Marcello Santos | CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO DE VOLTA REDONDA (original) (raw)
Papers by Marcello Santos
Over the time quality became for industries a decisive factor in a competitive market with increa... more Over the time quality became for industries a decisive factor in a competitive market with increasingly demanding consumers. The improvement in the quality hinges on improving the production process, which in turn has variability, which can cause deviation of quality in the final product. So tools have been developed over the years to guide companies in the pursuit of excellence in quality. The CEP Statistical Process Control, created by Shewhart, is a powerful tool in dealings to maintain or gain control of variability, can be applied to each stage of the production process. Although their use is not new in the market when it comes to quality, there are still companies like Votorantim Steel that do not use as a means of demonstration and control of process variability. This project proposes a methodology to implement control charts in the production process of long steel, to identified the causes and consequently the points to be improved along the production steps. The methodology...
Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 2019
Resumo Muito tem sido discutido acerca de novas metodologias e tecnologias educacionais para faz... more Resumo Muito tem sido discutido acerca de novas metodologias e tecnologias educacionais para fazer frente à rápida evolução da sociedade ocorrida nas últimas décadas. A popularização da informática e, principalmente, o advento da internet banda larga, torna a disponibilização de terabytes de informação uma tarefa simples, realizada em poucos minutos. Naturalmente, a qualidade desses dados, em termos de conhecimento aplicável, tende a ser constantemente questionada. Também muito se tem falado nas metodologias ativas, mas será que antes todas as metodologias tradicionais eram “passivas”? Será que professores na década de 1970 ou 1980 eram ineficientes por não disporem de modernas tecnologias educacionais? A pesquisa no Google seria tão infinitamente superior em relação à pesquisa na Barsa? Esses questionamentos iniciais são importantes para construir um entendimento preciso da evolução do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, separando o que é modismo das práticas efetivas de transmissão ...
Na busca de uma constante projecao no mercado, atraves de acoes inovadoras e estrategicas, e cres... more Na busca de uma constante projecao no mercado, atraves de acoes inovadoras e estrategicas, e crescente a corrente ideologica organizacional da necessidade de abandonar a ideia de que para sobreviver basta a organizacao ser produtiva. Nao basta ter uma boa equipe, mas e fundamental que esta equipe esteja munida de competencias para disputar com exito no novo cenario que se abre no mercado atual, onde a tecnologia avanca e com ela o compromisso com a responsabilidade social e ambiental. A pesquisa para elaboracao deste artigo foi realizada atraves de levantamento bibliografico sistematizado. As pesquisas demonstram que a gestao integrada dos quatro pilares: qualidade, seguranca, meio ambiente e saude, abre novas perspectivas de mercado, alem de contribuir para a satisfacao do quadro de colaboradores. Torna-se tambem uma ferramenta potencial para as acoes estrategicas das organizacoes, pois a satisfacao, qualidade e seguranca dos produtos e/ou servicos ultrapassam os muros da organi...
Cadernos UniFOA, 2015
A matriz de Priorização tem sido uma das ferramentas mais frequentes para auxiliar nas tomadas de... more A matriz de Priorização tem sido uma das ferramentas mais frequentes para auxiliar nas tomadas de decisões relacionadas a projetos. Por sua vez, as ações ergonômicas resultam em múltiplas necessidades de enquadramento, sendo algumas delas mais urgentes e necessárias, ou ainda outras complexas, que exijam ações de engenharia e, portanto, tendem a demorar a serem implementadas. Assim, matrizes de priorização possibilitariam eleger, por critérios diferenciados, os fatores de riscos e a urgência de cada problema que demanda uma determinada ação. A Matriz SIC/Fuzzy é uma evolução da Matriz de Priorização SIC ®, ferramenta desenvolvida pelo laboratório GENTE/Fuzzy da UFRJ. Ela relaciona os itens a serem analisados por critérios de saúde e segurança ocupacional, sendo utilizada no processo de tomada de decisão em ergonomia. O índice “SIC” permite, portanto, determinar o grau de gravidade ocupacional de cada posto de trabalho. A apropriação da Lógica Fuzzy à ferramenta original incorpora va...
