Hieronymus Soerjatisnanta | Lampung University (original) (raw)
Papers by Hieronymus Soerjatisnanta
Scholars international journal of law, crime and justice, Jun 20, 2024
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains, Aug 30, 2023
JSP : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Aug 4, 2017
A known agrarian issue took place in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Register 45 Mesuji La... more A known agrarian issue took place in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Register 45 Mesuji Lampung. The granting of natural forest management permit by the government to PT. Silva Inhutani, thus eliminating public access around Register 45 to manage the forest, subsequently lead to confl ict in the region. The objectives of this research are, namely: 1) to explain the grounds for partnership in the Register 45 area; and 2) to analyze the partnership program undertaken in Register 45 as an eff ort of resolving confl ict. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach that describes the results of research, assessment and other references reinforced with empirical data through interviews and observations. This study found a number of issues in the partnership agreement formation process, wherein the community was not being involved in the formation process of the partnership provisions, such as the planting process and the profi t sharing scheme. The issues found in the implementation stage of the partnership agreement can be observed from an internal factor perspective, which was the unfulfi lled expectation to increase acacia planting. Regarding the external factor, there were still many acts of thuggery in the area of Register 45 that interfered with the partnership process. There was also a fundamental problem in the partnership implementation, which was the prevalent lack of aptness in the mapping of community entitled to the partnership, as well as the lack of trust among collaborating parties.
Globalization is a necessity which can't be avoided by the nations of the world. There are Many b... more Globalization is a necessity which can't be avoided by the nations of the world. There are Many benefits that appear from globalization process, but also there is negative effect which posed by economic order difference. To cope the negative effect, it need an effort to strengthen the state role which can be done by creation of law instrument. The creation of law instrument based on the Pancasila Ideology and UUDNRI1945-Constituion. Those thing as a fundamental value in constructing the real state sovereignty. The orientation of law creation focused to create the stability of nation interest and global interest. The stability focused on 4 important aspect which are justice, exellence, efficiency, and liberty as fundamental value of moral economic law. Those 4 aspect having a fundamental value which embodied in character of law that protect and succor.
Rechtsidee, Jun 4, 2019
This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental mana... more This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental management in Lampung Province. The findings of this research are expected to be a basis in determining the model of legal policy of interregional cooperation in the field of environmental management in Lampung Province. Thus, the implementation of regional autonomy will be protected from regional ego and sector ego, and will eventually realize the ultimate goal of regional autonomy in the field of environment that is the welfare of local communities and environmental sustainability. This research method using socio-legal approach. The practice is primarily concerned with Local Government involvement and communities in upstream-downstream relationships in watershed (DAS) management in Lampung Province. Therefore, this study, in addition to reviewing the environmental policy of the Lampung Provincial Government, also examines district and city government environmental policies, especially in environmental management involving more than one district / city. The results showed that the legal arrangement of interregional cooperation in management of the environment in Lampung Province has not been specifically regulated. The basis of inter-regional cooperation is based only on the principles of regional autonomy and has not been based on the ecological characteristics and conditions in the region. Therefore, the approach still tends to be economic oriented and regional administration.The ideal concept is that the legal arrangement of cooperation inter-regional in the field of environment should be based on the principle of ecoregion.
I. Pendahuluan UU No. 22 tahun 1999 dan UU No. 32 tahun 2004 merupakan arus balik kewenangan oton... more I. Pendahuluan UU No. 22 tahun 1999 dan UU No. 32 tahun 2004 merupakan arus balik kewenangan otonom daerah. Kewenangan otonomi Pemda terdiri dari urusan wajib dan urusan pilihan yang diatur dalam Pasal 13 ayat (1) dan (2) untuk Pemda Provinsi dan 14 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) untuk Pemda Kabupaten/kota. Urusan wajib adalah urusan yang berkaitan dengan hak dan pelayanan dasar warga negara, sedangkan urusan pilihan adalah urusan yang secara nyata ada dan berpotensi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Selain itu, juga terdapat urusan yang bersifat concurent yaitu urusan pemerintahan yang penanganannya dalam bagian atau bidang tertentu dapat dilaksanakan bersama antara pemerintah dan pemda. Tujuan sistem otonomi luas adalah kesejahteraan rakyat dan menempatkan Pemda sebagai agen perubahan. Melalui kewenangan mengatur, Pemda dapat melakukan inovasi produk kebijakan politik yang antara lain berbentuk Perda. Perda adalah instrumen yang menggerakkan perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik. Perubahan dimaksud adalah mendekatkan fungsifungsi pelayanan pemda agar dapat diakses oleh masyarakat miskin, terutama pelayanan bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan.
