Marcelo F Aebi | University of Lausanne (original) (raw)
Papers by Marcelo F Aebi
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Mar 1, 2018
Besides crime surveys, official data on crime and criminal justice are essential both for crimino... more Besides crime surveys, official data on crime and criminal justice are essential both for criminology and criminal policy. The number of offenses, prosecutions, convictions or prisoners gathered through crime and criminal justice statistics and the trends shown by these indicators provide valuable information for policy makers to assess and improve the existing criminal justice system (Aebi 2004; Aebi and Linde 2012; Jehle 2000, 2013). A broader look beyond the national level offers new perspectives: This is not only true for the introduction of new kinds of sanctions and measures or crime prevention, but also for the structure and organization of criminal justice authorities. Methodological issues related to the evaluation of criminal justice statistics, however, become more complex when comparing these data on an international level. Such an analysis has to consider legal and statistical differences between the criminal justice systems and their potential impacts on data availability and data comparability (Harrendorf 2012). This issue deals with international comparisons within Europe. The various articles refer to the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics as the main data source. This Sourcebook is a comparative data collection covering all stages of the criminal proceedings. Its first edition was published in 1999 and it included data from 1990 to 1996. It was continued by follow-up publications in the
Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología, 2007
L'Italia e la Svizzera, nel 2006, hanno partecipato all'indagine internazionale sulla delinquenza... more L'Italia e la Svizzera, nel 2006, hanno partecipato all'indagine internazionale sulla delinquenza giovanile denominata Second International Self-Reported Delinquency Survey (ISRD-2), usando un identico questionario. Il campione ha coinvolto più di 9000 studenti (N=5784 in Italia e N=3459 in Svizzera) di età compresa tra i 13 ed i 16 anni. Questo studio confronta il coinvolgimento degli adolescenti di questi due Paesi nei comportamenti violenti (contro la persona e contro le cose), prendendo in considerazione l'influenza di variabili relative al contesto socio-economico, famigliare, scolastico, ed alle caratteristiche individuali, con lo scopo di identificare le variabili associate con questi comportamenti, e di verificare se queste associazioni sono diverse nei due Paesi. I comportamenti violenti contro le persone e il vandalismo sono ammessi con maggior frequenza dagli studenti italiani. Le analisi multivariate dimostrano che essere di genere maschile, avere uno scadente autocontrollo, vivere in un ambiente sociale disorganizzato, avere una scarsa supervisione parentale, avere genitori in conflitto violento tra di loro, avere un'atteggiamento positivo nei confronti della violenza, aumenta il rischio di commettere atti violenti sia contro le persone, sia contro le cose. Essere immigrato, essere discriminato, ed avere genitori che abusano di alcol o di droga aumenta il rischio di commettere atti violenti contro le persone, ma non di vandalismo. Inoltre, gli studenti che pranzano tutti i giorni con i genitori ed i ragazzi più giovani hanno minori probabilità di commettere atti di vandalismo. I rapporti tra le variabili di adattamento scolastico ed i comportamenti violenti differiscono nei due Paesi, in quanto le bocciature e lo scarso attaccamento alla scuola sono più criminogeni in Italia che in Svizzera. Questo diverso rapporto può essere dovuto a fattori culturali, quali la maggior o minor importanza conferita al successo scolastico, o strutturali, quali la diversa organizzazione del sistema scolastico nei due Paesi.
