Petra Cerne Oven | University of Ljubljana (original) (raw)

Books by Petra Cerne Oven

Research paper thumbnail of The Challenges of Developing Methods of Visualisation in Digital Humanities Projects and What the Design Profession Can Contribute

The Culture of the Non-Aligned: The Clash of Cultural and Political Narratives, Barbara Predan in Daša Tepina, eds., 2023

The present publication is the final monograph of the basic research project Models and Practices... more The present publication is the final monograph of the basic research project Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and Non-Aligned Movement: Research in the Spatio-Temporal Cultural Dynamics, which combined research in the fields of history, art history, design, culture, economics and sociology in an interdisciplinary and bilateral manner (bringing together researchers from Slovenia and Croatia). The research was based on the hypothesis that the accelerated process of decolonisation in the 1960s, which defined the articulation of cultural needs and cultural policies in the countries of the Non-Aligned Movement, created new institutional mechanisms and new models or practices of cultural exchange. As demonstrated through the examples selected in our three-year study, this led to effects at the level of the Non-Aligned Movement that manifested in the global cultural and artistic field. In terms of content, the monograph can be roughly divided into two parts. The first part consists of papers that provide an in-depth view of the period through the lens of economics, art and design. The second part of the monograph presents a selection of different examples of cultural and technical exchanges.

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Research paper thumbnail of Articulation of Language through Design Transformation. Historical, Technological and User Contexts

Art between practice and theory: Theoretical reflections on artistic reality on the treshold of the third millennium, Jožef Muhovič, ed., 2023

Before us are eleven theoretical contributions to research in the fields of art history, image th... more Before us are eleven theoretical contributions to research in the fields of art history, image theory, aesthetics, art theory, theory and history of design, theory and history of conservation-restoration, scenographic and visual arts, carefully divided into three sections: Aesthetics, Fine Art Studies and Theatre Studies. The initiator of the entire project is the Department of Theory of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, which invited colleagues from the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television as well as the participating lecturers from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design to join the project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Metodološki pristopi pri vizualnem posredovanju znanstvenih vsebin za uporabo pri raziskovalnem projektu

VPOGLEDI 25: Robovi, stičišča in utopije prijateljstva. Spregledane kulturne izmenjave v senci politike, Barbara Predan, ur., 2022

V znanstveni monografiji odpiramo interdisciplinarno diskusijo in kritično refleksijo z različnih... more V znanstveni monografiji odpiramo interdisciplinarno diskusijo in kritično refleksijo z različnih (teoretičnih in praktičnih) zgodovinskih, umetniških, oblikovalskih, etnografskih, kulturnih in socioloških področij ter s tem povezujemo stroke in področja, ki v prostoru kulturne izmenjave pogosto delujejo povezano, v akademskih krogih pa preredko prestopajo meje. Pričujoča monografija načrtno gradi na iskanju občih stičišč naštetih področij, pri čemer besedila vzpostavljajo kumulativen miselni temelj, a ga hkrati nenehno prečijo in tako ustvarjajo nove povezave, nova znanja. Se pa miselni preplet ne ustavi zgolj tu. S tem ko avtorji prečijo ustaljeno, ustvarjajo diskontinuiteto, katere učinek je tvorjenje zmožnosti za spremenjen način mišljenja in delovanja, pa tudi za drugačno razumevanje potencialno emancipatornih učinkov polpretekle zgodovine.

Večji del znanstvenih prispevkov izrašča iz najnovejših teoretičnih raziskav, ki jih avtorji izvajajo v okviru raziskovalnega projekta Modeli in prakse mednarodne kulturne izmenjave Gibanja neuvrščenih: raziskovanje prostorsko-časovnih kulturnih dinamik, financiranega s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. Te dopolnjujejo raziskave, ki zaznamujejo in določajo tako polpreteklo kot aktualno stanje v umetnosti, pri čemer obravnavajo teoretične pojave, ki nas vodijo k nenehnemu preizpraševanju o tem, kako nujna je razširitev umetnostnega polja. Besedila temeljijo na bogatem arhivskem gradivu iz domačih arhivskih zbirk: Arhiva Republike Slovenije, Arhiva Mednarodnega grafičnega likovnega centra, Arhiva Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja ter Arhiva Muzeja za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, pa tudi tujih arhivskih zbirk: Arhiva Jugoslavije, Diplomatskega arhiva Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Srbije, Muzeja Jugoslavije in Arhiva oblikovanja Univerze v Brightonu. Pričujoče delo bo bralcem v večini primerov prvič osvetlilo spregledane, a za razumevanje današnjega konteksta nujne odnose, ki vsakič znova soočajo obstoječe in prevladujoče kulturnopolitične naracije.

ISBN: 978-961-7104-17-2

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Research paper thumbnail of Umetnost med prakso in teorijo. Teoretski pogledi na umetnostno realnost na pragu tretjega tisočletja

Umetnost med prakso in teorijo. Teoretski pogledi na umetnostno realnost na pragu tretjega tisočletja, 2021

Pred nami je enajst teoretskih prispevkov o raziskavah s področja umetnostne zgodovine, likovne t... more Pred nami je enajst teoretskih prispevkov o raziskavah s področja umetnostne zgodovine, likovne teorije, estetike, umetnostne teorije, teorije in zgodovine oblikovanja, teorije in zgodovine konservatorstva-restavratorstva, scenske in vizualne umetnosti, ki so premišljeno razvrščeni v tri področja: estetika, likovne vede in teatrologija. Pobudnica celotnega projekta – tj. vzpostavitve diskusije in refleksije med različnimi strokovnimi področji umetnosti oz. na raziskovalnih področjih umetniških akademij Univerze v Ljubljani in vpogleda v delo raziskovalk in raziskovalcev na umetniškem, oblikovalskem in scenskem področju – je Katedra za teoretične vede Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, ki je povabila k sodelovanju kolege z Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo ter sodelujoče predavatelje z Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teoretski in zgodovinski vidiki botanične ilustracije

Zbirka ampelografskih upodobitev Vinzenza in Conrada Kreuzerja, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Death in Design / Smrt v oblikovanju

In his book Immortality, Milan Kundera made an incisive remark: “To be mortal is the most basic h... more In his book Immortality, Milan Kundera made an incisive remark: “To be mortal is the most basic human experience, and yet man has never been able to accept it, grasp it, and behave accordingly. Man doesn't know how to be mortal. And when he dies, he doesn't even know how to be dead.” The exhibition and book question clichéd responses, sayings, and ideas on death. The omnipresent – and yet remote – death.

