Paolo Gruppuso | Università di Catania (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Paolo Gruppuso
UNISG Research day 2021, 2021
The Earth is becoming an urban planet. This increasing process defines the Anthropocene and it re... more The Earth is becoming an urban planet. This increasing process defines the Anthropocene and it requires to rethink relations between urban and rural, natural and built, in order to understand how to turn our fragile cities into places where experimenting viable ways for life to prosper. Within this context, interstitial spaces between and at the edges of urban fabric play a key role by placing cities at the heart of the global water cycle, of the intercontinental routes of migratory animals, and by mitigating the effects of climate change. Beyond sustainability, with its burden of Western economic rationality, a convivial approach is needed that emphasises relatedness pushing us rethinking cities, through and within their interstices, in relation with the rest. This perspective asks for a shift in thinking food. Whereas sustainability envisions food as a resource to be managed through a technocratic and quantitative approach that addresses the question of ‘feeding cities’, conviviality thinks of food as ‘nourishment’, in terms of the quality of the relations we trace in our lives while responding to a more-than-human world and its inhabitants.
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Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - Colloquium Dept. III, 2018
This paper explores the emergence and the implementation of the category of wetland in relation t... more This paper explores the emergence and the implementation of the category of wetland in relation to the wider environmental history of Fogliano area, within the Circeo National Park in Agro Pontino, Italy. Through ethnographic and historical materials the paper analyses how this particular area became entangled in various stages of landscape policy, local use and environmental ethics. The conservation history of the Circeo National Park and its most important wetland, namely Fogliano, provides an example of how this scientific category has been used in environmental, political, and public discourses, and it demonstrates how landscapes change their meaning over time, according to political contingencies that often conceal local imaginaries, knowledges and ecologies. The transformation of Fogliano into a protected wetland epitomises the process by which international categories are implemented into local scenarios, demarcating new interests and constructing new spaces, new landscapes
The Making of Identity through Rural Space - International Symposium BTU Cottbus, 2021
During the 1930s the fascist government reclaimed the Pontine Marshes, one of the largest marshla... more During the 1930s the fascist government reclaimed the Pontine Marshes, one of the largest marshlands in Italy. In a few years the region was transformed into flat land to be cultivated and into solid surface to build cities, amongst them Littoria, renamed Latina after WW2. Founded in 1932 as a service center for the new rural community brought from Northern Italy by the fascist regime, Littoria suddenly changed identity becoming the most iconic of the fascist new towns thus unveiling an ‘urban’ contradiction into the hegemonic image of the reclamation, propagandised as a process of ruralisation.
Nowadays, Latina is a medium size city of 130.000 inhabitants, and the Agro Pontino has turned into a highly urbanised region thus losing its rural original traits. However, water infrastructures and historic buildings still characterise this particular landscape, testifying to its recent and longer history, and to its ambiguous identity.
By drawing on ethnographic and historical materials, this talk explores the role of these elements in the current landscape of Agro Pontino as loci of contestations where politics and identity materialise that challenge predetermined categories such as rural and urban.
FUTURO - Conference of the "Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale", 2021
La visione ‘moderna’ ha caratterizzato la città contemporanea come uno spazio contrapposto a un p... more La visione ‘moderna’ ha caratterizzato la città contemporanea come uno spazio contrapposto a un paesaggio diverso, spesso interpretato come ‘naturale’ (Le Corbusier 1929), articolando così una distinzione netta con la natura, interpretata come un collettivo che assume forme specifiche, quali ad esempio fiumi, foreste, paludi, e perfino campi coltivati. Viene dunque immaginata una distinzione materiale e formale tra umano e non-umano e tra quelle che si assume siano loro derivazioni, declinate rispettivamente come antropico o artificiale, e naturale o spontaneo. Esplorando le relazioni tra naturale e costruito, questo intervento adotta approcci teorici apparentemente inconciliabili, suggerendo che la città emerge nel weather-world, e come fenomeno interno all’ontologia naturalista.
Royal Anthropological Institute - Anthropology and Conservation, 2021
This paper explores relations between wetland conservation and land reclamationprocesses. It disc... more This paper explores relations between wetland conservation and land reclamationprocesses. It discusses the Bonifica Integrale (complete reclamation) implemented duringthe 1930s in Agro Pontino, Italy, and the subsequent development of wetlandconservation in the region.
Prima della Città. Storia e Rappresentazioni delle Paludi Pontine tra fine '800 e inizio '900, 2020
Agli inizi del Novecento "alcuni intraprendenti giovani signori di Roma" si avventurano per una b... more Agli inizi del Novecento "alcuni intraprendenti giovani signori di Roma" si avventurano per una battuta di caccia nelle Paludi Pontine. Il loro viaggio, e le parole usate per raccontarlo, fanno eco alla scoperta Britannica e Americana della wilderness come luogo di ricreazione e contemplazione ad uso della borghesia urbana. La descrizione delle modalità usate per attraversare ed esplorare il territorio pontino giocano qui un ruolo interessante nel definire e consolidare il dualismo tra 'natura selvaggia', abitata da umani e animali altrettanto selvaggi, e 'civiltà'. E' in questo dualismo che va rintracciata l'invenzione coloniale delle Paludi Pontine come 'Africa Tenebrosa', o più recentemente come 'Amazzonia Perduta', o 'Piccola America'. A partire dal resoconto di viaggio di questa spedizione di caccia, l'intervento discute il duraturo immaginario delle Paludi Pontine, inquadrandolo all'interno di una riflessione teorica, storica, ed antropologica di più ampio respiro.
Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, 2021
Feeding a world increasingly occupied by voracious cities is probably the greatest challenge of t... more Feeding a world increasingly occupied by voracious cities is probably the greatest challenge of the 21st century. This challenge requires a reconfiguration of the categories we use, such as food and city, that cannot be considered as defined objects, 'matters of fact' with sharp boundaries, but as processes deeply entangled within our world. It is this entanglement that we call crisis, and to overcome this crisis we need to shift perspective: from facing problems as detached 'matters of fact', to embracing the crisis as a 'matter of concern'.
Università degli Studi di Firenze 23 Marzo 2018
La propaganda fascista, figlia della logica modernista che imperava in tutto l"occidente tra 19° ... more La propaganda fascista, figlia della logica modernista che imperava in tutto l"occidente tra 19° e 20° secolo, ha descritto le paludi pontine in termini di mancate opportunità, e ha costruito un duraturo immaginario del territorio pontino precedente alla bonifica come "Africa Tenebrosa", luogo selvaggio, semideserto e malarico (Gruppuso 2014). Questa immagine ha prodotto due reazioni diverse e contrapposte ma basate sulle stesse premesse. La prima è stata la bonifica integrale, e quindi la trasformazione radicale di questo territorio percepito come improduttivo e disabitato. La seconda reazione, figlia della stessa immagine, è statala costruzione di un immaginario luogo naturale, selvaggio e disabitato, precedente alla bonifica integrale, a cui sembra che ha volte si faccia riferimento quando si parla di naturalizzazione del territorio pontino, più volte descritto come coperto da selve impenetrabili e paludi; un eden in cui l"uomo era estraneo (Sottoriva 1982:6) Questi due aspetti sono particolarmente problematici e costituiscono, a mio avviso, una delle cause principali dei problemi di gestione e rilancio delle attuali zone umide pontine (Vedi Gruppuso 2016). Si fa infatti fatica a pensare che in questi luoghi ci siano storie, tradizioni o una memoria da tenere in considerazione e salvaguardare. Questi luoghi sembrano senza storia, "stagnanti",
Heterogeneous aggregates of different substances, evanescent landscapes, not surfaces neither med... more Heterogeneous aggregates of different substances, evanescent landscapes, not surfaces neither mediums, wet-lands seem to be interfaces between the Earth and the sky: àthmos (ἄθμος -vapour) in the sphàira (σφαίρα -sphere). This paper will explore atmosphere in wet-lands, through ethnographic, scientific and artistic materials.
Questo intervento è radicato nella mia ricerca etnografica in Agro Pontino, dove ho lavorato con ... more Questo intervento è radicato nella mia ricerca etnografica in Agro Pontino, dove ho lavorato con agricoltori, conservazionisti e ambientalisti al fine di comprendere come differenti soggetti si relazionano a un tipo particolare di ambiente, in particolare 'zone umide' in contesti di conservazione. Ho speso buona parte del mio fieldwork camminando con i miei interlocutori, facendo esperienza dei diversi modi di muoversi e percepire l'ambiente, riflettendo sulle diverse letture della storia di quei paesaggi, e sulle relazioni tra questi aspetti e i conflitti ambientali che interessano quelle aree. La mia ricerca mi ha portato ad esplorare questioni che vanno oltre l'indagine delle tensioni tra agricoltura e conservazione della natura e che riguardano le relazioni tra umani e non-umani, natura e cultura, storia ed evoluzione. Questa serie di dualismi, sanciti dalla separazione tra scienze naturali e sociali, ha naturalizzato una peculiare visione del mondo come diviso in compartimenti stagni. Io sostengo che il superamento di questi dualismi può portare una profonda e necessaria rielaborazione dello statuto ontologico ed epistemologico dell'antropologia, ricostituendo la 'necessaria unità' del nostro soggetto di indagine. Una possibile via da esplorare è l'idea di Meshwork elaborata dall'antropologo britannico Tim Ingold. Questo approccio permette di superare il dualismo, ancora presente nella letteratura antropologica, tra natura e cultura o, se si vuole, tra sfondo e figure emergenti. All'interno di questa prospettiva ontologica, infatti, non esistono oggetti preesistenti ma organismi, viventi e non viventi, che emergono e si costituiscono in base alle relazioni che intrattengono l'uno all'altro. Nel mio intervento discuto l'idea di Meshwork, in relazione ad altri approcci relazionali come l'Actor-Network Theory, utilizzando materiali etnografici e storici emersi durante il corso della mia ricerca.
Following the notions of taskscape and meshwork, I argue for an interpretation of landscape and e... more Following the notions of taskscape and meshwork, I argue for an interpretation of landscape and environment as entanglements of tasks and activities rather than assemblages of geographical, biological and hydrogeological features.
Articles by Paolo Gruppuso
Fiumi e città. Un amore a distanza Volume II. Corsi d’acqua di Italia centrale e Liguria (a cura di Giorgio Osti), 2023
The chapter explores the relation between the city of Latina and the major canal that crosses the... more The chapter explores the relation between the city of Latina and the major canal that crosses the city, through the concepts of hydrocitizenship, hydroanomy, and river literacy.
