Aleksandra Lipinska | University of Cologne (original) (raw)


Papers by Aleksandra Lipinska

Research paper thumbnail of Rhetoric of alabaster. The Material between its Affordances and Cultural Meaning, in: M. Debaene (ed.), Alabaster Sculpture in Europe 1300-1650, Exhibition Catalogue M Museum Leuven, London-Turnhout 2022, pp. 12-23

Alabaster Sculpture in Europe 1300-1650, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Wood Flyer

Research paper thumbnail of EDITORIAL: Gemeine Artefakte

Research paper thumbnail of Gemeine Artefakte. Zur gemeinschaftsbildenden Funktion von Kunstwerken in den vormodernenKulturräumen Ostmitteleuropas: Vorwort und Inhalt

Research paper thumbnail of Alabastrum, id est, corpus hominis: Alabaster in the Low Countries, a cultural history

Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek

Research paper thumbnail of Kultura werbalna i wizualna jako skladniki tozsamosci Polaków, Belgów i Holendrów w ujeciu porównawczym

Wielokulturowosc- …, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Netherlandish artists and craftsmen at the court of Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg

On basis of recently transcribed sources the paper analyses the structure of the group of artists... more On basis of recently transcribed sources the paper analyses the structure of the group of artists and artisans employed by Duke Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1528-1589) during his reign (1568-1589) in Wolfenbüttel. The analysis reveals a strong representation of newcomers from the Low Countries, among which majority were stonecutters and sculptors (e.g. Adam Lecuir, Augustin Adrians, Jan Eskens). This can be to a certain extent be interpreted as a signal of an aesthetic orientation of the Wolfenbüttel ruler, shaped in his youth. Yet, stronger factor was probably economic motivation. Since in order to realize his plans for the exploitation and marketing of the decorative stones discovered in his country, Duke Julius needed specific experts, who were available from the Low Countries at that time. The relationship of Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg with his court artists and artisans can be described as one of direct collaboration, driven on both sides by economic, scientific or artistic interests. The Wolfenbüttel case also permits conclusions concerning the situation of migrant or itinerant artists. Firstly, their mobility was strongly dependent on contacts between courts, though they were not only pawns or instruments in inter-court communications, but also active players in this process. Secondly, an influential factor stimulating artistic migration were networks of fellow countrymen, which provided social structures for the newcomers, and in doing so contributed to the creation of artistic colonies.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Opposite Sides of the Baltic Sea. Relations Between Scandinavian and Central European Countries

Acta Poloniae Historica, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Między kontestacją a nowym początkiem – ołtarz niderlandzki około 1530–1600

in: Ingenium et labor. Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Antoniemu Ziembie z okazji 60. urodzin, ed. P. Borusowski et al., Warszawa, 2020

Between contestation and the new beginning. The Netherlandish altarpiece c. 1530-1600

Research paper thumbnail of „Suptill Welven und Muren zu machen, wijme im Nederlandt gebrouckelich ist.“ – Gillis Cardon, ein Baumeister und Bildhauer aus Douai im Dienst Herzogs Adolf I. von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf

, in: Kirsten Baumann, Constanze Köster, Uta Kuhl (Hg.), Wissenstransfer und Kulturimport in der Frühen Neuzeit. De Niederlande und Schleswig-Hollstein, Petersberg 2020, pp. 155–180., 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Einleitung, in: D. Feest, A. Lipinska,  A. Pufelska (Hg.), Geld, Prestige, Verantwortung. Bankiers und Banken als Akteure im wirtschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Netzwerk im (Nordost-)Europa des 16. – 20. Jahrhunderts, Kiel 2020

Geld, Prestige, Verantwortung. Bankiers und Banken als Akteure im wirtschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Netzwerk im (Nordost-)Europa des 16. – 20. Jahrhunderts, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Stone of victory, stone of friendships? On the Meaning of alabaster

in: Z. Marat (ed.) English Alabaster Carvings and their Cultural Context, Woodbridge 2019, pp. 51-70., 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Between contestation and re-invention. The Netherlandish altarpiece in turbulent times (c. 1530-1600) in: E.M. Kavaler, F. Scholten, J.Woodall (Hg.), Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art 67: Netherlandish Sculpture of the 16th Century, Leiden Boston 2018, p. 79-117.

