Klaus Herkert | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (original) (raw)
Papers by Klaus Herkert
Quartär. International Yearbook for Ice Age and Stone Age Research Vol. 68 (2021), 2023
The Côte Chalonnaise (Saône-et-Loire, France) is a region rich in Palaeolithic sites. The Magdale... more The Côte Chalonnaise (Saône-et-Loire, France) is a region rich in Palaeolithic sites. The Magdalenian, however, is
underrepresented in the region when compared to other periods. Recent research at the site of Grotte des Teux-Blancs
provides new insights into the Palaeolithic occupation of the site and proves its use during the Magdalenian. Since the first
excavation in 1913, the site has received little attention from researchers. To reconstruct the site’s occupation history, excavations
were carried out in the back-dirt in addition to a new analysis of the known inventories. These excavations were able to
provide insights into the 1913 excavation methods as the excavated sediments were deposited on the back-dirt separated by
layers, forming an inverse stratigraphy. The analysis of the finds shows a small Middle Palaeolithic and a larger Upper Palaeolithic
assemblage. In particular, the lithic and organic artefacts attest to the use of the site, in a hunting context, during the
Magdalenian. The embedding of the site in the Magdalenian of Eastern France suggests that Grotte des Teux-Blancs, together
with other sites west of the Bresse, was part of the same settlement system as the sites of the French Jura.
Hommes, terroir et territoires. Le Paléolithique en Bourgogne méridionale, 2022
The Grotte de la Mère-Grand is located in the very north of the department of Saône-et-Loire in t... more The Grotte de la Mère-Grand is located in the very north of the department of Saône-et-Loire in the commune of Rully, near the Grottes d'Agneux, which are also discussed in this book. Together with Solutré and Germolles, the Mère-Grand is one of the earliest excavated Palaeolithic sites in the region. Despite the partial inaccessibility of the find material, this article attempts to give an overview of the research history and the Paleolithic occupation phases of this important cave site. The Middle Palaeolithic is of priority. However, recent work, including that in the neighboring cave La Grange, shows that the Upper Palaeolithic is present in the caves on the southern slope of Ravin d'Agneux.
Hommes, terroir et territoires. Le Paléolithique en Bourgogne méridionale, 2022
The Grotte de la Folatière in Culles-les-Roches is locales in a Jurassic massif with an impressiv... more The Grotte de la Folatière in Culles-les-Roches is locales in a Jurassic massif with an impressive view on the Saône plain. Together with the Grotte de la Verpillière I in Germolles, Culles is one of the most important cave sites in the Côte Chalonnaise. Unfortunately, it has a complicated history of research beginning in the 19th century, during the course of which parts of the discoveries were lost. This article tries to summarize the history of research and occupation of the cave, which ranges from the Middle Palaeolithic, through the Aurignacian, Gravettian and Solutéan to the Magdalenian.
Hommes, terroir et territoires. Le Paléolithique en Bourgogne méridionale, 2022
When one hears the name Germolles in reference to the Palaeolithic, one thinks primarily of the t... more When one hears the name Germolles in reference to the Palaeolithic, one thinks primarily of the two caves Verpillière I & II. However, there is also an important open-air site in the same part of the municipality of Mellecey, which is the subject of this article. The Palaeolithic open-air site En Roche at Germolles (Mellecey, Saône-et-Loire) was discovered by Abbé Guillard in the 1950s. Since then, the site has been the object of a multitude of surface prospections, which yielded about 1200 known lithic objects thus far. The site was initially attributed to an Aurignacian context, while a Middle Palaeolithic component was recognized soon afterwards. In 2017 and 2018, two excavation campaigns took place, the first invasive archaeological intervention on the site. During the work, a stratigraphic succession of seven geological units was brought to light, clearly showing the fluviatile origin of the sediments. The lithic industries were discovered within the first two units underneath the plough horizon and were sometimes found within a layer of gravels. Water screening of the sediment revealed a high portion of fine lithic fraction, thus underlining the good preservation of the site. The lithic finds clearly reflect two chronological phases of a Middle Palaeolithic and an Upper Palaeolithic and appear in the right stratigraphic order. This contribution presents preliminary results from our recent excavations at Germolles, En Roche.
Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, 2022
Thesis summary in the Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (119/2) p. 337-339. Résumé ... more Thesis summary in the Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (119/2) p. 337-339.
Résumé de Thèse dans le Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (119/2) p. 337-339.
While former typological studies drew a heterogeneous image for the Middle Paleolithic record of ... more While former typological studies drew a heterogeneous image for the Middle Paleolithic record of the Côte Chalonnaise region in southern Burgundy (France), recent research, re-evaluation of old collections, and comparative analysis from several Middle Paleolithic sites in the area were able to highlight a homogeneous pattern of litho-technological features. The assemblages have been evaluated according to their general composition, the identifiable reduction concepts as well as their bifacial component. The concurrent results allow us to hypothesize a regional site cluster based on Levallois reduction and a common occurrence of Keilmesser (with tranchet blow). In chronological terms, dating attempts on stratified material from Grotte de la Verpillière I and II suggest a late Middle Paleolithic age of the sites around the end of MIS 4 or the beginning of MIS 3. Kivonat A Côte Chalonnaise régió (Burgundia, Franciaország) késő középső paleolitikumának technológiai jellemzői A korábbi tipológiai vizsgálatok heterogén képet vázoltak fel a dél-burgundiai Côte Chalonnaise régió (Franciaország) középső paleolit leletanyagáról. Az újabb kutatások azonban a kőpattintási technológiai jellemzők homogenitását mutatták ki korábbi gyűjtemények revíziója, illetve középső paleolit lelőhelyek összehasonlító vizsgálata segítségével. A leletanyagokat általános összetételük, azonosított magkőredukciós koncepcióik, illetve a bifaciális darabok alapján értékelték. Az egybehangzó eredmények nyomán, a Levallois redukció és a tranchet blow technikával kialakított, Keilmesser típusú eszközök jelenléte alapján egy regionális megtelepedési csoportot feltételezünk. Az időrendet illetően, a Grotte de la Verpillière I és II rétegzett lelőhelyek datálási kísérletei a késői középső paleolitikumra, a MIS 4 végére vagy a MIS 3 kezdetére datálják ezt a csoportot.
Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 2019
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2019
Abstract The identification of technical traits derived from the analyses of photogrammetric 3D m... more Abstract The identification of technical traits derived from the analyses of photogrammetric 3D models can be used for archaeological objectives. In this paper, we are proposing a methodology for discrimination of parietal engravings based on 3D models build with photogrammetry software. Our case study are the caves of Agneux, two small caverns with an astonishing number of graffiti on their walls. Most of these graffiti were made since 19th century, but with some examples of depictions that are compatible with the technical features of Palaeolithic art. The analyses of the marks in some lines in Agneux I have demonstrated the use of different tools. Virtual illumination has been applied to identify and read words and dates which can be discarded as prehistoric. These results will be compared with replicative experiments. This methodology could be useful for the discrimination of prehistoric graphic expressions in panels with a biography of long-term human interventions.
During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have bee... more During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have been conducted. In the beginning, the primary focus was on North American variations, whereas varieties deriving from sites in Europe were largely disregarded. The aim of this article is to contribute to filling in some of the gaps in current knowledge through experimental heating of flint from the argiles à Silex of the Côte Chalonnaise in southern Burgundy, France. Samples of the raw material were exposed to different temperature levels for a specified time span under controlled conditions in a muffle kiln. The goal of these experiments was to define the features of raw and heated flint and to find relationships between the appearances of those features at different temperatures. Apart from global observations and characteristics occurring under the exposure to heat, we show a new comparative method concerning the colour change of the samples. Hereunto, we use the RGB-colour values of specific parts of the samples (before and after the heating) and visualise the colour change in tree-dimensional vector graphics. The results indicate that nearly all of the pieces' surfaces show a colour shift. This experimental research indicates a trichotomy of the heated material. In the lower temperature spectrum (200°C and 250°C) the pieces are nearly in the colour range of the raw pieces, the middle ones (300°C and 350°C) show a colour shift (reduction in brightness and a shift into the spectra of higher red and blue content) as well as fragmentation. In the higher temperature range (above 350°C) the pieces tend to be more greyish and are often complete disintegrated. KEY WORDS: Use of fire-Middle and Upper Palaeolithic-Flint from the argiles à Silex-Germolles-Grotte de la Verpillière I and II-Saône-et-Loire-Colour measurement-RGB values purposes is a common feature at sites dating to the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. The works of Don Crabtree in the 1960s sparked interest in Palaeolithic research on the heat-treatment of siliceous lithic raw materials for technological improvement (Crabtree, Butler 1964). In the following decades many other researchers explored the effects of heat on the quality of siliceous rocks for better knapping conditions (e.g.
Technological features in the late Middle Paleolithic of the Côte Chalonnaise (Burgundy, France), 2020
While former typological studies drew a heterogeneous image for the Middle Paleolithic record of ... more While former typological studies drew a heterogeneous image for the Middle Paleolithic record of the Côte Chalonnaise region in southern Burgundy (France), recent research, re-evaluation of old collections, and comparative analysis from several Middle Paleolithic sites in the area were able to highlight a homogeneous pattern of litho-technological features. The assemblages have been evaluated according to their general composition, the identifiable reduction concepts as well as their bifacial component. The concurrent results allow us to hypothesize a regional site cluster based on Levallois reduction and a common occurrence of Keilmesser (with tranchet blow). In chronological terms, dating attempts on stratified material from Grotte de la Verpillière I and II suggest a late Middle Paleolithic age of the sites around the end of MIS 4 or the beginning of MIS 3.
This paper focuses on the technological characteristics of Keilmesser with a lateral tranchet blo... more This paper focuses on the technological characteristics of Keilmesser with a lateral tranchet blow modification on the cutting edge. It examines the underlying technological production of these bifacial objects: this implies the evaluation of their working stage succession, as well as produced forms necessary for the execution of tranchet blow performance. Furthermore , it offers a techno-morphological description of these enigmatic tools. The Keilmesser with tranchet blow and corresponding blanks of tranchet blows from Grotte de la Verpillière I in Germolles (Saô ne-et-Loire, France) are used as case study. The collection of Keilmesser with tranchet blow and corresponding blanks of tranchet blow has been massively expanded with new fieldwork and the review of ancient assemblages. The majority of the pieces were made on blanks from local raw material. The evaluation of the underlying production concept shows that a Keilmesser with tranchet blow, regardless of the wide range of morphologies and matrix size, always consists of specific parts that are necessary for the production sequence and the assumed function. The production of these pieces follows highly specific working stages, some of which can be interchanged in sequence. However, it is always the goal to obtain a low-angled cutting edge. The performance of a tranchet blow is not only an integral part of production, but it is rather the aim of the entire production.