Cadernos UniFOA, 2014
Projetos de salas de controle de refinarias envolvem a combinação de grande número de variáveis e... more Projetos de salas de controle de refinarias envolvem a combinação de grande número de variáveis e especificidades que fazem com que os mesmos sejam complexos, não apenas em sua natureza como no seu tratamento. Em outras palavras, deve-se trabalhar a ação projetual de forma integrada, associando especificações técnicas, exigências de segurança e ambientais, além de necessidades particulares da organização do trabalho nesse tipo de ambiente construído. A ergonomia, portanto, aqui entendida como a disciplina científica que busca adaptar os sistemas de trabalho às necessidades humanas, é um importante componente dessa equação, agregando qualidade ao projeto. Entretanto, necessidades, prioridades e requisitos operacionais devem ser ponderados cuidadosamente em função dos usuários. Este artigo aborda a utilização de uma ferramenta de priorização, desenvolvida em conjunto pelo UniFOA e o Laboratório GENTE, da COPPE/UFRJ. A Tabulação SIC é uma ferramenta que auxilia e priorização dos requis...
SAE Technical Paper Series, 2011
This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time processes in industrial work activities. ... more This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time processes in industrial work activities. It came about due to a demand presented by a company in the automotive industry sector, in need of updating existing cycle time sheets and TAKT time parameters. The company decided to hire an Ergonomics Laboratory with ties to a major Brazilian University in order to evaluate current conditions and establish a new method to either calculate recovery times or validate existing criteria, based in the ergonomics evaluation of the work activities. The study was motivated by the acknowledgement of evident evolution that the entire industrial sector has gone through in the past two decades. It brought up fast modernization of industrial processes, not only in production but also in terms of management systems. Due to improved computer and robotics systems, combined with overall advancements, such as the use of lighter hand tools-or use of more effective hoist systems-most work activities have had its effort requirements reduced in the past decades. Thus, compensation factors built into production times needed to be reviewed in order to avoid unnecessary costs associated to them. By using ergonomics considerations, we prevent simply removing the physical aspect without taking on account, for example, additional cognitive load represented by the use of more sophisticated pieces of equipment.
Revista Práxis
Os jogos sempre estiveram presentes na história do homem, tendo surgido como estratégia para simu... more Os jogos sempre estiveram presentes na história do homem, tendo surgido como estratégia para simulação de guerra. No entanto, como instrumento de aprendizagem somente foram percebidos em 1957 nos Estados Unidos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo demonstrar a importância da metodologia de ensino por meio dos jogos de empresas para formação gerencial e estratégica dos acadêmicos de Administração, através da Visão Baseada e Recursos (RBV) e das Capacidades Dinâmicas, com ferramentas geradoras de vantagem competitiva, visto que o cenário contemporâneo vem exigindo profissionais que gerem valor e posicionamento de mercado para as organizações. Concentrou-se esse estudo no dilema: conhecimento teórico e desempenho prático, o que deveria prevalecer? Isso foi feito resgatando os estudos feitos por autores de renome sobre o tema Jogos de Empresas. Com isso, estudos demonstram que o jogo simulado, ao recriar um ambiente bem próximo da realidade empresarial, propicia aos alunos novas experiê...
Occupational Health, 2017
Ergonomic Design Thinking (EDT) is a project management methodology that takes advantage of two i... more Ergonomic Design Thinking (EDT) is a project management methodology that takes advantage of two important concepts or themes in carrying out project actions. The first is Design Thinking itself, a project management approach originally proposed by Tim Brown, who knew beforehand the full potential of design tools, techniques and maybe we should add idiosyncrasies. Designers have "their own way" of following through and carrying out issues such as deadlines and sequences, for example. This logic is similar to another important theme: ergonomics. The main objective of ergonomics is adapting work systems to workers themselves. By doing so, its professionals dig deep into the social technical fabric of a workplace and use recurrent and iterative strategies in order to search for a perfect fit for a given workstation. EDT as a modeling guide for workspace projects have been used in Brazil for quite some time. This text outlines an interesting experience in which EDT was used as a conception tool in building a new health safety and environmental (HSE) management system model for construction sites. A real case-an ongoing construction work-was used to contextualize the experiment and better define the various instruments of this HSE model. Due to the work environment and predominant job characteristics available, the EDT approach did quite well in terms of serving its project management purpose, as it was confirmed when the new system became fully functional.
Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2016
Revista Acao Ergonomica, Apr 22, 2015
Design Thinking is somewhat understood as a tool for acquiring design optimization but still far ... more Design Thinking is somewhat understood as a tool for acquiring design optimization but still far from being considered as an instrument for competitive advantage. The main idea to that approach is based on the concept that one can apply the kind of thinking designers employ when solving problems to business related or work system optimization. Instead of ordinary decision-making methods, designers resource to iterative processes. This translates into nonlinear reasoning and creative thinking. Thus, according to Design Thinking theory, we can apply innovative schemes and creative actions in the course of carrying out any kind of project, or even business venues. The proposition set forth in here approaches alternative project management methods in which workplace optimization is considered an end user product, like in HFE related processes contexts. Therefore, usability and participatory design is thought to be a necessary demarche to produce and user friendly work environment. A set...
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
The discipline and practice of human factors and ergonomics is quite rich in terms of the availab... more The discipline and practice of human factors and ergonomics is quite rich in terms of the availability of analysis, development and evaluation tools and methods for its various processes. However, we lack effective instruments to either map or regulate comprehensively and effectively, cognitive and organizational related impacts, especially the environmental ones. Moreover, when ergonomic transformations through design - such as a new workstation design or even an entire new facility - is at play, ergonomics professionals tend to stay at bay, relying solely on design professionals and engineers. There is vast empirical evidence showing that participation of ergonomists as project facilitators, may contribute to an effective professional synergy amongst the various stakeholders in a multidisciplinary venue. When that happens, everyone wins - users and designers alike -because eventual conflicts, raised up in the midst of options selection, are dissipated in exchange for more converge...
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. ... more This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. It came about due to a demand presented by an automotive industry giant, in need of updating existing cycle time sheets and TAKT time parameters. The company decided to hire an Ergonomics Laboratory with ties to a major Brazilian University in order to evaluate current conditions and establish a new method to either calculate recovery times or validate existing assessment criteria, based in the ergonomics evaluation of the work activities. It is clear that there has been evident evolution in the industrial sector in the past two decades. It brought up fast modernization of industrial processes, not only in production but also in terms of management systems. Due to improved computer and robotics systems, combined with overall operational advancements - like the use of lighter hand tools and more effective hoist systems - most work activities have had its physical effort requirements reduc...
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
This paper aims at the application of an ergonomic maturity model (EMM), in order to assess the e... more This paper aims at the application of an ergonomic maturity model (EMM), in order to assess the ergonomic sustainability outreach of ergonomic actions. This proposition was motivated by the widespread sensation that the development of the discipline, its educational devices and related practices depends on the attitude of ergonomics practitioners rather than environmental macroergonomic conditions. Maturity modeling in this paper is undertaken as a tool for ergonomic practitioners. Thus, its foundations were uprooted from diverse fields: Clinic Psychology, Quality Management and Project Management. The paper brings about a detailled explanation of this ergonomic maturity tool. The empirical part is fulfilled by the examination - using the EMM - of four emblematic cases excerpted from our research lab ergonomic portfolio.
Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, 2010
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2009
... Permissions & Reprints. Collective work and resilience of complex systems. Ma... more ... Permissions & Reprints. Collective work and resilience of complex systems. Mario CR Vidal b , Paulo VR Carvalho a , b , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Marcello S. Santos b and Isaac JL dos Santos a. ...
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2012
This article aims to demonstrate the need for changing the methods with which accidents are analy... more This article aims to demonstrate the need for changing the methods with which accidents are analyzed, if we truly wish to use what we uncover from them to learn and enrich our knowledge base of organizational management. The goal is to relinquish the broadly adopted and rather simplistic paradigm that accepts the search for human error and unsafe acts performed by workers, and produces "guilt diagnostics". Instead, we use a systemic accident analysis methodology, based on the sociotechnical principle of understanding the real operating conditions in which accidents take place. In order to demonstrate the benefits of the theoretical framework, we compare the analyses of an Anhydrous Ammonia gas leakage accident in a fish processing plant using the traditional accident analysis model based on unsafe acts and the proposed systemic approach. The results favor the latter since it tends to be more reliable and offering useful recommendations to safety management processes, thus helping to prevent accidents, especially in complex systems.
