sri maryanti | Universitas Lancang Kuning (original) (raw)
Papers by sri maryanti
COMSEP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Bantan District is one of the rice-producing areas in the Bengkalis archipelago, with an area of ... more Bantan District is one of the rice-producing areas in the Bengkalis archipelago, with an area of 49,500 (ha), an area planted with rice of 1,425 (ha) and a total harvest of 5,785 tons based on data from the Bengkalis district agriculture service in 2012. So that the potential for grain or morning husks produced is also very large and so far only sold in the form of ordinary husks, this should be used as roasted husks which have a higher selling value. For this reason, coaching is needed in making roasted husks so that it becomes a product that has a high selling value, because the market is also high in Bengkalis. This roasted husk can be used as a mixture of soil in polybags so that it is fertile and loose. As well as used for plantation crops in the fields.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Dan Bisnis
This research was conducted to see how the company's financial condition before and after the... more This research was conducted to see how the company's financial condition before and after the launch of the satellite. Where for Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk, one of the strategies used is to invest in technology, namely by launching a satellite called BRIsat. With the launch of BRISat, it can help BRI in providing the best service. And also by having its own satellite, BRI can expand its service coverage to remote areas and maximize services. In its development, of course, it is hoped that there will be differences in the company's performance before and after the launch of the satellite. From the results of testing 9 hypotheses using SPSS, only 4 hypothesis tests were accepted. Namely on the variables ROE, BOPO, CAR, and DER. The other variables are QR, LDR, LAR, ROA, and NPM variables whose test results are not accepted. So it can be concluded as a whole that BRI's technology investment through BRISat has the most influence on bank management in managing capital, the ef...
Jurnal Daya Saing
Kajian ini merupakan studi literature yang bertujuan untuk mnganalisis relevansi konsep pendidik... more Kajian ini merupakan studi literature yang bertujuan untuk mnganalisis relevansi konsep pendidikan di perguruan tinggi yang berbasis keunggulan lokal terhadap pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Riau. Untuk menganalisis konsep pendidikan di perguruan tinggi tersebut dalam menekan angka pengangguran di Riau. Untuk menganalisis konsep pendidikan di perguruan tinggi yang berbasis keunggulan lokal terhadap pengembangan wilayah di Riau.Hasil dari kajian ini bahwa konsep pendidikan berbasis keuanggulan local hanya sampai pada tingkat pendidikan dasar an menengah saja. Konsep pendidikan dapat diarahkan ke konsep pendidikan berbasis keunggulan local. Sejauh ini perguruan tinggi di Riau hanya memasukkan mata kuliah Enterpreneurship Education (EE) kedalam kurikulum dan melaksanakan program kampus merdeka yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah
Menjadi seorang pengusaha, bekerja sendiri,mengatur, mengelola,dan bertanggung jawab untuk ... more Menjadi seorang pengusaha, bekerja sendiri,mengatur, mengelola,dan bertanggung jawab untuk bisnis, menawarkan tantangan pribadi yang besar karena individu bekerja dengan orang lain, lebih suka menjadi karyawan, dan bekerja untuk orang lain. Diera milineal saat ini sudah saatnya pemuda memiliki pemikiran yang kreatif dan inovatif, dengan latarbelakang tersebut maka perlu diadakannya penelitian faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi minat berwirausaha (studi kasus kelompok pemuda tani desa Makmur Okura Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi minat berwirausaha pada kelompok pemuda tani desa makmur Okura Kecamatan Rumbai Peisisr. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anggota kelompok pemuda tani Desa Makmur Okura kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir .Adapun tehnik pengumpulan data dengan angket, dokumentasi, wawancara. Metode analisis yang digunakan dengan regresi linier berganda. Hasil peneliti...
Tujuan jangka panjang dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan di Pro... more Tujuan jangka panjang dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan di Provinsi Riau. Menganalisis Indeks Ketenagakerjaan di Provinsi Riau. Memberikan saran untuk kebijakan pembangunan ketenagakerjaan, baik untuk daerah maupun untuk Provinsi dalam hal ini melalui berbagai kebijakan ketenagakerjaan. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah: Perlu adanya stimulasi yang mampu mendorong pertumbuhan pembangunanan ketenagekerjaan khususnya penyediaan lapangan kerja, peningkatan daya beli dan mengurangi tingkat pengangguran.Perlu adanya pola pengaturan untuk pembangunanan ketenagakerjaan agar dapat berkembang menjadi lebih baik sehingga mampu mengatasi masalah ketenagekerjaan di Provinsi Riau.Agar adanya campur tangan pemerintah dalam pembangunan ketenagakerjaan sehingga dapat mengurangi pengangguran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa deskriptif kualitatif yaitu melalui: Tahap pertama untuk menganalisis pembangunaan ketenag...
