tommaso Piacentini | Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti Pescara (original) (raw)


Papers by tommaso Piacentini

Research paper thumbnail of The Terrestrial and Submarine Landscape of the Tremiti Archipelago, Adriatic Sea

World Geomorphological Landscapes, 2017

The archipelago of the Tremiti Islands, situated in the centre of the Adriatic Sea, is considered... more The archipelago of the Tremiti Islands, situated in the centre of the Adriatic Sea, is considered, nationally and internationally, a very important geological and geomorphological laboratory, rich in Cenozoic stratigraphic, tectonic and, recently, geomorphological studies. Despite the small size of the islands, the present landscape of the Tremiti Islands and of the inner continental shelf shows an outstanding wealth of ancient and present terrestrial and marine landforms. They provide the islands with their intrinsic and distinctive value and beauty and that can be discovered walking on the islands, sailing around them or diving into the turquoise to blue sea.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carta dei processi erosivi del rilievo monoclinalico marchigiano-abruzzese (Italia centrale)

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Research paper thumbnail of Project: “Definition of an integrated model for the predictive evaluation of the water erosion phenomena in the Mediterranean environment”

The EGU General Assembly, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Il rilevamento dei depositi continentali nel Progetto CARG dell'Italia centrale: modalità e implicazioni in ambito applicativo

Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana, 2011

The works carried out in the last +15 years within the CARG project are summarized, concerning th... more The works carried out in the last +15 years within the CARG project are summarized, concerning the mapping of Quaternary continental deposits.Particularly, taking into account the field mapping guidelines of the project, the geological maps have been a reference base for the development of several research and applied projects, carried out in collaboration with Governmental institutions, Municipalities, Associations, private Companies.In this way the CARG Project maps are a starting point for analyses and elaborations concerning geological and natural hazards and risks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Freshwater travertines deposition in central Italy: a contribution to the geomorphological evolution of the Apennines

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphology of landslide–flood-critical areas in hilly catchments and urban areas for EWS (Feltrino Stream and Lanciano town, Abruzzo, Central Italy)

Journal of Maps, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of La geomorfologia della conca aquilana

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisi della suscettività da frana nell'Isola di Mauritius (Oceano Indiano)

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Research paper thumbnail of Una metodologia integrata per l'analisi della pericolosità idrogeologica: il caso di Collelongo (AQ, Abruzzo)

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Research paper thumbnail of Cenni di geomorfologia

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratigrafia: Successione post-orogenica

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Research paper thumbnail of Cenni di geologia ambientale e applicata. Pericolosità geomorfologica

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphology of the floodplain at the confluence of the Aventino and Sangro rivers (Abruzzo, Central Italy)

Journal of Maps, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Macroarea 3 (L’Aquila Est, Paganica, Bazzano, S. Gregorio)

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Research paper thumbnail of Long term landscape evolution within central Apennines (Italy): Marsica and Peligna region morphotectonics and surface processes

The relief features of the Apennines have been developed in a complex geomorphological and geolog... more The relief features of the Apennines have been developed in a complex geomorphological and geological setting from Neogene to Quaternary. Growth of topography has been driven by active tectonics (thrust-related crustal shortening and high-angle normal faulting related to crustal extension), regional rock uplift, and surface processes, starting from Late Miocene(?) - Early Pliocene. At present a high-relief landscape is dominated

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Research paper thumbnail of Near-surface deposits and hillslope evolution of the Adriatic piedmont of the Central Apennines (Feltrino Stream basin and minor coastal basins, Abruzzo, Italy)

Journal of Maps, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphological Analysis Applied to Rock Falls in Italy: The Case of the San Venanzio Gorges (Aterno River, Abruzzo, Italy)

