Dr. Milka Semova | Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (original) (raw)
Papers by Dr. Milka Semova
Rhetoric and Communications, Apr 30, 2022
Sustainable Development: Driving Factors and Impact Measurement, 2022
This theoretical research asks the question What forms of policymaking and protest lead to social... more This theoretical research asks the question What forms of policymaking and protest lead to social changes nowadays? Social movements for social responsibility are a vast topic and numerous examples with different outcomes can be given from all five continents. This article aims at giving an overview of the global understanding of sustainable development and a structural approach to analyzing advocacy and protest campaigns. Methods are content analysis of law, administrative documents prepared by international organizations, content analysis of publications in authoritative media as well as desk research concerning definitions of basic concepts. The hypothesis is that socially responsible behavior is as much governmental as organizational and individual responsibility. There are socioeconomic and political systems that rely on direct democracy. Their citizens actively take part in national and federal referendums on issues concerning quality of life and public services, commonly referred to as social issues. The recommendations are that additional research could use combined heuristic and mathematical methods to suggest a system for measuring the vulnerability of political, economic, and technological environments towards social risks, to achieve higher levels of prioritization be regions and crisis prevention.
Fundraising is a function of the reputation of the organization raising the funds, the cause itse... more Fundraising is a function of the reputation of the organization raising the funds, the cause itself, and the economic situation in the country or region where the funds are raised. Alumni Associations are constituancy-based not-for-profit organizations. Their mission is to support their Alma Mater i.e. to support the constant improvement of quality of education of the University. Alumni Clubs have proven direct and indirect effect on the University Ranking and the National Competitiveness. In this respect, alumni club management should be viewed strategically and in long-term perspective. This makes fundraising of the Alumni Associations very specific. The aim of the current paper is to review the context of fundraising in Bulgaria and to suggest a successful model for interaction of an alumni association with different stakeholders. The analysis is based on the five-year empirical fundraising data of the Alumni organization at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, w...
Alumni networks have become of key importance to University competitiveness in the last decades. ... more Alumni networks have become of key importance to University competitiveness in the last decades. Investment of human capital and financial resources in alumni relations equips universities with more opportunities for joint scholarships, research projects, laboratories, libraries, new programs, pro-bono services, endowments and venture capital. As a result we argue that alumni networks have direct positive impact on university ranking. This paper reviews the most prominent university ranking systems and achievements of most prominent alumni relation offices. The goal of the study is 1) to prove that former students are remarkable resource for universities, and 2) identify key quality indicators for efficient performance of an alumni office in the current economic context. Findings of this paper can be used for strategic planning of alumni engagement. Review of related literature from Europe, North America and Asia has been done, using deductive and inductive methods of analysis. A br...
Internet and the development of new communication technologies are the basis for the accelerated ... more Internet and the development of new communication technologies are the basis for the accelerated evolution of our business environment, the nature of the exchange and the relationships among market participants. This paper looks at opportunities and challenges for businesses, and particularly the retail business, to place blockchain technology and smart contracts in the retail supply chain. The authors' own research findings on trust in blockchain technology are summarized.
Интернет и развитието на негова основа на нови комуникационни
технологии стоят в основата на ускорената еволюция на бизнес екосредата, характера на обмена и взаимоотношенията между пазарните участници.
В доклада се разглеждат възможности и предизвикателства пред бизнеса и в частност търговията на дребно, които поставят блокчейн технологията и умните договори, тяхното приложение и въздействие по-специално върху веригата за снабдяване в ритейлига. Обобщени са резултати от собствено проучване на авторите за доверието в блокчейн технологията.
