Youssef Kanjou | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (original) (raw)
Papers by Youssef Kanjou
tunews, 2022
Youssef Kanjou leitete das Archäologische Museum im syrischen Aleppo von 2009 bis 2013. Für ihn i... more Youssef Kanjou leitete das Archäologische Museum im syrischen Aleppo von 2009 bis 2013. Für ihn ist die Arbeit in einem Museum „einer der schönsten Berufe“. Der Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine erinnert ihn daran, wie sein Traumberuf „zu einem schrecklichen Albtraum“ wurde. Das war beim Krieg des syrischen Regimes gegen die eigene Zivilbevölkerung, der in Aleppo von 2012 bis 2016 dauerte. Der Krieg kam erstmals in Gestalt einer Autobombe in die Nähe seines Museums. Er war gerade etwa acht Kilometer davon entfernt zuhause. Dort hörte er die Autobombe, die auf einem Parkplatz etwa 100 bis 150 Meter vom Museumsgebäude entfernt explodierte. Das Fensterglas zersplitterte in die Ausstellungsräume und Büros hinein, Beleuchtung, Computer, Überwachungskameras, Vitrinen, Ausstellungsarchitektur gingen kaputt. KollegInnen wurden verletzt. Niemand kam zu Hilfe. Youssef und seine KollegInnen räumten anschließend 10 bis 15 Tage lang auf, entfernten Glassplitter und Schutt, verperrten Fenster und Türen notdürftig mit Plastikfolien. Damals rückte auch die Front zwischen dem syrischen Regime und seinen Gegnern unmittelbar nach Aleppo. Scharfschützen machten den Museumsbesuch „zu einem gefährlichen Unterfangen“. In der Nähe des Museums schlugen immer wieder Granaten und Bomben ein. Kanjou erinnert sich: „Die Geräusche verschiedener Waffen lösten bei uns Panik und Angst aus. Aber mit der Zeit wurde es normal und gewöhnlich. In einigen Fällen schlugen Granaten im Museum ein, während sich die Mitarbeiter noch darin befanden.“ Deshalb hätte es gar keinen Sinn gemacht, Fenster und Türen zu reparieren. Überwachungskameras und Alarmanlagen hätten nichts genützt.
Wie viele andere Behörden stellte auch das Museum seinen Betrieb ein und schloss seine Türen. Allerdings entschlossen sich Kanjou und seine Kollegen dazu, fortan mit ihren Familien im Museumsgebäude zu wohnen. Sie wollten das Museum und dessen archäologische Fundstücke sichern. Circa zwei Jahre lang lebten und übernachteten die Museumsmitarbeiter im Angesicht der großen Steinskulpturen in der Ausstellung. Sie richteten manche Büros als Schlafzimmer ein. Es war aber schwierig, Lebensmittel zu beschaffen, ebenso fehlten Verbrauchsstoffe. Sie errichteten große Sandsackwälle um die Skulpturen. Dass sie Tag und Nacht da waren, sei wichtig gewesen. Manchmal sei das schon persönlich gefährlich gewesen. Und sie hatten Glück, dass kein Militär in das Gebäude kam.
Kanjou ist voller Mitgefühl für die KollegInnen in der Ukraine. Den Unterschied zwischen der Ukraine und Syrien sieht er darin, dass sie in Aleppo völlig auf sich alleine gestellt gewesen seien. Niemand leistete Hilfe. Demgegenüber freut er sich, dass die Museen in der Ukraine Unterstützung von der Europäischen Union erhielten. Die Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland, das europäische Museumsnetz schickten Hilfe.
Kanjou resümiert: „Die Museumsmitarbeiter bleiben unbekannte Soldaten, die im Frieden und im Krieg stillschweigend arbeiten. Der Besucher interessiert sich zwar für die Ausstellungsstücke und für die alten Kulturen, die diese Kunst erzeugt haben. Er vergisst und übersieht aber diejenigen, die hart daran gearbeitet haben, diese Kunst aus der fernen Vergangenheit für die Gegenwart und die Zukunft zu sichern. Selbst inmitten von Kriegen konzentrieren sich die Bemühungen nur auf den Schutz der Museumsobjekte. An das Personal, das unter gefährlichen Bedingungen arbeitet, denkt kaum jemand. Und schließlich: Museen müssen weit weg von militärischen Konflikten sein, und die einschlägigen internationalen Vereinbarungen müssen auch eingehalten werden, aber leider geschieht genau das Gegenteil.“
tunews, 2014
In Syrien gibt es viele archäologische Stätten, die unter Archäologen und im Tourismus bekannt si... more In Syrien gibt es viele archäologische Stätten, die unter Archäologen und im Tourismus bekannt sind. Dies gilt beispielsweise für Palmyra an der Westwüste, die Stadt Mari am Euphrat und die Stadt Ugarit an der syrischen Küste. Aber Dura Europos, „Pompeji des Ostens“ oder „Pompeji der Wüste“, wie es auch genannt wird, ist nicht so berühmt wie andere archäologische Städte – trotz seiner kulturellen und historischen Bedeutung sowie als sehr wichtige Station für Handelskarawanen. Der Vergleich mit Pompeji wird gezogen, weil in Dura Europos wie in Pompeji viele Wandgemälde und auch organische Materialien gefunden wurden. Die Stadt Dura… Read More
Project aims and procedures (Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer) 2. Management of archaeological sites... more Project aims and procedures
(Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer)
2. Management of archaeological sites and databases: projects started by the DGAM
(Nazir Awad / Dima Achkar / Houmam Saad / Balsam Hassan)
3. Data structuring
(Tamader Almuftah / Mustafa Alnajjar / Roswitha Del Fabbro / Mamoun Fansa / Arie Kai-Browne / Youssef Kanjou / Kay Kohlmeyer)
4. Catalogue of sites and monuments
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Arabic adaptation Youssef Kanjou)
5. Documentation of pre-Hellenistic and Hellenistic structures in the area of the Old City of Aleppo, special requirements and strategy
(Kay Kohlmeyer, with contributions by Mustafa Alnajjar / Mamoun Fansa / Youssef Kanjou)
6. Documentation of sites in Google Earth
