Maya Stoyneva | Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (original) (raw)

Papers by Maya Stoyneva

Research paper thumbnail of Limnological Characterization of the Largest Freshwater Lake in Remote Oceania (Lake Letas, Gaua Island, Vanuatu)

Research paper thumbnail of Limnological Characterization of Volcanic Crater Lakes on Uvea Island (Wallis and Futuna, South Pacific)

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological characterization and phylogenetic analysis of aeroterrestrial Vischeria/Eustigmatos strains with industrial potential

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological and Molecular Identification of Microcystin-Producing Cyanobacteria in Nine Shallow Bulgarian Water Bodies

Toxins, 2020

The paper presents results from the first application of polyphasic approach in studies of field ... more The paper presents results from the first application of polyphasic approach in studies of field samples from Bulgaria. This approach, which combined the conventional light microscopy (LM) and molecular-genetic methods (based on PCR amplified fragments of microcystin synthetase gene mcyE), revealed that almost all microcystin-producers in the studied eutrophic waterbodies belong to the genus Microcystis. During the molecular identification of toxin-producing strains by use of HEPF × HEPR pair of primers, we obtained 57 sequences, 56 of which formed 28 strains of Microcystis, spread in six clusters of the phylogenetic tree. By LM, seven Microcystis morphospecies were identified (M. aeruginosa, M. botrys, M. flos-aquae, M. natans, M. novacekii, M. smithii, and M. wesenbergii). They showed significant morphological variability and contributed from <1% to 98% to the total biomass. All data support the earlier opinions that taxonomic revision of Microcystis is needed, proved the prese...

Research paper thumbnail of Assoc. Prof. Dr Stefan Draganov: congratulations for 80th birthday

Phytologia Balcanica International Journal of Balkan Flora and Vegetation, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Early View, On-line since 8 June 2015 Phytoplankton of the reservoir " Dospat " (Rodopi Mts, Bulgaria) as indicator of negative trend in reservoir development due to long-term cage fish farming

The paper presents the results of the recent (2011) investigation of phytoplankton composition an... more The paper presents the results of the recent (2011) investigation of phytoplankton composition and abundance, with its seasonal and spatial dynamics in the reservoir " Dospat " (the first in Bulgaria used for cage fish farming) and shows the changes in its waters after 30 years of

Research paper thumbnail of Spring-phytoplankton of the River Danube in the year 1990

Research paper thumbnail of Sofia

Plants and Habitats of European Cities, 2011

The flora of Sofia, which is formed by Centro-European species, is highly influenced by the flora... more The flora of Sofia, which is formed by Centro-European species, is highly influenced by the flora of the surrounding mountains and the Sofia Plain. The city contains 920 vascular species (21.26% of the Bulgarian flora). In terms of its history, the flora comprises 552 native species, 275 archaeophytes and 83 neophytes. The city’s flora includes 12 statutorily protected species, 14

Research paper thumbnail of Long-term compositional response of the algal flora of the Boyana swamp (western Bulgaria) to the environmental changes

Annual of Sofia University “ …, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Studies on cyanoprokaryotes of the water bodies along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (1890-2017): a review, with special reference to new, rare and harmful taxa

The report presents a review of the studies on cyanoprokaryotes from Bulgarian coastal wetlands c... more The report presents a review of the studies on cyanoprokaryotes from Bulgarian coastal wetlands carried out in the period 1890-2017. The biodiversity of cyanoprokaryotes in coastal water basins (their phytoplankton and phytobenthos) was evaluated and analyzed by wetlands types with emphasis on the new and peculiar taxa described. The conservation status of the recorded species follows the Red List of Bulgarian microalgae. Special attention is paid to the occurrence of cyanoblooms, cyanotoxins and toxic species, as well as to the invasive and alien species.

Research paper thumbnail of Species diversity of pelagic algae in Lake Kivu (East Africa)

Le lac Kivu est le moins connu des grands lacs d&amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27;Afrique de l&amp;am... more Le lac Kivu est le moins connu des grands lacs d&amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27;Afrique de l&amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27;Est en ce qui concerne les algues de la zone pélagique. Les données existantes sur ses communautés phytoplanctoniques sont ponctuelles, dispersées ou anciennes. Ce travail présente les données floristiques du ...