Criminologie (Montreal), Apr 22, 2021
Les Roms forment la plus grande minorité ethnique en Europe, mais peu d’études se sont focalisées... more Les Roms forment la plus grande minorité ethnique en Europe, mais peu d’études se sont focalisées sur la délinquance et la victimisation au sein de cette communauté. Cet article présente une recherche exploratoire portant sur la victimisation et la délinquance des jeunes Roms roumains en Suisse romande. L’étude suit une démarche mixte qui combine 130 heures d’observation participante avec un sondage de délinquance et victimisation autoreportée (N= 27). Les résultats montrent que les victimisations les plus courantes sont les agressions verbales liées à la mendicité, la violence domestique et les vols, tandis que les délits les plus avoués sont les rixes et les violences conjugales, fréquemment bidirectionnelles. La délinquance et la victimisation sont souvent associées, même si la gamme de victimisations subies est davantage diversifiée que celle des délits commis. Les victimes ont une perception relativement positive de la police suisse, mais ne dénoncent que rarement les délits subis. Malgré la taille réduite de l’échantillon et les biais liés à une recherche de ce genre, l’étude apporte des éléments nouveaux en ce qui concerne le rôle des médias sociaux dans la délinquance, la bidirectionnalité de la violence conjugale et le faible taux de reportabilité des victimisations, tout en proposant des sujets d’étude pour des recherches futures.
Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften, 2010
The study and this publication would also not have been possible without the work and assistance ... more The study and this publication would also not have been possible without the work and assistance by many researchers, statisticians and officials across Europe. The authors and editors are grateful for their invaluable contribution to this project. Especially, we owe gratitude to our national correspondents, to the project steering group members and the observers taking part in our meetings, the conference and our discussions. The questionnaire developed by the European Sourcebook group has been discussed with and answered by the following national correspondents:
Cybercrime is on the rise, and so is the need to systematically analyze its prevalence, distribut... more Cybercrime is on the rise, and so is the need to systematically analyze its prevalence, distribution, causes, and consequences. While official records (mainly police, prosecution and court statistics) provide important information to explore online crime, they have been subject to extensive criticism due to the presence of measurement error arising from the combined influences of victims' underreporting and recording practices. Consequently, researchers, crime analysts and policy makers are increasingly relying on estimates of cybercrime and cyberdeviance based on surveys. This chapter reviews the measures of cybercrime and cyberdeviance included in national crime surveys, including household and business victimization surveys and self-report offending surveys. The chapter describes, categorizes and compares measures included in surveys, and discusses opportunities and limitations to generate reliable and valid estimates to study cybercrime and cyberdeviance. Measures included in surveys do not capture the diversity of criminal and deviant behaviors that take place online, and some surveys only probe about certain frauds that may take place both on and offline. The chapter identifies opportunities for researchers to utilize existing data to advance our understanding of online victimization and offending, and provides methodological recommendations to improve the recording of cybercrime and cyberdeviance in existing surveys.
En este libro se aborda el estudio de cuatro manifestaciones delictivas que han cobrado protagoni... more En este libro se aborda el estudio de cuatro manifestaciones delictivas que han cobrado protagonismo en los ultimos anos: la delincuencia juvenil, la inmigracion y la delincuencia, la delincuencia organizada y la violencia de genero. El primer capitulo proporciona una introduccion al estudio de la delincuencia juvenil, favoreciendo el desarrollo de un razonamiento criminologico que permite abordar los desafios vinculados a este fenomeno desde una perspectiva cientifica. El segundo capitulo aborda la integracion de los inmigrantes en las sociedades de acogida a partir de una perspectiva historica y tambien de una vision realista de la Europa contemporanea. El tercer capitulo analiza el complejo fenomeno de la delincuencia organizada desde tres planos distintos: los factores macrosociales que favorecen su emergencia, los organizacionales que explican la asociacion delincuencial, y las circunstancias individuales que conforman el perfil de los miembros. En el ultimo capitulo se identifican las caracteristicas y los factores de riesgo de la violencia de genero, cuya importancia adquirida en la sociedad espanola ha conllevado el desarrollo de programas de prevencion y sensibilizacion, de asistencia a las victimas y de tratamiento para los agresores
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Mar 1, 2018
