Nicolas Produit | Université de Genève (original) (raw)


Papers by Nicolas Produit

Research paper thumbnail of POLAR trigger — Experimental verification

2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2015

POLAR is a space-borne instrument designed for measurements of the polarization of the prompt har... more POLAR is a space-borne instrument designed for measurements of the polarization of the prompt hard X- and gamma-ray emission from the Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB). POLAR consists of 25 identical Detection Modules equipped with Front-End Electronics (FEE) units. This paper describes: design, strategy and verification process of the POLAR trigger mechanism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Time-resolved GRB polarization with POLAR and GBM

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019

Context. Simultaneousγ-ray measurements ofγ-ray burst spectra and polarization offer a unique way... more Context. Simultaneousγ-ray measurements ofγ-ray burst spectra and polarization offer a unique way to determine the underlying emission mechanism(s) in these objects, as well as probing the particle acceleration mechanism(s) that lead to the observedγ-ray emission.Aims. We examine the jointly observed data from POLAR andFermi-GBM of GRB 170114A to determine its spectral and polarization properties, and seek to understand the emission processes that generate these observations. We aim to develop an extensible and statistically sound framework for these types of measurements applicable to other instruments.Methods. We leveraged the existing3MLanalysis framework to develop a new analysis pipeline for simultaneously modeling the spectral and polarization data. We derived the proper Poisson likelihood forγ-ray polarization measurements in the presence of background. The developed framework is publicly available for similar measurements with otherγ-ray polarimeters. The data are analyzed w...

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospects of the Hard X-Ray Instrument POLAR to Measure Polarization of Solar Flares

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The POLAR gamma-ray burst polarimeter onboard the Chinese Spacelab

Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Local multiplicity fluctuations in hadronic Z decay

Physics Letters B, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of the weak dipole moments of the τ lepton

Physics Letters B, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of the running of the fine-structure constant

Physics Letters B, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of the <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow><msubsup><mi mathvariant="bold">B</mi><mi mathvariant="bold">d</mi><mn mathvariant="bold">0</mn></msubsup><mo>−</mo><msubsup><mover accent="true"><mi mathvariant="bold">B</mi><mo>ˉ</mo></mover><mi mathvariant="bold">d</mi><mn mathvariant="bold">0</mn></msubsup></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\rm\bf B_{\bf d}^{\bf 0}- {\bf \bar{B}}_{\bf d}^{\bf 0}}</annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:1.3383em;vertical-align:-0.2831em;"></span><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord mathbf">B</span><span class="msupsub"><span class="vlist-t vlist-t2"><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.8141em;"><span style="top:-2.4169em;margin-left:0em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mathbf mtight">d</span></span></span></span></span><span style="top:-3.063em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mathbf mtight">0</span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="vlist-s">​</span></span><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.2831em;"><span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="mspace" style="margin-right:0.2222em;"></span><span class="mbin">−</span><span class="mspace" style="margin-right:0.2222em;"></span><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord accent"><span class="vlist-t"><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.8512em;"><span style="top:-3em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:3em;"></span><span class="mord mathbf">B</span></span><span style="top:-3.2551em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:3em;"></span><span class="accent-body" style="left:-0.2875em;"><span class="mord mathbf">ˉ</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="msupsub"><span class="vlist-t vlist-t2"><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:1.0552em;"><span style="top:-2.453em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mathbf mtight">d</span></span></span></span></span><span style="top:-3.3041em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mathbf mtight">0</span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="vlist-s">​</span></span><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.247em;"><span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span> oscillation frequency

The European Physical Journal C, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of IGR J17497-2821: a new X-ray nova

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of GRB 040403: A faint X-ray rich gamma-ray burst discovered by INTEGRAL

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2005

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![Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of the B (0)-(B) Over-Bar (0) Mixing Parameter and the Z-] B (B) Over-Bar Forward-Backward Asymmetry](

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Research paper thumbnail of A search for lepton flavour violation in Z0 decays

