Nicola Morato | Università degli Studi di Bergamo (University of Bergamo) (original) (raw)

Books by Nicola Morato

Research paper thumbnail of Artú, Lancillotto e il Graal. II. Lancillotto del Lago (La Marca di Gallia - Galehaut), a c. di L. Leonardi, intr. trad. comm. L. Di Sabatino, A.P. Fuksas, M. Infurna, N. Morato, A. Punzi, E. Spadini, Einaudi - I Millenni, 2021

Artú, Lancillotto e il Graal. II. Lancillotto del Lago (La Marca di Gallia - Galehaut), a c. di L. Leonardi, intr. trad. comm. L. Di Sabatino, A.P. Fuksas, M. Infurna, N. Morato, A. Punzi, E. Spadini, Einaudi - I Millenni, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Marco Praloran, L’orchestrazione del racconto. Altri scritti cavallereschi.

A cura di Nicola Morato. 🔗\. I sedici studi cavallereschi qui raccolti rap... more A cura di Nicola Morato. 🔗
I sedici studi cavallereschi qui raccolti rappresentano soprattutto la fase più recente delle ricerche di Marco Praloran sulla narrativa premoderna. Rispetto ai precedenti lavori dedicati ai poemi di Boiardo e Ariosto, l’insieme si colloca in un ambito più decisamente critico – di cultura della narrazione – concentrandosi in particolare sull’ambiente e lo sfondo della produzione in ottava rima, con una panoramica estesa dalla Francia all’Italia e dall’Inghilterra alla Spagna. Praloran riconosce in Boiardo e Ariosto gli autori che più potentemente modernizzano il romanzo e l’epica, estraendone le strutture fondamentali e immettendole nel tessuto dell’attualità letteraria quattro-cinquecentesca. Un grande processo compositivo e di elaborazione testuale – i tre libri dell’Inamoramento, le tre edizioni del Furioso – diventa il fulcro della transizione della narrativa occidentale dal Medioevo al Rinascimento, mentre i due Orlandi, nell’interpretazione di Praloran, manifestano una potenza conoscitiva e un realismo del tutto nuovi. Con essi comincia a formarsi un diverso modo, modernissimo, di cogliere l’ethos dei personaggi, che si sprigiona per immagini e illuminazioni in un’innovativa visione dell’agire, tra umano e mitico.

Premessa. IL TEMPO, LE FORME, LE IMMAGINI. I. Il tempo nel romanzo – II. Il silenzio del narratore, il silenzio dei personaggi nella logica narrativa dei romanzi in prosa del XIII secolo – III. Strutture metriche e racconto: alcune osservazioni preliminari – IV. Alcune osservazioni sullo studio delle strutture formali nei cantari – V. Il racconto per immagini nella tradizione cavalleresca italiana – VI. Temporalità e struttura narrativa nel romanzo europeo tra la fine del quindicesimo e l’inizio del sedicesimo secolo. LA NARRATIVA CAVALLERESCA TRA MEDIOEVO E RINASCIMENTO. VII. (con Tina Matarrese) Ricezione dell’antico nell’Inamoramento de Orlando tra Umanesimo e tradizione romanza – VIII. Aspects de la réception des classiques dans le Renaissance italienne: le monologue lyrique et la narration épique – IX. Riflessioni sul rapporto tra forme metriche e discorso nella tradizione italiana – X. (con Nicola Morato) Nostalgia e fascinazione della letteratura cavalleresca – XI. La tradizione cavalleresca in Italia e Mimesis. DALL’«INAMORAMENTO DE ORLANDO» ALL’«ORLANDO FURIOSO». XII. Il poema in ottava rima – XIII. Il mondo naturale nell’Inamoramento de Orlando – XIV. Le strutture narrative dell’Orlando furioso – XV. (con Tina Matarrese) L’Orlando furioso del 1516 – XVI. Per un commento al Furioso del 1516. Analisi dei canti I-XIX. Indice dei nomi e delle opere.

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Research paper thumbnail of (with Dirk Schoenaers, eds), Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France. Studies in the Moving Word, with a postface by Bill Burgwinkle (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Il ciclo di Guiron le Courtois. Strutture e testi nella tradizione manoscritta (Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2010)

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Papers by Nicola Morato

Research paper thumbnail of Archétypes pluritextuels et formation des vulgates. Sur l'environnement cyclique des romans arthuriens en prose (ca 1200-1250)

The use of the term “cycle” in Arthurian studies dates back to at least the 1830s and it has been... more The use of the term “cycle” in Arthurian studies dates back to at least the 1830s and it has been accepted as an established fact. However, it is only recently that a more precise portrayal was developed. In the first part of this contribution, we will explore the notion of “cycle” by highlighting the questions that led to its adoption. We will emphasize, alongside the traditional notion, the more recent concepts of “cyclicity” and “cyclification”. In the second part, these concepts will be reconsidered in the light of text transmission by analyzing the mechanisms of formation of pluritextual archetypes and vulgates, the interaction between external and internal cyclification, and the activation of intercyclical dynamics. We will refer to this complex reality, both actual and virtual, as a “cyclical environment”.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Armi e amori» prima del Furioso. Tradizione galloromanza e trasformazioni di una devise, in Storie e linguaggi, 9 (2023), pp. 95-126

The beginning of the Furioso is noted for its complex intertwining of intertextual and interdiscu... more The beginning of the Furioso is noted for its complex intertwining of intertextual and interdiscursive elements. Rather than compiling a list of possible sources and models and risk incompleteness or redundancy, this essay takes on the matter of the Gallo-Romance tradition underlying it. Analysis of an incipit raises diverse issues, of which three are considered here: (1) origins and fortune of the pair “armes et amours” ; (2) the expression’s recurrence in the liminal areas of texts; and (3) Ariosto’s most direct reference models.

