darja mertelj | University of Ljubljana (original) (raw)

Papers by darja mertelj

Research paper thumbnail of L1 e Traduzione Didattica Nel Teacher Talk Degli Insegnanti DI Italiano e DI Inglese Come Lingue Straniere Per Scopi Specialistici

Nelle ricerche glottodidattiche di lingue straniere/seconde relativamente scarsa l'attenzione... more Nelle ricerche glottodidattiche di lingue straniere/seconde relativamente scarsa l'attenzione è indirizzata alla ricerca empirica del teacher talk, il parlato degli insegnanti usato in classe, particolarmente scarsa risulta quella riferita al parlato degli insegnanti di lingue straniere per obiettivi specialistici. Inoltre, in quest'ambito le ricerche sull'utilizzo intenzionale di L1 e della traduzione didattica tra gli insegnanti di LSsp sono quasi inesistenti. Pertanto, il presente studio si premette di indagare sull'uso di L1 e traduzione didattica, in base all'analisi qualitativa in classi 'italiane' e 'inglesi' osservate, mirando in particolare alle differenze tra gli insegnanti d'italiano e d'inglese, e agli usi di traduzione didattica come tecnica per sviluppare competenze produttive nei generi testuali della LSsp. Gli esiti ci inducono alla conclusione che la traduzione didattica si usa occasionalmente, per la precisazione terminol...

Research paper thumbnail of Pogostnost in raznolikost podrednih skladenjskih vzorcev v književnih delih Seta in La luna e i falò

Journal for Foreign Languages, 2010

Skladenjsko kompleksne povedi so pogosto vitalni del književnega jezika. Namen tega prispevka je ... more Skladenjsko kompleksne povedi so pogosto vitalni del književnega jezika. Namen tega prispevka je predstaviti skladenjsko raznolikost dveh italijanskih daljših književnih besedil, primernih tudi za obravnavanje v srednješolskem okolju, in nakazati morebitne jezikovne težave, ki bi jih lahko imeli slovenski učenci zaradi skladenjske raznolikosti. Analiza se osredotoča na podredne stavke, ki jih uvajajo vezniki se, anche se in come se in ki lahko uvajajo različne odvisnike: večina je takih, ki slovenskemu in drugim slovanskim učencem italijanščine povzroča težave zaradi interferenc pri izboru ustrezne glagolske paradigme v odvisniku. Pokazalo se je, da se vsi obravnavani tipi odvisnikov pojavljajo v obeh italijanskih romanih Seta (slov. Svila) in La luna e i falò (slov. Luna in kresovi) z določeno stalnostjo, vendar jih ne moremo opredeliti kot zelo pogoste. Zaradi svojega sorazmerno sporadičnega pojavljanja, toda visoke raznolikosti, ne morejo tvoriti stabilnega vnosa za učence: uspeš...

Research paper thumbnail of Pogostnost in raznolikost večstavčnih povedi v italijanskih neknjiževnih besedilih

Journal for Foreign Languages, 2009

Če prisluhnemo italijanskim telenovelam, nič bolj ali manj črno-belo dolgočasnim (ali za marsik... more Če prisluhnemo italijanskim telenovelam, nič bolj ali manj črno-belo dolgočasnim (ali za marsikoga zanimivim) kot so španske, mehiške in druge, tudi v italijanščini lahko slišimo skladenjske vzorce in rabe glagolskih časov, ki bi si jih spričo lahkotnosti žanra morda ne zamišljali.

Research paper thumbnail of Complex Clause Syntax in the Italian Classroom – the Learners Between Transfer and Interference

Journal for Foreign Languages, 2014

When teaching Italian as a foreign language, learners’ insecurities about using conjunctions and ... more When teaching Italian as a foreign language, learners’ insecurities about using conjunctions and tenses in subordinate clauses can be noticed very early. Temporality, relative temporality and modality are signalled by Italian verb forms which function in a largely different (or apparently similar) way in comparison to Slovene. If ‘true’ similarities can be exploited in the process of teaching/learning by means of a positive transfer, apparent ‘similarities’ and ‘differences’ between the two language systems should, on the other hand, be clarified to avoid negative transfer (interference). During the whole learning process language awareness should be developed, also through contrastive insights into the linguistic systems concerned. Taking as a starting point a text suitable for level B1, some problematic points are presented, for which a series of tasks can be suggested with the aim of helping the learner master complex clause syntax and develop language awareness.Key words: Italia...

