Denis Trček | University of Ljubljana (original) (raw)

Papers by Denis Trček

Research paper thumbnail of HeriLedger—A New Generation of Blockchains for Cultural Heritage Preservation


The immense success of Bitcoin has also highlighted the hidden potential of blockchains and distr... more The immense success of Bitcoin has also highlighted the hidden potential of blockchains and distributed ledgers in general. However, most blockchains are based on the so-called Proof-of-Work principle, which requires significant resources, making them unsuitable for the growing number of Internet of Things devices, not to mention other problems such as ensuring privacy and resistance to quantum computing. This paper, therefore, analyses current approaches in the field of ledgers with applications for the Internet of Things. Based on this, it presents a new ledger architecture for cultural heritage preservation that is energy sustainable and tailored to smartphones while pushing the deployment boundaries closer to the rest of the Internet of Things world. It is also resistant to quantum computing and provides privacy with accountability. Moreover, the developed solution considers not only the core technological structure but also its broader social (business) context, i.e., links to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Trust Management Methodology and Agents Simulations Framework for Conflict Research

Advanced Theory and Simulations

Research paper thumbnail of Proper Incentives for Proper IT Security Management _ A System Dynamics Approach

Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017), 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Trust Management by Computer Simulation: Towards a Fair, Responsible and Sustainable Economy

Series Title: Social Responsibility Beyond Neoliberalism and Charity Volume 3: Social Responsibility - Methods, Dilemmas and Hopes, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of E-Business Systems Security for Intelligent Enterprise

Intelligent Enterprises of the 21st Century

Security issues became a topic of research with the introduction of networked information systems... more Security issues became a topic of research with the introduction of networked information systems in the early eighties. However, in the mid-nineties the proliferation of the Internet in the business area exposed security as one of key-factors for successful on-line business. The majority of efforts to provide security were focused on technology. However, it turned out during the last years that human factors play a central role. Therefore, this chapter gives a methodology for proper risk management that is concentrated on human factors management, but it starts with addressing classical, i.e. technology based issues. Afterwards, business dynamics is deployed to enable a quantitative approach for handling security of contemporary information systems. The whole methodology encompasses business intelligence and presents appropriate architecture for human resources management.

Research paper thumbnail of Security Metrics Foundations for Computer Security

The Computer Journal, 2009


Research paper thumbnail of Trust and reputation management systems: an e-business perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Izhodišča za raziskovanje inovacijskih zmožnosti slovenskega gospodarstva

Research paper thumbnail of Anomaly Detection in IoT Networks: From Architectures to Machine Learning Transparency

IEEE Access, Apr 16, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security - ICCCS '11

Research paper thumbnail of Computational Trust and Reputation Management

Trust and Reputation Management Systems

Computational trust and reputation management now has a 20 years long tradition. As these service... more Computational trust and reputation management now has a 20 years long tradition. As these services are tightly coupled to e-environments, the need for them has coincided with the proliferation of the e-business paradigm beginning in the 1990s. Consequently, the greater the proliferation of e-environments, the greater the need for such services. If trust and reputation play such an important role in different areas of our lives, e-environments can be no exception.

Research paper thumbnail of Techno-Economics in Communications and Media: Looking Ahead into Selected Key Aspects

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of System Dynamics Based Risk Management for Distributed Information Systems

2009 Fourth International Conference on Systems, 2009

ABSTRACT Networked information systems have not been restricted to closed organizations environme... more ABSTRACT Networked information systems have not been restricted to closed organizations environments for more than a decade. They are now crucial in supporting operations of infrastructure, ranging from power plants to air-control systems. These networked information systems, essentially forming the current Internet, are thus highly sensitive kinds of infrastructure where security plays a central role. However, assuring their security has to address certain specific aspects with regard to risk management. This paper presents a new approach to support decision making in this complex area. It is based on a generic risk management model for distributed information systems that deploys system dynamics. Such an approach provides many advantages, like suitability for interdisciplinary use, providing a graphical view on the system structure and components relationships, real-time support for ldquowhat-ifrdquo scenarios, and the possibility for inclusion in automated decision support systems. It is especially suitable for education and risk awareness programs in organizations.

Research paper thumbnail of Trust Managementfor Pervasive Computing Environments

Trust is essential for further and wider acceptance of contemporary e-services. It was first addr... more Trust is essential for further and wider acceptance of contemporary e-services. It was first addressed almost thirty years ago in Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria standard by the US DoD. But this and other proposed approaches of that period were actually solving security. Roughly some ten years ago, methodologies followed that addressed trust phenomenon at its core, and they were based on Bayesian statistics and its derivatives, while some approaches were based on game theory. However, trust is a manifestation of judgment and reasoning processes. It has to be dealt with in accordance with this fact and adequately supported in cyber environment. On the basis of the results in the field of psychology and our own findings, a methodology called qualitative algebra has been developed, which deals with so far overlooked elements of trust phenomenon. It complements existing methodologies and provides a basis for a practical technical solution that supports management of trust in...