Fiumi Blog:, 2023
Da disciplina estrattiva, originariamente funzionale ai processi di espansione coloniale, l’antro... more Da disciplina estrattiva, originariamente funzionale ai processi di espansione coloniale, l’antropologia si è negli anni definita come prospettiva 'critica'. Il suo ruolo non è quello di ‘estrarre’ conoscenze utili alla comprensione ‘dell’altro’, ma di porsi in conversazione con le comunità sollevando questioni che possono accrescere la consapevolezza collettiva. Con questo spirito ho scritto una Lettera Aperta che, a partire da un processo di militanza civica, interroga questioni più ampie sulla destinazione dei beni universali della terra, e sulla sostenibilità delle relazioni socio-ambientali in ambienti urbani.
Theory, Culture & Society, 2021
In our discussions around the theme of solid fluids, we often resort to everyday words, many of t... more In our discussions around the theme of solid fluids, we often resort to everyday words, many of them of ancient derivation and rich in association. We have decided to make a list of some of the words that come up most often – barring those that already figure as the principal characters of individual contributions – and to distribute among ourselves the task of writing a sort of mini-biography for each. The resulting lexicon with 19 entries, ranging from ‘cloud’ and ‘concrete’ to ‘wave’ and ‘wood’, serves as a conclusion to the collection as a whole.
Theory, Culture & Society, 2021
During the 1930s the fascist government launched a programme for the reclamation of the Pontine M... more During the 1930s the fascist government launched a programme for the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, one of the largest forested wetlands in Italy. In less than a few years the muddy and uneven ground of the forest was transformed into flat land to be cultivated and into solid surface where three new towns were built. Hegemonic narratives describe the fascist reclamation as a process that imposed a solid form upon the raw materials of nature, thereby establishing an unbridgeable divide between nature and culture, natural and built environment. The article challenges this dualism, drawing on ethnographic and historical materials to explore spatial and temporal zones in-between fluidity and solidity. It suggests an approach in which fluidity and solidity are understood as patterns of social and ecological relations rather than mutually exclusive properties of matter, thus exposing the continuity between them.
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 2020
In his 1993 essay ‘The temporality of the landscape’, Tim Ingold argued that landscape develops t... more In his 1993 essay ‘The temporality of the landscape’, Tim Ingold argued that landscape develops through processes of temporality, that is time as it emerges in the unfolding of life through action. This association between temporality and landscape was expressed by the term ‘taskscape’. In our introduction to this section, we return to the concept of taskscape to assess its usefulness in light of a number of developments in the understanding of human–environment relations. These include the changing conceptualisation of ‘landscape’ and the emergence of new approaches for understanding relations across species. We explain the ways that the three authors in this section use taskscape to think through political tensions and to explore how landscapes are achieved through inter‐relating actions of humans and other beings. We conclude by emphasising the heuristic value of taskscape as a means of thinking through the implications of the Anthropocene. Both taskscape and Anthropocene are concepts that draw together human history and the shaping of the world and, as such, the taskscape offers a novel means to explore and understand the dynamics of Anthropocene environmental relations.
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 2020
Drawing on the concept of taskscape, the paper explores activities of environmental interpretatio... more Drawing on the concept of taskscape, the paper explores activities of environmental interpretation in an Italian national park. Taskscape is the array of rhythmic movements, tasks and activities that humans and nonhumans perform in the process of dwelling. Accordingly, the paper presents environmental interpretation as particular mode of action and perception that shapes conservation areas as environments understood as realms of nature. By extending the concept of taskscape, and adopting a performative perspective, the paper also sheds light on ethical and cognitive considerations. Ethics emerges along with the activities interpreters carry out within the landscape; it is performed, hence it is constitutive of a taskscape of conservation as a process in which particular ways of moving, hence perceiving, generate particular ways of knowing, hence understanding, and vice versa. The conclusion suggests that nature in conservation areas emerges as a constellation of activities resulting from a particular way of dwelling and performing a certain environment according to a specific rhythm, and framed within a particular ethics.
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2020
The Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (JEET), throughout its 15 years of existence, has t... more The Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (JEET), throughout its 15 years of existence, has tried to provide a respected outlet for scientific knowledge concerning the inextricable links between human societies and nature, food, and health. Ethnobiology and ethnomedicine-centred research has moved at the (partially artificial and fictitious) interface between nature and culture and has investigated human consumption of wild foods and wild animals, as well as the use of wild animals or their parts for medicinal and other purposes, along with the associated knowledge, skills, practices, and beliefs. Little attention has been paid, however, to the complex interplay of social and cultural reasons behind the increasing pressure on wildlife. The available literature suggest that there are two main drivers that enhance the necessary conditions for infectious diseases to cross the species barrier from wild animals to humans: (1) the encroachment of human activities (e.g., logging, mining, agricultural expansion) into wild areas and forests and consequent ecological disruptions; and, connected to the former, (2) the commodification of wild animals (and natural resources in general) and an expanding demand and market for wild meat and live wild animals, particularly in tropical and sub-tropical areas. In particular, a crucial role may have been played by the bushmeat-euphoria and attached elitist gastronomies and conspicuous consumption phenomena.
The COVID-19 pandemic will likely require ethnobiologists to reschedule research agendas and to envision new epistemological trajectories aimed at more effectively mitigating the mismanagement of natural resources that ultimately threats our and other beings’ existence.
