Peter Jordan | University of Basel (original) (raw)

Address: Biberist, Switzerland



Papers by Peter Jordan

Research paper thumbnail of The protection, conservation and sustainable use of the Courtedoux dinosaur tracksite, Canton Jura, Switzerland

Revue de Paléobiologie, volume spéciale, 2004

In February 2002, a new dinosaur tracksite was discovered on public land on the future course of ... more In February 2002, a new dinosaur tracksite was discovered on public land on the future course of the “Transjurane” highway in Courtedoux, Canton Jura northwestern Switzerland. The Courtedoux tracksite is a “multithematical” geotope (JORDAN, 2002a), with an extraordinary scientific potential and it has the potential for development into one of worldʼs largest and most important sauropod tracksites (LOCKLEY, 2002). Since its discovery, the protection and the conservation of the site in situ was promoted by the “ ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A new lithostratigraphic scheme for the Schinznach Formation (upper part of the Muschelkalk Group of northern Switzerland

The sediments of late Anisian and Ladinian age in northern Switzerland, which were formerly named... more The sediments of late Anisian and Ladinian age in northern Switzerland, which were formerly named Upper Muschelkalk and Lower Keuper, mostly consist of carbonates. They accumulated in a transitional area between central parts of the Central European Epiconti-nental Basin and its margin towards the Vindelician Swell. Oolitic intervals imply the former presence of shoals or ramps in this region. They characterise this transitional region (''Alemannische Fazies'') together with dolomites in the upper part of the sedimentary succession. The total thickness usually varies between 50 and 85 m. A general decrease in thickness towards southeast has been found. The newly named Schinznach Formation is defined as a mappable unit of the upper part of the Muschelkalk Group. It is precisely introduced for those sedimentary rocks formerly named Upper Muschelkalk and Lower Keuper in northern Switzerland between the Doubs River and the Lake Biel in the west and the Lake Constance in the east. Within this formation the informal lithostratigraphic subdivisions currently in use should be replaced by new terms in accordance with the rules of lithostratigraphic nomenclature. In the scheme presented here the Schinznach Formation comprises 5 members and 5 beds.

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Research paper thumbnail of The middle to late Triassic Bänkerjoch and Klettgau formations of northern Switzerland

In the context of the harmonisation of

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Research paper thumbnail of The protection, conservation and sustainable use of the Courtedoux dinosaur tracksite, Canton Jura, Switzerland

Revue de Paléobiologie, volume spéciale, 2004

In February 2002, a new dinosaur tracksite was discovered on public land on the future course of ... more In February 2002, a new dinosaur tracksite was discovered on public land on the future course of the “Transjurane” highway in Courtedoux, Canton Jura northwestern Switzerland. The Courtedoux tracksite is a “multithematical” geotope (JORDAN, 2002a), with an extraordinary scientific potential and it has the potential for development into one of worldʼs largest and most important sauropod tracksites (LOCKLEY, 2002). Since its discovery, the protection and the conservation of the site in situ was promoted by the “ ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A new lithostratigraphic scheme for the Schinznach Formation (upper part of the Muschelkalk Group of northern Switzerland

The sediments of late Anisian and Ladinian age in northern Switzerland, which were formerly named... more The sediments of late Anisian and Ladinian age in northern Switzerland, which were formerly named Upper Muschelkalk and Lower Keuper, mostly consist of carbonates. They accumulated in a transitional area between central parts of the Central European Epiconti-nental Basin and its margin towards the Vindelician Swell. Oolitic intervals imply the former presence of shoals or ramps in this region. They characterise this transitional region (''Alemannische Fazies'') together with dolomites in the upper part of the sedimentary succession. The total thickness usually varies between 50 and 85 m. A general decrease in thickness towards southeast has been found. The newly named Schinznach Formation is defined as a mappable unit of the upper part of the Muschelkalk Group. It is precisely introduced for those sedimentary rocks formerly named Upper Muschelkalk and Lower Keuper in northern Switzerland between the Doubs River and the Lake Biel in the west and the Lake Constance in the east. Within this formation the informal lithostratigraphic subdivisions currently in use should be replaced by new terms in accordance with the rules of lithostratigraphic nomenclature. In the scheme presented here the Schinznach Formation comprises 5 members and 5 beds.

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Research paper thumbnail of The middle to late Triassic Bänkerjoch and Klettgau formations of northern Switzerland

In the context of the harmonisation of

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