INTRODUCTION Among the types of instability, which vary in terms of typology, evolution and dimen... more INTRODUCTION Among the types of instability, which vary in terms of typology, evolution and dimension, rock falls represent a constant hazard for structures, buildings and the population, because of their extreme speed (KEEfEr, 2003; scarascia muGnozza et alii, 2006). Rock falls have been studied all over the world in several geographical and morphostructural settings, from huge mountain escarpments to small cliffs, with different approaches (from standard geomorphologi-cal analysis to multidisciplinary analyses including geology, alii, 2010). Rock falls in central Italy (Abruzzo Region) occur within the chain area, at the junction between the chain area and the piedmont and between piedmont hills and coastal sectors with wide coastal cliffs. This type of landslide occurs mostly in different main mor-phostructural settings, such as: faulted homoclinal ridges on marine Meso-Cenozoic carbonate rocks, calcareous rock slopes of karst landforms, structural scarps on marine Neogene arenac...

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Research paper thumbnail of Geotourism in the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park (central Italy): the example of Mount Greco and Chiarano Valley

Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2014

The geomorphological landscape of the Abruzzo region is a great example of a variety and complexi... more The geomorphological landscape of the Abruzzo region is a great example of a variety and complexity of processes and morphogenetic events as well as all the Italian territory. Here, complex Mesozoic-Cenozoic palaeogeographies are still reflected by the main mountain chains of Abruzzo and offer scientists and tourists imaginary journeys through ancient, now vanished, coral atolls and blue deep seas. Valleys of glacial or fluvial origin, alluvial fans, present and paleolandslides still preserve the memory of these ancient landscapes. In Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, where all of these landscapes are incorporated, the educational enhancement of geological and geomorphological themes has been pursued, with the creation and installation of information panels, theme trails and geotourist maps. In this framework, this paper illustrates methods, initiatives and activities for the enhancement of geological landscape and geomorphosites, and particularly the Geotourist map of Mount ...

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Research paper thumbnail of CARG Project Foglio 378 Scanno: new contribution for the geological setting of Central Apennines

Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Studi sul dissesto geomorfologico in Abruzzo: primi risultati sulla tipologia e distribuzione dei fenomeni franosi in relazione all'assetto geologico e strutturale

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Research paper thumbnail of The Terrestrial and Submarine Landscape of the Tremiti Archipelago, Adriatic Sea

World Geomorphological Landscapes, 2017

The archipelago of the Tremiti Islands, situated in the centre of the Adriatic Sea, is considered... more The archipelago of the Tremiti Islands, situated in the centre of the Adriatic Sea, is considered, nationally and internationally, a very important geological and geomorphological laboratory, rich in Cenozoic stratigraphic, tectonic and, recently, geomorphological studies. Despite the small size of the islands, the present landscape of the Tremiti Islands and of the inner continental shelf shows an outstanding wealth of ancient and present terrestrial and marine landforms. They provide the islands with their intrinsic and distinctive value and beauty and that can be discovered walking on the islands, sailing around them or diving into the turquoise to blue sea.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carta dei processi erosivi del rilievo monoclinalico marchigiano-abruzzese (Italia centrale)

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Research paper thumbnail of Project: “Definition of an integrated model for the predictive evaluation of the water erosion phenomena in the Mediterranean environment”

The EGU General Assembly, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Il rilevamento dei depositi continentali nel Progetto CARG dell'Italia centrale: modalità e implicazioni in ambito applicativo

Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana, 2011

The works carried out in the last +15 years within the CARG project are summarized, concerning th... more The works carried out in the last +15 years within the CARG project are summarized, concerning the mapping of Quaternary continental deposits.Particularly, taking into account the field mapping guidelines of the project, the geological maps have been a reference base for the development of several research and applied projects, carried out in collaboration with Governmental institutions, Municipalities, Associations, private Companies.In this way the CARG Project maps are a starting point for analyses and elaborations concerning geological and natural hazards and risks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Freshwater travertines deposition in central Italy: a contribution to the geomorphological evolution of the Apennines

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphology of landslide–flood-critical areas in hilly catchments and urban areas for EWS (Feltrino Stream and Lanciano town, Abruzzo, Central Italy)

