Enyo Stoyanov | Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (original) (raw)

editing by Enyo Stoyanov

Research paper thumbnail of Парачовешкото: грация и гравитация– сборник в чест на проф. Миглена Николчин | The Parahuman: Grace and Gravity. In honour of prof. Miglena Nikolchina, 2017

Парачовешкото: грация и гравитация – сборник в чест на проф. Миглена Николчина, ред. К. Спасова, Д. Тевев, М. Калинова, София: Университетско издателство „Свети Климент Охридски”, 2017

"Това е движението, което разкрива нарушаването на грацията, неграциозността, появяваща се помежд... more "Това е движението, което разкрива нарушаването на грацията, неграциозността, появяваща се помежду бога и марионетката. Тази неграциозност е приписана на смутената от съзнанието гравитация. Тя е мястото на раздвоение, отворено между бога и марионетката и заето от човека (и човешкото съзнание) като сцена на изгубената грация. Най-сетне идва движението, което обещава възвръщане на грацията."
Миглена Николчина

Сборникът Парачовешкото: грация и гравитация е покана хубавите разговори, които проф. Миглена Николчина винаги е провокирала и вдъхновявала, да продължат. Онова, което минава като безпокойство през книгите на Николчина е разбирането, че няма как да се породи истинско мислене без памет, но също така и тревожното питане: къде са местата и средите, които интензифицират критическата мисъл днес. Това, което може да разчетем както в теоретичните, така и в творческите й практики, е грижа за настоящето, грижа за произвеждане на идното, грижа за презареждане на социалното въображение. И главното: поставянето на човешкото като незавършен проект и дирене на нови гравни и антигравни полета пред него.

Papers by Enyo Stoyanov

Research paper thumbnail of The Political Dimensions of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Bulgarian Reception: Between Structuralism and Impressionism

History of Humanities, Sep 1, 2019

The swift reception in Bulgaria of Bakhtin became embroiled in various strategies for opposing th... more The swift reception in Bulgaria of Bakhtin became embroiled in various strategies for opposing the prevalent dogmatic doctrine of the “theory of reflection.” Structuralists were mistrustful of Bakhtin’s ideas, suspecting them of implied authoritarianism, while so-called impressionists took them in two diverging directions: one proto-post-structuralist, the other one rightist-nationalist and retro-utopian. Paradoxically, the last one was favored by the supposedly Marxist regime, which might provide a glimpse on the early etiology of present-day nationalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Theory as Radical Historicism?

Differences, May 1, 2021

This article highlights how the premises of the radical historicism of Galin Tihanov’s book The B... more This article highlights how the premises of the radical historicism of Galin Tihanov’s book The Birth and Death of Literary Theory (2019) are conditioned by developments within literary theory itself. For Tihanov, changes in literature’s perceived usefulness undermine the dominance of its perceived uniqueness, bringing about the demise of theoretical discourses aimed at determining that uniqueness. Exploring the tensions within Russian formalism and Prague structuralism that made possible the abandonment of the adherence to the doctrine of literary autonomy through specific uses of language, the author connects Tihanov’s notion of “regimes of relevance” with the concept of “regime” developed by Jacques Rancière. The intersection of these two theorizations of “regime” pinpoint the paradox at the heart of literary theory: the attempt to pose the question of artistic autonomy and specificity produces the dissipation of what was holding this autonomy together.

Research paper thumbnail of Постструктуралистские предпосылки: политические стратегии сопротивления в литературоведческих дебатах в 1960–1970-х годах в Болгарии

The article attempts to reconstruct some of the political stakes in the conceptual and methodolog... more The article attempts to reconstruct some of the political stakes in the conceptual and methodological debates among two groups of literary critics during the 1960ies and the 1970ies in Bulgaria: the structuralists and their opponents, the so-called “Imperssionist critics”. This debate seems to be a pertinent context for addressing the emergence of poststructuralism since it was the intellectual ferment, in which Julia Kristeva formed her conceptual background, before later becoming among the first poststructuralist critics of structuralism in France. Before, emigrating, Kristeva was part of the group of the “impressionist critics”, who were developing ways of resisting official Marxist doctrine while retaining claims for Marxists legitimacy. They were very critical of the structuralists, who also were attempting to gain legitimacy, though by aligning with Marxism as a materialist science, a stance the “impressionists” viewed as contributing to alienation.Статья пытается восстановить...

