Katja Simončič | University of Ljubljana (original) (raw)
Papers by Katja Simončič
Doktorska disertacija obravnava problematiko marginaliziranosti koncepta družbene škode v okviru ... more Doktorska disertacija obravnava problematiko marginaliziranosti koncepta družbene škode v okviru kriminološke vede. Posledica prevlade uveljavljenega kriminološkega diskurza, v katerem osrednje mesto zaseda pojem zločin, je zanikanje številnih aktivnosti in procesov, ki niso kriminalizirani, vendar imajo škodljive posledice za posameznike in družbo. Primer normalizirane, a škodljive prakse sodobne družbe je hitra moda, za katero so značilni kratki časi proizvodnje in distribucije oblačil (kot hiter odziv na povpraševanje) ter poudarek na modnosti proizvodov. Pojav hitre mode je obravnavan prek koncepta družbene škode, ki predstavlja alternativo pojmu zločina. S pojmom družbene škode je mogoče opozoriti na vrsto negativnih dogodkov, neenakosti in krivic, ki jih kazensko pravo ne zajema in ostajajo neopaženi ter v širši javnosti v kontekstu sodobnih družbeno-ekonomskih razmer dojeti in sprejeti kot normalni. V disertaciji je izpostavljen tudi pomen zemiologije, vede, v okviru katere o...
In Slovenia, the collaborative economy is in the early stages of development. The collaborative e... more In Slovenia, the collaborative economy is in the early stages of development. The collaborative economy became a popular topic in 2015 when the government intensified its efforts to initiate a debate on legal reforms that would better accommodate foreign collaborative economy companies in Slovenia. While in 2016, the government was actively working on the topic and eager to start the discussions on legal reform in line with the European agenda for the collaborative economy since 2018, the issue has lost its momentum. After the Act Amending the Hospitality Act was adopted, the government has slowed down its efforts to create a regulatory framework conducive to the needs of the collaborative economy. Nevertheless, the practice is becoming more and more common, with several sharing initiatives surfacing in the past few years. Most collaborative economy services are not yet subject to taxation and regulation, one of the most pressing questions that will have to be answered in Slovenia i...
Doktorska disertacija obravnava problematiko marginaliziranosti koncepta družbene skode v okviru ... more Doktorska disertacija obravnava problematiko marginaliziranosti koncepta družbene skode v okviru kriminoloske vede. Posledica prevlade uveljavljenega kriminoloskega diskurza, v katerem osrednje mesto zaseda pojem zlocin, je zanikanje stevilnih aktivnosti in procesov, ki niso kriminalizirani, vendar imajo skodljive posledice za posameznike in družbo. Primer normalizirane, a skodljive prakse sodobne družbe je hitra moda, za katero so znacilni kratki casi proizvodnje in distribucije oblacil (kot hiter odziv na povprasevanje) ter poudarek na modnosti proizvodov. Pojav hitre mode je obravnavan prek koncepta družbene skode, ki predstavlja alternativo pojmu zlocina. S pojmom družbene skode je mogoce opozoriti na vrsto negativnih dogodkov, neenakosti in krivic, ki jih kazensko pravo ne zajema in ostajajo neopaženi ter v sirsi javnosti v kontekstu sodobnih družbeno-ekonomskih razmer dojeti in sprejeti kot normalni. V disertaciji je izpostavljen tudi pomen zemiologije, vede, v okviru katere o...
The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice
In this article, harm that occurs as a consequence of inadequate health and safety conditions in ... more In this article, harm that occurs as a consequence of inadequate health and safety conditions in the production of fast fashion is highlighted as a representative example of a practice that is harmful, yet normalised in the context of neoliberal capitalism. This harmful practice is analysed with the help of two concepts which originate from critical criminology: the concept of social harm as defined by Pemberton (2016) as well as Michalowski and Kramer's (2007) concept of state-corporate crime. The article aims to emphasize the criminological relevance of harmful, yet normalized practices such as fast fashion and to demonstrate the usefulness of the two concepts to do so.
Justice, Power and Resistance , 2019
This article examines social harm that occurs as a result of the opiatisation of society through... more This article examines social harm that occurs as a result of the opiatisation of society through consumerism. The concept of social harm is introduced, as is the phenomenon of consumerism, followed by a description of how consumerism acts as a mechanism of social control. Pemberton's (2016) classification of social harm (physical/mental health harms, autonomy harms and relational harms) is used as a theoretical framework for the analysis of social harm that occurs due to the fact that consumerism acts as a mechanism of social control (Scheerer and Hess, 1997). An analysis of social harm indicates that consumerism is a source of social harm as classified by Pemberton (2016): a victim of social harm is an individual who, subjected to the forces of informal social control in the form of consumerism, experiences deteriorated health, anxiety, depression, feelings of loneliness, apathy or even turns to criminal activity.
