Christian Năsulea | University of Bucharest (original) (raw)

Papers by Christian Năsulea

Research paper thumbnail of Realism și coerență pentru energie ieftină și sigură

Sectorul energetic al României se caracterizează printr-un mix energetic diversificat. Deși combu... more Sectorul energetic al României se caracterizează printr-un mix energetic diversificat. Deși combustibilii fosili (petrol, cărbune, gaze naturale) încă reprezintă majoritatea consumului total de energie, sursele mai curate (hidro, nuclear) și regenerabile (eolian, solar) își măresc cota de piață.

Autoritățile au distorsionat în mod repetat piața energiei cu plafonări de prețuri (gaz, electricitate, lemn), subvenții (pentru consumatorii vulnerabili, pentru instalarea panourilor solare, pentru pierderile cauzate de plafonarea prețurilor la companiile energetice etc.) și taxe (pentru producția excesivă de panouri solare, pentru profiturile obținute de companiile energetice subvenționate etc.). Este dificil de dovedit că rezultatul intervențiilor succesive ale guvernului este preferabil unei piețe a energiei mai libere.

Orice reformă și dezvoltare ulterioară a sectorului energetic trebuie confruntată cu realitățile economice și sociale ale României: o energie scumpă are un impact negativ disproporționat asupra gospodăriilor cele mai sărace. Politicile care scumpesc energia sunt antieconomice și antisociale. Ele trebuie evitate la nivel național și combătute la nivel european de către țara noastră, una dintre cele mai sărace din UE.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zahăr, alcool și tutun. Reguli pentru un stil de viață nesănătos

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Research paper thumbnail of Depolitizare și concurență pentru o educație de calitate

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Research paper thumbnail of Q.E.D. Why politicians need an evidence-based approach to policy problems

Evidence is meant to be at the heart of policymaking – the essential basis for understanding prob... more Evidence is meant to be at the heart of policymaking – the essential basis for understanding problems, clarifying trade-offs, and identifying effective solutions. European leaders often claim to be pursuing a gold-standard of evidence-based policymaking.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revitalising the EU Single Market for the Next 30 Years

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Research paper thumbnail of Revitalizarea Pietei Unice pentru urmatorii 30 de ani

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Research paper thumbnail of Energizing the Energy Sector in Central Eastern Europe

This paper aspires to change the way we think about climate policies. The report's conclusions an... more This paper aspires to change the way we think about climate policies. The report's conclusions and public policy recommendations propose a fundamental reprogramming of climate policies toward greater market freedom and draw from “Climate and Freedom Accord” proposals formulated through a series of global working groups of think tanks and policy experts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bani albi pentru zile negre: cum putem salva sistemul de pensii?

Sistemul public de pensii din România are o problemă structurală și amenințat de aproape fiecare ... more Sistemul public de pensii din România are o problemă structurală și amenințat de aproape fiecare tendință demografică și economică. România se va confrunta cu o expansiune rapidă a populației care beneficiază de pensie, deoarece cea mai mare cohortă a populației sale va ajunge la vârsta de pensionare începând cu 2031.
Contribuțiile la sistemul public de pensii, sunt în realitate mai degrabă asemănătoare cu niște impozite ascunse, iar acest sistem reduce efectiv productivitatea cetățenilor prin prelevarea de către stat a 21,25% din veniturile lor în schimbul promisiunii unei pensii viitoare.
În ultimele două decenii, sistemul public de pensii a funcționat constant cu deficit, contribuind la deficitul bugetar al guvernului și crescând datoria publică explicită. Cu toate acestea, adevărata magnitudine a poverii sale nu apare în conturile publice. Datoria implicită a sistemului românesc de pensii publice este estimată la 267% din PIB.
Pe lângă amenințările demografice și economice, sistemul public de pensii se află mereu sub presiuni politice: noi scheme de pensionare anticipată nejustificate și pensii speciale se adaugă la cele vechi, ceea ce reduce contribuțiile și crește beneficiile promise.
Necesitatea reformei este pe larg recunoscută, dar este limitată la „ajustarea parametrică fină”: creșterea ratelor de impozitare, a numărului minim de ani de contribuție, a vârstei de pensionare. Aceste măsuri nepopulare sunt fie anulate în anii electorali, fie ele doar amână tăierea semnificativă și inevitabilă a pensiilor viitoare.
Alternativa la sistemul de pensii prin repartiție, sau Pay-As-You-Go în engleză, adică „Pilonul 1”, există deja din 2008: ea este reprezentată de „Pilonul 2”, un fond de pensii administrat privat, cu contribuții la conturi individuale capitalizate pe întreaga viață activă. Dacă contribuțiile la pensii ar fi investite în loc să fie cheltuite imediat pentru pensiile curente, un român ar câștiga în medie de 3,23 ori mai mult decât suma promisă de sistemul public actual. Pentru moment, Pilonul 2 este văzut doar ca o completare la Pilonul 1, deși el ar trebui să devină substitutul acestuia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Decontaminarea agriculturii românești de politici incoerente