Research paper thumbnail of Trust and Reputation Systems: Conclusions

Trust and Reputation Management Systems

Trust and reputation are phenomena of great importance in our private, public and professional li... more Trust and reputation are phenomena of great importance in our private, public and professional lives. But they do not affect us only personally, they also apply to social structures, business organisations, and even states. With the growing penetration of e-environments via the ubiquitous digitization of our lives, the ways we deal with trust and reputation are being additionally challenged.

Research paper thumbnail of E-Government 4.0: Managing APIs as Facilitators for Digital Transformation

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022

Digital transformation is, among others, notably driven by servitization, and consequently, IT ar... more Digital transformation is, among others, notably driven by servitization, and consequently, IT artifacts called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), together with disruptive technologies and innovations. In order to set up proper policies, the understanding of the above factors is essential, including their influences on value adding chains. This paper therefore provides an analysis of APIs developments together with their impacts on digital transformation. As they can affect organizations and even national economies at strategic level, appropriate management from a systemic perspective is justified, including e-Government initiatives. Further, APIs cannot be treated without their relations to disruptive technologies, innovations and value chains. Therefore, the advancements of theoretical understanding of evolution of value chains, and practical directions for e-government initiatives are given in this paper. In addition, an archetype model is developed that provides a basis ...

Research paper thumbnail of Mobile Code Security in Contemporary Information Systems-Past, Present and Trends

Despite the fact that mobile code security issues appeared some ten years ago, they remain import... more Despite the fact that mobile code security issues appeared some ten years ago, they remain important also in the era of service oriented architectures and cloud computing. Mobile code security certainly has some specifics, because it presents an opposite paradigm from the traditional one. In the traditional setting a host (i.e., local operating system, local environment) has to be protected against the code, while with the mobile code security this very code (more precisely, the program code and data) has to be protected against malicious host. And significant breakthrough is still to be seen in this area. Therefore this paper provides an analysis of the main problems related to mobile code security, and gives an outlook by identifying focuses of future research. It also provides a new paradigm called non-deterministic security services to address mobile code security issues. Clearly, even with the latest advancements in communications systems, the importance of secure mobile code r...

Research paper thumbnail of System Dynamics Based Approach to Risk Management for Security in Information Systems

Abstract: Security in information systems is becoming a well-established discipline, where each a... more Abstract: Security in information systems is becoming a well-established discipline, where each and every security related activity has to start with the basics. This is risk management. Put another way – risk management is involved in the heart of every security activity. Although risk management is a known discipline in many other areas, its direct translation to information systems is not straightforward because of specifics of contemporary information systems. Among these are the global connectivity of information systems, the number of elements (e.g. thousands of software components), strong involvement of human factor, almost endless possible ways of interactions, etc. Thus a new methodological approach is presented in this paper that is based on business dynamics. It enables the above-mentioned elements to be addressed, improving decision making in information systems security.

Research paper thumbnail of MAC Based Lightweight Protocols for Strong Authentication and Key Exchange *

Protocols that provide authentication and key distribution are mainly based on symmetric and asym... more Protocols that provide authentication and key distribution are mainly based on symmetric and asymmetric ciphers. In recent years, some approaches have been introduced that are based on strong one-way hash functions, and further enhancements to these approaches are given in this paper. The lightweight protocols that are presented in this paper are suitable for implementation with simple logic. They enable early recognition of attacks and make distributed session key generation possible. They are intended for use in environments with limited processing capabilities, where relatively short messages are being exchanged, e.g., agents environments.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural heritage preservation by using blockchain technologies

Heritage Science

Ubiquitous digitization enables promising options for cultural heritage preservation. Therefore, ... more Ubiquitous digitization enables promising options for cultural heritage preservation. Therefore, a new approach is presented that considers deployment scenarios by linking heritage science to tourism. Such an approach is necessary because neither technology nor society views can be treated separately to obtain deployable solutions of a wider social, and even national importance. Clearly, while the traditional approaches to cultural heritage preservation will remain a gold standard, they will be increasingly complemented by digital preservation techniques. Thus, based on practical implementations and lessons learnt in other areas, this multidisciplinary framework paper analyses existing disruptive information technologies deployments. In line with the findings it presents a novel technological architecture tailored to the needs of cultural heritage preservation that deploys an open blockchain architecture. The architecture preserves the advantages of traditional blockchains, which ma...

