Philip Mihaylov | Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (original) (raw)
Papers by Philip Mihaylov
The aim of this paper is to present the archaeological context in which the studied glass beads w... more The aim of this paper is to present the archaeological context in which the studied glass beads were found, their typology, and the preliminary results of archaeometric analysis. The necropolis of Dren-Delyan was discovered in 2011 during rescue excavations preceding the construction of the Struma motorway. The section of the site lying under the motorway was fully excavated in 2012, and during 2014-2015 excavations continued to the west of the road.
Проучването на некропола над махалата Маниш, с. Врабча през 2020 г.
Preliminary publication of a representative part of the anthropological material found during the... more Preliminary publication of a representative part of the anthropological material found during the rescue excavations of the Dren - Delyan necropolis.
The article is dedicated to the glass beads found during rescue excavations in the Dren - Delyan ... more The article is dedicated to the glass beads found during rescue excavations in the Dren - Delyan necropolis.
Сборник в чест на Румяна Георгиева, 2022
Първичната публикация на некропола от VIII-VI в. пр.Хр. разположен над махалата Маниш на с. Врабч... more Първичната публикация на некропола от VIII-VI в. пр.Хр. разположен над махалата Маниш на с. Врабча, общ. Трън, обл. Перник.
AOR, 2009
Статията представя археологическите разкопки на светилището и върха проведени през 2008 г.
AOR, 2008
В статията са представени археологическите разкопки на този обект проведени през 2007 г.
АОР, 2007
Статията представя проведените разкопки през 2006 г. на светилище от РЖЕ.
The article presents one of the few medieval cemeteries excavated in the Upper Struma valley. The... more The article presents one of the few medieval cemeteries excavated in the Upper Struma valley. The yielded artifacts allow to conclude that the cemetery functioned in the period between the 11 th and the early decades of the 13 th century. The grave pits were cut deep into the deposits of Tell Galabnik, accumulated in the Еarly Neolithic. Remains of a settlement were discovered next to the cemetery. The settlement was situated on the only dry area in this region covered by swamps, and it functioned at the same time with the cemetery. The cemetery at the village of Galabnik is among the important archaeological sites in the Upper Struma valley. The grave goods it yielded greatly outnumber other medieval cemeteries excavated in this region, such as the cemeteries in Pernik, Priboy and Kyustendil. Most of the personal ornaments yielded by the burials were typical for the period and were also found in a number of cemeteries excavated in present-day Bulgaria, Mac-edonia and Serbia. The sm...
Geologica Balcanica
The glass beads from the Dren-Delyan necropolis are found in burial complexes dated as from the e... more The glass beads from the Dren-Delyan necropolis are found in burial complexes dated as from the end of the 6th century BC until the first half of the 4th century BC. The purpose of this study is to obtain data on the chemical composition of the glass and the technology of its production. LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDS analyses were conducted. The analysed glass beads are classified as a low-magnesium type (LMG), and only one of the samples is determined as high-magnesium glass (HMG). The yellow colour of the glass is due to crystals of lead antimonate incorporated into the glass matrix. The green colour of the beads is a result of interaction of added copper and lead in the glass mixture, in presence of iron and chromium. Dark blue samples are coloured by additives with cobalt, copper and lower iron content. Light blue colouration of opaque glass beads is due to high copper content, along with the presence of iron. The colouring agent of a transparent light blue bead is FeO in amount up to 0...
The digitalization of the museum funds is an important process in the realization of the most imp... more The digitalization of the museum funds is an important process in the realization of the most important functions of the museums in Bulgaria. The attempts for digitalization of the museum funds are accidental. This paper aims to present a development of Regional Historical Museum – Pernik for digital passporting of museum artifacts.