Research paper thumbnail of Brothers in Collecting: Thomas und Jacob Rehdiger - Two 16th -Century Silesian Art Collectors and Bibliophiles

Early Modern Merchants as Collectors

Research paper thumbnail of Netherlandish artists and craftsmen at the court of Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg

The Artist between Court and City (1300-1600) - L’artiste entre la Cour et la Ville – Der Künstler zwischen Hof und Stadt (1300-1600), eds. Dagmar Eichberger, Philippe Lorentz, Andreas Tacke, Petersberg 2017, S. 268-179.

On basis of recently transcribed sources the paper analyses the structure of the group of artists... more On basis of recently transcribed sources the paper analyses the structure of the group of artists and artisans employed by Duke Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1528-1589) during his reign (1568-1589) in Wolfenbüttel. The analysis reveals a strong representation of newcomers from the Low Countries, among which majority were stonecutters and sculptors (e.g. Adam Lecuir, Augustin Adrians, Jan Eskens). This can be to a certain extent be interpreted as a signal of an aesthetic orientation of the Wolfenbüttel ruler, shaped in his youth. Yet, stronger factor was probably economic motivation. Since in order to realize his plans for the exploitation and marketing of the decorative stones discovered in his country, Duke Julius needed specific experts, who were available from the Low Countries at that time. The relationship of Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg with his court artists and artisans can be described as one of direct collaboration, driven on both sides by economic, scientific or artistic interests.
The Wolfenbüttel case also permits conclusions concerning the situation of migrant or itinerant artists. Firstly, their mobility was strongly dependent on contacts between courts, though they were not only pawns or instruments in inter-court communications, but also active players in this process. Secondly, an influential factor stimulating artistic migration were networks of fellow countrymen, which provided social structures for the newcomers, and in doing so contributed to the creation of artistic colonies.

Research paper thumbnail of The Parr Family in Art History Literature. On the Methods and Perspectives of Research on the Migration of Artists

Artyści znad jezior lombardykich w nowożytnej Europie. Studia dedykowane pamięci Profesora Mariusza Karkpowicza / Artisti dei laghi lombardi nell’Europa moderna. Studi dedicati alla memoria del Prof. Mariusz Karpowicz, Warszawa 2016, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Die südniederländische Alabasterskulptur des 16. Jahrhunderts in Berlin. Herkunft – Stifterkreis – Kontext

Die südniederländische Alabasterskulptur des 16. Jahrhunderts in Berlin. Herkunft – Stifterkreis ... more Die südniederländische Alabasterskulptur des 16. Jahrhunderts in Berlin. Herkunft – Stifterkreis – Kontext, in: C. Badstübner-Kizik, E. Kizik (Hg.) Entdecken – Erforschen – Bewahren. Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und zur Denkmalpflege. Festgabe für Sybille Badstübner-Gröger zum 12. Oktober 2015, Berlin 2016, S. 62-77

Research paper thumbnail of Fit for a royal commission? The marble relief Landscape with King Numa and Nymph Egeria at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Research paper thumbnail of Südniederländische Alabasterplastik um 1525–1650: serielle Produktion, Verbreitung, Status

Südniederländische Alabasterplastik um 1525–1650: serielle Produktion, Verbreitung, Status, in: C... more Südniederländische Alabasterplastik um 1525–1650: serielle Produktion, Verbreitung, Status, in: Ch. Jeggle, A. Tacke, M. Herzog, M. Häberlein, M. Przybilski (Hg.), Luxusgegenstände und Kunstwerke vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Produktion - Handel - Formen der Aneignung, Konstanz und München 2015, S. 361-374

Research paper thumbnail of J.Kriegseisen, A. Lipinska (eds.), Matter of Light and Flesh. Alabaster in the Netherlandish Sculpture of the 16th and 17th centuries, Exhibition Catalogue, National Museum in Gdańsk, 15.11.2011 – 15.03.2012, Gdańsk 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Rhetoric of alabaster. The Material between its Affordances and Cultural Meaning, in: M. Debaene (ed.), Alabaster Sculpture in Europe 1300-1650, Exhibition Catalogue M Museum Leuven, London-Turnhout 2022, pp. 12-23