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Research paper thumbnail of Le fonti francesi dell’Orlando furioso: questione aperta, in GSLI, 200 (2023), 601-21

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[Research paper thumbnail of [with P. Rinoldi] Cycles épiques et cycles arthuriens. Essai d’étude comparée, in Medioevo romanzo, 47 (2023), 6-32](

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Research paper thumbnail of Cyclification sans cycle. Nouvelles perspectives sur les narrations post-vulgate, in Romania, 141 (2023), 68-89

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisi letteraria, in Il ciclo di Guiron le Courtois, dir. L Leonardi e R. Trachsler, vol. III/1, I testi di raccordo, a c. di V. Winand, Firenze, 2022, pp. 3-48

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Research paper thumbnail of Nota al testo, in Artù, Lancillotto e il Graal. Ciclo di romanzi francesi del XIII secolo, a cura di L. Leonardi, voll. II e III

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Research paper thumbnail of D’Arco Silvio Avalle (1920-2002), in La critica viva. Lettura collettiva di una generazione (1920-1940), a c. di L. Curreri e P. Pellini

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Research paper thumbnail of L’œil du cycle. Réseaux textuels et stemmata codicum dans la tradition des textes arthuriens, in Encomia, 43 (2019-2021), 117-136

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Research paper thumbnail of Guiron le Courtois across borders: the life of a prose narrative cycle

This chapter guides the reader through this uncharted web of narratives, providing an overview of... more This chapter guides the reader through this uncharted web of narratives, providing an overview of its growth and transformations across space and time. In accounting for the cycle’s reach in text culture and literature, it offers the key to understanding this vast Arthurian constellation.

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Research paper thumbnail of L’intreccio del Tristan en prose e altri appunti

Analisi di appunti inediti di Marco Praloran sulla struttura e l’organizzazione narrativa del Tri... more Analisi di appunti inediti di Marco Praloran sulla struttura e l’organizzazione narrativa del Tristan en prose.

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Research paper thumbnail of Armi&amori nella tradizione del testo. Da Chrétien de Troyes al Roman de Guiron

The author investigates the couple armes & amour (love and prowess) in Old French Arthurian roman... more The author investigates the couple armes & amour (love and prowess) in Old French Arthurian romances. In them – rather surprisingly – it appears very sparsely, if at all. The study affords a detailed examination of the contexts in which the two terms feature, both as co-occurrences and separately, in Chrétien’s romances and the Roman de Guiron. It discusses the morphological and semantic forms and uses of the two terms, accounting for the various lexical equivalents that appear in the polygenetic varia lectio, and which seem to issue from the scribes’ cultural backgrounds.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Modelli e forme della compilazione (con una Tavola dei contenuti e delle fonti),’ Il manoscritto français 112(3). Re Artù, i cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda e la ricerca del Santo Graal, II, Saggi e Commenti di Claudio Lagomarsini, Ilaria Molteni, Nicola Morato, dir. Lino Leonardi

Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of La guerra nell’Inamoramento de Orlando. Spazio tempo immagine

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Research paper thumbnail of Tristan et Guiron dans le tourbillon cyclique. Écarts et contacts entre récits et traditions textuelles

Après avoir caractérisé l’ambition d’indépendance relative que manifeste le cycle de Guiron par r... more Après avoir caractérisé l’ambition d’indépendance relative que manifeste le cycle de Guiron par rapport au Tristan, l’article examine des cas de fusion des deux cadres narratifs dans certains témoins particuliers du Guiron, du Tristan, mais aussi dans ceux qui ont recueilli les projets cycliques ultérieurs, ceux que l’on attribue à Rusticien de Pise (BnF fr. 340 et 355) ou celui des Prophéties de Merlin. Des variantes notables se chargent de cette dimension transfictionnelle.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sull’integrabilità di racconto e figura nella storia della tradizione. Le copie italiane illustrate dei romanzi arturiani in prosa (XIII-XIV secolo)

