GIORGIA DI PAOLA | Università degli Studi di Foggia (original) (raw)
Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico, Jun 27, 2012
Il ruolo deglI oppIda e la dIfesa del terrItorIo In etrurIa: casI dI studIo e prospettIve dI rIce... more Il ruolo deglI oppIda e la dIfesa del terrItorIo In etrurIa: casI dI studIo e prospettIve dI rIcerca a cura di Franco Cambi arIstonotHos Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico Vol. 5 (2012) brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Riviste UNIMI Il ruolo degli oppida e la difesa del territorio in Etruria: casi di studio e prospettive di ricerca a cura di Franco Cambi
Populonia e la romanizzazione dell'Etruria settentrionale, 2013
Territorializzazione e fortificazione del territorio di Populoni
Paesaggi d’altura e di pianura in Italia dall’Età del Bronzo al Medioevo
Etruscan Studies, 2013
The pronounced Roman interest in northern Etruria's territories, particularly in the period betwe... more The pronounced Roman interest in northern Etruria's territories, particularly in the period between 311-283/282 BCE, provides the foundation for the development of fortified hilltop settlements in the peninsular and island territories controlled by the city of Populonia. After Roman hegemony was established in the region, the city must have felt the need to reinforce control over its territories by creating a distinctive type of settlement that involved well-structured fortresses and control points. These were set apart from each other at regular intervals (9-10 km) so that they could perform specific functions either by themselves or in conjunction with one of their neighbors. Thus, these hilltop fortresses constituted a network of constant and widespread surveillance around Populonia and on the island of Elba during the Late Classical and early Hellenistic periods. In addition, they not only constituted a well-structured system that exercised control over these areas but they also protected the mineral, agricultural, and maritime resources within the city's territory. Most were abandoned between the mid-second and first centuries BCE after imminent military threats in the region had passed.
Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 2020
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, ... more The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in DRO • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders.
This article aims to outline new data on the urbanization of Populonia starting from its foundati... more This article aims to outline new data on the urbanization of Populonia starting from its foundation, with particular reference to the results of archaeological surveys carried out by the University of Siena since the 1980s. The landscape archaeology approach has allowed us to reconstruct the Etruscan city’s organization of settlements as well as its management of resources. In addition, this investigative tool has proven the most effective method to detect both places of economic or ideological centrality and specific liminal landscapes in the territory of Populonia. The urban development of the Etruscan city represents an anomalous case for several reasons that are mainly dependent on its shape, which required unconventional choices in the organization and management of its territory and natural resources. Our research leads us to suggest that the Etruscan city’s acropolis seems to have played the role of central place starting right from the establishment of the city. Within some ...
Archeomatica, Dec 16, 2013
Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 2020
This paper examines the patterns of Etruscan urbanism by the innovative use of newly available ru... more This paper examines the patterns of Etruscan urbanism by the innovative use of newly available rural data, employing rank size, and indices of centralization. The detailed case study looks at the development of urbanism of pre-Roman Etruria where both robust and delicate urbanism were present alongside one another. To achieve this end, the paper will draw on the complementary features of two recent articles-Redhouse and Stoddart (2011) and Palmisano et al. (2018)-to provide a synthesis that both examines the large places and the supporting rural settlement. The territorial boundaries of the major urban places were predicted by the XTENT model in the first article. The cumulative numbers of rural settlement (and other proxies of population) over time were examined in the second article. This paper will look at the regional variation in landscape organization within the predicted territorial boundaries of the major robust centres and the more delicate transitory centres, as well as the buffer zones in between. At least three phases of boundary development can be examined, equivalent broadly to the Iron Age, Orientalizing/Archaic and Post Archaic periods, seeking to match these with the correspondingly dated rural settlement. The results will be critically examined in terms of broader knowledge of the economic and political development from current fieldwork in Etruria. The ethnographic analysis of Kopytoff (1989) will also be applied to assess the application of the internal African frontier to the central Italian context. In this way, the quantitative will be matched with the qualitative to provide a deeper understanding of urban development in an under-assessed example within the Mediterranean world.
Santuari mediterranei tra Oriente ed Occidente. Interazioni e contatti culturali, Atti del Convegno, a cura di Alfonsina Russo, Francesca Guarnieri , 2016
F. Cambi, G. De Venuto, R. Goffredo (a cura di) I pascoli, i campi, il mare. Paesaggi d'altura e di pianura in Italia dall'Età del Bronzo al Medioevo, 2015
storia e archeologia globale 2-isbn 978-88-7228-775-0-Doi © 2015 ed... more storia e archeologia globale 2-isbn 978-88-7228-775-0-Doi © 2015 edipuglia srl-www.
