Melinda Mihály | Universität Leipzig (original) (raw)
Papers by Melinda Mihály
Urban Research & Practice, 2022
Peripheralisation is a process to which a person, a group or an area might be subjected to. Stigm... more Peripheralisation is a process to which a person, a group or an area might be subjected to. Stigmatisation, selective migration, disconnection, dependence and social exclusion are dimensions of peripheralisation that are interconnected and that accelerate each other’s effects. Structurally disadvantaged rural areas, especially remote small villages in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are particularly affected by the processes of peripheralisation. While economic decline and ethnic exclusion produced contagious “ghettoes” (Virág 2010) or “internal colonies” (Kóczé 2011) in the last two decades in structurally disadvantaged small villages of Hungary, in the German context the phenomenon of a “rural ghetto” seems to be non-existent. In Germany, mainly East German old industrial towns and rural areas are affected by peripheralisation, selective out-migration, demographic shrinking and demographisation are emphasised here. Ethnographic research in the case study villages of Eastern Germa...
Urban Research & Practice, 2022
A szerzők az orszag egyik legperiferikusabb teruleten, a Fehergyarmati kistersegben vegeztek vizs... more A szerzők az orszag egyik legperiferikusabb teruleten, a Fehergyarmati kistersegben vegeztek vizsgalatot, melyben a helyi erőforrasokon alapulo es a foglalkoztatas bővitesere iranyulo helyi gazdasagfejlesztes koncepcioja mellett foglaltak allast. A fejlesztes kozeppontjaba a mezőgazdasagot es az arra epulő feldolgozoipart allitottak. Ehhez negy fejlesztesi lepcsőt alakitottak ki (haztaji gazdalkodas erősitese, human erőforras fejlesztese, piacok kiepitese, rozsalyi modell elterjesztese), melyekhez hozzakapcsoltak empirikus vizsgalatuk soran ossze-gyűjtott előremutato kezdemenyezeseket, illetve ezek tovabbgondolasat.
Kovász, 2022
Az igazságosabb és ökológiailag fenntarthatóbb társadalmak előmozdítása érdekében alapjaiban kell... more Az igazságosabb és ökológiailag fenntarthatóbb társadalmak előmozdítása érdekében alapjaiban kell átalakítanunk a jelenlegi társadalmi-gazdasági rendszert. A részvételi akciókutatás (RAK) nagy jelentőséget tulajdonít az „átalakulás” („transzformáció”) fogalmának, viszont közelebbről vizsgálva a kifejezés fogalmi és gyakorlati szempontból is nehezen megragadható. Pontosan mitől is lesznek a közpolitikák transzformatív jellegűek? A kérdés megválaszolásához először a transzformáció koncepcióját – mint az akciókutatás normatív társadalmi „ideája” – operacionalizáljuk, három fogalomkör segítségével: autonómia, képessé tétel és szolidaritás, bemutatva mindhárom hegemón (reformista) és alternatív (transzformatív) keretezését. E koncepciók segítségével azt igyekszünk megérteni, hogy a RAK-unk a helyi deszegregációs szakpolitikát és roma érdekérvényesítést inkább átalakította vagy megreformálta. Bemutatjuk, hogy miközben a roma képviselők RAK-unknak is köszönhetően egyre elfogadottabbá és be...
Regional and Local Development in Times of Polarisation, 2019
This chapter represents a joint contribution of both authors. Melinda presented the Hungarian cas... more This chapter represents a joint contribution of both authors. Melinda presented the Hungarian case while Sorin introduced the Romanian one. The introduction and policy recommendations are a joint effort of both authors.
