Constantin Stoenescu | University of Bucharest (original) (raw)
Papers by Constantin Stoenescu
European Conference on Knowledge Management
The development of knowledge creation theory (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) took into account the va... more The development of knowledge creation theory (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) took into account the values shared by the members of an organization, later generating an extended concept of "Ba" (Nonaka and Toyama, 2005), understood as shared context. Matsuadira (2010) defined the complex of organisational values (the ethos) as knowledge (intangible) assets for knowledge creating companies. I suggest that this leads us back to R.K. Merton’s theory of the normative structure of science and the ethos of science. The challenge is to ask whether we can we talk about the applicability of the norms proposed by Merton to the case of knowledge management in knowledge creating companies, or rather there will be some evident deviations and counter-norms. It is well known that the value of universalism is contested by particularism or that of “communism” by the secrecy of research. My hypothesis is that at methodological level the technical norms of knowledge testing and evaluation are uni...
Revue roumaine de philosophie 68, 2024
This issue of the Revue examines some central themes in Mill's philosophy, his relationship with ... more This issue of the Revue examines some central themes in Mill's philosophy, his relationship with Auguste Comte, and how Mill's thought was received in the 19th century. Also included and analyzed is a manuscript by Brentano on Bertrand's paradox.
Studii de epistemologie și de teoria valorilor, vil. al VIII-lea, 2022
In the "Foreword" to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn mentions some of the forerunne... more In the "Foreword" to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn mentions some of the forerunners of his ideas, including an "unknown monograph" by Ludwik Fleck. Later, Kuhn will write the introduction to the English edition of this book and will thus contribute to increasing interest in Fleck's work. My goal in this research is to analyse to what extent Fleck's conception really leads to Kuhn's theory and to compare the two theories. The main stake is represented by the concepts of "style" and "paradigm" and the analysis of how the relationship between two styles or two paradigms can be understood in terms of incommensurability.
Probleme de logică, vol. XXV, 2022
It is admitted that Russell proposed in "On Denoting", as Ramsey pointed out, a new paradigm of p... more It is admitted that Russell proposed in "On Denoting", as Ramsey pointed out, a new paradigm of philosophical analysis in the sense that through analysis we reveal beyond the superficial linguistic layer a deep logical structure. The purpose of the research is to identify the methodological commitments assumed somewhat explicitly by Russell prior to "On Denoting", especially in The Principles of Mathematics. Although we can still notice reminiscent of a Hegelian language, Russell discusses the conceptual analysis of so-called constitutive parts and the relationship between the part and the whole as an organic unit, thus placing himself on a common platform with Moore, who had already configured the requirements of the decompositional analysis. Russell thus outlines a logicist project in which we find a lot of ingredients, from breaking with the Kantian theory of a priori intuitions to a theory of internal relations. As a result, philosophical analysis is seen from a pluralistic methodological perspective.
Revista de Filosofie, nr. 6, 2023
Russell's Early Philosophy might be understood not just as a residual Hegelianism but also as an ... more Russell's Early Philosophy might be understood not just as a residual Hegelianism but also as an attempt to offer a new version of Kantian transcendentalism. Russell initial plan was to develop a comprehensively Hegelian dialectic of the sciences, beginning with the most abstract and proceed to the more concrete, from mathematics to physics and physiology. But in the Essay on the Foundations of Geometry (1897) he already departs from the Hegelian dialectic and adopts a logical method of analysis based on a reinterpretation of Kant's transcendental project. "Tiergarten Programme", the first stage of Russell's philosophical career, covering the period between 1895 and 1899, was conceived as two parallel different projects, according to the Hegelian model of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, one on philosophy of science which would begin with the most abstract mathematics and proceed to the more concrete sciences of nature, from to physiology, while the other would proceed in an opposite direction, starting from politics and social questions. The two projects finally merged into a grand Hegelian synthesis of the scientific and the practical. Russell's initial plan was to develop a comprehensively Hegelian dialectic of the sciences, using the tools of dialectical logic and the metaphysical categories of the Absolute Spirit. Therefore, we could talk about an idealist apprenticeship of the young Russell (Griffin, 1991). In this sense, it is obvious that this first stage is dominated by a Hegelian rhetoric that shapes Russell's philosophical discourse.
