Stéphane M Schneider | University of Nice (original) (raw)

Papers by Stéphane M Schneider

Research paper thumbnail of ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: Geriatrics

Clinical Nutrition, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Omega-3 fatty acids for mother and child health | Les acides gras essentiels de la famille des oméga-3 et la santé de la mère et de l'enfant

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Research paper thumbnail of ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in dementia

Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), Jan 25, 2015

Older people suffering from dementia are at increased risk of malnutrition due to various nutriti... more Older people suffering from dementia are at increased risk of malnutrition due to various nutritional problems, and the question arises which interventions are effective in maintaining adequate nutritional intake and nutritional status in the course of the disease. It is of further interest whether supplementation of energy and/or specific nutrients is able to prevent further cognitive decline or even correct cognitive impairment, and in which situations artificial nutritional support is justified. It is the purpose of these guidelines to cover these issues with evidence-based recommendations. The guidelines were developed by an international multidisciplinary working group in accordance with officially accepted standards. The GRADE system was used for assigning strength of evidence. Recommendations were discussed, submitted to Delphi rounds and accepted in an online survey among ESPEN members. 26 recommendations for nutritional care of older persons with dementia are given. In ever...

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Research paper thumbnail of Economy matters to Fight Against Malnutrition: results from a multicenter survey

Clinical Nutrition, 2015

Malnutrition represents a serious health care threat, as it increases morbidity, mortality and he... more Malnutrition represents a serious health care threat, as it increases morbidity, mortality and health care cost. The effective screening and treatment with enteral (EN) or parenteral (PN) nutrition are the key elements of the policy called Optimal Nutrition Care for All (ONCA). The study tried to analyze the impact of the state's economy on the implementation of EN and PN to define its role in ONCA. an international survey in twenty two European countries was performed between January and December 2014. An electronic questionnaire was distributed to 22 representatives of clinical nutrition (PEN) societies. The questionnaire comprised questions regarding country economy, reimbursement, education and the use EN and PN. Return rate was 90.1% (n = 20). EN and PN were used in all countries surveyed (100%), but to different extent. The country's income significantly influenced the reimbursement for EN and PN (p < 0.05). It was also associated with the overall use of tube feeding and PN (p = 0.05), but not with the use of oral nutritional supplements (p = 0.165). The use of both, EN and PN at hospitals was not depended on the economy (p > 0.05). Education was actively carried out in all countries, however the teaching at the pre-graduate level was the least widespread, and also correlated with the country income (p = 0.042). Results indicated that economic situation influences all aspects of ONCA, including education and treatment. The reimbursement for EN and PN seemed to be the key factor of effective campaign against malnutrition.

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Research paper thumbnail of P010 Le test d’hypercitrullinémie provoquée dans le grêle court anatomique chez le porc