Geografický časopis - Geographical Journal, 2020
Local interests, identity and Slovak heritage: elite discourses on urban development in Békéscsab... more Local interests, identity and Slovak heritage: elite discourses on urban development in Békéscsaba, Hungary This study is based on semi-structured interviews with Békéscsaba's local elite and aims to explore the narratives of the town's urban progress and the enforcement of local interests related to urban development. The paper also examines the elite narratives on the local society and the issue of the town's Slovak heritage. Békéscsaba is a mid-sized town in SouthEastern Hungary, resettled mainly with Lutheran Slovaks and became the seat of Békés county after showing remarkable economic progress in the 19th-20th century. However, the discourse of being underdeveloped and peripheral, and having poor lobbying capacities became dominant in the second half of the 20th century. This was the context in which the economic crises after 1989 and 2008-2009 arrived. Both crises were followed by massive out-migration from the town. Slovak heritage was ambivalently discussed during the interviews; some interviewees neglected or dispraised the issue, while others highlighted the heritage's embeddedness in culture that also forms a basis for touristic attractions. That is the factor for a particular urban mentality of Békéscsaba, which needs to be treated with nontraditional urban development approaches. However, most narratives turned back to a picture mentality as a factor for the lack of progress and urban setback. Urban development efforts have aimed thus to remedy this century-old debt, but many have legitimate doubts as to whether the mental disadvantages can be recompensed with stone and concrete, with poor top-down as well as bottom-up interest enforcement. However, we should not ignore the structural background of Békéscsaba's uneven development.
Tér és Társadalom, 2019
A szélsőséges társadalmi-térbeli marginalizáció eredményeként a társadalmilag kirekesztett csopor... more A szélsőséges társadalmi-térbeli marginalizáció eredményeként a társadalmilag kirekesztett csoportok területileg is koncentrálódnak, vidéki „gettókba” „záródnak” (Mihály 2019a). A szegregátumokban kialakuló, a többségi társadalomtól elzárt párhuzamos intézményrendszer (pl. szegregált iskola, óvoda, illegális bolt, közmunka) tovább nehezíti a helyiek számára a marginalizált helyzetből, terekből való kitörést. Ha a (társadalmi) teret a cselekvés forrásának is tekintjük (Lefebvre 1991 [1974]), akkor a „gettósodó” kistelepülések lakóit is képesnek kell tekintenünk arra, hogy tevőlegesen alakítsák a helyzetüket (Mihály 2019a). A szélsőségesen marginalizált teret Henri Lefebvre és Edward Soja után „az ellenállás terének” is tekintem. A helyi szereplők cselekvőképességét elméletileg az autonómia egyéni, kollektív és szervezeti értelmezéseivel igyekszem megragadni empirikusan pedig etnografikus módszerekkel. Az esettanulmányomul szolgáló gettósodó településen létrejött civil kezdeményezés m...
Frontiers in Political Science
The reintegration of Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies into globalized capitalism resu... more The reintegration of Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies into globalized capitalism resulted in increasing regional polarization and the emergence of internal peripheries. The crisis of the globalized capitalist economy in 2008 resulted in the further peripheralization of rural areas, and the related crisis of representative democracies triggered rural resentment against the existing order. Inhabitants of peripheralized areas have a feeling of abandonment and political discontent. The rise of right-wing populism may be understood as a revolt of people living in precarious conditions in peripheralized areas both in Hungary and Germany. Left-wing populism, which builds on equality and social justice and is based on radical democracy, has not been able so far to reach the precaritized inhabitants of peripheralized rural areas. Solidarity economy, which is a contemporary social movement, refers to a comprehensive program aimed at transforming the entire economy, and may have th...