Probleme de logică, volumul XXVI, 2023
The name "Tiergarten Programme" was given to Russell's early philosophical project by Nicholas Gr... more The name "Tiergarten Programme" was given to Russell's early philosophical project by Nicholas Griffin (1988) because it was conceived during a walk through the Tiergarten in Berlin. Russell's plan was to develop a comprehensively Hegelian dialectic of the sciences, from mathemathics to physiology, using the tools of dialectical logic and the metaphysical categories of the Absolute Spirit. Russell wrote a lot of notes about the new developments in Mathemathics and Physics and he tried to put them in a neo-hegelian framework. The only completed work the Essay on the Foundations of Geometry (1897), which could be understood as an attempt to offer a new version of Kantian transcendentalism. My goal in this paper is to propose a reconstruction of these contributions and to point out their philosophical significance both in the context in which they were elaborated and in relation to Russell's philosophical development.
Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, 2023
In his last works, after his own 'linguistic turn', Kuhn abandons the concept of paradigm, propos... more In his last works, after his own 'linguistic turn', Kuhn abandons the concept of paradigm, proposes a view based on taxonomic concepts and introduces other two concepts, such as conceptual network and lexicon. My aim in this paper is to analyse the impact of these new concepts on Kuhn's model of scientific theories and to explore their relation with the concept of paradigm and the idea of incommensurability. I argue that Kuhn tried to escape from the highly relativistic consequences of the early version of his theory and he was ready for a realistic approach at least in the case of the sciences that use tools in order to distinguish between the so-called "natural kinds". As a consequence, Kuhn proposes a new heuristic principle as a guide for his research: "The world is not invented or constructed”.
RJIT 2/2023, 2023
Creaţia, actul de creaţie şi viitorul muncii. Lucrătorul creativ "Superuman" versus lucrătorul co... more Creaţia, actul de creaţie şi viitorul muncii. Lucrătorul creativ "Superuman" versus lucrătorul condiţionat mecanic / Creation, the act of creation and the future of work. The "Superhuman" creative worker versus mechanical-conditioned worker Recenzie carte / Book review
Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2016
Environmental ethics is based on the extension of the morality sphere as a consequence of an enla... more Environmental ethics is based on the extension of the morality sphere as a consequence of an enlarged moral community beyond the limits of human community. I argue in this paper that the turning point in this extension is the notion of intrinsic value. But the process of extension produces some theoretical puzzles. One of them is the essential tension between the aim to include more and more entities into the moral community and the need for a hierarchy in order to preserve the interests of a good life for more complex living beings. My suggestion is that if the suppositions of traditional anthropocentrism are dislodged, the theoretical conflict is balanced or even dissolved at a managerial level. Biocentrism is the theory that could assume this task.
Dialogul dintre teologie și filosofie, volumul al II-lea, 2009
Studiul investighează următoarele aspecte: Dimensiunea teandrică a Ortodoxiei/ Relația dintre rel... more Studiul investighează următoarele aspecte: Dimensiunea teandrică a Ortodoxiei/ Relația dintre religie și cultură/ Creație și har/ Reformarea teandrică a esteticii/ Geniul și sfântul, aproape de Dumnezeu
Filosofia lui Karl Popper. Analize și interpretări, 2007
Why didn't Popper become a "sophisticated" fastificationist? Because in front of the arguments ag... more Why didn't Popper become a "sophisticated" fastificationist? Because in front of the arguments against falsificability as a criterion of demarcation, Popper has turn the criterion of falsificability into a more general one of criticability. My opinion is that many critics of Popper's work don't take into consideration the fact that, between The Logic of Discovery and papers included in Conjectures and Refutations, Popper has give up gradually to the criterion of formal falsificability and adopted a criterion of criti cability. Initially, in a stage when Popper still believed in the possibility of an unprobelematic criterion of demarcation between science and non-science, the criterion of criticability was used in a narrow sense, namely, that the empirical statements and the empirical statements systems could be criticable on the grounds of assertions about facts, what it means that the empirical theories are empirically refutable. At the beginning, criticability and falsi ficability are the same. Later, the criterion of criticability is generalized and become a principle of rational criticism (or of critical rationalism), equally applicable to empirically unverifiable theories.
Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology , 2011
My aim in this paper is to discuss the topicality of Merton’s thesis with a twofold meaning: as a... more My aim in this paper is to discuss the topicality of Merton’s thesis with a twofold meaning: as an idea which has its own place in the sociology of science and as an idea which is currently in its area of research. Merton asserts that the development of science in 17th century England was aided by the Puritan ethic. This does not mean that science was caused by Puritanism, but only that Puritanism provided major support for the scientific activity. Because secularization and integration were two complementary processes, the relationship between science and religion was not simple. I connect Merton’s thesis with Weber’s thesis about Protestantism and capitalism and try to see it in the light of the cultural
climate of its time. Finally, I argue that Merton offers a unified analysis of science as a social institution.