Among the most accomplished products of the literary civilization of the early thirteenth century... more Among the most accomplished products of the literary civilization of the early thirteenth century, Arthurian prose romances have combined text and image since their earliest manuscript attestations, elaborating a remarkable variety of formal solutions. We do not know if these narratives were originally conceived in association with more or less complete sets of illustrations, or with spaces that would serve to integrate them at a later stage. However, it is certain that they played a prominent role in the history of the illustrated book. The Italian reception of Old French narrative texts is a chapter of this long history marked by innovation. In these pages we will analyze some of its structural characteristics: incompleteness, partiality, fragmentation of the copies; scarcity or lack of paratexts; unusual format, positioning and subjects of the illustrations. Thanks to these innovations, the Italian tradition of the Arthurian prose romances infused new life into the moral and aesthetic values of the stories of King Arthur. Our itinerary, after some general considerations on the textual tradition as a whole, will start from the copies of the Genoese-Pisan group (last quarter of the thirteenth to early fourteenth century). The latter, despite their modesty (or indeed by virtue of it), present some incisive technical and formal innovations. The scope of the analysis reaches into the second half of the fourteenth century, with the masterpieces of the Maestro del Guiron and his Lombard followers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Artú, Lancillotto e il Graal. II. Lancillotto del Lago (La Marca di Gallia - Galehaut), a c. di L. Leonardi, intr. trad. comm. L. Di Sabatino, A.P. Fuksas, M. Infurna, N. Morato, A. Punzi, E. Spadini, Einaudi - I Millenni, 2021

Artú, Lancillotto e il Graal. II. Lancillotto del Lago (La Marca di Gallia - Galehaut), a c. di L. Leonardi, intr. trad. comm. L. Di Sabatino, A.P. Fuksas, M. Infurna, N. Morato, A. Punzi, E. Spadini, Einaudi - I Millenni, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Marco Praloran, L’orchestrazione del racconto. Altri scritti cavallereschi.

A cura di Nicola Morato. 🔗\. I sedici studi cavallereschi qui raccolti rap... more A cura di Nicola Morato. 🔗
I sedici studi cavallereschi qui raccolti rappresentano soprattutto la fase più recente delle ricerche di Marco Praloran sulla narrativa premoderna. Rispetto ai precedenti lavori dedicati ai poemi di Boiardo e Ariosto, l’insieme si colloca in un ambito più decisamente critico – di cultura della narrazione – concentrandosi in particolare sull’ambiente e lo sfondo della produzione in ottava rima, con una panoramica estesa dalla Francia all’Italia e dall’Inghilterra alla Spagna. Praloran riconosce in Boiardo e Ariosto gli autori che più potentemente modernizzano il romanzo e l’epica, estraendone le strutture fondamentali e immettendole nel tessuto dell’attualità letteraria quattro-cinquecentesca. Un grande processo compositivo e di elaborazione testuale – i tre libri dell’Inamoramento, le tre edizioni del Furioso – diventa il fulcro della transizione della narrativa occidentale dal Medioevo al Rinascimento, mentre i due Orlandi, nell’interpretazione di Praloran, manifestano una potenza conoscitiva e un realismo del tutto nuovi. Con essi comincia a formarsi un diverso modo, modernissimo, di cogliere l’ethos dei personaggi, che si sprigiona per immagini e illuminazioni in un’innovativa visione dell’agire, tra umano e mitico.

Premessa. IL TEMPO, LE FORME, LE IMMAGINI. I. Il tempo nel romanzo – II. Il silenzio del narratore, il silenzio dei personaggi nella logica narrativa dei romanzi in prosa del XIII secolo – III. Strutture metriche e racconto: alcune osservazioni preliminari – IV. Alcune osservazioni sullo studio delle strutture formali nei cantari – V. Il racconto per immagini nella tradizione cavalleresca italiana – VI. Temporalità e struttura narrativa nel romanzo europeo tra la fine del quindicesimo e l’inizio del sedicesimo secolo. LA NARRATIVA CAVALLERESCA TRA MEDIOEVO E RINASCIMENTO. VII. (con Tina Matarrese) Ricezione dell’antico nell’Inamoramento de Orlando tra Umanesimo e tradizione romanza – VIII. Aspects de la réception des classiques dans le Renaissance italienne: le monologue lyrique et la narration épique – IX. Riflessioni sul rapporto tra forme metriche e discorso nella tradizione italiana – X. (con Nicola Morato) Nostalgia e fascinazione della letteratura cavalleresca – XI. La tradizione cavalleresca in Italia e Mimesis. DALL’«INAMORAMENTO DE ORLANDO» ALL’«ORLANDO FURIOSO». XII. Il poema in ottava rima – XIII. Il mondo naturale nell’Inamoramento de Orlando – XIV. Le strutture narrative dell’Orlando furioso – XV. (con Tina Matarrese) L’Orlando furioso del 1516 – XVI. Per un commento al Furioso del 1516. Analisi dei canti I-XIX. Indice dei nomi e delle opere.