Journal of Serbian Archaeological Society, 36, 2020
In 2012, rescue excavations at the sites of "Bunishteto" and "Druganski Pat" uncovered and partia... more In 2012, rescue excavations at the sites of "Bunishteto" and "Druganski Pat" uncovered and partially investigated a previously unknown necropolis, revealing a total of 400 m long stone piles with a total area of 6575 sq. m, 55 Early Iron Age graves and approximately the same number of graves from the 6 th-4 th century BC. By size and structure, the necropolis is unique: in a region without stone, substantial stone constructions had been erected, following a predesigned plan for a continuous usage of the terrain and the facilities. It was likely a regional necropolis.
In the locality of Kyln in the Vrabcha village, the district of Tran was found an unknown necropolis from the Early Iron Age (EIA). The necropolis is located between the Greben and Zavalska mountains, close to the border between Serbia and Bulgaria. Its altitude is between 978 to 980 m. The view is very nice to all directions. The necropolis is a large shaft made up of numerous small stone mounds. During the small-scale archaeological excavations, a 5x5 m square was explored, covering the eastern part of a stone mound with one or two graves. The applied ritual is cremation. There are no traces of burial stock, fire or ash in the studied area. The exact number of graves is impossible to determine. The reason is disorderly placement of osteological remains as well as of grave offerings / inventory - mostly under, often between and rarely on the stones without urns. The exact location of the graves is further complicated by the absence of fencing, the high temperature of the cremation, and modern human intervention. Numerous bronze, copper and iron objects were discovered. A large number of sherds of decorated ceramic vessels were found, some of them restorable. The pottery and the metal objects were made in the Basarabi style, typical for a wide area in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Northern Macedonia in the 7-6 centuries BC. It is worth to mention the local differences in the quality, decoration, and the manufacture of the pottery. However, the new site confirms the conclusion that the Upper Struma, Erma and Nishava valleys in the EIA were similar to the Upper Vardar region and the Pcinja valley to the south as well as to the West Morava to the north.
Годишник на Националния археологически музей, 2020
A necropolis from the beginning of 1st millennium BC was discovered in the Southeastern periphery... more A necropolis from the beginning of 1st millennium BC was discovered in the Southeastern periphery of the Radomir plain and studied in 2012. Perhaps it is linked to a population engaged in mining and metallurgy. There were various ore deposits explored during the same period.
The necropolis consists of stone heaps arranged in three parallel rows from the Northeast to the Southwest covering burial structures. Most from the last are low stone quadrangular frames. Some of them are graves, while others were probably used for burial and commemoration activities. So far the only documented funeral rite was cremation. The necropolis exists in two phases: early - from the end of 9 until early 8 c., and later - from 6 to the first half of 4 c. BC.
The grave goods mainly are jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets, brooches, beads, etc.), insignia, elements of horse trappings and weapons. Many of the ornaments are silver. The significant amount of items, also the availability of assorted deposits of gold and silver ore and the use of different techniques and combination of metals suggests to the existence of a local goldsmith workshop.
In six of the surveyed structures gold pectorals or applications were discovered. All are placed according to specific burial rites. They enrich the Thracian jewelry tradition. How they were made and characteristics of decoration allow proposing a hypothesis, that the pectorals and plates from the necropolis of Dren - Delyan are made in a goldsmith workshop in the 5 c. BC in the stile of the Thracian art.
Geologica Balcanica , 2019
The glass beads from the Dren-Delyan necropolis are found in burial complexes dated from the end ... more The glass beads from the Dren-Delyan necropolis are found in burial complexes dated from the end of the 6th century BC until the first half of the 4th century BC. The purpose of this study is to obtain data on the chemical composition of the glass and the technology of its production. LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDS analyses were conducted.