V upravnopravnem odločanju ima v primeru kolizije med javnim in zasebnim interesom prednost javni... more V upravnopravnem odločanju ima v primeru kolizije med javnim in zasebnim interesom prednost javni interes. Hkrati načelo varstva pravic strank v razmerju do države šteje za eno največjih pridobitev sodobne družbe. S ciljem ustreznega uresničevanja načela varstva pravic strank v tem prispevku predlagamo koncept "učinkovite interpretacije" tega načela. V prispevku predstavimo tudi raziskavo, ki smo jo s pomočjo kvalitativnih intervjujev izvedli med uradnimi osebami o tem, na kakšen način načelo varstva pravic strank izvajajo v praksi. Ugotovili smo, da del uradništva že goji proaktivni pristop k izvajanju načela varstva pravic strank in torej že deluje v duhu učinkovite interpretacije načela. Utrditev koncepta učinkovite interpretacije bi pripomogla k temu, da bi se tovrstno izvajanje načela splošno uveljavilo in bi uradnim osebam služilo kot konkretnejše vodilo pri vodenju upravnih postopkov.
In administrative procedures public interest prevails over the parties' private interests. At the same time it is undisputable that the principle of protection of parties' rights against the state is considered as one of the main achievements of contemporary society. With a goal of appropriate implementation of this principle we hereby propose a concept of "effective interpretation". In this article we also present the results of a research study conducted by way of qualitative interviews with administrative officials on the ways they implement this principle in practice. Findings indicate that one part of administrative officials already uses a proactive approach to the implementation of the principle of protection of parties' rights and therefore already acts in the spirit of effective interpretation. Reinforcement of the concept would contribute to a greater consistency in its implementation and would serve administrative officials as a guideline for their work.
A paper on the North- South divide in regard to cities; a comment on Jennifer Robinson, Ananya Ro... more A paper on the North- South divide in regard to cities; a comment on Jennifer Robinson, Ananya Roy and Seth Schindler’s quest to negotiate a broader recognition of all cities in the global arena.
Doktorska disertacija obravnava problematiko marginaliziranosti koncepta družbene škode v okviru ... more Doktorska disertacija obravnava problematiko marginaliziranosti koncepta družbene škode v okviru kriminološke vede. Posledica prevlade uveljavljenega kriminološkega diskurza, v katerem osrednje mesto zaseda pojem zločin, je zanikanje številnih aktivnosti in procesov, ki niso kriminalizirani, vendar imajo škodljive posledice za posameznike in družbo. Primer normalizirane, a škodljive prakse sodobne družbe je hitra moda, za katero so značilni kratki časi proizvodnje in distribucije oblačil (kot hiter odziv na povpraševanje) ter poudarek na modnosti proizvodov. Pojav hitre mode je obravnavan prek koncepta družbene škode, ki predstavlja alternativo pojmu zločina. S pojmom družbene škode je mogoče opozoriti na vrsto negativnih dogodkov, neenakosti in krivic, ki jih kazensko pravo ne zajema in ostajajo neopaženi ter v širši javnosti v kontekstu sodobnih družbeno-ekonomskih razmer dojeti in sprejeti kot normalni. V disertaciji je izpostavljen tudi pomen zemiologije, vede, v okviru katere o...
In Slovenia, the collaborative economy is in the early stages of development. The collaborative e... more In Slovenia, the collaborative economy is in the early stages of development. The collaborative economy became a popular topic in 2015 when the government intensified its efforts to initiate a debate on legal reforms that would better accommodate foreign collaborative economy companies in Slovenia. While in 2016, the government was actively working on the topic and eager to start the discussions on legal reform in line with the European agenda for the collaborative economy since 2018, the issue has lost its momentum. After the Act Amending the Hospitality Act was adopted, the government has slowed down its efforts to create a regulatory framework conducive to the needs of the collaborative economy. Nevertheless, the practice is becoming more and more common, with several sharing initiatives surfacing in the past few years. Most collaborative economy services are not yet subject to taxation and regulation, one of the most pressing questions that will have to be answered in Slovenia i...
