Alexander Sadovski | Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (original) (raw)

Papers by Alexander Sadovski

Research paper thumbnail of MINERAL WATERS IN BULGARIA


The present study aims to review the sources of mineral water in Bulgaria, as well as the various... more The present study aims to review the sources of mineral water in Bulgaria, as well as the various aspects of their use as an energy source, benefit for human health and the national economy. Several literary sources on the subject are cited. Statistical analysis was performed and data were summarized about their physical and chemical characteristics, and especially to find distribution by temperature. The production of cheap thermal energy from the geothermal plants contribute to the reduction of the environment pollution, which is of great importance for the country. The extremely good bio-climatic resources in the country provide a base for the prospective development of the balneological branch. The barriers to geothermal development in the country are shown. It is concluded that the importance of geothermal energy from mineral waters in Bulgaria is underestimated.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of maize yield by fuzzy regression. II

Optimization of maize yield by fuzzy regression. II, 2023

The purpose of the present study is to determine the influence of the main nutrients nitrogen, ph... more The purpose of the present study is to determine the influence of the main nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and silicon with the help of the theory of fuzzy sets in the conditions of a vegetation (pot) experiment with maize on soil from experimental fields Bozhurishte (Pellic Vertisol) and Tslapitsa (Eutric Fluvisol). The design of multifactorial experiments allows the assessment of actions and interactions of four factors, varying on five levels. The use of fuzzy regression techniques is appropriate in pot experiments when the results obtained are influenced by multiple random factors during the growing season. Statistical analysis of data establishes trends in maize nutrition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination and use of the soil equivalent in fertilizer experiments

Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, Feb 25, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Regionalization of climate and crop yields on the example of Bulgaria

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Research paper thumbnail of Precision Agriculture Through Agroecological Approach and Mathematical Modeling

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Research paper thumbnail of Detection of similar Homoclimates by Numerical Analysis

Numerical methods including cluster analysis, similarity measures and other<br> techniques ... more Numerical methods including cluster analysis, similarity measures and other<br> techniques were used to compare climatic data from Bulgarian stations in order to classify<br> them according similar homoclimate. Using Euclidean distance and City-block<br> (Manhattan) distance, data from Bulgaria and states of the USA were analyzed to reveal<br> homoclime. Similarities in conditions for growth and development of crops of these areas<br> were also determined.

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Research paper thumbnail of I. Man and Biosphere on Some Relationships Between Ecology and Health

Three mathematical and statistical methods-namely correlation, Redundancy and Procrustean analysi... more Three mathematical and statistical methods-namely correlation, Redundancy and Procrustean analysis were applied to analyze relationships between ecological factors of environment and health indicators. They used data from the International Organization for Environment Protection (UNEP) and the World Bank (World Bank). Environmental factors include emissions of various pollutants-N 2 O, NOx, PM 10 , CO 2 , and economic factors such as renewable energy resources. Of the indicators of health are considered life expectancy, mortality, morbidity from diabetes and tuberculosis. The results provide a basis for a series of discussions and conclusions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Scheduling Irrigation in Bulgaria

The paper traces the emergence and development of the problem of scheduling irrigation as a scien... more The paper traces the emergence and development of the problem of scheduling irrigation as a scientific and practical issue at the Institute of Soil Science "N. Poushkarov" for half a century. The main participants in this process and the leading scientific publications are noted.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multivariate method of self-organizing models

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Research paper thumbnail of Homoclimate of Iceland’s meteorological stations for comparison with the homoclimate of some northern countries

Arctic Evironmental Research, 2021

In many fields including agroclimatology, pedology, plant introduction, environmental health and ... more In many fields including agroclimatology, pedology, plant introduction, environmental health and agricultural transfer, detection of areas of similar climate is of significant interest. Numerical methods including cluster analysis, similarity measures, and other techniques were used to compare climatic data from Islandian meteorological stations to classify them according to similar homoclimate. Using Euclidean distance and City-block (Manhattan) distance, data from Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Alaska state of the USA were analyzed to reveal homoclime. One of the conclusions from the study is that Iceland has a similar climate to Alaska and Norway. Climate change is already affecting agriculture, with effects unevenly distributed across the world. These changes will undoubtedly lead to a reconsideration of the question of allocation of appropriate agricultural crops to given areas and evaluation of bioclimatic resources in territories with similar climate. Results from this...

