Wiwit Tri Rahayu | University of Airlangga (original) (raw)


Makalah by Wiwit Tri Rahayu

Research paper thumbnail of LPJ KKN

Research paper thumbnail of Propoal Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata

Research paper thumbnail of Keberhasilan Teknologi Informasi dalam Memunculkan Cyberspace

Research paper thumbnail of Makalah Agensi, Kuasa dan Politik Indonesia : Karakteristik dan Perkembangan Partai Politik di Indonesia Departemen Hubungan Internasional

Research paper thumbnail of KONFLIK SUMBER DAYA DI AFRIKA: KONGO

Konflik menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang cukup signifikan dalam suatu negara. Ada beberapa ha... more Konflik menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang cukup signifikan dalam suatu negara. Ada beberapa hal yang mendasari terjadinya konfli, dapat berupa perbedaan ideologi, perbedaan ras, suku, budaya, agama, bahkan hingga perbedaan distribusi sumber daya alam. Hampir setiap negara di dunia pernah mengalami konfik, baik konflik internal ataupun eksternal. Afrika menjadi salah satu benua dengan negara-negara yang cenderung sering mengalami konflik. Konflik di Afrika pun meliputi berbagai macam alasan seperti perbedaan etnis dan sebagainya. Namun konflik etnis menjadi konflik yang cukup wajar terjadi di Afrika. Hal ini dkarenakan pembagian atau penyebaran etnis di Afrika yang tidak karuan karena didasarkan pada Perjanjian Berlin. Konflik etnis di Afrika juga bisa didasari karena kecemburuan antar etnis seperti yang terjadi di Rwanda. Selain hal tersebut, konflik internal atau konflik sipil yang terjadi di beberapa negara Afrika didasarkan karena keinginan pihak tertentu untuk menguasai sumber daya alam.


Research paper thumbnail of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Wanita Karir

Research paper thumbnail of Makalah Penyimpangan Sosial

Papers by Wiwit Tri Rahayu

Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk Identitas dan Pola Relasi Sosial di Era Tinder

Globalization has brought various change to the society, such as advance technoogy. Since, techno... more Globalization has brought various change to the society, such as advance technoogy. Since, technology took important place within structural changes on society. These structural changes seemed clearly during the industrial period when skilled labour determined by the ability to maintain technology related to their work. Moreover, the advancement of informational technology succeeded to alter pattern of social relation through new ways of communication. These patterns couldn’t be separated from the applications that came up and delivered possibility for online communication which way different from conventional communication through face to face. This new era of communication triggered the emergence of applications not only for communication but also allows users to meet new friends from online database. This situation be the basic reason that formed new pattern of social relation even on choosing partner or spouse. By the internet, there no impossible for society to do such as online dating with the new partner met by online. One of application provide such features is Tinder. Tinder has a role on changing pattern of relation in the real life through its users that succeeded until marriage process and of course have different way of interaction from common society. Besides, the restrictiveness of Tinder revealing the true self-presentation of users make it possible for users to manipulate such data about their genuine identity. This condition is intersting to explain regarding to its ability to change the pattern of social relation and form of identity or self-presentation by users on Tinder application.

Research paper thumbnail of Budaya Stratejik Turki dan Reaksi Terhadap Konflik Irak

As a country which never colonized does not mean that Turkey have no view about the threats that ... more As a country which never colonized does not mean that Turkey have no view about the threats that may arise for the country. Turkey has a different view of threats that are considered interfering its national interests and stability. Turkey considers the threat may come from domestic case in the form of ideological conflict or the others, which then affect the external relations where the ideologist seek of mutual assistance through external support. On the other hand, Turkey also considers that the neighboring countries could turn into some threats. Turkey considers that the existing conflicts around its borders be the responsibility of Turkey. This perspective came because Turkey has a fear about possibility for the conflict to spread into its territory and lead to government's instability. This view be the basic argument on the Turkey's involvement in the existing problems in Iraq. Furthermore, Turkey considers that homogenity, whether ethnic, religious, etc can be the reasons for Turkey to cooperate. This assumption encourages Turkey to assume that the Iraqi Kurdish movement in northern Iraq will also influence Kurdish in Turkey. Due to this assumption, it is proper for Turkey to intervene against Kurdish Iraq.

Research paper thumbnail of Feudalisme dalam Teknologi Informasi

Research paper thumbnail of Keberhasilan Teknologi Informasi dalam Memunculkan Cyberspace

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Divide and New World Information Order

Pada era globalisasi, keberadaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menjadi hal yang penting untu... more Pada era globalisasi, keberadaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menjadi hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan. Hal ini berkaitan dengan peran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mulai dari tingkatan individu hingga negara dan aktor-aktor baru non-negara. Selain menjadi hal yang precious, kemunculan teknologi yang terus berkembang juga menjadi permasalahan baru bagi masyarakat global. Permasalahan ini terkait dengan kesenjangan digital atau yang lebih dikenal dengan digital divide. Keadaan tersebut sejalan dengan Jeffrey Sachs (2000 dalam Drori, 2007: 298) yang mengatakan bahwa dunia saat ini dipisahkan bukan karena ideologi, melainkan teknologi.