АНОТАЦИЯ Настоящата разработка проучва възможностите за финансиране на социални каузи чрез крипто... more АНОТАЦИЯ Настоящата разработка проучва възможностите за финансиране на социални каузи чрез криптовалути като прави кратко обобщение на възникването и развитието на пазара на виртуални валути и приложенията на блокчейн технологията. Литературният обзор открива примери, в които потребителите на криптовалути са целеви сегмент на организации с идеална цел за привличане на средства. Авторите разглеждат две платформи (едната в САЩ, а другата в България), които набират биткойни за различни социални каузи и отговорят на въпроса защо дигиталните валути се използват и за финансиране на противообществени прояви (терористични акции, трафик на хора и на забранени вещества). Направен е статистически анализ на профила на търгуващите с криптовалути в България. На основата на он-лайн анкета до настоящи потребители на криптовалути и до потенциално заинтересовани, които посещават обучения по темата за копаене и търговия с криптовалути, се изследват нагласите им към различни видове обществено-значими каузи, анализира се техния демографски и социален профил и каналите за комуникация с тях. Ключови думи: криптовалути, дигитални валути, блокчейн технология, биткойн (BTC), умни договори, фондонабиране за социални каузи, финансиране на терористични акции
Les associations et bureaux d'anciens étudiants ont en particulier pour mission, en soutenant l'A... more Les associations et bureaux d'anciens étudiants ont en particulier pour mission, en soutenant l'Alma Mater, d'être acteurs de la qualité de la formation proposée. Alors que, jusqu'à récemment, nous avons optimisé les processus managériaux et de production de l'organisation d'une manière autonome, aujourd'hui, il s'agit de réaliser l'optimisation de la participation à un réseau. Formellement ou non, cette forme de participation rend plus facile l'accès à des ressources et des conventions fiables, crée des opportunités pour l'innovation, ajoute de la valeur à chaque association particulière grâce à marque. Les universités bulgares comptent 53 000 étudiants de premier cycle en 2014 et le rapport entre les établissements publics et privés est de 80 à 20 %. Plus de 2 000 positions sont réservées aux doctorants, la plus grande partie dans le secteur public (83 %), les instituts scientifiques n'accueillant que 0,03 % des thésards. Ainsi, les universités publiques ont une part de marché d'environ 80 %. Les activités des associations et bureaux d'anciens (Alumni) ont une histoire décennale et sont suivies au niveau des statistiques nationales avec trois indicateurs principaux : le pourcentage de diplômés membres du club des anciens ; le pourcentage de membres qui soutiennent financièrement, donnent de leur temps et de leur expertise en faveur de leur Alma Mater ; le pourcentage des fonds recueillis par l'organisation par rapport à l'ensemble du budget de l'Université. Les associations et bureaux d'anciens ont une influence directe et indirecte sur le classement de l'Université et sur la compétitivité nationale. Ainsi, il convient d'analyser les activités de ces organisations dans le cadre d'une stratégie nationale à long terme et dans le cadre de l'Université concernée.
Alumni communication is specific with its heterogeneous audience, unified by one main feature – A... more Alumni communication is specific with its heterogeneous audience, unified by one main feature – Alma Mater. Universities around the world focus their attention at donations. Not less important are lobbying and volunteering. When strategically planning alumni relations it is important that we take into consideration the existance or absence of alumni tradition of the instititution as well as the exact segmentation of the alumni database. The empirical data presented in this paper is part of a larger survey, projected to analyze alumni attitudes towards different alumni initiatives. We believe the results of this study will help us have a more precise communication of the type University – Alumni.
Fundraising is a function of the reputation of the organization raising the funds, the cause itse... more Fundraising is a function of the reputation of the organization raising the funds, the cause itself, and the economic situation in the country or region where the funds are raised. Alumni Associations are constituency-based not-for-profit organizations. Their mission is to support their Alma Mater i.e. to support the constant improvement of quality of education of the University. Alumni Clubs have proven direct or indirect effect on the University Ranking and the National Competitiveness. In this respect, alumni club management and should be viewed strategically and in long-term perspective. This makes fundraising at the Alumni Associations very specific. The aim of the current paper is to review the context of fundraising in Bulgaria and to suggest a successful model for interaction of an alumni association with different stakeholders. The analysis is based on the five-year empirical fundraising data of the Alumni organization at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, which is among the youngest departments of the oldest University in Bulgaria, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.
Annotation: Open innovations have become of key importance to company competitiveness in the rece... more Annotation: Open innovations have become of key importance to company competitiveness in the recent years. The open innovation model enables companies to react in a swift and flexible manner to changes in business environment, despite the shortened timeframes for new products to emerge on the market and the shortened lifecycle of technologies. This paper reviews opportunities for academic entrepreneurship and new for Bulgaria technology transfer to the real sector in the model of open innovation. The study has been conducted on the basis of the deep interview method.