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Talk in Higher Education as a Language for Specific Purposes Its Features and LSP Teachers Awareness

Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, Jul 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Necrologio per Vesna Deželjin, Università di Zagabria e Università di Fiume

Journal for Foreign Languages

A causa della sua prematura dipartita abbiamo perso non solo una collega ma anche una cara amica ... more A causa della sua prematura dipartita abbiamo perso non solo una collega ma anche una cara amica Vesna Deželjin, docente presso il Dipartimento di Italianistica della Facoltà di Filosofia di Zagabria e quello di Fiume. Vesna è stata un’eccellente docente, ricercatrice e conferenziere, una donna di rara umanità, sempre aperta e accogliente, instancabilmente dedicata alla lingua italiana nei suoi molteplici aspetti sincronici e diacronici: come madrelingua, lingua seconda, straniera, d’origine, etnica, ereditaria, in contatto con altre lingue e con il croato.

Research paper thumbnail of Terminologia professionale in italiano - Strokovna terminologija v italijanskem jeziku: Gradivo za 1. in/ali 2. letnik višješolskega programa Gostinstvo in turizem, da Maja Maričić

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Talk in Higher Education as a Language for Specific Purposes: Its Features and LSP Teachers’ Awareness

A R T I C L E H I S T O R Y Content list available at http://ijltr.urmia.ac.ir Iranian Journal of... more A R T I C L E H I S T O R Y Content list available at http://ijltr.urmia.ac.ir Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research 10.30466/ijltr.2019.120699 84 Darja Mertelj/Teacher talk in highe education as ... Introduction and Review of Literature Within the foreign language (from now on: FL) teaching/learning context, it is surprising how relatively low explicit, direct attention has been given to empirical research of the actual FL teachers’ language used in class (teacher talk) (Sešek, 2005; Sešek, 2007; for a thorough overview see Khany & Malmir, 2017). Only in recent years has this received more attention with (still rare) systematic, comprehensive and in-depth empirical studies (Khany & Malmir, 2017). On the other hand, the authors of teachers’ manuals (for teaching FL for general or specific purposes, from now on: FLge or FLsp) seem to have considered it thoroughly over many decades, for instance in the form not only of implicit hints but explicit instructions (‘recitation scri...

Research paper thumbnail of Nemščina za etnologe in kulturne antropologe I / Deutsch für Ethnologen und Kulturantrophologen I. Saša Podgoršek. Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za germanistiko z nederlandistiko in skandinavistiko, Ljubljana (2015). 163 strani. ISBN: 978-961-237-797-7

Research paper thumbnail of Neki aspekti i studije slučaja o poučavanju slovenačkih učenika sintaksi italijanske složene rečenice

The paper presents some results about the mastery of complex-clause syntax among Slovenian high-s... more The paper presents some results about the mastery of complex-clause syntax among Slovenian high-school students who learn Italian as a foreign language. The author starts from the premise that the mastery of syntax is an objective to be achieved at the receptive and, to a degree, also at the productive level. Hence, what knowledge mostly secondary school leavers have developed is shown according to various groups of learners. Different types of knowledge were tested: intuitive comprehension, metalinguistic knowledge and the productive knowledge of complex syntactic structures. The results seem to imply that a considerable lack of appropriate knowledge has been identified, in particular at the productive level. It is here where problems arise, since for Slovenian learners the syntax of Italian complex clauses is objectively difficult. It presupposes the speaker’s ability to master the system and use of tenses, which are perceived as particularly hard to learn.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Aspects and Case Studies About Teaching Italian Complex Clause Syntax to Slovenian Learners

The paper presents some results about the mastery of complex-clause syntax among Slovenian high-s... more The paper presents some results about the mastery of complex-clause syntax among Slovenian high-school students who learn Italian as a foreign language. The author starts from the premise that the mastery of syntax is an objective to be achieved at the receptive and, to a degree, also at the productive level. Hence, what knowledge mostly secondary school leavers have developed is shown according to various groups of learners. Di erent types of knowledge were tested: intuitive comprehension, metalinguistic knowledge and the productive knowledge of complex syntactic structures. The results seem to imply that a considerable lack of appropriate knowledge has been identiÞ ed, in particular at the productive level. It is here where problems arise, since for Slovenian learners the syntax of Italian complex clauses is objectively di! cult. It presupposes the speaker’s ability to master the system and use of tenses, which are perceived as particularly hard to learn.