Alabaster Sculpture in Europe 1300-1650, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Wood Flyer

Research paper thumbnail of EDITORIAL: Gemeine Artefakte

Research paper thumbnail of Gemeine Artefakte. Zur gemeinschaftsbildenden Funktion von Kunstwerken in den vormodernenKulturräumen Ostmitteleuropas: Vorwort und Inhalt

Research paper thumbnail of Alabastrum, id est, corpus hominis: Alabaster in the Low Countries, a cultural history

Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek

Research paper thumbnail of Kultura werbalna i wizualna jako skladniki tozsamosci Polaków, Belgów i Holendrów w ujeciu porównawczym

Wielokulturowosc- …, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Netherlandish artists and craftsmen at the court of Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg

On basis of recently transcribed sources the paper analyses the structure of the group of artists... more On basis of recently transcribed sources the paper analyses the structure of the group of artists and artisans employed by Duke Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1528-1589) during his reign (1568-1589) in Wolfenbüttel. The analysis reveals a strong representation of newcomers from the Low Countries, among which majority were stonecutters and sculptors (e.g. Adam Lecuir, Augustin Adrians, Jan Eskens). This can be to a certain extent be interpreted as a signal of an aesthetic orientation of the Wolfenbüttel ruler, shaped in his youth. Yet, stronger factor was probably economic motivation. Since in order to realize his plans for the exploitation and marketing of the decorative stones discovered in his country, Duke Julius needed specific experts, who were available from the Low Countries at that time. The relationship of Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg with his court artists and artisans can be described as one of direct collaboration, driven on both sides by economic, scientific or artistic interests. The Wolfenbüttel case also permits conclusions concerning the situation of migrant or itinerant artists. Firstly, their mobility was strongly dependent on contacts between courts, though they were not only pawns or instruments in inter-court communications, but also active players in this process. Secondly, an influential factor stimulating artistic migration were networks of fellow countrymen, which provided social structures for the newcomers, and in doing so contributed to the creation of artistic colonies.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Opposite Sides of the Baltic Sea. Relations Between Scandinavian and Central European Countries

Acta Poloniae Historica, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Między kontestacją a nowym początkiem – ołtarz niderlandzki około 1530–1600

in: Ingenium et labor. Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Antoniemu Ziembie z okazji 60. urodzin, ed. P. Borusowski et al., Warszawa, 2020

Between contestation and the new beginning. The Netherlandish altarpiece c. 1530-1600

Research paper thumbnail of „Suptill Welven und Muren zu machen, wijme im Nederlandt gebrouckelich ist.“ – Gillis Cardon, ein Baumeister und Bildhauer aus Douai im Dienst Herzogs Adolf I. von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf

, in: Kirsten Baumann, Constanze Köster, Uta Kuhl (Hg.), Wissenstransfer und Kulturimport in der Frühen Neuzeit. De Niederlande und Schleswig-Hollstein, Petersberg 2020, pp. 155–180., 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Einleitung, in: D. Feest, A. Lipinska,  A. Pufelska (Hg.), Geld, Prestige, Verantwortung. Bankiers und Banken als Akteure im wirtschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Netzwerk im (Nordost-)Europa des 16. – 20. Jahrhunderts, Kiel 2020

Geld, Prestige, Verantwortung. Bankiers und Banken als Akteure im wirtschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Netzwerk im (Nordost-)Europa des 16. – 20. Jahrhunderts, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Stone of victory, stone of friendships? On the Meaning of alabaster

in: Z. Marat (ed.) English Alabaster Carvings and their Cultural Context, Woodbridge 2019, pp. 51-70., 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Between contestation and re-invention. The Netherlandish altarpiece in turbulent times (c. 1530-1600) in: E.M. Kavaler, F. Scholten, J.Woodall (Hg.), Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art 67: Netherlandish Sculpture of the 16th Century, Leiden Boston 2018, p. 79-117.

Research paper thumbnail of Brothers in Collecting: Thomas und Jacob Rehdiger - Two 16th -Century Silesian Art Collectors and Bibliophiles

Early Modern Merchants as Collectors

Research paper thumbnail of Netherlandish artists and craftsmen at the court of Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg

The Artist between Court and City (1300-1600) - L’artiste entre la Cour et la Ville – Der Künstler zwischen Hof und Stadt (1300-1600), eds. Dagmar Eichberger, Philippe Lorentz, Andreas Tacke, Petersberg 2017, S. 268-179.