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Research paper thumbnail of (with Dirk Schoenaers, eds), Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France. Studies in the Moving Word, with a postface by Bill Burgwinkle (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Il ciclo di Guiron le Courtois. Strutture e testi nella tradizione manoscritta (Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2010)

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Research paper thumbnail of Archétypes pluritextuels et formation des vulgates. Sur l'environnement cyclique des romans arthuriens en prose (ca 1200-1250)

The use of the term “cycle” in Arthurian studies dates back to at least the 1830s and it has been... more The use of the term “cycle” in Arthurian studies dates back to at least the 1830s and it has been accepted as an established fact. However, it is only recently that a more precise portrayal was developed. In the first part of this contribution, we will explore the notion of “cycle” by highlighting the questions that led to its adoption. We will emphasize, alongside the traditional notion, the more recent concepts of “cyclicity” and “cyclification”. In the second part, these concepts will be reconsidered in the light of text transmission by analyzing the mechanisms of formation of pluritextual archetypes and vulgates, the interaction between external and internal cyclification, and the activation of intercyclical dynamics. We will refer to this complex reality, both actual and virtual, as a “cyclical environment”.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Armi e amori» prima del Furioso. Tradizione galloromanza e trasformazioni di una devise, in Storie e linguaggi, 9 (2023), pp. 95-126

The beginning of the Furioso is noted for its complex intertwining of intertextual and interdiscu... more The beginning of the Furioso is noted for its complex intertwining of intertextual and interdiscursive elements. Rather than compiling a list of possible sources and models and risk incompleteness or redundancy, this essay takes on the matter of the Gallo-Romance tradition underlying it. Analysis of an incipit raises diverse issues, of which three are considered here: (1) origins and fortune of the pair “armes et amours” ; (2) the expression’s recurrence in the liminal areas of texts; and (3) Ariosto’s most direct reference models.

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Research paper thumbnail of Le fonti francesi dell’Orlando furioso: questione aperta, in GSLI, 200 (2023), 601-21

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[Research paper thumbnail of [with P. Rinoldi] Cycles épiques et cycles arthuriens. Essai d’étude comparée, in Medioevo romanzo, 47 (2023), 6-32](

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Research paper thumbnail of Cyclification sans cycle. Nouvelles perspectives sur les narrations post-vulgate, in Romania, 141 (2023), 68-89

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisi letteraria, in Il ciclo di Guiron le Courtois, dir. L Leonardi e R. Trachsler, vol. III/1, I testi di raccordo, a c. di V. Winand, Firenze, 2022, pp. 3-48

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Research paper thumbnail of Nota al testo, in Artù, Lancillotto e il Graal. Ciclo di romanzi francesi del XIII secolo, a cura di L. Leonardi, voll. II e III

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Research paper thumbnail of D’Arco Silvio Avalle (1920-2002), in La critica viva. Lettura collettiva di una generazione (1920-1940), a c. di L. Curreri e P. Pellini

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Research paper thumbnail of L’œil du cycle. Réseaux textuels et stemmata codicum dans la tradition des textes arthuriens, in Encomia, 43 (2019-2021), 117-136

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Research paper thumbnail of Guiron le Courtois across borders: the life of a prose narrative cycle

This chapter guides the reader through this uncharted web of narratives, providing an overview of... more This chapter guides the reader through this uncharted web of narratives, providing an overview of its growth and transformations across space and time. In accounting for the cycle’s reach in text culture and literature, it offers the key to understanding this vast Arthurian constellation.

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Research paper thumbnail of L’intreccio del Tristan en prose e altri appunti

Analisi di appunti inediti di Marco Praloran sulla struttura e l’organizzazione narrativa del Tri... more Analisi di appunti inediti di Marco Praloran sulla struttura e l’organizzazione narrativa del Tristan en prose.

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Research paper thumbnail of Armi&amori nella tradizione del testo. Da Chrétien de Troyes al Roman de Guiron

The author investigates the couple armes & amour (love and prowess) in Old French Arthurian roman... more The author investigates the couple armes & amour (love and prowess) in Old French Arthurian romances. In them – rather surprisingly – it appears very sparsely, if at all. The study affords a detailed examination of the contexts in which the two terms feature, both as co-occurrences and separately, in Chrétien’s romances and the Roman de Guiron. It discusses the morphological and semantic forms and uses of the two terms, accounting for the various lexical equivalents that appear in the polygenetic varia lectio, and which seem to issue from the scribes’ cultural backgrounds.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Modelli e forme della compilazione (con una Tavola dei contenuti e delle fonti),’ Il manoscritto français 112(3). Re Artù, i cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda e la ricerca del Santo Graal, II, Saggi e Commenti di Claudio Lagomarsini, Ilaria Molteni, Nicola Morato, dir. Lino Leonardi

Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of La guerra nell’Inamoramento de Orlando. Spazio tempo immagine

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Research paper thumbnail of Tristan et Guiron dans le tourbillon cyclique. Écarts et contacts entre récits et traditions textuelles

Après avoir caractérisé l’ambition d’indépendance relative que manifeste le cycle de Guiron par r... more Après avoir caractérisé l’ambition d’indépendance relative que manifeste le cycle de Guiron par rapport au Tristan, l’article examine des cas de fusion des deux cadres narratifs dans certains témoins particuliers du Guiron, du Tristan, mais aussi dans ceux qui ont recueilli les projets cycliques ultérieurs, ceux que l’on attribue à Rusticien de Pise (BnF fr. 340 et 355) ou celui des Prophéties de Merlin. Des variantes notables se chargent de cette dimension transfictionnelle.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sull’integrabilità di racconto e figura nella storia della tradizione. Le copie italiane illustrate dei romanzi arturiani in prosa (XIII-XIV secolo)

