Ulrich Mueller | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (original) (raw)

Papers by Ulrich Mueller

Research paper thumbnail of Water supply, settlement organisation and social connectivity

Connectivity Matters! Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies, 2022

In this contribution, common features and differences in the provision of water and its disposal ... more In this contribution, common features and differences in the provision of water and its disposal during two different epochs – antiquity and the Middle Ages – are thematised. Thereby, reflections are made about the relationship between the city and its natural conditions, on the one hand, and the social circumstances as well as cultural needs on the other. It becomes apparent that “water art” (Wasserkunst) of antique and medieval cities may be understood as a manifestation of the negotiation of individual and collective needs. The connectivity between the city and the environment as well as the social connectivity within a city is reflected in the relationship of the individual households to the city as a whole.

Research paper thumbnail of Protestforschung in der Archäologie des 20. Jahrhunderts / archaeological research on protest actions and social movements

Offa 79 / 2022, 2023

The paper focuses on the potentials, but also the challenges of archaeological research to identi... more The paper focuses on the potentials, but also the challenges of archaeological research to identify protest actions and modes, especially those of social movements. To this purpose, concepts of protest action and protest modes from political science and social science research are first introduced with a focus on social movements. The very heterogeneous approaches point out that the analy sis of materialized practices of protest is rather in the background. In the following, four archaeologically investigated protest sites are briefly present

Research paper thumbnail of Zehn Thesen zu einer Archäologie der Moderne / Ten Theses on an Archaeology of Modernity

Archäologische Informationen 43, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Doppelstädte – Twin Cities

Der Beitrag behandelt Doppelstädte anhand von drei Fallbeispielen. Brandenburg an der Havel, Hild... more Der Beitrag behandelt Doppelstädte anhand von drei Fallbeispielen. Brandenburg an der Havel, Hildesheim und Haithabu stehen nicht nur für verschiedene Zeiträume, sondern reflektieren auch unterschiedliche kulturelle Kontexte. Um diese Städte vergleichbar zu machen, wird abschließend ein Modell präsentiert, welches verschiedene Modi von Doppelstädten beschreibt.

Research paper thumbnail of Zwei vergessene Burgen aus dem Mittelalter -Die Mildeburg und die Schwabstedter Bischofsburg im Kreis Nordfriesland

O. Auge/St. Magnussen (Hrsg.), Schwabstedt und die Birschöfe von Schleswig (1268-1705). (Frankfurt 2021) , 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Medieval Urbanscapes Observations on the high and late medieval city in the German-speaking regions

ZAM Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters, Jahrgang 48,, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Sonne guten Spiegeleier hast du noch nie gesehen, Mensch!« Die Archäologie des Ephemeren / The archaeology of the contemporary past and the ephemeral

Sachgeschichte(n) Beiträge zu einer interdisziplinär verstandenen Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit Festschrift für Barbara Scholkmann zu ihrem 80. Geburtstag, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Activist Archaeology - YES!

Forum Kritische Archäologie 12, Themenheft: Archäolo- gie als Empowerment: Für wen und wie? Kommentare zu einem wissenschaftlichem Aktivismus, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of The old image of the new town. Reflections on Schleswig and Lübeck as examples of city conceptions

Mentale Konzepte der Stadt in Bild- und Textmedien der Vormoderne, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Scenes and Actors of Historical Crises between Generalizing Synthesis Formation and Postmodern Fragmentation

Past Landscapes. The Dynamics of Interaction between Society, Landscape, and Culture,, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Burgen in Schleswig-Holstein / The archaeology of castles in Northern Germany

Burgen in Schleswig-Holstein, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Slawen in Ostholstein / Slavs in Norther Germany


Research paper thumbnail of Harbourscapes Three Examples from Early to High Medieval Northern Europe

The Power of Urban Water Studies in Premodern Urbanism, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Inklusion|Exklusion -Transkulturalität im Raum Inklusion|Exklusion -Transkulturalität im Raum

Research paper thumbnail of Guidelines for an archaeology of the contemporary past

Blickpunkt Archäologie, 2017

Under the chairmanship of Matthias Wemhoff, a DVA expert committee has drawn up guidelines on how... more Under the chairmanship of Matthias Wemhoff, a DVA expert committee has drawn up guidelines on how to deal with relics of modernity. The management of archaeological records and features from the 19th to 20th centuries is a challenge for archaeological state departments , museums and universities.

