Francesca De Vittor | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) (original) (raw)


Papers by Francesca De Vittor

Research paper thumbnail of Il Port State Control sulle navi delle ONG che prestano soccorso in mare: tutela della sicurezza della navigazione o ostacolo alle attività di soccorso?

Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2021

In its Recommendation on cooperation among Member States concerning operations carried out by ves... more In its Recommendation on cooperation among Member States concerning operations carried out by vessels owned or operated by private entities for the purpose of search and rescue activities, the European commission underlines that it is a matter of public policy that these vessels be suitably registered and properly equipped to meet the relevant safety and health requirements associated with SAR activities. Indeed, since 2020, almost all vessels operated by search and rescue NGOs in the Mediterranean Sea have been inspected and detained by Italian Authorities in accordance with the provisions of Paris Memorandum on Port State Control and European Directive 2009/16. This paper addresses de issue of the legitimacy of these inspections and subsequent ship detentions in the light of applicable European and international law. On the outcome of a deep analysis of the rules con-cerning vessels classification and statutory certification we conclude that international law does not provide specific requirements for private vessels engaged in SAR activities

Research paper thumbnail of Responsabilità degli Stati e dell’Unione europea nella conclusione e nell’esecuzione di ‘accordi’ per il controllo extraterritoriale della migrazione

Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2018

States and the European Union Responsibility for the Conclusion and the Execution of Extraterrito... more States and the European Union Responsibility for the Conclusion and the Execution of Extraterritorial Migration Control \u2018Agreements\u2019 This paper focuses on tree deals considered paradigmatic of the contemporary trend of cooperative extraterritorial migration control between European Union, Member States and Third Countries: the Memorandum of Understanding between Italy and Libya, the technical agreement between Italy and Tunisia, and the EU-Turkey Statement. These deals show the shift by both the European Union and Member Stats, among which Italy is taken as an example, towards an informal approach derogating from national and European law rules regarding competence to conclude treaties. After the analysis of the possible impact of such derogation on the legal nature of these deals, issues of responsibility of Italy and European Union for internationally wrongful acts committed by third countries in execution of cooperation agreement are addressed

Research paper thumbnail of Institutions de l'Union européenne et protection des migrants et des réfugiés

Research paper thumbnail of Il caso della nave Alan Kurdi : profili di diritto penale e internazionale in punto di omessa assegnazione di un porto sicuro

Il contributo esamina i profili di diritto penale e internazionale della vicenda della nave Alan ... more Il contributo esamina i profili di diritto penale e internazionale della vicenda della nave Alan Kurdi della ONG Sea Eye, battente bandiera tedesca, che aveva soccorso un gruppo di persone a bordo di un gommone in difficolt\ue0 in area SAR libica e subito dopo aveva richiesto (invano) alle autorit\ue0 marittime italiane il permesso di attraccare in un porto della Penisola. In particolare, si analizza il decreto con il quale il Collegio per i reati ministeriali presso il Tribunale di Roma ha disposto l\u2019archiviazione del procedimento penale nei confronti del Ministro dell\u2019Interno pro tempore e del suo Capo di Gabinetto, in relazione ai reati di rifiuto di atti d\u2019ufficio (art. 328, comma 1 c.p.), abuso d\u2019ufficio (art. 323 c.p.) e omissione di soccorso in mare (art. 1113 cod. nav.). Gli autori ricostruiscono la normativa internazionale applicabile a fronte della richiesta di assegnazione di un porto sicuro, formulando nelle conclusioni alcune riserve sui contenuti del provvedimento

Research paper thumbnail of Migrant Children's Right to Education

In the light of the assessment that \u201cEducation is both a human right in itself and an indisp... more In the light of the assessment that \u201cEducation is both a human right in itself and an indispensable means of realizing other human rights\u201d (CESCR, General Comment No. 13, 1999), the paper focuses on the obligation imposed by human rights treaties to provide full access to education to migrant children, irrespective of their status or the status of their parents. After a comprehensive analysis of the European and international legal framework of the right to education, particularly dealing with positive obligations, the paper evaluate different practices of integration (or non-integration) of foreign students into primary and secondary school in Europe, assessing their conformity with human right obligations of states. Particula attention is payed to the role of human rights courts and bodies

