Giovanni Bonaiuti | University of Cagliari (original) (raw)


Papers by Giovanni Bonaiuti

Research paper thumbnail of Psychometric Validation of the Robotics Interest Questionnaire (RIQ) Scale with Italian Teachers

Journal of Science Education and Technology, Oct 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: Educational robotics as a tool to foster 21st century skills

Frontiers in Education, Mar 29, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Je-LKS The Italian e-Learning Association Journal Società Italiana di e-Learning Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society Editor Editor in Chief Associate Editors Technical Editor English Language Editor General Editors

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Research paper thumbnail of Form@re-Open Journal per la formazione in rete Mobile devices to increase attention and improve learning

Il contributo presenta una ricerca svolta all'Università di Cagliari nel corso di due anni ac... more Il contributo presenta una ricerca svolta all'Università di Cagliari nel corso di due anni accademici tesa ad analizzare le potenzialità di una modalità di lezione basata sull'uso frequente di "domande e risposte" gestite attraverso tecnologie. Abbiamo cercato di capire se un approccio didattico più interattivo, facilitato da un'applicazione software basata su tecnologie mobili, riesca a migliorare il coinvolgimento degli studenti e i risultati di apprendimento, in un contesto caratterizzato da un elevato numero di partecipanti. L'obiettivo era quello di verificare l'impatto sui risultati di apprendimento, oltre all'accettazione ed all'apprezzamento da parte degli studenti, di una didattica frontale intervallata da domande di verifica e dalla conseguente analisi e discussione delle risposte. Nell'esperienza sono state comparate due diverse modalità di applicazione di questa metodologia: con e senza le tecnologie e, i risultati ottenuti, sono...

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Research paper thumbnail of Formazione in rete tra formale e informale. Verso l'e-learning 2.0

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Research paper thumbnail of Storia e principi delle tecnologie educative

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Research paper thumbnail of Le tecnologie educative. Criteri per una scelta basata su evidenze

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Research paper thumbnail of I rischi della Ricerca-Formazione

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[Research paper thumbnail of Interactive lessons in the university hall. Increase attention and participation using the students' devices (BYOD) [Lezioni interattive nell'aula universitaria. Aumentare l'attenzione e la partecipazione usando i dispositivi degli studenti (BYOD)]](

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Research paper thumbnail of E-Learning 2.0

Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Editoriale n.25

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Research paper thumbnail of Editoriale n.13

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Research paper thumbnail of Mente, Strumenti e Formazione. Complessita' e Problematicita' Del Rapporto Tra Pedagogia Ed Artefatti DI Mediazione

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Research paper thumbnail of Ambienti e Strumenti Per La Collaborazione in Rete : La Prospettiva Del CSCL

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Research paper thumbnail of Editoriale n.79

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Research paper thumbnail of Ensemble. Mobile Learning to Promote Social Inclusion

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Research paper thumbnail of A public, open and flexible catalogue for e-learning products: development of a «European search engine» for courseware and learning objects

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobile learning per promuovere l'inclusione sociale

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Research paper thumbnail of Appendice. Schede di approfondimento

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Research paper thumbnail of Study and Analysis on the Student Response System Adoption: Experimentation in a Programming Course

Communications in computer and information science, 2022

Understanding the impact of different types of questions on learning is still an open problem in ... more Understanding the impact of different types of questions on learning is still an open problem in the literature. Many tools allow teachers to ask different kinds of questions, such as closed (multiple-choice, true/false, associations, etc.) and open (tag clouds, short notes). Our work aims to compare the effect of open and closed questions on student learning. To analyse the differences in learning results between the two types of question approaches, we carried an experiment in a Programming course (Programming 1 - Italian academic course in a Bachelor of Computer Science degree), dividing the students into two groups. During the first half of the course, we asked multiple-choice questions to the students in the first group, whereas we used an open-ended approach for the students of the second one. In the second part of the course, we inverted the modalities. For this work, carried out in the 2018/19 academic year, we used Mentimeter as Student Response System (SRS). We believe that identifying the right balance between explanation and verification and understanding the effects of the different evaluation types represent a significant contribution to the debate on formative evaluation in complex contexts. This contribution could be helpful in university classrooms where the high number of students does not allow easy interaction. Thanks to the data analysis and relative charts presented in this work, the authors share the learned lesson and offer several discussion points raising new questions that have to be addressed yet.

