Emilia Sulek | University of Fribourg (original) (raw)
Books by Emilia Sulek
Trading Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet. When Economic Boom Hits Rural Area, 2019
The Amdo Research Network (ARN) brings together a diverse range of scholars from different fields... more The Amdo Research Network (ARN) brings together a diverse range of scholars from different fields and disciplines, all with a focus on Amdo Tibetan regions along with the western Chinese province of Qinghai.
This initial volume, subtitled "Dynamics of Change", is the result of the first ARN workshop held at the Humboldt University of Berlin in December 2014. Based on recent ethnographic fieldwork and other new data sources, the contributors of this unique volume touch on a wide range of both contemporary and historical topics, ranging from socio-economic transformations and dynamics of ethnicity and relatendess to religious and ecological dimensions.
Book Reviews by Emilia Sulek
Inner Asia, 2020
A review of my book by my project colleague Thomas White / University of Cambridge
Asian Ethnology , 2020
A review of my book by Per Kvaerne
The Newsletter | IIAS - International Institute for Asian Studies, 2020
A review of my book by fantastic Tina Harris / University of Amsterdam
A review of my book by a great scholar of Tibet and a very good friend Lilian Iselin
A review of my book by Anne Kukuczka
Mountain Research and Development
A review of my book by Melvyn C. Goldstein
Edited Volumes by Emilia Sulek
Nomadic Peoples, 2013
Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnolog... more Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Tibet Journal, 2014
Essays in Honour of Wim van Spengen (1949-2013)
Papers by Emilia Sulek
Trading Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet, 2019
When the demand for, and prices of caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis, ‘the Himalayan Vi... more When the demand for, and prices of caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis, ‘the Himalayan Viagra’, long a part of traditional Chinese medicine) soared, the pastoralists of Golok on the Tibetan plateau where the fungus is endemic dug up, dried and sold the fungus to traders. In the process, these yak and sheep farmers, used to living on the edge of subsistence, became wealthy beyond their imagination. Trading Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet: When Economic Boom Hits Rural Area tells the story of what they do with the money they earned from gathering and trading caterpillar fungus, and what this money does to them, revealing a sophistication few outsiders would credit them for.
In their introduction to this collection, Thomas White and Emilia Sułek argue that while animal l... more In their introduction to this collection, Thomas White and Emilia Sułek argue that while animal life and death have been transformed by the expansion of infrastructures, animal life itself can sometimes be understood as a vital part of infrastructural configurations.
Trading Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet, 2019
Nomadic Peoples
This article provides a case study of the Ecological Resettlement project in Golok (mGo log) Tibe... more This article provides a case study of the Ecological Resettlement project in Golok (mGo log) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (TAP), Qinghai Province, China. It documents the beginnings of the Ecological Resettlement as observed in 2008 and analyses its initial effects. It shows socio-economic changes accompanying a transition from nomadic to sedentary life, examines changes in the household economics and reports on how this project has impacted on the pastoralists' situation with respect to health and education.
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Trading Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet. When Economic Boom Hits Rural Area, 2019
The Amdo Research Network (ARN) brings together a diverse range of scholars from different fields... more The Amdo Research Network (ARN) brings together a diverse range of scholars from different fields and disciplines, all with a focus on Amdo Tibetan regions along with the western Chinese province of Qinghai.
This initial volume, subtitled "Dynamics of Change", is the result of the first ARN workshop held at the Humboldt University of Berlin in December 2014. Based on recent ethnographic fieldwork and other new data sources, the contributors of this unique volume touch on a wide range of both contemporary and historical topics, ranging from socio-economic transformations and dynamics of ethnicity and relatendess to religious and ecological dimensions.
Inner Asia, 2020
A review of my book by my project colleague Thomas White / University of Cambridge
Asian Ethnology , 2020
A review of my book by Per Kvaerne
The Newsletter | IIAS - International Institute for Asian Studies, 2020
A review of my book by fantastic Tina Harris / University of Amsterdam
A review of my book by a great scholar of Tibet and a very good friend Lilian Iselin
A review of my book by Anne Kukuczka
Mountain Research and Development
A review of my book by Melvyn C. Goldstein
Nomadic Peoples, 2013
Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnolog... more Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Tibet Journal, 2014
Essays in Honour of Wim van Spengen (1949-2013)
Trading Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet, 2019
When the demand for, and prices of caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis, ‘the Himalayan Vi... more When the demand for, and prices of caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis, ‘the Himalayan Viagra’, long a part of traditional Chinese medicine) soared, the pastoralists of Golok on the Tibetan plateau where the fungus is endemic dug up, dried and sold the fungus to traders. In the process, these yak and sheep farmers, used to living on the edge of subsistence, became wealthy beyond their imagination. Trading Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet: When Economic Boom Hits Rural Area tells the story of what they do with the money they earned from gathering and trading caterpillar fungus, and what this money does to them, revealing a sophistication few outsiders would credit them for.
