Francesco Lissoni | Università Bocconi (original) (raw)


Papers by Francesco Lissoni

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge-relatedness in firm technological diversification

Research Policy, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge Networks from Patent Data

The economic literature on technical change has increasingly relied upon patent citation data to ... more The economic literature on technical change has increasingly relied upon patent citation data to measure inter-personal knowledge flows. Many doubts exist about whether patent citations really reflect the designated inventors’ knowledge of both their technical fields, and of the other inventors and experts therein: citations, in fact, come mainly from the patent examiners, and possibly the patent applicant’s lawyers, rather than from inventors themselves. Unfortunately, most of the papers dedicated to discussing these interpretation issues deal with USPTO data, whose citation rules are quite exceptional if compared to those of other patent offices. In addition some confusion exists between the two issues of awareness (whether citing inventors actually knew of the cited patents) and existence of a knowledge flow (whether some information on the contents of the cited patents has however reached the, possibly unaware, citing inventor). Questionnaires addressed to inventors are severely affected by this confusion, and can hardly dispel the existing doubts. We then propose to apply social network analysis to derive maps of social relationships between inventors, and measures of social proximity between cited and citing patents. Logit regressions demonstrate that the probability of observing a citation is positively influenced by such proximity. In order to perform such regressions, however, a specific sampling scheme has to used, which we also illustrate and discuss.

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Research paper thumbnail of The geography of knowledge spillovers Conceptual issues and measurement problems

Despite the analytical and policy importance of this distinction, the empirical literature has no... more Despite the analytical and policy importance of this distinction, the empirical literature has not yet been able to clearly separate these two types of knowledge spillovers. Two quite distinct traditions of econometric analysis have been trying to explore the existence of knowledge spillovers. A first group of studies has focused on the concept of localized knowledge spillovers and measured the spatial boundaries of spillovers from both private and public R&D laboratories, with a special emphasis on spillovers from universities. A ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobility and Social Networks: Localised Knowledge Spillovers Revisited

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge spillovers and local innovation systems: a critical survey

Industrial and Corporate Change, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Networks of inventors and the role of academia: an exploration of Italian patent data

Research Policy, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of The Knowledge Proximity and Technological Diversification: An analysis of the determinants of technological diversification in Europe

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Research paper thumbnail of Scientific productivity and academic promotion: a study on French and Italian physicists

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Research paper thumbnail of Localised knowledge spillovers vs. innovative milieux: Knowledge “tacitness” reconsidered

Papers in Regional Science, 2001

This article provides a critical discussion of the recent econometric literature on “localised kn... more This article provides a critical discussion of the recent econometric literature on “localised knowledge spillovers” and the related notion of tacit knowledge. The basic claim of the article is that the increasing, and more or less automatic reliance of industrial geographers upon such econometric evidence and theoretical concepts to support their work on industrial districts, hi-tech agglomerations and, more broadly, local innovation systems is not well placed and risks to ge nerate conceptual confusion and to distort research agendas. Following some recent advances in the economics of knowledge, the article also suggests that more research efforts should instead be devoted to exploring how knowledge is actually transmitted, among whom, at what distance, and on the basis of which codebooks.

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Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2007

We investigate the scientific productivity of Italian academic inventors, namely academic researc... more We investigate the scientific productivity of Italian academic inventors, namely academic researchers designated as inventors on patent applications to the European Patent Office, 1978–1999. We use a novel longitudinal data set comprising 299 academic inventors, and we match them with an equal number of non-patenting researchers. We enquire whether a trade-off between publishing and patenting, or a trade-off between basic and applied research exists, on the basis of the number and quality of publications. We find no trace of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Networks of Inventors and the Location of University Research: An Exploration of Italian Data

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Research paper thumbnail of The geography of knowledge spillovers

Despite the analytical and policy importance of this distinction, the empirical literature has no... more Despite the analytical and policy importance of this distinction, the empirical literature has not yet been able to clearly separate these two types of knowledge spillovers. Two quite distinct traditions of econometric analysis have been trying to explore the existence of knowledge ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobility of skilled workers and co-invention networks: an anatomy of localized knowledge flows