Politica publică atât la nivel național, cât și la nivelul UE este incoerentă. Pe de o parte, Org... more Politica publică atât la nivel național, cât și la nivelul UE este incoerentă. Pe de o parte, Organismele modificate genetic (OMG) sunt aproape interzise în UE, pentru a păstra biodiversitatea, pe de altă parte, se acordă subvenții în condiții care, indirect, conduc în cele din urmă la scăderea biodiversității.
Subvențiile, deși destinate susținerii agriculturii, adesea creează dezechilibre pe piață. Aceste subvenții ajung preponderent la marii agricultori, în timp ce producătorii mici se luptă să concureze în condiții care le sunt dezavantajoase.
Subvențiile UE au, de asemenea, un impact negativ asupra producătorilor agricoli din afara UE, creând o concurență neloială pe piața globală. Produsele UE subvenționate vândute în țările în curs de dezvoltare mențin economiile locale sărace, descurajând producția de alternative locale.
Preocupările legate de sănătate sunt centrale în reglementările stricte ale UE privind culturile modificate genetic (MG). În ciuda lipsei de dovezi substanțiale care să lege culturile MG de efecte adverse asupra sănătății, acestea continuă să se confrunte cu procese de aprobare atât de stricte încât, de facto, sunt aproape imposibil de utilizat.
Pe de altă parte, există dovezi ample că pesticidele, a căror utilizare ar putea fi redusă prin culturile MG, afectează negativ sănătatea umană. Prin urmare, adoptarea culturilor MG rezistente la dăunători ar putea reduce semnificativ utilizarea pesticidelor, atenuând potențial problemele de sănătate legate de expunerea la pesticide. Poziția legislativă actuală a UE asupra culturilor MG ar trebui reconsiderată în interesul sănătății publice pe care pretinde că o protejează.

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Research paper thumbnail of Les politiques erronées qui renchérissent la vie – Le cas de la Roumanie

Journal des Libertes, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Blockchain as a Platform for Smart Cities

Journal of E-Technology, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Long-Term Effectiveness of Advertising Driven Sales for E-Commerce SMEs

Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, 2019

The digital transformation allowed for new business models to emerge. As e-commerce seems to be t... more The digital transformation allowed for new business models to emerge. As e-commerce seems to be the future of retail, an increased number of entrepreneurs are trying to better leverage advertising in a way that leads to a sustainable business model on medium to long-term. Retail enterprises are spending huge amounts of money on search engine and social media paid advertising in order to make their products visible and thus, become more profitable. However, the academic literature suggests contradictory findings on the effectiveness of paid advertising. While it seems that for already established companies like e-Bay, shutting off paid campaigns doesn’t proportionally decrease the website’s traffic, for other large companies with more competitors the findings show the opposite, meaning that most of the traffic goes down when paid-campaigns are shut off. The aim of our paper is to assess the impact of paid campaigns on the long-term revenues of small and medium enterprises activating ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart City Innovation within the Sharing Economy: Urban Innovation and Collaborative Consumption

Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, 2020

With the increase of population and the increasing expectations of said population, urban environ... more With the increase of population and the increasing expectations of said population, urban environments require modern solutions for old and new problems alike. Technological and institutional innovation have both alleviated or solved many of the problems of modern cities. When we speak of smart cities, we tend to imagine solutions that focus on big data and its potential to help direct policy in a top-down approach whereas the sharing economy evokes bottom-up solutions where groups of people get together to solve community issues. Modern cities face a large number of challenges ranging from housing to air quality, to education, healthcare and emergency services or parking and traffic management. The list is virtually endless. They do, however, also present certain advantages over smaller, spread-out communities as having large numbers of people in a relatively small geographical space allows for innovative resource sharing solutions that would not be possible or might not be efficie...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Polish Recipe