In their introduction to this collection, Thomas White and Emilia Sułek argue that while animal l... more In their introduction to this collection, Thomas White and Emilia Sułek argue that while animal life and death have been transformed by the expansion of infrastructures, animal life itself can sometimes be understood as a vital part of infrastructural configurations.
Trading Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet, 2019
Nomadic Peoples
This article provides a case study of the Ecological Resettlement project in Golok (mGo log) Tibe... more This article provides a case study of the Ecological Resettlement project in Golok (mGo log) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (TAP), Qinghai Province, China. It documents the beginnings of the Ecological Resettlement as observed in 2008 and analyses its initial effects. It shows socio-economic changes accompanying a transition from nomadic to sedentary life, examines changes in the household economics and reports on how this project has impacted on the pastoralists' situation with respect to health and education.
This Research Article is brought to you for free and open access by the
Prace Etnograficzne, 2020
zdziwienie, że i tutaj wirus dotarł. Oznak niepokoju brak. Choroba wciąż wydaje się być daleko. K... more zdziwienie, że i tutaj wirus dotarł. Oznak niepokoju brak. Choroba wciąż wydaje się być daleko. Kolejne dni przynoszą wzrost zachorowań. Towarzyszy im wiadomość, że osoby, które miały kontakt z zakażonym, objęte są kwarantanną. Ta mrówcza, niemalże detektywistyczna praca poraża skrupulatnością. Wiara w system jest duża: "Jeśli mieliśmy kontakt z kimś chorym (ale niby gdzie?), lekarz sam się po nas zgłosi". Posługując się tą logiką, na Literaturfest w Lucernie dobrowolnie wpisuję się na listę gości i podaję numer telefonu. Co tam ochrona danych osobowych! Gdyby odkryto, że inny miłośnik książek miał wirusa, lekarze mnie znajdą. Rząd zaleca unikać imprez masowych. Te powyżej 1000 osób są powoli odwoływane. Rozdanie Swiss Music Awards w Lucernie odbywa się przy połowie sali. Kiedy odwołują maraton narciarski w Engandynie, Narzeczony i koledzy narciarze łapią się za głowę. W Bazylei nie będzie też karnawału. W kraju, w którym rzadko coś się odwołuje, ludzie się dziwią, ale do paniki im daleko. Przesadna ostrożność-dla jednych. Odpowiedzialny krok-dla innych. I jedni, i drudzy zakładają, że to rozwiąże problem. W pociągach tłok. Rząd zaleca unikać transportu publicznego, ale jak to zrobić w kraju, gdzie miliony dojeżdżają do pracy i szkoły. Poza tym to pracodawca ma zdecydować o przejściu w tryb home office. I tak, czekając na decyzję "z góry", krążę między Lucerną, Bernem i Zurychem. Wdycham morowe powietrze i nasłuchuję, czy ktoś kaszle. Razem ze mną słucha cały wagon, pełen ludzi skazanych na dojeżdżanie. Może tylko zrobiło się ciszej. Nie ma już głośnych rozmów przez telefon-tak jakby, żeby zminimalizować ryzyko wchłonięcia wirusa, pasażerowie przestali się odzywać. Nowy termin, social distancing, powoli wkracza do mediów, ale w pociągach tłok jak zawsze. Apele o trzymanie odstępu pasażerowie przyjmują zakłopotanym uśmiechem: "W godzinach szczytu nawet sardynki w puszce mają luźniej. Mam powiedzieć, że puste miejsce obok jest zajęte?". Bierzemy to na lekko Po dużych imprezach przyszedł czas na mniejsze. Tokarczuk nie przyjedzie do Szwajcarii. Konferencja w Zurychu odwołana. Wystawa, której jestem kuratorką, przesunięta na za rok. W kalendarzu robi się pusto. Szwajcarzy przyjmują to ze zdziwieniem. "Jak to, wystawa miała być w maju? Do tego czasu będzie po wszystkim". Na wieść, że Azja Środkowa-Kazachstan i Mongolia-do których miałam jechać na wiosnę, wprowadzają restrykcje wjazdu, znajomi robią wielkie oczy. Tak jakbyśmy to tylko my w "rozwiniętej" Europie mogli komuś pozwalać wjechać albo nie. Polska już zamknęła granice. Szwajcaria nadal jest otwarta.
Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines, 2016
Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 47 | 2016 Everyday religion among p... more Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 47 | 2016 Everyday religion among pastoralists of High and Inner Asia, suivi de Varia Caterpillar fungus and the economy of sinning. On entangled relations between religious and economic in a Tibetan pastoral region of Golog, Qinghai, China Le cordyceps et l'économie de péchés. Sur les relations intriquées du religieux et de l'économique dans une région pastorale tibétaine du Golog, Qinghai, Chine
Himalaya the Journal of the Association For Nepal and Himalayan Studies, 2011
Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research, 2012
This chapter discusses the trend visible amongst Tibetan pastoralists of Golok Tibetan Autonomous... more This chapter discusses the trend visible amongst Tibetan pastoralists of Golok Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province, China, to invest increasing amounts of money in building houses upon their winter grazing lands. It reveals the beginnings of this phenomenon and brings data on the newest state policies aimed at encouraging the pastoralist population to construct houses. Analysis of successive waves of house construction is accompanied by a discussion of the reasons pastoralists themselves give for building new houses. The chapter analyses the roles which the houses play in the lives of their owners and discusses whether or not the pastoralists perceive the living in houses as conflicting with their self-image.
Nomadic Peoples , 2017
This article provides a case study of the Ecological Resettlement project in Golok (mGo log) Tibe... more This article provides a case study of the Ecological Resettlement project in Golok (mGo log) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (TAP), Qinghai Province, China. It documents the beginnings of the Ecological Resettlement as observed in 2008 and analyses its initial effects. It shows socio-economic changes accompanying a transition from nomadic to sedentary life, examines changes in the household economics and reports on how this project has impacted on the pastoralists' situation with respect to health and education.
Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines, 2017
Cet article explore les relations intriquées entre le religieux et l’économique dans la vie des p... more Cet article explore les relations intriquées entre le religieux et l’économique dans la vie des pasteurs nomades de la région de Golog, plateau tibétain du nord-est. Il examine l’exemple d’une économie basée sur une ressource médicinale appelée cordyceps (Ophiocordyceps sinensis). Il pose la question de la compatibilité de cette économie avec la vie religieuse des gens qui s’y livrent. Il révèle où se situent les zones de conflit et montre comment celles-ci ouvrent un champ de possibilités pour l’action humaine en minimisant leurs effets. Il propose une « économie de péchés » comme un outil conceptuel pour analyser les décisions des pasteurs nomades dans divers domaines (religieux et économiques) et montre l’interdépendance de ces domaines.
The Newsletter / International Institute for Asian Studies, 2016
Mapping Amdo: Dynamics of Change, Jarmila Ptáčková and Adrian Zenz (eds.), 2017
A Window on the Other. Contributions on the Study of the Mongolian, Turkic and Manchu-Tungusic Peoples, Languages and Cultures. , 2014
One of my favourite articles actually...
Himalaya. The Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, 2017
2014 was a Horse Year. Such a year, occurring every twelve years in Tibetan calendar, is consider... more 2014 was a Horse Year. Such a year, occurring every twelve years in Tibetan calendar, is considered the best time for a pilgrimage, particularly to sacred mountains. In the region of Golok, the most prominent of them is Amnye Machen (A myes rma chen). It takes about one week to perform circumambulation of Amnye Machen in the usual way: on foot. But in 2014, a new possibility opened: to perform the pilgrimage by car. This paper describes the experiences of a car pilgrimage around Amnye Machen which the author performed in 2014. It shows how different the new pilgrimage route is from the one followed by non-motorized pilgrims and how different experiences it brings. It also describes the landscape affected by the establishment of Mt. Amyesrmachen National Geological Park in the area of Amnye Machen and construction works connected to it.