Melalui program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kemenristekdikti 2017, tim PPMUniversitas Lancang Ku... more Melalui program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kemenristekdikti 2017, tim PPMUniversitas Lancang Kuning telah membantu kelompok tani sari buah dan ladang sari dalampeningkatan pendapatannya.Usaha kedua kelompok mitra tersebut memproduksi olahan kerupukdan awal mulanya kedua usaha kelompok mitra tersebut berproduksi secara konvensional,kemasannya tidak menarik serta tidak memiliki izin produksi sebagai usaha kecil rumahan. Tujuandan target PPM ini adalah kelompok mitra dapat menjadi lebih kreatif , inovatif serta dapatmembantu masyarakat terutama bagi ibu ibu rumah tangga yang ada didalam kelompok mitramampu meningkatan pendapatannya melalui diversifikasi produk olahannya,membuat kemasanmenjadi menarik, serta adanya izin Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PPIRT). Metode yangdigunakan dengan pelatihan , konseling manajemen usaha , membuat desain kemasan, sertamengurus PPIRT. Hasil dari PPM adalah produk yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok mitra memilikinama produk , nomor PPIRT serta kema...
Daya Saing : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Oct 30, 2022
With various bankruptcy detection tools, various crash models, which are useful for repairing, as... more With various bankruptcy detection tools, various crash models, which are useful for repairing, as well as anticipating bankruptcy. The bankruptcy detection tool used is the Altman Z-Score model. The bankruptcy analysis is known for its easy-to-understand way and the accuracy in determining predictions is quite accurate. The increase in industrial property can be used as an indication of the start of improvement or the revival of economic activity. This can be seen when the demand for property products is increasing. an early warning system that can detect potential bankruptcy early on, management will be very helpful. This study aims to determine and analyze Financial Distress at PT. Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk. This company is engaged in Property and Real Estate. The research method used is descriptive method using the Altman Z-Score model. By using secondary data for the 2017-2019 period which can be accessed from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website or the Indonesia Stock Exchange ( The results of this study with the destruction model used indicate that the calculation results based on the Altman Z-Score model at PT. Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk Period 2017-2019. The prediction results for 2017-2019 the company is in the category of bankruptcy or (financial distress) Z < 1.81. Because to achieve a healthy company value is 2.99.
Diklat review, Jun 30, 2019
Di Desa Lembah sari, terdapat beberapa kelompok tani, salah satunya kelompok tani Lokakarya, dima... more Di Desa Lembah sari, terdapat beberapa kelompok tani, salah satunya kelompok tani Lokakarya, dimana sudah beberapa tahun yang silam kelompok tani tersebut tidak aktif atau fakum , dikarenakan ada permasalahan pribadi. Berkenaan dengan hal ini kami menyampaikan inisiatif kepada ketua gabungan kelompok tani desa lembah sari yang diketuai oleh bapak Basuki dan menyampaikan untuk dapat dihidupkan kembali kegiatan kelompok tani tersebut. Dengan kondisi rata rata kehidupan para ibu ibu tersebut hanya mengurus rumah tangganya saja,kelompok Ibu Ibu ini kegiatan sehari hari dalam bersosial adalah kegiatan wirid dan arisan saja. Diantara kelompok Ibu Ibu tersebut sebagian besar rutinitas yang dijalaninya untuk membantu menopang biaya hidup keluarganya ada yang buruh kerja cuci gosok ditetangga yang membutuhkannya, ada juga yang buka warung harian. Untuk mengisi kekosongan waktu sehari harinya Ketua Gapoktan dan anggotanya merasa membutuhkan motivasi dan pelatihan dalam berwirausaha, yang harapannya Ibu
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu, Mar 10, 2020
Conflicts of interest are the entry point for the abuse of power and corruption. The implementati... more Conflicts of interest are the entry point for the abuse of power and corruption. The implementation of a manipulative ex-officio system that tends to perpetuate the oligarchy will cause a corrupt behavior in the governance of private higher education institutions. To date, studies on ex-officio related to higher education governance have never been discussed academically. The purpose of this study, thus, aims to criticize the application of ex-officio and its potential consequences in the supervision system at private higher education institutions. The study used a qualitative exploratory and the literature study was employed. The result reveals that the ex-officio is a legal model used in many higher education institutions. However, in its application it can lead to conflicts of interest and abuse of power which in turn has the potential of corrupt behavior university governance.