This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental mana... more This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental management in Lampung Province. The findings of this research are expected to be a basis in determining the model of legal policy of interregional cooperation in the field of environmental management in Lampung Province. Thus, the implementation of regional autonomy will be protected from regional ego and sector ego, and will eventually realize the ultimate goal of regional autonomy in the field of environment that is the welfare of local communities and environmental sustainability. This research method using socio-legal approach. This approach is very appropriate to use because in addition to reviewing the legal provisions that regulate inter-regional cooperation in the field of environmental management, also at the same time examine environmental management practices in the region. The practice is primarily concerned with Local Government involvement and communities in upstream-downstream...
This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental mana... more This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental management in Lampung Province. The findings of this research are expected to be a basis in determining the model of legal policy of interregional cooperation in the field of environmental management in Lampung Province. Thus, the implementation of regional autonomy will be protected from regional ego and sector ego, and will eventually realize the ultimate goal of regional autonomy in the field of environment that is the welfare of local communities and environmental sustainability. This research method using socio-legal approach. The practice is primarily concerned with Local Government involvement and communities in upstream-downstream relationships in watershed (DAS) management in Lampung Province. Therefore, this study, in addition to reviewing the environmental policy of the Lampung Provincial Government, also examines district and city government environmental policies, especially in ...
Proceedings of the Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Sciences (ULICoSS 2021)
Globalization is a necessity which can’t be avoided by the nations of the world. There are Many b... more Globalization is a necessity which can’t be avoided by the nations of the world. There are Many benefits that appear from globalization process, but also there is negative effect which posed by economic order difference. To cope the negative effect, it need an effort to strengthen the state role which can be done by creation of law instrument. The creation of law instrument based on the Pancasila Ideology and UUDNRI1945- Constituion.Those thing as a fundamental value in constructing the real state sovereignty. The orientation of law creation focused to create the stability of nation interest and global interest. The stability focused on 4 important aspect which are justice, exellence, efficiency, and liberty as fundamental value of moral economic law. Those 4 aspect having a fundamental value which embodied in character of law that protect and succor.
Two global policies and guidelines on Human Rights Cities, i.e. Global CharterAgenda for Human Ri... more Two global policies and guidelines on Human Rights Cities, i.e. Global CharterAgenda for Human Rights in the City, and Swedish Platform for policy and operational development of human rights at the local and regional level have provided basic principles to protect, respect, and fulfil human rights of inhabitants of cities and municipalities. However, not many researchers discuss those policies and guidelines at the village level. Thus, this study aims to explore on how villages have strong resources to support human rights principles and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 through institutional and cultural approaches. This empirical study was conducted in the context of Indonesia and found that global policies and guidelines on Human Rights Cities fit in to the Indonesian situation and context where villages, under Law Number 5 Year 2014 concerning Village in Indonesia, have strong resources in terms of financial budget allocation and social capital. By having these two types...
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
A known agrarian issue took place in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Register 45 Mesuji La... more A known agrarian issue took place in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Register 45 Mesuji Lampung. The granting of natural forest management permit by the government to PT. Silva Inhutani, thus eliminating public access around Register 45 to manage the forest, subsequently lead to conflict in the region. The objectives of this research are, namely: 1) to explain the grounds for partnership in the Register 45 area; and 2) to analyze the partnership program undertaken in Register 45 as an effort of resolving conflict. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach that describes the results of research, assessment and other references reinforced with empirical data through interviews and observations. This study found a number of issues in the partnership agreement formation process, wherein the community was not being involved in the formation process of the partnership provisions, such as the planting process and the profit sharing scheme. The issues found in the implementat...
Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa mengalami perubahan mendasar melalui revisi UU No. 32 tahun 20... more Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa mengalami perubahan mendasar melalui revisi UU No. 32 tahun 2004 yang digantikan dengan UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Perubahan tersebut dilandaskan pada argument historis, filosofis, yuridis, psikopolitik dan sosiologis. Argument-argumen tersebut diorientasikan pada upaya penataan desa.Salah satu isu penting dalam melakukan penataan desa adalah pengisian jabatan kepala desa yang tidak dapat dilepaskan dari desain kelembagaan pemerintahan desa.
Salah satu substansi UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 yang berkenaan dengan penataan desa adalah pengaturanmengenai kelembagaan Desa, yaitu lembaga Pemerintahan Desa yang terdiri atas Pemerintah Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dan Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa. Pemerintah desa adalah Kepala Desa yang berfungsi sebagai kepala Pemerintahan Desa yang memimpin penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa. Kepala Desa mempunyai peran penting dalam kedudukannya sebagai kepanjangan tangan negara yang dekat dengan masyarakat dan sebagai pemimpin masyarakat.
Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat" (BLSM) as compensation of raising fuel price has caused va... more Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat" (BLSM) as compensation of raising fuel price has caused values distortion and community disintegration. The policy raises give rise to debate over morality and its impact. Redistribution policies through direct transfers just like BLSM provide option to people to make themselves poor people.