The analyzed glass beads are classified as a low-magnesium type (LMG), and only one of the samples is determined as high-magnesium glass (HMG). The yellow color of the glass is due to crystals of lead antimonate incorporated into the glass matrix. The green color of the beads is a result of the interaction of added copper and lead in the glass mixture, in the presence of iron and chromium. Dark blue samples are colored by additives with cobalt, copper and lower iron content. The light blue coloration of opaque glass beads is due to high copper content, along with the presence of iron. The coloring agent of a transparent light blue bead is FeO in an amount up to 0.25 wt%. The brown color is associated with high iron content. Two different opacifiers were used for the production of opaque glass beads – antimony and tin, either individually or together. The decolorizing agent is antimony without the involvement of manganese. Based on the results of the studied glass beads, we assume at least four types of raw material mixtures for their production. A comparison of the obtained results and published data about similar ancient glass findings was made.
Tzankova, N., Mihaylov, P. 2019. Chemical characterization of glass beads from the necropolis of Dren-Delyan (6 th-4 th century BC), Southwest Bulgaria. Geologica Balcanica 48 (2), 31-50.
Numismatics, Sigillography and Epigraphy, 14, 2018
In the summer of 2016, a hoard containing more than 1000 bronze coins of a small denomination, st... more In the summer of 2016, a hoard containing more than 1000 bronze
coins of a small denomination, stuck together in druses, was arrested
during a police action in Dolna Sekirna village, Breznik municipality,
Pernik district. Most probably the hoard comes from an archaeological
site in Chuka locality 439 m away from Kolina neighbourhood, 1,4 km
from Peyna neighbourhood, and 536 m from Slivie neighbourhood of
Dolna Sekirna village. After the initial restoration, it turned out that the number of the whole coins is 1255. The hoard covers the period of the 4th–5th c. The hoard was composed during the period of 450–474 AD under Marcianus and Leo I. The coins of emperor Leo I (457–474 AD) mark terminus post quem of the hoard.
For a long time the only known rock sanctuary along Struma valley was the one near the village of... more For a long time the only known rock sanctuary along Struma valley was the one near the village of Levunovo. In recent years the research of several sites in the region of Upper Struma that can be defined as “rock sanctuaries” was initiated.
One of them is the sanctuary located on Sveti Peter peak near the village of Dolna Sekirna. All known rock sanctuaries along Struma valley dating back to the Early Iron Age have the following pattern – a great number of metal objects; proximity to deposits of metal ore; traces of metal production and processing in ancient (usually late antique) times; magnificent view to vast territory.
It is plausible that the rock sanctuaries along the valley of Upper Struma had visual contact with each other.
All of them have magnificent view and probably had played an important role in the religious life of the population in the region.
Аспекти на културата в Горнострумския район през ранната желязна епоха Настоящата работа е базир... more Аспекти на културата в Горнострумския район през ранната желязна епоха
Настоящата работа е базирана върху материали от археологически обхождания, спасителни и сондажни разкопки и случайни находки, съхранявани във фонда на РИМ-Перник. До момента нямаме цялостно и методично проучен археологически обект от ранната желязна епоха. Тези материали могат да ни послужат при картирането на местата, обитавани през ранната желязна епоха и установяването на топографията. В резултат на това според продължителността на обитание, можем да разделим обектите на три групи:
- многослойни обекти, обитавани преди и след това време;
- обекти, възникнали през ранната желязна епоха, чието обитание (обикновено с прекъсване) продължава и през по-късните епохи;
- места, обитавани само през ранната желязна епоха.
Последният тип обекти са редки и животът не е продължил на такива места, поради влошаване на околната среда. Няма известни обекти, чието обитание започва по-рано и приключва през ранната желязна епоха.
Повечето от находките произхождат от райони с продължителен топографски континуитет, но при нито едно проучване не са установени пласт или масивни постройки. Голяма част от керамиката е с лошо качество и изпичане при ниска температура, каквато се поддържа в огнище.
Известните досега обекти са 91, повечето разположени на голяма площ, но без културен пласт. Едно вероятно обяснение може да бъде неуседналият характер на селищата и икономиката на населението.
During rescue excavations in the sites of Druganski Put in 2011 and 2012 an unknown necropolis wa... more During rescue excavations in the sites of Druganski Put in 2011 and 2012 an unknown necropolis was discovered and partially examined.