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Youssef Kanjou)
مجلة اوراق ثقافية, 2024
تناول هذه الورقة استراتيجيات حماية المجموعات الأثرية في متحف حلب الوطني. استلزم العدد الكبير والط... more تناول هذه الورقة استراتيجيات حماية المجموعات الأثرية في متحف حلب الوطني. استلزم العدد الكبير والطبيعة المتنوعة للمجموعات الأثرية تنفيذ مجموعة من أساليب الحماية. وفي الوقت نفسه، ونظرًا للتطورات الأمنية في سوريا، واستنادًا إلى التجارب السابقة التي شهدناها في مصر والعراق ولبنان وليبيا؛ بدأ متحف حلب بوضع خطة عمل لحماية وحماية المجموعات الأثرية في شمال سوريا. إن رؤية الصراع الذي يتكشف في سوريا كان أشبه بتكرار ما حدث في العراق. قام العاملون في متحف حلب بدراسة التجارب في العراق بعناية فائقة واستفادوا من دروسه وأفكاره حول أفضل السبل لحماية التراث السوري
كلمات مفتاحية: متحف حلب، نزاع مسلح، إجراءات الحماية، المجموعات المتحفية، الاخلاء الطارئ.
Ancient West and East, volume 22, , 2023
Chronique Archéologique en syrie, 2009
Chronique Archéologique en syrie, 2009
Chronique Archéologique en syria, 2009
After a very fruity, from scientific point of view, season 2011, we would like to conclude that ... more After a very fruity, from scientific point of view, season 2011, we would like to conclude that
Tell Qaramel became one of the most important archaeological sites for understanding of the
beginning of domestication plants and animals and beginning of architecture in Northern Levant
and neighbouring regions of whole Near East. Excavated in this campaign layers containing the
Epipaleolithic, Protoneolithic and Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic A remnants of habitation give us
more essential data for the knowledge of the transformation the Protoqaramelian and Qaramelian
culture into the Neolithic. Now in Tell Qaramel settlement we have the evolution on occupation
starting from the Epipaleolithic to the beginning of the Late Pre-pottery Neolithic A. In the
absolute chronology it is time between 12.000 (or earlier) to 9.400 BC Cal.
2020, Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden , 2020
This paper presents the current situation of archaeology in Syria, the main reasons that have con... more This paper presents the current situation of archaeology in Syria, the main reasons that have contributed to the destruction of Syrian archaeological sites and the efforts of Syrian archaeologists, apart from the archaeological missions working in Syria, to alleviate this damage, particularly in the raising of awareness about the importance of Syrian heritage. Moreover, this paper presents the book, A History of Syria in 100 sites, which contains information about 103 Syrian archaeological sites that have been excavated by archaeological missions.
The process and timing of skull removal remains poorly understood by researchers. New archaeologi... more The process and timing of skull removal remains poorly understood by researchers. New archaeological and skeletal analysis from two skeletons from the early Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Tell Qaramel, northern Syria, highlights that Neolithic villagers used stone tools to physically decapitate the dead. Drawing upon cutmarks on the axis and the mandible from primary and secondary burials, we employed a scanning electron microscope to document how Neolithic people cut the ligament and its surrounding connecting tissues that bind the cranium with the bones of the axis and the mandible. The position of the cutmarks, especially at the top of the odontoid process of the axis, illustrates the complexities of intentional skull removal. From these and associated burial data, we illustrate that Levantine Neolithic people had specific practical codes for the sequence of skull removal, but given variation in the decomposition of the human body, at times, villagers had to use flint tools for skull removal. This study provides evidence of some of the world's earliest examples of intentional decapitation within human communities.
The Lower-to-Middle Paleolithic transition of the Levant has attracted much attention, particular... more The Lower-to-Middle Paleolithic transition of the Levant has
attracted much attention, particularly because the early Middle
Paleolithic is the period when the earliest anatomically modern
humans fossils known to date in Eurasia have been attested in that
part of Asia . The associated lithic assemblages are a significant
source of information for investigating the cultural landscape of
this important transition. This paper presents a new dataset from
the 2003–2009 excavations at Dederiyeh Cave, northwest of Syria.
A techno-typological analysis of the lithic industry reveals a
common practice of blade blank production, which corroborates
the other known early Middle Paleolithic assemblages of the
Levant. However, its strong emphasis on Levallois core reduction
and sidescraper manufacturing is noteworthy. The significance of
this finding deserves further research from multiple viewpoints,
including the functional and spatio-temporal variability of
hominin activities in this period. It will be also important to
interpret the techno-typological diagnostics of the early Middle
Paleolithic assemblage of Dederiyeh considering its geographic
Aleppo Journal 2021, 2021
German expedition started excavations in the citadel in the center of the old city with the goal ... more German expedition started excavations in the citadel in the center of the old city with
the goal of uncovering the temple of the weather god. The following article will present
an overview of The Weather God of Aleppo book, which was issued in the milieu of
the reopening of the Aleppo Museum 2020.