Scholars international journal of law, crime and justice, Jun 20, 2024
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains, Aug 30, 2023
JSP : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Aug 4, 2017
A known agrarian issue took place in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Register 45 Mesuji La... more A known agrarian issue took place in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Register 45 Mesuji Lampung. The granting of natural forest management permit by the government to PT. Silva Inhutani, thus eliminating public access around Register 45 to manage the forest, subsequently lead to confl ict in the region. The objectives of this research are, namely: 1) to explain the grounds for partnership in the Register 45 area; and 2) to analyze the partnership program undertaken in Register 45 as an eff ort of resolving confl ict. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach that describes the results of research, assessment and other references reinforced with empirical data through interviews and observations. This study found a number of issues in the partnership agreement formation process, wherein the community was not being involved in the formation process of the partnership provisions, such as the planting process and the profi t sharing scheme. The issues found in the implementation stage of the partnership agreement can be observed from an internal factor perspective, which was the unfulfi lled expectation to increase acacia planting. Regarding the external factor, there were still many acts of thuggery in the area of Register 45 that interfered with the partnership process. There was also a fundamental problem in the partnership implementation, which was the prevalent lack of aptness in the mapping of community entitled to the partnership, as well as the lack of trust among collaborating parties.
Globalization is a necessity which can't be avoided by the nations of the world. There are Many b... more Globalization is a necessity which can't be avoided by the nations of the world. There are Many benefits that appear from globalization process, but also there is negative effect which posed by economic order difference. To cope the negative effect, it need an effort to strengthen the state role which can be done by creation of law instrument. The creation of law instrument based on the Pancasila Ideology and UUDNRI1945-Constituion. Those thing as a fundamental value in constructing the real state sovereignty. The orientation of law creation focused to create the stability of nation interest and global interest. The stability focused on 4 important aspect which are justice, exellence, efficiency, and liberty as fundamental value of moral economic law. Those 4 aspect having a fundamental value which embodied in character of law that protect and succor.
Rechtsidee, Jun 4, 2019
This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental mana... more This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental management in Lampung Province. The findings of this research are expected to be a basis in determining the model of legal policy of interregional cooperation in the field of environmental management in Lampung Province. Thus, the implementation of regional autonomy will be protected from regional ego and sector ego, and will eventually realize the ultimate goal of regional autonomy in the field of environment that is the welfare of local communities and environmental sustainability. This research method using socio-legal approach. The practice is primarily concerned with Local Government involvement and communities in upstream-downstream relationships in watershed (DAS) management in Lampung Province. Therefore, this study, in addition to reviewing the environmental policy of the Lampung Provincial Government, also examines district and city government environmental policies, especially in environmental management involving more than one district / city. The results showed that the legal arrangement of interregional cooperation in management of the environment in Lampung Province has not been specifically regulated. The basis of inter-regional cooperation is based only on the principles of regional autonomy and has not been based on the ecological characteristics and conditions in the region. Therefore, the approach still tends to be economic oriented and regional administration.The ideal concept is that the legal arrangement of cooperation inter-regional in the field of environment should be based on the principle of ecoregion.
I. Pendahuluan UU No. 22 tahun 1999 dan UU No. 32 tahun 2004 merupakan arus balik kewenangan oton... more I. Pendahuluan UU No. 22 tahun 1999 dan UU No. 32 tahun 2004 merupakan arus balik kewenangan otonom daerah. Kewenangan otonomi Pemda terdiri dari urusan wajib dan urusan pilihan yang diatur dalam Pasal 13 ayat (1) dan (2) untuk Pemda Provinsi dan 14 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) untuk Pemda Kabupaten/kota. Urusan wajib adalah urusan yang berkaitan dengan hak dan pelayanan dasar warga negara, sedangkan urusan pilihan adalah urusan yang secara nyata ada dan berpotensi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Selain itu, juga terdapat urusan yang bersifat concurent yaitu urusan pemerintahan yang penanganannya dalam bagian atau bidang tertentu dapat dilaksanakan bersama antara pemerintah dan pemda. Tujuan sistem otonomi luas adalah kesejahteraan rakyat dan menempatkan Pemda sebagai agen perubahan. Melalui kewenangan mengatur, Pemda dapat melakukan inovasi produk kebijakan politik yang antara lain berbentuk Perda. Perda adalah instrumen yang menggerakkan perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik. Perubahan dimaksud adalah mendekatkan fungsifungsi pelayanan pemda agar dapat diakses oleh masyarakat miskin, terutama pelayanan bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan.