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Economics, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of The Polish Recipe

Вестник Киевского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко. Экономика., 2017

Twenty-six years ago the international community witnessed one of the most dramatic changes in ec... more Twenty-six years ago the international community witnessed one of the most dramatic changes in economic systems. Naturally, the fall of communism in Eastern Europe and its consequences were events difficult to judge and anticipate in their immediate aftermath. Today, we have gained a much more coherent perspective on their meaning. The political liberalization of Poland in 1989 and its transition to the market economy was generally perceived as the most successful of all post-communist countries. From 1990 to 2013, Poland experienced the most outstanding economic growth within the former communist bloc. It doubled its GDP in real terms and became the only country to experience economic growth during the financial crisis of 2008-09. However, the polish secret recipe lies in the "shock therapy" adopted at the beginning of the 90's. The aim of this paper is to examine the importance of the Balcerowicz's program in creating the basis for economic stability and growth through privatization, liberalization of foreign trade, monetary reform and an open economy. We will also review the impact of this unprecedented transformation in shaping a strong, market-oriented economy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Politicile eronate ne scumpesc viata

Studiul „Politicile eronate ne scumpesc viața”, realizat de Christian Năsulea, Radu Nechita și Di... more Studiul „Politicile eronate ne scumpesc viața”, realizat de Christian Năsulea, Radu Nechita și Diana Năsulea, Drd. ASE București, în cadrul Institutului European pentru Studii Economice (, pe baza analizei calitative a unor informații din baze de date ale Eurostat, OECD, Banca Mondială și INS, face parte dintr-o cercetare pan-europeană coordonată de Epicenter Network ( IES-Europe este o organizație non-guvernamentală fondată în 1989, ale cărei principale activități sunt legate de educația economică și de promovarea principiilor liberalismului clasic în politicile publice și în societate în general. Epicenter este o rețea independentă de organizații non-guvernamentale ce își propune să ofere informații în dezbaterile publice pe marginea politicilor publice ale Uniunii Europene și să promoveze principiile unei societăți libere bazându-se pe expertiza economică a membrilor săi.

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Research paper thumbnail of Out of Pocket: How governments fuelled the cost of living crisis

The current cost-of-living crisis across Europe has been exacerbated by already high prices in va... more The current cost-of-living crisis across Europe has been exacerbated by already high prices in various sectors. These sectors are notably those with higher government interventions.
This paper analyses the tax and regulatory reasons for high price levels across five EU countries: Germany, Italy, Poland, Greece, and Romania. The various chapters outline the reasons for high price levels in various economic sectors and suggest policy solutions for national governments to reduce the burden on citizens.
The primary burden of price increases is being felt by lower-income households, as these households spend a great portion of their income on everyday products. This may lead to social and political frictions if it remains unaddressed.
Apart from the inflationary effects of an expansive monetary policy, it is argued that other interventions like regulation and taxation can lead to rising prices in particular industries. The high price levels in many of the sectors cited in the chapters can be attributed to excessive taxation levels, lack of competition, or misguided government policies.
In several sectors, such as energy, housing, health, and basic consumer goods, the high levels of taxation and/or government regulation have led to additional inflationary pressures.
The only sector that has seen continuously falling prices is telecommunication and digital services. In this sector, the effects of competition have led to technological progress, lower consumer prices, and better quality products.
In several analysed countries, excise taxes on energy, tobacco, and alcohol exceed the mandatory lower bound set by the European Union. Countries that have room to reduce such taxes should consider tax reforms.
Lowering the barriers to trade and competition across all product categories may prove to be the single-most efficient way to bring about a lowering of the general price level.