Research paper thumbnail of HeriLedger—A New Generation of Blockchains for Cultural Heritage Preservation


The immense success of Bitcoin has also highlighted the hidden potential of blockchains and distr... more The immense success of Bitcoin has also highlighted the hidden potential of blockchains and distributed ledgers in general. However, most blockchains are based on the so-called Proof-of-Work principle, which requires significant resources, making them unsuitable for the growing number of Internet of Things devices, not to mention other problems such as ensuring privacy and resistance to quantum computing. This paper, therefore, analyses current approaches in the field of ledgers with applications for the Internet of Things. Based on this, it presents a new ledger architecture for cultural heritage preservation that is energy sustainable and tailored to smartphones while pushing the deployment boundaries closer to the rest of the Internet of Things world. It is also resistant to quantum computing and provides privacy with accountability. Moreover, the developed solution considers not only the core technological structure but also its broader social (business) context, i.e., links to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Trust Management Methodology and Agents Simulations Framework for Conflict Research

Advanced Theory and Simulations

Research paper thumbnail of Proper Incentives for Proper IT Security Management _ A System Dynamics Approach

Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017), 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Trust Management by Computer Simulation: Towards a Fair, Responsible and Sustainable Economy

Series Title: Social Responsibility Beyond Neoliberalism and Charity Volume 3: Social Responsibility - Methods, Dilemmas and Hopes, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of E-Business Systems Security for Intelligent Enterprise

Intelligent Enterprises of the 21st Century

Security issues became a topic of research with the introduction of networked information systems... more Security issues became a topic of research with the introduction of networked information systems in the early eighties. However, in the mid-nineties the proliferation of the Internet in the business area exposed security as one of key-factors for successful on-line business. The majority of efforts to provide security were focused on technology. However, it turned out during the last years that human factors play a central role. Therefore, this chapter gives a methodology for proper risk management that is concentrated on human factors management, but it starts with addressing classical, i.e. technology based issues. Afterwards, business dynamics is deployed to enable a quantitative approach for handling security of contemporary information systems. The whole methodology encompasses business intelligence and presents appropriate architecture for human resources management.

Research paper thumbnail of Security Metrics Foundations for Computer Security

The Computer Journal, 2009


Research paper thumbnail of Trust and reputation management systems: an e-business perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Izhodišča za raziskovanje inovacijskih zmožnosti slovenskega gospodarstva

Research paper thumbnail of Anomaly Detection in IoT Networks: From Architectures to Machine Learning Transparency

IEEE Access, Apr 16, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security - ICCCS '11

Research paper thumbnail of Computational Trust and Reputation Management

Trust and Reputation Management Systems

Computational trust and reputation management now has a 20 years long tradition. As these service... more Computational trust and reputation management now has a 20 years long tradition. As these services are tightly coupled to e-environments, the need for them has coincided with the proliferation of the e-business paradigm beginning in the 1990s. Consequently, the greater the proliferation of e-environments, the greater the need for such services. If trust and reputation play such an important role in different areas of our lives, e-environments can be no exception.

Research paper thumbnail of Techno-Economics in Communications and Media: Looking Ahead into Selected Key Aspects

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of System Dynamics Based Risk Management for Distributed Information Systems

2009 Fourth International Conference on Systems, 2009

ABSTRACT Networked information systems have not been restricted to closed organizations environme... more ABSTRACT Networked information systems have not been restricted to closed organizations environments for more than a decade. They are now crucial in supporting operations of infrastructure, ranging from power plants to air-control systems. These networked information systems, essentially forming the current Internet, are thus highly sensitive kinds of infrastructure where security plays a central role. However, assuring their security has to address certain specific aspects with regard to risk management. This paper presents a new approach to support decision making in this complex area. It is based on a generic risk management model for distributed information systems that deploys system dynamics. Such an approach provides many advantages, like suitability for interdisciplinary use, providing a graphical view on the system structure and components relationships, real-time support for ldquowhat-ifrdquo scenarios, and the possibility for inclusion in automated decision support systems. It is especially suitable for education and risk awareness programs in organizations.

Research paper thumbnail of Trust Managementfor Pervasive Computing Environments

Trust is essential for further and wider acceptance of contemporary e-services. It was first addr... more Trust is essential for further and wider acceptance of contemporary e-services. It was first addressed almost thirty years ago in Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria standard by the US DoD. But this and other proposed approaches of that period were actually solving security. Roughly some ten years ago, methodologies followed that addressed trust phenomenon at its core, and they were based on Bayesian statistics and its derivatives, while some approaches were based on game theory. However, trust is a manifestation of judgment and reasoning processes. It has to be dealt with in accordance with this fact and adequately supported in cyber environment. On the basis of the results in the field of psychology and our own findings, a methodology called qualitative algebra has been developed, which deals with so far overlooked elements of trust phenomenon. It complements existing methodologies and provides a basis for a practical technical solution that supports management of trust in...

