Joze Rugelj | University of Ljubljana (original) (raw)

Books by Joze Rugelj

Research paper thumbnail of Serious Computer Games Design for Active Learning in Teacher Education

Active learning is a pedagogical method that focuses the responsibility of learning on learners. ... more Active learning is a pedagogical method that focuses the responsibility of learning on learners. They engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of class content. Cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and the use of case methods and simulations are some approaches that promote active learning.
Serious games design can provide a framework to support confirmation, structured, and guided inquiry. There is a convergence between the core elements of a good serious game design and the characteristics of productive learning.
Another link between games and learning is formative feedback as a critical part of any learning effort and a key component in game design that adjusts challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Constructivist Learning Environment in a Cloud

The paper presents a development of web-based learning environment for constructivist learning in... more The paper presents a development of web-based learning environment for constructivist learning in higher education. The main focus in the design was to take into account recent findings of pedagogical research and availability of new technologies in order to create efficient and effective learning support for the engineering students. The central component of the environment is a virtual laboratory, which is defined as a service that can be used in a cloud – LaaS (Laboratory as a Service). The paper also presents our experience with the environment used in Computer Science classes with over 700 students who experienced active forms of learning, collaboration and appropriate feedback.

[Research paper thumbnail of Dave HOBBS (ed.): International perspectives on tele-education and virtual learning environments. Aldershot [etc.]: Ashgate, 2000](

Teaching, learning and assessment methods are constantly evolving, providing the educator with a ... more Teaching, learning and assessment methods are constantly evolving, providing the educator with a range of issues and new challenges. This book addresses these challenges through the use of information and communications technologies and presents a vision of how these may be deployed in the educational environments of the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Pierre DILLENBOURG (ed.): Collaborative learning : cognitive and computational approaches, (Advances in learning and instruction series). Amsterdam: Pergamon, 1999

Papers by Joze Rugelj

Research paper thumbnail of Game design based learning of programming

We will present game-based learning and the use of game design as a method for teaching programmi... more We will present game-based learning and the use of game design as a method for teaching programming in primary and secondary schools in the paper. A lot of knowledge about game-based learning in general was collected in the last decade, but very few information and resources can be found on how to use game design as a method for teaching programming. We have made an extensive study of different approaches to game design-based learning with special emphasis on learning programming for novice programmers. The results will be used as a foundation for the development of methodology in the Eras-mus+ international project Coding for Girls. This project addresses open and innovative education and training embedded in the digital era by targeting programming skills that are high in demand in a technology driven society. The project also aims at addressing the gap between male and female participation in computer science education by introducing early methodological learning interventions that make computer programming attractive for girls and boys.

Research paper thumbnail of The Functions and the Structure of Systems for Computer Supported Cooperative Work

Abstract not availableNA-NOT AVAILABL

Research paper thumbnail of Vloga teleinformacijskih storitev v vseživljenjskem izobraievanju

AS: Andragoška Spoznanja, Dec 1, 1996

Leta 1922 je znani izumitelj T. A. Edison zapisal: »Mislim, da bodo gibljive slike (kinematografi... more Leta 1922 je znani izumitelj T. A. Edison zapisal: »Mislim, da bodo gibljive slike (kinematografija-op. pis.) revolucionarno spremenile naš izobraževalni sistem in da bodo v nekaj letih popolnoma ali vsaj v veliki meri nadomestile klasične učbenike.« Danes lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da vse omenjene »nove« tehnologije še niso usodno spremenile izobraževanja in da so v resnici imele nanj sorazmerno majhen vpliv. Hkrati pa smo prepričani , da se danes, ko prihaja teleinformatika, to ne bo ponovilo. Zakaj?

Research paper thumbnail of Serious Computer Games Design for Active Learning in Teacher Education

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016

Active learning is a pedagogical method that focuses the responsibility of learning on learners. ... more Active learning is a pedagogical method that focuses the responsibility of learning on learners. They engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of class content. Cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and the use of case methods and simulations are some approaches that promote active learning. Serious games design can provide a framework to support confirmation, structured, and guided inquiry. There is a convergence between the core elements of a good serious game design and the characteristics of productive learning. Another link between games and learning is formative feedback as a critical part of any learning effort and a key component in game design that adjusts challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of wiki-supported collaborative learning in higher education

... Learning In Higher Education Irena Nančovska Šerbec, Mateja Strnad, Jože Rugelj Department fo... more ... Learning In Higher Education Irena Nančovska Šerbec, Mateja Strnad, Jože Rugelj Department for Computer Science and Mathematics University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mails: {irena.nancovska, mateja.strnad, joze.rugelj} ...

