Asfa Widiyanto | Philipps University Marburg (original) (raw)
Books by Asfa Widiyanto
This book deals with the role and authority of such traditionalist Muslim scholars as A. Mustofa ... more This book deals with the role and authority of such traditionalist Muslim scholars as A. Mustofa Bisri and Emha Ainun Nadjib in seeding religious pluralism in Indonesia. It shows that it is not necessary to base religious pluralism on "liberal" or "modernist" stances but rather on "traditionalist" attitudes. Religious pluralism can be smoothly connected to "traditionalism", so that this may preserve greater credibility in the population. Traditionalist scholars may play a considerable role in promoting religious pluralism in the society, in general, and among anti-pluralist groups, in particular. The account of the role and authority of these traditionalist scholars is significant in revealing the prospects for religious pluralism in the country.
Buku ini berupaya menunjukkan pentingnya konstruk ilmu dalam upaya restorasi pendidikan Islam, de... more Buku ini berupaya menunjukkan pentingnya konstruk ilmu dalam upaya restorasi pendidikan Islam, dengan memotret dan mengkontekstualisasikan pemikiran Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Nasr merupakan sosok cendekiawan yang piawai dalam bidang filsafat dan sejarah ilmu, serta merupakan sosok yang otoritatif untuk berbicara tentang perjumpaan antara tradisi dan modernitas, Timur dan Barat. Posisi ini ditambah perspektif tradisionalnya, menjadikan pemikiran Nasr tentang ilmu mempunyai karakter tersendiri. Pemikiran Nasr tentang ilmu tersebut merupakan hal yang urgen karena bisa dijadikan dasar dan sarana dialog untuk membangun landasan filosofis dan sistem pendidikan Islam.
Secara ontologis, ilmu pendidikan Islam berlandaskan metafisika Islam yang mengakui bahwa alam memiliki kualitas-kualitas kesucian serta adanya hierarki dan interrelasi realitas. Epistemologi ilmu pendidikan Islam yang dikembangkan dari pemikiran Nasr bercorak teosentris, dan didasarkan atas tiga sumber pengetahuan: wahyu, intelek dan akal, yang kesemuanya saling terkait. Secara aksiologis, ilmu pendidikan Islam dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai tradisional. Pemikiran Nasr tentang ilmu juga bisa kita tarik untuk menata ulang sistem pendidikan Islam, terutama dalam merekonstruksi tujuan, metode dan materi pendidikan Islam.
This study focuses on two spiritual organisations: the Tariqa Qadiriyya wa Naqshbandiyya (TQN) an... more This study focuses on two spiritual organisations: the Tariqa Qadiriyya wa Naqshbandiyya (TQN) and the Subud Brotherhood. The TQN, a spiritual movement developed mainly by Ahmad Khatib ibn ‘Abd al-Ghaffar Sambas (1803–1875), is rooted in Islamic mystical tradition, whereas the Subud Brotherhood, which was founded by Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo (1901–1987), has developed within the realm of Javanese mystical ideas. The first section of this book deals with the nature of ritual and specifically addresses the following issues: (a) How do the adherents of the Subud Brotherhood and the TQN practise their respective rituals? (b) What are the ideas and concepts underlying these rituals? (c) What are the affinities and differences between the rituals of the two organisations? The second part delves into the nature of leadership and addresses the following questions: (a) How has the notion of leadership developed within the Subud Brotherhood and the TQN? (b) What are the rituals, ideas and traditions which shape and sustain the notion of leadership in the two organisations? (c) What are the similarities and dissimilarities between the notion of leadership in the Subud Brotherhood and that in the TQN? This section also provides a portrait of female leadership in the Subud Brotherhood and the TQN, as well as the ideas and principles which support and hinder the tradition of assigning females an office in the respective brotherhoods.