UNISG Research day 2021, 2021
The Earth is becoming an urban planet. This increasing process defines the Anthropocene and it re... more The Earth is becoming an urban planet. This increasing process defines the Anthropocene and it requires to rethink relations between urban and rural, natural and built, in order to understand how to turn our fragile cities into places where experimenting viable ways for life to prosper. Within this context, interstitial spaces between and at the edges of urban fabric play a key role by placing cities at the heart of the global water cycle, of the intercontinental routes of migratory animals, and by mitigating the effects of climate change. Beyond sustainability, with its burden of Western economic rationality, a convivial approach is needed that emphasises relatedness pushing us rethinking cities, through and within their interstices, in relation with the rest. This perspective asks for a shift in thinking food. Whereas sustainability envisions food as a resource to be managed through a technocratic and quantitative approach that addresses the question of ‘feeding cities’, conviviality thinks of food as ‘nourishment’, in terms of the quality of the relations we trace in our lives while responding to a more-than-human world and its inhabitants.
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Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - Colloquium Dept. III, 2018
This paper explores the emergence and the implementation of the category of wetland in relation t... more This paper explores the emergence and the implementation of the category of wetland in relation to the wider environmental history of Fogliano area, within the Circeo National Park in Agro Pontino, Italy. Through ethnographic and historical materials the paper analyses how this particular area became entangled in various stages of landscape policy, local use and environmental ethics. The conservation history of the Circeo National Park and its most important wetland, namely Fogliano, provides an example of how this scientific category has been used in environmental, political, and public discourses, and it demonstrates how landscapes change their meaning over time, according to political contingencies that often conceal local imaginaries, knowledges and ecologies. The transformation of Fogliano into a protected wetland epitomises the process by which international categories are implemented into local scenarios, demarcating new interests and constructing new spaces, new landscapes
The Making of Identity through Rural Space - International Symposium BTU Cottbus, 2021
During the 1930s the fascist government reclaimed the Pontine Marshes, one of the largest marshla... more During the 1930s the fascist government reclaimed the Pontine Marshes, one of the largest marshlands in Italy. In a few years the region was transformed into flat land to be cultivated and into solid surface to build cities, amongst them Littoria, renamed Latina after WW2. Founded in 1932 as a service center for the new rural community brought from Northern Italy by the fascist regime, Littoria suddenly changed identity becoming the most iconic of the fascist new towns thus unveiling an ‘urban’ contradiction into the hegemonic image of the reclamation, propagandised as a process of ruralisation.
Nowadays, Latina is a medium size city of 130.000 inhabitants, and the Agro Pontino has turned into a highly urbanised region thus losing its rural original traits. However, water infrastructures and historic buildings still characterise this particular landscape, testifying to its recent and longer history, and to its ambiguous identity.
By drawing on ethnographic and historical materials, this talk explores the role of these elements in the current landscape of Agro Pontino as loci of contestations where politics and identity materialise that challenge predetermined categories such as rural and urban.
FUTURO - Conference of the "Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale", 2021
La visione ‘moderna’ ha caratterizzato la città contemporanea come uno spazio contrapposto a un p... more La visione ‘moderna’ ha caratterizzato la città contemporanea come uno spazio contrapposto a un paesaggio diverso, spesso interpretato come ‘naturale’ (Le Corbusier 1929), articolando così una distinzione netta con la natura, interpretata come un collettivo che assume forme specifiche, quali ad esempio fiumi, foreste, paludi, e perfino campi coltivati. Viene dunque immaginata una distinzione materiale e formale tra umano e non-umano e tra quelle che si assume siano loro derivazioni, declinate rispettivamente come antropico o artificiale, e naturale o spontaneo. Esplorando le relazioni tra naturale e costruito, questo intervento adotta approcci teorici apparentemente inconciliabili, suggerendo che la città emerge nel weather-world, e come fenomeno interno all’ontologia naturalista.
Royal Anthropological Institute - Anthropology and Conservation, 2021
This paper explores relations between wetland conservation and land reclamationprocesses. It disc... more This paper explores relations between wetland conservation and land reclamationprocesses. It discusses the Bonifica Integrale (complete reclamation) implemented duringthe 1930s in Agro Pontino, Italy, and the subsequent development of wetlandconservation in the region.
Prima della Città. Storia e Rappresentazioni delle Paludi Pontine tra fine '800 e inizio '900, 2020
Agli inizi del Novecento "alcuni intraprendenti giovani signori di Roma" si avventurano per una b... more Agli inizi del Novecento "alcuni intraprendenti giovani signori di Roma" si avventurano per una battuta di caccia nelle Paludi Pontine. Il loro viaggio, e le parole usate per raccontarlo, fanno eco alla scoperta Britannica e Americana della wilderness come luogo di ricreazione e contemplazione ad uso della borghesia urbana. La descrizione delle modalità usate per attraversare ed esplorare il territorio pontino giocano qui un ruolo interessante nel definire e consolidare il dualismo tra 'natura selvaggia', abitata da umani e animali altrettanto selvaggi, e 'civiltà'. E' in questo dualismo che va rintracciata l'invenzione coloniale delle Paludi Pontine come 'Africa Tenebrosa', o più recentemente come 'Amazzonia Perduta', o 'Piccola America'. A partire dal resoconto di viaggio di questa spedizione di caccia, l'intervento discute il duraturo immaginario delle Paludi Pontine, inquadrandolo all'interno di una riflessione teorica, storica, ed antropologica di più ampio respiro.
Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, 2021
Feeding a world increasingly occupied by voracious cities is probably the greatest challenge of t... more Feeding a world increasingly occupied by voracious cities is probably the greatest challenge of the 21st century. This challenge requires a reconfiguration of the categories we use, such as food and city, that cannot be considered as defined objects, 'matters of fact' with sharp boundaries, but as processes deeply entangled within our world. It is this entanglement that we call crisis, and to overcome this crisis we need to shift perspective: from facing problems as detached 'matters of fact', to embracing the crisis as a 'matter of concern'.