Revista de Filosofie, nr. 3-4, 2011
My purpose in this paper is to put into connection Maiorescu's thesis about the form without back... more My purpose in this paper is to put into connection Maiorescu's thesis about the form without background with his beliefs about the so-called national specificity. Maiorescu claims from the beginnings of his academic career that every domain has its own criteria and to try to invent others is a mistake. So, in the case of literature we need, first of all, to write correctly in Romanian language. Without a backgrounf we'll have only empty forms. But which is the adequate content of these forms? Must be a national one? Maiorescu's answer contains an ambiguity which is opened to different interpretations.
Analele Universității din Craiova, nr. 25, 2010
This paper is a detailed analysis of the controversy between Karl Popper and members of Frankfurt... more This paper is a detailed analysis of the controversy between Karl Popper and members of Frankfurt School, Jurgen Habermas firstly, regarding the consequences of their general philosophical visions over the practical problems of social order and government. The debate covered many philosophical topics, among them, historicism and explanation in history, scientific and practical rationality, facts and decisions. The conclusion is that the two parts works with different meanings of rationality and their answers to the question about the conditions of good governance depends on these meanings and the context of use.
Cultură și adevăr. Studii despre filosofia lui Tudor Vianu, 2007
Truth is traditonally defined in epistemology as the main value of knowledge. Other values, such ... more Truth is traditonally defined in epistemology as the main value of knowledge. Other values, such as informational content, simplicity or explicative capacity are secondary relative to truth. But if truth is a value, what is its statute in a theory of values? How can be truth acquainted by us as a value? The author tries to offer in this paper an approach of truth from the standpoint of the theory of values proposed by Tudor Vianu. If truth is the aim of knowledge, what are the theoretical consequences of this normative charcater of truth? And which is the place of truth as a theoretical value among other values? Is truth the supreme value in any cultural context? This paper gives answers to some questions of this kind, the whole analysis being inspired by Vianu ideas.
Memoria filozofilor de la Platon la Derrida, , 2007
J. E. McTaggart published in 1908 a paper about an argument purporting to show that unreality of ... more J. E. McTaggart published in 1908 a paper about an argument purporting to show that unreality of time starting from the features of time as it is experienced. This argument raises questions about coherence of temporal appearances. Time is experienced as ordered in two series: in an A-series each event is characterized as future, present or past, in a B-series events stand in relations of „earlier than” or „later than”. The time is unreal because wuthout the A-series we cannot have a real temporal series and the application of A-series distinctions to any series of real events implies a contradiction. this study deals with that kind of debate around McTaggart's argument which tend to put the problem in terms of linguistic representations of time and to develop an empiricist perspective. Appearances are perceptions from which other realities can be inferred, realities that may not be directly noticeable. But how can we argue that appearances of A-charcateristics exist and are real aspects of the objective world? The conclusion is that an empiricist perspective has its own internal limitations.
Sfera Politicii, nr. 3 (145), 2010
The Treaty of Lisbon approaches knowledge society as a strong desideratum for the European Union.... more The Treaty of Lisbon approaches knowledge society as a strong desideratum for the European Union. In this article I will try to find a philosophical basis for such a strategy. I think that the relation between science and technology could be an independent variable, able to explain the new potential role of the learning system and of research as turning into productive factors. In the light of the new economy, knowledge stands as a new kind of market, while the winners can only be those organizations in which knowledge management is internal and structurally
assimilated as a theoretical and practical framework.
Revista de filosofie, nr. 1-2, 2008
Principiul parității epistemologice rămâne o măsură constantă a afirmațiilor lui Gödel, de la art... more Principiul parității epistemologice rămâne o măsură constantă a afirmațiilor lui Gödel, de la articolul său despre Russell încolo, şi are rolul de a fortifica sistemul gândirii sale. Acest principiu devine mai mult decât unul euristic, util în ghidarea eficientă a activității de matematician. Gödel a intenționat să integreze realismul platonic și raționalismul într-o teorie unitară. Astfel, el caută o abordare filosofică a subiectivității și se oprește la fenomenologia lui Husserl după ce îl citește pe Leibniz. Convertit la fenomenologie, Gödel identifică resursele teoretice pentru
a conferi parității epistemologice statutul unei teze filosofice legitime.