Research paper thumbnail of Gloeothece hindakii (Cyanoprokaryota, Synechococcaceae): a new planktonic species from Lake Tanganyika (Africa)

Research paper thumbnail of Trochisciopsis tetraspora f. minor forma nova (Chlorophyceae-Chlorococcaceae) - a New Terrestrial Green Algal Taxon from Pirin Mts. (Bulgaria) and its Ultrastructure


Годишник Телекомуникации, 2018

Резюме: Целта на статията е да се сподели опитът ни в обучението по ботаника в БФ на СУ от използ... more Резюме: Целта на статията е да се сподели опитът ни в обучението по ботаника в БФ на СУ от използването на смесено обучение в реални учебни зали с осигуряване на постоянен електронен достъп до преподавания материал и провеждане на онлайн тестове. За тази цел съпоставихме набор дългосрочни данни (2002-2017) от изпитните оценки на 3888 студенти, обучавани чрез класическо и смесено обучение в задължителни бакалавърски курсове, свързани с Водорасли и Гъби. Получените резултати ясно показват предимствата на смесеното обучение за преподавателите и за студентите. Подчертано е, че електронното тестване е природосъобразно и зелено поради нулевата консумация на хартия. Доказаните предимства на електронното тестване и обучение ни дават основание да ги препоръчаме на всички наши колеги за бъдещата им работа. Ключови думи: студенти-биолози, обучение по ботаника, електронно обучение, електронно тестване.


. Comparison of two strains of microalgae used for waste-water post-treatment in a laboratory scale SBR, 2019

Ключови думи: алги, фосфор, Vischeria, Desmodesmus, пречистване на отпадъчни води РЕЗЮМЕ Статията... more Ключови думи: алги, фосфор, Vischeria, Desmodesmus, пречистване на отпадъчни води РЕЗЮМЕ Статията представя изследване, целящо избор на култура микроводорасли за от-страняване на фосфор от биологично пречистени отпадъчни води. Използвани са лабо-раторни реактори, работещи на принципа на реактори с циклично действие. Изследвани са два щама микроводорасли от два рода на различни еволюционни линии-Vischeria (от жълтокафявата линия-отдел Ochrophyta) и Desmodesmus (от зелената линия-отдел Chlorophyta). Използвана е реална отпадъчна вода след вторичен утаител от ПСОВ Куб-ратово. Сравнението на микрводораслите е направено по показатели: скорост на отстра-няване на фосфор, pH и утаителни способности на културата. Резултатите показват, че водораслите от род Vischeria вероятно са по-добрият избор, тъй като те поддържат по-благоприятни стойности на pH, по-добри утаителни способности, макар и малко по-ниска скорост на отстраняване на фосфор в сравнение с водораслите от род Desmodesmus. Този начален етап на изследването показа, че е необходимо да бъдат про-учени сезонната динамика, влиянието на интензивността на слънчевото греене, зависи-мостта на скоростта на отстраняване на фосфор от други елементи в системата и начини за недопускане на заразяване на чистата култура микроводорасли.

Research paper thumbnail of Цианотоксини – причинители на социалнозначими заболявания. Обзор (Cyanotoxins as causes of socially significant diseases. A review)

Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция, 14-15 юни 2018, Електронно издание, Велико Търново 2018, Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, ISSN 2367-7481, 399-409. , 2018

The paper is a review in which some types of cyanotoxins and the relevant socially significant di... more The paper is a review in which some types of cyanotoxins and the relevant socially
significant diseases, which they can cause, are discussed. The cyanotoxins found in Bulgaria
are pointed with special attention on the risk for human health and national security of the
Key words: BMAA, ciquatoxin, cylindrospermopsin, health risk, lyngbyatoxins,
microcystins, national security, nodularins, palytoxin

Research paper thumbnail of Ethno mycological Notes on the Use of Polypore Fungi in Domestic Production of Alcoholic Beverages in Bulgaria

Research Journal of Food and Nutrition Volume 2, Issue 3, PP 13-17 , 2018

Domestic production of alcoholic beverages in Bulgaria has long tradition and iswidespread throug... more Domestic production of alcoholic beverages in Bulgaria has long tradition and iswidespread throughout the country. The paper provides ethnomycological data related with the special colorationand maturation of national brandy named vernacularly as rakiya by using of polypore fungi which develop on mulberries. Thecoloration and maturation by Fomitiporia robusta was tested by the authors on domestically produced cherry-plum rakiya and was related with the presence of tannins proved during the study in this polypore fungus. The usage of other, similarly looking, hoof-like fungi with a tube hymenophore, which contain tannins with the same purpose by Bulgarian people is supposed but needs confirmation in future studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Chlorella vulgaris H1993 and Desmodesmus communis H522 for low-cost production of highvalue microalgal products


