Frederic Thiesse | Julius-Maximilians - Universität Würzburg (original) (raw)


Papers by Frederic Thiesse

Research paper thumbnail of LotTrack: RFID-Based Process Control in the Semiconductor Industry

IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the value of integrated RFID systems: a case study from apparel retail

European Journal of Information Systems, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of An Overview of EPC Technology

Sensor Review, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of RFID in the Apparel Retail Industry: A Case Study from Galeria Kaufhof

This contribution deals with the business value of radio frequency identification (RFID) technolo... more This contribution deals with the business value of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in the apparel retail industry. We present a case study of an RFID project at Galeria Kaufhof, a subsidiary of Metro Group and one of the largest department store chains in Europe. The trial shows that operational efficiency gains through the automation of logistical in-store processes, such as inventory counting or goods receipt, are possible. Moreover, RFID enables new customer applications on the sales floor, which allow for a redesign of the customer interface, and thus an improvement of the service processes and the service quality. In addition, the analyses of the gathered data on the sales floor help to close the “data void” between the goods receipt and the point of sales of the department store, thus offering the opportunity to directly observe and analyze physical in-store processes. The RFID data analyses allow for deriving valuable information for the department store management in the areas of inventory management, category management, store layout management , and department store processes .

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Research paper thumbnail of Adoption and Diffusion of RFID Technology in the Automotive Industry

Ai & Society, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Discovery Service Design in the EPCglobal Network

The EPCglobal Network, an emerging standard for RFID, aims to raise visibility in supply chains b... more The EPCglobal Network, an emerging standard for RFID, aims to raise visibility in supply chains by enabling interested parties to query item-level data. To get there, however, a critical piece is yet missing: a Discovery Service to identify possibly unknown supply chain actors holding relevant data for specific EPC numbers of individual products. Unfortunately, the Discovery Service architecture as initially conceived by EPCglobal needs revision as it either infringes the confidentiality of participating companies or its use is limited to identifying only participants already known. Against this background, this paper first discuusses the limitations of the architecture under consideration by EPCglobal and presents an alternative, more adequate Discovery Service design. Our concept encourages participation in the network while ensuring information provider confidentiality. Secondly, we present a roadmap for extending the existing EPCglobal Network with two critical services: an automated contract negotiation service and a billing service.

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Research paper thumbnail of Extending the EPC network: the potential of RFID in anti-counterfeiting

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Research paper thumbnail of The emergence of counterfeit trade: a literature review

European Journal of Marketing, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Data-on-Tag Concepts in Manufacturing

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Research paper thumbnail of On the value of location information to lot scheduling in complex manufacturing processes

International Journal of Production Economics, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of An overview of EPC technology

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Research paper thumbnail of 12 Connected Smart Appliances

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Research paper thumbnail of Zum Einsatz von RFID in der Filiallogistik eines Einzelhändlers: Ergebnisse einer Simulationsstudie

ABSTRACT Vor dem Hintergrund des bis heute bestehenden Problems der unzureichenden Regalverfügbar... more ABSTRACT Vor dem Hintergrund des bis heute bestehenden Problems der unzureichenden Regalverfügbar-keit im Handel eröffnet RFID durch eine automatische Erfassung von Warenbewegungen in der Filiale die Möglichkeit, den Prozess der Regalnachbefüllung neu zu gestalten. Dieser Beitrag vergleicht im Rahmen einer Simulationsstudie den herkömmlichen Prozess der Nachbefüllung mit manueller Bestandskontrolle mit einem RFID-gestützten Prozess und analysiert den Ein-fluss einzelner Kostenfaktoren auf das Gesamtergebnis. Dabei zeigt sich, dass der neue Prozess in Abhängigkeit von Leserate und Hardwarekosten in der Lage ist, die Leistungsfähigkeit des bisherigen Prozesses bezüglich Kosteneffizienz und Warenverfügbarkeit zu übertreffen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Technology, Standards, and Real-World Deployments of the EPC Network

IEEE Internet Computing, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Pervasive RFID and Near Field Communication Technology

IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2007

Today, RFID enjoys enormous interest as the first widely deployed pervasive technology, and Near ... more Today, RFID enjoys enormous interest as the first widely deployed pervasive technology, and Near Field Communication will be the first widely deployed technology enabling humans to communicate with physical objects. This article reports on the Pertec (Pervasive RFID/Near Field Communication Technology and Applications) workshop, which discussed the future evolution of RFID beyond goods identification, including sensor integration, localization, NFC applications, and emerging challenges.