Besides crime surveys, official data on crime and criminal justice are essential both for crimino... more Besides crime surveys, official data on crime and criminal justice are essential both for criminology and criminal policy. The number of offenses, prosecutions, convictions or prisoners gathered through crime and criminal justice statistics and the trends shown by these indicators provide valuable information for policy makers to assess and improve the existing criminal justice system (Aebi 2004; Aebi and Linde 2012; Jehle 2000, 2013). A broader look beyond the national level offers new perspectives: This is not only true for the introduction of new kinds of sanctions and measures or crime prevention, but also for the structure and organization of criminal justice authorities. Methodological issues related to the evaluation of criminal justice statistics, however, become more complex when comparing these data on an international level. Such an analysis has to consider legal and statistical differences between the criminal justice systems and their potential impacts on data availability and data comparability (Harrendorf 2012). This issue deals with international comparisons within Europe. The various articles refer to the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics as the main data source. This Sourcebook is a comparative data collection covering all stages of the criminal proceedings. Its first edition was published in 1999 and it included data from 1990 to 1996. It was continued by follow-up publications in the
Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología, 2007
L'Italia e la Svizzera, nel 2006, hanno partecipato all'indagine internazionale sulla delinquenza... more L'Italia e la Svizzera, nel 2006, hanno partecipato all'indagine internazionale sulla delinquenza giovanile denominata Second International Self-Reported Delinquency Survey (ISRD-2), usando un identico questionario. Il campione ha coinvolto più di 9000 studenti (N=5784 in Italia e N=3459 in Svizzera) di età compresa tra i 13 ed i 16 anni. Questo studio confronta il coinvolgimento degli adolescenti di questi due Paesi nei comportamenti violenti (contro la persona e contro le cose), prendendo in considerazione l'influenza di variabili relative al contesto socio-economico, famigliare, scolastico, ed alle caratteristiche individuali, con lo scopo di identificare le variabili associate con questi comportamenti, e di verificare se queste associazioni sono diverse nei due Paesi. I comportamenti violenti contro le persone e il vandalismo sono ammessi con maggior frequenza dagli studenti italiani. Le analisi multivariate dimostrano che essere di genere maschile, avere uno scadente autocontrollo, vivere in un ambiente sociale disorganizzato, avere una scarsa supervisione parentale, avere genitori in conflitto violento tra di loro, avere un'atteggiamento positivo nei confronti della violenza, aumenta il rischio di commettere atti violenti sia contro le persone, sia contro le cose. Essere immigrato, essere discriminato, ed avere genitori che abusano di alcol o di droga aumenta il rischio di commettere atti violenti contro le persone, ma non di vandalismo. Inoltre, gli studenti che pranzano tutti i giorni con i genitori ed i ragazzi più giovani hanno minori probabilità di commettere atti di vandalismo. I rapporti tra le variabili di adattamento scolastico ed i comportamenti violenti differiscono nei due Paesi, in quanto le bocciature e lo scarso attaccamento alla scuola sono più criminogeni in Italia che in Svizzera. Questo diverso rapporto può essere dovuto a fattori culturali, quali la maggior o minor importanza conferita al successo scolastico, o strutturali, quali la diversa organizzazione del sistema scolastico nei due Paesi.
Criminologie (Montreal), Apr 22, 2021
Les Roms forment la plus grande minorité ethnique en Europe, mais peu d’études se sont focalisées... more Les Roms forment la plus grande minorité ethnique en Europe, mais peu d’études se sont focalisées sur la délinquance et la victimisation au sein de cette communauté. Cet article présente une recherche exploratoire portant sur la victimisation et la délinquance des jeunes Roms roumains en Suisse romande. L’étude suit une démarche mixte qui combine 130 heures d’observation participante avec un sondage de délinquance et victimisation autoreportée (N= 27). Les résultats montrent que les victimisations les plus courantes sont les agressions verbales liées à la mendicité, la violence domestique et les vols, tandis que les délits les plus avoués sont les rixes et les violences conjugales, fréquemment bidirectionnelles. La délinquance et la victimisation sont souvent associées, même si la gamme de victimisations subies est davantage diversifiée que celle des délits commis. Les victimes ont une perception relativement positive de la police suisse, mais ne dénoncent que rarement les délits subis. Malgré la taille réduite de l’échantillon et les biais liés à une recherche de ce genre, l’étude apporte des éléments nouveaux en ce qui concerne le rôle des médias sociaux dans la délinquance, la bidirectionnalité de la violence conjugale et le faible taux de reportabilité des victimisations, tout en proposant des sujets d’étude pour des recherches futures.
Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften, 2010
The study and this publication would also not have been possible without the work and assistance ... more The study and this publication would also not have been possible without the work and assistance by many researchers, statisticians and officials across Europe. The authors and editors are grateful for their invaluable contribution to this project. Especially, we owe gratitude to our national correspondents, to the project steering group members and the observers taking part in our meetings, the conference and our discussions. The questionnaire developed by the European Sourcebook group has been discussed with and answered by the following national correspondents:
Cybercrime is on the rise, and so is the need to systematically analyze its prevalence, distribut... more Cybercrime is on the rise, and so is the need to systematically analyze its prevalence, distribution, causes, and consequences. While official records (mainly police, prosecution and court statistics) provide important information to explore online crime, they have been subject to extensive criticism due to the presence of measurement error arising from the combined influences of victims' underreporting and recording practices. Consequently, researchers, crime analysts and policy makers are increasingly relying on estimates of cybercrime and cyberdeviance based on surveys. This chapter reviews the measures of cybercrime and cyberdeviance included in national crime surveys, including household and business victimization surveys and self-report offending surveys. The chapter describes, categorizes and compares measures included in surveys, and discusses opportunities and limitations to generate reliable and valid estimates to study cybercrime and cyberdeviance. Measures included in surveys do not capture the diversity of criminal and deviant behaviors that take place online, and some surveys only probe about certain frauds that may take place both on and offline. The chapter identifies opportunities for researchers to utilize existing data to advance our understanding of online victimization and offending, and provides methodological recommendations to improve the recording of cybercrime and cyberdeviance in existing surveys.
En este libro se aborda el estudio de cuatro manifestaciones delictivas que han cobrado protagoni... more En este libro se aborda el estudio de cuatro manifestaciones delictivas que han cobrado protagonismo en los ultimos anos: la delincuencia juvenil, la inmigracion y la delincuencia, la delincuencia organizada y la violencia de genero. El primer capitulo proporciona una introduccion al estudio de la delincuencia juvenil, favoreciendo el desarrollo de un razonamiento criminologico que permite abordar los desafios vinculados a este fenomeno desde una perspectiva cientifica. El segundo capitulo aborda la integracion de los inmigrantes en las sociedades de acogida a partir de una perspectiva historica y tambien de una vision realista de la Europa contemporanea. El tercer capitulo analiza el complejo fenomeno de la delincuencia organizada desde tres planos distintos: los factores macrosociales que favorecen su emergencia, los organizacionales que explican la asociacion delincuencial, y las circunstancias individuales que conforman el perfil de los miembros. En el ultimo capitulo se identifican las caracteristicas y los factores de riesgo de la violencia de genero, cuya importancia adquirida en la sociedad espanola ha conllevado el desarrollo de programas de prevencion y sensibilizacion, de asistencia a las victimas y de tratamiento para los agresores
Précis de droit pénal général (3rd ed.) , 2008
La révision des dispositions générales du Code pénal suisse est entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier ... more La révision des dispositions générales du Code pénal suisse est entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2007 et a nécessité la refonte de certains chapitres de ce précis de droit pénal général. En effet, si les modifications introduites par le législateur concernent essentiellement le droit des sanctions, d'autres dispositions ont également été modifiées ou ont fait leur apparition dans notre législation pénale. Cette troisième édition prend ainsi en compte l'ensemble des nouveautés introduites en 2007. Mais ce n'est pas là la seule amélioration, puisque le volet comparatiste a également été développé, autant en direction des droits anglo-saxons que français, allemand et hispaniques. Les étudiants en droit de Suisse romande trouveront ainsi dans cet ouvrage un précieux support de cours qui réduit la matière à l'essentiel, tout en favorisant une approche historique et comparatiste. L'indication des termes allemands cherche en outre à favoriser une culture juridique bilingue.