Analele Universității din Craiova, nr. 19, 2007
Descartes's argument favorable to metaphysical dualism is well-known. Starting from this point it... more Descartes's argument favorable to metaphysical dualism is well-known. Starting from this point it is possible to put a question: what means to be a soul which has a body? This question leads us at least two answers: 1. the mental and physical events are parallel, but synchronically; 2. the mental events can be the cause of physical (cerebral) events and vice versa. After Descartes, different theories developed versions of these two answers and tried to explain them. If we add another question, namely, "What means to be a person which has a soul and a body?", then we have a new problem regarding personal identity. Locke has answered to this question in a Cartesian framework and opened the debate about bodily continuity against psychological continuity. In this study are deemed some arguments based on memory as a criterion of personal identity. But they fail. Is the rival criterion, based on bodily continuity, a better one? The author develops this line of reasoning and arrives at the conclusion that the appeal to causality in terms of neurophysiologic structure is supported by contemporary cognitive sciences.
Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2014
Was Frege firstly a philosopher of language or a philosopher of mathematics? I try to give an ans... more Was Frege firstly a philosopher of language or a philosopher of mathematics? I try to give an answer to this question in this paper. I argue that Frege's definition of natural number is the right way to reach the answer. Frege had simultaneously two theoretical commitments: one regarding the logicist programme in the foundations of mathematics, the other regarding the conception of logic as a language. Therefore, Frege developed a formal language and tried to define arithmetical concepts in pure logical terms. He did this based on semantical suppositions, because he could not do it any other way as long as he regarded logic as a language. I will argue that Frege used semantic tools in order to solve problems related to philosophy of mathematics.
European Conference on Knowledge Management
The development of knowledge creation theory (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) took into account the va... more The development of knowledge creation theory (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) took into account the values shared by the members of an organization, later generating an extended concept of "Ba" (Nonaka and Toyama, 2005), understood as shared context. Matsuadira (2010) defined the complex of organisational values (the ethos) as knowledge (intangible) assets for knowledge creating companies. I suggest that this leads us back to R.K. Merton’s theory of the normative structure of science and the ethos of science. The challenge is to ask whether we can we talk about the applicability of the norms proposed by Merton to the case of knowledge management in knowledge creating companies, or rather there will be some evident deviations and counter-norms. It is well known that the value of universalism is contested by particularism or that of “communism” by the secrecy of research. My hypothesis is that at methodological level the technical norms of knowledge testing and evaluation are uni...
Revue roumaine de philosophie 68, 2024
This issue of the Revue examines some central themes in Mill's philosophy, his relationship with ... more This issue of the Revue examines some central themes in Mill's philosophy, his relationship with Auguste Comte, and how Mill's thought was received in the 19th century. Also included and analyzed is a manuscript by Brentano on Bertrand's paradox.
Studii de epistemologie și de teoria valorilor, vil. al VIII-lea, 2022
In the "Foreword" to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn mentions some of the forerunne... more In the "Foreword" to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn mentions some of the forerunners of his ideas, including an "unknown monograph" by Ludwik Fleck. Later, Kuhn will write the introduction to the English edition of this book and will thus contribute to increasing interest in Fleck's work. My goal in this research is to analyse to what extent Fleck's conception really leads to Kuhn's theory and to compare the two theories. The main stake is represented by the concepts of "style" and "paradigm" and the analysis of how the relationship between two styles or two paradigms can be understood in terms of incommensurability.
Probleme de logică, vol. XXV, 2022
It is admitted that Russell proposed in "On Denoting", as Ramsey pointed out, a new paradigm of p... more It is admitted that Russell proposed in "On Denoting", as Ramsey pointed out, a new paradigm of philosophical analysis in the sense that through analysis we reveal beyond the superficial linguistic layer a deep logical structure. The purpose of the research is to identify the methodological commitments assumed somewhat explicitly by Russell prior to "On Denoting", especially in The Principles of Mathematics. Although we can still notice reminiscent of a Hegelian language, Russell discusses the conceptual analysis of so-called constitutive parts and the relationship between the part and the whole as an organic unit, thus placing himself on a common platform with Moore, who had already configured the requirements of the decompositional analysis. Russell thus outlines a logicist project in which we find a lot of ingredients, from breaking with the Kantian theory of a priori intuitions to a theory of internal relations. As a result, philosophical analysis is seen from a pluralistic methodological perspective.