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the relation between learning style models and preferred multimedia types

Computers & education, Nov 1, 2013

ABSTRACT There are many adaptive learning systems that adapt learning materials to student proper... more ABSTRACT There are many adaptive learning systems that adapt learning materials to student properties, preferences, and activities. This study is focused on designing such a learning system by relating combinations of different learning styles to preferred types of multimedia materials. We explore a decision model aimed at proposing learning material of an appropriate multimedia type. This study includes 272 student participants. The resulting decision model shows that students prefer well-structured learning texts with color discrimination, and that the hemispheric learning style model is the most important criterion in deciding student preferences for different multimedia learning materials. To provide a more accurate and reliable model for recommending different multimedia types more learning style models must be combined. Kolb's classification and the VAK classification allow us to learn if students prefer an active role in the learning process, and what multimedia type they prefer.

Research paper thumbnail of Workplace Computer-Supported Network-Based Learning

IGI Global eBooks, May 24, 2011

In the new economy, companies require employees who are willing and able to continue learning. Wo... more In the new economy, companies require employees who are willing and able to continue learning. Workplace learning is the key factor and an essential element in the personal and professional development of employees. It is the main means by which they improve their work, and it is a key strategic element in achieving organizational objectives and goals, leading directly to enhanced competitive advantage.

Research paper thumbnail of Distribution of constrained Steiner tree computation in shortest-delay networks

... Roman Novak arid Joze Rugelj Digital Communications and Netwoi ks Department Jozef Stefan Ins... more ... Roman Novak arid Joze Rugelj Digital Communications and Netwoi ks Department Jozef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 61 I 1 1 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone (386) 01-1773724 Fax (386) 61-1262102 E-Mail:, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed Rerouting of Multicast Connections with Delay Constraints

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting teachers in higher education for didactic use of the learning environment moodle

Technology is becoming an important element of the pedagogical process at all levels of education... more Technology is becoming an important element of the pedagogical process at all levels of education. Regardless of its prevalence, many teachers are not able to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by technology. Knowledge of functionalities available in online learning environments and of their proper didactic use is vital for the launch to the pedagogical process. Within the project "Digital UL-With Innovative Use of ICT to Excellence", we launched two online courses, where university teachers and colleagues became acquainted with the possibilities, activities, and plug-ins that are part of the learning environment Moodle, which is the most widely adopted tool for sharing learning materials with the support for collaboration. The first online course was intended for participants with little or no experiences with the use of Moodle, and the other for participants who already had some experience with this online environment and wanted to learn about advanced activities in Moodle. The paper presents findings of the research after the completion of the online course. In the research we analyzed the use of Moodle in the pedagogical process among the higher education teachers and colleagues of the University of Ljubljana. We obtained the results with a questionnaire and an analysis of the reports of updated study activities with Moodle that the participants created at the end of the courses. We were interested if the content in the online course was meaningfully prepared and what kind of contribution they had for participants' professional development. We also asked the participants if content fulfilled their expectations regarding the objectives of the course and if they were enabled to gain new experience, ideas, and knowledge about using Moodle in the pedagogical process. The results showed that through the course, higher education teachers found numerous opportunities for working in an online classroom, which they had not been familiar with before. Also, received feedback has shown that participants support the online way of conducting training because they can adjust their time and pace according to their pedagogical obligations. In the future, we will repeat a series of courses and improve future performance with feedback.

Research paper thumbnail of Rerouting of multicast connections with quality-of-service constraints

Page 1. Rerouting of Multicast Connections with Quality-of-Service Constraints Roman Novak, Joie ... more Page 1. Rerouting of Multicast Connections with Quality-of-Service Constraints Roman Novak, Joie RugeIj Jozef Stefan Institute Digital Communications and Networks Department Jamova 39, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Abstract ...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Educator-Specific Digital Competences With Serious Game Design

Advances in game-based learning book series, Jun 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Providing feedback in web-based learning

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2007

In distance learning supported by LMS, it is extremely important to provide automated or partiall... more In distance learning supported by LMS, it is extremely important to provide automated or partially automated feedback about learning outcomes to students as well as feedback about the efficiency and quality of teaching and learning to teachers and to management of the institution that provides web-based learning courses. In this article, we present the solutions implemented in the LMS eCampus that are theoretically grounded and have been proved in praxis.