Doktorska disertacija obravnava problematiko marginaliziranosti koncepta družbene skode v okviru ... more Doktorska disertacija obravnava problematiko marginaliziranosti koncepta družbene skode v okviru kriminoloske vede. Posledica prevlade uveljavljenega kriminoloskega diskurza, v katerem osrednje mesto zaseda pojem zlocin, je zanikanje stevilnih aktivnosti in procesov, ki niso kriminalizirani, vendar imajo skodljive posledice za posameznike in družbo. Primer normalizirane, a skodljive prakse sodobne družbe je hitra moda, za katero so znacilni kratki casi proizvodnje in distribucije oblacil (kot hiter odziv na povprasevanje) ter poudarek na modnosti proizvodov. Pojav hitre mode je obravnavan prek koncepta družbene skode, ki predstavlja alternativo pojmu zlocina. S pojmom družbene skode je mogoce opozoriti na vrsto negativnih dogodkov, neenakosti in krivic, ki jih kazensko pravo ne zajema in ostajajo neopaženi ter v sirsi javnosti v kontekstu sodobnih družbeno-ekonomskih razmer dojeti in sprejeti kot normalni. V disertaciji je izpostavljen tudi pomen zemiologije, vede, v okviru katere o...
The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice
In this article, harm that occurs as a consequence of inadequate health and safety conditions in ... more In this article, harm that occurs as a consequence of inadequate health and safety conditions in the production of fast fashion is highlighted as a representative example of a practice that is harmful, yet normalised in the context of neoliberal capitalism. This harmful practice is analysed with the help of two concepts which originate from critical criminology: the concept of social harm as defined by Pemberton (2016) as well as Michalowski and Kramer's (2007) concept of state-corporate crime. The article aims to emphasize the criminological relevance of harmful, yet normalized practices such as fast fashion and to demonstrate the usefulness of the two concepts to do so.
Justice, Power and Resistance , 2019
This article examines social harm that occurs as a result of the opiatisation of society through... more This article examines social harm that occurs as a result of the opiatisation of society through consumerism. The concept of social harm is introduced, as is the phenomenon of consumerism, followed by a description of how consumerism acts as a mechanism of social control. Pemberton's (2016) classification of social harm (physical/mental health harms, autonomy harms and relational harms) is used as a theoretical framework for the analysis of social harm that occurs due to the fact that consumerism acts as a mechanism of social control (Scheerer and Hess, 1997). An analysis of social harm indicates that consumerism is a source of social harm as classified by Pemberton (2016): a victim of social harm is an individual who, subjected to the forces of informal social control in the form of consumerism, experiences deteriorated health, anxiety, depression, feelings of loneliness, apathy or even turns to criminal activity.
V upravnopravnem odločanju ima v primeru kolizije med javnim in zasebnim interesom prednost javni... more V upravnopravnem odločanju ima v primeru kolizije med javnim in zasebnim interesom prednost javni interes. Hkrati načelo varstva pravic strank v razmerju do države šteje za eno največjih pridobitev sodobne družbe. S ciljem ustreznega uresničevanja načela varstva pravic strank v tem prispevku predlagamo koncept "učinkovite interpretacije" tega načela. V prispevku predstavimo tudi raziskavo, ki smo jo s pomočjo kvalitativnih intervjujev izvedli med uradnimi osebami o tem, na kakšen način načelo varstva pravic strank izvajajo v praksi. Ugotovili smo, da del uradništva že goji proaktivni pristop k izvajanju načela varstva pravic strank in torej že deluje v duhu učinkovite interpretacije načela. Utrditev koncepta učinkovite interpretacije bi pripomogla k temu, da bi se tovrstno izvajanje načela splošno uveljavilo in bi uradnim osebam služilo kot konkretnejše vodilo pri vodenju upravnih postopkov.
In administrative procedures public interest prevails over the parties' private interests. At the same time it is undisputable that the principle of protection of parties' rights against the state is considered as one of the main achievements of contemporary society. With a goal of appropriate implementation of this principle we hereby propose a concept of "effective interpretation". In this article we also present the results of a research study conducted by way of qualitative interviews with administrative officials on the ways they implement this principle in practice. Findings indicate that one part of administrative officials already uses a proactive approach to the implementation of the principle of protection of parties' rights and therefore already acts in the spirit of effective interpretation. Reinforcement of the concept would contribute to a greater consistency in its implementation and would serve administrative officials as a guideline for their work.
A paper on the North- South divide in regard to cities; a comment on Jennifer Robinson, Ananya Ro... more A paper on the North- South divide in regard to cities; a comment on Jennifer Robinson, Ananya Roy and Seth Schindler’s quest to negotiate a broader recognition of all cities in the global arena.