Revista de Filosofie, nr. 6, 2023
Russell's Early Philosophy might be understood not just as a residual Hegelianism but also as an ... more Russell's Early Philosophy might be understood not just as a residual Hegelianism but also as an attempt to offer a new version of Kantian transcendentalism. Russell initial plan was to develop a comprehensively Hegelian dialectic of the sciences, beginning with the most abstract and proceed to the more concrete, from mathematics to physics and physiology. But in the Essay on the Foundations of Geometry (1897) he already departs from the Hegelian dialectic and adopts a logical method of analysis based on a reinterpretation of Kant's transcendental project. "Tiergarten Programme", the first stage of Russell's philosophical career, covering the period between 1895 and 1899, was conceived as two parallel different projects, according to the Hegelian model of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, one on philosophy of science which would begin with the most abstract mathematics and proceed to the more concrete sciences of nature, from to physiology, while the other would proceed in an opposite direction, starting from politics and social questions. The two projects finally merged into a grand Hegelian synthesis of the scientific and the practical. Russell's initial plan was to develop a comprehensively Hegelian dialectic of the sciences, using the tools of dialectical logic and the metaphysical categories of the Absolute Spirit. Therefore, we could talk about an idealist apprenticeship of the young Russell (Griffin, 1991). In this sense, it is obvious that this first stage is dominated by a Hegelian rhetoric that shapes Russell's philosophical discourse.
Probleme de logică, volumul XXVI, 2023
The name "Tiergarten Programme" was given to Russell's early philosophical project by Nicholas Gr... more The name "Tiergarten Programme" was given to Russell's early philosophical project by Nicholas Griffin (1988) because it was conceived during a walk through the Tiergarten in Berlin. Russell's plan was to develop a comprehensively Hegelian dialectic of the sciences, from mathemathics to physiology, using the tools of dialectical logic and the metaphysical categories of the Absolute Spirit. Russell wrote a lot of notes about the new developments in Mathemathics and Physics and he tried to put them in a neo-hegelian framework. The only completed work the Essay on the Foundations of Geometry (1897), which could be understood as an attempt to offer a new version of Kantian transcendentalism. My goal in this paper is to propose a reconstruction of these contributions and to point out their philosophical significance both in the context in which they were elaborated and in relation to Russell's philosophical development.
Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, 2023
In his last works, after his own 'linguistic turn', Kuhn abandons the concept of paradigm, propos... more In his last works, after his own 'linguistic turn', Kuhn abandons the concept of paradigm, proposes a view based on taxonomic concepts and introduces other two concepts, such as conceptual network and lexicon. My aim in this paper is to analyse the impact of these new concepts on Kuhn's model of scientific theories and to explore their relation with the concept of paradigm and the idea of incommensurability. I argue that Kuhn tried to escape from the highly relativistic consequences of the early version of his theory and he was ready for a realistic approach at least in the case of the sciences that use tools in order to distinguish between the so-called "natural kinds". As a consequence, Kuhn proposes a new heuristic principle as a guide for his research: "The world is not invented or constructed”.
RJIT 2/2023, 2023
Creaţia, actul de creaţie şi viitorul muncii. Lucrătorul creativ "Superuman" versus lucrătorul co... more Creaţia, actul de creaţie şi viitorul muncii. Lucrătorul creativ "Superuman" versus lucrătorul condiţionat mecanic / Creation, the act of creation and the future of work. The "Superhuman" creative worker versus mechanical-conditioned worker Recenzie carte / Book review
Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2016
Environmental ethics is based on the extension of the morality sphere as a consequence of an enla... more Environmental ethics is based on the extension of the morality sphere as a consequence of an enlarged moral community beyond the limits of human community. I argue in this paper that the turning point in this extension is the notion of intrinsic value. But the process of extension produces some theoretical puzzles. One of them is the essential tension between the aim to include more and more entities into the moral community and the need for a hierarchy in order to preserve the interests of a good life for more complex living beings. My suggestion is that if the suppositions of traditional anthropocentrism are dislodged, the theoretical conflict is balanced or even dissolved at a managerial level. Biocentrism is the theory that could assume this task.