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Multimedia Learning Materials for Improved Teacher Training

Lecture notes in educational technology, 2019

When teachers consider the effect of different multimedia materials on students, ways they learn ... more When teachers consider the effect of different multimedia materials on students, ways they learn from it and how to motivate students to become active learners, their teaching methods gradually change and improve. That consequently affects student’s understanding of the presented topics. With the evaluation of teacher’s support and knowledge about the use of multimedia tools that was done within the framework of the project “ICT in teacher training study programmes of University of Ljubljana”, we could find which multimedia tools and online environments would benefit teachers the most in their effort to apply more innovative, constructivist approaches in teaching. For that purpose, we carried out workshops with the chosen topics as a form of support for the teachers, who then applied their new gained knowledge and skills in their lectures. In our paper, we present the results of analyses of the surveys, carried out after the workshops for teachers and the student’s feedback after the teacher’s lectures. We focused mainly on determining the effectiveness and adequacy of such workshops in encouraging teachers for the use of ICT. Results show that such workshops are very suitable for teachers who wish to improve on their teaching skills and methods of using different skills to create interactive multimedia material. The student’s feedback implied that the students felt they understood the content better and that they liked the teacher’s implication of ICT in the lectures.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing understanding of computer concepts with the Neo Piagetian theory, tests and thinking aloud

Poučevanje programiranja, reševanja problemov in snovanja algoritmov predstavlja strokovno in did... more Poučevanje programiranja, reševanja problemov in snovanja algoritmov predstavlja strokovno in didaktično zahtevno opravilo, saj morajo biti učenci za razumevanje računalniških konceptov zmožni abstraktnega razmišljanja. Neopiagetova teorija navaja, da lahko posameznik, ne glede na starost, napreduje v štirih abstraktnih stopnjah mišljenja. Da bi učitelj lahko pomagal učencem razvijati abstraktno mišljenje pri programiranju, mora ugotoviti, na kateri stopnji mišljenja se najverjetneje nahajajo. Učitelj sicer lahko ugotavlja zmožnost reševanja nalog na različnih stopnjah s pomočjo testov, vendar samo iz analize odgovorov ni možno sklepati o zmožnosti abstraktnega razmišljanja posameznega učenca. Iz rezultatov lahko zgolj sklepamo o deležu učencev, ki določene stopnje razmišljanja še ni doseglo. Pogoj za takšno sklepanje so relevantne naloge, ki za pravilno rešitev zahtevajo mišljenje na ustrezni ravni. Določanje stopnje abstraktnega mišljenja za posameznega učenca je veliko bolj zanesljivo z individualnim pogovorom in učenčevim razmišljanjem naglas pri reševanju danega problema. V članku prikazujemo postopek priprave testa in preverjanje njegove relevantnosti. Na osnovni analize testa, ki ga je rešilo 638 učencev, smo ugotovili, da naloge ustrezno diferencirajo učence, ki nalog na višjem nivoju ne rešujejo pravilno. Rezultate smo preverili z individualnimi razgovori z učenci. V izobraževanju lahko relevantni testi pomagajo učitelju pri prilagajanju razlage učencem, ki določenega nivoja abstraktnega razmišljanja še nimajo razvitega.

Research paper thumbnail of Multicast real-time communications

Real-Time Systems Symposium, Sep 16, 1991

ABSTRACT There is a need for multicasting for different applications in all types of distributed ... more ABSTRACT There is a need for multicasting for different applications in all types of distributed computer systems. It is shown that multicasting can be integrated in a network as a special sublayer above the network layer. The migration of the multicast and other similar services into so-called `intelligent network' reduces delays significantly, and makes use of transmission facilities more efficient. Multicasting in point-to-point networks is examined and a minimum-weight spanning tree of connections in a network is found to be an optimal connection pattern. The distributed algorithm for the MST construction is presented as well as the mechanisms for the distribution of data packets and for synchronisation inside a multicast liaison. Future research should be focused on the introduction of switches with copying facilities into network nodes and their impact on the efficiency of multicasting