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Research paper thumbnail of New class of constant data length retrieval algorithms for video servers with VBR streams

We consider the problem of data retrieval from disk storage in video server where the video data ... more We consider the problem of data retrieval from disk storage in video server where the video data are read in constant size blocks. Retrieval algorithms of this type are referred to as constant data length (CDL) retrieval algorithms. We recently introduced a new retrieval algorithm called GCDL that generalizes the CDL retrieval algorithm: GCDL reads for a video stream i during k (DOT) mi, k (epsilon) , consecutive disk rounds a constant size block from the disk, which may results in a large read-ahead requiring a large amount of buffer. In this paper, we propose two new retrieval algorithms called static and dynamic GCDLb that minimize the number of reads during consecutive disk rounds while still maintaining continuous delivery to the client. COmpared to GCDL, we show that GCDLb requires less buffer per client and can admit more clients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Admission Control in Video Servers with Variable Bit-Rate Streams and Constant Time Length Retrieva

ABSTRACT We consider the admission control problem in video servers for the retrieval of media da... more ABSTRACT We consider the admission control problem in video servers for the retrieval of media data from disk storage. We assume that the I/O bandwidth of the server disk is limited. Given a certain I/O bandwidth, admission control decides whether or not a new client can be accepted without affecting the quality of service promised to the already admitted clients. Assuming variable bit rate (VBR) video streams, we consider an admission control policy with both, deterministic and statistical service guarantees for constant time length retrieval (CTL) and evaluate its performance in terms of the number of clients admitted

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Admission Control in Video Servers with Constant Data Length Retrieval of VBR Streams

ABSTRACT We consider the admission control problem in video servers for the retrieval of media da... more ABSTRACT We consider the admission control problem in video servers for the retrieval of media data from disk storage. We assume that the I/O bandwidth of the server disk is limited. Given a certain I/O bandwidth, admission control decides whether or not a new client can be accepted without affecting the quality of service promised to the already admitted clients. Assuming variable bit rate (VBR) video streams, we consider an admission control policy with both, deterministic and statistical service guarantees for constant time length retrieval (CTL) and evaluate its performance in terms of the number of clients admitted

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Research paper thumbnail of LotTrack: RFID-Based Process Control in the Semiconductor Industry

IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the value of integrated RFID systems: a case study from apparel retail

European Journal of Information Systems, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of An Overview of EPC Technology

Sensor Review, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of RFID in the Apparel Retail Industry: A Case Study from Galeria Kaufhof

This contribution deals with the business value of radio frequency identification (RFID) technolo... more This contribution deals with the business value of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in the apparel retail industry. We present a case study of an RFID project at Galeria Kaufhof, a subsidiary of Metro Group and one of the largest department store chains in Europe. The trial shows that operational efficiency gains through the automation of logistical in-store processes, such as inventory counting or goods receipt, are possible. Moreover, RFID enables new customer applications on the sales floor, which allow for a redesign of the customer interface, and thus an improvement of the service processes and the service quality. In addition, the analyses of the gathered data on the sales floor help to close the “data void” between the goods receipt and the point of sales of the department store, thus offering the opportunity to directly observe and analyze physical in-store processes. The RFID data analyses allow for deriving valuable information for the department store management in the areas of inventory management, category management, store layout management , and department store processes .

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Research paper thumbnail of Adoption and Diffusion of RFID Technology in the Automotive Industry

Ai & Society, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Discovery Service Design in the EPCglobal Network

The EPCglobal Network, an emerging standard for RFID, aims to raise visibility in supply chains b... more The EPCglobal Network, an emerging standard for RFID, aims to raise visibility in supply chains by enabling interested parties to query item-level data. To get there, however, a critical piece is yet missing: a Discovery Service to identify possibly unknown supply chain actors holding relevant data for specific EPC numbers of individual products. Unfortunately, the Discovery Service architecture as initially conceived by EPCglobal needs revision as it either infringes the confidentiality of participating companies or its use is limited to identifying only participants already known. Against this background, this paper first discuusses the limitations of the architecture under consideration by EPCglobal and presents an alternative, more adequate Discovery Service design. Our concept encourages participation in the network while ensuring information provider confidentiality. Secondly, we present a roadmap for extending the existing EPCglobal Network with two critical services: an automated contract negotiation service and a billing service.