Tér és Társadalom
Tanulmányunk egy alföldi, zöldségtermesztőket integráló termelői értékesítő szervezet (TÉSZ) műkö... more Tanulmányunk egy alföldi, zöldségtermesztőket integráló termelői értékesítő szervezet (TÉSZ) működését kísérő kihívásokat és a szervezet integrációs modelljének változásait elemzi egy empirikus kutatás eredményei alapján. A szóban forgó TÉSZ a szentesi termelőszövetkezetek által alakított integrátori modellből nőtt ki a rendszerváltást követően. A válság ellenére talpon maradó szövetkezet kezdeményezte az önálló termelőket integráló szervezet létrehozását, amely segíti a közös piacra jutást, a termesztési technológia fejlesztését, a termelési volumen növelését, és jogosult uniós támogatási források lehívására. Az élelmiszerkereskedelmi szektor több lépcsőben végbemenő átalakulása a helyi termelőket is arra kényszerítette, hogy egyre nagyobb mértékben integrálódjanak a globális rendszerekbe. Ez a változás átalakította a TÉSZ szervezeti kereteit, belső és külső kapcsolatrendszerét, valamint a termelés és értékesítés folyamatának minden elemét, miközben növekvő társadalmi, gazdasági és...
This Stakeholder Brief provides an overview of the main topics discussed in the COST Empower-SE m... more This Stakeholder Brief provides an overview of the main topics discussed in the COST Empower-SE meeting in Budapest, “Towards an international typology of social enterprise models: Progress, perspectives and common trends”. The goal of this meeting was to bring together Hungarian SE researchers, other stakeholders of the Hungarian SE field and researchers of the COST Empower-SE network. Innovative conference networking formats provided a space for discussion about social enterprise research in Hungary and in other parts of Europe. The comparison between the social enterprise fields of various European countries reaffirmed that the historical developments and institutional contexts greatly influence the SE fields across Europe.
To better understand regional polarisation, spatial researchers are turning to the concept of "pe... more To better understand regional polarisation, spatial researchers are turning to the concept of "peripheralisation". While "periphery" is a rather static notion, with the term "peripheralisation", the dynamics behind processes in which "peripheries" are produced through various social relations, can be grasped (Kühn 2015). While researchers who focus on peripheries are interested in remote locations or spaces with sparse populations, researchers of peripheralisation focus on the political, economic, social and communicative processes through which peripheries are made. Based on this multi-dimensional approach to peripheralisation, peripheries are not only determined by geographical location or the quality of the transport infrastructure (Kühn and Weck 2013: 24), but they are socially produced too, through the process of peripheralisation, which is driven by the action of certain actors. Peripheralisation is the result of purposive decisions and their-often unintended-side effects (Leibert and Golinski 2016: 257). Based on this multi-dimensional approach, peripheries are produced and reproduced through mechanisms of out-migration, disconnection, dependence, stigmatisation (Kühn and Weck 2013: 24) and social exclusion (Leibert and Golinski 2016). A person, a group or an area might all be subjected to the process of peripheralisation (Meyer and Miggelbrink 2013: 207). Consequently, peripheralisation is not an independent process, but a logical consequence of centralisation (Leibert and Golinski 2016: 257). Centralisation and peripheralisation are charachterised by antithetic socio-spatial processes, such as authonomy-dependency, inclusion-exclusion, hegemony-stigmatisation, growth-decline, in-migration-out-migration (Kühn 2015: 375). Centralisation therefore results in the concentration of people, economic and political power and infrastructure in metropolitan regions at the expense of other, often rural regions. 2.1.1. Stigmatisation As Lang (2013, 2015: 176) argues regional development policy is always normative (even if its arguments are based on empirical data) and framed by individual and collective values linked to specific understandings and conceptualisations of development, desired policy outcomes and funding priorities. "Such understandings, conceptualisations and priorities can be seen as the results of discourses linked to particular governance arrangements which are only partly state-led." (ibid) As perceptions of desirable forms of socio-spatial development are socially constructed and are only partially the results of rational reasoning, areas, groups and people can get subjected to stigmatisation in development discourses. In certain development discourses, through overlooking the structural processes causing the structural weaknesses, remote rural areas get stigmatised as "declining", "backward", "laggingbehind", "non-innovative". Demographisation is a current discourse in German regional policy justifying the phasing out of public and economic infrastructure from remote, rural settlements.