Papers by Asfa Widiyanto
Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam, 2024
Happiness is not a fixed entity but rather constructed by the individuals in their interaction wi... more Happiness is not a fixed entity but rather constructed by the individuals in their interaction with society. Happiness has been explored by religion, philosophy, and various academic disciplines, however, these concepts are constructed by the individuals following their respective contexts. Individuals' understanding of happiness varies due to their unique circumstances. Therefore, it becomes important to study the concept of happiness that exists in society. This study is a qualitative field study. The respondents consisted of twelve individuals who are graduates of Islamic schools (madrasah) or Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) who work as teachers, traders, or farmers in Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Data collection methods which have been used in this study are documentation and in-depth interviews. The findings of the study show that respondents generally perceive happiness as a state of peaceful and contented mind due to the fulfilment of physical and spiritual needs accompanied by gratitude to God. In line with their views, their orientation towards happiness is generally religious or spiritual. For them, genuine happiness can be achieved when they can perform religious rituals and become closer to God. To attain genuine happiness, their religious or spiritual needs and desires must be fulfilled. However, they also do not have the same orientation towards happiness. The religious doctrines of happiness acquired from the madrasah or the pesantren seem to be maintained, although there are slight differences among the respondents. This indicates that their understanding of happiness is a construct based on the doctrines they have learned and their individual experiences over time.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2018
Book chapter in Hans Gustafson Hans Gustafson (ed.), Interreligious Studies:Dispatches from an Emerging Field, 2020
IJoReSH: Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Humanity
This paper tries to offer an approach to studying Islam in the contemporary age by taking into ac... more This paper tries to offer an approach to studying Islam in the contemporary age by taking into account the socio-political contexts which surround the present-day Muslim communities. Islamophobia, post-truth, the era of identity, and post-orientalism pose new challenges to Islamic studies. The interdisciplinary approach is thus a necessity, in line with the complexity of the problems of contemporary Muslim societies. This study strives to investigate two main research problems, namely: (a) in which ways current socio-political circumstances pose challenges to the content and methodology of contemporary Islamic studies; (b) what kind of knowledge integration can be brought forward in response to these changing contexts. This paper argues that contemporary Islamic studies should move towards al-dirasa al-Islamiyya al-muwassa’a (Islamic studies in its widest sense) by integrating Islamic and modern scholarship. This knowledge integration is strategic in producing knowledge that is both...
European Journal of Science and Theology, 2022
This paper underlines the necessity of transforming 'Indonesian Islam' from 'religious culture' t... more This paper underlines the necessity of transforming 'Indonesian Islam' from 'religious culture' to 'knowledge culture'. Indonesian Islam represents the acclimatisation of the virtues of Islam in the context of Indonesia, and therefore it is a kind of cultural construction. Indonesian Islam is accordingly subject to transformation and change, in conformity with the spirit of the time without losing its substantial features and its cultural roots. Indonesian Islam is not to be understood as a closed ideology, but both as evolving identity and religious culture that could serve as an inspiration for knowledge culture. I argue that a religious culture in a particular Muslim society has implications for the modes and characteristics of a knowledge culture in that society. The same can be said about Indonesian Islam. Hence, it is of significance to elaborate on Indonesian Muslim knowledge culture by looking into the inspirations of Indonesian Muslim religious culture. The paper will deal with three main concerns. First, it investigates the contemporary discourse of Indonesian Islam as religious culture. Second, it elaborates on the construction of Indonesian Muslim knowledge culture. Third, it assesses the potential contributions of Indonesian Muslim knowledge culture to the betterment of knowledge society to counter the emergence of a post-truth society.