Among the most accomplished products of the literary civilization of the early thirteenth century... more Among the most accomplished products of the literary civilization of the early thirteenth century, Arthurian prose romances have combined text and image since their earliest manuscript attestations, elaborating a remarkable variety of formal solutions. We do not know if these narratives were originally conceived in association with more or less complete sets of illustrations, or with spaces that would serve to integrate them at a later stage. However, it is certain that they played a prominent role in the history of the illustrated book. The Italian reception of Old French narrative texts is a chapter of this long history marked by innovation. In these pages we will analyze some of its structural characteristics: incompleteness, partiality, fragmentation of the copies; scarcity or lack of paratexts; unusual format, positioning and subjects of the illustrations. Thanks to these innovations, the Italian tradition of the Arthurian prose romances infused new life into the moral and aesthetic values of the stories of King Arthur. Our itinerary, after some general considerations on the textual tradition as a whole, will start from the copies of the Genoese-Pisan group (last quarter of the thirteenth to early fourteenth century). The latter, despite their modesty (or indeed by virtue of it), present some incisive technical and formal innovations. The scope of the analysis reaches into the second half of the fourteenth century, with the masterpieces of the Maestro del Guiron and his Lombard followers.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Conclusions. Matière épique et culture textuelle,’ in La matière épique dans l’Europe romane au Moyen Âge. Persistances et trajectoires, ed. by A. Constantinidis and C. Mascitelli (Paris: Garnier, 2021), pp. 211-226.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Incontri arturiani. La famiglia di acoint da Chrétien de Troyes alla «Mort Artu»’, Carte Romanze, 8/2 (2020), pp. 183-204.

The lexical family of acoint is amply attested in Old French, and from there it expanded into oth... more The lexical family of acoint is amply attested in Old French, and from there it expanded into other Romance as well as into Germanic languages. In medieval narratives, and in particular in both prose and verse Arthurian romances, this lexical family often occurs in the representation of the courtly society with its relations and encounters – whether everyday or exceptional. Between Chrétien de Troyes and the Lancelot en prose, it is possible to identify some shared trends: for example, we might find among the uses of the lemmata of this family as theme-words, some instances of their use as key-words. Nevertheless, there is a difference in verse texts compared to those in prose. The former marks key-words mainly through rhetorical-stylistic devices while the latter achieves this goal mainly through narrative mechanisms, from the use of episodes which mirror each other to the alternation of the perceptual and cognitive perspectives.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Lancillotto e la sfera dell’intimità (con appunti su acointer nella narrativa arturiana),’ Confini e parole. Identità e alterità nell’epica e nel romanzo medievali, a c. di Annalisa Perrotta e Lorenzo Mainini (Roma: Sapienza Università Editrice, 2020), pp. 167-190

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Research paper thumbnail of The shadow of the bear. An archeology of names in the Roman de Guiron

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[Research paper thumbnail of Review of [Frédéric Duval, « La tradition manuscrite du Lai de l’Ombre » de Joseph Bédier ou la critique textuelle en question. Édition critique et commentaires (Paris,:2021)], RLR, 86 (2022), pp. 578-582](

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[Research paper thumbnail of Review of [M.-J. Heijkant, Tristano multiforme. Studi sulla narrativa arturiana in Italia, premessa di D. Delcorno Branca] Le Moyen Âge, 127/2 (2021), 480-83](

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[Research paper thumbnail of Review of [Guillem de Torroella, La faula, éd. A. M. Compagna, trad. J.-M. Barberà] Le Moyen Âge, 127/1 (2021), 255-57](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Handbook of Arthurian Romance: King Arthur’s Court in Medieval European Literature, ed. by L. Tether and J. McFadyen in collaboration with K. Busby and A. Putter (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017)] Medioevo Romanzo, 44/1(2020), 195-198.](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Laura Chuhan Campbell, The Medieval Merlin Tradition in France and Italy. Prophecy, Paradox, and Translatio, (Woodbridge-New York, NY: D.S. Brewer, 2014)] Medium Aevum, 88/2 (2019), pp. 421-22](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Michel Zink, Ce que nous devons aux anciens poètes de la France. Chaire Littératures de la France Médiévale, Leçon de clôture prononcée le 10 février 2016 (Paris: Collège de France, 2018)] Le Moyen Âge, 125/1 (2019), pp. 807-08](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [J. Ducos, O. Soutet, J.-R. Valette, Le français médiéval par les textes. Anthologie commentée (Paris: Champion, 2016)] Le Moyen Âge, 124/2 (2018), pp. 458-60](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Manuela Allegretto, Lacan e l'amore cortese (Roma: Carocci, 2009)] Medioevo Romanzo, 32/2 (2009), 449-51](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Manuel de paléographie française and Dictionnaire de paléographie française. Découvrir et comprendre les textes anciens (XVe-XVIIIe siècles), éd. Nicolas Buat et Evelyne Van des Neste (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2016)] Medium Aevum, 86/2 (2017), 380](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Le Roman de Merlin en prose (roman publié d’après le ms. BnF français 24394), éd. C. Füg-Pierreville, Paris, Champion, 2014]](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Transcrire et/ou traduire. Variation et changement linguistique dans la tradition manuscrite des textes médiévaux. Actes du congrès international, Klagenfurt, 15-16 novembre 2012, publiés par Raymund Wilhelm, Heidelberg, Winter, 2013]](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [P. Trovato, Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Lachmann’s Method (...), foreword by M. D. Reeve (Padua:, 2014)] French Studies, 69/3 (2015), p. 375.](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Frédéric Duval, Les Mots de l'édition de textes (Paris: École nationale des chartes, 2015)], French Studies, 70/2 (2016).](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Chrétien de Troyes et la tradition du roman arthurien en vers, éd. A. Combes et alii, Paris, Garnier, 2013], «Le Moyen Âge», 121 (2015), pp. 759-761.](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Nouveau Répertoire des mises en prose, dir. M. Colombo Timelli et al., Paris, Garnier, 2014 ; Le Roman français dans les premiers imprimés, dir. A. Schoysman et M. Colombo Timelli, Paris, Garnier, 2016], Medioevo Romanzo, 40/2 (2016), pp. 459-65.](