Developments in north Syrian archaeology in the middle and upper Euphrates River valley have been... more Developments in north Syrian archaeology in the middle and upper Euphrates River valley have been to some extent determined by salvage excavations resulting from the planned construction of hydroelectric dams. The evidence from sites excavated in the Tabqa and Tishreen dam flood zones in this area of north Syria has supplied information on the existence of a broad range of periods, cultures and traditions. Researchers from the University of Melbourne have been involved in excavations at three sites within this region. A planned Syrian-Australian cooperation is underway for further rescue work and the creation of an archaeological artefact repository which will build on ongoing excavation and research.
Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden, 2020
This paper presents the current situation of archaeology in Syria, the main reasons that have con... more This paper presents the current situation of archaeology in Syria, the main reasons that
have contributed to the destruction of Syrian archaeological sites and the efforts of Syrian
archaeologists, apart from the archaeological missions working in Syria, to alleviate this
damage, particularly in the raising of awareness about the importance of Syrian heritage.
Moreover, this paper presents the book, A History of Syria in 100 sites, which contains
information about 103 Syrian archaeological sites that have been excavated by archaeological
The process and timing of skull removal remains poorly understood by researchers. New archaeologi... more The process and timing of skull removal remains poorly understood by researchers. New archaeological and skeletal analysis from two skeletons from the early Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Tell Qaramel, northern Syria, highlights that Neolithic villagers used stone tools to physically decapitate the dead. Drawing upon cutmarks on the axis and the mandible from primary and secondary burials, we employed a scanning electron microscope to document how Neolithic people cut the ligament and its surrounding connecting tissues that bind the cranium with the bones of the axis and the mandible. The position of the cutmarks, especially at the top of the odontoid process of the axis, illustrates the complexities of intentional skull removal. From these and associated burial data, we illustrate that Levantine Neolithic people had specific practical codes for the sequence of skull removal, but given variation in the decomposition of the human body, at times, villagers had to use flint tools for skull removal. This study provides evidence of some of the world's earliest examples of intentional decapitation within human communities.
Estudios De Antropologia Biologica, Oct 30, 2013
adomatu ادوماتو, 2014
This paper discusses the 28 graves and 36 skeletons discovered at Tell Qaramel, in north Syria, d... more This paper discusses the 28 graves and 36 skeletons discovered at Tell Qaramel, in north Syria, dating to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A period (PPNA). The burial site was associated with residential structures; an indication of possible ancestor veneration. All the skeletal remains were adults and in flexed positions. Varied burial treatments were noted: individual and composite graves; and primary and secondary deposition. In some graves the skulls were separated from the bodies. Detached skulls are one of the most common phenomena of the Neolithic period in the Levant. Cut-marks on the second vertebra in grave 2 at Tell Qaramel suggest that a flint tool was used to separate the skull from the spine. The findings from Tell Qaramel are significant and provide some of the earliest evidence for beheading in the ancient world.
Source: Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies , Vol. 6, No. 4 (2018), pp. 375-391, 2018
Syrian cultural heritage has suffered great destruction during the recent (and ongoing) conflict,... more Syrian cultural heritage has suffered great destruction during the recent (and ongoing) conflict, but the response to this damage has been less effective than might be hoped. While the actions of extremists have received great attention in the international press, there are many other reasons that have contributed to this situation, such as the inadequate strategy of the Syrian government to preserve cultural heritage prior to the conflict and poor incentives from national and international authorities. This article researches the role of Syrian local communities in safeguarding their cultural heritage before, during, and after the war and provides a critique of the role of national and international communities. Furthermore, the article presents a proposal to encourage the local community to become a part of the process of protection. Museums have a significant role in distributing knowledge about Syrian heritage through heritage education programs.
tunews, 2022
Youssef Kanjou leitete das Archäologische Museum im syrischen Aleppo von 2009 bis 2013. Für ihn i... more Youssef Kanjou leitete das Archäologische Museum im syrischen Aleppo von 2009 bis 2013. Für ihn ist die Arbeit in einem Museum „einer der schönsten Berufe“. Der Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine erinnert ihn daran, wie sein Traumberuf „zu einem schrecklichen Albtraum“ wurde. Das war beim Krieg des syrischen Regimes gegen die eigene Zivilbevölkerung, der in Aleppo von 2012 bis 2016 dauerte. Der Krieg kam erstmals in Gestalt einer Autobombe in die Nähe seines Museums. Er war gerade etwa acht Kilometer davon entfernt zuhause. Dort hörte er die Autobombe, die auf einem Parkplatz etwa 100 bis 150 Meter vom Museumsgebäude entfernt explodierte. Das Fensterglas zersplitterte in die Ausstellungsräume und Büros hinein, Beleuchtung, Computer, Überwachungskameras, Vitrinen, Ausstellungsarchitektur gingen kaputt. KollegInnen wurden verletzt. Niemand kam zu Hilfe. Youssef und seine KollegInnen räumten anschließend 10 bis 15 Tage lang auf, entfernten Glassplitter und Schutt, verperrten Fenster und Türen notdürftig mit Plastikfolien. Damals rückte auch die Front zwischen dem syrischen Regime und seinen Gegnern unmittelbar nach Aleppo. Scharfschützen machten den Museumsbesuch „zu einem gefährlichen Unterfangen“. In der Nähe des Museums schlugen immer wieder Granaten und Bomben ein. Kanjou erinnert sich: „Die Geräusche verschiedener Waffen lösten bei uns Panik und Angst aus. Aber mit der Zeit wurde es normal und gewöhnlich. In einigen Fällen schlugen Granaten im Museum ein, während sich die Mitarbeiter noch darin befanden.“ Deshalb hätte es gar keinen Sinn gemacht, Fenster und Türen zu reparieren. Überwachungskameras und Alarmanlagen hätten nichts genützt.