Research paper thumbnail of Revolusi Teknologi Informasi sebagai Fenomena Sosial

Research paper thumbnail of Tantangan dalam Membangun Kekuatan Laut Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Regionalisme dalam Keamanan Internasional

Research paper thumbnail of Keterlibatan Uni Eropa dalam Perjanjian Lingkungan Internasional sebagai Upaya Penanganan  terhadap Isu Lingkungan

Asbtract Environment becomes an important part in human life today and the future. Environment mu... more Asbtract Environment becomes an important part in human life today and the future. Environment must be considered on an ongoing basis. Environmental issues had just considered in depth from the late 1970s, when many environmental cases becoming a threat to a country. Environmental issues possesed on government of European countries at around 1980s, after previously tended to ignore the interests of environmental issues. European countries that joined the European Union even later became the pioneer on environmental issues. European Union's participation on environmental issues then considered for a lot of reasons. These reasons make environmental issues play a role in the new policies created by the European Union. European's environmental issues include poluted air, water crisis, climate change, and also acid rain. European Union tried to solve these problems by creating Environmental Action Programme (EAP), GMOs restriction, and others. The European Union assessed using environmental issues to get its interests through regulations associated with environmental safety. In fact, the European Union policies on environmental issues were once considered contrary to world trade rules.



Research paper thumbnail of LPJ KKN

Research paper thumbnail of Propoal Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata

Research paper thumbnail of Keberhasilan Teknologi Informasi dalam Memunculkan Cyberspace

Research paper thumbnail of Makalah Agensi, Kuasa dan Politik Indonesia : Karakteristik dan Perkembangan Partai Politik di Indonesia Departemen Hubungan Internasional

Research paper thumbnail of KONFLIK SUMBER DAYA DI AFRIKA: KONGO

Konflik menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang cukup signifikan dalam suatu negara. Ada beberapa ha... more Konflik menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang cukup signifikan dalam suatu negara. Ada beberapa hal yang mendasari terjadinya konfli, dapat berupa perbedaan ideologi, perbedaan ras, suku, budaya, agama, bahkan hingga perbedaan distribusi sumber daya alam. Hampir setiap negara di dunia pernah mengalami konfik, baik konflik internal ataupun eksternal. Afrika menjadi salah satu benua dengan negara-negara yang cenderung sering mengalami konflik. Konflik di Afrika pun meliputi berbagai macam alasan seperti perbedaan etnis dan sebagainya. Namun konflik etnis menjadi konflik yang cukup wajar terjadi di Afrika. Hal ini dkarenakan pembagian atau penyebaran etnis di Afrika yang tidak karuan karena didasarkan pada Perjanjian Berlin. Konflik etnis di Afrika juga bisa didasari karena kecemburuan antar etnis seperti yang terjadi di Rwanda. Selain hal tersebut, konflik internal atau konflik sipil yang terjadi di beberapa negara Afrika didasarkan karena keinginan pihak tertentu untuk menguasai sumber daya alam.


Research paper thumbnail of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Wanita Karir

Research paper thumbnail of Makalah Penyimpangan Sosial

Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk Identitas dan Pola Relasi Sosial di Era Tinder

Globalization has brought various change to the society, such as advance technoogy. Since, techno... more Globalization has brought various change to the society, such as advance technoogy. Since, technology took important place within structural changes on society. These structural changes seemed clearly during the industrial period when skilled labour determined by the ability to maintain technology related to their work. Moreover, the advancement of informational technology succeeded to alter pattern of social relation through new ways of communication. These patterns couldn’t be separated from the applications that came up and delivered possibility for online communication which way different from conventional communication through face to face. This new era of communication triggered the emergence of applications not only for communication but also allows users to meet new friends from online database. This situation be the basic reason that formed new pattern of social relation even on choosing partner or spouse. By the internet, there no impossible for society to do such as online dating with the new partner met by online. One of application provide such features is Tinder. Tinder has a role on changing pattern of relation in the real life through its users that succeeded until marriage process and of course have different way of interaction from common society. Besides, the restrictiveness of Tinder revealing the true self-presentation of users make it possible for users to manipulate such data about their genuine identity. This condition is intersting to explain regarding to its ability to change the pattern of social relation and form of identity or self-presentation by users on Tinder application.