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Research paper thumbnail of Financial Effectiveness of Negotiation Support Systems

Economia: Seria Management, 2015

Implementing negotiation support systems requires the commitment of significant amounts of resour... more Implementing negotiation support systems requires the commitment of significant amounts of resources within the host organization. This paper looks at the effectiveness of investments in these systems, looking at some standard indicators for economic efficiency and the impact of these systems on an organization’s overall activities. This article is part of a research project spanning over a period of 3 years, aimed at developing a successful model for computer assisted negotiations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Testing Adaptivity in Negotiation Support Systems

As part of a research project spanning over a period of 3 years, aimed at developing a succesful ... more As part of a research project spanning over a period of 3 years, aimed at developing a succesful model for computer assisted negotiations, this paper looks at ways in which the adaptivity of the model can be assessed in accordance with the requirements of adaptive multi-agent negotiation processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of All Roads Lead to Juba: An Inquiry Into the Economic Viability of South Sudan

When South Sudan proclaimed independence from Sudan in 2011, projections were optimistic in that ... more When South Sudan proclaimed independence from Sudan in 2011, projections were optimistic in that the country's considerable oil resources would secure its viability as the world's newest state. Fast forward five years and South Sudan is grappling with a crippling civil war and facing a dire humanitarian crisis, situation which begs the question: from an economic perspective, is South Sudan a failed experiment in statehood? This paper attempts to tackle the question by analysing South Sudan's main sources of revenue, its current structural deficiencies and the cost of war on its economic development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Realism și coerență pentru energie ieftină și sigură

Sectorul energetic al României se caracterizează printr-un mix energetic diversificat. Deși combu... more Sectorul energetic al României se caracterizează printr-un mix energetic diversificat. Deși combustibilii fosili (petrol, cărbune, gaze naturale) încă reprezintă majoritatea consumului total de energie, sursele mai curate (hidro, nuclear) și regenerabile (eolian, solar) își măresc cota de piață.

Autoritățile au distorsionat în mod repetat piața energiei cu plafonări de prețuri (gaz, electricitate, lemn), subvenții (pentru consumatorii vulnerabili, pentru instalarea panourilor solare, pentru pierderile cauzate de plafonarea prețurilor la companiile energetice etc.) și taxe (pentru producția excesivă de panouri solare, pentru profiturile obținute de companiile energetice subvenționate etc.). Este dificil de dovedit că rezultatul intervențiilor succesive ale guvernului este preferabil unei piețe a energiei mai libere.

Orice reformă și dezvoltare ulterioară a sectorului energetic trebuie confruntată cu realitățile economice și sociale ale României: o energie scumpă are un impact negativ disproporționat asupra gospodăriilor cele mai sărace. Politicile care scumpesc energia sunt antieconomice și antisociale. Ele trebuie evitate la nivel național și combătute la nivel european de către țara noastră, una dintre cele mai sărace din UE.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zahăr, alcool și tutun. Reguli pentru un stil de viață nesănătos

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Research paper thumbnail of Depolitizare și concurență pentru o educație de calitate

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Research paper thumbnail of Q.E.D. Why politicians need an evidence-based approach to policy problems

Evidence is meant to be at the heart of policymaking – the essential basis for understanding prob... more Evidence is meant to be at the heart of policymaking – the essential basis for understanding problems, clarifying trade-offs, and identifying effective solutions. European leaders often claim to be pursuing a gold-standard of evidence-based policymaking.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revitalising the EU Single Market for the Next 30 Years

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Research paper thumbnail of Revitalizarea Pietei Unice pentru urmatorii 30 de ani

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Research paper thumbnail of Energizing the Energy Sector in Central Eastern Europe

This paper aspires to change the way we think about climate policies. The report's conclusions an... more This paper aspires to change the way we think about climate policies. The report's conclusions and public policy recommendations propose a fundamental reprogramming of climate policies toward greater market freedom and draw from “Climate and Freedom Accord” proposals formulated through a series of global working groups of think tanks and policy experts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bani albi pentru zile negre: cum putem salva sistemul de pensii?