review of [Nouveau Répertoire des mises en prose, dir. M. Colombo Timelli et al., Paris, Garnier, 2014 ; Le Roman français dans les premiers imprimés, dir. A. Schoysman et M. Colombo Timelli, Paris, Garnier, 2016], Medioevo Romanzo, 40/2 (2016), pp. 459-65.

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Patrick Moran, Lectures cycliques. Le réseau inter-romanesque dans le cycles du Graal du XIIIe siècle, Paris, Champion, 2014)], Medium Aevum, 85/2 (2016), p. 339.](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [Mario Mancini, Stilistica Filosofica. Spitzer, Auerbach, Contini, Roma, Carocci 2015] « Medioevo Romanzo », 41 (2016), pp. 185-87.](

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[Research paper thumbnail of review of [King’s College Chapel 1515-2015. Art, Music and Religion in Cambridge, ed. by J.-M. Massing and N. Zeeman, London-Turnhout, Harvey Miller-Brepols, 2014], « Le Moyen Âge », 122 (2016), pp. 189-91.](

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[Research paper thumbnail of [with Bill Burgwinkle] The Moving Word. French Medieval Manuscripts in Cambridge (Cambridge UL, 22.1-17.4.2014](


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[Research paper thumbnail of [with Y. Greub, P. Moreno, G. Valenti] Première leçon de philologie d’Alberto Varvaro. Débat autour d’un livre, d’une discipline (Librairie Eco del Nord, Liège, 22.6.2018)](

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[Research paper thumbnail of [with Annick Delfosse and Nadine Henrard] Transitions. Unité de recherches sur le Moyen Âge tardif & la première Modernité](

• Prochaines activités du RMBLF (16-17 juin)-Argumentaire et programme • Mémoires en études médié... more • Prochaines activités du RMBLF (16-17 juin)-Argumentaire et programme • Mémoires en études médiévales défendus au cours de l'année académique 2014– 2015 • L'actualité des centres d'archives • La recherche en Belgique-Transitions. U.R. sur le Moyen Âge tardif & la première Modernité (ULg) • Annonces-appels à contributions, colloques et journées d'études, expositions, offres d'emploi, bourses et prix, sites web et bases de données

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Research paper thumbnail of Piero Boitani, Il bacio proibito della regina Ginevra (Il Sole 24 Ore, 4.7.2021)

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Research paper thumbnail of Lorenzo Tomasin, Donne e imprese del ciclo di Guiron (Il Sole 24 Ore, 4.4.2021)

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[Research paper thumbnail of Laura Morreale review of [Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France. Essays in the Moving Word, ed. N. Morato and D. Schoenaers (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018)]](

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Research paper thumbnail of Andrea Canova, rec. Marco Praloran, L’Orchestrazione del racconto (Alias, 8.11.2020)

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[Research paper thumbnail of Walter Meliga, rec. di. [Nicola Morato, Guiron le Courtois. Strutture e testi nella tradizione manoscritta]](

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Research paper thumbnail of Claudio Lagomarsini, « Romans, manuscrits, structures cycliques. Repenser « Guiron le courtois » », Acta fabula, 12/3 (2011).

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Research paper thumbnail of Richard Trachsler, Nouvelles recherches sur « Guiron le Courtois ». À propos de trois livres récents, in « Romania », 132 (2014), pp. 227-245.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mario Mancini, Ecdotica e racconto: Meliadus, Guiron, Brehus ..., in «Medioevo Romanzo», 36/1 (2012), pp. 161-171.