Research paper thumbnail of Serious Computer Games Design for Active Learning in Teacher Education

Active learning is a pedagogical method that focuses the responsibility of learning on learners. ... more Active learning is a pedagogical method that focuses the responsibility of learning on learners. They engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of class content. Cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and the use of case methods and simulations are some approaches that promote active learning.
Serious games design can provide a framework to support confirmation, structured, and guided inquiry. There is a convergence between the core elements of a good serious game design and the characteristics of productive learning.
Another link between games and learning is formative feedback as a critical part of any learning effort and a key component in game design that adjusts challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Constructivist Learning Environment in a Cloud

The paper presents a development of web-based learning environment for constructivist learning in... more The paper presents a development of web-based learning environment for constructivist learning in higher education. The main focus in the design was to take into account recent findings of pedagogical research and availability of new technologies in order to create efficient and effective learning support for the engineering students. The central component of the environment is a virtual laboratory, which is defined as a service that can be used in a cloud – LaaS (Laboratory as a Service). The paper also presents our experience with the environment used in Computer Science classes with over 700 students who experienced active forms of learning, collaboration and appropriate feedback.

[Research paper thumbnail of Dave HOBBS (ed.): International perspectives on tele-education and virtual learning environments. Aldershot [etc.]: Ashgate, 2000](

Teaching, learning and assessment methods are constantly evolving, providing the educator with a ... more Teaching, learning and assessment methods are constantly evolving, providing the educator with a range of issues and new challenges. This book addresses these challenges through the use of information and communications technologies and presents a vision of how these may be deployed in the educational environments of the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Pierre DILLENBOURG (ed.): Collaborative learning : cognitive and computational approaches, (Advances in learning and instruction series). Amsterdam: Pergamon, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Game design based learning of programming

We will present game-based learning and the use of game design as a method for teaching programmi... more We will present game-based learning and the use of game design as a method for teaching programming in primary and secondary schools in the paper. A lot of knowledge about game-based learning in general was collected in the last decade, but very few information and resources can be found on how to use game design as a method for teaching programming. We have made an extensive study of different approaches to game design-based learning with special emphasis on learning programming for novice programmers. The results will be used as a foundation for the development of methodology in the Eras-mus+ international project Coding for Girls. This project addresses open and innovative education and training embedded in the digital era by targeting programming skills that are high in demand in a technology driven society. The project also aims at addressing the gap between male and female participation in computer science education by introducing early methodological learning interventions that make computer programming attractive for girls and boys.

Research paper thumbnail of The Functions and the Structure of Systems for Computer Supported Cooperative Work

Abstract not availableNA-NOT AVAILABL

Research paper thumbnail of Vloga teleinformacijskih storitev v vseživljenjskem izobraievanju

AS: Andragoška Spoznanja, Dec 1, 1996

Leta 1922 je znani izumitelj T. A. Edison zapisal: »Mislim, da bodo gibljive slike (kinematografi... more Leta 1922 je znani izumitelj T. A. Edison zapisal: »Mislim, da bodo gibljive slike (kinematografija-op. pis.) revolucionarno spremenile naš izobraževalni sistem in da bodo v nekaj letih popolnoma ali vsaj v veliki meri nadomestile klasične učbenike.« Danes lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da vse omenjene »nove« tehnologije še niso usodno spremenile izobraževanja in da so v resnici imele nanj sorazmerno majhen vpliv. Hkrati pa smo prepričani , da se danes, ko prihaja teleinformatika, to ne bo ponovilo. Zakaj?

Research paper thumbnail of Serious Computer Games Design for Active Learning in Teacher Education

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016

Active learning is a pedagogical method that focuses the responsibility of learning on learners. ... more Active learning is a pedagogical method that focuses the responsibility of learning on learners. They engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of class content. Cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and the use of case methods and simulations are some approaches that promote active learning. Serious games design can provide a framework to support confirmation, structured, and guided inquiry. There is a convergence between the core elements of a good serious game design and the characteristics of productive learning. Another link between games and learning is formative feedback as a critical part of any learning effort and a key component in game design that adjusts challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of wiki-supported collaborative learning in higher education

... Learning In Higher Education Irena Nančovska Šerbec, Mateja Strnad, Jože Rugelj Department fo... more ... Learning In Higher Education Irena Nančovska Šerbec, Mateja Strnad, Jože Rugelj Department for Computer Science and Mathematics University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mails: {irena.nancovska, mateja.strnad, joze.rugelj} ...