IJORESH: Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Humanity, 2022
interdisipliner menjadi sebuah keniscayaan sejalan dengan kompleksitas permasalahan masyarakat Mu... more interdisipliner menjadi sebuah keniscayaan sejalan dengan kompleksitas permasalahan masyarakat Muslim kontemporer. Studi ini diarahkan untuk mengungkap dua masalah utama, yaitu: pertama, bagaimana keadaan sosialpolitik saat ini menimbulkan tantangan pada konten dan metodologi studi Islam kontemporer, dan kedua, integrasi pengetahuan semacam apa yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai upaya menanggapi konteks yang berubah. Studi ini berpendapat bahwa studi islam kontemporer sebaiknya bertransformasi menuju al-dirasa al-Islamiyya al-muwassa'a (studi Islam dalam makna yang luas) dengan mengintegrasikan keilmuan Islam dengan keilmuan modern. Integrasi pengetahuan ini sangat strategis dalam menghasilkan pengetahuan yang mutakhir dan mengakar di masyarakat. Hal ini juga mencakup integrasi sudut pandang dan pandangan dunia sehingga mengarah pada produksi pengetahuan yang seimbang, yang tidak terjebak dalam apologetika dan kritik yang berlebihan. Integrasi pengetahuan ini akan semakin mengakar di masyarakat apabila dikembangkan menjadi 'budaya pengetahuan'.
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage, 2016
The manaqib of ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani is of particular importance in the circle of the Tariqa Qa... more The manaqib of ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani is of particular importance in the circle of the Tariqa Qadiriyya wa Naqsyabandiyyah (TQN). Some leaders of the TQN have done their best to give a translation and explanation of this manaqib. For instance, Muhammad Siddiq al-Salihi composed a work titled Nayl al-amānī fī dhikr manaqib al-quṭb al-rabbānī sayyidinā al-shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlanī. Another leader, Muslih ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Maraqi, wrote a treatise titled al-Nūr al-burhānī fī tarjamat al-lujayn al-dānī fī dhikr nubdhah min manaqib al-shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlanī. The TQN master Nawawi Siddiq al-Zarkashi wrote a treatise titled Fuyuḍāt al-rabbānī fī kayfīyāt qirā’at manaqib sulṭān al-awliyā’ al-shaykh muḥyī al-dīn ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlanī. This paper will pay particular attention to the Nayl al-amani, since this work is relatively unknown in Indonesian academia. This book is written in standard Arabic, something which is nowadays rare in the Pesantren and tariqa scholarship. T...
Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2020
This paper seeks to examine the strategy, creativity and social involvement of Raden Adjeng Karti... more This paper seeks to examine the strategy, creativity and social involvement of Raden Adjeng Kartini (1879-1904) in developing education in Indonesia, especially women’s education, and its relevance for Islamic education in present-day Indonesia. This study uses qualitative content analysis and hermeneutics to analyse and contextualise Kartini’s ideas in reconstructing Islamic education, most specifically in the context of Indonesia. This paper argues that even though Kartini lived in the late 19th century, her thoughts still found its relevance in the present context. Her thoughts may serve as inspiration and foundation for reconstructing Islamic education in Indonesia. This reconstruction touch upon such issues as gender-conscious education, non-violent education, and character education.
Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman, 2021
Throughout Islamic history, we observe enmity and conflicts between Sunnism and Shiism, nonethele... more Throughout Islamic history, we observe enmity and conflicts between Sunnism and Shiism, nonetheless there has been also reconciliation between these sects. This article examines the opportunities and challenges of Sunni-Shia convergence in Indonesia. Such a picture will reveal a better understanding of the features of Sunni-Shia convergence in the country and their relationship with the notion of ‘Indonesian Islam’. The hostility between Shiism and Sunnism in Indonesia is triggered by misunderstandings between these sects, politicisation of Shiism, as well as geopolitical tensions in the Middle East. These constitute the challenges of Sunni-Shia convergence. One may also observe the ventures of Sunni-Shia convergence which have been undertaken by the scholars of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, and other Islamic civil society organisations. Grounding on these enterprises and the enduring elaboration of ‘Indonesian Islam’, the opportunities of and the prospects for Sunni-Sh...