Physics Letters B, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Gamma-Ray Polarimetry

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Research paper thumbnail of The LargE Area burst Polarimeter (LEAP) – A NASA mission of opportunity for the ISS

UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XXII

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Research paper thumbnail of Astro2020 White Paper State of the Profession: Intensity Interferometry

arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, 2019

Recent advances in telescope design, photodetector efficiency, and high-speed electronic data rec... more Recent advances in telescope design, photodetector efficiency, and high-speed electronic data recording and synchronization have created the observational capability to achieve unprecedented angular resolution for several thousand bright (m< 6) and hot (O/B/A) stars by means of a modern implementation of Stellar Intensity Interferometry (SII). This technology, when deployed on future arrays of large diameter optical telescopes, has the ability to image astrophysical objects with an angular resolution better than 40 {\mu} arc-sec. This paper describes validation tests of the SII technique in the laboratory using various optical sensors and correlators, and SII measurements on nearby stars that have recently been completed as a technology demonstrator. The paper describes ongoing and future developments that will advance the impact and instrumental resolution of SII during the upcoming decade.

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Research paper thumbnail of The POLAR gamma-ray burst polarization catalog

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020

Context.Despite over 50 years of research, many open questions remain about the origin and nature... more Context.Despite over 50 years of research, many open questions remain about the origin and nature of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Linear polarization measurements of the prompt emission of these extreme phenomena have long been thought to be key to answering a range of these questions. The POLAR detector was designed to produce the first set of detailed and reliable linear polarization measurements in the 50 − 500 keV energy range. During late 2016 and early 2017, POLAR detected a total of 55 GRBs. The analysis results of 5 of these GRBs have been reported, and were found to be consistent with a low or unpolarized flux. However, previous reports by other collaborations found high levels of linear polarization, including some as high as 90%.Aims.We study the linear polarization for the 14 GRBs observed by POLAR for which statistically robust inferences are possible. Additionally, time-resolved polarization studies are performed on GRBs with sufficient apparent flux.Methods.A publicly ava...

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance study of the gamma-ray bursts polarimeter POLAR

Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 2016

The Gamma-ray Burst Polarimeter-POLAR is a highly sensitive detector which is dedicated to the me... more The Gamma-ray Burst Polarimeter-POLAR is a highly sensitive detector which is dedicated to the measurement of GRB’s polarization with a large effective detection area and a large field of view (FOV). The optimized performance of POLAR will contribute to the capture and measurement of the transient sources like GRBs and Solar Flares. The detection energy range of POLAR is 50 keV ~ 500 keV, and mainly dominated by the Compton scattering effect. POLAR consists of 25 detector modular units (DMUs), and each DMU is composed of low Z material Plastic Scintillators (PS), multi-anode photomultipliers (MAPMT) and multi-channel ASIC Front-end Electronics (FEE). POLAR experiment is an international collaboration project involving China, Switzerland and Poland, and is expected to be launched in September in 2016 onboard the Chinese space laboratory “Tiangong-2 (TG-2)”. With the efforts from the collaborations, POLAR has experienced the Demonstration Model (DM) phase, Engineering and Qualification Model (EQM) phase, Qualification Model (QM) phase, and now a full Flight Model (FM) of POLAR has been constructed. The FM of POLAR has passed the environmental acceptance tests (thermal cycling, vibration, shock and thermal vacuum tests) and experienced the calibration tests with both radioactive sources and 100% polarized Gamma-Ray beam at ESRF after its construction. The design of POLAR, Monte-Carlo simulation analysis, as well as the performance test results will all be introduced in this paper.

