Remo Caponi | University of Cologne (original) (raw)

On 25 and 26 February 2016 a conference on the theme “From common rules to best practices in Euro... more On 25 and 26 February 2016 a conference on the theme “From common rules to best practices in European Civil Procedure” will be held at Erasmus University Rotterdam. The conference is organised jointly by Prof. Xandra Kramer at Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Max Planck Institute for European, International and Regulatory Procedural Law in Luxembourg. The conference aims at bringing together experts in the field of civil procedure from the European Union and beyond, including academics, practitioners, legislators, and policy makers. It seeks to facilitate in-depth discussion and sharing of knowledge, practical experiences, and solutions, with the aim of reinforcing mutual trust and contributing to the further development of European civil procedure.

In the past fifteen years a considerable harmonisation of civil procedure has been achieved in the EU with the aim of furthering judicial cooperation. In recent years, the focus has shifted from minimum standards and harmonised rules to the actual implementation, application, and operationalisation of the rule. Important constituents in this discourse are the interaction between European civil procedure and national law, e-Justice judicial, ADR, and best practices in civil procedure.

The conference will focus on how to move beyond common rules and towards best practices that give body to mutual trust and judicial cooperation, which can in turn feed the further development of the European civil procedure framework from the bottom up. The conference will consist of four panels:

Panel 1: The need for common standards of EU civil procedure and how to identify them: do we need harmonisation to achieve harmonious cooperation?

Panel 2: Procedural innovation and e-justice: how can innovative mechanisms for dispute resolution contribute to cooperation in the field of civil justice?

Panel 3: How can alternative mechanisms for dispute resolution contribute to judicial cooperation and what is needed to ensure effective access and enforcement in cross-border cases?

Panel 4: How can the best practices of legal professionals with judicial cooperation be operationalised to improve mutual trust?

Many distinguished specialists (academics, practitioners and policy makers) have confirmed their participation. All those interested in the area of civil procedure, EU law and judicial cooperation are cordially invited to attend the conference. A final programme will soon be posted on this website.

25 February 2016

9:30 : Registration and coffee/tea

10:00 - 10.45 : Opening conference and Introductory speech

Fabian Amtenbrink, Vice dean Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam
Xandra Kramer, Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam
Burkhard Hess, director Max Planck Institute, Luxembourg
10.45 - 12.00 : Common rules and best practices from the perspective of the European Commission and Parliament

Norel Rosner, Legislative Officer, Unit Civil Justice Policy, DG Justice, European Commission
Robert Bray, Head of Unit, Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament
12:00 - 13:00 : Lunch

13:15 - 15:15 : Panel 1
The need for common standards of EU civil procedure and how to identify them: do we need harmonisation to achieve harmonious cooperation?

Chair: Alan Uzelac, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Remo Caponi , University of Florence, Italy (speaker)
Remco van Rhee, University of Maastricht, Netherlands (discussant)
Marta Requejo, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg (speaker)
Monique Hazelhorst, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands (discussant)
Chris Whytock, University of California, Irvine, USA (speaker, US perspective)
Jan von Hein, University of Freiburg, Germany (discussant)
15:15 - 15:45 : Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:45 : Panel 2
Procedural innovation and E-justice: how can innovative mechanisms for dispute resolution contribute to cooperation in the field of civil justice?

Chair: Marta Requejo, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg

Marco Velicogna and Giampiero Lupo, IRSIG-CNR, Bologna, Italy
John Sorabji, Principal Legal Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice and the Master of the Rolls, University College London, England
Ernest Steigenga, Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, Netherlands
Jin Ho Verdonschot, Hiil, The Hague, Netherlands
Eva Storskrubb, University of Uppsala, Sweden
17.45 - 18:15 A cost perspective
Adriani Dori and Vincent Richard (MPI Luxembourg)
Litigation costs and procedural cultures – new avenues of procedural research
19:15 : Conference dinner

26 February 2016

9:30 : Coffee and tea

10:00 - 12:00 : Panel 3
How can alternative mechanisms for dispute resolution contribute to judicial cooperation and what is needed to ensure effective enforcement in cross-border cases?

Chair: Burkhard Hess

Chris Hodges, Oxford University, England (speaker)
Stefaan Voet, Leuven University, Belgium (discussant)
Pablo Cortes, University of Leicester, England (speaker)
Fernando Gascon Inchausti, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain (discussant)
Jolanda Girzl, director ECC Sweden (speaker)
Lorenz Ködderitzsch, Johnson & Johnson, Brussels (discussant)
12:00 - 13:15 : Lunch

13:15 - 15.15 : Panel 4
How can the best practices of legal professionals with judicial cooperation be operationalised to improve mutual trust?

Introductory speech and moderator: Gilles Cuniberti, University of Luxembourg

Discussion panel

Alexander Layton, QC, London, England
Larisa Alwin, Judge District Court The Hague, Netherlands
Ilse Couwenberg, Judge Court of Appeal Antwerp, member EJN, Belgium,
Karim Mahari, French Chamber of Commerce
Arturo Picciotto, Judge Court of Trieste, Italy
Alina Ontanu, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
15:15 - 15.30 : Closing of conference

Drinks at the Pavilion