Research paper thumbnail of Poststructuralist Backgrounds: the Political Strategies of Resistance in the Literary- Theoretical Debates during the 1960–1970s in Bulgaria

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Theory as Radical Historicism?

Differences, 2021

This article highlights how the premises of the radical historicism of Galin Tihanov’s book The B... more This article highlights how the premises of the radical historicism of Galin Tihanov’s book The Birth and Death of Literary Theory (2019) are conditioned by developments within literary theory itself. For Tihanov, changes in literature’s perceived usefulness undermine the dominance of its perceived uniqueness, bringing about the demise of theoretical discourses aimed at determining that uniqueness. Exploring the tensions within Russian formalism and Prague structuralism that made possible the abandonment of the adherence to the doctrine of literary autonomy through specific uses of language, the author connects Tihanov’s notion of “regimes of relevance” with the concept of “regime” developed by Jacques Rancière. The intersection of these two theorizations of “regime” pinpoint the paradox at the heart of literary theory: the attempt to pose the question of artistic autonomy and specificity produces the dissipation of what was holding this autonomy together.

Research paper thumbnail of The Political Dimensions of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Bulgarian Reception: Between Structuralism and Impressionism


Медиалог / Medialog Online-ISSN: 2535-0846, 2020

The text presents a discussion onthe variety of concerns that are accompanying the continuous ... more The text presents a discussion onthe variety of concerns that are accompanying the continuous rise inpopularity of video games today. The discussion focuses onthe "medicalization" of the so-called video game addiction, the question of the reasons for the overexposure of violence in this novel cultural form, the dangers, inherent in some of the business practices, espoused in this largely unregulated industry, as well as theconditions for thereception of its products in Bulgaria.

Research paper thumbnail of Парачовешкото: грация и гравитация– сборник в чест на проф. Миглена Николчин | The Parahuman: Grace and Gravity. In honour of prof. Miglena Nikolchina, 2017

Парачовешкото: грация и гравитация – сборник в чест на проф. Миглена Николчина, ред. К. Спасова, Д. Тевев, М. Калинова, София: Университетско издателство „Свети Климент Охридски”, 2017

"Това е движението, което разкрива нарушаването на грацията, неграциозността, появяваща се помежд... more "Това е движението, което разкрива нарушаването на грацията, неграциозността, появяваща се помежду бога и марионетката. Тази неграциозност е приписана на смутената от съзнанието гравитация. Тя е мястото на раздвоение, отворено между бога и марионетката и заето от човека (и човешкото съзнание) като сцена на изгубената грация. Най-сетне идва движението, което обещава възвръщане на грацията."
Миглена Николчина

Сборникът Парачовешкото: грация и гравитация е покана хубавите разговори, които проф. Миглена Николчина винаги е провокирала и вдъхновявала, да продължат. Онова, което минава като безпокойство през книгите на Николчина е разбирането, че няма как да се породи истинско мислене без памет, но също така и тревожното питане: къде са местата и средите, които интензифицират критическата мисъл днес. Това, което може да разчетем както в теоретичните, така и в творческите й практики, е грижа за настоящето, грижа за произвеждане на идното, грижа за презареждане на социалното въображение. И главното: поставянето на човешкото като незавършен проект и дирене на нови гравни и антигравни полета пред него.