There’s no point in avoiding the subject. This is a book about death.

About death and about design. With design being a tool for dealing with a selection of questions related to death. The word selection is pivotal because the exhibition does not deal with all the important questions about death, but opens up those that interested us, and which we hope are important.

Seeing as how death is endless and consequently immeasurable, we decided to measure it – at least partially – in measurable life. We decided to observe, measure and interpret the results and experiences we acquired from the delivered lectures and workshops. In eight months, we carried out eight 4- to 6-hour workshops in Ljubljana, Graz, Zagreb, and Bihać.

The exhibition and the book examines the advantages and disadvantages of a world without death, and offers pointers on how to detect, depict, explain, kill, and survive death. The exhibition encourages you, the visitor, to refute, reflect, frown upon, remember, and be entertained. All the responses are correct. Or, as we repeatedly emphasized at the workshops: all thoughts are welcome. Including a crumpled sheet of paper in the bin.

Pekinpah Association and Institut of Design, Ljubljana

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing an Agenda, or, How to Avoid Solving Problems That Aren’t

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Research paper thumbnail of Design Education: What do you see? What do you think about it? What do you make of it?

The question is an old one. How do you teach in a way that students actually learn something? In ... more The question is an old one. How do you teach in a way that students actually learn something? In a way that they actually acquire knowledge? And what does it mean to acquire knowledge?

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Research paper thumbnail of On information design (e-book)

The Museum of Architecture and Design published together with the co-publisher The Pekinpah Assoc... more The Museum of Architecture and Design published together with the co-publisher The Pekinpah Association an electronic book On Information Design edited by Petra Černe Oven and Cvetka Požar. The book registers one of the series of lectures in the theory of architecture and design Information Design 2009/2010 that ran from November 2009 to October 2010 at MAO. The lectures were the first lectures in our cultural region ever to focus on the topic of information design.

Six internationally recognized experts presented the field of information design to the Slovene public: Yuri Engelhardt, Rob Waller, Jorge Frascara, Karel van der Waarde, Malcolm Garrett and Karen Schriver. They spoke about the selection, visualization, interpretation, and communication of data. Each lecturer addressed a specific aspect of the information design, but the contributions have a few themes in common; information design that is focused on the needs of people, that is gaining interest among an increasing number of visual communication designers, that depends more on theory, empirical research and testing and improves communication.

Read and download for free the contributions of lecturers in the electronic book published in separate Slovene and English edition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Miljenko Licul (ed.)

504 pp about one of the most prolific Slovene designer, Miljenko Licul, who was instrumental in b... more 504 pp about one of the most prolific Slovene designer, Miljenko Licul, who was instrumental in building identity of Slovenian state in 1990s.

Published by: Fundacija Brumen & National Gallery of Slovenia

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Research paper thumbnail of Edward Wright: readings, writings (ed.)

"The book, published by the University of Reading, is not an exhibition catalogue. It was planned... more "The book, published by the University of Reading, is not an exhibition catalogue. It was planned, instead, as a companion to the exhibition. It brings back into circulation some forgotten texts written about Edward Wright by contemporaries – collaborators, students, and critics. It republishes an important handful of Wright’s own writings from diverse sources. The book ends with two very useful listings: a biographical outline of Edward Wright and a bibliography of writings about and by him."
Hyphen Press / University of Reading

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Papers by Petra Cerne Oven

Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Pedagogical Approach with the Aim of Empowering Educators and Students to Address Emerging Global Issues such as Climate Change and Social Justice: A Case Study

Sustainability, Dec 15, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Metodološki pristopi pri vizualnem posredovanju znanstvenih vsebin za uporabo pri raziskovalnem projektu

Robovi, stičišča in utopije prijateljstva: spregledane kulturne izmenjave v senci politike

V znanstveni monografiji odpiramo interdisciplinarno diskusijo in kritično refleksijo z različnih... more V znanstveni monografiji odpiramo interdisciplinarno diskusijo in kritično refleksijo z različnih (teoretičnih in praktičnih) zgodovinskih, umetniških, oblikovalskih, etnografskih, kulturnih in socioloških področij ter s tem povezujemo stroke in področja, ki v prostoru kulturne izmenjave pogosto delujejo povezano, v akademskih krogih pa preredko prestopajo meje. Pričujoča monografija načrtno gradi na iskanju občih stičišč naštetih področij, pri čemer besedila vzpostavljajo kumulativen miselni temelj, a ga hkrati nenehno prečijo in tako ustvarjajo nove povezave, nova znanja. Se pa miselni preplet ne ustavi zgolj tu. S tem ko avtorji prečijo ustaljeno, ustvarjajo diskontinuiteto, katere učinek je tvorjenje zmožnosti za spremenjen način mišljenja in delovanja, pa tudi za drugačno razumevanje potencialno emancipatornih učinkov polpretekle zgodovine. Večji del znanstvenih prispevkov izrašča iz najnovejših teoretičnih raziskav, ki jih avtorji izvajajo v okviru raziskovalnega projekta Modeli in prakse mednarodne kulturne izmenjave Gibanja neuvrščenih: raziskovanje prostorsko-časovnih kulturnih dinamik, financiranega s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. Te dopolnjujejo raziskave, ki zaznamujejo in določajo tako polpreteklo kot aktualno stanje v umetnosti, pri čemer obravnavajo teoretične pojave, ki nas vodijo k nenehnemu preizpraševanju o tem, kako nujna je razširitev umetnostnega polja. Besedila temeljijo na bogatem arhivskem gradivu iz domačih arhivskih zbirk: Arhiva Republike Slovenije, Arhiva Mednarodnega grafičnega likovnega centra, Arhiva Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja ter Arhiva Muzeja za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, pa tudi tujih arhivskih zbirk: Arhiva Jugoslavije, Diplomatskega arhiva Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Srbije, Muzeja Jugoslavije in Arhiva oblikovanja Univerze v Brightonu. Pričujoče delo bo bralcem v večini primerov prvič osvetlilo spregledane, a za razumevanje današnjega konteksta nujne odnose, ki vsakič znova soočajo obstoječe in prevladujoče kulturnopolitične naracije. ISBN: 978-961-7104-17-2