This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. ... more This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. It came about due to a demand presented by an automotive industry giant, in need of updating existing cycle time sheets and TAKT time parameters. The company decided to hire an Ergonomics Laboratory with ties to a major Brazilian University in order to evaluate current conditions and establish a new method to either calculate recovery times or validate existing assessment criteria, based in the ergonomics evaluation of the work activities. It is clear that there has been evident evolution in the industrial sector in the past two decades. It brought up fast modernization of industrial processes, not only in production but also in terms of management systems. Due to improved computer and robotics systems, combined with overall operational advancements-like the use of lighter hand tools and more effective hoist systems-most work activities have had its physical effort requirements reduced in the past decades. Thus, compensation factors built into production times need to be reviewed in order to avoid unnecessary costs associated to them. By using ergonomics considerations, we prevent simply removing the physical variables built in rest time calculations without taking on account, for example, additional cognitive load represented by the use of more sophisticated pieces of equipment.
This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. ... more This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. It came about due to a demand presented by an automotive industry giant, in need of updating existing cycle time sheets and TAKT time parameters. The company decided to hire an Ergonomics Laboratory with ties to a major Brazilian University in order to evaluate current conditions and establish a new method to either calculate recovery times or validate existing assessment criteria, based in the ergonomics evaluation of the work activities. It is clear that there has been evident evolution in the industrial sector in the past two decades. It brought up fast modernization of industrial processes, not only in production but also in terms of management systems. Due to improved computer and robotics systems, combined with overall operational advancements-like the use of lighter hand tools and more effective hoist systems-most work activities have had its physical effort requirements reduced in the past decades. Thus, compensation factors built into production times need to be reviewed in order to avoid unnecessary costs associated to them. By using ergonomics considerations, we prevent simply removing the physical variables built in rest time calculations without taking on account, for example, additional cognitive load represented by the use of more sophisticated pieces of equipment.
Over the time quality became for industries a decisive factor in a competitive market with increa... more Over the time quality became for industries a decisive factor in a competitive market with increasingly demanding consumers. The improvement in the quality hinges on improving the production process, which in turn has variability, which can cause deviation of quality in the final product. So tools have been developed over the years to guide companies in the pursuit of excellence in quality. The CEP Statistical Process Control, created by Shewhart, is a powerful tool in dealings to maintain or gain control of variability, can be applied to each stage of the production process. Although their use is not new in the market when it comes to quality, there are still companies like Votorantim Steel that do not use as a means of demonstration and control of process variability. This project proposes a methodology to implement control charts in the production process of long steel, to identified the causes and consequently the points to be improved along the production steps. The methodology...
Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 2019
Resumo Muito tem sido discutido acerca de novas metodologias e tecnologias educacionais para faz... more Resumo Muito tem sido discutido acerca de novas metodologias e tecnologias educacionais para fazer frente à rápida evolução da sociedade ocorrida nas últimas décadas. A popularização da informática e, principalmente, o advento da internet banda larga, torna a disponibilização de terabytes de informação uma tarefa simples, realizada em poucos minutos. Naturalmente, a qualidade desses dados, em termos de conhecimento aplicável, tende a ser constantemente questionada. Também muito se tem falado nas metodologias ativas, mas será que antes todas as metodologias tradicionais eram “passivas”? Será que professores na década de 1970 ou 1980 eram ineficientes por não disporem de modernas tecnologias educacionais? A pesquisa no Google seria tão infinitamente superior em relação à pesquisa na Barsa? Esses questionamentos iniciais são importantes para construir um entendimento preciso da evolução do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, separando o que é modismo das práticas efetivas de transmissão ...