Fragestellungen wie die Verwendung lokaler oder ortsfremder lithischer Rohma-terialien zur Werkze... more Fragestellungen wie die Verwendung lokaler oder ortsfremder lithischer Rohma-terialien zur Werkzeugproduktion oder die Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen wie Flüsse als Quelle von Rohmaterialien und zugleich als Ressource Wasser und/oder Nahrung stehen im Teilprojekt B01 " Variabilität der Ressourcennutzung. Raumerschließung durch späte Neandertaler und frühe anatomisch moderne Menschen in Europa " des SFB 1070 " RessourcenKulturen " im Vordergrund. Hierbei werden in zwei Fallstudien – die Schwäbische Alb und das südliche Burgund – der Zeitraum des Übergangs vom Neandertaler zum anatomisch modernen Menschen in Europa zwischen 50 und 30 ka BP und damit einhergehend eine Veränderung in der techno-typologischen Ausprägung der Inventare bekannter Fundstellen untersucht. Das Fallbeispiel der Schwäbischen Alb legt den Fokus auf die lithischen Aurignacieninventare der Vogelherd-Höhle. Die techno-typologische Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der Rohmaterialökonomie zielt sowohl darauf ab, spezifische Charakteristika des Schwäbischen Aurignacien herauszuarbeiten, als auch Unterschiede in den Inventaren zu identifizieren. Das Fallbeispiel im Südburgund (Côte Chalonnaise) beschäftigt sich in komplementärer Weise mit lithischen Inventaren von Freiland-wie auch Höhlenfundstellen wie Saint-Martin-sous-Montaigu, Rully oder Germolles, für die eine Besiedlung im späten Mittelpaläolithikum, im frühen Jungpaläolithikum sowie während des Châtelperronien nachgewiesen ist. Als Referenz dienen vor allem die modern ergrabenen Inventare der Grottes de la Verpillière I und II in Germolles. Eingerahmt und ergänzt werden die Arbeiten von überregionalen Rohmaterialstudien, die sowohl durch ausgedehnte Prospektionen und Kartierungen als auch durch einheitliche mikro- und makroskopische Analysen darauf abzielen, die vorhandenen lithischen Rohmaterialien beider Regionen zu beschreiben und in ihrem archäologischen Niederschlag greifen zu können. Daraus ergeben sich Rückschlüsse auf Versorgungsstrategien oder Wanderbewegungen später Neandertaler und früher moderner Menschen entlang natürlicher Flusssysteme wie der Donau oder dem Rhein-Saône-Rhône-Graben.
Anthropologie/Brno , 2013
During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have bee... more During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have been conducted. In the beginning, the primary focus was on North American variations, whereas varieties deriving from sites in Europe were largely disregarded. The aim of this article is to contribute to filling in some of the gaps in current knowledge through experimental heating of flint from the argiles a Silex of the Cote Chalonnaise in southern Burgundy, France. Samples of the raw material were exposed to different temperature levels for a specified time span under controlled conditions in a muffle kiln. The goal of these experiments was to define the features of raw and heated flint and to find relationships between the appearances of those features at different temperatures. Apart from global observations and characteristics occurring under the exposure to heat, we show a new comparative method concerning the colour change of the samples. Hereunto, we use the RGB-colour values of specific parts of the samples (before and after the heating) and visualise the colour change in tree-dimensional vector graphics. The results indicate that nearly all of the pieces' surfaces show a colour shift. This experimental research indicates a trichotomy of the heated material. In the lower temperature spectrum (200°C and 250°C) the pieces are nearly in the colour range of the raw pieces, the middle ones (300°C and 350°C) show a colour shift (reduction in brightness and a shift into the spectra of higher red and blue content) as well as fragmentation. In the higher temperature range (above 350°C) the pieces tend to be more greyish and are often complete disintegrated.
The present-day research on lithic analysis provides very different approaches how stone artifact... more The present-day research on lithic analysis provides very different approaches how stone artifacts can be recorded, analyzed, and interpreted. Most scholars agree today that a purely typological
view should be avoided. The last three decades provided a technological approach to lithic research. Likewise, there are also very different approaches how lithic assemblages should be classified. Beside the Bordes-Binford debate if assemblages can be seen as made by distinct groups or if they are functional units,
many other hypotheses have been formulated (like environmental, transformative or recycling approaches,
production analysis, core classification criteria, as well as functional analysis within use-wear or hafting studies). In the context of lithic analysis, Eric Boëda’s research is of outstanding interest, because he formulated many technological approaches that are very often used, and in some research traditions they
are nearly standard. This paper uses his newly published work (Boëda 2013) as an opportunity to resume his litho-technological approaches, but also to discuss Boëda’s approaches and try to integrate these into the context of lithic analysis. In his recent work, Eric Boëda sums up his litho-technological research of the past three decades and combines it with the sociocultural work of Gilbert Simondon, Yves Deforge, André Leroi-Gourhan and others. The focus lies on the understanding of how and why lithic artifacts develop and change through time, particularly with regard to production schemes and techno-functional aspects, wherein Boëda presents a classification of six different core-types. The theoretical work is concluded and elucidated with the example of blade industries in the Near East. More than only presenting a classical review or a summary of Boëda’s latest work, this paper also aims to help make the complex theme accessible to non-
French speakers. Thus, the emphasis lies on the theoretical, litho-technological aspects, particularly on the terminological understanding and the core-type classification. Since Boëda’s work combines a broad spectrum of philosophical and theoretical framework with lithic analyses, we try to clarify and revise important points and supplement them with own approaches. The aim of this paper is to contextualize his approaches and show that they round out other lithic analysis to a more holistic view of lithic artifacts with the goal to contribute to complete the Paleohistoriography.