Dialogul dintre teologie și filosofie, volumul al II-lea, 2009
Studiul investighează următoarele aspecte: Dimensiunea teandrică a Ortodoxiei/ Relația dintre rel... more Studiul investighează următoarele aspecte: Dimensiunea teandrică a Ortodoxiei/ Relația dintre religie și cultură/ Creație și har/ Reformarea teandrică a esteticii/ Geniul și sfântul, aproape de Dumnezeu
Filosofia lui Karl Popper. Analize și interpretări, 2007
Why didn't Popper become a "sophisticated" fastificationist? Because in front of the arguments ag... more Why didn't Popper become a "sophisticated" fastificationist? Because in front of the arguments against falsificability as a criterion of demarcation, Popper has turn the criterion of falsificability into a more general one of criticability. My opinion is that many critics of Popper's work don't take into consideration the fact that, between The Logic of Discovery and papers included in Conjectures and Refutations, Popper has give up gradually to the criterion of formal falsificability and adopted a criterion of criti cability. Initially, in a stage when Popper still believed in the possibility of an unprobelematic criterion of demarcation between science and non-science, the criterion of criticability was used in a narrow sense, namely, that the empirical statements and the empirical statements systems could be criticable on the grounds of assertions about facts, what it means that the empirical theories are empirically refutable. At the beginning, criticability and falsi ficability are the same. Later, the criterion of criticability is generalized and become a principle of rational criticism (or of critical rationalism), equally applicable to empirically unverifiable theories.
Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology , 2011
My aim in this paper is to discuss the topicality of Merton’s thesis with a twofold meaning: as a... more My aim in this paper is to discuss the topicality of Merton’s thesis with a twofold meaning: as an idea which has its own place in the sociology of science and as an idea which is currently in its area of research. Merton asserts that the development of science in 17th century England was aided by the Puritan ethic. This does not mean that science was caused by Puritanism, but only that Puritanism provided major support for the scientific activity. Because secularization and integration were two complementary processes, the relationship between science and religion was not simple. I connect Merton’s thesis with Weber’s thesis about Protestantism and capitalism and try to see it in the light of the cultural
climate of its time. Finally, I argue that Merton offers a unified analysis of science as a social institution.
Revista de Filosofie, nr. 3-4, 2011
My purpose in this paper is to put into connection Maiorescu's thesis about the form without back... more My purpose in this paper is to put into connection Maiorescu's thesis about the form without background with his beliefs about the so-called national specificity. Maiorescu claims from the beginnings of his academic career that every domain has its own criteria and to try to invent others is a mistake. So, in the case of literature we need, first of all, to write correctly in Romanian language. Without a backgrounf we'll have only empty forms. But which is the adequate content of these forms? Must be a national one? Maiorescu's answer contains an ambiguity which is opened to different interpretations.
Analele Universității din Craiova, nr. 25, 2010
This paper is a detailed analysis of the controversy between Karl Popper and members of Frankfurt... more This paper is a detailed analysis of the controversy between Karl Popper and members of Frankfurt School, Jurgen Habermas firstly, regarding the consequences of their general philosophical visions over the practical problems of social order and government. The debate covered many philosophical topics, among them, historicism and explanation in history, scientific and practical rationality, facts and decisions. The conclusion is that the two parts works with different meanings of rationality and their answers to the question about the conditions of good governance depends on these meanings and the context of use.
Cultură și adevăr. Studii despre filosofia lui Tudor Vianu, 2007
Truth is traditonally defined in epistemology as the main value of knowledge. Other values, such ... more Truth is traditonally defined in epistemology as the main value of knowledge. Other values, such as informational content, simplicity or explicative capacity are secondary relative to truth. But if truth is a value, what is its statute in a theory of values? How can be truth acquainted by us as a value? The author tries to offer in this paper an approach of truth from the standpoint of the theory of values proposed by Tudor Vianu. If truth is the aim of knowledge, what are the theoretical consequences of this normative charcater of truth? And which is the place of truth as a theoretical value among other values? Is truth the supreme value in any cultural context? This paper gives answers to some questions of this kind, the whole analysis being inspired by Vianu ideas.
Memoria filozofilor de la Platon la Derrida, , 2007
J. E. McTaggart published in 1908 a paper about an argument purporting to show that unreality of ... more J. E. McTaggart published in 1908 a paper about an argument purporting to show that unreality of time starting from the features of time as it is experienced. This argument raises questions about coherence of temporal appearances. Time is experienced as ordered in two series: in an A-series each event is characterized as future, present or past, in a B-series events stand in relations of „earlier than” or „later than”. The time is unreal because wuthout the A-series we cannot have a real temporal series and the application of A-series distinctions to any series of real events implies a contradiction. this study deals with that kind of debate around McTaggart's argument which tend to put the problem in terms of linguistic representations of time and to develop an empiricist perspective. Appearances are perceptions from which other realities can be inferred, realities that may not be directly noticeable. But how can we argue that appearances of A-charcateristics exist and are real aspects of the objective world? The conclusion is that an empiricist perspective has its own internal limitations.