Research paper thumbnail of Raba avtentičnih video gradiv pri pouku strokovne angleščine z namenom razvijanja jezikovnih spretnosti in bogatenja besednega zaklada

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogical uses of authentic video in ESP classrooms for developing language skills and enriching vocabulary

Authentic video has an established role in the teaching of General English (GE) in conventional l... more Authentic video has an established role in the teaching of General English (GE) in conventional language classrooms. What has been under-researched, however, is the role of authentic video in the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) setting, where despite being common, video is still considered a peripheral product. In the teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), which also draws onto findings made in the field of GE, little research has been made into the use of authentic video in both conventional and virtual language environments (VLEs). In order to better understand the role of video in ESP teaching in general and to identify potential areas that call for further research, this paper will explore how authentic video is used to develop the four language skills, audiovisual reception, and vocabulary, in the Slovene higher education area. The research is based on qualitative research methodology, more specifically on semi-structured interviews with ESP teachers and te...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning vocabulary and communication at the beginner's level of Italian as a foreign language for specific purposes

Research paper thumbnail of Učni načrti, ravni znanja tujega jezika stroke in gradiva v višješolskih strokovnih programih

Politika poucevanja/ucenja tujih jezikov v slovenskem solstvu po srednjesolski ravni je razvidna:... more Politika poucevanja/ucenja tujih jezikov v slovenskem solstvu po srednjesolski ravni je razvidna: odraža se v tem, da ne podpira (vec) poucevanja in ucenja tujih jezikov stroke (odslej: TJS) kot nujnih znanj in vescin, ki naj bi jih do ustrezne ravni razvil diplomant katerekoli fakultete (prim. Jurkovic in Djuric, 2008). V zadnjem desetletju smo namrec v visokem solstvu prica dvojemu: najprej porastu prostora za ustvarjanje takih znanj (prim. Djuric, 1996; Godunc, 2003), v casu prenove bolonjskih programov pa vztrajnemu in mestoma znatnemu zmanjsevanju stevila ur ter nabora tujih jezikov stroke (prim. Jakos, 2007; Svetlin Gvardjancic, 2008; Djuric in drugi, 2008). Podobno se je zgodilo s TJS v visjesolskih strokovnih programih, ki jih izvajajo zasebne in javne izobraževalne ustanove ter so zasnovani kot nadgradnja poklicnega srednjesolskega izobraževanja. Kljub prvotno zastavljenim ucnim nacrtom s praviloma vec kot enim TJS se je v fazi prenove ucnih nacrtov v letih 2007 in 2008 zgo...

Research paper thumbnail of Tuji jezik stroke na začetni stopnji italijanščine : vloge učnega prevajanja

Research paper thumbnail of Izzivi jezika stroke v 21. stoletju : zbornik konference Slovenskega društva učiteljev tujega strokovnega jezika, Ljubljana, 5.-6. februar, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Maja Maričić: Strokovna terminologija v italijanskem jeziku

Research paper thumbnail of Deutsch für Ethnologen und Kulturantrophologen I / Nemščina za etnologe in kulturne antropologe I. Saša Podgoršek. Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za germanistiko z nederlandistiko in skandinavistiko, Ljubljana (2015). 163 pp., ISBN: 978-961-237-797-7

Research paper thumbnail of Hrvatsko-taljanski rječnik školskog jezika, 1. svezak, Priručnik za studente i nastavnike taljanskog jezika / Dizionario croato-italiano del linguaggio scolastico, Volume 1, Manuale per studenti e insegnanti d’italiano

Journal for Foreign Languages

Pričujoči priročnik oz. glosar šolskega jezika je nastajal na Hrvaškem, v obdobju od 2015 do 2020... more Pričujoči priročnik oz. glosar šolskega jezika je nastajal na Hrvaškem, v obdobju od 2015 do 2020, kot skupni podvig hrvaških glotodidaktičark štirih tujih/drugih jezikov, ki se poučujejo v hrvaških javnih šolah. Predmet preučevanja je bilo področje šolskega jezika pri pouku nemščine, angleščine, francoščine in italijanščine. V priročniku je zajet tako govorjeni jezik, kot so ga uporabljali učitelji in učenci v široki mreži sodelujočih šol, kot tudi izsledki preučevanja šolske dokumentacije, intervjujev s številnimi pristojnimi strokovnjaki s področja šolstva in učiteljev, ter iz primerjalnih študij.