During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have bee... more During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have been conducted. In the beginning, the primary focus was on North American variations, whereas varieties deriving from sites in Europe were largely disregarded. The aim of this article is to contribute to filling in some of the gaps in current knowledge through experimental heating of flint from the argiles à Silex of the Côte Chalonnaise in southern Burgundy, France. Samples of the raw material were exposed to different temperature levels for a specified time span under controlled conditions in a muffle kiln. The goal of these experiments was to define the features of raw and heated flint and to find relationships between the appearances of those features at different temperatures. Apart from global observations and characteristics occurring under the exposure to heat, we show a new comparative method concerning the colour change of the samples. Hereunto, we use the RGB-colour values of specific parts of the samples (before and after the heating) and visualise the colour change in tree-dimensional vector graphics. The results indicate that nearly all of the pieces' surfaces show a colour shift. This experimental research indicates a trichotomy of the heated material. In the lower temperature spectrum (200°C and 250°C) the pieces are nearly in the colour range of the raw pieces, the middle ones (300°C and 350°C) show a colour shift (reduction in brightness and a shift into the spectra of higher red and blue content) as well as fragmentation. In the higher temperature range (above 350°C) the pieces tend to be more greyish and are often complete disintegrated.
A brief overview of the palaeolithic sites in the Gorge d'Enfer near Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil ... more A brief overview of the palaeolithic sites in the Gorge d'Enfer near Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil (Dordogne, France).
Unpublished manuscript (in german) composed for an excursion in the Dordogne in September 2012 under the direction of Harald Floss.
Quartär. International Yearbook for Ice Age and Stone Age Research Vol. 68 (2021), 2023
The Côte Chalonnaise (Saône-et-Loire, France) is a region rich in Palaeolithic sites. The Magdale... more The Côte Chalonnaise (Saône-et-Loire, France) is a region rich in Palaeolithic sites. The Magdalenian, however, is
underrepresented in the region when compared to other periods. Recent research at the site of Grotte des Teux-Blancs
provides new insights into the Palaeolithic occupation of the site and proves its use during the Magdalenian. Since the first
excavation in 1913, the site has received little attention from researchers. To reconstruct the site’s occupation history, excavations
were carried out in the back-dirt in addition to a new analysis of the known inventories. These excavations were able to
provide insights into the 1913 excavation methods as the excavated sediments were deposited on the back-dirt separated by
layers, forming an inverse stratigraphy. The analysis of the finds shows a small Middle Palaeolithic and a larger Upper Palaeolithic
assemblage. In particular, the lithic and organic artefacts attest to the use of the site, in a hunting context, during the
Magdalenian. The embedding of the site in the Magdalenian of Eastern France suggests that Grotte des Teux-Blancs, together
with other sites west of the Bresse, was part of the same settlement system as the sites of the French Jura.
Hommes, terroir et territoires. Le Paléolithique en Bourgogne méridionale, 2022
The Grotte de la Mère-Grand is located in the very north of the department of Saône-et-Loire in t... more The Grotte de la Mère-Grand is located in the very north of the department of Saône-et-Loire in the commune of Rully, near the Grottes d'Agneux, which are also discussed in this book. Together with Solutré and Germolles, the Mère-Grand is one of the earliest excavated Palaeolithic sites in the region. Despite the partial inaccessibility of the find material, this article attempts to give an overview of the research history and the Paleolithic occupation phases of this important cave site. The Middle Palaeolithic is of priority. However, recent work, including that in the neighboring cave La Grange, shows that the Upper Palaeolithic is present in the caves on the southern slope of Ravin d'Agneux.
Hommes, terroir et territoires. Le Paléolithique en Bourgogne méridionale, 2022
The Grotte de la Folatière in Culles-les-Roches is locales in a Jurassic massif with an impressiv... more The Grotte de la Folatière in Culles-les-Roches is locales in a Jurassic massif with an impressive view on the Saône plain. Together with the Grotte de la Verpillière I in Germolles, Culles is one of the most important cave sites in the Côte Chalonnaise. Unfortunately, it has a complicated history of research beginning in the 19th century, during the course of which parts of the discoveries were lost. This article tries to summarize the history of research and occupation of the cave, which ranges from the Middle Palaeolithic, through the Aurignacian, Gravettian and Solutéan to the Magdalenian.
Hommes, terroir et territoires. Le Paléolithique en Bourgogne méridionale, 2022
When one hears the name Germolles in reference to the Palaeolithic, one thinks primarily of the t... more When one hears the name Germolles in reference to the Palaeolithic, one thinks primarily of the two caves Verpillière I & II. However, there is also an important open-air site in the same part of the municipality of Mellecey, which is the subject of this article. The Palaeolithic open-air site En Roche at Germolles (Mellecey, Saône-et-Loire) was discovered by Abbé Guillard in the 1950s. Since then, the site has been the object of a multitude of surface prospections, which yielded about 1200 known lithic objects thus far. The site was initially attributed to an Aurignacian context, while a Middle Palaeolithic component was recognized soon afterwards. In 2017 and 2018, two excavation campaigns took place, the first invasive archaeological intervention on the site. During the work, a stratigraphic succession of seven geological units was brought to light, clearly showing the fluviatile origin of the sediments. The lithic industries were discovered within the first two units underneath the plough horizon and were sometimes found within a layer of gravels. Water screening of the sediment revealed a high portion of fine lithic fraction, thus underlining the good preservation of the site. The lithic finds clearly reflect two chronological phases of a Middle Palaeolithic and an Upper Palaeolithic and appear in the right stratigraphic order. This contribution presents preliminary results from our recent excavations at Germolles, En Roche.
Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, 2022
Thesis summary in the Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (119/2) p. 337-339. Résumé ... more Thesis summary in the Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (119/2) p. 337-339.
Résumé de Thèse dans le Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française (119/2) p. 337-339.
While former typological studies drew a heterogeneous image for the Middle Paleolithic record of ... more While former typological studies drew a heterogeneous image for the Middle Paleolithic record of the Côte Chalonnaise region in southern Burgundy (France), recent research, re-evaluation of old collections, and comparative analysis from several Middle Paleolithic sites in the area were able to highlight a homogeneous pattern of litho-technological features. The assemblages have been evaluated according to their general composition, the identifiable reduction concepts as well as their bifacial component. The concurrent results allow us to hypothesize a regional site cluster based on Levallois reduction and a common occurrence of Keilmesser (with tranchet blow). In chronological terms, dating attempts on stratified material from Grotte de la Verpillière I and II suggest a late Middle Paleolithic age of the sites around the end of MIS 4 or the beginning of MIS 3. Kivonat A Côte Chalonnaise régió (Burgundia, Franciaország) késő középső paleolitikumának technológiai jellemzői A korábbi tipológiai vizsgálatok heterogén képet vázoltak fel a dél-burgundiai Côte Chalonnaise régió (Franciaország) középső paleolit leletanyagáról. Az újabb kutatások azonban a kőpattintási technológiai jellemzők homogenitását mutatták ki korábbi gyűjtemények revíziója, illetve középső paleolit lelőhelyek összehasonlító vizsgálata segítségével. A leletanyagokat általános összetételük, azonosított magkőredukciós koncepcióik, illetve a bifaciális darabok alapján értékelték. Az egybehangzó eredmények nyomán, a Levallois redukció és a tranchet blow technikával kialakított, Keilmesser típusú eszközök jelenléte alapján egy regionális megtelepedési csoportot feltételezünk. Az időrendet illetően, a Grotte de la Verpillière I és II rétegzett lelőhelyek datálási kísérletei a késői középső paleolitikumra, a MIS 4 végére vagy a MIS 3 kezdetére datálják ezt a csoportot.
Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 2019
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2019
Abstract The identification of technical traits derived from the analyses of photogrammetric 3D m... more Abstract The identification of technical traits derived from the analyses of photogrammetric 3D models can be used for archaeological objectives. In this paper, we are proposing a methodology for discrimination of parietal engravings based on 3D models build with photogrammetry software. Our case study are the caves of Agneux, two small caverns with an astonishing number of graffiti on their walls. Most of these graffiti were made since 19th century, but with some examples of depictions that are compatible with the technical features of Palaeolithic art. The analyses of the marks in some lines in Agneux I have demonstrated the use of different tools. Virtual illumination has been applied to identify and read words and dates which can be discarded as prehistoric. These results will be compared with replicative experiments. This methodology could be useful for the discrimination of prehistoric graphic expressions in panels with a biography of long-term human interventions.
During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have bee... more During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have been conducted. In the beginning, the primary focus was on North American variations, whereas varieties deriving from sites in Europe were largely disregarded. The aim of this article is to contribute to filling in some of the gaps in current knowledge through experimental heating of flint from the argiles à Silex of the Côte Chalonnaise in southern Burgundy, France. Samples of the raw material were exposed to different temperature levels for a specified time span under controlled conditions in a muffle kiln. The goal of these experiments was to define the features of raw and heated flint and to find relationships between the appearances of those features at different temperatures. Apart from global observations and characteristics occurring under the exposure to heat, we show a new comparative method concerning the colour change of the samples. Hereunto, we use the RGB-colour values of specific parts of the samples (before and after the heating) and visualise the colour change in tree-dimensional vector graphics. The results indicate that nearly all of the pieces' surfaces show a colour shift. This experimental research indicates a trichotomy of the heated material. In the lower temperature spectrum (200°C and 250°C) the pieces are nearly in the colour range of the raw pieces, the middle ones (300°C and 350°C) show a colour shift (reduction in brightness and a shift into the spectra of higher red and blue content) as well as fragmentation. In the higher temperature range (above 350°C) the pieces tend to be more greyish and are often complete disintegrated. KEY WORDS: Use of fire-Middle and Upper Palaeolithic-Flint from the argiles à Silex-Germolles-Grotte de la Verpillière I and II-Saône-et-Loire-Colour measurement-RGB values purposes is a common feature at sites dating to the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. The works of Don Crabtree in the 1960s sparked interest in Palaeolithic research on the heat-treatment of siliceous lithic raw materials for technological improvement (Crabtree, Butler 1964). In the following decades many other researchers explored the effects of heat on the quality of siliceous rocks for better knapping conditions (e.g.