Archeologi in progress. Il cantiere dell'archeologia di domani, a cura di R. Brancato, G. Busacca, M. Massimino. Atti del V Convegno nazionale Giovani Archeologi, Catania., 2015
Quest'opera è stata rilasciata con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale -Non ope... more Quest'opera è stata rilasciata con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale -Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale. Per leggere una copia della licenza visita il sito web http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0. 2015 BraDypUS Editore via Aristotile Fioravanti, 72 40129 Bologna CF e P.IVA 02864631201 Finito di stampare nell'agosto 2015 presso Srl, Grisignano di Zocco (VI)
Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico (Università degli Studi di Milano), 2012
Nell'ambito del "Progetto Populonia", si collocano gli studi, oggetto di due tesi di laurea speci... more Nell'ambito del "Progetto Populonia", si collocano gli studi, oggetto di due tesi di laurea specialistica in archeologia, sui confini e sulle fortezze d'altura presenti sulla parte continentale del territorio facente capo alla città stessa1.
Etruscan Studies 16(2), pp. 190–209, Sep 10, 2013
The pronounced Roman interest in northern Etruria’s territories, particularly in the period betwe... more The pronounced Roman interest in northern Etruria’s territories, particularly in the period between 311–283/282 BCE, provides the foundation for the development of fortified hilltop settlements in the peninsular and island territories controlled by the city of Populonia. After Roman hegemony was established in the region, the city must have felt the need to reinforce control over its territories by creating a distinctive type of settlement that involved well-structured fortresses and control points. These were set apart from each other at regular intervals (9–10 km) so that they could perform specific functions either by themselves or in conjunction with one of their neighbors. Thus, these hilltop fortresses constituted a network of constant and widespread surveillance around Populonia and on the island of Elba during the Late Classical and early Hellenistic periods. In addition, they not only constituted a well-structured system that exercised control over these areas but they also protected the mineral, agricultural,
and maritime resources within the city’s territory. Most were abandoned between the mid-second and first centuries BCE after imminent military threats in the region had passed.
Mura di legno, mura di terra, mura di pietra: fortificazioni nel Mediterraneo antico a cura di Gilda Bartoloni e Laura Maria Michetti, ATTI DEL CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE SAPIENZA UNIVERSITÀ DI ROMA, 7-9 MAGGIO 2012, Sep 19, 2013
The hilltop fortress represents a distinct type of settlement around Populonia, characterizing to... more The hilltop fortress represents a distinct type of settlement around Populonia, characterizing to a significant degree the settlement pattern of the territory of the polis in the Classical and Hellenistic periods.
This type of site would have come about in response to an imminent military threat or to the various phases of imperial expansion, particularly on the part of the Romans. These fortifications were often
abandoned after such threats had passed, but while in use they constituted a network of constant and widespread surveillance both around Populonia and on the island of Elba. Hence, aside from exhibiting close typological and functional characteristics, these fortified settlements constituted a well structured system that exercised control over their respective areas as well as the mineral, agricultural, maritime resources within the territory of the polis.
DOCUMENTAZIONE L'articolo verte sull'applicazione dei sistemi GIS alla landscape archaeology. In ... more DOCUMENTAZIONE L'articolo verte sull'applicazione dei sistemi GIS alla landscape archaeology. In particolar modo vengono analizzate le relazioni esistenti fra morfologia del paesaggio e sistemi insediativi tramite la viewshed analysis nei casi specifici di Populonia e Segesta.
Liminal lanscape: a brief definition ''Liminal lanscapes'' are geographical areas set in rougher ... more Liminal lanscape: a brief definition ''Liminal lanscapes'' are geographical areas set in rougher topographic environments such as mountains, forests, heathlands, wetlands, coastal areas and artic zones. These outlying areas are often considered as passive, as compared to an active centre, and thus judged marginal from a social perspective also.
Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico, Jun 27, 2012
Il ruolo deglI oppIda e la dIfesa del terrItorIo In etrurIa: casI dI studIo e prospettIve dI rIce... more Il ruolo deglI oppIda e la dIfesa del terrItorIo In etrurIa: casI dI studIo e prospettIve dI rIcerca a cura di Franco Cambi arIstonotHos Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico Vol. 5 (2012) brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Riviste UNIMI Il ruolo degli oppida e la difesa del territorio in Etruria: casi di studio e prospettive di ricerca a cura di Franco Cambi
Populonia e la romanizzazione dell'Etruria settentrionale, 2013
Territorializzazione e fortificazione del territorio di Populoni
Paesaggi d’altura e di pianura in Italia dall’Età del Bronzo al Medioevo
Etruscan Studies, 2013
The pronounced Roman interest in northern Etruria's territories, particularly in the period betwe... more The pronounced Roman interest in northern Etruria's territories, particularly in the period between 311-283/282 BCE, provides the foundation for the development of fortified hilltop settlements in the peninsular and island territories controlled by the city of Populonia. After Roman hegemony was established in the region, the city must have felt the need to reinforce control over its territories by creating a distinctive type of settlement that involved well-structured fortresses and control points. These were set apart from each other at regular intervals (9-10 km) so that they could perform specific functions either by themselves or in conjunction with one of their neighbors. Thus, these hilltop fortresses constituted a network of constant and widespread surveillance around Populonia and on the island of Elba during the Late Classical and early Hellenistic periods. In addition, they not only constituted a well-structured system that exercised control over these areas but they also protected the mineral, agricultural, and maritime resources within the city's territory. Most were abandoned between the mid-second and first centuries BCE after imminent military threats in the region had passed.
Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 2020
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, ... more The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in DRO • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders.
This article aims to outline new data on the urbanization of Populonia starting from its foundati... more This article aims to outline new data on the urbanization of Populonia starting from its foundation, with particular reference to the results of archaeological surveys carried out by the University of Siena since the 1980s. The landscape archaeology approach has allowed us to reconstruct the Etruscan city’s organization of settlements as well as its management of resources. In addition, this investigative tool has proven the most effective method to detect both places of economic or ideological centrality and specific liminal landscapes in the territory of Populonia. The urban development of the Etruscan city represents an anomalous case for several reasons that are mainly dependent on its shape, which required unconventional choices in the organization and management of its territory and natural resources. Our research leads us to suggest that the Etruscan city’s acropolis seems to have played the role of central place starting right from the establishment of the city. Within some ...
Archeomatica, Dec 16, 2013
Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 2020
This paper examines the patterns of Etruscan urbanism by the innovative use of newly available ru... more This paper examines the patterns of Etruscan urbanism by the innovative use of newly available rural data, employing rank size, and indices of centralization. The detailed case study looks at the development of urbanism of pre-Roman Etruria where both robust and delicate urbanism were present alongside one another. To achieve this end, the paper will draw on the complementary features of two recent articles-Redhouse and Stoddart (2011) and Palmisano et al. (2018)-to provide a synthesis that both examines the large places and the supporting rural settlement. The territorial boundaries of the major urban places were predicted by the XTENT model in the first article. The cumulative numbers of rural settlement (and other proxies of population) over time were examined in the second article. This paper will look at the regional variation in landscape organization within the predicted territorial boundaries of the major robust centres and the more delicate transitory centres, as well as the buffer zones in between. At least three phases of boundary development can be examined, equivalent broadly to the Iron Age, Orientalizing/Archaic and Post Archaic periods, seeking to match these with the correspondingly dated rural settlement. The results will be critically examined in terms of broader knowledge of the economic and political development from current fieldwork in Etruria. The ethnographic analysis of Kopytoff (1989) will also be applied to assess the application of the internal African frontier to the central Italian context. In this way, the quantitative will be matched with the qualitative to provide a deeper understanding of urban development in an under-assessed example within the Mediterranean world.
Santuari mediterranei tra Oriente ed Occidente. Interazioni e contatti culturali, Atti del Convegno, a cura di Alfonsina Russo, Francesca Guarnieri , 2016
F. Cambi, G. De Venuto, R. Goffredo (a cura di) I pascoli, i campi, il mare. Paesaggi d'altura e di pianura in Italia dall'Età del Bronzo al Medioevo, 2015
storia e archeologia globale 2-isbn 978-88-7228-775-0-Doi © 2015 ed... more storia e archeologia globale 2-isbn 978-88-7228-775-0-Doi © 2015 edipuglia srl-www.