There were localized stone piles having the length of about 400 m and the area of 6575 square meters. They formed parallel lines of gravestones directed to northeast – southwest. The rescue nature of the excavations didn’t allow to be determined the necropolis’ boundaries; however, it is certain that it continued to the southwest.
peripheries of the gravestones were preferred.
The earliest graves are divided according to their typology and topography. They were situated in the southern part of the necropolis and represented urns with cremated bones laid down into shallow pits and covered with plates. In some cases they were marked with big amorphous stones or were squeezed with stones near the vessel’s shoulders.
During the research work there have been registered about 55 graves dating in the First Phase of the Early Iron Age and approximately the same number dating within 6th – 4th century B.C.
The aim of this paper is to present the archaeological context in which the studied glass beads w... more The aim of this paper is to present the archaeological context in which the studied glass beads were found, their typology, and the preliminary results of archaeometric analysis. The necropolis of Dren-Delyan was discovered in 2011 during rescue excavations preceding the construction of the Struma motorway. The section of the site lying under the motorway was fully excavated in 2012, and during 2014-2015 excavations continued to the west of the road.
Проучването на некропола над махалата Маниш, с. Врабча през 2020 г.
Preliminary publication of a representative part of the anthropological material found during the... more Preliminary publication of a representative part of the anthropological material found during the rescue excavations of the Dren - Delyan necropolis.
The article is dedicated to the glass beads found during rescue excavations in the Dren - Delyan ... more The article is dedicated to the glass beads found during rescue excavations in the Dren - Delyan necropolis.
Сборник в чест на Румяна Георгиева, 2022
Първичната публикация на некропола от VIII-VI в. пр.Хр. разположен над махалата Маниш на с. Врабч... more Първичната публикация на некропола от VIII-VI в. пр.Хр. разположен над махалата Маниш на с. Врабча, общ. Трън, обл. Перник.
AOR, 2009
Статията представя археологическите разкопки на светилището и върха проведени през 2008 г.
AOR, 2008
В статията са представени археологическите разкопки на този обект проведени през 2007 г.
АОР, 2007
Статията представя проведените разкопки през 2006 г. на светилище от РЖЕ.
The article presents one of the few medieval cemeteries excavated in the Upper Struma valley. The... more The article presents one of the few medieval cemeteries excavated in the Upper Struma valley. The yielded artifacts allow to conclude that the cemetery functioned in the period between the 11 th and the early decades of the 13 th century. The grave pits were cut deep into the deposits of Tell Galabnik, accumulated in the Еarly Neolithic. Remains of a settlement were discovered next to the cemetery. The settlement was situated on the only dry area in this region covered by swamps, and it functioned at the same time with the cemetery. The cemetery at the village of Galabnik is among the important archaeological sites in the Upper Struma valley. The grave goods it yielded greatly outnumber other medieval cemeteries excavated in this region, such as the cemeteries in Pernik, Priboy and Kyustendil. Most of the personal ornaments yielded by the burials were typical for the period and were also found in a number of cemeteries excavated in present-day Bulgaria, Mac-edonia and Serbia. The sm...
Geologica Balcanica
The glass beads from the Dren-Delyan necropolis are found in burial complexes dated as from the e... more The glass beads from the Dren-Delyan necropolis are found in burial complexes dated as from the end of the 6th century BC until the first half of the 4th century BC. The purpose of this study is to obtain data on the chemical composition of the glass and the technology of its production. LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDS analyses were conducted. The analysed glass beads are classified as a low-magnesium type (LMG), and only one of the samples is determined as high-magnesium glass (HMG). The yellow colour of the glass is due to crystals of lead antimonate incorporated into the glass matrix. The green colour of the beads is a result of interaction of added copper and lead in the glass mixture, in presence of iron and chromium. Dark blue samples are coloured by additives with cobalt, copper and lower iron content. Light blue colouration of opaque glass beads is due to high copper content, along with the presence of iron. The colouring agent of a transparent light blue bead is FeO in amount up to 0...