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Research paper thumbnail of New Developments in Crop Rotation

Climate change is already affecting agriculture, with effects unevenly distributed across the wor... more Climate change is already affecting agriculture, with effects unevenly distributed across the world. These changes will undoubtedly lead to a reconsideration of the question of the necessary crop rotations on the territory of the individual continents and sub-regions. Many researchers have conducted field experiments with different crop rotations on several soil types and have received determined results, but still lack concrete unified numerical estimates of the influence of different crops in them. This article presents several new developments of the problem in crop rotation. Different approaches to assessing the influences of predecessors are illustrated. Therefore, it is necessary to apply advanced mathematical-statistical methods and models for obtaining more precise estimates. The application of asymmetry analysis and Procrustes analysis in the evaluation of different crop rotations are given in details. Some results about favorable and unfavorable rotation pairs are given.

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Research paper thumbnail of Method for determination of planting and harvesting dates by fuzzy regression

Sadovski, A. (2019). Metod for determination of planting and harvesting dates by fuzzy regression... more Sadovski, A. (2019). Metod for determination of planting and harvesting dates by fuzzy regression. Bulgarin Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 53(3-4), 10-16 In this paper we investigate planting and harvesting dates of maize, potatoes and sugarbeets grown on the territory of selected USA states, which have similar homoclimates with Bulgaria. Such data are very important in agricultural practice and particularly in scheduling irrigation of agricultural crops. Fuzzy set theory provides a strict mathematical framework in which vague conceptual phenomena can be precisely studied and described. A simple solution approach was applied to solve a general fuzzy system of linear equations with crisp explanatory variables and fuzzy unknown variable vectors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Verification of a Hypothesis for Quasars

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of soil texture schemes and determination of water-physical properties of soils


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Research paper thumbnail of Basic Natural Factors Influencing Sustainable Agriculture

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, Mar 20, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Experience with environment statistics in the Bulgarian environmental monitoring system

Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 1989

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Problems in Simulation of the Agro-Ecosystems

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2016

Simulation models describe the functioning of agro-ecosystems and the flow of processes in them u... more Simulation models describe the functioning of agro-ecosystems and the flow of processes in them using computer programs. With their help can be made computer experiments and to predict the behavior of agro-ecosystems. One of the main problems in the creation of simulation models is imitation of uncontrollable soil and weather factors. A number of studies of soil properties and meteorological characteristics indicate that these stochastic variables do not follow the normal (Gaussian) distribution. In the selection of statistical models that approximate the distribution of such stochastic variables, the most appropriate is a family of Johnson distributions. The article examines ways to generate pseudorandom numbers from Johnson and Burr distributions families for simulating soil and weather factors determining agro-ecosystems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wind – Alternative Energy Source for Bulgaria

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2003

The purpose of present study is more precise determination of Bulgarian regions' capabilities... more The purpose of present study is more precise determination of Bulgarian regions' capabilities to use wind energy. With the help of Cluster analysis are selected groups of locations, which are of interest for development of wind energetics. Spatial analysis with GIS helps to produce maps with geographic distribution of territories in relation to indices: mean annual wind speed (m/sec), annual number of days with strong wind (V>14 m/sec) and annual frequency of wind by speed in gradation (%), and their categorization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrogen - Energy for Bulgaria

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2011

The purpose of this work is to identify and present the opportunities for Bulgaria to use hydroge... more The purpose of this work is to identify and present the opportunities for Bulgaria to use hydrogen as an energy source. Today's primary energy sources are mostly non-renewable - coal, oil, natural gas and conventional sources of nuclear energy. There are also renewable sources such as falling water, solar radiation, plants, manure, wind and geothermal sources. Theoretically, all types of energy sources can be used in Bulgaria, but each has its advantages and disadvantages or risks in terms of human health impact, of environmental and economic perspective. Still many governmental bodies and some of the scientific community underestimated the threat to the ozone layer caused by combustion processes and emissions from thermal power plants (TPPs) and transport. The problem of global warming and the preservation of the ozone layer will encourage Bulgaria to focus efforts and resources for using hydrogen as an energy source. The Black Sea is the world's largest body of water conta...