Research paper thumbnail of L’apport des Tribunaux pénaux internationaux à la définition du crime de torture

Research paper thumbnail of Migrazioni, frontiere e tutela dei diritti dello straniero: il controllo dei confini nella giurisprudenza recente della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo

I fenomeni migratori sono un banco di prova importante per i sistemi di garanzia dei diritti uman... more I fenomeni migratori sono un banco di prova importante per i sistemi di garanzia dei diritti umani. Gli organi di tutela si sono infatti spesso confrontati con il difficile bilanciamento tra il diritto individuale di migrare e il diritto degli Stati di controllare le proprie frontiere. In quest\u2019ambito la Corte europea dei diritti dell\u2019uomo ha tradizionalmente ricostruito la tutela dei diritti degli stranieri in termini di eccezione al diritto sovrano dello Stato di limitare l\u2019accesso al territorio dei non cittadini. Siffatto percorso argomentativo ha condotto, soprattutto nella giurisprudenza pi\uf9 recente, ad una relativizzazione dei diritti fondamentali che non appare sempre coerente con i principi posti a fondamento del sistema stesso.Migration, Borders and the Protection of Aliens\u2019 Rights: Border Control in the Recent Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights Migration is an important test for human rights systems. Treaty bodies often face a difficult balance between individual freedom of movement and the right of states to control their borders. In this context, the European Court of Human Rights has traditionally established the protection of aliens\u2019 rights as an exception to the sovereign right to control the entry of non-nationals into a territory. This argument has led, especially in the most recent case law, to a relativisation of fundamental rights that does not always appear to be consistent with the underlying principles of the system itself

Research paper thumbnail of Rescue at Sea and Facilitation of Illegal Immigration: Seizure and Release of the Open Arms Vessel

Research paper thumbnail of Port State Control on NGOs Vessels Engaged in Rescue at Sea: Maritime Safety Protection or Obstacle to SAR Activities?

Research paper thumbnail of Immunità di Stati stranieri e dei loro organi dalla giurisdizione e violazioni dei diritti dell'uomo: il caso Jones, Mitchell and others

Research paper thumbnail of Distributing Responsibility between Shipmasters and the Different States Involved in SAR Disasters

The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online, 2019

The duty to save life at sea can today be considered a rule of general inter- national law. Howev... more The duty to save life at sea can today be considered a rule of general inter- national law. However, the concept of \u201cduty to save life at sea\u201d hides a complex web of international regulations, scattered across several treaties providing obli- gations both for shipmasters and a plurality of States (namely flag States, coastal States, States receiving distress signals, etc.). This paper addresses the question of the respective responsibility of the different subjects involved in search and res- cue activities. After a short introduction to the evolution of international law in this field, the paper investigates the relationship between shipmasters and States. This first part of the study shows that there are cases in which a shipmaster\u2019s conduct can be attributed to a State, and that, even in case of non-attribution, the \u201cfact\u201d that a shipmaster\u2019s conduct violates the duty to rescue can \u201creveal\u201d a wrongful act by one or more States. The analysis proceeds to the relationships between the different States involved in rescue activities, highlighting how differ- ent degrees of liability may co-exist, the sources of which can lie in the violation of either different obligations or a common obligation to cooperate

Research paper thumbnail of Sviluppo psicofisico del minore e controllo dell’immigrazione clandestina: il bilanciamento operato dalla Corte di cassazione

Il contributo propone un'analisi critica della giurisprudenza della Corte di cassazione itali... more Il contributo propone un'analisi critica della giurisprudenza della Corte di cassazione italiana in materia di diritto all'unit\ue0 familiare alla luce del diritto internazionale e costituzionale pertinente