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Research paper thumbnail of Extending the EPC network: the potential of RFID in anti-counterfeiting

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Research paper thumbnail of The emergence of counterfeit trade: a literature review

European Journal of Marketing, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Data-on-Tag Concepts in Manufacturing

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Research paper thumbnail of On the value of location information to lot scheduling in complex manufacturing processes

International Journal of Production Economics, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of An overview of EPC technology

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Research paper thumbnail of 12 Connected Smart Appliances

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Research paper thumbnail of Zum Einsatz von RFID in der Filiallogistik eines Einzelhändlers: Ergebnisse einer Simulationsstudie

ABSTRACT Vor dem Hintergrund des bis heute bestehenden Problems der unzureichenden Regalverfügbar... more ABSTRACT Vor dem Hintergrund des bis heute bestehenden Problems der unzureichenden Regalverfügbar-keit im Handel eröffnet RFID durch eine automatische Erfassung von Warenbewegungen in der Filiale die Möglichkeit, den Prozess der Regalnachbefüllung neu zu gestalten. Dieser Beitrag vergleicht im Rahmen einer Simulationsstudie den herkömmlichen Prozess der Nachbefüllung mit manueller Bestandskontrolle mit einem RFID-gestützten Prozess und analysiert den Ein-fluss einzelner Kostenfaktoren auf das Gesamtergebnis. Dabei zeigt sich, dass der neue Prozess in Abhängigkeit von Leserate und Hardwarekosten in der Lage ist, die Leistungsfähigkeit des bisherigen Prozesses bezüglich Kosteneffizienz und Warenverfügbarkeit zu übertreffen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Technology, Standards, and Real-World Deployments of the EPC Network

IEEE Internet Computing, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Pervasive RFID and Near Field Communication Technology

IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2007

Today, RFID enjoys enormous interest as the first widely deployed pervasive technology, and Near ... more Today, RFID enjoys enormous interest as the first widely deployed pervasive technology, and Near Field Communication will be the first widely deployed technology enabling humans to communicate with physical objects. This article reports on the Pertec (Pervasive RFID/Near Field Communication Technology and Applications) workshop, which discussed the future evolution of RFID beyond goods identification, including sensor integration, localization, NFC applications, and emerging challenges.

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Research paper thumbnail of New class of constant data length retrieval algorithms for video servers with VBR streams

We consider the problem of data retrieval from disk storage in video server where the video data ... more We consider the problem of data retrieval from disk storage in video server where the video data are read in constant size blocks. Retrieval algorithms of this type are referred to as constant data length (CDL) retrieval algorithms. We recently introduced a new retrieval algorithm called GCDL that generalizes the CDL retrieval algorithm: GCDL reads for a video stream i during k (DOT) mi, k (epsilon) , consecutive disk rounds a constant size block from the disk, which may results in a large read-ahead requiring a large amount of buffer. In this paper, we propose two new retrieval algorithms called static and dynamic GCDLb that minimize the number of reads during consecutive disk rounds while still maintaining continuous delivery to the client. COmpared to GCDL, we show that GCDLb requires less buffer per client and can admit more clients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Admission Control in Video Servers with Variable Bit-Rate Streams and Constant Time Length Retrieva

ABSTRACT We consider the admission control problem in video servers for the retrieval of media da... more ABSTRACT We consider the admission control problem in video servers for the retrieval of media data from disk storage. We assume that the I/O bandwidth of the server disk is limited. Given a certain I/O bandwidth, admission control decides whether or not a new client can be accepted without affecting the quality of service promised to the already admitted clients. Assuming variable bit rate (VBR) video streams, we consider an admission control policy with both, deterministic and statistical service guarantees for constant time length retrieval (CTL) and evaluate its performance in terms of the number of clients admitted

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Admission Control in Video Servers with Constant Data Length Retrieval of VBR Streams

ABSTRACT We consider the admission control problem in video servers for the retrieval of media da... more ABSTRACT We consider the admission control problem in video servers for the retrieval of media data from disk storage. We assume that the I/O bandwidth of the server disk is limited. Given a certain I/O bandwidth, admission control decides whether or not a new client can be accepted without affecting the quality of service promised to the already admitted clients. Assuming variable bit rate (VBR) video streams, we consider an admission control policy with both, deterministic and statistical service guarantees for constant time length retrieval (CTL) and evaluate its performance in terms of the number of clients admitted

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