Klemen Jerina | University of Ljubljana (original) (raw)
Papers by Klemen Jerina
Interspecific interactions are among the key factors influencing the structure of animal communit... more Interspecific interactions are among the key factors influencing the structure of animal communities and have
high relevance for conservation. However, managers, conservationists and decision-makers rarely consider the
potential side-effects of single-species carnivore management for the conservation of other carnivores. We studied
how management of protected brown bears (Ursus arctos) affected interspecific interactions with an endangered
apex predator, the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Slovenia. Due to large body size and superb olfactory
abilities, bears are one of the most important dominant scavengers and regularly usurp kills from other large
predators, a process known as kleptoparasitism. At the same time, bears throughout the world are usually actively
managed through zone-specific culling regimes, supplemental feeding, and translocations. This can considerably
alter bear densities and activity patterns and in turn influence interactions among carnivores. Overall, we
observed that bear scavenging pressure resulted in substantial energetic losses for Eurasian lynx. The probability
of lynx losing kills to bears ranged from8 to 74% and strongly depended on local bear densities and monthly bear
movement rates. Kleptoparasitic interaction intensity differed almost 3-fold between different bearmanagement
zones. Furthermore, the presence of a bear feeding site increased the odds of lynx losing kills by 5-fold compared
to areas N1000mfromthese sites.Wesuggest that existing bear-feeding regimes should be reconsidered in order
to reduce unwanted side-effects of this controversial practice on endangered apex predators. We also call attention
to the importance of considering impacts of interspecific interactions in wildlife management and
Izvleček Za ugotavljanje zanesljivosti makroskopskih (okularnih) ocen starosti navadnega jelena/j... more Izvleček Za ugotavljanje zanesljivosti makroskopskih (okularnih) ocen starosti navadnega jelena/jelenjadi (Cervus elaphus L.) na podlagi pregleda razvojne stopnje in obrabljenosti zob smo na reprezentativnem, tj. celotnem enoletnem (2008) vzorcu odvzema jelenjadi na območju celotne Slovenije opravili preveritev ocen starosti, podanih s strani lovcev oz. kategorizacijskih komisij. Preizkus zanesljivosti smo napravili z metodo rezanja/brušenja prvega meljaka (M 1) in štetjem prirastnih plasti zobnega cementa, in sicer na 821 vzorcih zob odraslih živali (starost: od dveh do dvaindvajset let). Preizkus skladnosti obeh ocen je pokazal, da so z okularnim ocenjevanjem pridobljeni podatki o starosti odraslih živali (ne glede na spol) obremenjeni z veliko napako (največji odklon: devet let). Z obema metodama je bila starost živali na leto natančno enako določena v 24,5 % primerov; s starostjo živali se je zanesljivost okularnega ocenjevanja zmanjševala. Starosti košut in mlajših jelenov so b...
Livestock depredations are one of the main challenges in the management of the grey wolf (Canis l... more Livestock depredations are one of the main challenges in the management of the grey wolf (Canis lupus) and culling of the wolves is a measure often used in an attempt to reduce damages. In the present study we analyzed effects of the legal wolf culling on livestock depredations in Slovenia and made a review of similar studies from other regions. 51 wolves were legally culled and 2,221 attacks on livestock were recorded in Slovenia in 1995-2009. Our analysis did not show any effects of the culling on the number of depredations during the study period. No effects were detected even when the most extreme years were compared. Our results are in agreement with those from other studies that showed that sustainable hunting of wolves is not an effective measure to reduce livestock depredations. Wolf removal becomes efficient only when wolves are completely exterminated or when the majority of wolves are removed from a large area. Because depredation of small livestock in Slovenia presents a...
Most of the previous research on the mammals' home range (HR) is based on diurnal sampling, w... more Most of the previous research on the mammals' home range (HR) is based on diurnal sampling, while the results are often implicitly considered as representative for an entire 24-h period. However, there is a growing body of research on populations, whose habitat selection changes circadianly, which leads to the hypothesis that HR patterns may vary at different periods of the day. This study used 24-h data from 15 red deer equipped with GPS collars to explore differences in the size and composition of their HRs, estimated on diurnal, nocturnal and 24-h samplings. The differences in composition were shown on the forest/non-forest variable. We established that nocturnal, and in particular the 24-h HRs, largely overlapped with the diurnal HRs (64% and 76%, respectively) and that parts of the HRs that are used exclusively nocturnally are contiguous or adjacent to diurnal HRs. The differences in HR sizes were significant only between diurnal and 24-h HRs. However, the HR composition va...