This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental mana... more This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental management in Lampung Province. The findings of this research are expected to be a basis in determining the model of legal policy of interregional cooperation in the field of environmental management in Lampung Province. Thus, the implementation of regional autonomy will be protected from regional ego and sector ego, and will eventually realize the ultimate goal of regional autonomy in the field of environment that is the welfare of local communities and environmental sustainability. This research method using socio-legal approach. This approach is very appropriate to use because in addition to reviewing the legal provisions that regulate inter-regional cooperation in the field of environmental management, also at the same time examine environmental management practices in the region. The practice is primarily concerned with Local Government involvement and communities in upstream-downstream...
This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental mana... more This study aims to analyze the regulation of inter-regional cooperation law in environmental management in Lampung Province. The findings of this research are expected to be a basis in determining the model of legal policy of interregional cooperation in the field of environmental management in Lampung Province. Thus, the implementation of regional autonomy will be protected from regional ego and sector ego, and will eventually realize the ultimate goal of regional autonomy in the field of environment that is the welfare of local communities and environmental sustainability. This research method using socio-legal approach. The practice is primarily concerned with Local Government involvement and communities in upstream-downstream relationships in watershed (DAS) management in Lampung Province. Therefore, this study, in addition to reviewing the environmental policy of the Lampung Provincial Government, also examines district and city government environmental policies, especially in ...
Proceedings of the Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Sciences (ULICoSS 2021)
Globalization is a necessity which can’t be avoided by the nations of the world. There are Many b... more Globalization is a necessity which can’t be avoided by the nations of the world. There are Many benefits that appear from globalization process, but also there is negative effect which posed by economic order difference. To cope the negative effect, it need an effort to strengthen the state role which can be done by creation of law instrument. The creation of law instrument based on the Pancasila Ideology and UUDNRI1945- Constituion.Those thing as a fundamental value in constructing the real state sovereignty. The orientation of law creation focused to create the stability of nation interest and global interest. The stability focused on 4 important aspect which are justice, exellence, efficiency, and liberty as fundamental value of moral economic law. Those 4 aspect having a fundamental value which embodied in character of law that protect and succor.
Two global policies and guidelines on Human Rights Cities, i.e. Global CharterAgenda for Human Ri... more Two global policies and guidelines on Human Rights Cities, i.e. Global CharterAgenda for Human Rights in the City, and Swedish Platform for policy and operational development of human rights at the local and regional level have provided basic principles to protect, respect, and fulfil human rights of inhabitants of cities and municipalities. However, not many researchers discuss those policies and guidelines at the village level. Thus, this study aims to explore on how villages have strong resources to support human rights principles and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 through institutional and cultural approaches. This empirical study was conducted in the context of Indonesia and found that global policies and guidelines on Human Rights Cities fit in to the Indonesian situation and context where villages, under Law Number 5 Year 2014 concerning Village in Indonesia, have strong resources in terms of financial budget allocation and social capital. By having these two types...
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
A known agrarian issue took place in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Register 45 Mesuji La... more A known agrarian issue took place in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Register 45 Mesuji Lampung. The granting of natural forest management permit by the government to PT. Silva Inhutani, thus eliminating public access around Register 45 to manage the forest, subsequently lead to conflict in the region. The objectives of this research are, namely: 1) to explain the grounds for partnership in the Register 45 area; and 2) to analyze the partnership program undertaken in Register 45 as an effort of resolving conflict. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach that describes the results of research, assessment and other references reinforced with empirical data through interviews and observations. This study found a number of issues in the partnership agreement formation process, wherein the community was not being involved in the formation process of the partnership provisions, such as the planting process and the profit sharing scheme. The issues found in the implementat...
Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa mengalami perubahan mendasar melalui revisi UU No. 32 tahun 20... more Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa mengalami perubahan mendasar melalui revisi UU No. 32 tahun 2004 yang digantikan dengan UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Perubahan tersebut dilandaskan pada argument historis, filosofis, yuridis, psikopolitik dan sosiologis. Argument-argumen tersebut diorientasikan pada upaya penataan desa.Salah satu isu penting dalam melakukan penataan desa adalah pengisian jabatan kepala desa yang tidak dapat dilepaskan dari desain kelembagaan pemerintahan desa.
Salah satu substansi UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 yang berkenaan dengan penataan desa adalah pengaturanmengenai kelembagaan Desa, yaitu lembaga Pemerintahan Desa yang terdiri atas Pemerintah Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dan Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa. Pemerintah desa adalah Kepala Desa yang berfungsi sebagai kepala Pemerintahan Desa yang memimpin penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa. Kepala Desa mempunyai peran penting dalam kedudukannya sebagai kepanjangan tangan negara yang dekat dengan masyarakat dan sebagai pemimpin masyarakat.
Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat" (BLSM) as compensation of raising fuel price has caused va... more Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat" (BLSM) as compensation of raising fuel price has caused values distortion and community disintegration. The policy raises give rise to debate over morality and its impact. Redistribution policies through direct transfers just like BLSM provide option to people to make themselves poor people.