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 2007

ABSTRACT Introduction et but de l’étude Un certain nombre de parameters contribuent à prédire le ... more ABSTRACT Introduction et but de l’étude Un certain nombre de parameters contribuent à prédire le caractère permanent d’une insuffisance intestinale : les conditions anatomiques, la durée sous nutrition parentérale, et les taux plasmatiques de citrulline dont la valeur pronostique dans le grêle court anatomique a été démontrée. Or, la valeur pronostique de la citrullinémie est difficile à établir dans près de 20% des cas. Le but de cette étude a été de tenter de mettre au point chez le porc une sensibilisation du dosage de la citrullinémie qui est un test statique, au moyen d’une épreuve dynamique après administration d’un précurseur de la citrulline dans une situation de grêle court anatomique. Matériel et méthodes Six porcs pesant entre 20 et 25 kg ont été utilisés. Après un jeûne de 24 heures, les animaux ont subi sous anesthésie générale une résection intestinale emportant 70 % du grêle et conservant les 5 mètres proximaux du jéjunum. A partir du deuxième jour post-opératoire, chaque porc a reçu de façon randomisée, en bolus par la sonde de gastrostomie, 200 mL d’une solution à base de glutamine (5g), ou d’arginine (5g), ou de chlorure de sodium, chacune à au moins deux jours d’intervalle. Des dosages plasmatiques de citrulline ont été réalisés avant (T0) l’administration de la solution, puis à 15 (T1), 30 (T2), 45 (T3), 60 (T4), 90 (T5), 120 (T6), 180 (T7), 240 (T8), 360 (T9) minutes du bolus. L’analyse statistique a été réalisée par des tests non-paramétriques. Les aires sous la courbe ont été calculées pour chaque solution. Résultats La valeur à T0 de la citrullinémie après resection intestinale était de 30,0±10,9μmol/L, 27,6±5,8μmol/L, et 29,6±10,6μmol/L avant l’administration de l’arginine, du chlorure de sodium, et de la glutamine respectivement (NS). Après administration des solutions étudiées, à tous les temps prélevés, il n’y a pas eu d’augmentation significative de la citrullinémie par rapport à T0. La citrullinémie à T9, qui correspond à près de deux fois la demi-vie de la citrulline, était de 28,3±10,2μmol/L après administration de glutamine et de 22,1±3,9μmol/L avec le chlorure de sodium (NS). L’administration d’arginine n’a pas entraîné d’augmentation de la citrullinémie, mais une diminution significative du taux plasmatique de citrulline à T9 par rapport à la valeur à T0 (28,6±8,4μmol/ L; p=0,03). Il n’y avait pas d’effet d’ordre. Les aires sous la courbe n’ont pas différé entre les trois solutions. Conclusions Notre étude suggère que l’administration orale de 5g de glutamine ou d’arginine n’entraîne pas d’augmentation de la citrullinémie. Nos résultats diffèrent de ceux obtenus par d’autres auteurs, lorsque l’intestin grêle est sain et intact, chez le rat et chez l’homme. Cette incapacité à stimuler la citrullinémie pourrait être liée à une résection intestinale trop importante, à une dose insuffisante de précurseurs, et, pour la glutamine, à une sequestration intestinale liée à l’adaptation intestinale.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diarrhea and enteral nutrition in clinical practice | Conduite pratique devant une diarrhée en nutrition entérale


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Research paper thumbnail of Pose d’une sonde nasogastrique pour nutrition entérale

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 2009

ABSTRACT Export Date: 3 September 2012, Source: Scopus

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Research paper thumbnail of Taurine status and response to intravenous taurine supplementation in adults with short-bowel syndrome undergoing long-term parenteral nutrition: a pilot study

British Journal of Nutrition, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of age on substrate oxidation during total parenteral nutrition

Nutrition, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of steroids on diet-induced thermogenesis, and substrate oxidation in Crohn's disease

Gastroenterology, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of La greffe intestinale

Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2007

ABSTRACT Even though surgical techniques for isolated intestine, liver-intestine, and multiviscer... more ABSTRACT Even though surgical techniques for isolated intestine, liver-intestine, and multivisceral transplantations were developed in the 1960's, very few patients were transplanted before 1990 because initial immunosuppression regimens were insufficient, making intestine transplantation impossible. Intestine transplantation resulted in death in most patients within days or months. The discouraging results of the first clinical trials were due to technical complications, sepsis, and the failure of conventional immunosuppression to control rejection. By 1990 the development of tacrolimus-based immunosuppression and improved surgical techniques, the increased array of potent immunosuppressive medications, infection prophylaxis, and suitable patient selection helped improve actuarial graft and patient survival rates for all types of intestine transplantation. The aims of this review are to describe the current status of intestine transplantation including the underlying diseases and conditions that may be indications for intestine transplantation, to identify patient populations for this indication, to provide key steps for patient evaluation, to summarize current recommendations for immunosuppression, to list the most common postoperative complications, and to discuss the international experience of small bowel transplantation compiled and analyzed by the International Intestine Transplant Registry since 1985.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nutritional consequences and nutrition therapy in Crohn's disease

Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2009

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Clinical Nutrition Supplements, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of body composition during weight loss in elderly malnourished patients: A longitudinal study

Clinical Nutrition, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Food intake and micronutrient status in patients with Crohn's disease