Grundriss des Allgemeinen Teils des Schweizerischen Strafgesetzbuchs, 2009
Vor zehn Jahren erschien die erste Auflage dieses Lehrbuchs in französischer Sprache. Dank einer ... more Vor zehn Jahren erschien die erste Auflage dieses Lehrbuchs in französischer Sprache. Dank einer günstigen Aufnahme bei den Studierenden und in der Praxis in der Romandie sind seither zwei weitere Auflagen erschienen, wobei die dritte zugleich den Wechsel zu einer Kollektivurheberschaft des Lausanner Teams brachte.Die vorliegende deutschsprachige Aus gabe ist entstanden im Wunsch, die in diesemBuch von Anfang an gewählte vergleichende Perspektive auch den deutschsprachigen Studierenden näherzubringen. Es geht darum, die Besonderheiten des schweizerischen Strafrechts vor dem Hintergrund teils paralleler, teils aber auch ganz unterschiedlicher Entwicklungen ausserhalb des deutschen Sprachraums, aber auch historischer Kontinuitäten deutlich werden zu lassen und im Lichte des kriminologischenWissensstandes zu würdigen. Die vorliegende Ausgabe basiert auf der dritten Auflage des französischsprachigen Lehrbuchs, wurde aber gründlich überarbeitet und nachgeführt.
Defining and Registering Criminal Offences and Measures: Standards for a European Comparison, 2010
The study presented in this book is a direct response to the needs for defining and registering c... more The study presented in this book is a direct response to the needs for defining and registering criminal and judicial data on the European level. Based upon work done by the European Sourcebook experts’ group in creating the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics (ESB), the project intended to improve and complement the standards developed so far for definitions and statistical registration in four fields, in order to contribute to the picture of criminal justice in Europe. It utilized questionnaires filled by an established European network.
Possibilities to improve the offence definitions used so far in the ESB context were explored. Also, further crime types, especially those subject to EU-harmonized definition, were tested and introduced. Based on the results of recent projects of one of the editors (Jörg-Martin Jehle), the prosecution chapter of the ESB questionnaire was changed and expanded. Data collection possibilities regarding compulsory measures in the investigatory stage were tested, and a more sophisticated approach for recording sanctions and measures had been developed, as well as for prison data.
As overarching issues, ways to collect data on pretrial detention and its surrogates and on aliens stemming from EU member states compared to those from other states were sought. The study explored how far national statistics can provide such data and developed a concept for collation on European level. The offence definitions and data collection instruments introduced and revised during the course of this project were tested and most of them were – albeit modified sometimes – included in the 4th edition ESB questionnaire. Thus, the 4th edition ESB is based on a questionnaire developed during this project. The ESB is published in parallel to this book (Aebi et al, European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics-2010, 4th edition, The Hague: Boom).
Final report on the study on crime victimisation, 2010
Grundriss der Kriminologie: Eine Europäische Perspektive. Zweite Auflage, 2011
Précis de criminologie (3rd ed.), 2012
Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe: Towards a Sourcebook on Data and Statistical Recording Methods (TrafStat Project), 2014
Counting what counts: tools for the validation and utilization of EU statistics on human trafficking, 2014
European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2014 (5th ed, 2nd revised printing), 2017
Aspectos esenciales de la Criminología actual, 2016
En este libro se aborda el estudio de cuatro manifestaciones delictivas que han cobrado protagoni... more En este libro se aborda el estudio de cuatro manifestaciones delictivas que han cobrado protagonismo en los últimos años: la delincuencia juvenil, la inmigración y la delincuencia, la delincuencia organizada y la violencia de género. El primer capítulo proporciona una introducción al estudio de la delincuencia juvenil, favoreciendo el desarrollo de un razonamiento criminológico que permite abordar los desafíos vinculados a este fenómeno desde una perspectiva científica. El segundo capítulo aborda la integración de los inmigrantes en las sociedades de acogida a partir de una perspectiva histórica y también de una visión realista de la Europa contemporánea. El tercer capítulo analiza el complejo fenómeno de la delincuencia organizada desde tres planos distintos: los factores macrosociales que favorecen su emergencia, los organizacionales que explican la asociación delincuencial, y las circunstancias individuales que conforman el perfil de los miembros. En el último capítulo se identifican las características y los factores de riesgo de la violencia de género, cuya importancia adquirida en la sociedad española ha conllevado el desarrollo de programas de prevención y sensibilización, de asistencia a las víctimas y de tratamiento para los agresores.