Research paper thumbnail of La doctrine europ�enne

Research paper thumbnail of Recenti sviluppi in tema di immunità degli Stati dalla giurisdizione: la Convenzione di New York del 2 dicembre 2004

Si tratta dello stesso testo pubblicato nel volume "Le immunita nel diritto internazionale&q... more Si tratta dello stesso testo pubblicato nel volume "Le immunita nel diritto internazionale"

Research paper thumbnail of Corte di Cassazione (Sezioni Unite), 12 November 2003 No. 17087 (order) Association of Italian Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta v. Spatini

The comment analyses the issue of sovereign immunity recognized by Italian courts to de Sovereign... more The comment analyses the issue of sovereign immunity recognized by Italian courts to de Sovereign Military Order of Malta in labour matter

Research paper thumbnail of La presenza del pubblico ufficiale quale elemento della definizione del crimine di tortura: in margine al caso Kunarac

The study analyses the question of the definition of torture in international law. Despite the fa... more The study analyses the question of the definition of torture in international law. Despite the fact that the UN Convention against torture requires \u201cthe consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity\u201d, the study argues that this limitation is no longer valuable in customary international law

Research paper thumbnail of Il diritto di traversare il Mediterraneo... o quantomeno di provarci

European Institutions and the Italian Government in order to prevent deaths at sea. A number of i... more European Institutions and the Italian Government in order to prevent deaths at sea. A number of im-portant documents and proposals have been adopted by European Union institutions, while the Ital-ian Government has set the military and humanitarian operation Mare Nostrum. As any State activity affecting fundamental rights, the control of migrations by sea, the management of rescue operations, and the prevention and repression of smuggling and trafficking in human beings, should be embedded in a clear framework of legal safeguards and procedural standards. This study tends to assess the parameters with which the actions of the Italian State and the European Union must be framed. Firstly, attention is paid to the determination of the place of safety for disembarkation, which is deemed to be necessarily an Italian port. Secondly, it is argued that the prohibition of collec-tive expulsion guarantees to people rescued at sea the right to have their personal situation examined with the same procedures as those provided to people who reach the territory by land. Finally, the le-gitimacy of policies preventing emigration from the country of origin and transit of migrants is chal-lenged under the light of the right of everyone to leave any country

Research paper thumbnail of Note: Corte di Cassazione (Sezioni Unite Civili), 23 June 2005, No. 20995 (judgment), Pistelli v. European University Institute

The note concerns a decision of the Italian Supreme Court holding that the European University In... more The note concerns a decision of the Italian Supreme Court holding that the European University Institute is immune from suit in relation to employment disputes. According to the Court, the fact that the European University Institute has been granted legal personality under both national and international law, does not itself allow it to be assimilated to a foreign State

Research paper thumbnail of Concorrenza sleale, provvedimenti cautelari e astreinte

L'articolo commenta un'ordinanza del Tribunale di Ancona relativa alla vicenda della \u20... more L'articolo commenta un'ordinanza del Tribunale di Ancona relativa alla vicenda della \u201cvendita in tandem\u201d dei quotidiani \u201cIl Messaggero\u201d e \u201cIl Corriere Adriatico\u201d. L'articolo non si occupa tuttavia della questione relativa alla valutazione dell\u2019illecito concorrenziale, quanto la decisione in merito alla richiesta di astreinte rigettata dal giudice

Research paper thumbnail of Soccorso in mare e rimpatri in Libia: tra diritto del mare e tutela internazionale dei diritti dell'uomo

Rivista Di Diritto Internazionale, 2009

Il contributo offre un'alisi critica delle politiche italiane di respingimento dei migranti s... more Il contributo offre un'alisi critica delle politiche italiane di respingimento dei migranti soccorsi o intercettati in alto mare. L'analisi valuta la questione sia dal punto di vista dl diritto internazionale marittimo sia dei diritti umani

Research paper thumbnail of Il Port State Control sulle navi delle ONG che prestano soccorso in mare: tutela della sicurezza della navigazione o ostacolo alle attività di soccorso?

Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2021

In its Recommendation on cooperation among Member States concerning operations carried out by ves... more In its Recommendation on cooperation among Member States concerning operations carried out by vessels owned or operated by private entities for the purpose of search and rescue activities, the European commission underlines that it is a matter of public policy that these vessels be suitably registered and properly equipped to meet the relevant safety and health requirements associated with SAR activities. Indeed, since 2020, almost all vessels operated by search and rescue NGOs in the Mediterranean Sea have been inspected and detained by Italian Authorities in accordance with the provisions of Paris Memorandum on Port State Control and European Directive 2009/16. This paper addresses de issue of the legitimacy of these inspections and subsequent ship detentions in the light of applicable European and international law. On the outcome of a deep analysis of the rules con-cerning vessels classification and statutory certification we conclude that international law does not provide specific requirements for private vessels engaged in SAR activities

Research paper thumbnail of Responsabilità degli Stati e dell’Unione europea nella conclusione e nell’esecuzione di ‘accordi’ per il controllo extraterritoriale della migrazione

Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2018

States and the European Union Responsibility for the Conclusion and the Execution of Extraterrito... more States and the European Union Responsibility for the Conclusion and the Execution of Extraterritorial Migration Control \u2018Agreements\u2019 This paper focuses on tree deals considered paradigmatic of the contemporary trend of cooperative extraterritorial migration control between European Union, Member States and Third Countries: the Memorandum of Understanding between Italy and Libya, the technical agreement between Italy and Tunisia, and the EU-Turkey Statement. These deals show the shift by both the European Union and Member Stats, among which Italy is taken as an example, towards an informal approach derogating from national and European law rules regarding competence to conclude treaties. After the analysis of the possible impact of such derogation on the legal nature of these deals, issues of responsibility of Italy and European Union for internationally wrongful acts committed by third countries in execution of cooperation agreement are addressed

Research paper thumbnail of Institutions de l'Union européenne et protection des migrants et des réfugiés

Research paper thumbnail of Il caso della nave Alan Kurdi : profili di diritto penale e internazionale in punto di omessa assegnazione di un porto sicuro

Il contributo esamina i profili di diritto penale e internazionale della vicenda della nave Alan ... more Il contributo esamina i profili di diritto penale e internazionale della vicenda della nave Alan Kurdi della ONG Sea Eye, battente bandiera tedesca, che aveva soccorso un gruppo di persone a bordo di un gommone in difficolt\ue0 in area SAR libica e subito dopo aveva richiesto (invano) alle autorit\ue0 marittime italiane il permesso di attraccare in un porto della Penisola. In particolare, si analizza il decreto con il quale il Collegio per i reati ministeriali presso il Tribunale di Roma ha disposto l\u2019archiviazione del procedimento penale nei confronti del Ministro dell\u2019Interno pro tempore e del suo Capo di Gabinetto, in relazione ai reati di rifiuto di atti d\u2019ufficio (art. 328, comma 1 c.p.), abuso d\u2019ufficio (art. 323 c.p.) e omissione di soccorso in mare (art. 1113 cod. nav.). Gli autori ricostruiscono la normativa internazionale applicabile a fronte della richiesta di assegnazione di un porto sicuro, formulando nelle conclusioni alcune riserve sui contenuti del provvedimento

Research paper thumbnail of Migrant Children's Right to Education

In the light of the assessment that \u201cEducation is both a human right in itself and an indisp... more In the light of the assessment that \u201cEducation is both a human right in itself and an indispensable means of realizing other human rights\u201d (CESCR, General Comment No. 13, 1999), the paper focuses on the obligation imposed by human rights treaties to provide full access to education to migrant children, irrespective of their status or the status of their parents. After a comprehensive analysis of the European and international legal framework of the right to education, particularly dealing with positive obligations, the paper evaluate different practices of integration (or non-integration) of foreign students into primary and secondary school in Europe, assessing their conformity with human right obligations of states. Particula attention is payed to the role of human rights courts and bodies