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Research paper thumbnail of Nove črke za novo dobo: univerzalna abeceda Jožefa Poklukarja

Obdobja 37. Starejši mediji slovenske književnosti: Rokopisi in tiski

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Research paper thumbnail of Ernest Hoch and reasoning in typography

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Research paper thumbnail of Umetnost med prakso in teorijo

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Research paper thumbnail of Jožef Poklukar’s Universal Alphabet: A Utopian Project to Solve Notation of Special Slavonic Sounds

Central Europe, Jul 2, 2020

ABSTRACT This article describes the utopian alphabet project of Slovenian clergyman Jožef Pokluka... more ABSTRACT This article describes the utopian alphabet project of Slovenian clergyman Jožef Poklukar, in which he tried to establish a universal alphabet for the notation of the Slavic languages in the 19th century. Despite the fact that Czech diacritical marks were accepted in Slovenian orthography in the late 1840s, he wanted to start another reform due to his view that diacritics were not satisfactory. Poklukar began working on the project in the 1820s, but published the first version of the alphabet only in 1851. After that, he intensively developed his alphabet and published numerous updated versions of lithographic tables in daily newspapers and as a publisher. Printed material sources were used as the core material of the research. Although his project was interesting from a linguistic and typographic point of view, it had no influence on the orthography and remains an example of a utopian project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Pedagogical Approach with the Aim of Empowering Educators and Students to Address Emerging Global Issues such as Climate Change and Social Justice: A Case Study

Sustainability, 2023

The “Green Nudges” program, developed within the framework of the United Nations Environment Prog... more The “Green Nudges” program, developed within the framework of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), is based on behavioral science and nudge theory. Aimed primarily at universities, it explores ways to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Studies show that many young people recognize climate change as a major problem but that it leaves them feeling helpless and anxious—something that our teaching practice confirms. As we had had no success teaching sustainability using conventional approaches, we used the pedagogical design capacity (PDC) principle to develop a novel workshop format and implement it in a pilot series of three repeated workshops. The workshop concept is based on empowering educators and students to tackle emerging global issues while also boosting critical thinking, field research, and teamwork skills. An important part of the integration of different tools was based on supporting students’ self-direction and knowledge- and evidence-based decision making. The results demonstrate that the proposed pedagogical framework resonates with and empowers students. At the same time, the workshop empowers educators to competently navigate complex and sustainability-oriented topics within the field of education for sustainable development (ESD).

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Scientific Illustration in Slovenia through Historical, Political, and Technological Perspective

The International Journal of Visual Design

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Research paper thumbnail of Iskanje sinergij med znanostjo in oblikovanjem

Časopis za kritiko znanosti, ISSN 0351-4285, 2016, letn. 44, št. 265, str. 120-133, 2016

In today’s world the boundaries between disciplines seem to be becoming increasingly blurred. Too... more In today’s world the boundaries between disciplines seem to be becoming increasingly blurred. Tools, once used only by professionals, are nowadays accessible to all, irrespective of their initial experience and knowledge. The question arises, what is the difference between science and design, where are their junctions and where are the conflicts between them? This text attempts to compare science and visual communication design through the analysis of process, methods and examples of design practice, where the areas met, intersected, or developed in parallel. The design profession, as a discipline at the crossroads of science, art and technology, has had, long before any official formal establishment, representatives, who were involved in changing things with visual communication tools. Historical examples as well as contemporary trends in this field enable us to conclude that science and visual communication design are not only related, but they can also mutually influence each other. Therefore the future offers great potential in the interdisciplinary collaboration between the two areas.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Challenges of Developing Methods of Visualisation in Digital Humanities Projects and What the Design Profession Can Contribute

The Culture of the Non-Aligned: The Clash of Cultural and Political Narratives, Barbara Predan in Daša Tepina, eds., 2023

The present publication is the final monograph of the basic research project Models and Practices... more The present publication is the final monograph of the basic research project Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and Non-Aligned Movement: Research in the Spatio-Temporal Cultural Dynamics, which combined research in the fields of history, art history, design, culture, economics and sociology in an interdisciplinary and bilateral manner (bringing together researchers from Slovenia and Croatia). The research was based on the hypothesis that the accelerated process of decolonisation in the 1960s, which defined the articulation of cultural needs and cultural policies in the countries of the Non-Aligned Movement, created new institutional mechanisms and new models or practices of cultural exchange. As demonstrated through the examples selected in our three-year study, this led to effects at the level of the Non-Aligned Movement that manifested in the global cultural and artistic field. In terms of content, the monograph can be roughly divided into two parts. The first part consists of papers that provide an in-depth view of the period through the lens of economics, art and design. The second part of the monograph presents a selection of different examples of cultural and technical exchanges.

