Ilia Mitkov | Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (original) (raw)

Ilia Mitkov


Papers by Ilia Mitkov

Research paper thumbnail of About Fractal Geometry of the Glacial Cirques in Rila and Pirin Mountains (Southwest Bulgaria)

Universal Journal of Geoscience

Research paper thumbnail of Small glaciers in Pirin (Bulgaria) and Durmitor (Montenegro) as glacio-karstic features. Similarities and differences in their recent behaviour

Research paper thumbnail of Age of glacial relief as an indicator of the intensity of tectonic movements in southwestern Bulgarian mountains

Contemporary traces of Würm glaciation in Northeastern Pirin and Northeastern and Central Rila pr... more Contemporary traces of Würm glaciation in Northeastern Pirin and Northeastern and Central Rila proved to be an important benchmark for intensity and character on orogenesis in eastern part on the Balkan Peninsula. The young age of relict glacial forms in our highest mountains /not older than LGM age, 24-18 ka BP/, and the almost complete absence of traces of ancient glacial landscape, supports the suggestion for the relatively young intensive uplift of Rhodope massif (very strong during the second half of the Pleistocene).

Research paper thumbnail of Епикарст - същност и фактори за формиране

The epikarst (also known as the subcutaneous zone) has a significant water storage capacity. It c... more The epikarst (also known as the subcutaneous zone) has a significant water storage capacity. It comprises the highly weathered carbonate bedrock which is located immediately beneath the surface or is exposed at the surface. Porosity and permeability are higher near the surface than they are at depth, and consequently, after recharge percolating rainwater is detained near the base of the epikarst, the detention ponding producing an epikarstic aquifer. The present article makes a summary of the essence of epikast and focuses especially on the factors that determine its formation, present state and development. Въведение Карстовият процес е сред основните и най-важни геоморфоложки процеси на Земята. На окарстяване са подложени около 20% от повърхността на нашата планета. Уникалното в карстовия процес е неговото развитие в дълбочина, което е свързано с формиране както на повърхностни, така и на подземни форми. Докато пещерите и свързаните с тях форми са обект на доста голямо внимание от страна на учените, то процесите, които стават на повърхността в окарстените територии, или в близост до нея, са по-слабо изучавани. В същото време състоянието на повърхностните части на карстовите масиви е важно както от екологична, така и от стопанска гледна точка.

Research paper thumbnail of About Fractal Geometry of the Glacial Cirques in Rila and Pirin Mountains (Southwest Bulgaria)

Universal Journal of Geoscience

Research paper thumbnail of Small glaciers in Pirin (Bulgaria) and Durmitor (Montenegro) as glacio-karstic features. Similarities and differences in their recent behaviour

Research paper thumbnail of Age of glacial relief as an indicator of the intensity of tectonic movements in southwestern Bulgarian mountains

Contemporary traces of Würm glaciation in Northeastern Pirin and Northeastern and Central Rila pr... more Contemporary traces of Würm glaciation in Northeastern Pirin and Northeastern and Central Rila proved to be an important benchmark for intensity and character on orogenesis in eastern part on the Balkan Peninsula. The young age of relict glacial forms in our highest mountains /not older than LGM age, 24-18 ka BP/, and the almost complete absence of traces of ancient glacial landscape, supports the suggestion for the relatively young intensive uplift of Rhodope massif (very strong during the second half of the Pleistocene).

Research paper thumbnail of Епикарст - същност и фактори за формиране

The epikarst (also known as the subcutaneous zone) has a significant water storage capacity. It c... more The epikarst (also known as the subcutaneous zone) has a significant water storage capacity. It comprises the highly weathered carbonate bedrock which is located immediately beneath the surface or is exposed at the surface. Porosity and permeability are higher near the surface than they are at depth, and consequently, after recharge percolating rainwater is detained near the base of the epikarst, the detention ponding producing an epikarstic aquifer. The present article makes a summary of the essence of epikast and focuses especially on the factors that determine its formation, present state and development. Въведение Карстовият процес е сред основните и най-важни геоморфоложки процеси на Земята. На окарстяване са подложени около 20% от повърхността на нашата планета. Уникалното в карстовия процес е неговото развитие в дълбочина, което е свързано с формиране както на повърхностни, така и на подземни форми. Докато пещерите и свързаните с тях форми са обект на доста голямо внимание от страна на учените, то процесите, които стават на повърхността в окарстените територии, или в близост до нея, са по-слабо изучавани. В същото време състоянието на повърхностните части на карстовите масиви е важно както от екологична, така и от стопанска гледна точка.

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