Sistemul public de pensii din România are o problemă structurală și amenințat de aproape fiecare ... more Sistemul public de pensii din România are o problemă structurală și amenințat de aproape fiecare tendință demografică și economică. România se va confrunta cu o expansiune rapidă a populației care beneficiază de pensie, deoarece cea mai mare cohortă a populației sale va ajunge la vârsta de pensionare începând cu 2031.
Contribuțiile la sistemul public de pensii, sunt în realitate mai degrabă asemănătoare cu niște impozite ascunse, iar acest sistem reduce efectiv productivitatea cetățenilor prin prelevarea de către stat a 21,25% din veniturile lor în schimbul promisiunii unei pensii viitoare.
În ultimele două decenii, sistemul public de pensii a funcționat constant cu deficit, contribuind la deficitul bugetar al guvernului și crescând datoria publică explicită. Cu toate acestea, adevărata magnitudine a poverii sale nu apare în conturile publice. Datoria implicită a sistemului românesc de pensii publice este estimată la 267% din PIB.
Pe lângă amenințările demografice și economice, sistemul public de pensii se află mereu sub presiuni politice: noi scheme de pensionare anticipată nejustificate și pensii speciale se adaugă la cele vechi, ceea ce reduce contribuțiile și crește beneficiile promise.
Necesitatea reformei este pe larg recunoscută, dar este limitată la „ajustarea parametrică fină”: creșterea ratelor de impozitare, a numărului minim de ani de contribuție, a vârstei de pensionare. Aceste măsuri nepopulare sunt fie anulate în anii electorali, fie ele doar amână tăierea semnificativă și inevitabilă a pensiilor viitoare.
Alternativa la sistemul de pensii prin repartiție, sau Pay-As-You-Go în engleză, adică „Pilonul 1”, există deja din 2008: ea este reprezentată de „Pilonul 2”, un fond de pensii administrat privat, cu contribuții la conturi individuale capitalizate pe întreaga viață activă. Dacă contribuțiile la pensii ar fi investite în loc să fie cheltuite imediat pentru pensiile curente, un român ar câștiga în medie de 3,23 ori mai mult decât suma promisă de sistemul public actual. Pentru moment, Pilonul 2 este văzut doar ca o completare la Pilonul 1, deși el ar trebui să devină substitutul acestuia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Decontaminarea agriculturii românești de politici incoerente

Politica publică atât la nivel național, cât și la nivelul UE este incoerentă. Pe de o parte, Org... more Politica publică atât la nivel național, cât și la nivelul UE este incoerentă. Pe de o parte, Organismele modificate genetic (OMG) sunt aproape interzise în UE, pentru a păstra biodiversitatea, pe de altă parte, se acordă subvenții în condiții care, indirect, conduc în cele din urmă la scăderea biodiversității.
Subvențiile, deși destinate susținerii agriculturii, adesea creează dezechilibre pe piață. Aceste subvenții ajung preponderent la marii agricultori, în timp ce producătorii mici se luptă să concureze în condiții care le sunt dezavantajoase.
Subvențiile UE au, de asemenea, un impact negativ asupra producătorilor agricoli din afara UE, creând o concurență neloială pe piața globală. Produsele UE subvenționate vândute în țările în curs de dezvoltare mențin economiile locale sărace, descurajând producția de alternative locale.
Preocupările legate de sănătate sunt centrale în reglementările stricte ale UE privind culturile modificate genetic (MG). În ciuda lipsei de dovezi substanțiale care să lege culturile MG de efecte adverse asupra sănătății, acestea continuă să se confrunte cu procese de aprobare atât de stricte încât, de facto, sunt aproape imposibil de utilizat.
Pe de altă parte, există dovezi ample că pesticidele, a căror utilizare ar putea fi redusă prin culturile MG, afectează negativ sănătatea umană. Prin urmare, adoptarea culturilor MG rezistente la dăunători ar putea reduce semnificativ utilizarea pesticidelor, atenuând potențial problemele de sănătate legate de expunerea la pesticide. Poziția legislativă actuală a UE asupra culturilor MG ar trebui reconsiderată în interesul sănătății publice pe care pretinde că o protejează.

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Research paper thumbnail of Les politiques erronées qui renchérissent la vie – Le cas de la Roumanie

Journal des Libertes, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Blockchain as a Platform for Smart Cities

Journal of E-Technology, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Long-Term Effectiveness of Advertising Driven Sales for E-Commerce SMEs

Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, 2019

The digital transformation allowed for new business models to emerge. As e-commerce seems to be t... more The digital transformation allowed for new business models to emerge. As e-commerce seems to be the future of retail, an increased number of entrepreneurs are trying to better leverage advertising in a way that leads to a sustainable business model on medium to long-term. Retail enterprises are spending huge amounts of money on search engine and social media paid advertising in order to make their products visible and thus, become more profitable. However, the academic literature suggests contradictory findings on the effectiveness of paid advertising. While it seems that for already established companies like e-Bay, shutting off paid campaigns doesn’t proportionally decrease the website’s traffic, for other large companies with more competitors the findings show the opposite, meaning that most of the traffic goes down when paid-campaigns are shut off. The aim of our paper is to assess the impact of paid campaigns on the long-term revenues of small and medium enterprises activating ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart City Innovation within the Sharing Economy: Urban Innovation and Collaborative Consumption

Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, 2020

With the increase of population and the increasing expectations of said population, urban environ... more With the increase of population and the increasing expectations of said population, urban environments require modern solutions for old and new problems alike. Technological and institutional innovation have both alleviated or solved many of the problems of modern cities. When we speak of smart cities, we tend to imagine solutions that focus on big data and its potential to help direct policy in a top-down approach whereas the sharing economy evokes bottom-up solutions where groups of people get together to solve community issues. Modern cities face a large number of challenges ranging from housing to air quality, to education, healthcare and emergency services or parking and traffic management. The list is virtually endless. They do, however, also present certain advantages over smaller, spread-out communities as having large numbers of people in a relatively small geographical space allows for innovative resource sharing solutions that would not be possible or might not be efficie...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Polish Recipe

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Economics, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of The Polish Recipe

Вестник Киевского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко. Экономика., 2017

Twenty-six years ago the international community witnessed one of the most dramatic changes in ec... more Twenty-six years ago the international community witnessed one of the most dramatic changes in economic systems. Naturally, the fall of communism in Eastern Europe and its consequences were events difficult to judge and anticipate in their immediate aftermath. Today, we have gained a much more coherent perspective on their meaning. The political liberalization of Poland in 1989 and its transition to the market economy was generally perceived as the most successful of all post-communist countries. From 1990 to 2013, Poland experienced the most outstanding economic growth within the former communist bloc. It doubled its GDP in real terms and became the only country to experience economic growth during the financial crisis of 2008-09. However, the polish secret recipe lies in the "shock therapy" adopted at the beginning of the 90's. The aim of this paper is to examine the importance of the Balcerowicz's program in creating the basis for economic stability and growth through privatization, liberalization of foreign trade, monetary reform and an open economy. We will also review the impact of this unprecedented transformation in shaping a strong, market-oriented economy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Politicile eronate ne scumpesc viata

Studiul „Politicile eronate ne scumpesc viața”, realizat de Christian Năsulea, Radu Nechita și Di... more Studiul „Politicile eronate ne scumpesc viața”, realizat de Christian Năsulea, Radu Nechita și Diana Năsulea, Drd. ASE București, în cadrul Institutului European pentru Studii Economice (, pe baza analizei calitative a unor informații din baze de date ale Eurostat, OECD, Banca Mondială și INS, face parte dintr-o cercetare pan-europeană coordonată de Epicenter Network ( IES-Europe este o organizație non-guvernamentală fondată în 1989, ale cărei principale activități sunt legate de educația economică și de promovarea principiilor liberalismului clasic în politicile publice și în societate în general. Epicenter este o rețea independentă de organizații non-guvernamentale ce își propune să ofere informații în dezbaterile publice pe marginea politicilor publice ale Uniunii Europene și să promoveze principiile unei societăți libere bazându-se pe expertiza economică a membrilor săi.

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Research paper thumbnail of Out of Pocket: How governments fuelled the cost of living crisis

The current cost-of-living crisis across Europe has been exacerbated by already high prices in va... more The current cost-of-living crisis across Europe has been exacerbated by already high prices in various sectors. These sectors are notably those with higher government interventions.
This paper analyses the tax and regulatory reasons for high price levels across five EU countries: Germany, Italy, Poland, Greece, and Romania. The various chapters outline the reasons for high price levels in various economic sectors and suggest policy solutions for national governments to reduce the burden on citizens.
The primary burden of price increases is being felt by lower-income households, as these households spend a great portion of their income on everyday products. This may lead to social and political frictions if it remains unaddressed.
Apart from the inflationary effects of an expansive monetary policy, it is argued that other interventions like regulation and taxation can lead to rising prices in particular industries. The high price levels in many of the sectors cited in the chapters can be attributed to excessive taxation levels, lack of competition, or misguided government policies.
In several sectors, such as energy, housing, health, and basic consumer goods, the high levels of taxation and/or government regulation have led to additional inflationary pressures.
The only sector that has seen continuously falling prices is telecommunication and digital services. In this sector, the effects of competition have led to technological progress, lower consumer prices, and better quality products.
In several analysed countries, excise taxes on energy, tobacco, and alcohol exceed the mandatory lower bound set by the European Union. Countries that have room to reduce such taxes should consider tax reforms.
Lowering the barriers to trade and competition across all product categories may prove to be the single-most efficient way to bring about a lowering of the general price level.