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2022. Nuove prospettive sulla canzone

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2021. L’orchestrazione della poesia: Dante e Petrarca

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2020. Metro e ritmo negli archivi digitali

VIII Incontro di studio in memoria di Marco Praloran Firenze, presso la sede della Fondazione. 14... more VIII Incontro di studio in memoria di Marco Praloran Firenze, presso la sede della Fondazione. 14 settembre 2020, ore 16,00

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2019. L’orchestrazione del racconto cavalleresco

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2018. Leggere i romanzi arturiani: la traduzione del ciclo Lancelot-Graal

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2017. Gli studi metrici di Avalle

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2016. Leggere il Furioso

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2015. Narrare di Orlando

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2014. Questioni di metrica siciliana

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Research paper thumbnail of FEF Praloran Fellowship 2013. Forme della poesia italiana

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Research paper thumbnail of ICLS Belgian Section Annual Conference 2020: Frank Willaert, Li meilleur dansseur sont en Loheraine (16.10.2020 at 4 pm on Lifesize)

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Research paper thumbnail of Dentro e fuori la biblioteca. La concezione dell’Orlando furioso e la cultura narrativa in lingua d’oïl, in «La gran tela» di Ariosto. Per un nuovo commento all’Orlando furioso (1532) (Castello Estense di Ferrara, 6-7 ottobre 2022)

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Research paper thumbnail of Les raccordements. Fonctions et dysfonctions diégétiques entre texte et cycle, in Les romans retrouvés. Premières lectures du Cycle de Guiron le Courtois (SNS-FEF, 29.9-1.10.2022)

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Research paper thumbnail of (with Paolo Rinoldi) Cycles épiques et cycles arthuriens : Essai d’étude comparée, in Ciclo, ciclizzazione, ciclicità, Firenze, 24-25 ottobre 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Arthurian prose cycles and the Crusades. Unanswered questions, in Crusades, Classics, and the Latin East A Symposium (Centre for Medieval Literature, University of Southern Denmark, 29.1.2021)

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Research paper thumbnail of History, Romance and Authorship. 2. Fictitious Communities and Textual Transmission. The Case of Pseudonymity in Arthurian Prose Romances, Medieval French Without Borders (New York, 21-22 March 2020), panel sponsored by the Centre for Medieval Literature (York-Odense)

The interplay of pseudo-authors in 13th-century Arthurian romances has attracted the attention of... more The interplay of pseudo-authors in 13th-century Arthurian romances has attracted the attention of scholars since the very beginnings of Medieval studies. Already P. Paris had brought to light the main authorial cross-references in the texts, and subsequent scholars have continually interpreted and re-interpreted them. The development of narratology in Arthurian studies brought a fresh approach to these matters and, especially with the works of E. Baumgartner, specialists became more aware of the relation between fictitious authorship and concrete determination of the social background of production and fruition of the romances. The Arthurian pseudonyms constitute a community of clerks and knights who, in ongoing collaboration, endlessly extracted new stories from an inexhaustible ‘livre du latin’. While identities are all imaginary, it is indisputable that they knew each other's texts and that their stories were read in a courtly context very similar to what they depict. The bibliography on this topic is abundant. However, insofar there have been relatively few studies that have analysed this fictitious community from the point of view of textual transmissions or adopted an embracing perspective including the multilingual fortune of the Arthurian novels in prose. In this study we will try to address these two points and show how textual transmission enriches this fictitious community, in an ongoing dialogue with non-fictitious entities and some concrete interlocutors.

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Research paper thumbnail of La guerra oltre il reale. La sperimentazione del Boiardo nell’Inamoramento de Orlando, in «L’armi canto e ’l valor». Il discorso occidentale sulla guerra tra storia e letteratura (Bressanone, 5-7 luglio 2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of Conclusions, in La Matière épique dans l’Europe Romane au Moyen Âge (Namur, 13.5.2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of The eye of the cycle. Textual networks and Arthurian prose romances, in Courtly Communities. XVIth Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society (Exeter, 22-27.7.2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of La tradition textuelle en tant que réseau socioculturel. Le cas des romans arthuriens en prose, in Transnationalism at Court (Université de Liège - University of Oxford, ERC MALMECC project, 21-22.03.2019)

Les romans arthuriens depuis longtemps ont fait l’objet de lectures sociologiques : que l’on pens... more Les romans arthuriens depuis longtemps ont fait l’objet de lectures sociologiques : que l’on pense simplement aux travaux fondateurs d’E. Auerbach et d’E. Köhler. À l’interprétation sociologique des contenus des récits (texte / société) s’est par la suite ajoutée l’exigence d’intégrer la présence concrète du livre manuscrit, support nécessaire de la transmission des textes et trace d’« occasion / événement » ; et, du point de vue du savant, la preuve matérielle d’une relation plus spécifique entre texte et société (codex / contexte). Mais qu’arrive-t-il quand, au lieu d’envisager tel ou tel manuscrit par rapport à tel ou tel contexte, nous mettons au cœur de l’enquête une tradition textuelle dans son ensemble, en l’interprétant comme un vaste réseau socio-culturel ? Notre présentation sera une tentative de réponse à cette question, à partir des résultats de deux projets qui se sont mesurés à la circulation des romans arthuriens en prose à l’échelle de l’Occident médiéval et, parfois, au-delà de ses frontières : Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France (AHRC) et Gruppo Guiron.