Wie viele andere Behörden stellte auch das Museum seinen Betrieb ein und schloss seine Türen. Allerdings entschlossen sich Kanjou und seine Kollegen dazu, fortan mit ihren Familien im Museumsgebäude zu wohnen. Sie wollten das Museum und dessen archäologische Fundstücke sichern. Circa zwei Jahre lang lebten und übernachteten die Museumsmitarbeiter im Angesicht der großen Steinskulpturen in der Ausstellung. Sie richteten manche Büros als Schlafzimmer ein. Es war aber schwierig, Lebensmittel zu beschaffen, ebenso fehlten Verbrauchsstoffe. Sie errichteten große Sandsackwälle um die Skulpturen. Dass sie Tag und Nacht da waren, sei wichtig gewesen. Manchmal sei das schon persönlich gefährlich gewesen. Und sie hatten Glück, dass kein Militär in das Gebäude kam.
Kanjou ist voller Mitgefühl für die KollegInnen in der Ukraine. Den Unterschied zwischen der Ukraine und Syrien sieht er darin, dass sie in Aleppo völlig auf sich alleine gestellt gewesen seien. Niemand leistete Hilfe. Demgegenüber freut er sich, dass die Museen in der Ukraine Unterstützung von der Europäischen Union erhielten. Die Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland, das europäische Museumsnetz schickten Hilfe.
Kanjou resümiert: „Die Museumsmitarbeiter bleiben unbekannte Soldaten, die im Frieden und im Krieg stillschweigend arbeiten. Der Besucher interessiert sich zwar für die Ausstellungsstücke und für die alten Kulturen, die diese Kunst erzeugt haben. Er vergisst und übersieht aber diejenigen, die hart daran gearbeitet haben, diese Kunst aus der fernen Vergangenheit für die Gegenwart und die Zukunft zu sichern. Selbst inmitten von Kriegen konzentrieren sich die Bemühungen nur auf den Schutz der Museumsobjekte. An das Personal, das unter gefährlichen Bedingungen arbeitet, denkt kaum jemand. Und schließlich: Museen müssen weit weg von militärischen Konflikten sein, und die einschlägigen internationalen Vereinbarungen müssen auch eingehalten werden, aber leider geschieht genau das Gegenteil.“
tunews, 2014
In Syrien gibt es viele archäologische Stätten, die unter Archäologen und im Tourismus bekannt si... more In Syrien gibt es viele archäologische Stätten, die unter Archäologen und im Tourismus bekannt sind. Dies gilt beispielsweise für Palmyra an der Westwüste, die Stadt Mari am Euphrat und die Stadt Ugarit an der syrischen Küste. Aber Dura Europos, „Pompeji des Ostens“ oder „Pompeji der Wüste“, wie es auch genannt wird, ist nicht so berühmt wie andere archäologische Städte – trotz seiner kulturellen und historischen Bedeutung sowie als sehr wichtige Station für Handelskarawanen. Der Vergleich mit Pompeji wird gezogen, weil in Dura Europos wie in Pompeji viele Wandgemälde und auch organische Materialien gefunden wurden. Die Stadt Dura… Read More
Project aims and procedures (Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer) 2. Management of archaeological sites... more Project aims and procedures
(Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer)
2. Management of archaeological sites and databases: projects started by the DGAM
(Nazir Awad / Dima Achkar / Houmam Saad / Balsam Hassan)
3. Data structuring
(Tamader Almuftah / Mustafa Alnajjar / Roswitha Del Fabbro / Mamoun Fansa / Arie Kai-Browne / Youssef Kanjou / Kay Kohlmeyer)
4. Catalogue of sites and monuments
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Arabic adaptation Youssef Kanjou)
5. Documentation of pre-Hellenistic and Hellenistic structures in the area of the Old City of Aleppo, special requirements and strategy
(Kay Kohlmeyer, with contributions by Mustafa Alnajjar / Mamoun Fansa / Youssef Kanjou)
6. Documentation of sites in Google Earth
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Youssef Kanjou)
مجلة اوراق ثقافية, 2024
تناول هذه الورقة استراتيجيات حماية المجموعات الأثرية في متحف حلب الوطني. استلزم العدد الكبير والط... more تناول هذه الورقة استراتيجيات حماية المجموعات الأثرية في متحف حلب الوطني. استلزم العدد الكبير والطبيعة المتنوعة للمجموعات الأثرية تنفيذ مجموعة من أساليب الحماية. وفي الوقت نفسه، ونظرًا للتطورات الأمنية في سوريا، واستنادًا إلى التجارب السابقة التي شهدناها في مصر والعراق ولبنان وليبيا؛ بدأ متحف حلب بوضع خطة عمل لحماية وحماية المجموعات الأثرية في شمال سوريا. إن رؤية الصراع الذي يتكشف في سوريا كان أشبه بتكرار ما حدث في العراق. قام العاملون في متحف حلب بدراسة التجارب في العراق بعناية فائقة واستفادوا من دروسه وأفكاره حول أفضل السبل لحماية التراث السوري
كلمات مفتاحية: متحف حلب، نزاع مسلح، إجراءات الحماية، المجموعات المتحفية، الاخلاء الطارئ.