The digitalization of the museum funds is an important process in the realization of the most imp... more The digitalization of the museum funds is an important process in the realization of the most important functions of the museums in Bulgaria. The attempts for digitalization of the museum funds are accidental. This paper aims to present a development of Regional Historical Museum – Pernik for digital passporting of museum artifacts.
Journal of Serbian Archaeological Society, 36, 2020
In 2012, rescue excavations at the sites of "Bunishteto" and "Druganski Pat" uncovered and partia... more In 2012, rescue excavations at the sites of "Bunishteto" and "Druganski Pat" uncovered and partially investigated a previously unknown necropolis, revealing a total of 400 m long stone piles with a total area of 6575 sq. m, 55 Early Iron Age graves and approximately the same number of graves from the 6 th-4 th century BC. By size and structure, the necropolis is unique: in a region without stone, substantial stone constructions had been erected, following a predesigned plan for a continuous usage of the terrain and the facilities. It was likely a regional necropolis.
In the locality of Kyln in the Vrabcha village, the district of Tran was found an unknown necropolis from the Early Iron Age (EIA). The necropolis is located between the Greben and Zavalska mountains, close to the border between Serbia and Bulgaria. Its altitude is between 978 to 980 m. The view is very nice to all directions. The necropolis is a large shaft made up of numerous small stone mounds. During the small-scale archaeological excavations, a 5x5 m square was explored, covering the eastern part of a stone mound with one or two graves. The applied ritual is cremation. There are no traces of burial stock, fire or ash in the studied area. The exact number of graves is impossible to determine. The reason is disorderly placement of osteological remains as well as of grave offerings / inventory - mostly under, often between and rarely on the stones without urns. The exact location of the graves is further complicated by the absence of fencing, the high temperature of the cremation, and modern human intervention. Numerous bronze, copper and iron objects were discovered. A large number of sherds of decorated ceramic vessels were found, some of them restorable. The pottery and the metal objects were made in the Basarabi style, typical for a wide area in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Northern Macedonia in the 7-6 centuries BC. It is worth to mention the local differences in the quality, decoration, and the manufacture of the pottery. However, the new site confirms the conclusion that the Upper Struma, Erma and Nishava valleys in the EIA were similar to the Upper Vardar region and the Pcinja valley to the south as well as to the West Morava to the north.
Годишник на Националния археологически музей, 2020
A necropolis from the beginning of 1st millennium BC was discovered in the Southeastern periphery... more A necropolis from the beginning of 1st millennium BC was discovered in the Southeastern periphery of the Radomir plain and studied in 2012. Perhaps it is linked to a population engaged in mining and metallurgy. There were various ore deposits explored during the same period.
The necropolis consists of stone heaps arranged in three parallel rows from the Northeast to the Southwest covering burial structures. Most from the last are low stone quadrangular frames. Some of them are graves, while others were probably used for burial and commemoration activities. So far the only documented funeral rite was cremation. The necropolis exists in two phases: early - from the end of 9 until early 8 c., and later - from 6 to the first half of 4 c. BC.
The grave goods mainly are jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets, brooches, beads, etc.), insignia, elements of horse trappings and weapons. Many of the ornaments are silver. The significant amount of items, also the availability of assorted deposits of gold and silver ore and the use of different techniques and combination of metals suggests to the existence of a local goldsmith workshop.
In six of the surveyed structures gold pectorals or applications were discovered. All are placed according to specific burial rites. They enrich the Thracian jewelry tradition. How they were made and characteristics of decoration allow proposing a hypothesis, that the pectorals and plates from the necropolis of Dren - Delyan are made in a goldsmith workshop in the 5 c. BC in the stile of the Thracian art.