Università degli Studi di Firenze 23 Marzo 2018
La propaganda fascista, figlia della logica modernista che imperava in tutto l"occidente tra 19° ... more La propaganda fascista, figlia della logica modernista che imperava in tutto l"occidente tra 19° e 20° secolo, ha descritto le paludi pontine in termini di mancate opportunità, e ha costruito un duraturo immaginario del territorio pontino precedente alla bonifica come "Africa Tenebrosa", luogo selvaggio, semideserto e malarico (Gruppuso 2014). Questa immagine ha prodotto due reazioni diverse e contrapposte ma basate sulle stesse premesse. La prima è stata la bonifica integrale, e quindi la trasformazione radicale di questo territorio percepito come improduttivo e disabitato. La seconda reazione, figlia della stessa immagine, è statala costruzione di un immaginario luogo naturale, selvaggio e disabitato, precedente alla bonifica integrale, a cui sembra che ha volte si faccia riferimento quando si parla di naturalizzazione del territorio pontino, più volte descritto come coperto da selve impenetrabili e paludi; un eden in cui l"uomo era estraneo (Sottoriva 1982:6) Questi due aspetti sono particolarmente problematici e costituiscono, a mio avviso, una delle cause principali dei problemi di gestione e rilancio delle attuali zone umide pontine (Vedi Gruppuso 2016). Si fa infatti fatica a pensare che in questi luoghi ci siano storie, tradizioni o una memoria da tenere in considerazione e salvaguardare. Questi luoghi sembrano senza storia, "stagnanti",
Heterogeneous aggregates of different substances, evanescent landscapes, not surfaces neither med... more Heterogeneous aggregates of different substances, evanescent landscapes, not surfaces neither mediums, wet-lands seem to be interfaces between the Earth and the sky: àthmos (ἄθμος -vapour) in the sphàira (σφαίρα -sphere). This paper will explore atmosphere in wet-lands, through ethnographic, scientific and artistic materials.
Questo intervento è radicato nella mia ricerca etnografica in Agro Pontino, dove ho lavorato con ... more Questo intervento è radicato nella mia ricerca etnografica in Agro Pontino, dove ho lavorato con agricoltori, conservazionisti e ambientalisti al fine di comprendere come differenti soggetti si relazionano a un tipo particolare di ambiente, in particolare 'zone umide' in contesti di conservazione. Ho speso buona parte del mio fieldwork camminando con i miei interlocutori, facendo esperienza dei diversi modi di muoversi e percepire l'ambiente, riflettendo sulle diverse letture della storia di quei paesaggi, e sulle relazioni tra questi aspetti e i conflitti ambientali che interessano quelle aree. La mia ricerca mi ha portato ad esplorare questioni che vanno oltre l'indagine delle tensioni tra agricoltura e conservazione della natura e che riguardano le relazioni tra umani e non-umani, natura e cultura, storia ed evoluzione. Questa serie di dualismi, sanciti dalla separazione tra scienze naturali e sociali, ha naturalizzato una peculiare visione del mondo come diviso in compartimenti stagni. Io sostengo che il superamento di questi dualismi può portare una profonda e necessaria rielaborazione dello statuto ontologico ed epistemologico dell'antropologia, ricostituendo la 'necessaria unità' del nostro soggetto di indagine. Una possibile via da esplorare è l'idea di Meshwork elaborata dall'antropologo britannico Tim Ingold. Questo approccio permette di superare il dualismo, ancora presente nella letteratura antropologica, tra natura e cultura o, se si vuole, tra sfondo e figure emergenti. All'interno di questa prospettiva ontologica, infatti, non esistono oggetti preesistenti ma organismi, viventi e non viventi, che emergono e si costituiscono in base alle relazioni che intrattengono l'uno all'altro. Nel mio intervento discuto l'idea di Meshwork, in relazione ad altri approcci relazionali come l'Actor-Network Theory, utilizzando materiali etnografici e storici emersi durante il corso della mia ricerca.
Following the notions of taskscape and meshwork, I argue for an interpretation of landscape and e... more Following the notions of taskscape and meshwork, I argue for an interpretation of landscape and environment as entanglements of tasks and activities rather than assemblages of geographical, biological and hydrogeological features.
Fiumi e città. Un amore a distanza Volume II. Corsi d’acqua di Italia centrale e Liguria (a cura di Giorgio Osti), 2023
The chapter explores the relation between the city of Latina and the major canal that crosses the... more The chapter explores the relation between the city of Latina and the major canal that crosses the city, through the concepts of hydrocitizenship, hydroanomy, and river literacy.
Fiumi Blog:, 2023
Da disciplina estrattiva, originariamente funzionale ai processi di espansione coloniale, l’antro... more Da disciplina estrattiva, originariamente funzionale ai processi di espansione coloniale, l’antropologia si è negli anni definita come prospettiva 'critica'. Il suo ruolo non è quello di ‘estrarre’ conoscenze utili alla comprensione ‘dell’altro’, ma di porsi in conversazione con le comunità sollevando questioni che possono accrescere la consapevolezza collettiva. Con questo spirito ho scritto una Lettera Aperta che, a partire da un processo di militanza civica, interroga questioni più ampie sulla destinazione dei beni universali della terra, e sulla sostenibilità delle relazioni socio-ambientali in ambienti urbani.