Ancient West and East, volume 22, , 2023
Chronique Archéologique en syrie, 2009
Chronique Archéologique en syrie, 2009
Chronique Archéologique en syria, 2009
After a very fruity, from scientific point of view, season 2011, we would like to conclude that ... more After a very fruity, from scientific point of view, season 2011, we would like to conclude that
Tell Qaramel became one of the most important archaeological sites for understanding of the
beginning of domestication plants and animals and beginning of architecture in Northern Levant
and neighbouring regions of whole Near East. Excavated in this campaign layers containing the
Epipaleolithic, Protoneolithic and Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic A remnants of habitation give us
more essential data for the knowledge of the transformation the Protoqaramelian and Qaramelian
culture into the Neolithic. Now in Tell Qaramel settlement we have the evolution on occupation
starting from the Epipaleolithic to the beginning of the Late Pre-pottery Neolithic A. In the
absolute chronology it is time between 12.000 (or earlier) to 9.400 BC Cal.
2020, Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden , 2020
This paper presents the current situation of archaeology in Syria, the main reasons that have con... more This paper presents the current situation of archaeology in Syria, the main reasons that have contributed to the destruction of Syrian archaeological sites and the efforts of Syrian archaeologists, apart from the archaeological missions working in Syria, to alleviate this damage, particularly in the raising of awareness about the importance of Syrian heritage. Moreover, this paper presents the book, A History of Syria in 100 sites, which contains information about 103 Syrian archaeological sites that have been excavated by archaeological missions.
The process and timing of skull removal remains poorly understood by researchers. New archaeologi... more The process and timing of skull removal remains poorly understood by researchers. New archaeological and skeletal analysis from two skeletons from the early Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Tell Qaramel, northern Syria, highlights that Neolithic villagers used stone tools to physically decapitate the dead. Drawing upon cutmarks on the axis and the mandible from primary and secondary burials, we employed a scanning electron microscope to document how Neolithic people cut the ligament and its surrounding connecting tissues that bind the cranium with the bones of the axis and the mandible. The position of the cutmarks, especially at the top of the odontoid process of the axis, illustrates the complexities of intentional skull removal. From these and associated burial data, we illustrate that Levantine Neolithic people had specific practical codes for the sequence of skull removal, but given variation in the decomposition of the human body, at times, villagers had to use flint tools for skull removal. This study provides evidence of some of the world's earliest examples of intentional decapitation within human communities.
The Lower-to-Middle Paleolithic transition of the Levant has attracted much attention, particular... more The Lower-to-Middle Paleolithic transition of the Levant has
attracted much attention, particularly because the early Middle
Paleolithic is the period when the earliest anatomically modern
humans fossils known to date in Eurasia have been attested in that
part of Asia . The associated lithic assemblages are a significant
source of information for investigating the cultural landscape of
this important transition. This paper presents a new dataset from
the 2003–2009 excavations at Dederiyeh Cave, northwest of Syria.
A techno-typological analysis of the lithic industry reveals a
common practice of blade blank production, which corroborates
the other known early Middle Paleolithic assemblages of the
Levant. However, its strong emphasis on Levallois core reduction
and sidescraper manufacturing is noteworthy. The significance of
this finding deserves further research from multiple viewpoints,
including the functional and spatio-temporal variability of
hominin activities in this period. It will be also important to
interpret the techno-typological diagnostics of the early Middle
Paleolithic assemblage of Dederiyeh considering its geographic
Aleppo Journal 2021, 2021
German expedition started excavations in the citadel in the center of the old city with the goal ... more German expedition started excavations in the citadel in the center of the old city with
the goal of uncovering the temple of the weather god. The following article will present
an overview of The Weather God of Aleppo book, which was issued in the milieu of
the reopening of the Aleppo Museum 2020.
Developments in north Syrian archaeology in the middle and upper Euphrates River valley have been... more Developments in north Syrian archaeology in the middle and upper Euphrates River valley have been to some extent determined by salvage excavations resulting from the planned construction of hydroelectric dams. The evidence from sites excavated in the Tabqa and Tishreen dam flood zones in this area of north Syria has supplied information on the existence of a broad range of periods, cultures and traditions. Researchers from the University of Melbourne have been involved in excavations at three sites within this region. A planned Syrian-Australian cooperation is underway for further rescue work and the creation of an archaeological artefact repository which will build on ongoing excavation and research.
Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden, 2020
This paper presents the current situation of archaeology in Syria, the main reasons that have con... more This paper presents the current situation of archaeology in Syria, the main reasons that
have contributed to the destruction of Syrian archaeological sites and the efforts of Syrian
archaeologists, apart from the archaeological missions working in Syria, to alleviate this
damage, particularly in the raising of awareness about the importance of Syrian heritage.
Moreover, this paper presents the book, A History of Syria in 100 sites, which contains
information about 103 Syrian archaeological sites that have been excavated by archaeological
The process and timing of skull removal remains poorly understood by researchers. New archaeologi... more The process and timing of skull removal remains poorly understood by researchers. New archaeological and skeletal analysis from two skeletons from the early Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Tell Qaramel, northern Syria, highlights that Neolithic villagers used stone tools to physically decapitate the dead. Drawing upon cutmarks on the axis and the mandible from primary and secondary burials, we employed a scanning electron microscope to document how Neolithic people cut the ligament and its surrounding connecting tissues that bind the cranium with the bones of the axis and the mandible. The position of the cutmarks, especially at the top of the odontoid process of the axis, illustrates the complexities of intentional skull removal. From these and associated burial data, we illustrate that Levantine Neolithic people had specific practical codes for the sequence of skull removal, but given variation in the decomposition of the human body, at times, villagers had to use flint tools for skull removal. This study provides evidence of some of the world's earliest examples of intentional decapitation within human communities.