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Research paper thumbnail of Articulation of Language through Design Transformation. Historical, Technological and User Contexts

Art between practice and theory: Theoretical reflections on artistic reality on the treshold of the third millennium, Jožef Muhovič, ed., 2023

Before us are eleven theoretical contributions to research in the fields of art history, image th... more Before us are eleven theoretical contributions to research in the fields of art history, image theory, aesthetics, art theory, theory and history of design, theory and history of conservation-restoration, scenographic and visual arts, carefully divided into three sections: Aesthetics, Fine Art Studies and Theatre Studies. The initiator of the entire project is the Department of Theory of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, which invited colleagues from the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television as well as the participating lecturers from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design to join the project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Metodološki pristopi pri vizualnem posredovanju znanstvenih vsebin za uporabo pri raziskovalnem projektu

VPOGLEDI 25: Robovi, stičišča in utopije prijateljstva. Spregledane kulturne izmenjave v senci politike, Barbara Predan, ur., 2022

V znanstveni monografiji odpiramo interdisciplinarno diskusijo in kritično refleksijo z različnih... more V znanstveni monografiji odpiramo interdisciplinarno diskusijo in kritično refleksijo z različnih (teoretičnih in praktičnih) zgodovinskih, umetniških, oblikovalskih, etnografskih, kulturnih in socioloških področij ter s tem povezujemo stroke in področja, ki v prostoru kulturne izmenjave pogosto delujejo povezano, v akademskih krogih pa preredko prestopajo meje. Pričujoča monografija načrtno gradi na iskanju občih stičišč naštetih področij, pri čemer besedila vzpostavljajo kumulativen miselni temelj, a ga hkrati nenehno prečijo in tako ustvarjajo nove povezave, nova znanja. Se pa miselni preplet ne ustavi zgolj tu. S tem ko avtorji prečijo ustaljeno, ustvarjajo diskontinuiteto, katere učinek je tvorjenje zmožnosti za spremenjen način mišljenja in delovanja, pa tudi za drugačno razumevanje potencialno emancipatornih učinkov polpretekle zgodovine.

Večji del znanstvenih prispevkov izrašča iz najnovejših teoretičnih raziskav, ki jih avtorji izvajajo v okviru raziskovalnega projekta Modeli in prakse mednarodne kulturne izmenjave Gibanja neuvrščenih: raziskovanje prostorsko-časovnih kulturnih dinamik, financiranega s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. Te dopolnjujejo raziskave, ki zaznamujejo in določajo tako polpreteklo kot aktualno stanje v umetnosti, pri čemer obravnavajo teoretične pojave, ki nas vodijo k nenehnemu preizpraševanju o tem, kako nujna je razširitev umetnostnega polja. Besedila temeljijo na bogatem arhivskem gradivu iz domačih arhivskih zbirk: Arhiva Republike Slovenije, Arhiva Mednarodnega grafičnega likovnega centra, Arhiva Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja ter Arhiva Muzeja za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, pa tudi tujih arhivskih zbirk: Arhiva Jugoslavije, Diplomatskega arhiva Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Srbije, Muzeja Jugoslavije in Arhiva oblikovanja Univerze v Brightonu. Pričujoče delo bo bralcem v večini primerov prvič osvetlilo spregledane, a za razumevanje današnjega konteksta nujne odnose, ki vsakič znova soočajo obstoječe in prevladujoče kulturnopolitične naracije.

ISBN: 978-961-7104-17-2

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Research paper thumbnail of Umetnost med prakso in teorijo. Teoretski pogledi na umetnostno realnost na pragu tretjega tisočletja

Umetnost med prakso in teorijo. Teoretski pogledi na umetnostno realnost na pragu tretjega tisočletja, 2021

Pred nami je enajst teoretskih prispevkov o raziskavah s področja umetnostne zgodovine, likovne t... more Pred nami je enajst teoretskih prispevkov o raziskavah s področja umetnostne zgodovine, likovne teorije, estetike, umetnostne teorije, teorije in zgodovine oblikovanja, teorije in zgodovine konservatorstva-restavratorstva, scenske in vizualne umetnosti, ki so premišljeno razvrščeni v tri področja: estetika, likovne vede in teatrologija. Pobudnica celotnega projekta – tj. vzpostavitve diskusije in refleksije med različnimi strokovnimi področji umetnosti oz. na raziskovalnih področjih umetniških akademij Univerze v Ljubljani in vpogleda v delo raziskovalk in raziskovalcev na umetniškem, oblikovalskem in scenskem področju – je Katedra za teoretične vede Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, ki je povabila k sodelovanju kolege z Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo ter sodelujoče predavatelje z Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teoretski in zgodovinski vidiki botanične ilustracije

Zbirka ampelografskih upodobitev Vinzenza in Conrada Kreuzerja, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Death in Design / Smrt v oblikovanju

In his book Immortality, Milan Kundera made an incisive remark: “To be mortal is the most basic h... more In his book Immortality, Milan Kundera made an incisive remark: “To be mortal is the most basic human experience, and yet man has never been able to accept it, grasp it, and behave accordingly. Man doesn't know how to be mortal. And when he dies, he doesn't even know how to be dead.” The exhibition and book question clichéd responses, sayings, and ideas on death. The omnipresent – and yet remote – death.

There’s no point in avoiding the subject. This is a book about death.

About death and about design. With design being a tool for dealing with a selection of questions related to death. The word selection is pivotal because the exhibition does not deal with all the important questions about death, but opens up those that interested us, and which we hope are important.

Seeing as how death is endless and consequently immeasurable, we decided to measure it – at least partially – in measurable life. We decided to observe, measure and interpret the results and experiences we acquired from the delivered lectures and workshops. In eight months, we carried out eight 4- to 6-hour workshops in Ljubljana, Graz, Zagreb, and Bihać.

The exhibition and the book examines the advantages and disadvantages of a world without death, and offers pointers on how to detect, depict, explain, kill, and survive death. The exhibition encourages you, the visitor, to refute, reflect, frown upon, remember, and be entertained. All the responses are correct. Or, as we repeatedly emphasized at the workshops: all thoughts are welcome. Including a crumpled sheet of paper in the bin.

Pekinpah Association and Institut of Design, Ljubljana

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing an Agenda, or, How to Avoid Solving Problems That Aren’t

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Research paper thumbnail of Design Education: What do you see? What do you think about it? What do you make of it?