Research paper thumbnail of L1 e Traduzione Didattica Nel Teacher Talk Degli Insegnanti DI Italiano e DI Inglese Come Lingue Straniere Per Scopi Specialistici

Nelle ricerche glottodidattiche di lingue straniere/seconde relativamente scarsa l'attenzione... more Nelle ricerche glottodidattiche di lingue straniere/seconde relativamente scarsa l'attenzione è indirizzata alla ricerca empirica del teacher talk, il parlato degli insegnanti usato in classe, particolarmente scarsa risulta quella riferita al parlato degli insegnanti di lingue straniere per obiettivi specialistici. Inoltre, in quest'ambito le ricerche sull'utilizzo intenzionale di L1 e della traduzione didattica tra gli insegnanti di LSsp sono quasi inesistenti. Pertanto, il presente studio si premette di indagare sull'uso di L1 e traduzione didattica, in base all'analisi qualitativa in classi 'italiane' e 'inglesi' osservate, mirando in particolare alle differenze tra gli insegnanti d'italiano e d'inglese, e agli usi di traduzione didattica come tecnica per sviluppare competenze produttive nei generi testuali della LSsp. Gli esiti ci inducono alla conclusione che la traduzione didattica si usa occasionalmente, per la precisazione terminol...

Research paper thumbnail of Pogostnost in raznolikost podrednih skladenjskih vzorcev v književnih delih Seta in La luna e i falò

Journal for Foreign Languages, 2010

Skladenjsko kompleksne povedi so pogosto vitalni del književnega jezika. Namen tega prispevka je ... more Skladenjsko kompleksne povedi so pogosto vitalni del književnega jezika. Namen tega prispevka je predstaviti skladenjsko raznolikost dveh italijanskih daljših književnih besedil, primernih tudi za obravnavanje v srednješolskem okolju, in nakazati morebitne jezikovne težave, ki bi jih lahko imeli slovenski učenci zaradi skladenjske raznolikosti. Analiza se osredotoča na podredne stavke, ki jih uvajajo vezniki se, anche se in come se in ki lahko uvajajo različne odvisnike: večina je takih, ki slovenskemu in drugim slovanskim učencem italijanščine povzroča težave zaradi interferenc pri izboru ustrezne glagolske paradigme v odvisniku. Pokazalo se je, da se vsi obravnavani tipi odvisnikov pojavljajo v obeh italijanskih romanih Seta (slov. Svila) in La luna e i falò (slov. Luna in kresovi) z določeno stalnostjo, vendar jih ne moremo opredeliti kot zelo pogoste. Zaradi svojega sorazmerno sporadičnega pojavljanja, toda visoke raznolikosti, ne morejo tvoriti stabilnega vnosa za učence: uspeš...

Research paper thumbnail of Pogostnost in raznolikost večstavčnih povedi v italijanskih neknjiževnih besedilih

Journal for Foreign Languages, 2009

Če prisluhnemo italijanskim telenovelam, nič bolj ali manj črno-belo dolgočasnim (ali za marsik... more Če prisluhnemo italijanskim telenovelam, nič bolj ali manj črno-belo dolgočasnim (ali za marsikoga zanimivim) kot so španske, mehiške in druge, tudi v italijanščini lahko slišimo skladenjske vzorce in rabe glagolskih časov, ki bi si jih spričo lahkotnosti žanra morda ne zamišljali.

Research paper thumbnail of Complex Clause Syntax in the Italian Classroom – the Learners Between Transfer and Interference

Journal for Foreign Languages, 2014

When teaching Italian as a foreign language, learners’ insecurities about using conjunctions and ... more When teaching Italian as a foreign language, learners’ insecurities about using conjunctions and tenses in subordinate clauses can be noticed very early. Temporality, relative temporality and modality are signalled by Italian verb forms which function in a largely different (or apparently similar) way in comparison to Slovene. If ‘true’ similarities can be exploited in the process of teaching/learning by means of a positive transfer, apparent ‘similarities’ and ‘differences’ between the two language systems should, on the other hand, be clarified to avoid negative transfer (interference). During the whole learning process language awareness should be developed, also through contrastive insights into the linguistic systems concerned. Taking as a starting point a text suitable for level B1, some problematic points are presented, for which a series of tasks can be suggested with the aim of helping the learner master complex clause syntax and develop language awareness.Key words: Italia...