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Research paper thumbnail of Independent Review of the Shale Gas Problem

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2013

The purpose of this paper is to make an independent review of the evidence on the use of shale ga... more The purpose of this paper is to make an independent review of the evidence on the use of shale gas. The author was Deputy Director General of the Environmental Research and Information Centre of the Ministry of Environment in the period 1987 -1992, and the head of the EU PHARE Environmental sector programme. As a leading expert from the Bulgarian side has participated in the development of the Environmental Strategy of Bulgaria together with a team from the World Bank and the U.S. Agency for Environmental Protection. Author of the UDF Environment Programme (1991) and he is convinced that NGOs, environmental clubs and other social forces can play an important role with respect to the active development of new environmental ethics and conduct public control over the activities of executive power. Simultaneously, it is necessary to take into account scientific evidences and new scientific and technical developments in other countries.

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Research paper thumbnail of MINERAL WATERS IN BULGARIA


The present study aims to review the sources of mineral water in Bulgaria, as well as the various... more The present study aims to review the sources of mineral water in Bulgaria, as well as the various aspects of their use as an energy source, benefit for human health and the national economy. Several literary sources on the subject are cited. Statistical analysis was performed and data were summarized about their physical and chemical characteristics, and especially to find distribution by temperature. The production of cheap thermal energy from the geothermal plants contribute to the reduction of the environment pollution, which is of great importance for the country. The extremely good bio-climatic resources in the country provide a base for the prospective development of the balneological branch. The barriers to geothermal development in the country are shown. It is concluded that the importance of geothermal energy from mineral waters in Bulgaria is underestimated.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of maize yield by fuzzy regression. II

Optimization of maize yield by fuzzy regression. II, 2023

The purpose of the present study is to determine the influence of the main nutrients nitrogen, ph... more The purpose of the present study is to determine the influence of the main nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and silicon with the help of the theory of fuzzy sets in the conditions of a vegetation (pot) experiment with maize on soil from experimental fields Bozhurishte (Pellic Vertisol) and Tslapitsa (Eutric Fluvisol). The design of multifactorial experiments allows the assessment of actions and interactions of four factors, varying on five levels. The use of fuzzy regression techniques is appropriate in pot experiments when the results obtained are influenced by multiple random factors during the growing season. Statistical analysis of data establishes trends in maize nutrition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination and use of the soil equivalent in fertilizer experiments

Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, Feb 25, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Regionalization of climate and crop yields on the example of Bulgaria

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Research paper thumbnail of Precision Agriculture Through Agroecological Approach and Mathematical Modeling

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Research paper thumbnail of Detection of similar Homoclimates by Numerical Analysis

Numerical methods including cluster analysis, similarity measures and other<br> techniques ... more Numerical methods including cluster analysis, similarity measures and other<br> techniques were used to compare climatic data from Bulgarian stations in order to classify<br> them according similar homoclimate. Using Euclidean distance and City-block<br> (Manhattan) distance, data from Bulgaria and states of the USA were analyzed to reveal<br> homoclime. Similarities in conditions for growth and development of crops of these areas<br> were also determined.

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Research paper thumbnail of I. Man and Biosphere on Some Relationships Between Ecology and Health

Three mathematical and statistical methods-namely correlation, Redundancy and Procrustean analysi... more Three mathematical and statistical methods-namely correlation, Redundancy and Procrustean analysis were applied to analyze relationships between ecological factors of environment and health indicators. They used data from the International Organization for Environment Protection (UNEP) and the World Bank (World Bank). Environmental factors include emissions of various pollutants-N 2 O, NOx, PM 10 , CO 2 , and economic factors such as renewable energy resources. Of the indicators of health are considered life expectancy, mortality, morbidity from diabetes and tuberculosis. The results provide a basis for a series of discussions and conclusions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Scheduling Irrigation in Bulgaria

The paper traces the emergence and development of the problem of scheduling irrigation as a scien... more The paper traces the emergence and development of the problem of scheduling irrigation as a scientific and practical issue at the Institute of Soil Science "N. Poushkarov" for half a century. The main participants in this process and the leading scientific publications are noted.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multivariate method of self-organizing models

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Research paper thumbnail of Homoclimate of Iceland’s meteorological stations for comparison with the homoclimate of some northern countries