Research paper thumbnail of Budaya Stratejik Turki dan Reaksi Terhadap Konflik Irak

As a country which never colonized does not mean that Turkey have no view about the threats that ... more As a country which never colonized does not mean that Turkey have no view about the threats that may arise for the country. Turkey has a different view of threats that are considered interfering its national interests and stability. Turkey considers the threat may come from domestic case in the form of ideological conflict or the others, which then affect the external relations where the ideologist seek of mutual assistance through external support. On the other hand, Turkey also considers that the neighboring countries could turn into some threats. Turkey considers that the existing conflicts around its borders be the responsibility of Turkey. This perspective came because Turkey has a fear about possibility for the conflict to spread into its territory and lead to government's instability. This view be the basic argument on the Turkey's involvement in the existing problems in Iraq. Furthermore, Turkey considers that homogenity, whether ethnic, religious, etc can be the reasons for Turkey to cooperate. This assumption encourages Turkey to assume that the Iraqi Kurdish movement in northern Iraq will also influence Kurdish in Turkey. Due to this assumption, it is proper for Turkey to intervene against Kurdish Iraq.

Research paper thumbnail of Feudalisme dalam Teknologi Informasi

Research paper thumbnail of Keberhasilan Teknologi Informasi dalam Memunculkan Cyberspace

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Divide and New World Information Order

Pada era globalisasi, keberadaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menjadi hal yang penting untu... more Pada era globalisasi, keberadaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menjadi hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan. Hal ini berkaitan dengan peran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mulai dari tingkatan individu hingga negara dan aktor-aktor baru non-negara. Selain menjadi hal yang precious, kemunculan teknologi yang terus berkembang juga menjadi permasalahan baru bagi masyarakat global. Permasalahan ini terkait dengan kesenjangan digital atau yang lebih dikenal dengan digital divide. Keadaan tersebut sejalan dengan Jeffrey Sachs (2000 dalam Drori, 2007: 298) yang mengatakan bahwa dunia saat ini dipisahkan bukan karena ideologi, melainkan teknologi.

Research paper thumbnail of Revolusi Teknologi Informasi sebagai Fenomena Sosial

Research paper thumbnail of Tantangan dalam Membangun Kekuatan Laut Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Regionalisme dalam Keamanan Internasional

Research paper thumbnail of Keterlibatan Uni Eropa dalam Perjanjian Lingkungan Internasional sebagai Upaya Penanganan  terhadap Isu Lingkungan

Asbtract Environment becomes an important part in human life today and the future. Environment mu... more Asbtract Environment becomes an important part in human life today and the future. Environment must be considered on an ongoing basis. Environmental issues had just considered in depth from the late 1970s, when many environmental cases becoming a threat to a country. Environmental issues possesed on government of European countries at around 1980s, after previously tended to ignore the interests of environmental issues. European countries that joined the European Union even later became the pioneer on environmental issues. European Union's participation on environmental issues then considered for a lot of reasons. These reasons make environmental issues play a role in the new policies created by the European Union. European's environmental issues include poluted air, water crisis, climate change, and also acid rain. European Union tried to solve these problems by creating Environmental Action Programme (EAP), GMOs restriction, and others. The European Union assessed using environmental issues to get its interests through regulations associated with environmental safety. In fact, the European Union policies on environmental issues were once considered contrary to world trade rules.



Research paper thumbnail of Jihad Selfie, Peran Media Sosial dalam Perekrutan ISIS

Jihad Selfie, Peran Media Sosial dalam Perekrutan ISIS Film garapan Noor Huda Ismail ini mencerit... more Jihad Selfie, Peran Media Sosial dalam Perekrutan ISIS Film garapan Noor Huda Ismail ini menceritakan tentang bagaimana terorisme berhasil menjadikan media sosial sebagai sarana untuk melakukan perekrutan anggota. Film ini kemudian menceritakan tentang keberadaan Teuku Akbar Maulana, yaitu murid asal Aceh, Indonesia yang sedang mendapakan beasiswa di Imam Katip High School, Kayseri. Akbar merupakan murid yang cerdas di sekolahnya dan merasa sedang berada pada titik nyaman sehingga berusaha untuk mencari aktivitas lain untuk membuat dirinya bermanfaat. Dalam upaya tersebut, Akbar kemudian tertarik dengan slogan yang diagungkan oleh para pejihad, " Hidup mulia atau mati syahid ". Akbar yang merupakan pengguna aktif internet menemukan slogan tersebut pada linimasa Yazid, temannya dari Indonesia yang telah lebih dulu bergabung dengan Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Sebagai seorang yang sedang mencari jatidiri, Akbar tertarik berada di posisi Yazid, yaitu menjadi bagian dari perubahan dunia dan juga dikenal oleh banyak orang.