Na busca de uma constante projecao no mercado, atraves de acoes inovadoras e estrategicas, e cres... more Na busca de uma constante projecao no mercado, atraves de acoes inovadoras e estrategicas, e crescente a corrente ideologica organizacional da necessidade de abandonar a ideia de que para sobreviver basta a organizacao ser produtiva. Nao basta ter uma boa equipe, mas e fundamental que esta equipe esteja munida de competencias para disputar com exito no novo cenario que se abre no mercado atual, onde a tecnologia avanca e com ela o compromisso com a responsabilidade social e ambiental. A pesquisa para elaboracao deste artigo foi realizada atraves de levantamento bibliografico sistematizado. As pesquisas demonstram que a gestao integrada dos quatro pilares: qualidade, seguranca, meio ambiente e saude, abre novas perspectivas de mercado, alem de contribuir para a satisfacao do quadro de colaboradores. Torna-se tambem uma ferramenta potencial para as acoes estrategicas das organizacoes, pois a satisfacao, qualidade e seguranca dos produtos e/ou servicos ultrapassam os muros da organi...
Cadernos UniFOA, 2015
A matriz de Priorização tem sido uma das ferramentas mais frequentes para auxiliar nas tomadas de... more A matriz de Priorização tem sido uma das ferramentas mais frequentes para auxiliar nas tomadas de decisões relacionadas a projetos. Por sua vez, as ações ergonômicas resultam em múltiplas necessidades de enquadramento, sendo algumas delas mais urgentes e necessárias, ou ainda outras complexas, que exijam ações de engenharia e, portanto, tendem a demorar a serem implementadas. Assim, matrizes de priorização possibilitariam eleger, por critérios diferenciados, os fatores de riscos e a urgência de cada problema que demanda uma determinada ação. A Matriz SIC/Fuzzy é uma evolução da Matriz de Priorização SIC ®, ferramenta desenvolvida pelo laboratório GENTE/Fuzzy da UFRJ. Ela relaciona os itens a serem analisados por critérios de saúde e segurança ocupacional, sendo utilizada no processo de tomada de decisão em ergonomia. O índice “SIC” permite, portanto, determinar o grau de gravidade ocupacional de cada posto de trabalho. A apropriação da Lógica Fuzzy à ferramenta original incorpora va...
Cadernos UniFOA, 2014
Projetos de salas de controle de refinarias envolvem a combinação de grande número de variáveis e... more Projetos de salas de controle de refinarias envolvem a combinação de grande número de variáveis e especificidades que fazem com que os mesmos sejam complexos, não apenas em sua natureza como no seu tratamento. Em outras palavras, deve-se trabalhar a ação projetual de forma integrada, associando especificações técnicas, exigências de segurança e ambientais, além de necessidades particulares da organização do trabalho nesse tipo de ambiente construído. A ergonomia, portanto, aqui entendida como a disciplina científica que busca adaptar os sistemas de trabalho às necessidades humanas, é um importante componente dessa equação, agregando qualidade ao projeto. Entretanto, necessidades, prioridades e requisitos operacionais devem ser ponderados cuidadosamente em função dos usuários. Este artigo aborda a utilização de uma ferramenta de priorização, desenvolvida em conjunto pelo UniFOA e o Laboratório GENTE, da COPPE/UFRJ. A Tabulação SIC é uma ferramenta que auxilia e priorização dos requis...
SAE Technical Paper Series, 2011
This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time processes in industrial work activities. ... more This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time processes in industrial work activities. It came about due to a demand presented by a company in the automotive industry sector, in need of updating existing cycle time sheets and TAKT time parameters. The company decided to hire an Ergonomics Laboratory with ties to a major Brazilian University in order to evaluate current conditions and establish a new method to either calculate recovery times or validate existing criteria, based in the ergonomics evaluation of the work activities. The study was motivated by the acknowledgement of evident evolution that the entire industrial sector has gone through in the past two decades. It brought up fast modernization of industrial processes, not only in production but also in terms of management systems. Due to improved computer and robotics systems, combined with overall advancements, such as the use of lighter hand tools-or use of more effective hoist systems-most work activities have had its effort requirements reduced in the past decades. Thus, compensation factors built into production times needed to be reviewed in order to avoid unnecessary costs associated to them. By using ergonomics considerations, we prevent simply removing the physical aspect without taking on account, for example, additional cognitive load represented by the use of more sophisticated pieces of equipment.