Carotenoids have received particular attention both for their importance in algal systematics and... more Carotenoids have received particular attention both for their importance in algal systematics
and hydrobiology and for their health benefits for humans, along with other applications in
various industries. Here, we provide new data on the carotenoid content of five Vischeria/
Eustigmatos strains isolated from aeroterrestrial habitats in Bulgaria and kept in the Algal
Collection of Sofia University (ACUS). The obtained pigment pattern with nine carotenoids and
generalization of literature data allowed us to update the knowledge on the chemotaxonomic
characteristics of Eustigmatophyceae with a total of 47 pigments reported for the group, out
of which 37 are carotenoids. The important photosynthetic pigment lutein, considered also a
high-value product with extensive applications in feed, food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical
industries, was proved as a novel carotenoid for the group. The results also confirmed the
presence of luteoxanthin, which is rarely reported in algae. All strains had a high content of the
commercially valuable health-promoting xanthophyll astaxanthin. There were also different
amounts of beta-carotene, violaxanthin, vaucheriaxanthin, canthaxanthin, zeaxanthin and
antheraxanthin. Based on the differences in the pigment composition of the members of the
ecological groups of aquatic and aeroterrestrial species, we propose the existence of two
main pigment types in the class Eustigmatophyceae, with the aquatic type further divided into
freshwater and marine pigment subtypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological characterization and phylogenetic analysis of aeroterrestrial Vischeria/Eustigmatos strains with industrial potential

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2019

Microalgae are subject of extensive scientific and commercial interest in terms of both fundament... more Microalgae are subject of extensive scientific and commercial interest in terms of both fundamental ecology and biotechnological potential. Here, we describe five Bulgarian aeroterrestrial
strains of the Eustigmatos/Vischeria group, which have shown potential as valuable carotenoid
producers. The strains are stored in the algal collection of Sofia University (ACUS). The main
cytological and morphological diagnostic features of the studied eustigmatophycean
stramenopile algae remained stable during long-term cultivation, showing that immediate light
microscopy (LM) identification in cultures is reliable. We used a polyphasic approach for
taxonomical identification, combining conventional microscopy of culture material with molecular-genetic methods (based on rbcL gene sequencing). This approach led to almost similar
taxonomic results, supporting the need for unification of the genera Eustigmatos and Vischeria
(which are presently separated on the basis of morphological features). Based on the obtained
results, we speculate that there could be new eustigmatophyceaen aeroterrestrial taxa. This,
however, needs to be confirmed in more refined molecular-genetic studies with a view to
exploiting the full biotechnological potential of the aeroterrestrial Eustigmatos/Vischeria strains
described here

Research paper thumbnail of Carotenoids in five aeroterrestrial strains from Vischeria/Eustigmatos group: updating the pigment pattern of Eustigmatophyceae


Carotenoids have received particular attention both for their importance in algal systematics and... more Carotenoids have received particular attention both for their importance in algal systematics
and hydrobiology and for their health benefits for humans, along with other applications in
various industries. Here, we provide new data on the carotenoid content of five Vischeria/
Eustigmatos strains isolated from aeroterrestrial habitats in Bulgaria and kept in the Algal
Collection of Sofia University (ACUS). The obtained pigment pattern with nine carotenoids and
generalization of literature data allowed us to update the knowledge on the chemotaxonomic
characteristics of Eustigmatophyceae with a total of 47 pigments reported for the group, out
of which 37 are carotenoids. The important photosynthetic pigment lutein, considered also a
high-value product with extensive applications in feed, food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical
industries, was proved as a novel carotenoid for the group. The results also confirmed the
presence of luteoxanthin, which is rarely reported in algae. All strains had a high content of the
commercially valuable health-promoting xanthophyll astaxanthin. There were also different
amounts of beta-carotene, violaxanthin, vaucheriaxanthin, canthaxanthin, zeaxanthin and
antheraxanthin. Based on the differences in the pigment composition of the members of the
ecological groups of aquatic and aeroterrestrial species, we propose the existence of two
main pigment types in the class Eustigmatophyceae, with the aquatic type further divided into
freshwater and marine pigment subtypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Limnological Characterization of the Largest Freshwater Lake in Remote Oceania (Lake Letas, Gaua Island, Vanuatu)