Arctic Evironmental Research, 2021

In many fields including agroclimatology, pedology, plant introduction, environmental health and ... more In many fields including agroclimatology, pedology, plant introduction, environmental health and agricultural transfer, detection of areas of similar climate is of significant interest. Numerical methods including cluster analysis, similarity measures, and other techniques were used to compare climatic data from Islandian meteorological stations to classify them according to similar homoclimate. Using Euclidean distance and City-block (Manhattan) distance, data from Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Alaska state of the USA were analyzed to reveal homoclime. One of the conclusions from the study is that Iceland has a similar climate to Alaska and Norway. Climate change is already affecting agriculture, with effects unevenly distributed across the world. These changes will undoubtedly lead to a reconsideration of the question of allocation of appropriate agricultural crops to given areas and evaluation of bioclimatic resources in territories with similar climate. Results from this...

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Research paper thumbnail of New Developments in Crop Rotation

Climate change is already affecting agriculture, with effects unevenly distributed across the wor... more Climate change is already affecting agriculture, with effects unevenly distributed across the world. These changes will undoubtedly lead to a reconsideration of the question of the necessary crop rotations on the territory of the individual continents and sub-regions. Many researchers have conducted field experiments with different crop rotations on several soil types and have received determined results, but still lack concrete unified numerical estimates of the influence of different crops in them. This article presents several new developments of the problem in crop rotation. Different approaches to assessing the influences of predecessors are illustrated. Therefore, it is necessary to apply advanced mathematical-statistical methods and models for obtaining more precise estimates. The application of asymmetry analysis and Procrustes analysis in the evaluation of different crop rotations are given in details. Some results about favorable and unfavorable rotation pairs are given.

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Research paper thumbnail of Method for determination of planting and harvesting dates by fuzzy regression

Sadovski, A. (2019). Metod for determination of planting and harvesting dates by fuzzy regression... more Sadovski, A. (2019). Metod for determination of planting and harvesting dates by fuzzy regression. Bulgarin Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 53(3-4), 10-16 In this paper we investigate planting and harvesting dates of maize, potatoes and sugarbeets grown on the territory of selected USA states, which have similar homoclimates with Bulgaria. Such data are very important in agricultural practice and particularly in scheduling irrigation of agricultural crops. Fuzzy set theory provides a strict mathematical framework in which vague conceptual phenomena can be precisely studied and described. A simple solution approach was applied to solve a general fuzzy system of linear equations with crisp explanatory variables and fuzzy unknown variable vectors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Verification of a Hypothesis for Quasars

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of soil texture schemes and determination of water-physical properties of soils


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Research paper thumbnail of Basic Natural Factors Influencing Sustainable Agriculture

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, Mar 20, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Experience with environment statistics in the Bulgarian environmental monitoring system

Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 1989

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Problems in Simulation of the Agro-Ecosystems

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2016

Simulation models describe the functioning of agro-ecosystems and the flow of processes in them u... more Simulation models describe the functioning of agro-ecosystems and the flow of processes in them using computer programs. With their help can be made computer experiments and to predict the behavior of agro-ecosystems. One of the main problems in the creation of simulation models is imitation of uncontrollable soil and weather factors. A number of studies of soil properties and meteorological characteristics indicate that these stochastic variables do not follow the normal (Gaussian) distribution. In the selection of statistical models that approximate the distribution of such stochastic variables, the most appropriate is a family of Johnson distributions. The article examines ways to generate pseudorandom numbers from Johnson and Burr distributions families for simulating soil and weather factors determining agro-ecosystems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wind – Alternative Energy Source for Bulgaria

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2003

The purpose of present study is more precise determination of Bulgarian regions' capabilities... more The purpose of present study is more precise determination of Bulgarian regions' capabilities to use wind energy. With the help of Cluster analysis are selected groups of locations, which are of interest for development of wind energetics. Spatial analysis with GIS helps to produce maps with geographic distribution of territories in relation to indices: mean annual wind speed (m/sec), annual number of days with strong wind (V>14 m/sec) and annual frequency of wind by speed in gradation (%), and their categorization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrogen - Energy for Bulgaria

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2011

The purpose of this work is to identify and present the opportunities for Bulgaria to use hydroge... more The purpose of this work is to identify and present the opportunities for Bulgaria to use hydrogen as an energy source. Today's primary energy sources are mostly non-renewable - coal, oil, natural gas and conventional sources of nuclear energy. There are also renewable sources such as falling water, solar radiation, plants, manure, wind and geothermal sources. Theoretically, all types of energy sources can be used in Bulgaria, but each has its advantages and disadvantages or risks in terms of human health impact, of environmental and economic perspective. Still many governmental bodies and some of the scientific community underestimated the threat to the ozone layer caused by combustion processes and emissions from thermal power plants (TPPs) and transport. The problem of global warming and the preservation of the ozone layer will encourage Bulgaria to focus efforts and resources for using hydrogen as an energy source. The Black Sea is the world's largest body of water conta...