The question is an old one. How do you teach in a way that students actually learn something? In ... more The question is an old one. How do you teach in a way that students actually learn something? In a way that they actually acquire knowledge? And what does it mean to acquire knowledge?

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Research paper thumbnail of On information design (e-book)

The Museum of Architecture and Design published together with the co-publisher The Pekinpah Assoc... more The Museum of Architecture and Design published together with the co-publisher The Pekinpah Association an electronic book On Information Design edited by Petra Černe Oven and Cvetka Požar. The book registers one of the series of lectures in the theory of architecture and design Information Design 2009/2010 that ran from November 2009 to October 2010 at MAO. The lectures were the first lectures in our cultural region ever to focus on the topic of information design.

Six internationally recognized experts presented the field of information design to the Slovene public: Yuri Engelhardt, Rob Waller, Jorge Frascara, Karel van der Waarde, Malcolm Garrett and Karen Schriver. They spoke about the selection, visualization, interpretation, and communication of data. Each lecturer addressed a specific aspect of the information design, but the contributions have a few themes in common; information design that is focused on the needs of people, that is gaining interest among an increasing number of visual communication designers, that depends more on theory, empirical research and testing and improves communication.

Read and download for free the contributions of lecturers in the electronic book published in separate Slovene and English edition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Miljenko Licul (ed.)

504 pp about one of the most prolific Slovene designer, Miljenko Licul, who was instrumental in b... more 504 pp about one of the most prolific Slovene designer, Miljenko Licul, who was instrumental in building identity of Slovenian state in 1990s.

Published by: Fundacija Brumen & National Gallery of Slovenia

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Research paper thumbnail of Edward Wright: readings, writings (ed.)

"The book, published by the University of Reading, is not an exhibition catalogue. It was planned... more "The book, published by the University of Reading, is not an exhibition catalogue. It was planned, instead, as a companion to the exhibition. It brings back into circulation some forgotten texts written about Edward Wright by contemporaries – collaborators, students, and critics. It republishes an important handful of Wright’s own writings from diverse sources. The book ends with two very useful listings: a biographical outline of Edward Wright and a bibliography of writings about and by him."
Hyphen Press / University of Reading

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Pedagogical Approach with the Aim of Empowering Educators and Students to Address Emerging Global Issues such as Climate Change and Social Justice: A Case Study

Sustainability, Dec 15, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Metodološki pristopi pri vizualnem posredovanju znanstvenih vsebin za uporabo pri raziskovalnem projektu

Robovi, stičišča in utopije prijateljstva: spregledane kulturne izmenjave v senci politike

V znanstveni monografiji odpiramo interdisciplinarno diskusijo in kritično refleksijo z različnih... more V znanstveni monografiji odpiramo interdisciplinarno diskusijo in kritično refleksijo z različnih (teoretičnih in praktičnih) zgodovinskih, umetniških, oblikovalskih, etnografskih, kulturnih in socioloških področij ter s tem povezujemo stroke in področja, ki v prostoru kulturne izmenjave pogosto delujejo povezano, v akademskih krogih pa preredko prestopajo meje. Pričujoča monografija načrtno gradi na iskanju občih stičišč naštetih področij, pri čemer besedila vzpostavljajo kumulativen miselni temelj, a ga hkrati nenehno prečijo in tako ustvarjajo nove povezave, nova znanja. Se pa miselni preplet ne ustavi zgolj tu. S tem ko avtorji prečijo ustaljeno, ustvarjajo diskontinuiteto, katere učinek je tvorjenje zmožnosti za spremenjen način mišljenja in delovanja, pa tudi za drugačno razumevanje potencialno emancipatornih učinkov polpretekle zgodovine. Večji del znanstvenih prispevkov izrašča iz najnovejših teoretičnih raziskav, ki jih avtorji izvajajo v okviru raziskovalnega projekta Modeli in prakse mednarodne kulturne izmenjave Gibanja neuvrščenih: raziskovanje prostorsko-časovnih kulturnih dinamik, financiranega s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. Te dopolnjujejo raziskave, ki zaznamujejo in določajo tako polpreteklo kot aktualno stanje v umetnosti, pri čemer obravnavajo teoretične pojave, ki nas vodijo k nenehnemu preizpraševanju o tem, kako nujna je razširitev umetnostnega polja. Besedila temeljijo na bogatem arhivskem gradivu iz domačih arhivskih zbirk: Arhiva Republike Slovenije, Arhiva Mednarodnega grafičnega likovnega centra, Arhiva Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja ter Arhiva Muzeja za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, pa tudi tujih arhivskih zbirk: Arhiva Jugoslavije, Diplomatskega arhiva Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Srbije, Muzeja Jugoslavije in Arhiva oblikovanja Univerze v Brightonu. Pričujoče delo bo bralcem v večini primerov prvič osvetlilo spregledane, a za razumevanje današnjega konteksta nujne odnose, ki vsakič znova soočajo obstoječe in prevladujoče kulturnopolitične naracije. ISBN: 978-961-7104-17-2

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Research paper thumbnail of Nove črke za novo dobo: univerzalna abeceda Jožefa Poklukarja

Obdobja 37. Starejši mediji slovenske književnosti: Rokopisi in tiski

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Research paper thumbnail of Ernest Hoch and reasoning in typography

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Research paper thumbnail of Umetnost med prakso in teorijo

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Research paper thumbnail of Jožef Poklukar’s Universal Alphabet: A Utopian Project to Solve Notation of Special Slavonic Sounds

Central Europe, Jul 2, 2020

ABSTRACT This article describes the utopian alphabet project of Slovenian clergyman Jožef Pokluka... more ABSTRACT This article describes the utopian alphabet project of Slovenian clergyman Jožef Poklukar, in which he tried to establish a universal alphabet for the notation of the Slavic languages in the 19th century. Despite the fact that Czech diacritical marks were accepted in Slovenian orthography in the late 1840s, he wanted to start another reform due to his view that diacritics were not satisfactory. Poklukar began working on the project in the 1820s, but published the first version of the alphabet only in 1851. After that, he intensively developed his alphabet and published numerous updated versions of lithographic tables in daily newspapers and as a publisher. Printed material sources were used as the core material of the research. Although his project was interesting from a linguistic and typographic point of view, it had no influence on the orthography and remains an example of a utopian project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Pedagogical Approach with the Aim of Empowering Educators and Students to Address Emerging Global Issues such as Climate Change and Social Justice: A Case Study