Research paper thumbnail of Limnological Characterization of Volcanic Crater Lakes on Uvea Island (Wallis and Futuna, South Pacific)

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological characterization and phylogenetic analysis of aeroterrestrial Vischeria/Eustigmatos strains with industrial potential

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological and Molecular Identification of Microcystin-Producing Cyanobacteria in Nine Shallow Bulgarian Water Bodies

Toxins, 2020

The paper presents results from the first application of polyphasic approach in studies of field ... more The paper presents results from the first application of polyphasic approach in studies of field samples from Bulgaria. This approach, which combined the conventional light microscopy (LM) and molecular-genetic methods (based on PCR amplified fragments of microcystin synthetase gene mcyE), revealed that almost all microcystin-producers in the studied eutrophic waterbodies belong to the genus Microcystis. During the molecular identification of toxin-producing strains by use of HEPF × HEPR pair of primers, we obtained 57 sequences, 56 of which formed 28 strains of Microcystis, spread in six clusters of the phylogenetic tree. By LM, seven Microcystis morphospecies were identified (M. aeruginosa, M. botrys, M. flos-aquae, M. natans, M. novacekii, M. smithii, and M. wesenbergii). They showed significant morphological variability and contributed from <1% to 98% to the total biomass. All data support the earlier opinions that taxonomic revision of Microcystis is needed, proved the prese...

Research paper thumbnail of Assoc. Prof. Dr Stefan Draganov: congratulations for 80th birthday

Phytologia Balcanica International Journal of Balkan Flora and Vegetation, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Early View, On-line since 8 June 2015 Phytoplankton of the reservoir " Dospat " (Rodopi Mts, Bulgaria) as indicator of negative trend in reservoir development due to long-term cage fish farming

The paper presents the results of the recent (2011) investigation of phytoplankton composition an... more The paper presents the results of the recent (2011) investigation of phytoplankton composition and abundance, with its seasonal and spatial dynamics in the reservoir " Dospat " (the first in Bulgaria used for cage fish farming) and shows the changes in its waters after 30 years of

Research paper thumbnail of Spring-phytoplankton of the River Danube in the year 1990

Research paper thumbnail of Sofia

Plants and Habitats of European Cities, 2011

The flora of Sofia, which is formed by Centro-European species, is highly influenced by the flora... more The flora of Sofia, which is formed by Centro-European species, is highly influenced by the flora of the surrounding mountains and the Sofia Plain. The city contains 920 vascular species (21.26% of the Bulgarian flora). In terms of its history, the flora comprises 552 native species, 275 archaeophytes and 83 neophytes. The city’s flora includes 12 statutorily protected species, 14

Research paper thumbnail of Long-term compositional response of the algal flora of the Boyana swamp (western Bulgaria) to the environmental changes

Annual of Sofia University “ …, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Studies on cyanoprokaryotes of the water bodies along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (1890-2017): a review, with special reference to new, rare and harmful taxa

The report presents a review of the studies on cyanoprokaryotes from Bulgarian coastal wetlands c... more The report presents a review of the studies on cyanoprokaryotes from Bulgarian coastal wetlands carried out in the period 1890-2017. The biodiversity of cyanoprokaryotes in coastal water basins (their phytoplankton and phytobenthos) was evaluated and analyzed by wetlands types with emphasis on the new and peculiar taxa described. The conservation status of the recorded species follows the Red List of Bulgarian microalgae. Special attention is paid to the occurrence of cyanoblooms, cyanotoxins and toxic species, as well as to the invasive and alien species.

Research paper thumbnail of Species diversity of pelagic algae in Lake Kivu (East Africa)

Le lac Kivu est le moins connu des grands lacs d&amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27;Afrique de l&amp;am... more Le lac Kivu est le moins connu des grands lacs d&amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27;Afrique de l&amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27;Est en ce qui concerne les algues de la zone pélagique. Les données existantes sur ses communautés phytoplanctoniques sont ponctuelles, dispersées ou anciennes. Ce travail présente les données floristiques du ...