Technological features in the late Middle Paleolithic of the Côte Chalonnaise (Burgundy, France), 2020
While former typological studies drew a heterogeneous image for the Middle Paleolithic record of ... more While former typological studies drew a heterogeneous image for the Middle Paleolithic record of the Côte Chalonnaise region in southern Burgundy (France), recent research, re-evaluation of old collections, and comparative analysis from several Middle Paleolithic sites in the area were able to highlight a homogeneous pattern of litho-technological features. The assemblages have been evaluated according to their general composition, the identifiable reduction concepts as well as their bifacial component. The concurrent results allow us to hypothesize a regional site cluster based on Levallois reduction and a common occurrence of Keilmesser (with tranchet blow). In chronological terms, dating attempts on stratified material from Grotte de la Verpillière I and II suggest a late Middle Paleolithic age of the sites around the end of MIS 4 or the beginning of MIS 3.
This paper focuses on the technological characteristics of Keilmesser with a lateral tranchet blo... more This paper focuses on the technological characteristics of Keilmesser with a lateral tranchet blow modification on the cutting edge. It examines the underlying technological production of these bifacial objects: this implies the evaluation of their working stage succession, as well as produced forms necessary for the execution of tranchet blow performance. Furthermore , it offers a techno-morphological description of these enigmatic tools. The Keilmesser with tranchet blow and corresponding blanks of tranchet blows from Grotte de la Verpillière I in Germolles (Saô ne-et-Loire, France) are used as case study. The collection of Keilmesser with tranchet blow and corresponding blanks of tranchet blow has been massively expanded with new fieldwork and the review of ancient assemblages. The majority of the pieces were made on blanks from local raw material. The evaluation of the underlying production concept shows that a Keilmesser with tranchet blow, regardless of the wide range of morphologies and matrix size, always consists of specific parts that are necessary for the production sequence and the assumed function. The production of these pieces follows highly specific working stages, some of which can be interchanged in sequence. However, it is always the goal to obtain a low-angled cutting edge. The performance of a tranchet blow is not only an integral part of production, but it is rather the aim of the entire production.
Fragestellungen wie die Verwendung lokaler oder ortsfremder lithischer Rohma-terialien zur Werkze... more Fragestellungen wie die Verwendung lokaler oder ortsfremder lithischer Rohma-terialien zur Werkzeugproduktion oder die Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen wie Flüsse als Quelle von Rohmaterialien und zugleich als Ressource Wasser und/oder Nahrung stehen im Teilprojekt B01 " Variabilität der Ressourcennutzung. Raumerschließung durch späte Neandertaler und frühe anatomisch moderne Menschen in Europa " des SFB 1070 " RessourcenKulturen " im Vordergrund. Hierbei werden in zwei Fallstudien – die Schwäbische Alb und das südliche Burgund – der Zeitraum des Übergangs vom Neandertaler zum anatomisch modernen Menschen in Europa zwischen 50 und 30 ka BP und damit einhergehend eine Veränderung in der techno-typologischen Ausprägung der Inventare bekannter Fundstellen untersucht. Das Fallbeispiel der Schwäbischen Alb legt den Fokus auf die lithischen Aurignacieninventare der Vogelherd-Höhle. Die techno-typologische Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der Rohmaterialökonomie zielt sowohl darauf ab, spezifische Charakteristika des Schwäbischen Aurignacien herauszuarbeiten, als auch Unterschiede in den Inventaren zu identifizieren. Das Fallbeispiel im Südburgund (Côte Chalonnaise) beschäftigt sich in komplementärer Weise mit lithischen Inventaren von Freiland-wie auch Höhlenfundstellen wie Saint-Martin-sous-Montaigu, Rully oder Germolles, für die eine Besiedlung im späten Mittelpaläolithikum, im frühen Jungpaläolithikum sowie während des Châtelperronien nachgewiesen ist. Als Referenz dienen vor allem die modern ergrabenen Inventare der Grottes de la Verpillière I und II in Germolles. Eingerahmt und ergänzt werden die Arbeiten von überregionalen Rohmaterialstudien, die sowohl durch ausgedehnte Prospektionen und Kartierungen als auch durch einheitliche mikro- und makroskopische Analysen darauf abzielen, die vorhandenen lithischen Rohmaterialien beider Regionen zu beschreiben und in ihrem archäologischen Niederschlag greifen zu können. Daraus ergeben sich Rückschlüsse auf Versorgungsstrategien oder Wanderbewegungen später Neandertaler und früher moderner Menschen entlang natürlicher Flusssysteme wie der Donau oder dem Rhein-Saône-Rhône-Graben.
Anthropologie/Brno , 2013
During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have bee... more During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have been conducted. In the beginning, the primary focus was on North American variations, whereas varieties deriving from sites in Europe were largely disregarded. The aim of this article is to contribute to filling in some of the gaps in current knowledge through experimental heating of flint from the argiles a Silex of the Cote Chalonnaise in southern Burgundy, France. Samples of the raw material were exposed to different temperature levels for a specified time span under controlled conditions in a muffle kiln. The goal of these experiments was to define the features of raw and heated flint and to find relationships between the appearances of those features at different temperatures. Apart from global observations and characteristics occurring under the exposure to heat, we show a new comparative method concerning the colour change of the samples. Hereunto, we use the RGB-colour values of specific parts of the samples (before and after the heating) and visualise the colour change in tree-dimensional vector graphics. The results indicate that nearly all of the pieces' surfaces show a colour shift. This experimental research indicates a trichotomy of the heated material. In the lower temperature spectrum (200°C and 250°C) the pieces are nearly in the colour range of the raw pieces, the middle ones (300°C and 350°C) show a colour shift (reduction in brightness and a shift into the spectra of higher red and blue content) as well as fragmentation. In the higher temperature range (above 350°C) the pieces tend to be more greyish and are often complete disintegrated.