Research paper thumbnail of Bridging the gaps. Theoretical Archaeology and Historical Archaeology

Ethnologisch Archäologische Zeitschrift 2015 (2018), 2018

This article asks about the importance of theory for historical archaeology. The authors emphasiz... more This article asks about the importance of theory for historical archaeology. The authors emphasize the necessity of dealing with theoretical aspects of cultural studies.

Research paper thumbnail of get up – stand up: the historical archaeology of resistance

Rebellion and inequality in archaeology, ed. by J. Müller el al., 2018

Can archaeology, therefore, during periods with so-called dense tradition even deal with such a t... more Can archaeology, therefore, during periods with so-called dense tradition even deal with such a topic as protest and resistance? In order to clarify this ques- tion, the following will cast a look at various times and collectives. On the one hand, a “slave prison” and settlements of self-freed slaves (“maroons”) from the 18th and 19th centuries are discussed. On the other hand, an analysis of a “peace-camp” as a form of resistance in the 20th century is presented. Examples are intended to finally identify the methods, problems and potentials of “archaeology of resistance” for historical epochs.

Research paper thumbnail of Schleswig - Lübeck: Agency within the harbour and market area

Research paper thumbnail of Doppelstädte – Twin Cities

Enge Nachbarn. Doppel- und Mehrfachburgen in der Bronzezeit und im Mittelalter, mittelalterliche Doppelstädte, 2017

This paper examines twin cities using three case studies. Brandenburg an der Havel, Hildes-heim, ... more This paper examines twin cities using three case studies. Brandenburg an der Havel, Hildes-heim, and Haithabu not only reflect different time periods, but also different cultural contexts. In order to make these cities comparable, a model is presented that describes different modes of twin cities.

Research paper thumbnail of The Archaeology of pre-modern and modern times: a new perspective?

Research paper thumbnail of Water supply, settlement organisation and social connectivity

Connectivity Matters! Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies, 2022

In this contribution, common features and differences in the provision of water and its disposal ... more In this contribution, common features and differences in the provision of water and its disposal during two different epochs – antiquity and the Middle Ages – are thematised. Thereby, reflections are made about the relationship between the city and its natural conditions, on the one hand, and the social circumstances as well as cultural needs on the other. It becomes apparent that “water art” (Wasserkunst) of antique and medieval cities may be understood as a manifestation of the negotiation of individual and collective needs. The connectivity between the city and the environment as well as the social connectivity within a city is reflected in the relationship of the individual households to the city as a whole.

Research paper thumbnail of Protestforschung in der Archäologie des 20. Jahrhunderts / archaeological research on protest actions and social movements

Offa 79 / 2022, 2023

The paper focuses on the potentials, but also the challenges of archaeological research to identi... more The paper focuses on the potentials, but also the challenges of archaeological research to identify protest actions and modes, especially those of social movements. To this purpose, concepts of protest action and protest modes from political science and social science research are first introduced with a focus on social movements. The very heterogeneous approaches point out that the analy sis of materialized practices of protest is rather in the background. In the following, four archaeologically investigated protest sites are briefly present

Research paper thumbnail of Zehn Thesen zu einer Archäologie der Moderne / Ten Theses on an Archaeology of Modernity

Archäologische Informationen 43, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Doppelstädte – Twin Cities

Der Beitrag behandelt Doppelstädte anhand von drei Fallbeispielen. Brandenburg an der Havel, Hild... more Der Beitrag behandelt Doppelstädte anhand von drei Fallbeispielen. Brandenburg an der Havel, Hildesheim und Haithabu stehen nicht nur für verschiedene Zeiträume, sondern reflektieren auch unterschiedliche kulturelle Kontexte. Um diese Städte vergleichbar zu machen, wird abschließend ein Modell präsentiert, welches verschiedene Modi von Doppelstädten beschreibt.

Research paper thumbnail of Zwei vergessene Burgen aus dem Mittelalter -Die Mildeburg und die Schwabstedter Bischofsburg im Kreis Nordfriesland

O. Auge/St. Magnussen (Hrsg.), Schwabstedt und die Birschöfe von Schleswig (1268-1705). (Frankfurt 2021) , 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Medieval Urbanscapes Observations on the high and late medieval city in the German-speaking regions

ZAM Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters, Jahrgang 48,, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Sonne guten Spiegeleier hast du noch nie gesehen, Mensch!« Die Archäologie des Ephemeren / The archaeology of the contemporary past and the ephemeral

Sachgeschichte(n) Beiträge zu einer interdisziplinär verstandenen Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit Festschrift für Barbara Scholkmann zu ihrem 80. Geburtstag, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Activist Archaeology - YES!