Estudios De Antropologia Biologica, Oct 30, 2013
adomatu ادوماتو, 2014
This paper discusses the 28 graves and 36 skeletons discovered at Tell Qaramel, in north Syria, d... more This paper discusses the 28 graves and 36 skeletons discovered at Tell Qaramel, in north Syria, dating to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A period (PPNA). The burial site was associated with residential structures; an indication of possible ancestor veneration. All the skeletal remains were adults and in flexed positions. Varied burial treatments were noted: individual and composite graves; and primary and secondary deposition. In some graves the skulls were separated from the bodies. Detached skulls are one of the most common phenomena of the Neolithic period in the Levant. Cut-marks on the second vertebra in grave 2 at Tell Qaramel suggest that a flint tool was used to separate the skull from the spine. The findings from Tell Qaramel are significant and provide some of the earliest evidence for beheading in the ancient world.
Source: Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies , Vol. 6, No. 4 (2018), pp. 375-391, 2018
Syrian cultural heritage has suffered great destruction during the recent (and ongoing) conflict,... more Syrian cultural heritage has suffered great destruction during the recent (and ongoing) conflict, but the response to this damage has been less effective than might be hoped. While the actions of extremists have received great attention in the international press, there are many other reasons that have contributed to this situation, such as the inadequate strategy of the Syrian government to preserve cultural heritage prior to the conflict and poor incentives from national and international authorities. This article researches the role of Syrian local communities in safeguarding their cultural heritage before, during, and after the war and provides a critique of the role of national and international communities. Furthermore, the article presents a proposal to encourage the local community to become a part of the process of protection. Museums have a significant role in distributing knowledge about Syrian heritage through heritage education programs.
1. Project aims and procedures (Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer) 2. Management of archaeological si... more 1. Project aims and procedures
(Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer)
2. Management of archaeological sites and databases: projects started by the DGAM
(Nazir Awad / Dima Achkar / Houmam Saad / Balsam Hassan)
3. Data structuring
(Tamader Almuftah / Mustafa Alnajjar / Roswitha Del Fabbro / Mamoun Fansa / Arie Kai-Browne / Youssef Kanjou / Kay Kohlmeyer)
4. Catalogue of sites and monuments
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Arabic adaptation Youssef Kanjou)
5. Documentation of pre-Hellenistic and Hellenistic structures in the area of the Old City of Aleppo, special requirements and strategy
(Kay Kohlmeyer, with contributions by Mustafa Alnajjar / Mamoun Fansa / Youssef Kanjou)
6. Documentation of sites in Google Earth
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Youssef Kanjou)
1. Project aims and procedures (Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer) 2. Management of archaeological si... more 1. Project aims and procedures
(Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer)
2. Management of archaeological sites and databases: projects started by the DGAM
(Nazir Awad / Dima Achkar / Houmam Saad / Balsam Hassan)
3. Data structuring
(Tamader Almuftah / Mustafa Alnajjar / Roswitha Del Fabbro / Mamoun Fansa / Arie Kai-Browne / Youssef Kanjou / Kay Kohlmeyer)
4. Catalogue of sites and monuments
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Arabic adaptation Youssef Kanjou)
5. Documentation of pre-Hellenistic and Hellenistic structures in the area of the Old City of Aleppo, special requirements and strategy
(Kay Kohlmeyer, with contributions by Mustafa Alnajjar / Mamoun Fansa / Youssef Kanjou)
6. Documentation of sites in Google Earth
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Youssef Kanjou)
ISBN 978 1 78491 381 6 ISBN 978 1 78491 382 3 (e-Pdf)
ISBN 978 1 78491 381 6 ISBN 978 1 78491 382 3 (e-Pdf)
ISBN 978 1 78491 381 6 ISBN 978 1 78491 382 3 (e-Pdf)
تـــاريخ ســوريــــة يف مــــئة موقــع أثـــــري
Tell Seker al-Aheimar (Hassake) �����������������������������������������������������������������... more Tell Seker al-Aheimar (Hassake) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������69 Yoshihiro Nishiaki 17� Shir (Hama) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72 Karin Bartl 18� Tell Kosak Shamali (Aleppo) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������76 Yoshihiro Nishiaki Copyrighted material. No unauthorized reproduction in any medium.
Copyrighted material. No unauthorized reproduction in any medium. iii 41� Tell Sianu (Lattakia) �... more Copyrighted material. No unauthorized reproduction in any medium. iii 41� Tell Sianu (Lattakia) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Michel Al-Maqdissi 42� Tell Taban (Hassake) ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Hirotoshi Numoto 43� Tell Hammam el-Turkman (Raqqa) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Tell Seker al-Aheimar (Hassake) �����������������������������������������������������������������... more Tell Seker al-Aheimar (Hassake) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������69 Yoshihiro Nishiaki 17� Shir (Hama) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72 Karin Bartl 18� Tell Kosak Shamali (Aleppo) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������76 Yoshihiro Nishiaki Copyrighted material. No unauthorized reproduction in any medium.
ISBN 978 1 78491 381 6 ISBN 978 1 78491 382 3 (e-Pdf)
Tell Seker al-Aheimar (Hassake) �����������������������������������������������������������������... more Tell Seker al-Aheimar (Hassake) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������69 Yoshihiro Nishiaki 17� Shir (Hama) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72 Karin Bartl 18� Tell Kosak Shamali (Aleppo) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������76 Yoshihiro Nishiaki Copyrighted material. No unauthorized reproduction in any medium.