Research paper thumbnail of L’apport des Tribunaux pénaux internationaux à la définition du crime de torture

Research paper thumbnail of Migrazioni, frontiere e tutela dei diritti dello straniero: il controllo dei confini nella giurisprudenza recente della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo

I fenomeni migratori sono un banco di prova importante per i sistemi di garanzia dei diritti uman... more I fenomeni migratori sono un banco di prova importante per i sistemi di garanzia dei diritti umani. Gli organi di tutela si sono infatti spesso confrontati con il difficile bilanciamento tra il diritto individuale di migrare e il diritto degli Stati di controllare le proprie frontiere. In quest\u2019ambito la Corte europea dei diritti dell\u2019uomo ha tradizionalmente ricostruito la tutela dei diritti degli stranieri in termini di eccezione al diritto sovrano dello Stato di limitare l\u2019accesso al territorio dei non cittadini. Siffatto percorso argomentativo ha condotto, soprattutto nella giurisprudenza pi\uf9 recente, ad una relativizzazione dei diritti fondamentali che non appare sempre coerente con i principi posti a fondamento del sistema stesso.Migration, Borders and the Protection of Aliens\u2019 Rights: Border Control in the Recent Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights Migration is an important test for human rights systems. Treaty bodies often face a difficult balance between individual freedom of movement and the right of states to control their borders. In this context, the European Court of Human Rights has traditionally established the protection of aliens\u2019 rights as an exception to the sovereign right to control the entry of non-nationals into a territory. This argument has led, especially in the most recent case law, to a relativisation of fundamental rights that does not always appear to be consistent with the underlying principles of the system itself

Research paper thumbnail of Rescue at Sea and Facilitation of Illegal Immigration: Seizure and Release of the Open Arms Vessel

Research paper thumbnail of Port State Control on NGOs Vessels Engaged in Rescue at Sea: Maritime Safety Protection or Obstacle to SAR Activities?

Research paper thumbnail of Immunità di Stati stranieri e dei loro organi dalla giurisdizione e violazioni dei diritti dell'uomo: il caso Jones, Mitchell and others

Research paper thumbnail of Distributing Responsibility between Shipmasters and the Different States Involved in SAR Disasters

The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online, 2019

The duty to save life at sea can today be considered a rule of general inter- national law. Howev... more The duty to save life at sea can today be considered a rule of general inter- national law. However, the concept of \u201cduty to save life at sea\u201d hides a complex web of international regulations, scattered across several treaties providing obli- gations both for shipmasters and a plurality of States (namely flag States, coastal States, States receiving distress signals, etc.). This paper addresses the question of the respective responsibility of the different subjects involved in search and res- cue activities. After a short introduction to the evolution of international law in this field, the paper investigates the relationship between shipmasters and States. This first part of the study shows that there are cases in which a shipmaster\u2019s conduct can be attributed to a State, and that, even in case of non-attribution, the \u201cfact\u201d that a shipmaster\u2019s conduct violates the duty to rescue can \u201creveal\u201d a wrongful act by one or more States. The analysis proceeds to the relationships between the different States involved in rescue activities, highlighting how differ- ent degrees of liability may co-exist, the sources of which can lie in the violation of either different obligations or a common obligation to cooperate

Research paper thumbnail of Sviluppo psicofisico del minore e controllo dell’immigrazione clandestina: il bilanciamento operato dalla Corte di cassazione

Il contributo propone un'analisi critica della giurisprudenza della Corte di cassazione itali... more Il contributo propone un'analisi critica della giurisprudenza della Corte di cassazione italiana in materia di diritto all'unit\ue0 familiare alla luce del diritto internazionale e costituzionale pertinente