Revista Práxis
Os jogos sempre estiveram presentes na história do homem, tendo surgido como estratégia para simu... more Os jogos sempre estiveram presentes na história do homem, tendo surgido como estratégia para simulação de guerra. No entanto, como instrumento de aprendizagem somente foram percebidos em 1957 nos Estados Unidos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo demonstrar a importância da metodologia de ensino por meio dos jogos de empresas para formação gerencial e estratégica dos acadêmicos de Administração, através da Visão Baseada e Recursos (RBV) e das Capacidades Dinâmicas, com ferramentas geradoras de vantagem competitiva, visto que o cenário contemporâneo vem exigindo profissionais que gerem valor e posicionamento de mercado para as organizações. Concentrou-se esse estudo no dilema: conhecimento teórico e desempenho prático, o que deveria prevalecer? Isso foi feito resgatando os estudos feitos por autores de renome sobre o tema Jogos de Empresas. Com isso, estudos demonstram que o jogo simulado, ao recriar um ambiente bem próximo da realidade empresarial, propicia aos alunos novas experiê...
Occupational Health, 2017
Ergonomic Design Thinking (EDT) is a project management methodology that takes advantage of two i... more Ergonomic Design Thinking (EDT) is a project management methodology that takes advantage of two important concepts or themes in carrying out project actions. The first is Design Thinking itself, a project management approach originally proposed by Tim Brown, who knew beforehand the full potential of design tools, techniques and maybe we should add idiosyncrasies. Designers have "their own way" of following through and carrying out issues such as deadlines and sequences, for example. This logic is similar to another important theme: ergonomics. The main objective of ergonomics is adapting work systems to workers themselves. By doing so, its professionals dig deep into the social technical fabric of a workplace and use recurrent and iterative strategies in order to search for a perfect fit for a given workstation. EDT as a modeling guide for workspace projects have been used in Brazil for quite some time. This text outlines an interesting experience in which EDT was used as a conception tool in building a new health safety and environmental (HSE) management system model for construction sites. A real case-an ongoing construction work-was used to contextualize the experiment and better define the various instruments of this HSE model. Due to the work environment and predominant job characteristics available, the EDT approach did quite well in terms of serving its project management purpose, as it was confirmed when the new system became fully functional.
Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2016
Revista Acao Ergonomica, Apr 22, 2015
Design Thinking is somewhat understood as a tool for acquiring design optimization but still far ... more Design Thinking is somewhat understood as a tool for acquiring design optimization but still far from being considered as an instrument for competitive advantage. The main idea to that approach is based on the concept that one can apply the kind of thinking designers employ when solving problems to business related or work system optimization. Instead of ordinary decision-making methods, designers resource to iterative processes. This translates into nonlinear reasoning and creative thinking. Thus, according to Design Thinking theory, we can apply innovative schemes and creative actions in the course of carrying out any kind of project, or even business venues. The proposition set forth in here approaches alternative project management methods in which workplace optimization is considered an end user product, like in HFE related processes contexts. Therefore, usability and participatory design is thought to be a necessary demarche to produce and user friendly work environment. A set...
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
The discipline and practice of human factors and ergonomics is quite rich in terms of the availab... more The discipline and practice of human factors and ergonomics is quite rich in terms of the availability of analysis, development and evaluation tools and methods for its various processes. However, we lack effective instruments to either map or regulate comprehensively and effectively, cognitive and organizational related impacts, especially the environmental ones. Moreover, when ergonomic transformations through design - such as a new workstation design or even an entire new facility - is at play, ergonomics professionals tend to stay at bay, relying solely on design professionals and engineers. There is vast empirical evidence showing that participation of ergonomists as project facilitators, may contribute to an effective professional synergy amongst the various stakeholders in a multidisciplinary venue. When that happens, everyone wins - users and designers alike -because eventual conflicts, raised up in the midst of options selection, are dissipated in exchange for more converge...
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. ... more This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. It came about due to a demand presented by an automotive industry giant, in need of updating existing cycle time sheets and TAKT time parameters. The company decided to hire an Ergonomics Laboratory with ties to a major Brazilian University in order to evaluate current conditions and establish a new method to either calculate recovery times or validate existing assessment criteria, based in the ergonomics evaluation of the work activities. It is clear that there has been evident evolution in the industrial sector in the past two decades. It brought up fast modernization of industrial processes, not only in production but also in terms of management systems. Due to improved computer and robotics systems, combined with overall operational advancements - like the use of lighter hand tools and more effective hoist systems - most work activities have had its physical effort requirements reduc...