A joint archaeological expedition organized by the DGAM and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Ar... more A joint archaeological expedition organized by the
DGAM and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean
Archaeology, University of Warsaw, excavated the site
of Tell Arbid from 1996 until 2010, the last year when
work there was still possible. Tell Arbid is situated in the
Syrian Jazireh, about 35km south-west of Qamishli. The site was previously briefly investigated by M. Mallowan in the 1930s. He probed the mound in a few soundings, to establish the chronological framework for the site and this led him to the conclusion that it was an important urban centre in the 3rd and early 2nd millennia BC.
ISBN 978 1 78491 381 6 ISBN 978 1 78491 382 3 (e-Pdf)
Oxford, 2020
his chapter is a lament on the tremendous material and human losses from war in Syria. Palmyra an... more his chapter is a lament on the tremendous material and human losses from war in Syria. Palmyra and the Old City of Aleppo are two disastrous examples. The sites of Mari, Ebla, and Emar have been looted, and archaeological investigations have ceased. All of this desecration deprives Syrians of knowledge about their identity. What are the underlying causes of this massive destruction of cultural heritage? One is the legalistic and alienating way the government preserved and presented antiquities, leaving people with little agency or understanding of their heritage. During the recent war, antiquities have been exploited by extremists for propaganda purposes to gain monetary and ideological support. At this critical juncture, it is important to educate Syrians about their heritage so that they will appreciate and protect it. Syrian school children currently have no such opportunity. History tells us, however, that Syria has the resources to recover and prosper again.
ISBN 978 1 78491 381 6 ISBN 978 1 78491 382 3 (e-Pdf)
Yabrudian lithic assemblages, defined with materials from the late Lower Palaeolithic sites of th... more Yabrudian lithic assemblages, defined with materials
from the late Lower Palaeolithic sites of the
Central Levant, have rarely been found in the Northern
Levant. This paper reports the discovery of
comparable lithic assemblages at the Dederiyeh
Cave, northwest Syria. A techno-typological analysis
of the materials from the 2005 season’s excavations
revealed their strong affinities with the Yabrudian of
the Central Levant, indicating the distribution of
this industry up to the northern end of the Levant.
This finding provides a regional perspective to help
interpret the variability of the Acheulo-Yabrudian
Cultural Complex encompassing Yabrudian, as well
as the Yabrudian industry itself.
This paper presents a discussion of the importance of the cultural heritage of Aleppo throughout ... more This paper presents a discussion of the importance of the cultural heritage of Aleppo throughout
antiquity, and its sequential pathway to destruction from armed conflagration during
the ongoing Syrian war. It considers key heritage landmarks: souqs, mosques and museums
and looks at some of the different causes and types of destruction. It also includes a discussion
of potential plans concerning the future rehabilitation and conservation of the Old City.
Testing the Canon of Ancient Near Eastern Art and Archaeology
This chapter is a lament on the tremendous material and human losses from war in Syria. Palmyra a... more This chapter is a lament on the tremendous material and human losses from war in Syria. Palmyra and the Old City of Aleppo are two disastrous examples. The sites of Mari, Ebla, and Emar have been looted, and archaeological investigations have ceased. All of this desecration deprives Syrians of knowledge about their identity. What are the underlying causes of this massive destruction of cultural heritage? One is the legalistic and alienating way the government preserved and presented antiquities, leaving people with little agency or understanding of their heritage. During the recent war, antiquities have been exploited by extremists for propaganda purposes to gain monetary and ideological support. At this critical juncture, it is important to educate Syrians about their heritage so that they will appreciate and protect it. Syrian school children currently have no such opportunity. History tells us, however, that Syria has the resources to recover and prosper again.
In this paper I present the actual situation of Syrian culture heritage under the current situati... more In this paper I present the actual situation of Syrian culture heritage under the current situation from the beginning until now, in particular I concentrate on Aleppo heritage which is consider one the most important in Syria. Also I speak about the protection of cultural heritage by the government, archaeology authority, anti-government and the local community. After that I try to explain the cause of the disaster of Syrian cultural heritage and finally try to find the answer how we can protect the heritage before, during and after the war.
Syria has a long history of heritage extending to hundreds and thousands of years, as evidenced b... more Syria has a long history of heritage extending to hundreds and thousands of years, as evidenced by many archeological sites such as Palmyra, old Aleppo and old Damascus. With the time formed as kind of material relationship between the people and heritage, and other expression, the long relationship contributed to developed type of heritage cultures both religious, social or economic which changed over time.
The actual war started with the beginning of 2011, and unfortunately, the battles were in the most important heritage sites in Syria, destroying the most important heritage monuments as national and world heritage, and that events was followed by the destruction of the social relation and migration the people outside the heritage sites.
In this pretention I will discus the factors of Syrian heritage destruction through the time, in particular the ideology reasons.
tunews, 2024
Die Stadt Palmyra im heutigen Syrien war in ihrer langen Geschichte berühmt für eine kulturelle V... more Die Stadt Palmyra im heutigen Syrien war in ihrer langen Geschichte berühmt für eine kulturelle Vermischung von Ost und West. Dies wird in der Architektur und in den verschiedenen Religionen deutlich. Vielleicht das Wichtigste ist die Tradition der Begräbniszeremonien in der hellenistischen und römischen Zeit (etwa 200 v. Chr. bis 300 n. Chr.).