Forum Kritische Archäologie 12, Themenheft: Archäolo- gie als Empowerment: Für wen und wie? Kommentare zu einem wissenschaftlichem Aktivismus, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of The old image of the new town. Reflections on Schleswig and Lübeck as examples of city conceptions

Mentale Konzepte der Stadt in Bild- und Textmedien der Vormoderne, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Scenes and Actors of Historical Crises between Generalizing Synthesis Formation and Postmodern Fragmentation

Past Landscapes. The Dynamics of Interaction between Society, Landscape, and Culture,, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Burgen in Schleswig-Holstein / The archaeology of castles in Northern Germany

Burgen in Schleswig-Holstein, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Slawen in Ostholstein / Slavs in Norther Germany


Research paper thumbnail of Harbourscapes Three Examples from Early to High Medieval Northern Europe

The Power of Urban Water Studies in Premodern Urbanism, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Inklusion|Exklusion -Transkulturalität im Raum Inklusion|Exklusion -Transkulturalität im Raum

Research paper thumbnail of Guidelines for an archaeology of the contemporary past

Blickpunkt Archäologie, 2017

Under the chairmanship of Matthias Wemhoff, a DVA expert committee has drawn up guidelines on how... more Under the chairmanship of Matthias Wemhoff, a DVA expert committee has drawn up guidelines on how to deal with relics of modernity. The management of archaeological records and features from the 19th to 20th centuries is a challenge for archaeological state departments , museums and universities.

Research paper thumbnail of Bridging the gaps. Theoretical Archaeology and Historical Archaeology

Ethnologisch Archäologische Zeitschrift 2015 (2018), 2018

This article asks about the importance of theory for historical archaeology. The authors emphasiz... more This article asks about the importance of theory for historical archaeology. The authors emphasize the necessity of dealing with theoretical aspects of cultural studies.

Research paper thumbnail of get up – stand up: the historical archaeology of resistance

Rebellion and inequality in archaeology, ed. by J. Müller el al., 2018

Can archaeology, therefore, during periods with so-called dense tradition even deal with such a t... more Can archaeology, therefore, during periods with so-called dense tradition even deal with such a topic as protest and resistance? In order to clarify this ques- tion, the following will cast a look at various times and collectives. On the one hand, a “slave prison” and settlements of self-freed slaves (“maroons”) from the 18th and 19th centuries are discussed. On the other hand, an analysis of a “peace-camp” as a form of resistance in the 20th century is presented. Examples are intended to finally identify the methods, problems and potentials of “archaeology of resistance” for historical epochs.

Research paper thumbnail of Schleswig - Lübeck: Agency within the harbour and market area

Research paper thumbnail of Doppelstädte – Twin Cities

Enge Nachbarn. Doppel- und Mehrfachburgen in der Bronzezeit und im Mittelalter, mittelalterliche Doppelstädte, 2017

This paper examines twin cities using three case studies. Brandenburg an der Havel, Hildes-heim, ... more This paper examines twin cities using three case studies. Brandenburg an der Havel, Hildes-heim, and Haithabu not only reflect different time periods, but also different cultural contexts. In order to make these cities comparable, a model is presented that describes different modes of twin cities.

Research paper thumbnail of The Archaeology of pre-modern and modern times: a new perspective?

Research paper thumbnail of Conference 2018: Inclusion | Exclusion – Transculturality in space

The meeting looks at specific spatial manifestations of such transcultural processes of exclusion... more The meeting looks at specific spatial manifestations of such transcultural processes of exclusion, inclusion and hybridisation. It focuses on how transcultural processes and practices create spatial arrangements and how, on the other hand, spatial dispositions influence transcultural processes. Special attention will be turned to the relations between spaces and places in the landscape as well as the impact of transcultural mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion on the formation and development of cultural landscapes.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeology of the Contemporary Past. Conference 2018

International Conference at Kiel University (02/12/2018 - 05/12/2018) The conference will focus o... more International Conference at Kiel University (02/12/2018 - 05/12/2018)
The conference will focus on interdisciplinary perspectives for an archaeology of modernity.