Books by Dr. Milka Semova
HOW TO BUILD ALUMNI RELATIONS: because investing in alumni matters, 2021
HOW TO BUILD ALUMNI RELATIONS shows the diverse spectrum of the benefits of maintaining alumni re... more HOW TO BUILD ALUMNI RELATIONS shows the diverse spectrum of the benefits of maintaining alumni relations to a broad audience of marketing and human resource professionals. The proposed alumni management methods apply to formal and informal education, businesses, nonprofits, and institutional entities. The book examines four key aspects of building relationships with alumni: context of establishment, communications, control, and the corporate perspective. They are all bound by the consistency concept or the systematic approach, also the last chapter's title.
Пазарът на труда става все по-динамичен – причините са политически, социални, икономически, техно... more Пазарът на труда става все по-динамичен – причините са политически, социални, икономически, технологични. Пазарът на труда се глобализира. В много професии и индустрии заетостта се превръща от дългосрочна в проектна. Едни професии изчезват, други професии възникват днес, а трети се развиват и изискват нови знания и умения. Ето защо преквалификацията и ученето през целия живот са неизменна част от трудовия процес в Европа и света. Кариерният наръчник „Бърза пътека“ има за цел да подпомогне вашата подготовка – да осъзнаете по-добре изборите, които правите – за кандидатстване в университет, за избор на професия, за ориентиране в коя икономическа сфера искате да работите. Обобщено – да насочите своето мислене към собствената кариерна пътека. Кариерният наръчник съдържа въпроси за самостоятелна и екипна работа – те са полезна възможност да учите и да се развивате; по-добре да вземате решения за усъвършенстване и работа. Неслучайно го наричаме кариерен – наръчникът ще подпомогне вашето успешно представяне на пазара на труда в България и по света, като ви преведе през следните четири етапа: 1) осъзнаване; 2) идентифициране на възможности; 3) вземане на решение; 4) лично брандиране.
Rhetoric and Communications, Apr 30, 2022
Sustainable Development: Driving Factors and Impact Measurement, 2022
This theoretical research asks the question What forms of policymaking and protest lead to social... more This theoretical research asks the question What forms of policymaking and protest lead to social changes nowadays? Social movements for social responsibility are a vast topic and numerous examples with different outcomes can be given from all five continents. This article aims at giving an overview of the global understanding of sustainable development and a structural approach to analyzing advocacy and protest campaigns. Methods are content analysis of law, administrative documents prepared by international organizations, content analysis of publications in authoritative media as well as desk research concerning definitions of basic concepts. The hypothesis is that socially responsible behavior is as much governmental as organizational and individual responsibility. There are socioeconomic and political systems that rely on direct democracy. Their citizens actively take part in national and federal referendums on issues concerning quality of life and public services, commonly referred to as social issues. The recommendations are that additional research could use combined heuristic and mathematical methods to suggest a system for measuring the vulnerability of political, economic, and technological environments towards social risks, to achieve higher levels of prioritization be regions and crisis prevention.
Fundraising is a function of the reputation of the organization raising the funds, the cause itse... more Fundraising is a function of the reputation of the organization raising the funds, the cause itself, and the economic situation in the country or region where the funds are raised. Alumni Associations are constituancy-based not-for-profit organizations. Their mission is to support their Alma Mater i.e. to support the constant improvement of quality of education of the University. Alumni Clubs have proven direct and indirect effect on the University Ranking and the National Competitiveness. In this respect, alumni club management should be viewed strategically and in long-term perspective. This makes fundraising of the Alumni Associations very specific. The aim of the current paper is to review the context of fundraising in Bulgaria and to suggest a successful model for interaction of an alumni association with different stakeholders. The analysis is based on the five-year empirical fundraising data of the Alumni organization at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, w...
Alumni networks have become of key importance to University competitiveness in the last decades. ... more Alumni networks have become of key importance to University competitiveness in the last decades. Investment of human capital and financial resources in alumni relations equips universities with more opportunities for joint scholarships, research projects, laboratories, libraries, new programs, pro-bono services, endowments and venture capital. As a result we argue that alumni networks have direct positive impact on university ranking. This paper reviews the most prominent university ranking systems and achievements of most prominent alumni relation offices. The goal of the study is 1) to prove that former students are remarkable resource for universities, and 2) identify key quality indicators for efficient performance of an alumni office in the current economic context. Findings of this paper can be used for strategic planning of alumni engagement. Review of related literature from Europe, North America and Asia has been done, using deductive and inductive methods of analysis. A br...