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an Iranian philosopher and an exponent of traditional Islam, is considered o... more Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an Iranian philosopher and an exponent of traditional Islam, is considered one of the most important scholars of Islamic and religious studies in the world today. His conception of science is interesting in the sense that he strives to rejuvenate the notion of traditional science and scientia sacra (sacred knowledge), which lie at the heart of traditional civilization. He considers these two notions (traditional science and scientia sacra) as antithesis to modern science. Nasr’s elaboration of traditional science and scientia sacra serves as an alternative to discourses of Islamization of science which have been put forward by some scholars. This paper tries to examine the core ideas of Nasr’s construct of science, to highlight their ontological, epistemological, and axiological bases, and to trace the root of Nasr’s conception of science to living Islamic philosophical tradition.
Nation-building adalah proses dinamis terkait imajinasidan keterikatan terhadap sebuah bangsa. Ha... more Nation-building adalah proses dinamis terkait imajinasidan keterikatan terhadap sebuah bangsa. Hal ini tidak hanyadiperlukan pada pembentukan negara tetapi juga dalammempertahankan keberlangsungan negara. Sebuah bangsaharus senantiasa dibangun untuk mencegah potensi ancamanyang bisa menghancurkannya. Di banyak negara, nation-building terutama sekali dilandaskan pada “budayamasyarakat” (societal culture) yang dominan.
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies, 2021
This paper investigates the dialectics between “political legitimacy” and “social fabric of socie... more This paper investigates the dialectics between “political legitimacy” and “social fabric of society”, as it develops in the Imamite-Shiite Qur’anic commentaries on Qur’anic verse 16: 90. It reveals the transformation and development of Imamite-Shiite exegesis pertaining to Q. 16: 90, ranging from classical to modern. It takes into a closer look into seven Qur’anic commentaries which may serve as examples of different typologies within Imamite-Shiite exegetical tradition. It argues that the Imamite-Shiite interpretation on this verse moves between these two poles (political legitimacy and social fabric of society) most notably due to the religious and political circumstances of the exegetes. From these Quranic commentaries, one may also notice the division and ecumenism between Sunnism and Shiism. This paper underlines a colourful nuance of Shiite exegesis and denies the simplified belief that Shiite exegesis is sectarian.
This book deals with the role and authority of such traditionalist Muslim scholars as A. Mustofa ... more This book deals with the role and authority of such traditionalist Muslim scholars as A. Mustofa Bisri and Emha Ainun Nadjib in seeding religious pluralism in Indonesia. It shows that it is not necessary to base religious pluralism on "liberal" or "modernist" stances but rather on "traditionalist" attitudes. Religious pluralism can be smoothly connected to "traditionalism", so that this may preserve greater credibility in the population. Traditionalist scholars may play a considerable role in promoting religious pluralism in the society, in general, and among anti-pluralist groups, in particular. The account of the role and authority of these traditionalist scholars is significant in revealing the prospects for religious pluralism in the country.
Buku ini berupaya menunjukkan pentingnya konstruk ilmu dalam upaya restorasi pendidikan Islam, de... more Buku ini berupaya menunjukkan pentingnya konstruk ilmu dalam upaya restorasi pendidikan Islam, dengan memotret dan mengkontekstualisasikan pemikiran Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Nasr merupakan sosok cendekiawan yang piawai dalam bidang filsafat dan sejarah ilmu, serta merupakan sosok yang otoritatif untuk berbicara tentang perjumpaan antara tradisi dan modernitas, Timur dan Barat. Posisi ini ditambah perspektif tradisionalnya, menjadikan pemikiran Nasr tentang ilmu mempunyai karakter tersendiri. Pemikiran Nasr tentang ilmu tersebut merupakan hal yang urgen karena bisa dijadikan dasar dan sarana dialog untuk membangun landasan filosofis dan sistem pendidikan Islam.
Secara ontologis, ilmu pendidikan Islam berlandaskan metafisika Islam yang mengakui bahwa alam memiliki kualitas-kualitas kesucian serta adanya hierarki dan interrelasi realitas. Epistemologi ilmu pendidikan Islam yang dikembangkan dari pemikiran Nasr bercorak teosentris, dan didasarkan atas tiga sumber pengetahuan: wahyu, intelek dan akal, yang kesemuanya saling terkait. Secara aksiologis, ilmu pendidikan Islam dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai tradisional. Pemikiran Nasr tentang ilmu juga bisa kita tarik untuk menata ulang sistem pendidikan Islam, terutama dalam merekonstruksi tujuan, metode dan materi pendidikan Islam.