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Research paper thumbnail of Incontri arturiani. Acointer da Chrétien de Troyes alla Mort Artu, in Studi arturiani in Italia. Lavori in corso (Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 22.2.2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of Arthurian prose romances and medieval text culture: time, space, networks, CML Videoseminars (University of York-University of Southern Denmark, 14.3.2019)

The first phase of Arthurian cyclification happened in the first half of the 13th century, in a t... more The first phase of Arthurian cyclification happened in the first half of the 13th century, in a time span of at most three decades. What do we know about it? Many of the principal questions of geochronology remain unresolved. For instance, four of the five WH questions – who, when, where, and why – can only be partially answered. Drawing on the complementary approaches and results of two recent projects, Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France (2011-2014) and Gruppo Guiron (2009-2019), we will present some of the main issues relating to the formation and circulation of Old French Arthurian prose narratives across Western Europe and the Mediterranean in the 13th-15th century, from the point of view of material, textual and documentary evidence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Guiron et les Bruns. Généalogie d’un héros (Universität Zürich, Romanisches Seminar, 12.12.2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of «Si ne veïstes onques…» L’integrabilità dell’informazione visiva nei racconti arturiani, in Temi epici e cavallereschi in Italia. Tra letteratura e immagini (XII-XV secolo), Université de Lausanne, 29-30 novembre 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of « Quidiés vous estre fiex de roi por che que je vous i apel ? ». Lorsque l’enfant paraît dans les cycles arthuriens en prose, in Transferts culturels franco-italiens au Moyen Âge (Paris, 20-22.9.2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of La tradition italienne du roman de chevalerie dans le miroir du Don Quichotte, in Don Quichotte avant Don Quichotte ? Les récits de chevalerie du XIVe et XVIe siècle en France, Italie et Espagne (Paris, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, 30.5-1.6.2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Lancillotto a disagio. Il testo della "Marche de Gaule" e la civiltà di corte, Circolo Filologico Linguistico Padovano, 10.01.2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Vita dei personaggi e formazione dei cicli. Preliminari sulla tradizione del romanzo arturiano in prosa (c. 1200-1250), Seminario di Filologia Romanza 2018-1 (Fondazione Ezio Franceschini), Firenze, 9.01.2018

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Research paper thumbnail of (with Nadine Henrard) Textes en réseau : théâtre et roman dans les manuscrits français médiévaux (Cambridge Medieval Literature and Culture Seminar, King’s College Cambridge, 26.4.2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Banalità della guerra. La percezione della strage nell'epos e nel romanzo medievale, in Metamorfosi dell’Epos. Eclissi e trasformazioni dell’epica fra letteratura, teatro e audiovisivo (Siena, 16-17 novembre 2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of Alterità ed eccedenza del personaggio arturiano. Campi lessicali e costellazioni di varianti, in Confini e parole. Identità e alterità nell’epica e nel romanzo medievali (Roma, 21-22.9.17)

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Research paper thumbnail of Vocabolari e banche dati. Esperienze a confronto (UniBg, 21.6.2024)

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Research paper thumbnail of I glossari biblici, depositi culturali nascosti. Ricerche in corso e prospettive (UniBg, 23.5.2024)

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Research paper thumbnail of Armi e amori nell’incipit del Furioso. Tradizione e trasformazioni di una devise (sec. XIII-XVI), Seminario di Filologia romanza (Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, Firenze, 15.6.2021)

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Research paper thumbnail of Le cose e le forme. Figure dell’enumerazione (Seminario per i corsi di Master, ULiège a.a. 2020-2021), con S. Bozzola, K.P. Clarke, C. Lagomarsini, A. Soldani, coord. Nicola Morato

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Research paper thumbnail of Les imprimés vernaculaires (ULB, 14.12.18) & La compilation et la question des genres littéraires (UCL, 3.5.2019). Séminaire interuniversitaire (UCL, ULB, ULG, ICLS branche belge)

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Research paper thumbnail of La vie de la prose médiévale à l'aube de la modernité (Université de Liège, 19-20 avril 2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Rencontres doctorales internationales. Volet I. Transition(s) : concept, méthodes et études de cas (XIVe-XVIIe siècles). 30&31 janvier 2018, Université de Liège

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Research paper thumbnail of L’Europe des récits en langue d’oïl (Université de Liège, 9-10 November 2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of Hannah Morcos and Maria Teresa Rachetta, L’Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César : composition et tradition manuscrite. Workshop coordonné par N.M. (Université de Liège, 9 November 2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of Conférences Transitions – Sylvie Lefèvre, Jean de Saintré d’Antoine de La Sale. Premier roman de la Modernité ?

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Research paper thumbnail of Michel Zink, Le Moyen Âge et l'idée moderne de poésie (Université de Liège, 21 février 2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ferrara, 4 luglio 2017,  via Paradiso 12,  Aula G. Giornata di studio “Filologia classica e moderna” (Kiss, Morato, Ziffer)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ferrara, June 27th-July 5th 2017. 3rd Summer School in Textual Criticism.  Call for applications and Programme. Deadline: June 5th

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Research paper thumbnail of La Chanson d'Aspremont: remarques codicologiques sur les manuscrits franco-italiens

Séminaire dans le cours de Codicologie (N. Morato) Université de Liège, jeudi 2 mai, 8h30-10h, sa... more Séminaire dans le cours de Codicologie (N. Morato)
Université de Liège, jeudi 2 mai, 8h30-10h, salle A2.6.11

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Research paper thumbnail of AFTERWORD

Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France: Studies in the Moving Word, 2018

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