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Research paper thumbnail of Psychometric Validation of the Robotics Interest Questionnaire (RIQ) Scale with Italian Teachers

Journal of Science Education and Technology, Oct 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: Educational robotics as a tool to foster 21st century skills

Frontiers in Education, Mar 29, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Je-LKS The Italian e-Learning Association Journal Società Italiana di e-Learning Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society Editor Editor in Chief Associate Editors Technical Editor English Language Editor General Editors

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Research paper thumbnail of Form@re-Open Journal per la formazione in rete Mobile devices to increase attention and improve learning

Il contributo presenta una ricerca svolta all'Università di Cagliari nel corso di due anni ac... more Il contributo presenta una ricerca svolta all'Università di Cagliari nel corso di due anni accademici tesa ad analizzare le potenzialità di una modalità di lezione basata sull'uso frequente di "domande e risposte" gestite attraverso tecnologie. Abbiamo cercato di capire se un approccio didattico più interattivo, facilitato da un'applicazione software basata su tecnologie mobili, riesca a migliorare il coinvolgimento degli studenti e i risultati di apprendimento, in un contesto caratterizzato da un elevato numero di partecipanti. L'obiettivo era quello di verificare l'impatto sui risultati di apprendimento, oltre all'accettazione ed all'apprezzamento da parte degli studenti, di una didattica frontale intervallata da domande di verifica e dalla conseguente analisi e discussione delle risposte. Nell'esperienza sono state comparate due diverse modalità di applicazione di questa metodologia: con e senza le tecnologie e, i risultati ottenuti, sono...

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Research paper thumbnail of Formazione in rete tra formale e informale. Verso l'e-learning 2.0

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Research paper thumbnail of Storia e principi delle tecnologie educative

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Research paper thumbnail of Le tecnologie educative. Criteri per una scelta basata su evidenze

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Research paper thumbnail of I rischi della Ricerca-Formazione

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[Research paper thumbnail of Interactive lessons in the university hall. Increase attention and participation using the students' devices (BYOD) [Lezioni interattive nell'aula universitaria. Aumentare l'attenzione e la partecipazione usando i dispositivi degli studenti (BYOD)]](

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Research paper thumbnail of E-Learning 2.0

Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Editoriale n.25

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Research paper thumbnail of Editoriale n.13

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Research paper thumbnail of Mente, Strumenti e Formazione. Complessita' e Problematicita' Del Rapporto Tra Pedagogia Ed Artefatti DI Mediazione

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Research paper thumbnail of Ambienti e Strumenti Per La Collaborazione in Rete : La Prospettiva Del CSCL

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Research paper thumbnail of Editoriale n.79

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Research paper thumbnail of Ensemble. Mobile Learning to Promote Social Inclusion

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Research paper thumbnail of A public, open and flexible catalogue for e-learning products: development of a «European search engine» for courseware and learning objects

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobile learning per promuovere l'inclusione sociale

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Research paper thumbnail of Appendice. Schede di approfondimento

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Research paper thumbnail of Study and Analysis on the Student Response System Adoption: Experimentation in a Programming Course

Communications in computer and information science, 2022

Understanding the impact of different types of questions on learning is still an open problem in ... more Understanding the impact of different types of questions on learning is still an open problem in the literature. Many tools allow teachers to ask different kinds of questions, such as closed (multiple-choice, true/false, associations, etc.) and open (tag clouds, short notes). Our work aims to compare the effect of open and closed questions on student learning. To analyse the differences in learning results between the two types of question approaches, we carried an experiment in a Programming course (Programming 1 - Italian academic course in a Bachelor of Computer Science degree), dividing the students into two groups. During the first half of the course, we asked multiple-choice questions to the students in the first group, whereas we used an open-ended approach for the students of the second one. In the second part of the course, we inverted the modalities. For this work, carried out in the 2018/19 academic year, we used Mentimeter as Student Response System (SRS). We believe that identifying the right balance between explanation and verification and understanding the effects of the different evaluation types represent a significant contribution to the debate on formative evaluation in complex contexts. This contribution could be helpful in university classrooms where the high number of students does not allow easy interaction. Thanks to the data analysis and relative charts presented in this work, the authors share the learned lesson and offer several discussion points raising new questions that have to be addressed yet.

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