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Talk in Higher Education as a Language for Specific Purposes Its Features and LSP Teachers Awareness

Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, Jul 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Necrologio per Vesna Deželjin, Università di Zagabria e Università di Fiume

Journal for Foreign Languages

A causa della sua prematura dipartita abbiamo perso non solo una collega ma anche una cara amica ... more A causa della sua prematura dipartita abbiamo perso non solo una collega ma anche una cara amica Vesna Deželjin, docente presso il Dipartimento di Italianistica della Facoltà di Filosofia di Zagabria e quello di Fiume. Vesna è stata un’eccellente docente, ricercatrice e conferenziere, una donna di rara umanità, sempre aperta e accogliente, instancabilmente dedicata alla lingua italiana nei suoi molteplici aspetti sincronici e diacronici: come madrelingua, lingua seconda, straniera, d’origine, etnica, ereditaria, in contatto con altre lingue e con il croato.

Research paper thumbnail of Terminologia professionale in italiano - Strokovna terminologija v italijanskem jeziku: Gradivo za 1. in/ali 2. letnik višješolskega programa Gostinstvo in turizem, da Maja Maričić

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Talk in Higher Education as a Language for Specific Purposes: Its Features and LSP Teachers’ Awareness

A R T I C L E H I S T O R Y Content list available at http://ijltr.urmia.ac.ir Iranian Journal of... more A R T I C L E H I S T O R Y Content list available at http://ijltr.urmia.ac.ir Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research 10.30466/ijltr.2019.120699 84 Darja Mertelj/Teacher talk in highe education as ... Introduction and Review of Literature Within the foreign language (from now on: FL) teaching/learning context, it is surprising how relatively low explicit, direct attention has been given to empirical research of the actual FL teachers’ language used in class (teacher talk) (Sešek, 2005; Sešek, 2007; for a thorough overview see Khany & Malmir, 2017). Only in recent years has this received more attention with (still rare) systematic, comprehensive and in-depth empirical studies (Khany & Malmir, 2017). On the other hand, the authors of teachers’ manuals (for teaching FL for general or specific purposes, from now on: FLge or FLsp) seem to have considered it thoroughly over many decades, for instance in the form not only of implicit hints but explicit instructions (‘recitation scri...

Research paper thumbnail of Nemščina za etnologe in kulturne antropologe I / Deutsch für Ethnologen und Kulturantrophologen I. Saša Podgoršek. Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za germanistiko z nederlandistiko in skandinavistiko, Ljubljana (2015). 163 strani. ISBN: 978-961-237-797-7

Research paper thumbnail of Neki aspekti i studije slučaja o poučavanju slovenačkih učenika sintaksi italijanske složene rečenice

The paper presents some results about the mastery of complex-clause syntax among Slovenian high-s... more The paper presents some results about the mastery of complex-clause syntax among Slovenian high-school students who learn Italian as a foreign language. The author starts from the premise that the mastery of syntax is an objective to be achieved at the receptive and, to a degree, also at the productive level. Hence, what knowledge mostly secondary school leavers have developed is shown according to various groups of learners. Different types of knowledge were tested: intuitive comprehension, metalinguistic knowledge and the productive knowledge of complex syntactic structures. The results seem to imply that a considerable lack of appropriate knowledge has been identified, in particular at the productive level. It is here where problems arise, since for Slovenian learners the syntax of Italian complex clauses is objectively difficult. It presupposes the speaker’s ability to master the system and use of tenses, which are perceived as particularly hard to learn.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Aspects and Case Studies About Teaching Italian Complex Clause Syntax to Slovenian Learners

The paper presents some results about the mastery of complex-clause syntax among Slovenian high-s... more The paper presents some results about the mastery of complex-clause syntax among Slovenian high-school students who learn Italian as a foreign language. The author starts from the premise that the mastery of syntax is an objective to be achieved at the receptive and, to a degree, also at the productive level. Hence, what knowledge mostly secondary school leavers have developed is shown according to various groups of learners. Di erent types of knowledge were tested: intuitive comprehension, metalinguistic knowledge and the productive knowledge of complex syntactic structures. The results seem to imply that a considerable lack of appropriate knowledge has been identiÞ ed, in particular at the productive level. It is here where problems arise, since for Slovenian learners the syntax of Italian complex clauses is objectively di! cult. It presupposes the speaker’s ability to master the system and use of tenses, which are perceived as particularly hard to learn.