Clinical Nutrition, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Faecal microbiota transplantation in recurrent Clostridium difficile infection: Recommendations from the French Group of Faecal microbiota Transplantation

Digestive and Liver Disease, 2015

Faecal microbiota transplantation is effective for treating recurrent forms of Clostridium diffic... more Faecal microbiota transplantation is effective for treating recurrent forms of Clostridium difficile infection and its use in this indication is recommended in the most recent European and North American guidelines. In this context, faecal microbiota transplantation is beginning to be performed in France in clinical practice, while the rules governing this procedure have been defined in France only for clinical trials. To unify, secure, and evaluate practice in this field in France, the French Group of Faecal microbiota Transplantation (FGFT) was created in October 2014 with the support of the French National Society of Gastroenterology, the French Infectious Disease Society, and the National Academy of Pharmacy. We present here the deliberations of this group regarding the use of faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. The issues addressed are the indications, therapeutic sequence, delivery procedures, donor selection, methods and conditions of specimen preparation, and traceability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Microbiota and enteral nutrition

Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2010

Enteral nutrition is a nutritional therapy that is used in up to 10% of hospitalized patients. It... more Enteral nutrition is a nutritional therapy that is used in up to 10% of hospitalized patients. It involves a dramatic change in the provision of nutrients to the intestine and this, along with metabolic stress and drugs used, is responsible for a marked dysbiosis. Even though there is a huge level of between-subject variability, this dysbiosis is characterized by a decrease in the dominant flora, an increase in potentially pathogenic microorganisms and a reduction in the number of individual strains. The main characteristic of these changes in the microbiota is diarrhea, which has many consequences in these patients. Saccharomyces boulardii is able to prevent enteral nutrition-associated diarrhea, probably through an increase in short-chain fatty acid production. Alongside its role in the onset and prevention of diarrhea, the microbiota may be involved in energy harvesting and changes in the nutritional status. Manipulations of the microbiota may therefore be a novel way to increase feeding efficiency in tube-fed patients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nutrition entérale et microbiote

Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2010

ABSTRACT Enteral nutrition is a nutritional therapy that is used in up to 10% of hospitalized pat... more ABSTRACT Enteral nutrition is a nutritional therapy that is used in up to 10% of hospitalized patients. It represents a dramatic change in the provision of nutrients to the intestine and this, along with metabolic stress and drugs used, is responsible for a marked dysbiosis. Even though there is a huge between-subject variability, this dysbiosis is characterized by a decrease in the dominant flora, an increase in potentially pathogen microorganisms and a reduction in the number of individual strains. The main characteristic of these changes in the microbiota is diarrhea, which has many consequences in these patients. Saccharomyces boulardii is able to prevent enteral nutrition-associated diarrhea, probably through an increase in short-chain fatty acid production. Alongside its role in the onset and prevention of diarrhea, the microbiota may be involved in energy harvest and changes in the nutritional status. Manipulations of the microbiota may therefore be a novel way to increase feeding efficiency in tube-fed patients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Which lipid in artificial nutrition? A statement synthesis from The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism guidelines

Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011

ABSTRACT Lipids are indispensable in artificial nutrition, not only because of their high energy ... more ABSTRACT Lipids are indispensable in artificial nutrition, not only because of their high energy density that allows a volume reduction as well as a limitation of carbohydrate provision, but also because they reduce osmolarity of the formulas, provide essential fatty acids, enhance the bioavailability of fat-soluble vitamins and because of their pharmacological properties, including effects on inflammation and the immune response. First generation formulas in parenteral nutrition are based on soybean/safflower oils. New generations include olive oil, medium-chain/structured triglycerides and fish oil. Their respective indications are not clearly defined, but are a basis for individualized nutritional support. Recent ESPEN guidelines in enteral and parenteral nutrition provide useful information on their use in specific situations. KeywordsLipid–Enteral nutrition–Parenteral nutrition–Omega-3–Omega-6–Fish oil–Olive oil–Medium-chain triglycerides