Sustainability, 2023

The “Green Nudges” program, developed within the framework of the United Nations Environment Prog... more The “Green Nudges” program, developed within the framework of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), is based on behavioral science and nudge theory. Aimed primarily at universities, it explores ways to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Studies show that many young people recognize climate change as a major problem but that it leaves them feeling helpless and anxious—something that our teaching practice confirms. As we had had no success teaching sustainability using conventional approaches, we used the pedagogical design capacity (PDC) principle to develop a novel workshop format and implement it in a pilot series of three repeated workshops. The workshop concept is based on empowering educators and students to tackle emerging global issues while also boosting critical thinking, field research, and teamwork skills. An important part of the integration of different tools was based on supporting students’ self-direction and knowledge- and evidence-based decision making. The results demonstrate that the proposed pedagogical framework resonates with and empowers students. At the same time, the workshop empowers educators to competently navigate complex and sustainability-oriented topics within the field of education for sustainable development (ESD).

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Scientific Illustration in Slovenia through Historical, Political, and Technological Perspective

The International Journal of Visual Design

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Research paper thumbnail of Iskanje sinergij med znanostjo in oblikovanjem

Časopis za kritiko znanosti, ISSN 0351-4285, 2016, letn. 44, št. 265, str. 120-133, 2016

In today’s world the boundaries between disciplines seem to be becoming increasingly blurred. Too... more In today’s world the boundaries between disciplines seem to be becoming increasingly blurred. Tools, once used only by professionals, are nowadays accessible to all, irrespective of their initial experience and knowledge. The question arises, what is the difference between science and design, where are their junctions and where are the conflicts between them? This text attempts to compare science and visual communication design through the analysis of process, methods and examples of design practice, where the areas met, intersected, or developed in parallel. The design profession, as a discipline at the crossroads of science, art and technology, has had, long before any official formal establishment, representatives, who were involved in changing things with visual communication tools. Historical examples as well as contemporary trends in this field enable us to conclude that science and visual communication design are not only related, but they can also mutually influence each other. Therefore the future offers great potential in the interdisciplinary collaboration between the two areas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sočasnost, soodvisnost in drugačna logika postajanja

Časopis za kritiko znanosti, 2016

Povzetek Trditev, da sta oblikovanje in znanost le različni vrsti intelektualnega študija in prod... more Povzetek
Trditev, da sta oblikovanje in znanost le različni vrsti intelektualnega študija in produkcije, nista pa različna sama po sebi, velja v večini znanstvenih in oblikovalskih strok za nasprotovanje konvencionalnemu stališču. Torej stališču, da so med oblikovanjem in znanostjo tolikšne razlike, da ju ni mogoče enačiti. Misel o tem, da znanost in oblikovanje vendarle nista tako različna, v razpravi The Simone-Kroes model of technical artifacts and the distinction between science and design razvijata Robert Farrell in Cliff Hooker. Rokavico sta pobrala Per Galle in Peter Kroes, ki sta poskušala v razpravi Science and design: Identical twins? ovreči provokativno tezo in si v zameno zadala nalogo, da poglobljeno konceptualno razjasnita odnos med znanostjo in oblikovanjem. Pričujoči članek – sledeč znanstvenim teorijam – v treh izbranih dilemah sooča aktualne argumente o (ne)enakosti znanosti in oblikovanja.
Ključne besede: oblikovanje, znanost umetnega, oblikovalska znanost, artefakt

Co-occurrence, interdependence and a different logic of becoming
Among science and design professionals, claims that design and science are merely two different types of intellectual study and production rather than being distinct in kind are largely considered as opposing the conventional view, i.e. that sharp distinctions between design and science make it impossible to equate the two. Nevertheless, in their paper “The Simone-Kroes model of technical artifacts and the distinction between science and design”, Robert Farrell and Cliff Hooker introduce the notion that the separation of science and design is not radical. Per Galle and Peter Kroes pick up the gauntlet, attempting to refute the controversial claim in their paper “Science and design: Identical twins?”, instead aiming to provide an in-depth conceptual clarification of the science–design relationship. Based on scientific theories, this article examines the relevant arguments about the (dis)similitude between science and design.
Keywords: design, science of the artificial, design science, artifact

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Research paper thumbnail of Modern typography in Britain: graphic design, politics, and society / with Paul Stiff

Typography papers 8, 2009

This remarkable volume is a collection of eleven essays and shorter articles which for the first ... more This remarkable volume is a collection of eleven essays and shorter articles which for the first time provide rich contexts – social, cultural, and political – for graphic design in Britain.

Hyphen Press / University of Reading

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Research paper thumbnail of "Breaking New Ground with Brush and Story. Analysis of the Visual Image of the Slovenian Children’s Magazine Ciciban During the Era of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia"

Likovne besede / Artworlds, 2017

Ciciban is a Slovenian children’s magazine. It is an example of excellent editorial, typographic ... more Ciciban is a Slovenian children’s magazine. It is an example of excellent
editorial, typographic and publishing achievement unparalleled by any of
the later examples. Through its 70-year long history, Ciciban has served as a driving force of education and enlightened emancipation of young readers through a rich typography, excellent illustration and high level of
Rooted in contemporary society, the magazine’s issues were heavily influenced by the cultural changes and nuances in the political regime through the decades. In the aftermath of WW2, when it started as an optimistic modernist project, topics predominantly reflected national (Yugoslav) consciousness, the bravery of partisans as well as the commitment to Tito’s agenda. This was later replaced with topics such as technology and science running in parallel with literature, poetry, drama, art, music and sports. Articles highlighted the everyday concerns of children, and also began to tackle less common topics such as gender equality, nature preservations, etc. very early on. Visual narratives were produced through the teamwork of illustrators, designers, psychologists and teachers, who participated in editorial boards and used the opportunity to help teachers in classrooms with useful materials
connected to the school curriculum. This was a modern changing world
presented to children through fun subject matters, a lot of interactivity, and supported with exquisite illustrations and design. From the very beginning, the most renowned Slovenian artists participated in the production of the magazine, which was printed to a very high standard, normally rarely used for this kind of genre.
Today, Ciciban is a showcase of the crème de la crème of Slovenian illustrators, but important lessons and inspirations can also be drawn from the printing and typography of the magazine.