Journal of Economic Geography, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Localised knowledge spillovers vs. innovative milieux: Knowledge “tacitness” reconsidered

Papers in Regional Science, 2005

Abstract. This article provides a critical discussion of the recent econometric literature on “lo... more Abstract. This article provides a critical discussion of the recent econometric literature on “localised knowledge spillovers” and the related notion of tacit knowledge. The basic claim of the article is that the increasing, and more or less automatic reliance of industrial geographers upon such econometric evidence and theoretical concepts to support their work on industrial districts, hi-tech agglomerations and, more broadly, local innovation systems is not well placed and risks to generate conceptual confusion and to distort research agendas. Following some recent advances in the economics of knowledge, the article also suggests that more research efforts should instead be devoted to exploring how knowledge is actually transmitted, among whom, at what distance, and on the basis of which codebooks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Success and failure in the development of biotechnology clusters: the case of Lombardy

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Research paper thumbnail of From Publishing to Patenting : do Productive Scientists Turn into Academi Inventors

Cet article présente une étude empirique sur la relation entre les activités de dépôts de brevets... more Cet article présente une étude empirique sur la relation entre les activités de dépôts de brevets et celles de publication des chercheurs académiques. Cette étude se base sur un échantillon de dépôt de brevets écrits par des professeurs d'université italiens. En traitant les brevets comme des événements discrets caractérisant l'évolution du travail de publication continu des professeurs, nous concluons qu'il n'existe pas d'arbitrage: les inventeurs académiques ne publient pas moins que leurs collègues qui ne brevètent pas. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Il trasferimento di conoscenze tecnologiche dall'università all'industria in Italia: nuova evidenza sui brevetti di paternità dei docenti

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Research paper thumbnail of University patenting and scientific productivity: a quantitative study of Italian academic inventors

European Management Review, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Scientific Productivity and Academic Promotion: A Study on French and Italian Physicists

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge-relatedness in firm technological diversification

Research Policy, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge Networks from Patent Data

The economic literature on technical change has increasingly relied upon patent citation data to ... more The economic literature on technical change has increasingly relied upon patent citation data to measure inter-personal knowledge flows. Many doubts exist about whether patent citations really reflect the designated inventors’ knowledge of both their technical fields, and of the other inventors and experts therein: citations, in fact, come mainly from the patent examiners, and possibly the patent applicant’s lawyers, rather than from inventors themselves. Unfortunately, most of the papers dedicated to discussing these interpretation issues deal with USPTO data, whose citation rules are quite exceptional if compared to those of other patent offices. In addition some confusion exists between the two issues of awareness (whether citing inventors actually knew of the cited patents) and existence of a knowledge flow (whether some information on the contents of the cited patents has however reached the, possibly unaware, citing inventor). Questionnaires addressed to inventors are severely affected by this confusion, and can hardly dispel the existing doubts. We then propose to apply social network analysis to derive maps of social relationships between inventors, and measures of social proximity between cited and citing patents. Logit regressions demonstrate that the probability of observing a citation is positively influenced by such proximity. In order to perform such regressions, however, a specific sampling scheme has to used, which we also illustrate and discuss.

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Research paper thumbnail of The geography of knowledge spillovers Conceptual issues and measurement problems

Despite the analytical and policy importance of this distinction, the empirical literature has no... more Despite the analytical and policy importance of this distinction, the empirical literature has not yet been able to clearly separate these two types of knowledge spillovers. Two quite distinct traditions of econometric analysis have been trying to explore the existence of knowledge spillovers. A first group of studies has focused on the concept of localized knowledge spillovers and measured the spatial boundaries of spillovers from both private and public R&D laboratories, with a special emphasis on spillovers from universities. A ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobility and Social Networks: Localised Knowledge Spillovers Revisited

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge spillovers and local innovation systems: a critical survey