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Research paper thumbnail of A crosstalk and non-uniformity correction method for the space-borne Compton polarimeter POLAR

Astroparticle Physics, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The INTEGRAL Mission

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Research paper thumbnail of υ production in <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow><mi>Z</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">Z</annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.6833em;"></span><span class="mord mathnormal" style="margin-right:0.07153em;">Z</span></span></span></span> decays

Phys.Lett., 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of POLAR trigger — Experimental verification

2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2015

POLAR is a space-borne instrument designed for measurements of the polarization of the prompt har... more POLAR is a space-borne instrument designed for measurements of the polarization of the prompt hard X- and gamma-ray emission from the Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB). POLAR consists of 25 identical Detection Modules equipped with Front-End Electronics (FEE) units. This paper describes: design, strategy and verification process of the POLAR trigger mechanism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Time-resolved GRB polarization with POLAR and GBM

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019

Context. Simultaneousγ-ray measurements ofγ-ray burst spectra and polarization offer a unique way... more Context. Simultaneousγ-ray measurements ofγ-ray burst spectra and polarization offer a unique way to determine the underlying emission mechanism(s) in these objects, as well as probing the particle acceleration mechanism(s) that lead to the observedγ-ray emission.Aims. We examine the jointly observed data from POLAR andFermi-GBM of GRB 170114A to determine its spectral and polarization properties, and seek to understand the emission processes that generate these observations. We aim to develop an extensible and statistically sound framework for these types of measurements applicable to other instruments.Methods. We leveraged the existing3MLanalysis framework to develop a new analysis pipeline for simultaneously modeling the spectral and polarization data. We derived the proper Poisson likelihood forγ-ray polarization measurements in the presence of background. The developed framework is publicly available for similar measurements with otherγ-ray polarimeters. The data are analyzed w...

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospects of the Hard X-Ray Instrument POLAR to Measure Polarization of Solar Flares

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The POLAR gamma-ray burst polarimeter onboard the Chinese Spacelab

Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Local multiplicity fluctuations in hadronic Z decay

Physics Letters B, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of the weak dipole moments of the τ lepton

Physics Letters B, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of the running of the fine-structure constant

Physics Letters B, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of the <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow><msubsup><mi mathvariant="bold">B</mi><mi mathvariant="bold">d</mi><mn mathvariant="bold">0</mn></msubsup><mo>−</mo><msubsup><mover accent="true"><mi mathvariant="bold">B</mi><mo>ˉ</mo></mover><mi mathvariant="bold">d</mi><mn mathvariant="bold">0</mn></msubsup></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">{\rm\bf B_{\bf d}^{\bf 0}- {\bf \bar{B}}_{\bf d}^{\bf 0}}</annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:1.3383em;vertical-align:-0.2831em;"></span><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord mathbf">B</span><span class="msupsub"><span class="vlist-t vlist-t2"><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.8141em;"><span style="top:-2.4169em;margin-left:0em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mathbf mtight">d</span></span></span></span></span><span style="top:-3.063em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mathbf mtight">0</span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="vlist-s">​</span></span><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.2831em;"><span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="mspace" style="margin-right:0.2222em;"></span><span class="mbin">−</span><span class="mspace" style="margin-right:0.2222em;"></span><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord"><span class="mord accent"><span class="vlist-t"><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.8512em;"><span style="top:-3em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:3em;"></span><span class="mord mathbf">B</span></span><span style="top:-3.2551em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:3em;"></span><span class="accent-body" style="left:-0.2875em;"><span class="mord mathbf">ˉ</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="msupsub"><span class="vlist-t vlist-t2"><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:1.0552em;"><span style="top:-2.453em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mathbf mtight">d</span></span></span></span></span><span style="top:-3.3041em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mtight"><span class="mord mathbf mtight">0</span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="vlist-s">​</span></span><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.247em;"><span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span> oscillation frequency

The European Physical Journal C, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of IGR J17497-2821: a new X-ray nova

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of GRB 040403: A faint X-ray rich gamma-ray burst discovered by INTEGRAL

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2005

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![Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of the B (0)-(B) Over-Bar (0) Mixing Parameter and the Z-] B (B) Over-Bar Forward-Backward Asymmetry](

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Research paper thumbnail of A search for lepton flavour violation in Z0 decays

Physics Letters B, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Gamma-Ray Polarimetry