The present-day research on lithic analysis provides very different approaches how stone artifact... more The present-day research on lithic analysis provides very different approaches how stone artifacts can be recorded, analyzed, and interpreted. Most scholars agree today that a purely typological
view should be avoided. The last three decades provided a technological approach to lithic research. Likewise, there are also very different approaches how lithic assemblages should be classified. Beside the Bordes-Binford debate if assemblages can be seen as made by distinct groups or if they are functional units,
many other hypotheses have been formulated (like environmental, transformative or recycling approaches,
production analysis, core classification criteria, as well as functional analysis within use-wear or hafting studies). In the context of lithic analysis, Eric Boëda’s research is of outstanding interest, because he formulated many technological approaches that are very often used, and in some research traditions they
are nearly standard. This paper uses his newly published work (Boëda 2013) as an opportunity to resume his litho-technological approaches, but also to discuss Boëda’s approaches and try to integrate these into the context of lithic analysis. In his recent work, Eric Boëda sums up his litho-technological research of the past three decades and combines it with the sociocultural work of Gilbert Simondon, Yves Deforge, André Leroi-Gourhan and others. The focus lies on the understanding of how and why lithic artifacts develop and change through time, particularly with regard to production schemes and techno-functional aspects, wherein Boëda presents a classification of six different core-types. The theoretical work is concluded and elucidated with the example of blade industries in the Near East. More than only presenting a classical review or a summary of Boëda’s latest work, this paper also aims to help make the complex theme accessible to non-
French speakers. Thus, the emphasis lies on the theoretical, litho-technological aspects, particularly on the terminological understanding and the core-type classification. Since Boëda’s work combines a broad spectrum of philosophical and theoretical framework with lithic analyses, we try to clarify and revise important points and supplement them with own approaches. The aim of this paper is to contextualize his approaches and show that they round out other lithic analysis to a more holistic view of lithic artifacts with the goal to contribute to complete the Paleohistoriography.
During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have bee... more During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have been conducted. In the beginning, the primary focus was on North American variations, whereas varieties deriving from sites in Europe were largely disregarded. The aim of this article is to contribute to filling in some of the gaps in current knowledge through experimental heating of flint from the argiles à Silex of the Côte Chalonnaise in southern Burgundy, France. Samples of the raw material were exposed to different temperature levels for a specified time span under controlled conditions in a muffle kiln. The goal of these experiments was to define the features of raw and heated flint and to find relationships between the appearances of those features at different temperatures. Apart from global observations and characteristics occurring under the exposure to heat, we show a new comparative method concerning the colour change of the samples. Hereunto, we use the RGB-colour values of specific parts of the samples (before and after the heating) and visualise the colour change in tree-dimensional vector graphics. The results indicate that nearly all of the pieces' surfaces show a colour shift. This experimental research indicates a trichotomy of the heated material. In the lower temperature spectrum (200°C and 250°C) the pieces are nearly in the colour range of the raw pieces, the middle ones (300°C and 350°C) show a colour shift (reduction in brightness and a shift into the spectra of higher red and blue content) as well as fragmentation. In the higher temperature range (above 350°C) the pieces tend to be more greyish and are often complete disintegrated.
A brief overview of the palaeolithic sites in the Gorge d'Enfer near Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil ... more A brief overview of the palaeolithic sites in the Gorge d'Enfer near Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil (Dordogne, France).
Unpublished manuscript (in german) composed for an excursion in the Dordogne in September 2012 under the direction of Harald Floss.
Abstract for an oral presentation held at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society f... more Abstract for an oral presentation held at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society for Quaternary Research and Archaeology of the Stone Age in Berlin (april 19th-23rd 2022) - State of the Art.
We discuss the meaning of the presence ofsignificance of sites with Keilmesser finds (sometimes w... more We discuss the meaning of the presence ofsignificance of sites with Keilmesser finds (sometimes with tranchet blow, a.k.a para-burin or coup de tranchet latéral) from the Middle Paleolithic in Southern southern Burgundy. Until now there are eleven more then than ten sites (mainly in the Côte chalonnaise, the surrounding ofnear Châlon-sur-Saône) yielding such these specidic specific artifacts. The majorityMost of these assemblages derives from surface collections, but the recent excavations at Grottes de la Verpillière I & II (Germolles), which are nowhave been preliminarily dated to Late late OIS 4 or Early early OIS 3, provides hints aboutevidence for the chronological positions of the decontextualized assemblages from collections. In addition to the presence of Keilmesser (asymmetrically bifacially bifacially-backed knives), these sites possess a high congruence ofmany shared common features. Inter aliaAmong others, there is a high variability in other bifacial objects, and the Levallois concept technique is prevalently used for blank production. The conductedOur research, compared comparing ancient older collections from ancient earlier excavations and surface collections with the assemblages newly recently excavated at both Grottes de la Verpillière, and demonstrates the highly congruent assemblages from assemblage congruence of rock-shelter and open-air sites, and even open open-air sites on top of raw- material sources. Our studies allow us to redlections about summarizing group these Middle Paleolithic assemblages from Saône-et-Loire into a regional cluster in space and time (Space-Time Unit) that could be attributed to the Keilmessergruppen from central Europe. Not only because of theThis is due not only to the presence of Keilmesser but because ofalso to the presence of tranchet-blow modidicationmodifications, a highly complex technological possibility of sharpening edges on mainly bifacially -worked tools. For instance, various, specidic specific features must be present or installed on the tool in order to be able tobefore its manufacturer can accomplish the performance ofproduce a tranchet-blow modidicationmodification. The presence of this highly specific element in a cluster of sites is explainable with indicates the close personal relations of individuals or groups that can that would facilitate the transfer of the knowledge in that such a way that it forms a callable recall option in the working memory of individual knappers.