Theory, Culture & Society, 2021
In our discussions around the theme of solid fluids, we often resort to everyday words, many of t... more In our discussions around the theme of solid fluids, we often resort to everyday words, many of them of ancient derivation and rich in association. We have decided to make a list of some of the words that come up most often – barring those that already figure as the principal characters of individual contributions – and to distribute among ourselves the task of writing a sort of mini-biography for each. The resulting lexicon with 19 entries, ranging from ‘cloud’ and ‘concrete’ to ‘wave’ and ‘wood’, serves as a conclusion to the collection as a whole.
Theory, Culture & Society, 2021
During the 1930s the fascist government launched a programme for the reclamation of the Pontine M... more During the 1930s the fascist government launched a programme for the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, one of the largest forested wetlands in Italy. In less than a few years the muddy and uneven ground of the forest was transformed into flat land to be cultivated and into solid surface where three new towns were built. Hegemonic narratives describe the fascist reclamation as a process that imposed a solid form upon the raw materials of nature, thereby establishing an unbridgeable divide between nature and culture, natural and built environment. The article challenges this dualism, drawing on ethnographic and historical materials to explore spatial and temporal zones in-between fluidity and solidity. It suggests an approach in which fluidity and solidity are understood as patterns of social and ecological relations rather than mutually exclusive properties of matter, thus exposing the continuity between them.
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 2020
In his 1993 essay ‘The temporality of the landscape’, Tim Ingold argued that landscape develops t... more In his 1993 essay ‘The temporality of the landscape’, Tim Ingold argued that landscape develops through processes of temporality, that is time as it emerges in the unfolding of life through action. This association between temporality and landscape was expressed by the term ‘taskscape’. In our introduction to this section, we return to the concept of taskscape to assess its usefulness in light of a number of developments in the understanding of human–environment relations. These include the changing conceptualisation of ‘landscape’ and the emergence of new approaches for understanding relations across species. We explain the ways that the three authors in this section use taskscape to think through political tensions and to explore how landscapes are achieved through inter‐relating actions of humans and other beings. We conclude by emphasising the heuristic value of taskscape as a means of thinking through the implications of the Anthropocene. Both taskscape and Anthropocene are concepts that draw together human history and the shaping of the world and, as such, the taskscape offers a novel means to explore and understand the dynamics of Anthropocene environmental relations.
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 2020
Drawing on the concept of taskscape, the paper explores activities of environmental interpretatio... more Drawing on the concept of taskscape, the paper explores activities of environmental interpretation in an Italian national park. Taskscape is the array of rhythmic movements, tasks and activities that humans and nonhumans perform in the process of dwelling. Accordingly, the paper presents environmental interpretation as particular mode of action and perception that shapes conservation areas as environments understood as realms of nature. By extending the concept of taskscape, and adopting a performative perspective, the paper also sheds light on ethical and cognitive considerations. Ethics emerges along with the activities interpreters carry out within the landscape; it is performed, hence it is constitutive of a taskscape of conservation as a process in which particular ways of moving, hence perceiving, generate particular ways of knowing, hence understanding, and vice versa. The conclusion suggests that nature in conservation areas emerges as a constellation of activities resulting from a particular way of dwelling and performing a certain environment according to a specific rhythm, and framed within a particular ethics.
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2020
The Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (JEET), throughout its 15 years of existence, has t... more The Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (JEET), throughout its 15 years of existence, has tried to provide a respected outlet for scientific knowledge concerning the inextricable links between human societies and nature, food, and health. Ethnobiology and ethnomedicine-centred research has moved at the (partially artificial and fictitious) interface between nature and culture and has investigated human consumption of wild foods and wild animals, as well as the use of wild animals or their parts for medicinal and other purposes, along with the associated knowledge, skills, practices, and beliefs. Little attention has been paid, however, to the complex interplay of social and cultural reasons behind the increasing pressure on wildlife. The available literature suggest that there are two main drivers that enhance the necessary conditions for infectious diseases to cross the species barrier from wild animals to humans: (1) the encroachment of human activities (e.g., logging, mining, agricultural expansion) into wild areas and forests and consequent ecological disruptions; and, connected to the former, (2) the commodification of wild animals (and natural resources in general) and an expanding demand and market for wild meat and live wild animals, particularly in tropical and sub-tropical areas. In particular, a crucial role may have been played by the bushmeat-euphoria and attached elitist gastronomies and conspicuous consumption phenomena.
The COVID-19 pandemic will likely require ethnobiologists to reschedule research agendas and to envision new epistemological trajectories aimed at more effectively mitigating the mismanagement of natural resources that ultimately threats our and other beings’ existence.
Conservation & Society , 2018
The article explores the genealogy of Edenic narratives about the Pontine Marshes in Agro Pontino... more The article explores the genealogy of Edenic narratives about the Pontine Marshes in Agro Pontino, Italy, and the imaginary of the Bonifica Integrale (integral reclamation). This process of reclamation, implemented by the fascist regime throughout the 1930s, drained the Marshes transforming their ecological, economic, and social structure. The dominant reading of Agro Pontino's history is polarised through a dualistic view that sees the Marshes as the realm of an almost pristine nature and the Bonifica Integrale as a life-giving event that transformed that environment, making it cultivable and inhabitable. This view reflects a modernist understanding of time as a series of punctuated events in a linear trajectory that leads to environmental degradation. In conservation, this interpretation produces problematic political effects resulting in a specific approach that positions agriculture and nature on opposite sides. The article presents ethnographic materials that challenge this view and suggests a different approach, an 'Anthropocene conservation', which looks at the sustainability of the future rather than defining an ecological baseline to restore.