Internet and the development of new communication technologies are the basis for the accelerated ... more Internet and the development of new communication technologies are the basis for the accelerated evolution of our business environment, the nature of the exchange and the relationships among market participants. This paper looks at opportunities and challenges for businesses, and particularly the retail business, to place blockchain technology and smart contracts in the retail supply chain. The authors' own research findings on trust in blockchain technology are summarized.
Интернет и развитието на негова основа на нови комуникационни
технологии стоят в основата на ускорената еволюция на бизнес екосредата, характера на обмена и взаимоотношенията между пазарните участници.
В доклада се разглеждат възможности и предизвикателства пред бизнеса и в частност търговията на дребно, които поставят блокчейн технологията и умните договори, тяхното приложение и въздействие по-специално върху веригата за снабдяване в ритейлига. Обобщени са резултати от собствено проучване на авторите за доверието в блокчейн технологията.
АНОТАЦИЯ Настоящата разработка проучва възможностите за финансиране на социални каузи чрез крипто... more АНОТАЦИЯ Настоящата разработка проучва възможностите за финансиране на социални каузи чрез криптовалути като прави кратко обобщение на възникването и развитието на пазара на виртуални валути и приложенията на блокчейн технологията. Литературният обзор открива примери, в които потребителите на криптовалути са целеви сегмент на организации с идеална цел за привличане на средства. Авторите разглеждат две платформи (едната в САЩ, а другата в България), които набират биткойни за различни социални каузи и отговорят на въпроса защо дигиталните валути се използват и за финансиране на противообществени прояви (терористични акции, трафик на хора и на забранени вещества). Направен е статистически анализ на профила на търгуващите с криптовалути в България. На основата на он-лайн анкета до настоящи потребители на криптовалути и до потенциално заинтересовани, които посещават обучения по темата за копаене и търговия с криптовалути, се изследват нагласите им към различни видове обществено-значими каузи, анализира се техния демографски и социален профил и каналите за комуникация с тях. Ключови думи: криптовалути, дигитални валути, блокчейн технология, биткойн (BTC), умни договори, фондонабиране за социални каузи, финансиране на терористични акции
Les associations et bureaux d'anciens étudiants ont en particulier pour mission, en soutenant l'A... more Les associations et bureaux d'anciens étudiants ont en particulier pour mission, en soutenant l'Alma Mater, d'être acteurs de la qualité de la formation proposée. Alors que, jusqu'à récemment, nous avons optimisé les processus managériaux et de production de l'organisation d'une manière autonome, aujourd'hui, il s'agit de réaliser l'optimisation de la participation à un réseau. Formellement ou non, cette forme de participation rend plus facile l'accès à des ressources et des conventions fiables, crée des opportunités pour l'innovation, ajoute de la valeur à chaque association particulière grâce à marque. Les universités bulgares comptent 53 000 étudiants de premier cycle en 2014 et le rapport entre les établissements publics et privés est de 80 à 20 %. Plus de 2 000 positions sont réservées aux doctorants, la plus grande partie dans le secteur public (83 %), les instituts scientifiques n'accueillant que 0,03 % des thésards. Ainsi, les universités publiques ont une part de marché d'environ 80 %. Les activités des associations et bureaux d'anciens (Alumni) ont une histoire décennale et sont suivies au niveau des statistiques nationales avec trois indicateurs principaux : le pourcentage de diplômés membres du club des anciens ; le pourcentage de membres qui soutiennent financièrement, donnent de leur temps et de leur expertise en faveur de leur Alma Mater ; le pourcentage des fonds recueillis par l'organisation par rapport à l'ensemble du budget de l'Université. Les associations et bureaux d'anciens ont une influence directe et indirecte sur le classement de l'Université et sur la compétitivité nationale. Ainsi, il convient d'analyser les activités de ces organisations dans le cadre d'une stratégie nationale à long terme et dans le cadre de l'Université concernée.