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Research paper thumbnail of Financial Effectiveness of Negotiation Support Systems

Economia: Seria Management, 2015

Implementing negotiation support systems requires the commitment of significant amounts of resour... more Implementing negotiation support systems requires the commitment of significant amounts of resources within the host organization. This paper looks at the effectiveness of investments in these systems, looking at some standard indicators for economic efficiency and the impact of these systems on an organization’s overall activities. This article is part of a research project spanning over a period of 3 years, aimed at developing a successful model for computer assisted negotiations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Testing Adaptivity in Negotiation Support Systems

As part of a research project spanning over a period of 3 years, aimed at developing a succesful ... more As part of a research project spanning over a period of 3 years, aimed at developing a succesful model for computer assisted negotiations, this paper looks at ways in which the adaptivity of the model can be assessed in accordance with the requirements of adaptive multi-agent negotiation processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of All Roads Lead to Juba: An Inquiry Into the Economic Viability of South Sudan

When South Sudan proclaimed independence from Sudan in 2011, projections were optimistic in that ... more When South Sudan proclaimed independence from Sudan in 2011, projections were optimistic in that the country's considerable oil resources would secure its viability as the world's newest state. Fast forward five years and South Sudan is grappling with a crippling civil war and facing a dire humanitarian crisis, situation which begs the question: from an economic perspective, is South Sudan a failed experiment in statehood? This paper attempts to tackle the question by analysing South Sudan's main sources of revenue, its current structural deficiencies and the cost of war on its economic development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Should We Stop Tagging Photo Locations

FREE Insights, 2018

Many people are voicing their concerns with regards to the destruction of natural landmarks becau... more Many people are voicing their concerns with regards to the destruction of natural landmarks because certain very photogenic locations that used to be “hidden gems” get geotagged on social media and subsequently get trampled by floods of tourists.

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Research paper thumbnail of Brexit

Opinion paper on Brexit. In the aftermath of the referendum public debate focuses on whether Brex... more Opinion paper on Brexit. In the aftermath of the referendum public debate focuses on whether Brexit is good or bad. The decision alone means nothing without knowing what replaces the UK's member state relationship to the EU.

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Blockchain as a Platform for Smart Cities

Objectives: Incorporating new technologies into the development of smart cities means rethinking ... more Objectives: Incorporating new technologies into the development of smart cities means rethinking the way different services are provided. From this perspective, Blockchain might represent the future of both smart cities and smart communities as it offers new alteratives for individuals and institutions.
Prior work: Blockchain was mainly perceived through its linkage with bitcoin, but recent developments have started exploring the idea of using it for financial transactions, logistics and securing contracts. Tapscott & Tapscott (2016) have acknowledged the potential the Blockchain Revolution had on redefining the idea of trust in both digital and local communities. Blockchain technology has the ability to enhance transparency of local and regional institutions while also making it easier to communicate sensitive data without compromising security and privacy.
Approach We look at the different fields blockchain can have an impact on and we try to assess the viability of moving towards an integrated platform for intermediating day-to-day activities between both institutions and individuals. We will assess the advantages of digitizing and securing public and private data while also considering the potential risks this process might involve.
Results: We aim to create a model of how blockchain might work in communities and assess its impact on the overall economic and human development indicators.
Implications: Public administrators in many countries are starting to acknlowledge blockchain’s potential in solving problems for local communities Our results will be a valuable starting point for developing local initiatives for using blockchain as a platform for communications and transactions. Furthermore, a smart city must be a city where individuals can interact and solve their issues quickly, using digital technologies for increased efficiency.
Value: Blockchain is thought to be the future of managing both public and private affairs. Countries such as Dubai, Singapore and China are incorporating blockchain technology into developing smart cities. Blockchain makes us rethink many of the different aspects of how communities can be organized, offering new alternatives and promising a more transparent and efficient economic model.