‘Managing Global Social Water. Ethnography of Emerging Practices in the Anthropocene’. Special Issue of AAM Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo. (Eds: E. Bougleux and N. Breda), 2017
Taking as a starting point the idea of the Anthropocene, the article explores the environmental c... more Taking as a starting point the idea of the Anthropocene, the article explores the environmental contestations affecting a particular wetland in Agro Pontino, Italy. These contestations concern the ownership of the area as well as its management, that is the management of the relation
between land and water, wet and dry. In this context, different understandings of the landscape’s temporality play an important role in triggering the conflict. On one hand, there is the temporality of geologists and environmentalists, grounded in geological time and devoid of humans; on the other stands the temporality of the inhabitants, grounded in their historical lives, experiences and imaginary.
The role of water is paramount in understanding these different temporalities: for scientists and environmentalists water is a natural element understood within a global imaginary; from the perspective of the local inhabitants, instead, water appears as an historical category embedded within their life-world. This dualism emerges in narratives
about hydrogeological risk, environmental conservation and landscape management. The conclusion reflects on the possibility of a resolution of the environmental conflicts, through a wise reading of the concept
of the Anthropocene.
The management of reeds is a way to shape the land and to keep it wet. Exploring the way in which... more The management of reeds is a way to shape the land and to keep it wet. Exploring the way in which humans manage reeds, it means to explore the temporality of the landscape, the duration of wet lands.
What is a wetland? What does this category imply? Is it different from a land which is wet? This ... more What is a wetland? What does this category imply? Is it different from a land which is wet? This thesis addresses these questions through a study of environmental conflicts in two protected wetlands in Agro Pontino, Italy. This region, 70 kilometres south of Rome, was affected between
Intervista di Antonio Polselli pubblicata sulla rivista Latina Flash (Anno XIII - N° 123 - Dicemb... more Intervista di Antonio Polselli pubblicata sulla rivista Latina Flash (Anno XIII - N° 123 - Dicembre 2014), a proposito della mia pubblicazione "Nell'Africa Tenebrosa alle Porte di Roma. Viaggio nelle Paludi Pontine e nel loro Immaginario".
Mapping is a practice of appropriation of power over land that often serves to severe land from w... more Mapping is a practice of appropriation of power over land that often serves to severe land from water with the result of producing abstracted land. This process of abstraction deletes history, stories and imagination from the cartographic inscription. Water, like history, stories and imagination, flows; it epitomises movements of generation and dissolution in a world of becoming where things are not yet given. This imaginative map of water in Seaton Park restores the role of imagination in cartography; it crosses the line between land and water, real and imaginary, inside and outside, the whole and its parts.
The map is equipped with an app that allows the integration of two-dimensional drawing with augmented reality such as videos and photos.
Conservation & society/Conservation & Society, Mar 13, 2024
Archivio antropologico mediterraneo, Dec 31, 2017
Taking as a starting point the idea of the Anthropocene, the article explores the environmental c... more Taking as a starting point the idea of the Anthropocene, the article explores the environmental contestations affecting a particular wetland in Agro Pontino, Italy. These contestations concern the ownership of the area as well as its management, that is the management of the relation between land and water, wet and dry. In this context, different understandings of the landscape’s temporality play an important role in triggering the conflict. On one hand, there is the temporality of geologists and environmentalists, grounded in geological time and devoid of humans; on the other stands the temporality of the inhabitants, grounded in their historical lives, experiences and imaginary. The role of water is paramount in understanding these different temporalities: for scientists and environmentalists water is a natural element understood within a global imaginary; from the perspective of the local inhabitants, instead, water appears as an historical category embedded within their life-world. This dualism emerges in narratives about hydrogeological risk, environmental conservation and landscape management. The conclusion reflects on the possibility of a resolution of the environmental conflicts, through a wise reading of the concept of the Anthropocene.
Theory, Culture & Society, Sep 13, 2021
During the 1930s the fascist government launched a programme for the reclamation of the Pontine M... more During the 1930s the fascist government launched a programme for the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, one of the largest forested wetlands in Italy. In less than a few years the muddy and uneven ground of the forest was transformed into flat land to be cultivated and into solid surface where three new towns were built. Hegemonic narratives describe the fascist reclamation as a process that imposed a solid form upon the raw materials of nature, thereby establishing an unbridgeable divide between nature and culture, natural and built environment. The article challenges this dualism, drawing on ethnographic and historical materials to explore spatial and temporal zones in-between fluidity and solidity. It suggests an approach in which fluidity and solidity are understood as patterns of social and ecological relations rather than mutually exclusive properties of matter, thus exposing the continuity between them.
Theory, Culture & Society, 2021
In our discussions around the theme of solid fluids, we often resort to everyday words, many of t... more In our discussions around the theme of solid fluids, we often resort to everyday words, many of them of ancient derivation and rich in association. We have decided to make a list of some of the words that come up most often-barring those that already figure as the principal characters of individual contributions-and to distribute among ourselves the task of writing a sort of mini-biography for each. The resulting lexicon with 19 entries, ranging from 'cloud' and 'concrete' to 'wave' and 'wood', serves as a conclusion to the collection as a whole.