Research paper thumbnail of La doctrine europ�enne

Research paper thumbnail of Recenti sviluppi in tema di immunità degli Stati dalla giurisdizione: la Convenzione di New York del 2 dicembre 2004

Si tratta dello stesso testo pubblicato nel volume "Le immunita nel diritto internazionale&q... more Si tratta dello stesso testo pubblicato nel volume "Le immunita nel diritto internazionale"

Research paper thumbnail of Corte di Cassazione (Sezioni Unite), 12 November 2003 No. 17087 (order) Association of Italian Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta v. Spatini

The comment analyses the issue of sovereign immunity recognized by Italian courts to de Sovereign... more The comment analyses the issue of sovereign immunity recognized by Italian courts to de Sovereign Military Order of Malta in labour matter

Research paper thumbnail of La presenza del pubblico ufficiale quale elemento della definizione del crimine di tortura: in margine al caso Kunarac

The study analyses the question of the definition of torture in international law. Despite the fa... more The study analyses the question of the definition of torture in international law. Despite the fact that the UN Convention against torture requires \u201cthe consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity\u201d, the study argues that this limitation is no longer valuable in customary international law

Research paper thumbnail of Il diritto di traversare il Mediterraneo... o quantomeno di provarci

European Institutions and the Italian Government in order to prevent deaths at sea. A number of i... more European Institutions and the Italian Government in order to prevent deaths at sea. A number of im-portant documents and proposals have been adopted by European Union institutions, while the Ital-ian Government has set the military and humanitarian operation Mare Nostrum. As any State activity affecting fundamental rights, the control of migrations by sea, the management of rescue operations, and the prevention and repression of smuggling and trafficking in human beings, should be embedded in a clear framework of legal safeguards and procedural standards. This study tends to assess the parameters with which the actions of the Italian State and the European Union must be framed. Firstly, attention is paid to the determination of the place of safety for disembarkation, which is deemed to be necessarily an Italian port. Secondly, it is argued that the prohibition of collec-tive expulsion guarantees to people rescued at sea the right to have their personal situation examined with the same procedures as those provided to people who reach the territory by land. Finally, the le-gitimacy of policies preventing emigration from the country of origin and transit of migrants is chal-lenged under the light of the right of everyone to leave any country

Research paper thumbnail of Note: Corte di Cassazione (Sezioni Unite Civili), 23 June 2005, No. 20995 (judgment), Pistelli v. European University Institute

The note concerns a decision of the Italian Supreme Court holding that the European University In... more The note concerns a decision of the Italian Supreme Court holding that the European University Institute is immune from suit in relation to employment disputes. According to the Court, the fact that the European University Institute has been granted legal personality under both national and international law, does not itself allow it to be assimilated to a foreign State

Research paper thumbnail of Concorrenza sleale, provvedimenti cautelari e astreinte

L'articolo commenta un'ordinanza del Tribunale di Ancona relativa alla vicenda della \u20... more L'articolo commenta un'ordinanza del Tribunale di Ancona relativa alla vicenda della \u201cvendita in tandem\u201d dei quotidiani \u201cIl Messaggero\u201d e \u201cIl Corriere Adriatico\u201d. L'articolo non si occupa tuttavia della questione relativa alla valutazione dell\u2019illecito concorrenziale, quanto la decisione in merito alla richiesta di astreinte rigettata dal giudice

Research paper thumbnail of Soccorso in mare e rimpatri in Libia: tra diritto del mare e tutela internazionale dei diritti dell'uomo

Rivista Di Diritto Internazionale, 2009

Il contributo offre un'alisi critica delle politiche italiane di respingimento dei migranti s... more Il contributo offre un'alisi critica delle politiche italiane di respingimento dei migranti soccorsi o intercettati in alto mare. L'analisi valuta la questione sia dal punto di vista dl diritto internazionale marittimo sia dei diritti umani