Sfera Politicii, nr. 3 (145), 2010
The Treaty of Lisbon approaches knowledge society as a strong desideratum for the European Union.... more The Treaty of Lisbon approaches knowledge society as a strong desideratum for the European Union. In this article I will try to find a philosophical basis for such a strategy. I think that the relation between science and technology could be an independent variable, able to explain the new potential role of the learning system and of research as turning into productive factors. In the light of the new economy, knowledge stands as a new kind of market, while the winners can only be those organizations in which knowledge management is internal and structurally
assimilated as a theoretical and practical framework.
Revista de filosofie, nr. 1-2, 2008
Principiul parității epistemologice rămâne o măsură constantă a afirmațiilor lui Gödel, de la art... more Principiul parității epistemologice rămâne o măsură constantă a afirmațiilor lui Gödel, de la articolul său despre Russell încolo, şi are rolul de a fortifica sistemul gândirii sale. Acest principiu devine mai mult decât unul euristic, util în ghidarea eficientă a activității de matematician. Gödel a intenționat să integreze realismul platonic și raționalismul într-o teorie unitară. Astfel, el caută o abordare filosofică a subiectivității și se oprește la fenomenologia lui Husserl după ce îl citește pe Leibniz. Convertit la fenomenologie, Gödel identifică resursele teoretice pentru
a conferi parității epistemologice statutul unei teze filosofice legitime.
Analele Universității din Craiova, nr. 19, 2007
Descartes's argument favorable to metaphysical dualism is well-known. Starting from this point it... more Descartes's argument favorable to metaphysical dualism is well-known. Starting from this point it is possible to put a question: what means to be a soul which has a body? This question leads us at least two answers: 1. the mental and physical events are parallel, but synchronically; 2. the mental events can be the cause of physical (cerebral) events and vice versa. After Descartes, different theories developed versions of these two answers and tried to explain them. If we add another question, namely, "What means to be a person which has a soul and a body?", then we have a new problem regarding personal identity. Locke has answered to this question in a Cartesian framework and opened the debate about bodily continuity against psychological continuity. In this study are deemed some arguments based on memory as a criterion of personal identity. But they fail. Is the rival criterion, based on bodily continuity, a better one? The author develops this line of reasoning and arrives at the conclusion that the appeal to causality in terms of neurophysiologic structure is supported by contemporary cognitive sciences.
Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2014
Was Frege firstly a philosopher of language or a philosopher of mathematics? I try to give an ans... more Was Frege firstly a philosopher of language or a philosopher of mathematics? I try to give an answer to this question in this paper. I argue that Frege's definition of natural number is the right way to reach the answer. Frege had simultaneously two theoretical commitments: one regarding the logicist programme in the foundations of mathematics, the other regarding the conception of logic as a language. Therefore, Frege developed a formal language and tried to define arithmetical concepts in pure logical terms. He did this based on semantical suppositions, because he could not do it any other way as long as he regarded logic as a language. I will argue that Frege used semantic tools in order to solve problems related to philosophy of mathematics.
Atena și/sau Ierusalim, 2013
Acest volum conține 13 studii consacrate relației dintre știință, religie și filosofie. „Atena” ş... more Acest volum conține 13 studii consacrate relației dintre știință, religie și filosofie. „Atena” şi „Ierusalim” au devenit nume simbolice pentru două tradiţii constitutive ale civilizaţiei europene: pe de o parte, ştiinţa, filosofia şi învăţământul; pe de altă parte, aspiraţia spirituală către puritate sufletească şi sfinţenie. Ambele tradiţii se consacră cercetării adevărului, dar falii immense par să le separe; într-un caz, adevărul este descoperit prin raţiune, în celălalt, prin revelaţie. De aici, atât tensiune, cât şi tentativă de reconciliere.