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the relation between learning style models and preferred multimedia types

Computers & education, Nov 1, 2013

ABSTRACT There are many adaptive learning systems that adapt learning materials to student proper... more ABSTRACT There are many adaptive learning systems that adapt learning materials to student properties, preferences, and activities. This study is focused on designing such a learning system by relating combinations of different learning styles to preferred types of multimedia materials. We explore a decision model aimed at proposing learning material of an appropriate multimedia type. This study includes 272 student participants. The resulting decision model shows that students prefer well-structured learning texts with color discrimination, and that the hemispheric learning style model is the most important criterion in deciding student preferences for different multimedia learning materials. To provide a more accurate and reliable model for recommending different multimedia types more learning style models must be combined. Kolb's classification and the VAK classification allow us to learn if students prefer an active role in the learning process, and what multimedia type they prefer.

Research paper thumbnail of Workplace Computer-Supported Network-Based Learning

IGI Global eBooks, May 24, 2011

In the new economy, companies require employees who are willing and able to continue learning. Wo... more In the new economy, companies require employees who are willing and able to continue learning. Workplace learning is the key factor and an essential element in the personal and professional development of employees. It is the main means by which they improve their work, and it is a key strategic element in achieving organizational objectives and goals, leading directly to enhanced competitive advantage.

Research paper thumbnail of Distribution of constrained Steiner tree computation in shortest-delay networks

... Roman Novak arid Joze Rugelj Digital Communications and Netwoi ks Department Jozef Stefan Ins... more ... Roman Novak arid Joze Rugelj Digital Communications and Netwoi ks Department Jozef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 61 I 1 1 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone (386) 01-1773724 Fax (386) 61-1262102 E-Mail:, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed Rerouting of Multicast Connections with Delay Constraints

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting teachers in higher education for didactic use of the learning environment moodle

Technology is becoming an important element of the pedagogical process at all levels of education... more Technology is becoming an important element of the pedagogical process at all levels of education. Regardless of its prevalence, many teachers are not able to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by technology. Knowledge of functionalities available in online learning environments and of their proper didactic use is vital for the launch to the pedagogical process. Within the project "Digital UL-With Innovative Use of ICT to Excellence", we launched two online courses, where university teachers and colleagues became acquainted with the possibilities, activities, and plug-ins that are part of the learning environment Moodle, which is the most widely adopted tool for sharing learning materials with the support for collaboration. The first online course was intended for participants with little or no experiences with the use of Moodle, and the other for participants who already had some experience with this online environment and wanted to learn about advanced activities in Moodle. The paper presents findings of the research after the completion of the online course. In the research we analyzed the use of Moodle in the pedagogical process among the higher education teachers and colleagues of the University of Ljubljana. We obtained the results with a questionnaire and an analysis of the reports of updated study activities with Moodle that the participants created at the end of the courses. We were interested if the content in the online course was meaningfully prepared and what kind of contribution they had for participants' professional development. We also asked the participants if content fulfilled their expectations regarding the objectives of the course and if they were enabled to gain new experience, ideas, and knowledge about using Moodle in the pedagogical process. The results showed that through the course, higher education teachers found numerous opportunities for working in an online classroom, which they had not been familiar with before. Also, received feedback has shown that participants support the online way of conducting training because they can adjust their time and pace according to their pedagogical obligations. In the future, we will repeat a series of courses and improve future performance with feedback.

Research paper thumbnail of Rerouting of multicast connections with quality-of-service constraints

Page 1. Rerouting of Multicast Connections with Quality-of-Service Constraints Roman Novak, Joie ... more Page 1. Rerouting of Multicast Connections with Quality-of-Service Constraints Roman Novak, Joie RugeIj Jozef Stefan Institute Digital Communications and Networks Department Jamova 39, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Abstract ...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Educator-Specific Digital Competences With Serious Game Design

Advances in game-based learning book series, Jun 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Providing feedback in web-based learning

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2007

In distance learning supported by LMS, it is extremely important to provide automated or partiall... more In distance learning supported by LMS, it is extremely important to provide automated or partially automated feedback about learning outcomes to students as well as feedback about the efficiency and quality of teaching and learning to teachers and to management of the institution that provides web-based learning courses. In this article, we present the solutions implemented in the LMS eCampus that are theoretically grounded and have been proved in praxis.