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Research paper thumbnail of Štorm: living history. The unbearable lightness of being a type designer in Prague

Eye magazine, 2003

Eye no. 50 vol. 13, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of The ABCs of J-FP. A passion for classic typefaces drives Porchez’s innovative fonts

Eye no. 45 vol. 12, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of An interview with Robin Kinross

Emzin, vol. 9, nos. 1–2, 1999 "This interview was recorded in London on 28 May 1999, and publishe... more Emzin, vol. 9, nos. 1–2, 1999
"This interview was recorded in London on 28 May 1999, and published in Slovenian translation in the cultural magazine ‘Emzin’ (vol. 9, nos. 1–2). In making this transcription, we have made some clarifications and expansions of what was said." (RK)

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Research paper thumbnail of Grafično oblikovanje in tipografija kot rezultat družbenih procesov

Časopis za kritiko znanosti, letnik 33, številka 222, str. 267-282. , 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of V čem merimo živost oblikovanja?

O ... oblikovanje! Med vizijo in realnostjo, 2018

Kratek prispevek načne vprašanji: Kaj pomeni »biti živ« v kontekstu oblikovanja? in Kako »živo« j... more Kratek prispevek načne vprašanji: Kaj pomeni »biti živ« v kontekstu oblikovanja? in Kako »živo« je oblikovanje?

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Research paper thumbnail of Študije primerov: Seznam dokumentov, ki izpostavljajo pomen in vlogo vključevanja oblikovanja v javni in zasebni sektor (izbor)

Javni sektor: nosilec napredka?, 2015

Uredila: Barbara Predan Društvo Pekinpah, February 2015 Zbornik besedil na temo vpeljevanja obli... more Uredila: Barbara Predan
Društvo Pekinpah, February 2015

Zbornik besedil na temo vpeljevanja oblikovanja in inovacij v javni sektor. Gre za prvi zbornik, ki je na izbrano temo izšel v slovenskem jeziku.

Barbara Predan
Javni sektor: nosilec napredka?

Lucy Kimbell
Kaj obsegajo profesionalne oblikovalske veščine?

Jesper Christiansen in Laura Bunt
Prenova javne politike: upoštevanje družbene kompleksnosti in negotovosti pri oblikovanju javnih storitev

Guy Julier
Politične ekonomije oblikovalskega aktivizma in javni sektor

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Research paper thumbnail of CODEC | New education model(s): Future of design education

The report’s primary goal is to inform and provide a guide for future strategies in design educat... more The report’s primary goal is to inform and provide a guide for future strategies in design education, in order to ensure the beneficial impact of design as a key player in our unfolding future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza digitalne prisotnosti RS po parametrih vizualnih komunikacij in razumevanja storitvene kulture za potrebe projekta eUprava2 / In Slovene only

Namen pričujoče analize je skozi očala uporabnika državnih spletnih portalov analitično preverit... more Namen pričujoče analize je skozi očala uporabnika državnih
spletnih portalov analitično preveriti prisotnost, dostopnost,
razumljivost in predvsem učinkovitost javno dostopnih storitev
na spletu.

Analiza preverja funkcionalne načine (vizualnega) komuniciranja
ter izkoriščanja storitvene kulture na relaciji med državno upravo
in državljani, pa tudi notranji pretok in vzpostavljeno hierarhijo
informacij v državni in javni upravi (med zaposlenimi).

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Research paper thumbnail of Reviewer: dr. Karel van der Waarde, The Netherlands // Designing an Agenda, or, How to Avoid Solving Problems That Aren’t

The book provides a thorough introduction into Information design and Service design. It accurate... more The book provides a thorough introduction into Information design and Service design. It accurately positions professional practice, reviews relevant literature, shows case studies, and provides many links to external sources. The bilingual text immediately shows the international character of information and service design and emphasizes that the practical situations that need urgent attention are common across societies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reviewer: Professor Sue Walker, UK // Designing an Agenda, or, How to Avoid Solving Problems That Aren’t

This book is about service design and information design and how both are complementary. It valid... more This book is about service design and information design and how both are complementary. It validates the social usefulness of design and its impact; and reinforces the role that service and
information designers can and should play in transforming products and processes in business, government and health. The authors present a methodological approach to improving people’s lives through actively involving designers and stakeholders in the process of solving problems faced by people in their daily lives in such a way that those who deliver services or information also benefit.

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Research paper thumbnail of Photo Diary / A one-day international symposium on (alternative) pedagogical practices

The turn of the millennium witnessed many fresh strides toward a new thinking in design education... more The turn of the millennium witnessed many fresh strides toward a new thinking in design education. In 2001 Alain Findeli set out three priorities for the design field: ‘a discussion on the purpose of design’, ‘the reform of design education’, and, as ‘there can be no responsible design without a responsible designer, ... the development of an individualistic ethics’.

The symposium had addresse Findeli's priorities, particularly the reform of design education. Lately, there have been numerous calls for a thorough reform of the field. We're told that change is overdue, but have these calls contributed to any noticeable change in the practice of design education? Are we treading the path shown to us by Alain Findeli ... or are we stuck, unable to move past the first priority?