Précis de criminologie (4th ed.), 2019
Ce texte introductif offre une synthèse de l'évolution de la criminalité sur les deux derniers si... more Ce texte introductif offre une synthèse de l'évolution de la criminalité sur les deux derniers siècles. Il expose les principes des recherches empiriques sur le crime et la réaction sociale et résume les connaissances sur bon nombre de thèmes d'actualité.
La criminalité a-t-elle réellement augmenté? Pourquoi les jeunes sont-ils plus souvent impliqués dans la délinquance? Combien de femmes sont-elles victimes de violences? Quels sont les taux de récidive? Quelle est l'utilité des peines? Des peines dites « alternatives » seraient-elles plus efficaces que la prison? Toutes ces questions sont abordées à la lumière de l'état des connaissances au niveau international.
Cette nouvelle édition – entièrement remaniée par les trois auteurs – offre au lecteur une synthèse des recherches publiées ces dernières années en Suisse et à l'étranger.
Etudiants, praticiens et journalistes y trouveront un aperçu des connaissances en matière de violence, de criminalité et de prévention.
Prisons in Europe: 2005-2015. Volume 2: Sourcebook of prison statistics. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing , 2019
How many inmates are held in European prisons? Among them, how many are women? How many are forei... more How many inmates are held in European prisons? Among them, how many are women? How many are foreign citizens? How many are not serving a final sentence? How many people enter prison every year, and how long do they remain there? Are there enough places for all of them? What is the ratio of inmates per member of prison staff? How much do prisons cost? If you are looking for the data necessary to provide answers to these and many other similar questions, this is the book for you. The Sourcebook of prison statistics compiles absolute numbers for 30 prison-related measures and computes another 30 indicators which can be used for comparative purposes. The sourcebook should be used together with Volume 1 of the Prisons in Europe 2005-2015 collection, which provides the context and methodology used to produce the data presented here.
Prisons in Europe: 2005-2015. Volume 1: Country Profiles., 2019
How many inmates are held in European prisons? Among them, how many are women? How many are forei... more How many inmates are held in European prisons? Among them, how many are women? How many are foreign citizens? How many are not serving a final sentence? How many people enter prison every year, and how long do they remain there? Are there enough places for all of them? What is the ratio of inmates per member of prison staff? How much do prisons cost? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in this volume, which compiles and updates 11 years of the Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics, better known as the SPACE statistics. The situation in each country is analysed through individual country profiles, which include key facts and graphs covering the years 2005-2015. In addition, a comparative section allows for analysis of the relative position of each country with regard to the other member states of the Council of Europe and of the European Union. This is accompanied by a methodological section, which sets out the main problems related to this type of comparison.
Foreign offenders in prison and on probation in Europe: Trends from 2005 to 2015 (inmates) and situation in 2015 (inmates and probationers), 2019
Is there really an over-representation of foreign citizens in European prisons? Is the presence o... more Is there really an over-representation of foreign citizens in European prisons? Is the presence of foreign inmates comparable across regions and countries of Europe? How can one explain the differences in the trends shown by the absolute numbers and the percentages of foreign inmates from 2005 to 2015? Do foreign citizens have less access than nationals to alternatives to imprisonment? Do the data available allow the research to establish whether the growth in the use of community sanctions and measures since the 1990s plays a role in the fluctuations observed in the percentage of foreign inmates? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in this book, which compiles and updates a series of specific indicators collected during eleven years through the Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics (better known as the SPACE statistics), and accompanies the two volumes on Prisons in Europe 2005-2015 published in this collection. The volume includes maps and tables illustrating the state of prison (2005-2015) and probation agencies (2009-2015). In addition, the situation is analyzed through individual country profiles, which include key facts and graphs covering the years 2005 to 2015.