Research paper thumbnail of Gloeothece hindakii (Cyanoprokaryota, Synechococcaceae): a new planktonic species from Lake Tanganyika (Africa)

Research paper thumbnail of Trochisciopsis tetraspora f. minor forma nova (Chlorophyceae-Chlorococcaceae) - a New Terrestrial Green Algal Taxon from Pirin Mts. (Bulgaria) and its Ultrastructure


Годишник Телекомуникации, 2018

Резюме: Целта на статията е да се сподели опитът ни в обучението по ботаника в БФ на СУ от използ... more Резюме: Целта на статията е да се сподели опитът ни в обучението по ботаника в БФ на СУ от използването на смесено обучение в реални учебни зали с осигуряване на постоянен електронен достъп до преподавания материал и провеждане на онлайн тестове. За тази цел съпоставихме набор дългосрочни данни (2002-2017) от изпитните оценки на 3888 студенти, обучавани чрез класическо и смесено обучение в задължителни бакалавърски курсове, свързани с Водорасли и Гъби. Получените резултати ясно показват предимствата на смесеното обучение за преподавателите и за студентите. Подчертано е, че електронното тестване е природосъобразно и зелено поради нулевата консумация на хартия. Доказаните предимства на електронното тестване и обучение ни дават основание да ги препоръчаме на всички наши колеги за бъдещата им работа. Ключови думи: студенти-биолози, обучение по ботаника, електронно обучение, електронно тестване.


. Comparison of two strains of microalgae used for waste-water post-treatment in a laboratory scale SBR, 2019

Ключови думи: алги, фосфор, Vischeria, Desmodesmus, пречистване на отпадъчни води РЕЗЮМЕ Статията... more Ключови думи: алги, фосфор, Vischeria, Desmodesmus, пречистване на отпадъчни води РЕЗЮМЕ Статията представя изследване, целящо избор на култура микроводорасли за от-страняване на фосфор от биологично пречистени отпадъчни води. Използвани са лабо-раторни реактори, работещи на принципа на реактори с циклично действие. Изследвани са два щама микроводорасли от два рода на различни еволюционни линии-Vischeria (от жълтокафявата линия-отдел Ochrophyta) и Desmodesmus (от зелената линия-отдел Chlorophyta). Използвана е реална отпадъчна вода след вторичен утаител от ПСОВ Куб-ратово. Сравнението на микрводораслите е направено по показатели: скорост на отстра-няване на фосфор, pH и утаителни способности на културата. Резултатите показват, че водораслите от род Vischeria вероятно са по-добрият избор, тъй като те поддържат по-благоприятни стойности на pH, по-добри утаителни способности, макар и малко по-ниска скорост на отстраняване на фосфор в сравнение с водораслите от род Desmodesmus. Този начален етап на изследването показа, че е необходимо да бъдат про-учени сезонната динамика, влиянието на интензивността на слънчевото греене, зависи-мостта на скоростта на отстраняване на фосфор от други елементи в системата и начини за недопускане на заразяване на чистата култура микроводорасли.

Research paper thumbnail of Цианотоксини – причинители на социалнозначими заболявания. Обзор (Cyanotoxins as causes of socially significant diseases. A review)

Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция, 14-15 юни 2018, Електронно издание, Велико Търново 2018, Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, ISSN 2367-7481, 399-409. , 2018

The paper is a review in which some types of cyanotoxins and the relevant socially significant di... more The paper is a review in which some types of cyanotoxins and the relevant socially
significant diseases, which they can cause, are discussed. The cyanotoxins found in Bulgaria
are pointed with special attention on the risk for human health and national security of the
Key words: BMAA, ciquatoxin, cylindrospermopsin, health risk, lyngbyatoxins,
microcystins, national security, nodularins, palytoxin

Research paper thumbnail of Ethno mycological Notes on the Use of Polypore Fungi in Domestic Production of Alcoholic Beverages in Bulgaria

Research Journal of Food and Nutrition Volume 2, Issue 3, PP 13-17 , 2018

Domestic production of alcoholic beverages in Bulgaria has long tradition and iswidespread throug... more Domestic production of alcoholic beverages in Bulgaria has long tradition and iswidespread throughout the country. The paper provides ethnomycological data related with the special colorationand maturation of national brandy named vernacularly as rakiya by using of polypore fungi which develop on mulberries. Thecoloration and maturation by Fomitiporia robusta was tested by the authors on domestically produced cherry-plum rakiya and was related with the presence of tannins proved during the study in this polypore fungus. The usage of other, similarly looking, hoof-like fungi with a tube hymenophore, which contain tannins with the same purpose by Bulgarian people is supposed but needs confirmation in future studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Chlorella vulgaris H1993 and Desmodesmus communis H522 for low-cost production of highvalue microalgal products