This study focuses on two spiritual organisations: the Tariqa Qadiriyya wa Naqshbandiyya (TQN) an... more This study focuses on two spiritual organisations: the Tariqa Qadiriyya wa Naqshbandiyya (TQN) and the Subud Brotherhood. The TQN, a spiritual movement developed mainly by Ahmad Khatib ibn ‘Abd al-Ghaffar Sambas (1803–1875), is rooted in Islamic mystical tradition, whereas the Subud Brotherhood, which was founded by Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo (1901–1987), has developed within the realm of Javanese mystical ideas. The first section of this book deals with the nature of ritual and specifically addresses the following issues: (a) How do the adherents of the Subud Brotherhood and the TQN practise their respective rituals? (b) What are the ideas and concepts underlying these rituals? (c) What are the affinities and differences between the rituals of the two organisations? The second part delves into the nature of leadership and addresses the following questions: (a) How has the notion of leadership developed within the Subud Brotherhood and the TQN? (b) What are the rituals, ideas and traditions which shape and sustain the notion of leadership in the two organisations? (c) What are the similarities and dissimilarities between the notion of leadership in the Subud Brotherhood and that in the TQN? This section also provides a portrait of female leadership in the Subud Brotherhood and the TQN, as well as the ideas and principles which support and hinder the tradition of assigning females an office in the respective brotherhoods.
Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam, 2024
Happiness is not a fixed entity but rather constructed by the individuals in their interaction wi... more Happiness is not a fixed entity but rather constructed by the individuals in their interaction with society. Happiness has been explored by religion, philosophy, and various academic disciplines, however, these concepts are constructed by the individuals following their respective contexts. Individuals' understanding of happiness varies due to their unique circumstances. Therefore, it becomes important to study the concept of happiness that exists in society. This study is a qualitative field study. The respondents consisted of twelve individuals who are graduates of Islamic schools (madrasah) or Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) who work as teachers, traders, or farmers in Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Data collection methods which have been used in this study are documentation and in-depth interviews. The findings of the study show that respondents generally perceive happiness as a state of peaceful and contented mind due to the fulfilment of physical and spiritual needs accompanied by gratitude to God. In line with their views, their orientation towards happiness is generally religious or spiritual. For them, genuine happiness can be achieved when they can perform religious rituals and become closer to God. To attain genuine happiness, their religious or spiritual needs and desires must be fulfilled. However, they also do not have the same orientation towards happiness. The religious doctrines of happiness acquired from the madrasah or the pesantren seem to be maintained, although there are slight differences among the respondents. This indicates that their understanding of happiness is a construct based on the doctrines they have learned and their individual experiences over time.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2018
Book chapter in Hans Gustafson Hans Gustafson (ed.), Interreligious Studies:Dispatches from an Emerging Field, 2020
IJoReSH: Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Humanity
This paper tries to offer an approach to studying Islam in the contemporary age by taking into ac... more This paper tries to offer an approach to studying Islam in the contemporary age by taking into account the socio-political contexts which surround the present-day Muslim communities. Islamophobia, post-truth, the era of identity, and post-orientalism pose new challenges to Islamic studies. The interdisciplinary approach is thus a necessity, in line with the complexity of the problems of contemporary Muslim societies. This study strives to investigate two main research problems, namely: (a) in which ways current socio-political circumstances pose challenges to the content and methodology of contemporary Islamic studies; (b) what kind of knowledge integration can be brought forward in response to these changing contexts. This paper argues that contemporary Islamic studies should move towards al-dirasa al-Islamiyya al-muwassa’a (Islamic studies in its widest sense) by integrating Islamic and modern scholarship. This knowledge integration is strategic in producing knowledge that is both...