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Multimedia Learning Materials for Improved Teacher Training

Lecture notes in educational technology, 2019

When teachers consider the effect of different multimedia materials on students, ways they learn ... more When teachers consider the effect of different multimedia materials on students, ways they learn from it and how to motivate students to become active learners, their teaching methods gradually change and improve. That consequently affects student’s understanding of the presented topics. With the evaluation of teacher’s support and knowledge about the use of multimedia tools that was done within the framework of the project “ICT in teacher training study programmes of University of Ljubljana”, we could find which multimedia tools and online environments would benefit teachers the most in their effort to apply more innovative, constructivist approaches in teaching. For that purpose, we carried out workshops with the chosen topics as a form of support for the teachers, who then applied their new gained knowledge and skills in their lectures. In our paper, we present the results of analyses of the surveys, carried out after the workshops for teachers and the student’s feedback after the teacher’s lectures. We focused mainly on determining the effectiveness and adequacy of such workshops in encouraging teachers for the use of ICT. Results show that such workshops are very suitable for teachers who wish to improve on their teaching skills and methods of using different skills to create interactive multimedia material. The student’s feedback implied that the students felt they understood the content better and that they liked the teacher’s implication of ICT in the lectures.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing understanding of computer concepts with the Neo Piagetian theory, tests and thinking aloud

Poučevanje programiranja, reševanja problemov in snovanja algoritmov predstavlja strokovno in did... more Poučevanje programiranja, reševanja problemov in snovanja algoritmov predstavlja strokovno in didaktično zahtevno opravilo, saj morajo biti učenci za razumevanje računalniških konceptov zmožni abstraktnega razmišljanja. Neopiagetova teorija navaja, da lahko posameznik, ne glede na starost, napreduje v štirih abstraktnih stopnjah mišljenja. Da bi učitelj lahko pomagal učencem razvijati abstraktno mišljenje pri programiranju, mora ugotoviti, na kateri stopnji mišljenja se najverjetneje nahajajo. Učitelj sicer lahko ugotavlja zmožnost reševanja nalog na različnih stopnjah s pomočjo testov, vendar samo iz analize odgovorov ni možno sklepati o zmožnosti abstraktnega razmišljanja posameznega učenca. Iz rezultatov lahko zgolj sklepamo o deležu učencev, ki določene stopnje razmišljanja še ni doseglo. Pogoj za takšno sklepanje so relevantne naloge, ki za pravilno rešitev zahtevajo mišljenje na ustrezni ravni. Določanje stopnje abstraktnega mišljenja za posameznega učenca je veliko bolj zanesljivo z individualnim pogovorom in učenčevim razmišljanjem naglas pri reševanju danega problema. V članku prikazujemo postopek priprave testa in preverjanje njegove relevantnosti. Na osnovni analize testa, ki ga je rešilo 638 učencev, smo ugotovili, da naloge ustrezno diferencirajo učence, ki nalog na višjem nivoju ne rešujejo pravilno. Rezultate smo preverili z individualnimi razgovori z učenci. V izobraževanju lahko relevantni testi pomagajo učitelju pri prilagajanju razlage učencem, ki določenega nivoja abstraktnega razmišljanja še nimajo razvitega.

Research paper thumbnail of Multicast real-time communications

Real-Time Systems Symposium, Sep 16, 1991

ABSTRACT There is a need for multicasting for different applications in all types of distributed ... more ABSTRACT There is a need for multicasting for different applications in all types of distributed computer systems. It is shown that multicasting can be integrated in a network as a special sublayer above the network layer. The migration of the multicast and other similar services into so-called `intelligent network' reduces delays significantly, and makes use of transmission facilities more efficient. Multicasting in point-to-point networks is examined and a minimum-weight spanning tree of connections in a network is found to be an optimal connection pattern. The distributed algorithm for the MST construction is presented as well as the mechanisms for the distribution of data packets and for synchronisation inside a multicast liaison. Future research should be focused on the introduction of switches with copying facilities into network nodes and their impact on the efficiency of multicasting

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching with Electronic Collaborative Learning Groups

The integration of technology and collaborative groups has seen the development of electronic col... more The integration of technology and collaborative groups has seen the development of electronic collaborative learning groups. Technology supports collaborative learning by allowing collaboration between distributed participants replacing face-to-face meetings. Technology also provides access to supporting tools and methods such as libraries, chat-rooms, and meeting protocols. One maj or benefit of using electronic collaborative learning groups is the ability to provide for the uniqueness of each student in a group. However, managing electronic collaborative learning groups is not simple, and the role of the teacher changes from knowledge provider to facilitator. This has implications for the amount of technical support that the teacher may require. How can we as teachers help students to develop the (possibly new) communication skills appropriate to this electronic environment? How do we handle group learning situations so that we can monitor group discussions, yet still encourage independence?