Archeologi in progress. Il cantiere dell'archeologia di domani, a cura di R. Brancato, G. Busacca, M. Massimino. Atti del V Convegno nazionale Giovani Archeologi, Catania., 2015
Quest'opera è stata rilasciata con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale -Non ope... more Quest'opera è stata rilasciata con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale -Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale. Per leggere una copia della licenza visita il sito web http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0. 2015 BraDypUS Editore via Aristotile Fioravanti, 72 40129 Bologna CF e P.IVA 02864631201 Finito di stampare nell'agosto 2015 presso Srl, Grisignano di Zocco (VI)
Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico (Università degli Studi di Milano), 2012
Nell'ambito del "Progetto Populonia", si collocano gli studi, oggetto di due tesi di laurea speci... more Nell'ambito del "Progetto Populonia", si collocano gli studi, oggetto di due tesi di laurea specialistica in archeologia, sui confini e sulle fortezze d'altura presenti sulla parte continentale del territorio facente capo alla città stessa1.
Etruscan Studies 16(2), pp. 190–209, Sep 10, 2013
The pronounced Roman interest in northern Etruria’s territories, particularly in the period betwe... more The pronounced Roman interest in northern Etruria’s territories, particularly in the period between 311–283/282 BCE, provides the foundation for the development of fortified hilltop settlements in the peninsular and island territories controlled by the city of Populonia. After Roman hegemony was established in the region, the city must have felt the need to reinforce control over its territories by creating a distinctive type of settlement that involved well-structured fortresses and control points. These were set apart from each other at regular intervals (9–10 km) so that they could perform specific functions either by themselves or in conjunction with one of their neighbors. Thus, these hilltop fortresses constituted a network of constant and widespread surveillance around Populonia and on the island of Elba during the Late Classical and early Hellenistic periods. In addition, they not only constituted a well-structured system that exercised control over these areas but they also protected the mineral, agricultural,
and maritime resources within the city’s territory. Most were abandoned between the mid-second and first centuries BCE after imminent military threats in the region had passed.
Mura di legno, mura di terra, mura di pietra: fortificazioni nel Mediterraneo antico a cura di Gilda Bartoloni e Laura Maria Michetti, ATTI DEL CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE SAPIENZA UNIVERSITÀ DI ROMA, 7-9 MAGGIO 2012, Sep 19, 2013
The hilltop fortress represents a distinct type of settlement around Populonia, characterizing to... more The hilltop fortress represents a distinct type of settlement around Populonia, characterizing to a significant degree the settlement pattern of the territory of the polis in the Classical and Hellenistic periods.
This type of site would have come about in response to an imminent military threat or to the various phases of imperial expansion, particularly on the part of the Romans. These fortifications were often
abandoned after such threats had passed, but while in use they constituted a network of constant and widespread surveillance both around Populonia and on the island of Elba. Hence, aside from exhibiting close typological and functional characteristics, these fortified settlements constituted a well structured system that exercised control over their respective areas as well as the mineral, agricultural, maritime resources within the territory of the polis.
DOCUMENTAZIONE L'articolo verte sull'applicazione dei sistemi GIS alla landscape archaeology. In ... more DOCUMENTAZIONE L'articolo verte sull'applicazione dei sistemi GIS alla landscape archaeology. In particolar modo vengono analizzate le relazioni esistenti fra morfologia del paesaggio e sistemi insediativi tramite la viewshed analysis nei casi specifici di Populonia e Segesta.
Liminal lanscape: a brief definition ''Liminal lanscapes'' are geographical areas set in rougher ... more Liminal lanscape: a brief definition ''Liminal lanscapes'' are geographical areas set in rougher topographic environments such as mountains, forests, heathlands, wetlands, coastal areas and artic zones. These outlying areas are often considered as passive, as compared to an active centre, and thus judged marginal from a social perspective also.
The hilltop fortress represents a distinct type of settlement around Populonia, characterizing to... more The hilltop fortress represents a distinct type of settlement around Populonia, characterizing to a significant degree the settlement pattern of the territory of the polis in the Classical and Hellenistic periods. This type of site would have come about in response to an imminent military threat or to the various phases of imperial expansion, particularly on the part of the Romans. These fortifications were often abandoned after such threats had passed, but while in use they constituted a network of constant and widespread surveillance both around Populonia and on the island of Elba. The hilltop fortresses currently documented in the territory of Populonia are: Donoratico, Monte Pitti, Monte Rombolo, Poggio Montioni Vecchio, Montemassi, Scarlino, Castel di Pietra and Poggio Castiglione. A recent and well founded hypothesis proposes to add to this list the hill-fort of Castiglion Bernardi, whose summit is currently occupied by fortifications related to a medieval castrum. These fortified settlements constitute a unified system that exercised control over their respective areas, as well as the mineral, agricultural, maritime resources within the territory of the polis and its boundaries, creating a highly "militarized" landscape, from the end of the 4th to the 2nd century BCE.