A tarsadalmi vallalkozas (social enterprise) es a tarsadalmi vallalkozoi szellem (social entrepre... more A tarsadalmi vallalkozas (social enterprise) es a tarsadalmi vallalkozoi szellem (social entrepreneurship) fogalmai meglehetősen ujak Magyarorszagon. Megjelenesuk es első peldaik egyes nemzetkozi nonprofit szervezetek es alapitvanyok (Ashoka es NESsT) hatasahoz kapcsolodnak. Azonban bizonyos mar letező hagyomanyok e fejlesztő es tamogato szervezetek megjelenese előtt gyokereket biztositottak a jelensegnek. E hagyomanyok koze tartozik a civil tarsadalom es a nonprofit szektor (jotekonysagi, onkentes es egyesuleti hagyomany); a szovetkezetek, kulonosen a szocialis szovetkezetek (szovetkezeti hagyomany); a tarsadalmi celu, felelős hagyomanyos vallalkozasok (uzleti hatter); az egyhazakhoz kapcsolodo gazdasagi kezdemenyezesek (egyhazak jotekonysagi hagyomanya). Tovabba e jelentes az allam szerepet (szakpolitikai hajtoerő) ket szempontbol hangsulyozza a tarsadalmi vallalkozasok fejlődeseben. Egyreszt a magyar allam es az Europai Unio (EU) bizonyos tamogatasi programok reven alakitjak a me...
As interm ediary products, ICSEM Working Papers provide a vehicle for a first dissem ination of t... more As interm ediary products, ICSEM Working Papers provide a vehicle for a first dissem ination of the Project's results to stimulate scholarly discussion and inform policy debates. A list of these papers is provided at the end of this document.
Since the collapse of state socialism in 1989 regional disparities have been growing considerably... more Since the collapse of state socialism in 1989 regional disparities have been growing considerably in Hungary. In particular, small settlements in structurally disadvantaged areas are affected by different dimensions of peripheralization processes, such as stigmatization (they are labelled as “lagged behind”, “backwards” or “underdeveloped” areas), selective migration, disconnection, dependence and social exclusion. In addition, social exclusion in Hungary has an ethnic dimension, as Roma people tend to concentrate in peripheralized areas. As a response to these processes, local initiatives, such as rural social enterprises or social and solidarity economy initiatives, have emerged, counting Roma people amongst their stakeholders. Based on ethnographic methods the article examines the capacity of three rural social enterprises to counteract these peripheralization processes, particularly the dimensions of political dependence and ethnicity-based social exclusion. The analysis has two...
To move towards more just and ecologically sustainable societies, we must structurally transform ... more To move towards more just and ecologically sustainable societies, we must structurally transform our current socio-economic system at a deep level. Participatory Action Research makes much of this term ‘transformation’, yet on closer examination, the concept is not only conceptually but also practically vague. What exactly is required for socio-environmental spatial policies to be ‘transformational’? Our aims in this paper are twofold. First, we want to suggest that there are different definitions of ‘transformation’. We work through three sets of concepts: autonomy, empowerment, and solidarity, showing that there are hegemonic and counterhegemonic versions of each. Secondly, we use these different framings to reflect on a case study exploring the desegregation of a Roma community in Szeged, Hungary. We explore the ways in which the empowerment of Roma community leaders within a PAR project worked both to challenge and to reinforce existing power asymmetries: while Roma representati...
Urban Research & Practice, 2022
Peripheralisation is a process to which a person, a group or an area might be subjected to. Stigm... more Peripheralisation is a process to which a person, a group or an area might be subjected to. Stigmatisation, selective migration, disconnection, dependence and social exclusion are dimensions of peripheralisation that are interconnected and that accelerate each other’s effects. Structurally disadvantaged rural areas, especially remote small villages in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are particularly affected by the processes of peripheralisation. While economic decline and ethnic exclusion produced contagious “ghettoes” (Virág 2010) or “internal colonies” (Kóczé 2011) in the last two decades in structurally disadvantaged small villages of Hungary, in the German context the phenomenon of a “rural ghetto” seems to be non-existent. In Germany, mainly East German old industrial towns and rural areas are affected by peripheralisation, selective out-migration, demographic shrinking and demographisation are emphasised here. Ethnographic research in the case study villages of Eastern Germa...