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Research paper thumbnail of Independent Review of the Shale Gas Problem

Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2013

The purpose of this paper is to make an independent review of the evidence on the use of shale ga... more The purpose of this paper is to make an independent review of the evidence on the use of shale gas. The author was Deputy Director General of the Environmental Research and Information Centre of the Ministry of Environment in the period 1987 -1992, and the head of the EU PHARE Environmental sector programme. As a leading expert from the Bulgarian side has participated in the development of the Environmental Strategy of Bulgaria together with a team from the World Bank and the U.S. Agency for Environmental Protection. Author of the UDF Environment Programme (1991) and he is convinced that NGOs, environmental clubs and other social forces can play an important role with respect to the active development of new environmental ethics and conduct public control over the activities of executive power. Simultaneously, it is necessary to take into account scientific evidences and new scientific and technical developments in other countries.

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Research paper thumbnail of Programme for Integrated Environmental Monitoring in Rousse - Giurgiu region

The Rousse Regional Inspectorate and the Giurgiu Regional Environmental Inspectorate have Regiona... more The Rousse Regional Inspectorate and the Giurgiu Regional Environmental Inspectorate have Regional Dispatching Units which are responsible for collecting the primary data on the state of environment, organizing local data base, conducting preliminary data processing and reporting the environmental information to the local state authorities and the public.

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Research paper thumbnail of Програмиране на напояването в България - МЕМО.pdf

През периода 1975 - 1978 г. аналогичен пакет от програми с редица модификации и допълнения е разр... more През периода 1975 - 1978 г. аналогичен пакет от програми с редица
модификации и допълнения е разработен на програмния език БЕЙСИК в Изчислителния център на Института "Н. Пушкаров" за миникомпютър NOVA-ECLIPSE от А. Садовски с участието на И. Христов. След компютърни експерименти и полски опити, проведени през 1978 г., стана възможно да се приложи тази нова
система за прогнозиране и управление на напоителния режим (scheduling irrigation).
Резултатите са представени в редица публикации [7, 8, 9, 10].

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Research paper thumbnail of Математическа Агрономия - Увод.pdf

Откъс от: Садовски А. Н. - Статистическо моделиране на зависимостта "почва - добив" - теоретични ... more Откъс от:
Садовски А. Н. - Статистическо моделиране на зависимостта "почва -
добив" - теоретични и експериментални основи. Дисертация за
получаване на научната степен "Доктор на селскостопанските науки". София 1986, 361 стр.
Предмет на настоящата дисертация са теоретичните и
експериментални основи на тази нова научна област - математическа агрономия. По-конкретно се разглеждат някои елементи от нейната теория, математико-статистически методи за планиране на многофакторни експерименти и моделиране на зависимостта между добива от земеделските култури и определящите го почвени фактори.

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Research paper thumbnail of Математическо моделиране и АСУ.pdf

Откъс от: Садовски А. Н. -Приложение на математико-статистически методи при изграждане на Автомат... more Откъс от:
Садовски А. Н. -Приложение на математико-статистически методи при изграждане на Автоматизирана система за прогнозиране на добивите. Дисертация за присъждане на научната степен "Кандидат на математическите науки" (Доктор по математика). София
1975, 154 стр.