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Research paper thumbnail of Métabolisme et apports en acides aminés chez le sujet âgé

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: Geriatrics

Clinical Nutrition, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Omega-3 fatty acids for mother and child health | Les acides gras essentiels de la famille des oméga-3 et la santé de la mère et de l'enfant

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Research paper thumbnail of ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in dementia

Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), Jan 25, 2015

Older people suffering from dementia are at increased risk of malnutrition due to various nutriti... more Older people suffering from dementia are at increased risk of malnutrition due to various nutritional problems, and the question arises which interventions are effective in maintaining adequate nutritional intake and nutritional status in the course of the disease. It is of further interest whether supplementation of energy and/or specific nutrients is able to prevent further cognitive decline or even correct cognitive impairment, and in which situations artificial nutritional support is justified. It is the purpose of these guidelines to cover these issues with evidence-based recommendations. The guidelines were developed by an international multidisciplinary working group in accordance with officially accepted standards. The GRADE system was used for assigning strength of evidence. Recommendations were discussed, submitted to Delphi rounds and accepted in an online survey among ESPEN members. 26 recommendations for nutritional care of older persons with dementia are given. In ever...

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Research paper thumbnail of Economy matters to Fight Against Malnutrition: results from a multicenter survey

Clinical Nutrition, 2015

Malnutrition represents a serious health care threat, as it increases morbidity, mortality and he... more Malnutrition represents a serious health care threat, as it increases morbidity, mortality and health care cost. The effective screening and treatment with enteral (EN) or parenteral (PN) nutrition are the key elements of the policy called Optimal Nutrition Care for All (ONCA). The study tried to analyze the impact of the state's economy on the implementation of EN and PN to define its role in ONCA. an international survey in twenty two European countries was performed between January and December 2014. An electronic questionnaire was distributed to 22 representatives of clinical nutrition (PEN) societies. The questionnaire comprised questions regarding country economy, reimbursement, education and the use EN and PN. Return rate was 90.1% (n = 20). EN and PN were used in all countries surveyed (100%), but to different extent. The country's income significantly influenced the reimbursement for EN and PN (p < 0.05). It was also associated with the overall use of tube feeding and PN (p = 0.05), but not with the use of oral nutritional supplements (p = 0.165). The use of both, EN and PN at hospitals was not depended on the economy (p > 0.05). Education was actively carried out in all countries, however the teaching at the pre-graduate level was the least widespread, and also correlated with the country income (p = 0.042). Results indicated that economic situation influences all aspects of ONCA, including education and treatment. The reimbursement for EN and PN seemed to be the key factor of effective campaign against malnutrition.

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Research paper thumbnail of P010 Le test d’hypercitrullinémie provoquée dans le grêle court anatomique chez le porc