Urban Research & Practice, 2022
A szerzők az orszag egyik legperiferikusabb teruleten, a Fehergyarmati kistersegben vegeztek vizs... more A szerzők az orszag egyik legperiferikusabb teruleten, a Fehergyarmati kistersegben vegeztek vizsgalatot, melyben a helyi erőforrasokon alapulo es a foglalkoztatas bővitesere iranyulo helyi gazdasagfejlesztes koncepcioja mellett foglaltak allast. A fejlesztes kozeppontjaba a mezőgazdasagot es az arra epulő feldolgozoipart allitottak. Ehhez negy fejlesztesi lepcsőt alakitottak ki (haztaji gazdalkodas erősitese, human erőforras fejlesztese, piacok kiepitese, rozsalyi modell elterjesztese), melyekhez hozzakapcsoltak empirikus vizsgalatuk soran ossze-gyűjtott előremutato kezdemenyezeseket, illetve ezek tovabbgondolasat.
Kovász, 2022
Az igazságosabb és ökológiailag fenntarthatóbb társadalmak előmozdítása érdekében alapjaiban kell... more Az igazságosabb és ökológiailag fenntarthatóbb társadalmak előmozdítása érdekében alapjaiban kell átalakítanunk a jelenlegi társadalmi-gazdasági rendszert. A részvételi akciókutatás (RAK) nagy jelentőséget tulajdonít az „átalakulás” („transzformáció”) fogalmának, viszont közelebbről vizsgálva a kifejezés fogalmi és gyakorlati szempontból is nehezen megragadható. Pontosan mitől is lesznek a közpolitikák transzformatív jellegűek? A kérdés megválaszolásához először a transzformáció koncepcióját – mint az akciókutatás normatív társadalmi „ideája” – operacionalizáljuk, három fogalomkör segítségével: autonómia, képessé tétel és szolidaritás, bemutatva mindhárom hegemón (reformista) és alternatív (transzformatív) keretezését. E koncepciók segítségével azt igyekszünk megérteni, hogy a RAK-unk a helyi deszegregációs szakpolitikát és roma érdekérvényesítést inkább átalakította vagy megreformálta. Bemutatjuk, hogy miközben a roma képviselők RAK-unknak is köszönhetően egyre elfogadottabbá és be...
Regional and Local Development in Times of Polarisation, 2019
This chapter represents a joint contribution of both authors. Melinda presented the Hungarian cas... more This chapter represents a joint contribution of both authors. Melinda presented the Hungarian case while Sorin introduced the Romanian one. The introduction and policy recommendations are a joint effort of both authors.
Geografický časopis - Geographical Journal, 2020
Local interests, identity and Slovak heritage: elite discourses on urban development in Békéscsab... more Local interests, identity and Slovak heritage: elite discourses on urban development in Békéscsaba, Hungary This study is based on semi-structured interviews with Békéscsaba's local elite and aims to explore the narratives of the town's urban progress and the enforcement of local interests related to urban development. The paper also examines the elite narratives on the local society and the issue of the town's Slovak heritage. Békéscsaba is a mid-sized town in SouthEastern Hungary, resettled mainly with Lutheran Slovaks and became the seat of Békés county after showing remarkable economic progress in the 19th-20th century. However, the discourse of being underdeveloped and peripheral, and having poor lobbying capacities became dominant in the second half of the 20th century. This was the context in which the economic crises after 1989 and 2008-2009 arrived. Both crises were followed by massive out-migration from the town. Slovak heritage was ambivalently discussed during the interviews; some interviewees neglected or dispraised the issue, while others highlighted the heritage's embeddedness in culture that also forms a basis for touristic attractions. That is the factor for a particular urban mentality of Békéscsaba, which needs to be treated with nontraditional urban development approaches. However, most narratives turned back to a picture mentality as a factor for the lack of progress and urban setback. Urban development efforts have aimed thus to remedy this century-old debt, but many have legitimate doubts as to whether the mental disadvantages can be recompensed with stone and concrete, with poor top-down as well as bottom-up interest enforcement. However, we should not ignore the structural background of Békéscsaba's uneven development.