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Резюме В доклада се представя нова експериментална схема за четирифакторен експеримент. Същата по... more Резюме В доклада се представя нова експериментална схема за четирифакторен експеримент. Същата позволява вариране на факторите на пет нива. Експерименти заложени по тази схема дават възможност за получаване на емпирични и полуемпирични модели-линейни или нелинейни, адитивни или мултипликативни, с брой неизвестни коефициенти, които не надвишават 15. При определяне на регресионните коефициенти се използва селекция чрез обратна елиминация като се започне от модела, съдържащ всички възможни членове за дадения клас от модели и отхвърляйки последователно членове един по един. Процедурата на селекция завършва, когато външният критерий 2 R достигне максимална стойност. Описва се алгоритъмът за провеждане на статистическия анализ, който е реализиран с кодове на програмата MATLAB, които могат да се изпълняват с помощта на безплатния софтуерен пакет GNU Octave. Ключови думи: четирифакторен експеримент, регресионен анализ, самоорганизация на модели, алгоритъм
Abstract The report presents a new experimental design for a four-factors experiment. It allows the factors to vary at five levels. Experiments set out by this design make it possible to obtain empirical and semi-empirical models-linear or nonlinear, additive or multiplicative, with a number of unknown coefficients not exceeding 15. In determining the regression coefficients using selection by backward elimination starting from the model, containing all possible members for the given class of models and rejecting the members one by one. The selection procedure ends when the external criterion 2 R reaches a maximum value. Describes the algorithm for conducting statistical analysis, which is implemented with codes of the MATLAB program, which can be executed using the free software package GNU Octave.

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Research paper thumbnail of Изменение в содержании подвижного калия в почвах

Subject to this investigation are the perennial field fertilizing tests, conducted оп nine differ... more Subject to this investigation are the perennial field fertilizing tests,
conducted оп nine different soils, with increasing potassium fertilizing
With the help of а linear regression of the у = а1 х1 + а2 х2 type are
obtained equations, reflecting the connection between the mean annual
change in the mobile potassium content and the potassium balance in the soil.

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Research paper thumbnail of Национальная агроэкологическая информационная система

Рассматривается общая концепция о соэдании информационной системы почв и земель в НРБ. Описываютс... more Рассматривается общая концепция о соэдании информационной
системы почв и земель в НРБ. Описываются способ функционирования, основные програмные модулы, источники информации и возможные способы сбора данных. Обсуждаются различные пременения информационной системы и требования к техническим средствам.

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Research paper thumbnail of Применение математических методов и ЭВМ для разработки рекоммендаций по рациональному применению удобрений в странах-членов СЭВ

Докл. ІІІ науч.-техн. конфер. Варна, 26 - 28.5.1975, 1976

Наряду с отдельными факторами интенсификации сельского хозяйства возрастающее применение удобрен... more Наряду с отдельными факторами интенсификации сельского хозяйства
возрастающее применение удобрений иrрает важную роль в получении высоких стабильных урожаев и улучшении качества сельскохозяйственной продукции.
Только применение электронно-вычислительной техники дает возможность с доустимыми затратами времени провести учет многочисленных факторов, влияющих на применение удобрений. По этой причине, уже несколько лет в ряде стран-членов СЭВ с помощью Э.ВМ вычисляются рекомендации по внесению удо6рения с целью оптимального применения минеральных и орrанических удобрений под некоторые сельскохозяйственные культуры на отдельных площадях.
Составителы доклада: ГДР - Х. Анзорге; СССР - Т.И. Иванова, В.Н. Перегудов, Р.Г. Кравченко; НРБ - И. Гърбучев, М. Беневски, А. Садовски

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Research paper thumbnail of Решението на Европейския съд и прилагане на Директива 2004.113.ЕО

Член 5 (2) от Директива 2004/113/ЕО от 13 декември 2004 г. за прилагане на принципа на равно трет... more Член 5 (2) от Директива 2004/113/ЕО от 13 декември 2004 г. за прилагане на принципа на равно третиране на мъжете и жените по отношение на достъпа до и предоставянето на стоки и услуги е невалиден, считано от 21 декември 2012 година. Това означава, че общо-застрахователните, живото-застрахователните, здравно-
осигурителните и пенсионно-осигурителните предприятия, не могат да определят различни премии и обезщетения за мъже и жени, в зависимост от техния пол. Полът е признат като социално приемлив и значим фактор, необходим за правилното управление на застрахователния риск.
Решенията на всеки човешки съд, които противоречат на законите на природата, са незаконни и невалидни.

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Research paper thumbnail of Computer-aided Agricultural Extension Service

The first stage of a computerized farm management system has been completed. Fertilizer rates are... more The first stage of a computerized farm management system has been completed. Fertilizer rates are determined by means of a computer for each field of the farm on the basis of a considerable number of factors determining yield.