Research paper thumbnail of Raba avtentičnih video gradiv pri pouku strokovne angleščine z namenom razvijanja jezikovnih spretnosti in bogatenja besednega zaklada

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogical uses of authentic video in ESP classrooms for developing language skills and enriching vocabulary

Authentic video has an established role in the teaching of General English (GE) in conventional l... more Authentic video has an established role in the teaching of General English (GE) in conventional language classrooms. What has been under-researched, however, is the role of authentic video in the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) setting, where despite being common, video is still considered a peripheral product. In the teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), which also draws onto findings made in the field of GE, little research has been made into the use of authentic video in both conventional and virtual language environments (VLEs). In order to better understand the role of video in ESP teaching in general and to identify potential areas that call for further research, this paper will explore how authentic video is used to develop the four language skills, audiovisual reception, and vocabulary, in the Slovene higher education area. The research is based on qualitative research methodology, more specifically on semi-structured interviews with ESP teachers and te...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning vocabulary and communication at the beginner's level of Italian as a foreign language for specific purposes

Research paper thumbnail of Učni načrti, ravni znanja tujega jezika stroke in gradiva v višješolskih strokovnih programih

Politika poucevanja/ucenja tujih jezikov v slovenskem solstvu po srednjesolski ravni je razvidna:... more Politika poucevanja/ucenja tujih jezikov v slovenskem solstvu po srednjesolski ravni je razvidna: odraža se v tem, da ne podpira (vec) poucevanja in ucenja tujih jezikov stroke (odslej: TJS) kot nujnih znanj in vescin, ki naj bi jih do ustrezne ravni razvil diplomant katerekoli fakultete (prim. Jurkovic in Djuric, 2008). V zadnjem desetletju smo namrec v visokem solstvu prica dvojemu: najprej porastu prostora za ustvarjanje takih znanj (prim. Djuric, 1996; Godunc, 2003), v casu prenove bolonjskih programov pa vztrajnemu in mestoma znatnemu zmanjsevanju stevila ur ter nabora tujih jezikov stroke (prim. Jakos, 2007; Svetlin Gvardjancic, 2008; Djuric in drugi, 2008). Podobno se je zgodilo s TJS v visjesolskih strokovnih programih, ki jih izvajajo zasebne in javne izobraževalne ustanove ter so zasnovani kot nadgradnja poklicnega srednjesolskega izobraževanja. Kljub prvotno zastavljenim ucnim nacrtom s praviloma vec kot enim TJS se je v fazi prenove ucnih nacrtov v letih 2007 in 2008 zgo...

Research paper thumbnail of Tuji jezik stroke na začetni stopnji italijanščine : vloge učnega prevajanja

Research paper thumbnail of Izzivi jezika stroke v 21. stoletju : zbornik konference Slovenskega društva učiteljev tujega strokovnega jezika, Ljubljana, 5.-6. februar, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Maja Maričić: Strokovna terminologija v italijanskem jeziku

Research paper thumbnail of Deutsch für Ethnologen und Kulturantrophologen I / Nemščina za etnologe in kulturne antropologe I. Saša Podgoršek. Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za germanistiko z nederlandistiko in skandinavistiko, Ljubljana (2015). 163 pp., ISBN: 978-961-237-797-7

Research paper thumbnail of Hrvatsko-taljanski rječnik školskog jezika, 1. svezak, Priručnik za studente i nastavnike taljanskog jezika / Dizionario croato-italiano del linguaggio scolastico, Volume 1, Manuale per studenti e insegnanti d’italiano

Journal for Foreign Languages

Pričujoči priročnik oz. glosar šolskega jezika je nastajal na Hrvaškem, v obdobju od 2015 do 2020... more Pričujoči priročnik oz. glosar šolskega jezika je nastajal na Hrvaškem, v obdobju od 2015 do 2020, kot skupni podvig hrvaških glotodidaktičark štirih tujih/drugih jezikov, ki se poučujejo v hrvaških javnih šolah. Predmet preučevanja je bilo področje šolskega jezika pri pouku nemščine, angleščine, francoščine in italijanščine. V priročniku je zajet tako govorjeni jezik, kot so ga uporabljali učitelji in učenci v široki mreži sodelujočih šol, kot tudi izsledki preučevanja šolske dokumentacije, intervjujev s številnimi pristojnimi strokovnjaki s področja šolstva in učiteljev, ter iz primerjalnih študij.