Carotenoids have received particular attention both for their importance in algal systematics and... more Carotenoids have received particular attention both for their importance in algal systematics
and hydrobiology and for their health benefits for humans, along with other applications in
various industries. Here, we provide new data on the carotenoid content of five Vischeria/
Eustigmatos strains isolated from aeroterrestrial habitats in Bulgaria and kept in the Algal
Collection of Sofia University (ACUS). The obtained pigment pattern with nine carotenoids and
generalization of literature data allowed us to update the knowledge on the chemotaxonomic
characteristics of Eustigmatophyceae with a total of 47 pigments reported for the group, out
of which 37 are carotenoids. The important photosynthetic pigment lutein, considered also a
high-value product with extensive applications in feed, food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical
industries, was proved as a novel carotenoid for the group. The results also confirmed the
presence of luteoxanthin, which is rarely reported in algae. All strains had a high content of the
commercially valuable health-promoting xanthophyll astaxanthin. There were also different
amounts of beta-carotene, violaxanthin, vaucheriaxanthin, canthaxanthin, zeaxanthin and
antheraxanthin. Based on the differences in the pigment composition of the members of the
ecological groups of aquatic and aeroterrestrial species, we propose the existence of two
main pigment types in the class Eustigmatophyceae, with the aquatic type further divided into
freshwater and marine pigment subtypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological characterization and phylogenetic analysis of aeroterrestrial Vischeria/Eustigmatos strains with industrial potential

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2019

Microalgae are subject of extensive scientific and commercial interest in terms of both fundament... more Microalgae are subject of extensive scientific and commercial interest in terms of both fundamental ecology and biotechnological potential. Here, we describe five Bulgarian aeroterrestrial
strains of the Eustigmatos/Vischeria group, which have shown potential as valuable carotenoid
producers. The strains are stored in the algal collection of Sofia University (ACUS). The main
cytological and morphological diagnostic features of the studied eustigmatophycean
stramenopile algae remained stable during long-term cultivation, showing that immediate light
microscopy (LM) identification in cultures is reliable. We used a polyphasic approach for
taxonomical identification, combining conventional microscopy of culture material with molecular-genetic methods (based on rbcL gene sequencing). This approach led to almost similar
taxonomic results, supporting the need for unification of the genera Eustigmatos and Vischeria
(which are presently separated on the basis of morphological features). Based on the obtained
results, we speculate that there could be new eustigmatophyceaen aeroterrestrial taxa. This,
however, needs to be confirmed in more refined molecular-genetic studies with a view to
exploiting the full biotechnological potential of the aeroterrestrial Eustigmatos/Vischeria strains
described here

Research paper thumbnail of Carotenoids in five aeroterrestrial strains from Vischeria/Eustigmatos group: updating the pigment pattern of Eustigmatophyceae


Carotenoids have received particular attention both for their importance in algal systematics and... more Carotenoids have received particular attention both for their importance in algal systematics
and hydrobiology and for their health benefits for humans, along with other applications in
various industries. Here, we provide new data on the carotenoid content of five Vischeria/
Eustigmatos strains isolated from aeroterrestrial habitats in Bulgaria and kept in the Algal
Collection of Sofia University (ACUS). The obtained pigment pattern with nine carotenoids and
generalization of literature data allowed us to update the knowledge on the chemotaxonomic
characteristics of Eustigmatophyceae with a total of 47 pigments reported for the group, out
of which 37 are carotenoids. The important photosynthetic pigment lutein, considered also a
high-value product with extensive applications in feed, food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical
industries, was proved as a novel carotenoid for the group. The results also confirmed the
presence of luteoxanthin, which is rarely reported in algae. All strains had a high content of the
commercially valuable health-promoting xanthophyll astaxanthin. There were also different
amounts of beta-carotene, violaxanthin, vaucheriaxanthin, canthaxanthin, zeaxanthin and
antheraxanthin. Based on the differences in the pigment composition of the members of the
ecological groups of aquatic and aeroterrestrial species, we propose the existence of two
main pigment types in the class Eustigmatophyceae, with the aquatic type further divided into
freshwater and marine pigment subtypes.