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary progress report

Recently, data for 13 stations wheat yields, fertilizer treatments and climatic records for 1967... more Recently, data for 13 stations wheat yields, fertilizer treatments and climatic records for 1967 - 1970, and pertinent soil analyses were made available. The data were examined for purposes of correlations and regressions.

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Материалите от режимните наблюдения, извършвани в различни градове и промишлени райони се подлага... more Материалите от режимните наблюдения, извършвани в различни
градове и промишлени райони се подлагат на обобщение и
статистически анализ за определяне на нивото на замърсяване на
дадения район, влиянието на метеорологичните и оценяване качеството на атмосферния въздух.
Освен анализа на текущите данни се извършва обобщаване на
информацията за различни периоди- месец, тримесечие (сезон),

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Research paper thumbnail of ЕНАСОПС принципи на изграждане и функционални възможности

Посочват се целите и задачите на изгражданата от КОПС система за информация и управление на приро... more Посочват се целите и задачите на изгражданата от КОПС
система за информация и управление на природозащитната дейност (ЕНАСОПС). Подробно се разглеждат трите иерархични нива на системата - мрежа за наблюдение и контрол на състоянието на природната среда, районни диспечерски пунктове и централен диспечерски пункт. Описват се функционалните възможности и начините за обмен на информация с външни системи.

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Research paper thumbnail of For Development of a Computerized System for Yield Management in Bulgaria

The objective of The Computerized System for Yield Management (CSYM) is to obtain stable and opti... more The objective of The Computerized System for Yield Management (CSYM) is to obtain stable and optimal yields of agricultural crops, while
maintaining and increasing soil fertility and protecting the environment
through the use of up-to-data achievement of the scientific and technological progress.
CSYM offers a simultaneous solution of the two key problems of plant
- yield planning on a probability basis;
- yield management.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Introduction to Mathematical Agronomy

An Introduction to Mathematical Agronomy, 2020

The subject of this monograph is the theoretical and experimental foundation of a new scientific ... more The subject of this monograph is the theoretical and experimental foundation of a new scientific area, Mathematical Agronomy. It is defined as the theory of mathematical models of agronomical objects, processes, and phenomena. The book discusses some elements of its theory, the experimental foundations of mathematical modeling of yield, and the application of mathematical methods and models in solving practical tasks in the field of soil science and agriculture. This book is brought to the attention of a wide audience of researchers, specialists, and students in the field of agriculture, and all those interested in the problems of mathematical modeling.

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Research paper thumbnail of Oratorio Bulgarian Divine Lithurgy

It is a score (Partiture) of the Bulgarian Divine Lithurgy for Soprano, Bass, Narrator, Mixed Cho... more It is a score (Partiture) of the Bulgarian Divine Lithurgy for Soprano, Bass, Narrator, Mixed Choir and Symphony Orchestra. Contains two Parts, each with 10 numbers (Songs) singing in Church-Slavonic. The text is related to year 1943.

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Research paper thumbnail of Въведение в Математическата Агрономия

Предмет на тази монография са теоретичните и експериментални основи на една нова научна област - ... more Предмет на тази монография са теоретичните и експериментални основи на една нова научна област - Математическа Агрономия. Тя се дефинира като теория на математическите модел и на агрономически обекти, процеси и явления. В книгата се разглеждат някои елементи от нейната теория, експерименталните основи на математическото моделиране на добива и приложението на математически методи и модели при решаване на практически задачи в областта на почвознанието и растениевъдството.
Кни гата се предлага на вниманието на широката аудитория учени, специалисти и студенти от областта на селското стопанство, както и на всички, които се интересуват от проблемите на математическото моделиране.

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Research paper thumbnail of Политическо есе 5

Политическо Есе № 5, 2021

Време е да преоценим политическото положение в България. Мнението на всички политолози и анализат... more Време е да преоценим политическото положение в България.
Мнението на всички политолози и анализатори е, че никога досега българският народ не е бил така разделен.
Да помислим за един възможен вариант при съставяне на ново правителство в новия парламент, където са събрани Орел, Рак и Щука.
Трябва да се изходи от това, което е необходимо за България през следващите месеци до края на годината и политическите намерения на основните играчи, представени в парламента:
Всички това води само до един логичен извод: Да се състави правителство на малцинството от Герб с подкрепата на „Има такъв народ“ без да се прави коалиция между тях.

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