Geologica Balcanica , 2019
The glass beads from the Dren-Delyan necropolis are found in burial complexes dated from the end ... more The glass beads from the Dren-Delyan necropolis are found in burial complexes dated from the end of the 6th century BC until the first half of the 4th century BC. The purpose of this study is to obtain data on the chemical composition of the glass and the technology of its production. LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDS analyses were conducted.
The analyzed glass beads are classified as a low-magnesium type (LMG), and only one of the samples is determined as high-magnesium glass (HMG). The yellow color of the glass is due to crystals of lead antimonate incorporated into the glass matrix. The green color of the beads is a result of the interaction of added copper and lead in the glass mixture, in the presence of iron and chromium. Dark blue samples are colored by additives with cobalt, copper and lower iron content. The light blue coloration of opaque glass beads is due to high copper content, along with the presence of iron. The coloring agent of a transparent light blue bead is FeO in an amount up to 0.25 wt%. The brown color is associated with high iron content. Two different opacifiers were used for the production of opaque glass beads – antimony and tin, either individually or together. The decolorizing agent is antimony without the involvement of manganese. Based on the results of the studied glass beads, we assume at least four types of raw material mixtures for their production. A comparison of the obtained results and published data about similar ancient glass findings was made.
Tzankova, N., Mihaylov, P. 2019. Chemical characterization of glass beads from the necropolis of Dren-Delyan (6 th-4 th century BC), Southwest Bulgaria. Geologica Balcanica 48 (2), 31-50.
Numismatics, Sigillography and Epigraphy, 14, 2018
In the summer of 2016, a hoard containing more than 1000 bronze coins of a small denomination, st... more In the summer of 2016, a hoard containing more than 1000 bronze
coins of a small denomination, stuck together in druses, was arrested
during a police action in Dolna Sekirna village, Breznik municipality,
Pernik district. Most probably the hoard comes from an archaeological
site in Chuka locality 439 m away from Kolina neighbourhood, 1,4 km
from Peyna neighbourhood, and 536 m from Slivie neighbourhood of
Dolna Sekirna village. After the initial restoration, it turned out that the number of the whole coins is 1255. The hoard covers the period of the 4th–5th c. The hoard was composed during the period of 450–474 AD under Marcianus and Leo I. The coins of emperor Leo I (457–474 AD) mark terminus post quem of the hoard.
For a long time the only known rock sanctuary along Struma valley was the one near the village of... more For a long time the only known rock sanctuary along Struma valley was the one near the village of Levunovo. In recent years the research of several sites in the region of Upper Struma that can be defined as “rock sanctuaries” was initiated.
One of them is the sanctuary located on Sveti Peter peak near the village of Dolna Sekirna. All known rock sanctuaries along Struma valley dating back to the Early Iron Age have the following pattern – a great number of metal objects; proximity to deposits of metal ore; traces of metal production and processing in ancient (usually late antique) times; magnificent view to vast territory.
It is plausible that the rock sanctuaries along the valley of Upper Struma had visual contact with each other.
All of them have magnificent view and probably had played an important role in the religious life of the population in the region.
Аспекти на културата в Горнострумския район през ранната желязна епоха Настоящата работа е базир... more Аспекти на културата в Горнострумския район през ранната желязна епоха
Настоящата работа е базирана върху материали от археологически обхождания, спасителни и сондажни разкопки и случайни находки, съхранявани във фонда на РИМ-Перник. До момента нямаме цялостно и методично проучен археологически обект от ранната желязна епоха. Тези материали могат да ни послужат при картирането на местата, обитавани през ранната желязна епоха и установяването на топографията. В резултат на това според продължителността на обитание, можем да разделим обектите на три групи:
- многослойни обекти, обитавани преди и след това време;
- обекти, възникнали през ранната желязна епоха, чието обитание (обикновено с прекъсване) продължава и през по-късните епохи;
- места, обитавани само през ранната желязна епоха.