Brentano – Comte – Mill: ideea filosofiei ca știință, 2018
Lucrarea conține texte fundamentale despre ideea filosofiei ca știință la A. Comte, J. St. Mill ... more Lucrarea conține texte fundamentale despre ideea filosofiei ca știință la
A. Comte, J. St. Mill și F. Brentano
Editura Pelican, 2005
Volumul conține lucrările Colocviului colocviului organizat în zilele de 23 și 24 septembrie 2004... more Volumul conține lucrările Colocviului colocviului organizat în zilele de 23 și 24 septembrie 2004 de Institutul de Filosofie și Psihologie al Academiei Române și de Catedra de Filosofie Teoretică și Logică a Facultății de Filosofie a Universității din București
Editura Pelican , 2004
Volumul conține lucrările Colocviului desfășurat la Institutul de Filosofie și Psihologie al Acad... more Volumul conține lucrările Colocviului desfășurat la Institutul de Filosofie și Psihologie al Academiei Române pe data 22 martie 2002
Editura Pelican, 2007
Volumul conține lucrările colocviului organizat în zilele de 8 și 9 noiembrie 2007 de Institutul ... more Volumul conține lucrările colocviului organizat în zilele de 8 și 9 noiembrie 2007 de Institutul de Filosofi e și Psihologie „Constantin Rădulescu-Motru”
al Academiei Române
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României MESAROŞ, CLAUDIU Filosofia în universitatea con... more Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României MESAROŞ, CLAUDIU Filosofia în universitatea contemporană / Claudu Mesaroş. -Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2017 Conţine bibliografie ISBN 978-973-125-545-3 1 3 FILOSOFIA ÎN UNIVERSITATEA CONTEMPORANĂ Volum editat de Claudiu Mesaroș Editura Universității de Vest Timişoara, 2017 4 6 CONSTANTIN HLIHOR, GABRIEL LEAHU Istoria digitală. O nouă ramură a ştiinţelor istorice? / 111 ARLEEN IONESCU Umanioarele în epoca tehnologiei / 138 OVIDIU GHERASIM-PROCA Statul neoliberal și misiunea publică a științelor socio-umane în vremuri de criză / 156 DANIELA MACI Menirea filosofului / 174 STUDII DE CAZ IOAN BIRIȘ Filosofi români la congresele mondiale de filosofie / 189 ADRIANA NEACȘU Experiența Universității din Craiova în promovarea pe plan educațional și social a domeniului Filosofie / 200 CLAUDIU MESAROȘ Filosofia în societatea contemporană: activități și practici filosofice / 205 CRISTINA IONESCU Doua modele pentru recuperarea încrederii în rolul și rostul actual al disciplinelor umaniste: Great Books Programs și Liberal Arts College / 232 SIMONA VUCU Începuturile universităţii de cercetare în America şi rolul administraţiei / 242 MIHAELA GLIGOR Provocarea Mircea Eliade. Ieșirea din mit / 269 7 MIHAI MACI Filosofia și științele sociale / 275 LECȚIA DE FILOSOFIE ANCA VASILIU Du bonheur de penser. Leçon de philosophie antique / 289 VIRGIL CIOMOŞ Filosofia în vremuri de criză / 312 Autori / 321 8 9 Claudiu Mesaroș
Phenomenology and Mind, Sep 8, 2022
This volume offers a comprehensive analysis of some of the central themes in Brentano's philosoph... more This volume offers a comprehensive analysis of some of the central themes in Brentano's philosophy and psychology that are relevant for his relation to Auguste Comte's and J. S. Mill's conceptions of positive philosophy: the concept of positive knowledge; the view of philosophy and psychology as empirical sciences in Brentano, Comte, and Mill; these three authors' strategies for the rebirth of philosophy; and the theory of the stages of thought in Comte and Brentano.
Acest volum este alcătuit din lucrări susținute în cadrul Conferinței Naționale de Filosofia Educ... more Acest volum este alcătuit din lucrări susținute în cadrul Conferinței Naționale de Filosofia Educației: Filosofie, Educație, Distanță, organizată de Facultatea de Filosofie a Universității din București, prin Centrul de Formare în Filosofie, în zilele de 5 și 6 martie 2021. Conferința s-a desfăşurat online, la fel ca toate celelalte activități din universitate, în acea perioadă, respectând măsurile impuse de autorități privind prevenirea infectării cu Covid-19.
Etica în știință, religie și societate, 2015
Studiile cuprinse în acest volum reprezintă variante revăzute – uneori, extinse – ale expunerilor... more Studiile cuprinse în acest volum reprezintă variante revăzute – uneori, extinse – ale expunerilor susţinute în cadrul cursului de vară din 2013. Cursul a prilejuit o dezbatere privind chestiunile etice care apar în practica ştiinţifică şi modul în care descoperirile
știinţifice sunt gestionate din punct de vedere religios, social şi politic.