European Journal of Science and Theology, 2022
This paper underlines the necessity of transforming 'Indonesian Islam' from 'religious culture' t... more This paper underlines the necessity of transforming 'Indonesian Islam' from 'religious culture' to 'knowledge culture'. Indonesian Islam represents the acclimatisation of the virtues of Islam in the context of Indonesia, and therefore it is a kind of cultural construction. Indonesian Islam is accordingly subject to transformation and change, in conformity with the spirit of the time without losing its substantial features and its cultural roots. Indonesian Islam is not to be understood as a closed ideology, but both as evolving identity and religious culture that could serve as an inspiration for knowledge culture. I argue that a religious culture in a particular Muslim society has implications for the modes and characteristics of a knowledge culture in that society. The same can be said about Indonesian Islam. Hence, it is of significance to elaborate on Indonesian Muslim knowledge culture by looking into the inspirations of Indonesian Muslim religious culture. The paper will deal with three main concerns. First, it investigates the contemporary discourse of Indonesian Islam as religious culture. Second, it elaborates on the construction of Indonesian Muslim knowledge culture. Third, it assesses the potential contributions of Indonesian Muslim knowledge culture to the betterment of knowledge society to counter the emergence of a post-truth society.
IJORESH: Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Humanity, 2022
interdisipliner menjadi sebuah keniscayaan sejalan dengan kompleksitas permasalahan masyarakat Mu... more interdisipliner menjadi sebuah keniscayaan sejalan dengan kompleksitas permasalahan masyarakat Muslim kontemporer. Studi ini diarahkan untuk mengungkap dua masalah utama, yaitu: pertama, bagaimana keadaan sosialpolitik saat ini menimbulkan tantangan pada konten dan metodologi studi Islam kontemporer, dan kedua, integrasi pengetahuan semacam apa yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai upaya menanggapi konteks yang berubah. Studi ini berpendapat bahwa studi islam kontemporer sebaiknya bertransformasi menuju al-dirasa al-Islamiyya al-muwassa'a (studi Islam dalam makna yang luas) dengan mengintegrasikan keilmuan Islam dengan keilmuan modern. Integrasi pengetahuan ini sangat strategis dalam menghasilkan pengetahuan yang mutakhir dan mengakar di masyarakat. Hal ini juga mencakup integrasi sudut pandang dan pandangan dunia sehingga mengarah pada produksi pengetahuan yang seimbang, yang tidak terjebak dalam apologetika dan kritik yang berlebihan. Integrasi pengetahuan ini akan semakin mengakar di masyarakat apabila dikembangkan menjadi 'budaya pengetahuan'.
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage, 2016
The manaqib of ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani is of particular importance in the circle of the Tariqa Qa... more The manaqib of ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani is of particular importance in the circle of the Tariqa Qadiriyya wa Naqsyabandiyyah (TQN). Some leaders of the TQN have done their best to give a translation and explanation of this manaqib. For instance, Muhammad Siddiq al-Salihi composed a work titled Nayl al-amānī fī dhikr manaqib al-quṭb al-rabbānī sayyidinā al-shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlanī. Another leader, Muslih ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Maraqi, wrote a treatise titled al-Nūr al-burhānī fī tarjamat al-lujayn al-dānī fī dhikr nubdhah min manaqib al-shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlanī. The TQN master Nawawi Siddiq al-Zarkashi wrote a treatise titled Fuyuḍāt al-rabbānī fī kayfīyāt qirā’at manaqib sulṭān al-awliyā’ al-shaykh muḥyī al-dīn ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlanī. This paper will pay particular attention to the Nayl al-amani, since this work is relatively unknown in Indonesian academia. This book is written in standard Arabic, something which is nowadays rare in the Pesantren and tariqa scholarship. T...
Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2020
This paper seeks to examine the strategy, creativity and social involvement of Raden Adjeng Karti... more This paper seeks to examine the strategy, creativity and social involvement of Raden Adjeng Kartini (1879-1904) in developing education in Indonesia, especially women’s education, and its relevance for Islamic education in present-day Indonesia. This study uses qualitative content analysis and hermeneutics to analyse and contextualise Kartini’s ideas in reconstructing Islamic education, most specifically in the context of Indonesia. This paper argues that even though Kartini lived in the late 19th century, her thoughts still found its relevance in the present context. Her thoughts may serve as inspiration and foundation for reconstructing Islamic education in Indonesia. This reconstruction touch upon such issues as gender-conscious education, non-violent education, and character education.
Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman, 2021
Throughout Islamic history, we observe enmity and conflicts between Sunnism and Shiism, nonethele... more Throughout Islamic history, we observe enmity and conflicts between Sunnism and Shiism, nonetheless there has been also reconciliation between these sects. This article examines the opportunities and challenges of Sunni-Shia convergence in Indonesia. Such a picture will reveal a better understanding of the features of Sunni-Shia convergence in the country and their relationship with the notion of ‘Indonesian Islam’. The hostility between Shiism and Sunnism in Indonesia is triggered by misunderstandings between these sects, politicisation of Shiism, as well as geopolitical tensions in the Middle East. These constitute the challenges of Sunni-Shia convergence. One may also observe the ventures of Sunni-Shia convergence which have been undertaken by the scholars of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, and other Islamic civil society organisations. Grounding on these enterprises and the enduring elaboration of ‘Indonesian Islam’, the opportunities of and the prospects for Sunni-Sh...
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an Iranian philosopher and an exponent of traditional Islam, is considered o... more Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an Iranian philosopher and an exponent of traditional Islam, is considered one of the most important scholars of Islamic and religious studies in the world today. His conception of science is interesting in the sense that he strives to rejuvenate the notion of traditional science and scientia sacra (sacred knowledge), which lie at the heart of traditional civilization. He considers these two notions (traditional science and scientia sacra) as antithesis to modern science. Nasr’s elaboration of traditional science and scientia sacra serves as an alternative to discourses of Islamization of science which have been put forward by some scholars. This paper tries to examine the core ideas of Nasr’s construct of science, to highlight their ontological, epistemological, and axiological bases, and to trace the root of Nasr’s conception of science to living Islamic philosophical tradition.
Nation-building adalah proses dinamis terkait imajinasidan keterikatan terhadap sebuah bangsa. Ha... more Nation-building adalah proses dinamis terkait imajinasidan keterikatan terhadap sebuah bangsa. Hal ini tidak hanyadiperlukan pada pembentukan negara tetapi juga dalammempertahankan keberlangsungan negara. Sebuah bangsaharus senantiasa dibangun untuk mencegah potensi ancamanyang bisa menghancurkannya. Di banyak negara, nation-building terutama sekali dilandaskan pada “budayamasyarakat” (societal culture) yang dominan.
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies, 2021
This paper investigates the dialectics between “political legitimacy” and “social fabric of socie... more This paper investigates the dialectics between “political legitimacy” and “social fabric of society”, as it develops in the Imamite-Shiite Qur’anic commentaries on Qur’anic verse 16: 90. It reveals the transformation and development of Imamite-Shiite exegesis pertaining to Q. 16: 90, ranging from classical to modern. It takes into a closer look into seven Qur’anic commentaries which may serve as examples of different typologies within Imamite-Shiite exegetical tradition. It argues that the Imamite-Shiite interpretation on this verse moves between these two poles (political legitimacy and social fabric of society) most notably due to the religious and political circumstances of the exegetes. From these Quranic commentaries, one may also notice the division and ecumenism between Sunnism and Shiism. This paper underlines a colourful nuance of Shiite exegesis and denies the simplified belief that Shiite exegesis is sectarian.