Research paper thumbnail of Trust and Reputation Systems: Conclusions

Trust and Reputation Management Systems

Trust and reputation are phenomena of great importance in our private, public and professional li... more Trust and reputation are phenomena of great importance in our private, public and professional lives. But they do not affect us only personally, they also apply to social structures, business organisations, and even states. With the growing penetration of e-environments via the ubiquitous digitization of our lives, the ways we deal with trust and reputation are being additionally challenged.

Research paper thumbnail of E-Government 4.0: Managing APIs as Facilitators for Digital Transformation

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022

Digital transformation is, among others, notably driven by servitization, and consequently, IT ar... more Digital transformation is, among others, notably driven by servitization, and consequently, IT artifacts called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), together with disruptive technologies and innovations. In order to set up proper policies, the understanding of the above factors is essential, including their influences on value adding chains. This paper therefore provides an analysis of APIs developments together with their impacts on digital transformation. As they can affect organizations and even national economies at strategic level, appropriate management from a systemic perspective is justified, including e-Government initiatives. Further, APIs cannot be treated without their relations to disruptive technologies, innovations and value chains. Therefore, the advancements of theoretical understanding of evolution of value chains, and practical directions for e-government initiatives are given in this paper. In addition, an archetype model is developed that provides a basis ...

Research paper thumbnail of Mobile Code Security in Contemporary Information Systems-Past, Present and Trends

Despite the fact that mobile code security issues appeared some ten years ago, they remain import... more Despite the fact that mobile code security issues appeared some ten years ago, they remain important also in the era of service oriented architectures and cloud computing. Mobile code security certainly has some specifics, because it presents an opposite paradigm from the traditional one. In the traditional setting a host (i.e., local operating system, local environment) has to be protected against the code, while with the mobile code security this very code (more precisely, the program code and data) has to be protected against malicious host. And significant breakthrough is still to be seen in this area. Therefore this paper provides an analysis of the main problems related to mobile code security, and gives an outlook by identifying focuses of future research. It also provides a new paradigm called non-deterministic security services to address mobile code security issues. Clearly, even with the latest advancements in communications systems, the importance of secure mobile code r...

Research paper thumbnail of System Dynamics Based Approach to Risk Management for Security in Information Systems

Abstract: Security in information systems is becoming a well-established discipline, where each a... more Abstract: Security in information systems is becoming a well-established discipline, where each and every security related activity has to start with the basics. This is risk management. Put another way – risk management is involved in the heart of every security activity. Although risk management is a known discipline in many other areas, its direct translation to information systems is not straightforward because of specifics of contemporary information systems. Among these are the global connectivity of information systems, the number of elements (e.g. thousands of software components), strong involvement of human factor, almost endless possible ways of interactions, etc. Thus a new methodological approach is presented in this paper that is based on business dynamics. It enables the above-mentioned elements to be addressed, improving decision making in information systems security.

Research paper thumbnail of MAC Based Lightweight Protocols for Strong Authentication and Key Exchange *

Protocols that provide authentication and key distribution are mainly based on symmetric and asym... more Protocols that provide authentication and key distribution are mainly based on symmetric and asymmetric ciphers. In recent years, some approaches have been introduced that are based on strong one-way hash functions, and further enhancements to these approaches are given in this paper. The lightweight protocols that are presented in this paper are suitable for implementation with simple logic. They enable early recognition of attacks and make distributed session key generation possible. They are intended for use in environments with limited processing capabilities, where relatively short messages are being exchanged, e.g., agents environments.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural heritage preservation by using blockchain technologies

Heritage Science

Ubiquitous digitization enables promising options for cultural heritage preservation. Therefore, ... more Ubiquitous digitization enables promising options for cultural heritage preservation. Therefore, a new approach is presented that considers deployment scenarios by linking heritage science to tourism. Such an approach is necessary because neither technology nor society views can be treated separately to obtain deployable solutions of a wider social, and even national importance. Clearly, while the traditional approaches to cultural heritage preservation will remain a gold standard, they will be increasingly complemented by digital preservation techniques. Thus, based on practical implementations and lessons learnt in other areas, this multidisciplinary framework paper analyses existing disruptive information technologies deployments. In line with the findings it presents a novel technological architecture tailored to the needs of cultural heritage preservation that deploys an open blockchain architecture. The architecture preserves the advantages of traditional blockchains, which ma...