Royal Anthropological Institute - Anthropology and Conservation, 2021
This paper explores relations between wetland conservation and land reclamationprocesses. It disc... more This paper explores relations between wetland conservation and land reclamationprocesses. It discusses the Bonifica Integrale (complete reclamation) implemented duringthe 1930s in Agro Pontino, Italy, and the subsequent development of wetlandconservation in the region.
Social Anthropology, 2020
Drawing on the concept of taskscape, the paper explores activities of environmental interpretatio... more Drawing on the concept of taskscape, the paper explores activities of environmental interpretation in an Italian national park. Taskscape is the array of rhythmic movements, tasks and activities that humans and nonhumans perform in the process of dwelling. Accordingly, the paper presents environmental interpretation as particular mode of action and perception that shapes conservation areas as environments understood as realms of nature. By extending the concept of taskscape, and adopting a performative perspective, the paper also sheds light on ethical and cognitive considerations. Ethics emerges along with the activities interpreters carry out within the landscape; it is performed, hence it is constitutive of a taskscape of conservation as a process in which particular ways of moving, hence perceiving, generate particular ways of knowing, hence understanding, and vice versa. The conclusion suggests that nature in conservation areas emerges as a constellation of activities resulting from a particular way of dwelling and performing a certain environment according to a specific rhythm, and framed within a particular ethics.
Social Anthropology, 2020
In his 1993 essay 'The temporality of the landscape', Tim Ingold argued that landscape develops t... more In his 1993 essay 'The temporality of the landscape', Tim Ingold argued that landscape develops through processes of temporality, that is time as it emerges in the unfolding of life through action. This association between temporality and landscape was expressed by the term 'taskscape'. In our introduction to this section, we return to the concept of taskscape to assess its usefulness in light of a number of developments in the understanding of human-environment relations. These include the changing conceptualisation of 'landscape' and the emergence of new approaches for understanding relations across species. We explain the ways that the three authors in this section use taskscape to think through political tensions and to explore how landscapes are achieved through interrelating actions of humans and other beings. We conclude by emphasising the heuristic value of taskscape as a means of thinking through the implications of the Anthropocene. Both taskscape and Anthropocene are concepts that draw together human history and the shaping of the world and, as such, the taskscape offers a novel means to explore and understand the dynamics of Anthropocene environmental relations.
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2020
The Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (JEET), throughout its 15 years of existence, has t... more The Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (JEET), throughout its 15 years of existence, has tried to provide a respected outlet for scientific knowledge concerning the inextricable links between human societies and nature, food, and health. Ethnobiology and ethnomedicine-centred research has moved at the (partially artificial and fictitious) interface between nature and culture and has investigated human consumption of wild foods and wild animals, as well as the use of wild animals or their parts for medicinal and other purposes, along with the associated knowledge, skills, practices, and beliefs. Little attention has been paid, however, to the complex interplay of social and cultural reasons behind the increasing pressure on wildlife. The available literature suggest that there are two main drivers that enhance the necessary conditions for infectious diseases to cross the species barrier from wild animals to humans: (1) the encroachment of human activities (e.g., logging, minin...
Conservation and Society, 2018
approach, which is epitomised by the Edenic view adopted by conservationists, who imagine the reg... more approach, which is epitomised by the Edenic view adopted by conservationists, who imagine the region as almost unspoiled until the 1930s, when it was transformed by the Bonifica Integrale (complete reclamation). This view involves a particular understanding of time as a series of punctuated events in a linear trajectory that leads to environmental degradation (Adams 2004: XII). Within this temporal orientation, the Bonifica Integrale exemplifies modernity: it represents the 'modern' event as it designates "a new regime, an acceleration, a rupture" (Latour 1993: 10) and it is defined by contrast to an archaic and stable past (Latour 1993). 1 This view resonates with concerns raised by the concept of the Anthropocene, introduced by Earth scientists (Crutzen and Stoermer 2000; Steffen et al. 2007) to name the current geological epoch in which human activity emerges as a dominant Earth-shaping force (Whitehouse 2015: 53). Indeed, the highly engineered landscape created by the fascist regime during the Bonifica Integrale represents a prime example of an Anthropocene landscape (Irvine 2017), exemplifying the role of humans in refashioning geology, although on a local scale. Through this process, the fascist regime drained the
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2022
Wet landscapes such as marshlands and lagoons are key to mitigate the effects of climate change a... more Wet landscapes such as marshlands and lagoons are key to mitigate
the effects of climate change and to sustain life on Earth. These
ecosystems have historically played important roles in the life of
Mediterranean communities, which have always been entangled
within agro-silvo-pastoral economies that included agriculture, but
also hunting, fishing, and gathering. Despite the complex
interdependence between these socioecological realms, since the
19th century a simplified reading has opposed agrarian and nonagrarian
spaces, urban areas and uncultivated land, with their
respective economies and forms of sociality. This contrastive
understanding materialised first in projects of land reclamation, and
later in processes of conservation highlighted by the recent invention
of the term ‘wetland.’ Even though the agrarian perspective behind
land reclamation and the conservationist practice of protecting
wetlands are based on different ethical, political, and scientific
assumptions, they result from the same ‘nature state.’ In effect,
wetlands are separated from their social and economic contexts,
which in turn facilitates their degradation and loss.
This talk addresses these processes of separation by exploring the
case of Agro Pontino in Italy. It suggests that to safeguard wetlands
and the future sustainability of the communities living in and around
them, we need to consider wetlands as taskscapes entangled in the
hydrosocial lifeworlds of humans and other species.