and its rather high plasticity in the genus is suggested to be a derived feature within the family. The gynoecial structure is most remarkable, as the stylar organs do not correspond with the placentae in number nor in position. It is assumed that these organs do not belong to the gynoecium morphologically. They may represent independent, phylogenetically secondary organs, which may function in the capturing of pollen.

Research paper thumbnail of Hydrostachyaceae

Flowering Plants · Dicotyledons, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Falsche Versprechen. Lug und Trug in der Blütenwelt

Pflanzen locken mit ihren Bluten Insekten an und bieten den Tieren Nahrung in Form von Nektar und... more Pflanzen locken mit ihren Bluten Insekten an und bieten den Tieren Nahrung in Form von Nektar und Pollen. Im Gegenzug ubernehmen die Insekten den Pollentransport, also die Bestaubung. Um den Fortpflanzungserfolg zu sichern, scheint jedes Mittel recht zu sein. So haben sich im Laufe der Evolution bei den Blutenpflanzen auch betrugerische Anwerbemethoden entwickelt.

Research paper thumbnail of Das intelligente Spiel mit Zufällen und Auslese

Gleichgültig, ob als aus der Organismischen Evolution hervorgegangenes oder vom Menschen hergeste... more Gleichgültig, ob als aus der Organismischen Evolution hervorgegangenes oder vom Menschen hergestelltes Produkt, wenn es den Anspruch optimaler Funktionalität bei gleichzeitiger Sparsamkeit erhebt, wird ihm im Sprachgebrauch vielfach das Adjektiv "intelligent" verliehen. Mit "intelligent" ist natürlich nur der Urheber gemeint: Im einen Fall die Evolution mit ihrem intelligenten Spiel mit den Zufällen und der Auslese, im anderen die Kreativität des "Säugetiers" Homo sapiens. Bemerkenswert ist eine gewisse Parallelität in Bau und Funktionalität unabhängig voneinander entstandener Geräte und Systeme. Oder aber von der Natur vorgegebene Konstruktionen dienen als Vorbild, was zur Bionik als eigene Wissenschaftsdisziplin geführt hat. Aus der unüberschaubaren Fülle intelligenter Problemlösungen sind in diesem Artikel einige wenige herausgegriffen. Sie betreffen zunächst Gebrauchsgegenstände aus dem Alltag. Es sind z. B. Salzstreuer, die fürs Frühstücksei geeign...

Research paper thumbnail of Blüte und Frucht

Inhalt Vorworte V Vorab einige Gedanken zur Entstehung und zur Bedeutung der Bliite im Lebenszykl... more Inhalt Vorworte V Vorab einige Gedanken zur Entstehung und zur Bedeutung der Bliite im Lebenszyklus der Pflanzen 1 Fossilien alter Angiospermen 7 Kurze Beschreibung einer Angiospermen-Bliite-einige Grundbegriffe.... 10

Research paper thumbnail of Bäume und Sträucher in Herbst und Winter erkennen

Research paper thumbnail of Styles in Carduoideae (Asteraceae) – diversity in the uniformity

Plant Diversity and Evolution, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Bi- to Multi-seriate Stylar Hairs in Eremothamneae, Oldenburgieae, Stifftieae, and Wunderlichieae (Asteraceae)

Systematic Botany, 2016

Abstract Bi- (to tri-) seriate stylar sweeping hairs are well-known from both genera (Eremothamnu... more Abstract Bi- (to tri-) seriate stylar sweeping hairs are well-known from both genera (Eremothamnus, Hoplophyllum) of Eremothamneae (Asteraceae-Cichorioideae), and their assumed exclusive occurrence has been used in defining the tribe. In order to proof the phylogenetic/ taxonomic relevance of this character, I comprehensively studied genera of all tribes with respect to the occurrence of multi-seriate hairs. I describe for the first time bi- to even multi-seriate stylar hairs in the Hyaloseris clade (Stifftioideae-Stifftieae), in Oldenburgieae (Carduoideae), and in Wunderlichieae (Wunderlichioideae), formerly placed in a broadly circumscribed Mutisieae. The clusters of two to variable numbers of hairs, tightly linked together by their longitudinal cell walls, differ in the length of the tips of the individual cells, which remain separate during ontogeny and in the extent to which they cover the stylar branches and the stylar shaft. Stifftia exhibits papillate epidermal cells at the dorsal flanks of the stylar branches arranged in a line. On the basis of this observation, one can imagine that bi- to multi-seriate hairs result, if the walls of adjacent cells remain tightly linked during further elongation growth. Although the bi- to multi-seriate hairs are homoplasious, such hairs are not found in sister clades. Depending on their length and location on the styles, the bi- to multi-seriate stylar hairs are involved either in a brushing mechanism, in a pump mechanism, or in a combination of a brushing and a deposition mechanism of secondary pollen presentation.

Research paper thumbnail of Entwicklungen in der Entwicklung – Fortwährende Veränderungen im Fluss der Organismenwelt

Unserem lieben Freund, Herrn Prof. Dr. Ernst Jung, zu seinem 88. Geburtstag in herzlicher Verbund... more Unserem lieben Freund, Herrn Prof. Dr. Ernst Jung, zu seinem 88. Geburtstag in herzlicher Verbundenheit gewidmet. Zusammenfassung "Die reinste Anschauung der Dinge hat, wer sie vom Anbeginn her wachsen sieht" (Aristoteles 384 v. Chr.-322 v. Chr.). Dieser Erkenntnis folgend werden Beispiele aus dem Blütenbereich der Angiospermae (Blütenpflanzen) in dem vorliegenden Artikel vorgestellt. Ähnlich aussehende Strukturen, wie etwa die multistaminaten (aus vielen Staubgefäßen bestehenden) Androeceen in den Blüten unterschiedlicher Verwandtschaftsgruppen oder Blumenkronröhren, die insbesondere im oberen Stammbaumniveau zu finden sind, können sich auf vielfältige Weise entwickeln. Durch Vergleich verschieden alter Stadien machen sich die "individuellen" Entwicklungsweisen beobachtbar; wir nennen sie Ontogenien. Demgegenüber sind Stammbäume nicht beobachtbare Rekonstruktionen der historischen Verwandtschaft von Lebewesen. Eine stammesgeschichtliche Entwicklung, die Phylogenie, ist also stets Theorie behaftet. Um die Plausibilität einer Stammbaumrekonstruktion zu erhöhen, bedient man sich der evolutionären Erkenntnis, d. h. wir können uns auf die (wiederum beobachtbaren) Faktoren der Evolution (Mutation, Rekombination, Migration,

Research paper thumbnail of Aspects of floral development

Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Dec 27, 1988

Research paper thumbnail of Clypeal pollen accumulation in a new species of bee from Syria: A hitherto unknown phenomenon in megachilid bees (Megachilidae: Anthidiini)

Zoology in the Middle East, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Der Codex Palatinus germanicus 539