Industrial and Corporate Change, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Networks of inventors and the role of academia: an exploration of Italian patent data

Research Policy, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of The Knowledge Proximity and Technological Diversification: An analysis of the determinants of technological diversification in Europe

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Research paper thumbnail of Scientific productivity and academic promotion: a study on French and Italian physicists

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Research paper thumbnail of Localised knowledge spillovers vs. innovative milieux: Knowledge “tacitness” reconsidered

Papers in Regional Science, 2001

This article provides a critical discussion of the recent econometric literature on “localised kn... more This article provides a critical discussion of the recent econometric literature on “localised knowledge spillovers” and the related notion of tacit knowledge. The basic claim of the article is that the increasing, and more or less automatic reliance of industrial geographers upon such econometric evidence and theoretical concepts to support their work on industrial districts, hi-tech agglomerations and, more broadly, local innovation systems is not well placed and risks to ge nerate conceptual confusion and to distort research agendas. Following some recent advances in the economics of knowledge, the article also suggests that more research efforts should instead be devoted to exploring how knowledge is actually transmitted, among whom, at what distance, and on the basis of which codebooks.

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Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2007

We investigate the scientific productivity of Italian academic inventors, namely academic researc... more We investigate the scientific productivity of Italian academic inventors, namely academic researchers designated as inventors on patent applications to the European Patent Office, 1978–1999. We use a novel longitudinal data set comprising 299 academic inventors, and we match them with an equal number of non-patenting researchers. We enquire whether a trade-off between publishing and patenting, or a trade-off between basic and applied research exists, on the basis of the number and quality of publications. We find no trace of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Networks of Inventors and the Location of University Research: An Exploration of Italian Data

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Research paper thumbnail of The geography of knowledge spillovers

Despite the analytical and policy importance of this distinction, the empirical literature has no... more Despite the analytical and policy importance of this distinction, the empirical literature has not yet been able to clearly separate these two types of knowledge spillovers. Two quite distinct traditions of econometric analysis have been trying to explore the existence of knowledge ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobility of skilled workers and co-invention networks: an anatomy of localized knowledge flows

Journal of Economic Geography, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Localised knowledge spillovers vs. innovative milieux: Knowledge “tacitness” reconsidered

Papers in Regional Science, 2005

Abstract. This article provides a critical discussion of the recent econometric literature on “lo... more Abstract. This article provides a critical discussion of the recent econometric literature on “localised knowledge spillovers” and the related notion of tacit knowledge. The basic claim of the article is that the increasing, and more or less automatic reliance of industrial geographers upon such econometric evidence and theoretical concepts to support their work on industrial districts, hi-tech agglomerations and, more broadly, local innovation systems is not well placed and risks to generate conceptual confusion and to distort research agendas. Following some recent advances in the economics of knowledge, the article also suggests that more research efforts should instead be devoted to exploring how knowledge is actually transmitted, among whom, at what distance, and on the basis of which codebooks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Success and failure in the development of biotechnology clusters: the case of Lombardy

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Research paper thumbnail of From Publishing to Patenting : do Productive Scientists Turn into Academi Inventors

Cet article présente une étude empirique sur la relation entre les activités de dépôts de brevets... more Cet article présente une étude empirique sur la relation entre les activités de dépôts de brevets et celles de publication des chercheurs académiques. Cette étude se base sur un échantillon de dépôt de brevets écrits par des professeurs d'université italiens. En traitant les brevets comme des événements discrets caractérisant l'évolution du travail de publication continu des professeurs, nous concluons qu'il n'existe pas d'arbitrage: les inventeurs académiques ne publient pas moins que leurs collègues qui ne brevètent pas. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Il trasferimento di conoscenze tecnologiche dall'università all'industria in Italia: nuova evidenza sui brevetti di paternità dei docenti

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Research paper thumbnail of University patenting and scientific productivity: a quantitative study of Italian academic inventors

European Management Review, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Scientific Productivity and Academic Promotion: A Study on French and Italian Physicists

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