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
This paper aims at the application of an ergonomic maturity model (EMM), in order to assess the e... more This paper aims at the application of an ergonomic maturity model (EMM), in order to assess the ergonomic sustainability outreach of ergonomic actions. This proposition was motivated by the widespread sensation that the development of the discipline, its educational devices and related practices depends on the attitude of ergonomics practitioners rather than environmental macroergonomic conditions. Maturity modeling in this paper is undertaken as a tool for ergonomic practitioners. Thus, its foundations were uprooted from diverse fields: Clinic Psychology, Quality Management and Project Management. The paper brings about a detailled explanation of this ergonomic maturity tool. The empirical part is fulfilled by the examination - using the EMM - of four emblematic cases excerpted from our research lab ergonomic portfolio.
Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, 2010
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2009
... Permissions & Reprints. Collective work and resilience of complex systems. Ma... more ... Permissions & Reprints. Collective work and resilience of complex systems. Mario CR Vidal b , Paulo VR Carvalho a , b , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Marcello S. Santos b and Isaac JL dos Santos a. ...
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2012
This article aims to demonstrate the need for changing the methods with which accidents are analy... more This article aims to demonstrate the need for changing the methods with which accidents are analyzed, if we truly wish to use what we uncover from them to learn and enrich our knowledge base of organizational management. The goal is to relinquish the broadly adopted and rather simplistic paradigm that accepts the search for human error and unsafe acts performed by workers, and produces "guilt diagnostics". Instead, we use a systemic accident analysis methodology, based on the sociotechnical principle of understanding the real operating conditions in which accidents take place. In order to demonstrate the benefits of the theoretical framework, we compare the analyses of an Anhydrous Ammonia gas leakage accident in a fish processing plant using the traditional accident analysis model based on unsafe acts and the proposed systemic approach. The results favor the latter since it tends to be more reliable and offering useful recommendations to safety management processes, thus helping to prevent accidents, especially in complex systems.
This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. ... more This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. It came about due to a demand presented by an automotive industry giant, in need of updating existing cycle time sheets and TAKT time parameters. The company decided to hire an Ergonomics Laboratory with ties to a major Brazilian University in order to evaluate current conditions and establish a new method to either calculate recovery times or validate existing assessment criteria, based in the ergonomics evaluation of the work activities. It is clear that there has been evident evolution in the industrial sector in the past two decades. It brought up fast modernization of industrial processes, not only in production but also in terms of management systems. Due to improved computer and robotics systems, combined with overall operational advancements-like the use of lighter hand tools and more effective hoist systems-most work activities have had its physical effort requirements reduced in the past decades. Thus, compensation factors built into production times need to be reviewed in order to avoid unnecessary costs associated to them. By using ergonomics considerations, we prevent simply removing the physical variables built in rest time calculations without taking on account, for example, additional cognitive load represented by the use of more sophisticated pieces of equipment.
This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. ... more This paper presents a study about fatigue recovery time assessment processes in work activities. It came about due to a demand presented by an automotive industry giant, in need of updating existing cycle time sheets and TAKT time parameters. The company decided to hire an Ergonomics Laboratory with ties to a major Brazilian University in order to evaluate current conditions and establish a new method to either calculate recovery times or validate existing assessment criteria, based in the ergonomics evaluation of the work activities. It is clear that there has been evident evolution in the industrial sector in the past two decades. It brought up fast modernization of industrial processes, not only in production but also in terms of management systems. Due to improved computer and robotics systems, combined with overall operational advancements-like the use of lighter hand tools and more effective hoist systems-most work activities have had its physical effort requirements reduced in the past decades. Thus, compensation factors built into production times need to be reviewed in order to avoid unnecessary costs associated to them. By using ergonomics considerations, we prevent simply removing the physical variables built in rest time calculations without taking on account, for example, additional cognitive load represented by the use of more sophisticated pieces of equipment.