On basis of recently transcribed sources the paper analyses the structure of the group of artists... more On basis of recently transcribed sources the paper analyses the structure of the group of artists and artisans employed by Duke Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1528-1589) during his reign (1568-1589) in Wolfenbüttel. The analysis reveals a strong representation of newcomers from the Low Countries, among which majority were stonecutters and sculptors (e.g. Adam Lecuir, Augustin Adrians, Jan Eskens). This can be to a certain extent be interpreted as a signal of an aesthetic orientation of the Wolfenbüttel ruler, shaped in his youth. Yet, stronger factor was probably economic motivation. Since in order to realize his plans for the exploitation and marketing of the decorative stones discovered in his country, Duke Julius needed specific experts, who were available from the Low Countries at that time. The relationship of Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg with his court artists and artisans can be described as one of direct collaboration, driven on both sides by economic, scientific or artistic interests.
The Wolfenbüttel case also permits conclusions concerning the situation of migrant or itinerant artists. Firstly, their mobility was strongly dependent on contacts between courts, though they were not only pawns or instruments in inter-court communications, but also active players in this process. Secondly, an influential factor stimulating artistic migration were networks of fellow countrymen, which provided social structures for the newcomers, and in doing so contributed to the creation of artistic colonies.

Research paper thumbnail of The Parr Family in Art History Literature. On the Methods and Perspectives of Research on the Migration of Artists

Artyści znad jezior lombardykich w nowożytnej Europie. Studia dedykowane pamięci Profesora Mariusza Karkpowicza / Artisti dei laghi lombardi nell’Europa moderna. Studi dedicati alla memoria del Prof. Mariusz Karpowicz, Warszawa 2016, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Die südniederländische Alabasterskulptur des 16. Jahrhunderts in Berlin. Herkunft – Stifterkreis – Kontext

Die südniederländische Alabasterskulptur des 16. Jahrhunderts in Berlin. Herkunft – Stifterkreis ... more Die südniederländische Alabasterskulptur des 16. Jahrhunderts in Berlin. Herkunft – Stifterkreis – Kontext, in: C. Badstübner-Kizik, E. Kizik (Hg.) Entdecken – Erforschen – Bewahren. Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und zur Denkmalpflege. Festgabe für Sybille Badstübner-Gröger zum 12. Oktober 2015, Berlin 2016, S. 62-77

Research paper thumbnail of Fit for a royal commission? The marble relief Landscape with King Numa and Nymph Egeria at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Research paper thumbnail of Südniederländische Alabasterplastik um 1525–1650: serielle Produktion, Verbreitung, Status

Südniederländische Alabasterplastik um 1525–1650: serielle Produktion, Verbreitung, Status, in: C... more Südniederländische Alabasterplastik um 1525–1650: serielle Produktion, Verbreitung, Status, in: Ch. Jeggle, A. Tacke, M. Herzog, M. Häberlein, M. Przybilski (Hg.), Luxusgegenstände und Kunstwerke vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Produktion - Handel - Formen der Aneignung, Konstanz und München 2015, S. 361-374

Research paper thumbnail of J.Kriegseisen, A. Lipinska (eds.), Matter of Light and Flesh. Alabaster in the Netherlandish Sculpture of the 16th and 17th centuries, Exhibition Catalogue, National Museum in Gdańsk, 15.11.2011 – 15.03.2012, Gdańsk 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Wood Flyer

The international conference, organised by the University of Munich and the University of Cologne... more The international conference, organised by the University of Munich and the University of Cologne, brings together scholars from diverse fields within humanities and science to discuss similarities and differences, continuities and discontinuities in the notions surrounding wood in various cultural contexts within Eurasia. The papers address the relationship between the naturally determined affordances of timber and their cultural coding, relation of wood to other materials, specificities of wood craftsmanship, as well as the economic, theological and political aspects of the wood application. Scan the QR Code for the Zoom Link and the Programme Photo credits: MET Museum;; A. Lipińska