Последният тип обекти са редки и животът не е продължил на такива места, поради влошаване на околната среда. Няма известни обекти, чието обитание започва по-рано и приключва през ранната желязна епоха.
Повечето от находките произхождат от райони с продължителен топографски континуитет, но при нито едно проучване не са установени пласт или масивни постройки. Голяма част от керамиката е с лошо качество и изпичане при ниска температура, каквато се поддържа в огнище.
Известните досега обекти са 91, повечето разположени на голяма площ, но без културен пласт. Едно вероятно обяснение може да бъде неуседналият характер на селищата и икономиката на населението.
During rescue excavations in the sites of Druganski Put in 2011 and 2012 an unknown necropolis wa... more During rescue excavations in the sites of Druganski Put in 2011 and 2012 an unknown necropolis was discovered and partially examined.
There were localized stone piles having the length of about 400 m and the area of 6575 square meters. They formed parallel lines of gravestones directed to northeast – southwest. The rescue nature of the excavations didn’t allow to be determined the necropolis’ boundaries; however, it is certain that it continued to the southwest.
peripheries of the gravestones were preferred.
The earliest graves are divided according to their typology and topography. They were situated in the southern part of the necropolis and represented urns with cremated bones laid down into shallow pits and covered with plates. In some cases they were marked with big amorphous stones or were squeezed with stones near the vessel’s shoulders.
During the research work there have been registered about 55 graves dating in the First Phase of the Early Iron Age and approximately the same number dating within 6th – 4th century B.C.
Philip Mihaylov, Orlin Rachev
During the monitoring a site dated from 3th–5th c. AD was found. It was situated between Kudinska bara and Struma
rivers, on a slope facing east. Probably the site was connected (fig. 1) with the Late Roman and Early Byzantine fortress
and the solid building at the foot of it as well as with the sanctuary of Asclepius Keylayden in sq. Tsarkva (fig. 2–3).
Philip Mihaylov, Christian Tzankov
The necropolis was accidentally discovered in 2011. In 2012 the part that was going to be affected by the Struma
Highway was fully studied. With its area of 7 hectares this is the greatest Thracian necropolis ever known.
The geophysical survey was conducted by the archaeologist from RHM–Pernik, students and teachers from the
Department of Applied Geophysics at the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” as a part of a Student
Chapter project sponsored by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
The result of the surveys was visualized as magnetic anomaly and gradientometry maps as well as 3D georadar
cube and its planar and vertical slices (fig. 2). Two significant isometric magnetic anomalies were discovered in the
northwest part of the investigated area (fig. 1, 3). The collected GPR data shed additional light on the location and structure
of potential archaeological sites in depth.
The Student Chapter at the University of Mining and Geology is extremely grateful to the SEG Foundation for
the awarding with a Student Chapter Outreach Grant.
In 2015, an area of 115 square meters was investigated. It included Structure 2.1, which has been... more In 2015, an area of 115 square meters was investigated. It included Structure 2.1, which has been practically destroyed
by construction activities.
In the northwest corner of the studied area, another structure, probably burial, was located. It developed to the
northwest. The investigations covered the entire area with excavated and identified archaeological structures.
97. The necropolis Dren-Delyan (11 th -4 th century BC.). Cultural and physical anthropological a... more 97. The necropolis Dren-Delyan (11 th -4 th century BC.). Cultural and physical anthropological analyses. Abstract Ph. Mihaylov, N. Atanassova-Timeva, B. Galabova The necropolis is situated in the south-eastern periphery of Radomir Valley on the left bank of the creek at the bottom of the eastern slope of the Konyavska Mountain. It was discovered accidentally in 2011 and extensively excavated during 2012. Just below the sod are detected rock aggregations of crushed stones, wedged each other.
In: Ancient Thrace: Myth and Reality, Abstracts, 13th International Congress of Thracology, September 3-7, 2017, Kazanlak, Bulgaria., 2017