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 2007

ABSTRACT Introduction et but de l’étude Un certain nombre de parameters contribuent à prédire le ... more ABSTRACT Introduction et but de l’étude Un certain nombre de parameters contribuent à prédire le caractère permanent d’une insuffisance intestinale : les conditions anatomiques, la durée sous nutrition parentérale, et les taux plasmatiques de citrulline dont la valeur pronostique dans le grêle court anatomique a été démontrée. Or, la valeur pronostique de la citrullinémie est difficile à établir dans près de 20% des cas. Le but de cette étude a été de tenter de mettre au point chez le porc une sensibilisation du dosage de la citrullinémie qui est un test statique, au moyen d’une épreuve dynamique après administration d’un précurseur de la citrulline dans une situation de grêle court anatomique. Matériel et méthodes Six porcs pesant entre 20 et 25 kg ont été utilisés. Après un jeûne de 24 heures, les animaux ont subi sous anesthésie générale une résection intestinale emportant 70 % du grêle et conservant les 5 mètres proximaux du jéjunum. A partir du deuxième jour post-opératoire, chaque porc a reçu de façon randomisée, en bolus par la sonde de gastrostomie, 200 mL d’une solution à base de glutamine (5g), ou d’arginine (5g), ou de chlorure de sodium, chacune à au moins deux jours d’intervalle. Des dosages plasmatiques de citrulline ont été réalisés avant (T0) l’administration de la solution, puis à 15 (T1), 30 (T2), 45 (T3), 60 (T4), 90 (T5), 120 (T6), 180 (T7), 240 (T8), 360 (T9) minutes du bolus. L’analyse statistique a été réalisée par des tests non-paramétriques. Les aires sous la courbe ont été calculées pour chaque solution. Résultats La valeur à T0 de la citrullinémie après resection intestinale était de 30,0±10,9μmol/L, 27,6±5,8μmol/L, et 29,6±10,6μmol/L avant l’administration de l’arginine, du chlorure de sodium, et de la glutamine respectivement (NS). Après administration des solutions étudiées, à tous les temps prélevés, il n’y a pas eu d’augmentation significative de la citrullinémie par rapport à T0. La citrullinémie à T9, qui correspond à près de deux fois la demi-vie de la citrulline, était de 28,3±10,2μmol/L après administration de glutamine et de 22,1±3,9μmol/L avec le chlorure de sodium (NS). L’administration d’arginine n’a pas entraîné d’augmentation de la citrullinémie, mais une diminution significative du taux plasmatique de citrulline à T9 par rapport à la valeur à T0 (28,6±8,4μmol/ L; p=0,03). Il n’y avait pas d’effet d’ordre. Les aires sous la courbe n’ont pas différé entre les trois solutions. Conclusions Notre étude suggère que l’administration orale de 5g de glutamine ou d’arginine n’entraîne pas d’augmentation de la citrullinémie. Nos résultats diffèrent de ceux obtenus par d’autres auteurs, lorsque l’intestin grêle est sain et intact, chez le rat et chez l’homme. Cette incapacité à stimuler la citrullinémie pourrait être liée à une résection intestinale trop importante, à une dose insuffisante de précurseurs, et, pour la glutamine, à une sequestration intestinale liée à l’adaptation intestinale.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diarrhea and enteral nutrition in clinical practice | Conduite pratique devant une diarrhée en nutrition entérale


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Research paper thumbnail of Pose d’une sonde nasogastrique pour nutrition entérale

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 2009

ABSTRACT Export Date: 3 September 2012, Source: Scopus

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Research paper thumbnail of Taurine status and response to intravenous taurine supplementation in adults with short-bowel syndrome undergoing long-term parenteral nutrition: a pilot study

British Journal of Nutrition, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of age on substrate oxidation during total parenteral nutrition

Nutrition, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of steroids on diet-induced thermogenesis, and substrate oxidation in Crohn's disease

Gastroenterology, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of La greffe intestinale

Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2007

ABSTRACT Even though surgical techniques for isolated intestine, liver-intestine, and multiviscer... more ABSTRACT Even though surgical techniques for isolated intestine, liver-intestine, and multivisceral transplantations were developed in the 1960's, very few patients were transplanted before 1990 because initial immunosuppression regimens were insufficient, making intestine transplantation impossible. Intestine transplantation resulted in death in most patients within days or months. The discouraging results of the first clinical trials were due to technical complications, sepsis, and the failure of conventional immunosuppression to control rejection. By 1990 the development of tacrolimus-based immunosuppression and improved surgical techniques, the increased array of potent immunosuppressive medications, infection prophylaxis, and suitable patient selection helped improve actuarial graft and patient survival rates for all types of intestine transplantation. The aims of this review are to describe the current status of intestine transplantation including the underlying diseases and conditions that may be indications for intestine transplantation, to identify patient populations for this indication, to provide key steps for patient evaluation, to summarize current recommendations for immunosuppression, to list the most common postoperative complications, and to discuss the international experience of small bowel transplantation compiled and analyzed by the International Intestine Transplant Registry since 1985.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nutritional consequences and nutrition therapy in Crohn's disease

Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2009

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Clinical Nutrition Supplements, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of body composition during weight loss in elderly malnourished patients: A longitudinal study

Clinical Nutrition, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Food intake and micronutrient status in patients with Crohn's disease