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Efficiency of Web Based Learning Contents on Different Media

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (ijet), Nov 12, 2009

We tried to find out what kind of multimedia learning materials gave the most efficient and effec... more We tried to find out what kind of multimedia learning materials gave the most efficient and effective results with regards to learning time and knowledge gained. Different web based learning materials were used as regards presentation mode: static pictures, animations with online text and animations with narrated text. Although the research results showed that learners from WBL contents with static graphics learnt less time than learners from animations, we did not find significant differences in learning time between experimental groups. However, we proved significant differences between three experimental groups in terms of gained knowledge. The learners using learning materials with static graphics performed worse than learners using materials with animations. Furthermore, we did not prove significant differences in gained knowledge between groups that learnt from audio animations and the animations with online text.

Research paper thumbnail of Serious computer games in computer science education

EAI endorsed transactions on serious games, Nov 5, 2015

The role and importance of serious computer games in contemporary educational practice is present... more The role and importance of serious computer games in contemporary educational practice is presented in this paper as well as the theoretical fundamentals that justify their use in different forms of education. We present a project for designing and developing serious games that take place within the curriculum for computer science teachers' education as an independent project work in teams. In this project work students have to use their knowledge in the field of didactics and computer science to develop games. The developed game is tested and evaluated in schools in the framework of their practical training. The results of the evaluation can help students improve their games and verify to which extent specified learning goals have been achieved.

Research paper thumbnail of Distributed multicast routing in point-to-point networks

Computers & Operations Research, Jun 1, 1997

The distributed algorithm for a multicast connection setup , based on the &cheapest insertion' he... more The distributed algorithm for a multicast connection setup , based on the &cheapest insertion' heuristic, is reviewed. The multicast routing problem is translated into a Steiner tree problem in point-to-point networks where nodes have only a limited knowledge about the network. A solution is proposed in which the time complexity and the amount of information exchanged between network nodes are proportional to the number of members of the multicast group. The Steiner tree is constructed by means of a distributed table-passing algorithm. The analysis of the algorithm presented, backed up by simulation results, con"rms its superiority over the algorithm based on &waving technique'. Scope and purpose Multicasting is a mechanism used in communication networks that allows distribution of information from a single source to multiple destinations. The problem of "nding a multicast connection for a static group of communicating entities in connection-oriented point-to-point network can be formulated in graph theory as a minimum Steiner tree problem. Due to NP-completeness of the Steiner tree problem multicast, routing algorithms are based on heuristics. The diversity of network environments and the lack of centralised information about network topology require an e!ective distribution of the multicast routing algorithms among the network nodes. This article presents an alternative to the distributed algorithm proposed by Rugelj and Klavzar that implements the same heuristics for the construction of a minimum cost multicast connection in point-to-point networks. The present algorithm constitutes a substantial improvement over that previously proposed with regard to running time and the amount of the information exchanged between network nodes.

Research paper thumbnail of Serious game design and development

The course addresses the design and development of Serious Games. Serious Games are games that do... more The course addresses the design and development of Serious Games. Serious Games are games that do not have entertainment as the main purpose but rather an educational, awareness raising, training, advertisement or other “serious” purpose that benefits from the engaging context that games provide to motivate the users. Serious Games have been typically used in education, training, health, defense and other sectors.

MOOC students will go through all the steps of the development of a Serious Educational Game from selecting the idea and binding it with learning goals to the development and testing of the game prototype in an environment that does not require programming skills. The programme of study will allow students to understand the process of idealizing, designing, developing, testing and delivering a game. At the same time, students will benefit from a hands-on experience, working in intercultural and interdisciplinary teams, exploiting the expertise of an international team of participating teachers and industry experts.