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Research paper thumbnail of The LargE Area burst Polarimeter (LEAP) – A NASA mission of opportunity for the ISS

UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XXII

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Research paper thumbnail of Astro2020 White Paper State of the Profession: Intensity Interferometry

arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, 2019

Recent advances in telescope design, photodetector efficiency, and high-speed electronic data rec... more Recent advances in telescope design, photodetector efficiency, and high-speed electronic data recording and synchronization have created the observational capability to achieve unprecedented angular resolution for several thousand bright (m< 6) and hot (O/B/A) stars by means of a modern implementation of Stellar Intensity Interferometry (SII). This technology, when deployed on future arrays of large diameter optical telescopes, has the ability to image astrophysical objects with an angular resolution better than 40 {\mu} arc-sec. This paper describes validation tests of the SII technique in the laboratory using various optical sensors and correlators, and SII measurements on nearby stars that have recently been completed as a technology demonstrator. The paper describes ongoing and future developments that will advance the impact and instrumental resolution of SII during the upcoming decade.

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Research paper thumbnail of The POLAR gamma-ray burst polarization catalog

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020

Context.Despite over 50 years of research, many open questions remain about the origin and nature... more Context.Despite over 50 years of research, many open questions remain about the origin and nature of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Linear polarization measurements of the prompt emission of these extreme phenomena have long been thought to be key to answering a range of these questions. The POLAR detector was designed to produce the first set of detailed and reliable linear polarization measurements in the 50 − 500 keV energy range. During late 2016 and early 2017, POLAR detected a total of 55 GRBs. The analysis results of 5 of these GRBs have been reported, and were found to be consistent with a low or unpolarized flux. However, previous reports by other collaborations found high levels of linear polarization, including some as high as 90%.Aims.We study the linear polarization for the 14 GRBs observed by POLAR for which statistically robust inferences are possible. Additionally, time-resolved polarization studies are performed on GRBs with sufficient apparent flux.Methods.A publicly ava...

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance study of the gamma-ray bursts polarimeter POLAR

Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 2016

The Gamma-ray Burst Polarimeter-POLAR is a highly sensitive detector which is dedicated to the me... more The Gamma-ray Burst Polarimeter-POLAR is a highly sensitive detector which is dedicated to the measurement of GRB’s polarization with a large effective detection area and a large field of view (FOV). The optimized performance of POLAR will contribute to the capture and measurement of the transient sources like GRBs and Solar Flares. The detection energy range of POLAR is 50 keV ~ 500 keV, and mainly dominated by the Compton scattering effect. POLAR consists of 25 detector modular units (DMUs), and each DMU is composed of low Z material Plastic Scintillators (PS), multi-anode photomultipliers (MAPMT) and multi-channel ASIC Front-end Electronics (FEE). POLAR experiment is an international collaboration project involving China, Switzerland and Poland, and is expected to be launched in September in 2016 onboard the Chinese space laboratory “Tiangong-2 (TG-2)”. With the efforts from the collaborations, POLAR has experienced the Demonstration Model (DM) phase, Engineering and Qualification Model (EQM) phase, Qualification Model (QM) phase, and now a full Flight Model (FM) of POLAR has been constructed. The FM of POLAR has passed the environmental acceptance tests (thermal cycling, vibration, shock and thermal vacuum tests) and experienced the calibration tests with both radioactive sources and 100% polarized Gamma-Ray beam at ESRF after its construction. The design of POLAR, Monte-Carlo simulation analysis, as well as the performance test results will all be introduced in this paper.

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Research paper thumbnail of A crosstalk and non-uniformity correction method for the space-borne Compton polarimeter POLAR

Astroparticle Physics, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The INTEGRAL Mission

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Research paper thumbnail of υ production in <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow><mi>Z</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">Z</annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.6833em;"></span><span class="mord mathnormal" style="margin-right:0.07153em;">Z</span></span></span></span> decays

Phys.Lett., 1997

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