Zbornik Gozdarstva in Lesarstva, 2009
In most mammalian species, body mass is one of the key factors affecting an individual's fitn... more In most mammalian species, body mass is one of the key factors affecting an individual's fitness. It is therefore important to know the causes of its variability. The present paper analyses the influences of habitat structure and other environmental factors on body mass in red deer. The research is based on data sets concerning 3,920 culled red deer from the
Izvleček Številčnost in območje razširjenosti divjega prašiča (Sus scrofa L.) sta se v Sloveniji ... more Izvleček Številčnost in območje razširjenosti divjega prašiča (Sus scrofa L.) sta se v Sloveniji in drugih evropskih državah v zadnjih desetletjih občutno povečala; posledično so narasle tudi škode, ki jih povzroča v kmetijstvu. V raziskavi smo preučili, kateri okoljski dejavniki ključno vplivajo na prostorsko razporeditev divjega prašiča, in za Slovenijo ugotovili njegovo sedanje in potencialno območje razširjenosti. Raziskava temelji na velikem vzorcu (N = 5.977) georeferenciranih lokacij odvzema prašiča iz vse Slovenije in GIS-podatkovnih plasteh (25 okoljskih spremenljivk). Analize kažejo, da so gostote divjega prašiča največje v območjih: (a) z večjo razpoložljivosti energijsko bogate hrane (odrasli sestoji listavcev, krmišča) in dostopnostjo kritja (kmetijske površine blizu gozda, sukcesijske površine); (b) kjer so temperature visoke, zime mile, z malo snega (verjetnost rabe narašča s temperaturo in upada s količino padavin). Njegova prostorska razporeditev je odvisna tudi od ...
Journal of Mammalogy, 2012
Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 2007
European Journal of Wildlife Research, 2014
Interspecific interactions are among the key factors influencing the structure of animal communit... more Interspecific interactions are among the key factors influencing the structure of animal communities and have
high relevance for conservation. However, managers, conservationists and decision-makers rarely consider the
potential side-effects of single-species carnivore management for the conservation of other carnivores. We studied
how management of protected brown bears (Ursus arctos) affected interspecific interactions with an endangered
apex predator, the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Slovenia. Due to large body size and superb olfactory
abilities, bears are one of the most important dominant scavengers and regularly usurp kills from other large
predators, a process known as kleptoparasitism. At the same time, bears throughout the world are usually actively
managed through zone-specific culling regimes, supplemental feeding, and translocations. This can considerably
alter bear densities and activity patterns and in turn influence interactions among carnivores. Overall, we
observed that bear scavenging pressure resulted in substantial energetic losses for Eurasian lynx. The probability
of lynx losing kills to bears ranged from8 to 74% and strongly depended on local bear densities and monthly bear
movement rates. Kleptoparasitic interaction intensity differed almost 3-fold between different bearmanagement
zones. Furthermore, the presence of a bear feeding site increased the odds of lynx losing kills by 5-fold compared
to areas N1000mfromthese sites.Wesuggest that existing bear-feeding regimes should be reconsidered in order
to reduce unwanted side-effects of this controversial practice on endangered apex predators. We also call attention
to the importance of considering impacts of interspecific interactions in wildlife management and
Izvleček Za ugotavljanje zanesljivosti makroskopskih (okularnih) ocen starosti navadnega jelena/j... more Izvleček Za ugotavljanje zanesljivosti makroskopskih (okularnih) ocen starosti navadnega jelena/jelenjadi (Cervus elaphus L.) na podlagi pregleda razvojne stopnje in obrabljenosti zob smo na reprezentativnem, tj. celotnem enoletnem (2008) vzorcu odvzema jelenjadi na območju celotne Slovenije opravili preveritev ocen starosti, podanih s strani lovcev oz. kategorizacijskih komisij. Preizkus zanesljivosti smo napravili z metodo rezanja/brušenja prvega meljaka (M 1) in štetjem prirastnih plasti zobnega cementa, in sicer na 821 vzorcih zob odraslih živali (starost: od dveh do dvaindvajset let). Preizkus skladnosti obeh ocen je pokazal, da so z okularnim ocenjevanjem pridobljeni podatki o starosti odraslih živali (ne glede na spol) obremenjeni z veliko napako (največji odklon: devet let). Z obema metodama je bila starost živali na leto natančno enako določena v 24,5 % primerov; s starostjo živali se je zanesljivost okularnega ocenjevanja zmanjševala. Starosti košut in mlajših jelenov so b...