Alumni communication is specific with its heterogeneous audience, unified by one main feature – A... more Alumni communication is specific with its heterogeneous audience, unified by one main feature – Alma Mater. Universities around the world focus their attention at donations. Not less important are lobbying and volunteering. When strategically planning alumni relations it is important that we take into consideration the existance or absence of alumni tradition of the instititution as well as the exact segmentation of the alumni database. The empirical data presented in this paper is part of a larger survey, projected to analyze alumni attitudes towards different alumni initiatives. We believe the results of this study will help us have a more precise communication of the type University – Alumni.
Fundraising is a function of the reputation of the organization raising the funds, the cause itse... more Fundraising is a function of the reputation of the organization raising the funds, the cause itself, and the economic situation in the country or region where the funds are raised. Alumni Associations are constituency-based not-for-profit organizations. Their mission is to support their Alma Mater i.e. to support the constant improvement of quality of education of the University. Alumni Clubs have proven direct or indirect effect on the University Ranking and the National Competitiveness. In this respect, alumni club management and should be viewed strategically and in long-term perspective. This makes fundraising at the Alumni Associations very specific. The aim of the current paper is to review the context of fundraising in Bulgaria and to suggest a successful model for interaction of an alumni association with different stakeholders. The analysis is based on the five-year empirical fundraising data of the Alumni organization at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, which is among the youngest departments of the oldest University in Bulgaria, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.
Annotation: Open innovations have become of key importance to company competitiveness in the rece... more Annotation: Open innovations have become of key importance to company competitiveness in the recent years. The open innovation model enables companies to react in a swift and flexible manner to changes in business environment, despite the shortened timeframes for new products to emerge on the market and the shortened lifecycle of technologies. This paper reviews opportunities for academic entrepreneurship and new for Bulgaria technology transfer to the real sector in the model of open innovation. The study has been conducted on the basis of the deep interview method.
HOW TO BUILD ALUMNI RELATIONS: because investing in alumni matters, 2021
HOW TO BUILD ALUMNI RELATIONS shows the diverse spectrum of the benefits of maintaining alumni re... more HOW TO BUILD ALUMNI RELATIONS shows the diverse spectrum of the benefits of maintaining alumni relations to a broad audience of marketing and human resource professionals. The proposed alumni management methods apply to formal and informal education, businesses, nonprofits, and institutional entities. The book examines four key aspects of building relationships with alumni: context of establishment, communications, control, and the corporate perspective. They are all bound by the consistency concept or the systematic approach, also the last chapter's title.
Пазарът на труда става все по-динамичен – причините са политически, социални, икономически, техно... more Пазарът на труда става все по-динамичен – причините са политически, социални, икономически, технологични. Пазарът на труда се глобализира. В много професии и индустрии заетостта се превръща от дългосрочна в проектна. Едни професии изчезват, други професии възникват днес, а трети се развиват и изискват нови знания и умения. Ето защо преквалификацията и ученето през целия живот са неизменна част от трудовия процес в Европа и света. Кариерният наръчник „Бърза пътека“ има за цел да подпомогне вашата подготовка – да осъзнаете по-добре изборите, които правите – за кандидатстване в университет, за избор на професия, за ориентиране в коя икономическа сфера искате да работите. Обобщено – да насочите своето мислене към собствената кариерна пътека. Кариерният наръчник съдържа въпроси за самостоятелна и екипна работа – те са полезна възможност да учите и да се развивате; по-добре да вземате решения за усъвършенстване и работа. Неслучайно го наричаме кариерен – наръчникът ще подпомогне вашето успешно представяне на пазара на труда в България и по света, като ви преведе през следните четири етапа: 1) осъзнаване; 2) идентифициране на възможности; 3) вземане на решение; 4) лично брандиране.
Партньорства със споделена стойност, 2020
Целта на настоящия наръчник е да се използва като учебно помагало за студенти, служители и ръково... more Целта на настоящия наръчник е да се използва като учебно помагало за студенти, служители и ръководители в бизнеса. Документът е разработен въз основа на Стратегическия план на УНИЦЕФ за периода 2018-2021 г. и представлява практическо ръководство, целящо да подкрепи компаниите в изграждането на партньорства със споделена стойност с организации с нестопанска цел, академичната общност и публичните институции.