Clinical Nutrition, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Faecal microbiota transplantation in recurrent Clostridium difficile infection: Recommendations from the French Group of Faecal microbiota Transplantation

Digestive and Liver Disease, 2015

Faecal microbiota transplantation is effective for treating recurrent forms of Clostridium diffic... more Faecal microbiota transplantation is effective for treating recurrent forms of Clostridium difficile infection and its use in this indication is recommended in the most recent European and North American guidelines. In this context, faecal microbiota transplantation is beginning to be performed in France in clinical practice, while the rules governing this procedure have been defined in France only for clinical trials. To unify, secure, and evaluate practice in this field in France, the French Group of Faecal microbiota Transplantation (FGFT) was created in October 2014 with the support of the French National Society of Gastroenterology, the French Infectious Disease Society, and the National Academy of Pharmacy. We present here the deliberations of this group regarding the use of faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. The issues addressed are the indications, therapeutic sequence, delivery procedures, donor selection, methods and conditions of specimen preparation, and traceability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Microbiota and enteral nutrition

Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2010

Enteral nutrition is a nutritional therapy that is used in up to 10% of hospitalized patients. It... more Enteral nutrition is a nutritional therapy that is used in up to 10% of hospitalized patients. It involves a dramatic change in the provision of nutrients to the intestine and this, along with metabolic stress and drugs used, is responsible for a marked dysbiosis. Even though there is a huge level of between-subject variability, this dysbiosis is characterized by a decrease in the dominant flora, an increase in potentially pathogenic microorganisms and a reduction in the number of individual strains. The main characteristic of these changes in the microbiota is diarrhea, which has many consequences in these patients. Saccharomyces boulardii is able to prevent enteral nutrition-associated diarrhea, probably through an increase in short-chain fatty acid production. Alongside its role in the onset and prevention of diarrhea, the microbiota may be involved in energy harvesting and changes in the nutritional status. Manipulations of the microbiota may therefore be a novel way to increase feeding efficiency in tube-fed patients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nutrition entérale et microbiote

Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2010

ABSTRACT Enteral nutrition is a nutritional therapy that is used in up to 10% of hospitalized pat... more ABSTRACT Enteral nutrition is a nutritional therapy that is used in up to 10% of hospitalized patients. It represents a dramatic change in the provision of nutrients to the intestine and this, along with metabolic stress and drugs used, is responsible for a marked dysbiosis. Even though there is a huge between-subject variability, this dysbiosis is characterized by a decrease in the dominant flora, an increase in potentially pathogen microorganisms and a reduction in the number of individual strains. The main characteristic of these changes in the microbiota is diarrhea, which has many consequences in these patients. Saccharomyces boulardii is able to prevent enteral nutrition-associated diarrhea, probably through an increase in short-chain fatty acid production. Alongside its role in the onset and prevention of diarrhea, the microbiota may be involved in energy harvest and changes in the nutritional status. Manipulations of the microbiota may therefore be a novel way to increase feeding efficiency in tube-fed patients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Which lipid in artificial nutrition? A statement synthesis from The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism guidelines

Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011

ABSTRACT Lipids are indispensable in artificial nutrition, not only because of their high energy ... more ABSTRACT Lipids are indispensable in artificial nutrition, not only because of their high energy density that allows a volume reduction as well as a limitation of carbohydrate provision, but also because they reduce osmolarity of the formulas, provide essential fatty acids, enhance the bioavailability of fat-soluble vitamins and because of their pharmacological properties, including effects on inflammation and the immune response. First generation formulas in parenteral nutrition are based on soybean/safflower oils. New generations include olive oil, medium-chain/structured triglycerides and fish oil. Their respective indications are not clearly defined, but are a basis for individualized nutritional support. Recent ESPEN guidelines in enteral and parenteral nutrition provide useful information on their use in specific situations. KeywordsLipid–Enteral nutrition–Parenteral nutrition–Omega-3–Omega-6–Fish oil–Olive oil–Medium-chain triglycerides

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Research paper thumbnail of Métabolisme et apports en acides aminés chez le sujet âgé

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 2008

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