Journal of Maps, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of La geomorfologia della conca aquilana

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisi della suscettività da frana nell'Isola di Mauritius (Oceano Indiano)

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Research paper thumbnail of Una metodologia integrata per l'analisi della pericolosità idrogeologica: il caso di Collelongo (AQ, Abruzzo)

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Research paper thumbnail of Cenni di geomorfologia

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratigrafia: Successione post-orogenica

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Research paper thumbnail of Cenni di geologia ambientale e applicata. Pericolosità geomorfologica

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphology of the floodplain at the confluence of the Aventino and Sangro rivers (Abruzzo, Central Italy)

Journal of Maps, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Macroarea 3 (L’Aquila Est, Paganica, Bazzano, S. Gregorio)

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Research paper thumbnail of Long term landscape evolution within central Apennines (Italy): Marsica and Peligna region morphotectonics and surface processes

The relief features of the Apennines have been developed in a complex geomorphological and geolog... more The relief features of the Apennines have been developed in a complex geomorphological and geological setting from Neogene to Quaternary. Growth of topography has been driven by active tectonics (thrust-related crustal shortening and high-angle normal faulting related to crustal extension), regional rock uplift, and surface processes, starting from Late Miocene(?) - Early Pliocene. At present a high-relief landscape is dominated

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Research paper thumbnail of Near-surface deposits and hillslope evolution of the Adriatic piedmont of the Central Apennines (Feltrino Stream basin and minor coastal basins, Abruzzo, Italy)

Journal of Maps, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphological Analysis Applied to Rock Falls in Italy: The Case of the San Venanzio Gorges (Aterno River, Abruzzo, Italy)

INTRODUCTION Among the types of instability, which vary in terms of typology, evolution and dimen... more INTRODUCTION Among the types of instability, which vary in terms of typology, evolution and dimension, rock falls represent a constant hazard for structures, buildings and the population, because of their extreme speed (KEEfEr, 2003; scarascia muGnozza et alii, 2006). Rock falls have been studied all over the world in several geographical and morphostructural settings, from huge mountain escarpments to small cliffs, with different approaches (from standard geomorphologi-cal analysis to multidisciplinary analyses including geology, alii, 2010). Rock falls in central Italy (Abruzzo Region) occur within the chain area, at the junction between the chain area and the piedmont and between piedmont hills and coastal sectors with wide coastal cliffs. This type of landslide occurs mostly in different main mor-phostructural settings, such as: faulted homoclinal ridges on marine Meso-Cenozoic carbonate rocks, calcareous rock slopes of karst landforms, structural scarps on marine Neogene arenac...

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Research paper thumbnail of Geotourism in the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park (central Italy): the example of Mount Greco and Chiarano Valley

Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2014

The geomorphological landscape of the Abruzzo region is a great example of a variety and complexi... more The geomorphological landscape of the Abruzzo region is a great example of a variety and complexity of processes and morphogenetic events as well as all the Italian territory. Here, complex Mesozoic-Cenozoic palaeogeographies are still reflected by the main mountain chains of Abruzzo and offer scientists and tourists imaginary journeys through ancient, now vanished, coral atolls and blue deep seas. Valleys of glacial or fluvial origin, alluvial fans, present and paleolandslides still preserve the memory of these ancient landscapes. In Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, where all of these landscapes are incorporated, the educational enhancement of geological and geomorphological themes has been pursued, with the creation and installation of information panels, theme trails and geotourist maps. In this framework, this paper illustrates methods, initiatives and activities for the enhancement of geological landscape and geomorphosites, and particularly the Geotourist map of Mount ...

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Research paper thumbnail of CARG Project Foglio 378 Scanno: new contribution for the geological setting of Central Apennines

Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Studi sul dissesto geomorfologico in Abruzzo: primi risultati sulla tipologia e distribuzione dei fenomeni franosi in relazione all'assetto geologico e strutturale

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