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 2021
International Journal of Islamic Thought, 2020
Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has become global pandemic, which affects all countries in the wor... more Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has become global pandemic, which affects all countries in the world including Indonesia. The mitigation of covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia cannot neglect the role of religion, since religion constitutes the main identity of most people. Hence, religion becomes value reference and ‘system of knowing’, including in addressing the covid-19 pandemic. By employing comparative and content analysis, it is hoped that this paper will constitute a significant contribution in unravelling the complex role of religion in dealing with covid-19 pandemic, most particularly in the context of post-truth. There are three concerns of this paper. First, it examines the challenges of religious conservatism towards covid-19 mitigation among Indonesian Muslims, most particularly in the context of post-truth which in some ways intensifies the emergence of conservativism in the public space. Second, it explores the possibility of ‘new spirituality’ which is pertinent for the mi...
FIKRAH, 2020
This paper was devoting to exploring the nature of leadership in the Tariqah Qadiriyya wa Naqshba... more This paper was devoting to exploring the nature of leadership in the Tariqah Qadiriyya wa Naqshbandiyya (TQN) by giving some particular attention to the develops of that Tariqah in Mranggen, Central Java. It will investigate the characteristics of the TQN leaders, the doctrines and traditions that sustaining this leadership. In order to develop the nature of leadership in the TQN, it also will be exploring the concept of leadership in Islamic mystical tradition as general. In the TQN, we come across several rituals which sustain the leadership: the rabita (bond with the master) which focuses on the master; a ritual that falls into the authority of the master as initiation; a notion which indicates the authority of the master as silsila; a notion which lies behind (and triggers) the attraction of the master to the people as baraka (blessing); and a tradition which indicates the veneration of the master as the hawliyya (death anniversary).
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 2018
The dynamics of encounter between Shiism and Sunnism have been investigated by some scholars, nev... more The dynamics of encounter between Shiism and Sunnism have been investigated by some scholars, nevertheless the detailed study on the ventures of Sunni-Shia convergence which takes place in Austria is still underdeveloped. Such a picture is significance in revealing the features of Sunni-Shia ecumenism and its relationship with ‘European Islam’. This paper investigates the problems and the prospects for Sunni-Shia rapprochement in Austria, as well as the extent to which ecumenism in this country could serve as a model for Western Europe. The conflicts between Sunnites and Shiites are in some ways grounded in the misunderstandings between these two main sects of Islam. The recognition of faith community plays a part in figuring the fate of rapprochement between Sunnites and Shiites in the country. The prospects for Sunni-Shia ecumenism in Austria lie in the hands of authoritative personages and organisations, and in the ability of various elements of the society to enter into a dialog...
Islamic Peace Ethics, 2017
Journal of Ibn Haldun Studies, Ibn Haldun University, 2018
IJoReSH: Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Humanity is a multidisciplinary and pe... more IJoReSH: Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Humanity is a multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal which is published by the Postgraduate Program of State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga, Indonesia. It is committed to the scholarly study of the dynamic interplays among religion, spirituality, and humanity. It particularly focuses on the works which deal with the anthropology of religion, sociology of religion, psychology of religion, philosophy of religion, history of religion, religious education, religious literature, theology, religious law, religious tourism, mysticism, religion and local wisdom. IJoReSH is international in its coverage and range and is envisioned to be a forum for scholarly exchanges on issues related to religion, spirituality, and humanity.
Media Indobesia, 2024
MODERASI beragama merupakan sebuah semangat dan tradisi keagamaan yang menekankan pada toleransi ... more MODERASI beragama merupakan sebuah semangat dan tradisi keagamaan yang menekankan pada toleransi (tasamuh), keseimbangan (tawazun wa i’tidal), dan penghargaan pada budaya lokal. Dengan demikian, moderasi beragama merupakan sebuah modal yang sangat penting dalam membangun kohesi sosial.
Moderasi beragama sering kali dipahami hanya sebagai ‘budaya keagamaan’ (religious culture). Jika moderasi beragama bisa ditransformasikan secara maksimal dari ‘budaya keagamaan’ menjadi ‘budaya keilmuan’ (knowledge culture), hal itu akan bisa memberikan sumbangsih yang sangat signifikan bagi pengembangan peradaban umat manusia, terutama dalam konteks sekarang yang sering disebut sebagai era pascakebenaran.