Tér és Társadalom, 2019
A szélsőséges társadalmi-térbeli marginalizáció eredményeként a társadalmilag kirekesztett csopor... more A szélsőséges társadalmi-térbeli marginalizáció eredményeként a társadalmilag kirekesztett csoportok területileg is koncentrálódnak, vidéki „gettókba” „záródnak” (Mihály 2019a). A szegregátumokban kialakuló, a többségi társadalomtól elzárt párhuzamos intézményrendszer (pl. szegregált iskola, óvoda, illegális bolt, közmunka) tovább nehezíti a helyiek számára a marginalizált helyzetből, terekből való kitörést. Ha a (társadalmi) teret a cselekvés forrásának is tekintjük (Lefebvre 1991 [1974]), akkor a „gettósodó” kistelepülések lakóit is képesnek kell tekintenünk arra, hogy tevőlegesen alakítsák a helyzetüket (Mihály 2019a). A szélsőségesen marginalizált teret Henri Lefebvre és Edward Soja után „az ellenállás terének” is tekintem. A helyi szereplők cselekvőképességét elméletileg az autonómia egyéni, kollektív és szervezeti értelmezéseivel igyekszem megragadni empirikusan pedig etnografikus módszerekkel. Az esettanulmányomul szolgáló gettósodó településen létrejött civil kezdeményezés m...
Frontiers in Political Science
The reintegration of Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies into globalized capitalism resu... more The reintegration of Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies into globalized capitalism resulted in increasing regional polarization and the emergence of internal peripheries. The crisis of the globalized capitalist economy in 2008 resulted in the further peripheralization of rural areas, and the related crisis of representative democracies triggered rural resentment against the existing order. Inhabitants of peripheralized areas have a feeling of abandonment and political discontent. The rise of right-wing populism may be understood as a revolt of people living in precarious conditions in peripheralized areas both in Hungary and Germany. Left-wing populism, which builds on equality and social justice and is based on radical democracy, has not been able so far to reach the precaritized inhabitants of peripheralized rural areas. Solidarity economy, which is a contemporary social movement, refers to a comprehensive program aimed at transforming the entire economy, and may have th...
Tér és Társadalom
Tanulmányunk egy alföldi, zöldségtermesztőket integráló termelői értékesítő szervezet (TÉSZ) műkö... more Tanulmányunk egy alföldi, zöldségtermesztőket integráló termelői értékesítő szervezet (TÉSZ) működését kísérő kihívásokat és a szervezet integrációs modelljének változásait elemzi egy empirikus kutatás eredményei alapján. A szóban forgó TÉSZ a szentesi termelőszövetkezetek által alakított integrátori modellből nőtt ki a rendszerváltást követően. A válság ellenére talpon maradó szövetkezet kezdeményezte az önálló termelőket integráló szervezet létrehozását, amely segíti a közös piacra jutást, a termesztési technológia fejlesztését, a termelési volumen növelését, és jogosult uniós támogatási források lehívására. Az élelmiszerkereskedelmi szektor több lépcsőben végbemenő átalakulása a helyi termelőket is arra kényszerítette, hogy egyre nagyobb mértékben integrálódjanak a globális rendszerekbe. Ez a változás átalakította a TÉSZ szervezeti kereteit, belső és külső kapcsolatrendszerét, valamint a termelés és értékesítés folyamatának minden elemét, miközben növekvő társadalmi, gazdasági és...