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Research paper thumbnail of Online Education and Economic Efficiency

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Research paper thumbnail of How Sanctions on Russia Impact the Economy of the European Union

Presented at the International Economics Conference in Sibiu 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The Minimum Wage

Presented at the IES seminar in Bansko 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The Burden of CE Marking - IREF Working Paper Series

We often speak of tech entrepreneurs these days as a driving force of progress and economic growt... more We often speak of tech entrepreneurs these days as a driving force of progress and economic growth. Being an entrepreneur entails risks and uncertainty, and creative people invest large quantities of their money, their time, and their creativity in bringing to market something that may or may not gain popular interest and become profitable. While political discourse tends to emphasize the importance of entrepreneurs, innovation, creativity, and high-end technologies, policies are rarely constructed in ways that truly favour the entrepreneurs in their endeavours. Policy makers and regulatory bodies are passing more and more regulations and creating specific certifications and standards that all products must comply with. One of the main issues that every company or individual developing a product for the European market needs to deal with is the CE Marking, a procedure that is in appearance about assuring safety, consumer health and care for the environment but that in reality doesn’t mean much for either the producer or the consumer. The red tape in the case of CE Marking is so sheer and complex that is makes it almost impossible to be fully compliant. This study aims to assess the utility of CE Marking and Certification regulations and their impact on costs for manufacturers and distributors. Using a variety of surveys, interviews and public data analysis we conclude that the CE Marking’s associated costs far exceed its benefits.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Big Data on Knowledge Management Systems in Romanian E-commerce Retailers

Knowledge is one of the key strategic growth & development pillars facilitating the path towards ... more Knowledge is one of the key strategic growth & development pillars facilitating the path towards a smart and sustainable competitive advantage. Theories within the field of knowledge management usually make the distinction between data and knowledge. However, over the recent years knowledge management has moved towards integrating diverse information with the purpose of generating valid decision-making processes. Big data is a relatively new concept that still raises many questions related to its relevance in knowledge management studies. Big data offers businesses the means to extract extensive information about their customers’ subjective preferences. However, making sense of the big data and transforming them into valuable knowledge that brings consistent and sustainable added value requires core human competences such as critical thinking. This process of analysing big data drives the conversion of business intelligence into knowledge that can therefore be useful in avoiding strategic risk and finding smart and effective business solutions. This main goal of the paper is to analyse the concept of big data in the theoretical framework of knowledge management and assess the implications of developing such a connection. We present the most important conceptual definitions and characteristics of big data and assess the possibility to integrate this concept within the traditional theoretical models of knowledge management. A secondary objective of our paper is to lay out the prerequisites of developing new knowledge management strategies according to the needs of the digital economy. Authors draw from the e-commerce experience in using big data for improving the decision-making process. We have collected data from a number of e-commerce SMEs that are acting on the Romanian online fashion retail market. An analysis of the impact of demographics and sales data on firms’ growth strategies was conducted. Simultaneously, our study looked at how business intelligence systems used by SMEs were applied in order to analyse the aforementioned data. Conclusions drawn from the study show the benefits and best practices in integrating big data into SMEs knowledge management strategies. The main focus is on identifying the best ways to improve net results through proper use of knowledge obtained from big data.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Economics of Information

This textbook is primarily designed to be used by students taking the Economics of Information cl... more This textbook is primarily designed to be used by students taking the Economics of Information class at the Faculty of Business Administration in Foreign Languages at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The textbook provides outlines of each lecture, examples, and links to additional reading materials and should be used in conjunction with the lectures. It is not meant to replace in-class participation and will make most sense for those students who take part in all lectures and group work.

Students should take note of the fact that some reading materials in the Further Reading sections are not to be taken at face value. A few articles which include logical fallacies have been included in order to better describe the range of opinions which exist regarding some topics. Critical thinking is essential when dealing with the information that we are presented.

Students and professors at other universities are welcome to use the materials. Any interesting examples or constructive feedback which may help improve future editions of the textbook are more than welcome and will be credited to the contributors if they are included.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economia României după 1990

Panorama postcomunismului în România, 2022

In the three decades following the fall of the communist regime, Romania’s economy has considerab... more In the three decades following the fall of the communist regime, Romania’s economy has considerably changed. The chapter examines the ups and downs of Romania’s economy during the post‑communist transition, the catching‑up achievements, as well as the limits of the growth model based on the comparative advantage combination of EU membership, foreign direct investments and relatively cheap work‑force. It highlights the emergence of dynamic sectors, as well as the need for structural reforms and for a strong commitment to upgrade institutions in order to build up the capability to adjust to the challenges of the 21st century.

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