Livestock depredations are one of the main challenges in the management of the grey wolf (Canis l... more Livestock depredations are one of the main challenges in the management of the grey wolf (Canis lupus) and culling of the wolves is a measure often used in an attempt to reduce damages. In the present study we analyzed effects of the legal wolf culling on livestock depredations in Slovenia and made a review of similar studies from other regions. 51 wolves were legally culled and 2,221 attacks on livestock were recorded in Slovenia in 1995-2009. Our analysis did not show any effects of the culling on the number of depredations during the study period. No effects were detected even when the most extreme years were compared. Our results are in agreement with those from other studies that showed that sustainable hunting of wolves is not an effective measure to reduce livestock depredations. Wolf removal becomes efficient only when wolves are completely exterminated or when the majority of wolves are removed from a large area. Because depredation of small livestock in Slovenia presents a...
Most of the previous research on the mammals' home range (HR) is based on diurnal sampling, w... more Most of the previous research on the mammals' home range (HR) is based on diurnal sampling, while the results are often implicitly considered as representative for an entire 24-h period. However, there is a growing body of research on populations, whose habitat selection changes circadianly, which leads to the hypothesis that HR patterns may vary at different periods of the day. This study used 24-h data from 15 red deer equipped with GPS collars to explore differences in the size and composition of their HRs, estimated on diurnal, nocturnal and 24-h samplings. The differences in composition were shown on the forest/non-forest variable. We established that nocturnal, and in particular the 24-h HRs, largely overlapped with the diurnal HRs (64% and 76%, respectively) and that parts of the HRs that are used exclusively nocturnally are contiguous or adjacent to diurnal HRs. The differences in HR sizes were significant only between diurnal and 24-h HRs. However, the HR composition va...
Zbornik Gozdarstva in Lesarstva, 2009
In most mammalian species, body mass is one of the key factors affecting an individual's fitn... more In most mammalian species, body mass is one of the key factors affecting an individual's fitness. It is therefore important to know the causes of its variability. The present paper analyses the influences of habitat structure and other environmental factors on body mass in red deer. The research is based on data sets concerning 3,920 culled red deer from the
Izvleček Številčnost in območje razširjenosti divjega prašiča (Sus scrofa L.) sta se v Sloveniji ... more Izvleček Številčnost in območje razširjenosti divjega prašiča (Sus scrofa L.) sta se v Sloveniji in drugih evropskih državah v zadnjih desetletjih občutno povečala; posledično so narasle tudi škode, ki jih povzroča v kmetijstvu. V raziskavi smo preučili, kateri okoljski dejavniki ključno vplivajo na prostorsko razporeditev divjega prašiča, in za Slovenijo ugotovili njegovo sedanje in potencialno območje razširjenosti. Raziskava temelji na velikem vzorcu (N = 5.977) georeferenciranih lokacij odvzema prašiča iz vse Slovenije in GIS-podatkovnih plasteh (25 okoljskih spremenljivk). Analize kažejo, da so gostote divjega prašiča največje v območjih: (a) z večjo razpoložljivosti energijsko bogate hrane (odrasli sestoji listavcev, krmišča) in dostopnostjo kritja (kmetijske površine blizu gozda, sukcesijske površine); (b) kjer so temperature visoke, zime mile, z malo snega (verjetnost rabe narašča s temperaturo in upada s količino padavin). Njegova prostorska razporeditev je odvisna tudi od ...
Journal of Mammalogy, 2012
Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 2007
European Journal of Wildlife Research, 2014