This Stakeholder Brief provides an overview of the main topics discussed in the COST Empower-SE m... more This Stakeholder Brief provides an overview of the main topics discussed in the COST Empower-SE meeting in Budapest, “Towards an international typology of social enterprise models: Progress, perspectives and common trends”. The goal of this meeting was to bring together Hungarian SE researchers, other stakeholders of the Hungarian SE field and researchers of the COST Empower-SE network. Innovative conference networking formats provided a space for discussion about social enterprise research in Hungary and in other parts of Europe. The comparison between the social enterprise fields of various European countries reaffirmed that the historical developments and institutional contexts greatly influence the SE fields across Europe.
To better understand regional polarisation, spatial researchers are turning to the concept of "pe... more To better understand regional polarisation, spatial researchers are turning to the concept of "peripheralisation". While "periphery" is a rather static notion, with the term "peripheralisation", the dynamics behind processes in which "peripheries" are produced through various social relations, can be grasped (Kühn 2015). While researchers who focus on peripheries are interested in remote locations or spaces with sparse populations, researchers of peripheralisation focus on the political, economic, social and communicative processes through which peripheries are made. Based on this multi-dimensional approach to peripheralisation, peripheries are not only determined by geographical location or the quality of the transport infrastructure (Kühn and Weck 2013: 24), but they are socially produced too, through the process of peripheralisation, which is driven by the action of certain actors. Peripheralisation is the result of purposive decisions and their-often unintended-side effects (Leibert and Golinski 2016: 257). Based on this multi-dimensional approach, peripheries are produced and reproduced through mechanisms of out-migration, disconnection, dependence, stigmatisation (Kühn and Weck 2013: 24) and social exclusion (Leibert and Golinski 2016). A person, a group or an area might all be subjected to the process of peripheralisation (Meyer and Miggelbrink 2013: 207). Consequently, peripheralisation is not an independent process, but a logical consequence of centralisation (Leibert and Golinski 2016: 257). Centralisation and peripheralisation are charachterised by antithetic socio-spatial processes, such as authonomy-dependency, inclusion-exclusion, hegemony-stigmatisation, growth-decline, in-migration-out-migration (Kühn 2015: 375). Centralisation therefore results in the concentration of people, economic and political power and infrastructure in metropolitan regions at the expense of other, often rural regions. 2.1.1. Stigmatisation As Lang (2013, 2015: 176) argues regional development policy is always normative (even if its arguments are based on empirical data) and framed by individual and collective values linked to specific understandings and conceptualisations of development, desired policy outcomes and funding priorities. "Such understandings, conceptualisations and priorities can be seen as the results of discourses linked to particular governance arrangements which are only partly state-led." (ibid) As perceptions of desirable forms of socio-spatial development are socially constructed and are only partially the results of rational reasoning, areas, groups and people can get subjected to stigmatisation in development discourses. In certain development discourses, through overlooking the structural processes causing the structural weaknesses, remote rural areas get stigmatised as "declining", "backward", "laggingbehind", "non-innovative". Demographisation is a current discourse in German regional policy justifying the phasing out of public and economic infrastructure from remote, rural settlements.