Research paper thumbnail of The Political Dimensions of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Bulgarian Reception: Between Structuralism and Impressionism

History of Humanities, Sep 1, 2019

The swift reception in Bulgaria of Bakhtin became embroiled in various strategies for opposing th... more The swift reception in Bulgaria of Bakhtin became embroiled in various strategies for opposing the prevalent dogmatic doctrine of the “theory of reflection.” Structuralists were mistrustful of Bakhtin’s ideas, suspecting them of implied authoritarianism, while so-called impressionists took them in two diverging directions: one proto-post-structuralist, the other one rightist-nationalist and retro-utopian. Paradoxically, the last one was favored by the supposedly Marxist regime, which might provide a glimpse on the early etiology of present-day nationalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Theory as Radical Historicism?

Differences, May 1, 2021

This article highlights how the premises of the radical historicism of Galin Tihanov’s book The B... more This article highlights how the premises of the radical historicism of Galin Tihanov’s book The Birth and Death of Literary Theory (2019) are conditioned by developments within literary theory itself. For Tihanov, changes in literature’s perceived usefulness undermine the dominance of its perceived uniqueness, bringing about the demise of theoretical discourses aimed at determining that uniqueness. Exploring the tensions within Russian formalism and Prague structuralism that made possible the abandonment of the adherence to the doctrine of literary autonomy through specific uses of language, the author connects Tihanov’s notion of “regimes of relevance” with the concept of “regime” developed by Jacques Rancière. The intersection of these two theorizations of “regime” pinpoint the paradox at the heart of literary theory: the attempt to pose the question of artistic autonomy and specificity produces the dissipation of what was holding this autonomy together.

Research paper thumbnail of Постструктуралистские предпосылки: политические стратегии сопротивления в литературоведческих дебатах в 1960–1970-х годах в Болгарии

The article attempts to reconstruct some of the political stakes in the conceptual and methodolog... more The article attempts to reconstruct some of the political stakes in the conceptual and methodological debates among two groups of literary critics during the 1960ies and the 1970ies in Bulgaria: the structuralists and their opponents, the so-called “Imperssionist critics”. This debate seems to be a pertinent context for addressing the emergence of poststructuralism since it was the intellectual ferment, in which Julia Kristeva formed her conceptual background, before later becoming among the first poststructuralist critics of structuralism in France. Before, emigrating, Kristeva was part of the group of the “impressionist critics”, who were developing ways of resisting official Marxist doctrine while retaining claims for Marxists legitimacy. They were very critical of the structuralists, who also were attempting to gain legitimacy, though by aligning with Marxism as a materialist science, a stance the “impressionists” viewed as contributing to alienation.Статья пытается восстановить...

Research paper thumbnail of Poststructuralist Backgrounds: the Political Strategies of Resistance in the Literary- Theoretical Debates during the 1960–1970s in Bulgaria

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Theory as Radical Historicism?

Differences, 2021

This article highlights how the premises of the radical historicism of Galin Tihanov’s book The B... more This article highlights how the premises of the radical historicism of Galin Tihanov’s book The Birth and Death of Literary Theory (2019) are conditioned by developments within literary theory itself. For Tihanov, changes in literature’s perceived usefulness undermine the dominance of its perceived uniqueness, bringing about the demise of theoretical discourses aimed at determining that uniqueness. Exploring the tensions within Russian formalism and Prague structuralism that made possible the abandonment of the adherence to the doctrine of literary autonomy through specific uses of language, the author connects Tihanov’s notion of “regimes of relevance” with the concept of “regime” developed by Jacques Rancière. The intersection of these two theorizations of “regime” pinpoint the paradox at the heart of literary theory: the attempt to pose the question of artistic autonomy and specificity produces the dissipation of what was holding this autonomy together.

Research paper thumbnail of The Political Dimensions of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Bulgarian Reception: Between Structuralism and Impressionism


Медиалог / Medialog Online-ISSN: 2535-0846, 2020

The text presents a discussion onthe variety of concerns that are accompanying the continuous ... more The text presents a discussion onthe variety of concerns that are accompanying the continuous rise inpopularity of video games today. The discussion focuses onthe "medicalization" of the so-called video game addiction, the question of the reasons for the overexposure of violence in this novel cultural form, the dangers, inherent in some of the business practices, espoused in this largely unregulated industry, as well as theconditions for thereception of its products in Bulgaria.