In his book Becoming Human by Design, Tony Fry introduces a new way of understanding the objective of design. Fry writes: "We have always been partly formed by the way we form our world, what we have never done is to make such action a conscious, directed and deliberate transformation of the self." This fundamental change of the purpose of design sheds a new, profoundly critical light on Findeli's priorities. The question is: what do we see in this new light?

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Research paper thumbnail of Ciciban: Designing young readers through typography

ATypI 2016, Warsaw, Poland; Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw ASP, 2016

Petra Černe Oven ATypI 2016 • Warsaw, Poland Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw ASP Ciciban, a child... more Petra Černe Oven
ATypI 2016 • Warsaw, Poland
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw ASP

Ciciban, a children magazine published in the socialist state with capitalist aspirations. Illustrated history with occasional ironic twist from a critical perspective

Ciciban is a Slovenian children's magazine. It is an example of excellent editorial, typographical and publishing achievement unparalleled by any of the later examples. Through the 70-year long history Ciciban served as a driving force of education and enlightened emancipation of “little people” through rich typography, excellent illustrations and high level of interactivity. Rooted in contemporary society, issues were highly influenced by cultural changes and nuances in political regime. In the aftermath of the WW2 topics predominantly reflected national (Yugoslav) consciousness, bravery of partisans and commitment to Tito’s agenda. This was replaced with topics such as technology and science running in parallel with stories and poetry. Articles highlighted everyday concerns of children, and very early on they started to tackle less common topics of gender equality, nature preservations etc. It was a modern changing world presented to children through fun. Today Ciciban is a showcase of the crème de la crème of Slovenian illustrators, but important lessons and inspirations can be drawn also from the printing and typography. Why? Through typography the convergence of aforementioned fields and topics was made possible. The urging question for contemporary designers is how to continue with the same quality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Closing Keynote: News from Nowhere | Petra Cerne Oven | ATypI 2019 Tokyo

Association Typographique Internationale, 2019

Petra Černe Oven’s closing keynote presentation will interweave three layers. The first layer wil... more Petra Černe Oven’s closing keynote presentation will interweave three layers. The first layer will offer a glimpse into the work of influential Slovenian modernist architect, sculptor, and graphic designer Jože Brumen (1930–2000). The second layer will reflect upon Černe Oven’s findings and connected research process. And the third layer will put historical research into the context of contemporary design and its future. This exploration will point to the existence of many hidden gems which are not yet on the world map of “official” design history. In 2010, design thinker Victor Margolin said, “the history of design is central to the history of the world.” Černe Oven thinks that it’s high time we begin mapping all of its missing parts. To this end, she will broach questions about the relationship between design and history and the importance of rigorous research, while addressing the obstacles and pitfalls of such undertakings. Projects from the past can lend insights into technological development, as well as the influence of the geopolitical contexts which shaped the design professions of individual cultures. Only through gaining an understanding of their roots and their collective pasts may designers find professional identity and recognize the role of design in contemporary society. With all of this in mind, they may envision solutions for the future: solutions which will bring about a positive change to the (for now) bleak prospects surrounding the presence of humans on Spaceship Earth.

Association Typographique Internationale is the global forum and focal point for the type community and business.

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and Crisis

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Research paper thumbnail of A Set of Social Games for Senior Citizens with Dementia / D9 (A Case Study)

DOP and editing: Boris Benko Script: Barbara Predan (Pekinpah) and Boris Benko Music: The Mist,... more DOP and editing: Boris Benko
Script: Barbara Predan (Pekinpah) and Boris Benko
Music: The Mist, Silence

The Set of Social Games for Senior Citizens with Dementia / D9 was designed and developed by Jože Carli, Petra Černe Oven, Brina Fekonja, Breda Klančič, Katarina Kranjc, Gregor Makovec, Jure Miklavc, Barbara Predan, Urška Preis, Barbara Šušteršič, Silva Vitez

Partners: Nursing Home Ljubljana Vič Rudnik – Bokalce branch, Papilot Institute, Nursing Home Fužine, Associate Professor dr Aleš Kogoj, MD

Studio Miklavc / Pekinpah Association project manager: Jure Milklavc
RRA LUR project manager: Nataša Mršol
Head of RRA LUR's creative camp / project conceptualization: Tina Pezdirc Nograšek
Produced by Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region (RRA LUR)

The Set of Social Games for Senior Citizens with Dementia was conceptualized during the »Designing an Agenda, or, How to Avoid Solving Problems That Aren’t« creative camp in April 2013
Idea by: Brina Fekonja, Breda Klančič, Katarina Kranjc, Gregor Makovec, Urška Preis
Mentors: dr. Petra Černe Oven, dr. Barbara Predan (Pekinpah, ALUO)

Organization: RRA LUR and the Pekinpah Association

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing young readers through typography

ATypI • Warsaw, Poland, 2016

Ciciban, a children magazine published in the socialist state with capitalist aspirations. Illust... more Ciciban, a children magazine published in the socialist state with capitalist aspirations. Illustrated history with occasional ironic twist from a critical perspective

Ciciban is a Slovenian children's magazine. It is an example of excellent editorial, typographical and publishing achievement unparalleled by any of the later examples. Through the 70-year long history Ciciban served as a driving force of education and enlightened emancipation of “little people” through rich typography, excellent illustrations and high level of interactivity. Rooted in contemporary society, issues were highly influenced by cultural changes and nuances in political regime. In the aftermath of the WW2 topics predominantly reflected national (Yugoslav) consciousness, bravery of partisans and commitment to Tito’s agenda. This was replaced with topics such as technology and science running in parallel with stories and poetry. Articles highlighted everyday concerns of children, and very early on they started to tackle less common topics of gender equality, nature preservations etc. It was a modern changing world presented to children through fun. Today Ciciban is a showcase of the crème de la crème of Slovenian illustrators, but important lessons and inspirations can be drawn also from the printing and typography. Why? Through typography the convergence of aforementioned fields and topics was made possible. The urging question for contemporary designers is how to continue with the same energy, sharpness and excellency.

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