A tarsadalmi vallalkozas (social enterprise) es a tarsadalmi vallalkozoi szellem (social entrepre... more A tarsadalmi vallalkozas (social enterprise) es a tarsadalmi vallalkozoi szellem (social entrepreneurship) fogalmai meglehetősen ujak Magyarorszagon. Megjelenesuk es első peldaik egyes nemzetkozi nonprofit szervezetek es alapitvanyok (Ashoka es NESsT) hatasahoz kapcsolodnak. Azonban bizonyos mar letező hagyomanyok e fejlesztő es tamogato szervezetek megjelenese előtt gyokereket biztositottak a jelensegnek. E hagyomanyok koze tartozik a civil tarsadalom es a nonprofit szektor (jotekonysagi, onkentes es egyesuleti hagyomany); a szovetkezetek, kulonosen a szocialis szovetkezetek (szovetkezeti hagyomany); a tarsadalmi celu, felelős hagyomanyos vallalkozasok (uzleti hatter); az egyhazakhoz kapcsolodo gazdasagi kezdemenyezesek (egyhazak jotekonysagi hagyomanya). Tovabba e jelentes az allam szerepet (szakpolitikai hajtoerő) ket szempontbol hangsulyozza a tarsadalmi vallalkozasok fejlődeseben. Egyreszt a magyar allam es az Europai Unio (EU) bizonyos tamogatasi programok reven alakitjak a me...
As interm ediary products, ICSEM Working Papers provide a vehicle for a first dissem ination of t... more As interm ediary products, ICSEM Working Papers provide a vehicle for a first dissem ination of the Project's results to stimulate scholarly discussion and inform policy debates. A list of these papers is provided at the end of this document.
Since the collapse of state socialism in 1989 regional disparities have been growing considerably... more Since the collapse of state socialism in 1989 regional disparities have been growing considerably in Hungary. In particular, small settlements in structurally disadvantaged areas are affected by different dimensions of peripheralization processes, such as stigmatization (they are labelled as “lagged behind”, “backwards” or “underdeveloped” areas), selective migration, disconnection, dependence and social exclusion. In addition, social exclusion in Hungary has an ethnic dimension, as Roma people tend to concentrate in peripheralized areas. As a response to these processes, local initiatives, such as rural social enterprises or social and solidarity economy initiatives, have emerged, counting Roma people amongst their stakeholders. Based on ethnographic methods the article examines the capacity of three rural social enterprises to counteract these peripheralization processes, particularly the dimensions of political dependence and ethnicity-based social exclusion. The analysis has two...
To move towards more just and ecologically sustainable societies, we must structurally transform ... more To move towards more just and ecologically sustainable societies, we must structurally transform our current socio-economic system at a deep level. Participatory Action Research makes much of this term ‘transformation’, yet on closer examination, the concept is not only conceptually but also practically vague. What exactly is required for socio-environmental spatial policies to be ‘transformational’? Our aims in this paper are twofold. First, we want to suggest that there are different definitions of ‘transformation’. We work through three sets of concepts: autonomy, empowerment, and solidarity, showing that there are hegemonic and counterhegemonic versions of each. Secondly, we use these different framings to reflect on a case study exploring the desegregation of a Roma community in Szeged, Hungary. We explore the ways in which the empowerment of Roma community leaders within a PAR project worked both to challenge and to reinforce existing power asymmetries: while Roma representati...
Fordulat, 2020
A szószedetben szereplő fogalmak: - Civil társadalom és civil szervezet - Nonprofit szektor és no... more A szószedetben szereplő fogalmak:
- Civil társadalom és civil szervezet
- Nonprofit szektor és nonprofit szervezet
- Szociális gazdaság
- Szolidáris gazdaság
- Közösségi gazdaság és közösségi vállalkozás
- Társadalmi vállalkozás és társadalmi vállalkozó
In 2020, a new coronavirus swept the world. With more than five million victims worldwide, the he... more In 2020, a new coronavirus swept the world. With more than five million victims worldwide, the health and economic impact of the pandemic has spread to many areas of our lives and negatively affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Hungary. But a crisis of this magnitude is not only a source of despair and trouble; it is also an opportunity for change. What does it take for civic organizations to turn an existing crisis into an opportunity to implement long-awaited and even systemic changes? What are some good examples from Hungary during the Covid19 pandemic that we can learn from to be better prepared for another crisis? These questions drove our participatory action research project, launched in 2020. We summarize the results in this study.