Poster presentation at UISPP congress in september 2014 (Burgos, Spain)
Abstract for the Presentation at UISPP congress in september 2014 (Burgos, Spain)
Basic resources of paleolithic hunter and gatherers are water, game and lithic raw material suita... more Basic resources of paleolithic hunter and gatherers are water, game and lithic raw material suitable for the production of sharp cutting edges. The physical constraints of the lithic raw material (i.e., grain size, homogeneity, elasticity or brittleness) influence its knapping properties (i.e., Braun et al., 2009; Eren et al., 2011; Goodman, 1944; Inzian
et al., 1995). Thus, the CURSE could be seen as the subsistential dependency on lithic raw material, while the BLESSING would lie in its low cost availability within the habitat.
Analyzing the procurement strategies of lithic raw materials from both the late Neanderthals and ... more Analyzing the procurement strategies of lithic raw materials from both the late Neanderthals and the early Anatomical modern humans is the subject of a small workgroup in the CRC 1070 ResourceCultures at the University of Tuebingen. One of the case studies is located in the Côte Chalonnaise in Southern Burgundy. Many open air and cave sites are located in this area, surrounding the two main sites Grottes de la Verpillière I & II near Germolles.
The aim of the research is a better understanding of the strategies of how and where the prehistoric human groups got their lithic raw materials and weather there are differences between the two hominids or not. As usual many local and regional raw materials had been used by both of them. But to determine long distance movements the Paleogene lacustrine or freshwater silex can help. Paleogene (lately named Tertiary) silex is often bound to single outcrops and has a distinguish habit. In old collections and in the new excavations or surveys a couple of artefacts knapped from freshwater silex could be documented. The results of the analyses and the re-construction of possible movements shall be presented here.
In 1926, Dr. Lenez discovered the paleolithic open air site ‚La Roche‘ in the vineyards of Saint-... more In 1926, Dr. Lenez discovered the paleolithic open air site ‚La Roche‘ in the vineyards of Saint-Martin-sous-Montaigu (southern Burgundy, France), which is reminiscent (in terms of topography) of the famous site of Solutré. Apart from a small test pit in the same year, only surface collections have been undertaken on-site. The most important were those of André Charles Gros in the 1950s and 60s, which lead to the identification of distinct sectors
for Middle Paleolithic and Early Upper Paleolithic (Aurignacian) activity.
Jurassic chert and residual cretaceous flint are available as raw materials in immediate proximity to the site. While the use of both has been attested for the Middle Paleolithic assemblages, only flint use has yet been reported for the Aurignacien sector in question.
Nevertheless, there is new evidence for more diverse raw material use patterns in the Early Upper Paleolithic of Saint-Martin-sous-Montaigu, including both flint and chert.
In the context of the international research projects SFB 1070 „ResourceCultures“, PCR UMR 6298 and DFG FL 244/5-1, a team from Tübingen (under the direction of Prof. Harald Floss) undertook new surface collections in St. Martin in 2014. The collected material bears evidence of the same artifact spectrum among the two raw material types such as cores, blades and bladelets as well as retouched forms, especially end scrapers. Due to intense weathering, resulting in strong surface alteration and a high degree of fragmentation as well as recent human activity (wine agriculture and plowing), the identification of chert artifacts
is not always easy. Nevertheless, they show the same technological characteristics as the flint artefacts, though in a slightly less refined way, and thus differ in terms of curation, pointing to a more opportunistic ad hoc use of the direct available chert raw material. This point seems to be further strengthened by the presence of a considerable amount of modified frost
shattered pieces.
These observations stand in contrast to the general assumption of high quality raw material preferences starting with the Upper Paleolithic. Until now, there have also been no reports of chert use for neighboring sites with Aurignacian present, thus making the site of La Roche an interesting case study in the research area of southern Burgundy with its multitude of late Middle Paleolithic, Transitional and Early Upper Paleolithic assemblages.
Since the second half of the 19th century, Southern Burgundy has constituted as an important regi... more Since the second half of the 19th century, Southern Burgundy has constituted as an important region for the transition from Middle to Upper Palaeolithic in France. Containing remains from the Middle Palaeolithic, the Châtelperronien, the Aurignacian and the Gravettian, the position of this region is strengthened not only diachronically but also geographically for the overlap of these diferent complexes in time and space compared to neighbouring regions. ...
Das späte Mittel- und frühe Jungpaläolithikum der Côte Chalonnaise, 2020
Summary of my doctoral thesis on the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic of the Côte Chalonna... more Summary of my doctoral thesis on the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic of the Côte Chalonnaise region (Burgundy, France).
Full text available via: http://dx.doi.org/10.15496/publikation-63207