Schon vor dem Tod wurde für jeden Menschen eine Statue von geschickten Bildhauern geschaffen. Die Statue ist auf die obere Hälfte der Person begrenzt und soll der Person möglichst ähnlich sein. Diese Büste soll der natürlichen Größe der Person entsprechen und den traditionellen Stil der Kleidung, der Ornamente und des Schmucks sowohl für Frauen als auch für Männer zeigen. In der Regel versuchen die Künstler die Personen schöner zu porträtieren als sie wirklich sind. Die Kopfbedeckung der dreidimensionalen Statue zeigt oft den Beruf des Besitzers an. Es gibt auch verschiedene Methoden des Haarstylings mit Locken- und Flechtmethoden sowohl für Männer als auch für Frauen. Diese Statuen werden vor dem Grab platziert und zeigen als Inschrift Name und Alter des verstorbenen Besitzers.
Man wollte in Palmyra mit den Büsten ein realistisches Porträt schaffen. Die in der römischen Ära weit verbreiteten Bildhauerwerkstätten spielten dabei die gleiche Rolle wie Fotografen heutzutage. Im Vergleich mit der heutigen Zeit ähnelt dies einem Passfoto oder einem Profilbild in den sozialen Medien. Haben die Palmyrer das Aufkommen der sozialen Medien geahnt? Oder waren die Statuen Kunstwerke, die Personen genau und zugleich verschönert darstellen sollten – als Folge des sozialen Wettbewerbs in der Gesellschaft? Die Palmyrer nahmen an, dass die Identität einer Person im Gesicht liegt, also stellten sie nur eine Büste von ihr her.
In 2016, I was able to visit Idrimi, the King of Aleppo in his last exile in the British Museum t... more In 2016, I was able to visit Idrimi, the King of Aleppo in his last exile in the British Museum to know him better and read his famous story. He himself wrote it on his statue and it begins with his family which ruled the city of Aleppo around 1500 BC. His father had a conflict due to a revolt in the city. Therefore, Idrimi and his six brothers had to flee to the city of Emar on the Euphrates east of Aleppo. This city was ruled by his uncles. But Idrimi was not treated as a ruler in Emar and he was not allowed to be as politically or militarily active as he wanted.
تستند هذه الدراسة المختصرة عن التنقيبات الاثرية في معبد قلعة حلب على محاضرة تم تقديمها في الاكادي... more تستند هذه الدراسة المختصرة عن التنقيبات الاثرية في معبد قلعة حلب على محاضرة تم تقديمها في الاكاديمية الوطنية في روما، التي كانت بدعوة من البرفيسور بابلو ماتيه ضمن ندوة بعنوان " الاثار المقدسة واثار العبادة" في تشرين الأول 2013. نشر البحث في Atti dei convegni lincei رقم 304. نقدم في هذا الكتاب فكرة شاملة عن نتائج الحفريات الاثرية لغاية عام 2010، كم نعطي تفصيل اكثر في النص و الصور. بعض اوصاف المنحوتات اخذت أيضا من مقالة بعنوان: معبد إله العاصفة في قلعة حلب المنشورة في كتاب: آثار وتاريخ سورية Archéologie et Histoire de la Syrie (2013) W. Orthmann et al. edits.
أشرف على التنقيبات الاثرية كل من وحيد خياطة و يوسف كنجو (متحف حلب الوطني)، حسين زين الدين (متحف السويداء) و كاي كولماير (جامعة برلين للعلوم التطبيقية) بينما كان المدير الميداني لهذه الحفريات السيد محمد المفتاح الذي يعود الفضل له في الكشف والتفسير الدقيق للمكتشفات الاثرية في الموقع نظراً لخبرته ومهاراته الاستثنائية التي كان يتمتع بها. مولت هذه الحفريات مؤسسة غيردا هينكل (دوسلدورف) وجمعية البحوث الألمانية (بون) وصندوق الاوابد العالمية /مؤسسة قبلان (نيويورك).
مجلة الوقائع الاثرية, 2009
التنقيبات الاثرية في تل القرامل لموسم 2009
الوقائع الاثرية, 2007
نتائج التقيبات الاثرية لموسم 2007 - 2008
الوقائع الاثرية, 2012
تؤدي أعمال التنقيب الطارئ يف اغلب األحيان إىل اكتشافات مهمة تقود إىل عدد من مواسم التنقيب ً األ... more تؤدي أعمال التنقيب الطارئ يف اغلب األحيان إىل اكتشافات مهمة تقود إىل عدد من مواسم التنقيب
ً األثري، فاحتة بذلك صفحات جديدة من تاريخ املنطقة و مربزة جوانب العظمة هلذه املواقع اليت لعبت يف
ً مهمة يف املنطقة ولعدة قرون. لتستمر بعدها أعمال الدراسة والتوثيق والرتميم واحلماية
األيام الغابرة أدوارا
معيدةً هذه املواقع إىل الواجهة من جديد.
وتأتي أعمال التنقيب الطارئ يف مدافن قرية املربع التابعة لناحية صرين منطقة عني العرب ضمن إطار
خطة مديرية آثار ومتاحف حلب يف العمل على محاية وتوثيق املواقع األثرية املعرضة ألعمال النهب والتنقيب
السري الذي أدى إىل تشويه الكثري من معامل هذه املدافن بالرغم من كل اإلجراءات الوقائية اليت تتخذها
ً ملا هلذه املدافن من خصوصية
املديرية بالتعاون مع األجهزة األخرى من تعيني حراس وتسيري دوريات ونظرا
فقد مت تشكيل بعثة وطنية من شعبة التنقيب يف مديرية آثار ومتاحف حلب عملت على تنقيب هذه املدافن
مجلة مهد الحضارات العدد 15-16
نتائج التنقيبات األثرية يف نيكربول مدينة منبج