Daya Saing : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Jul 10, 2018
The business of cassava chips of farmer group located in Lembah Sari sub-district of Rumbai Peisi... more The business of cassava chips of farmer group located in Lembah Sari sub-district of Rumbai Peisisir is a small home-made business, which all of its members consist of housewives. Business business feasibility analysis is a thing to be considered and done in business management because every business requires a certain amount of capital investment and of course any investment is expected to grow and earn profit. The purpose of this research is to know whether the cassava chips business of Sari Lembari Farmer Group is feasible or not reviewed from the financial aspect. The research method used is descriptive method with the approach of business feasibility criteria such as; Payback Period (PBP), Net Present Value (NPV). Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Types and sources of data used secondary data, data obtained from records about costs, sales, through documents owned by farmers group juice of Lembah Sari Rumbai Coastal Valley. The results of research with various criteria of investment feasibility in general can be concluded that the business of cassava chips of Lembah Sari Village, Rumbai Pesisir Kecak District is implemented and developed as one of community effort. The Net Present Value (NPV) method yielded a positive value of Rp3 2,299,800.00, Benefit Cocst Ratio method, 2.78 greater than 1 (2.87> 1), Method (Internal Rate Of Return) calculation with IRR of 80.79% far above the required level of profit, Payback Period Method, only takes 1 year 1 month, while the economic life of the business for 3 years. Thus the business of cassava chips in Lembah Sari village of Rumbai Coastal Empowerment is feasible to be implemented and developed as a community effort.
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Oct 19, 2021
PurposeThis paper investigates how to design traditional ready-to-eat food packaging by manipulat... more PurposeThis paper investigates how to design traditional ready-to-eat food packaging by manipulating its shape, font and slogan to promote consumer buying intention and willingness to pay (WTP).Design/methodology/approachTwo package designs, interplaying the square shapes (vertical vs horizontal), font formality (formal vs less formal/casual) and slogans (ethno-positioning vs short and catchy), were created and tested in an online experiment with 483 participants.FindingsThe results revealed that the differed package designs elicited relatively equal levels of attractiveness to consumers and their buying intentions. However, the designs significantly differentiated consumers' WTP. The results further show the significant direct and indirect effects on WTP of packaging attractiveness when it is moderated by package designs and mediated by buying intention. However, the varied package designs did not have significant direct or indirect impacts on WTP when mediated by packaging attractiveness and buying intention.Practical implicationsThe vertical square-shaped packaging, written in a less formal font and highlighting a short and catchy slogan, is more financially promising for marketers to get a better price for local food products perceived as hedonic and bought impulsively on casual occasions. Furthermore, besides prominent package design elements such as font, color, size, material and picture, packaging designers or marketing practitioners should consider other supporting factors, such as shelf efficiency.Originality/valueThis study complements existing studies of “cue utilization theory” and “packaging design theory” by demonstrating the importance of extrinsic packaging cues, such as shape, font style and slogan, in improving consumers' WTP for traditional food products. The study also fills some gaps in the literature by exploring the direct, mediating and moderating relationships between package design, packaging attractiveness, buying intention and WTP, especially in an emerging market such as Indonesia.
MATAPPA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jun 5, 2021
PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Apr 25, 2019
The Aneka Rasa Krupuk effort of Sari buah group is a farmer group business located in the Lembah ... more The Aneka Rasa Krupuk effort of Sari buah group is a farmer group business located in the Lembah Sari area of Rumbai Peisisir District, which all members consist of housewives who make home-based business such as snack making. Sari buah Farmer Group is chaired by Mrs. Sutarti who makes processed sweet potato crackers and banana crackers, the processed can only be marketed or based on one's order. In the way of farmers group effort conventionally and manually, starting from production process until its sale. Every day the farmer group always produce in large quantity but, in the planning of sale not yet arranged well and not yet have good profit plan, this is found at the time of preliminary survey, hence the required analysis of Break Even Point. Break even point analysis is a matter of concern in company management as it is part of cost analysis. Sales volume, profit. The purpose of research to know the break even point as profit planning, while the type and source of data using secondary data, secondary data can be obtained from the record of costs, sales, through documents owned by farmer group sari buah. Metode research with the method of calculating break even point in mathematically using both units in Rupiah and in Units. Based on data analysis conducted at farmer group Sari buah of Lembah sari sub district of Rumbai Pesisir, hence the conclusion that determining break Eve Point (BEP) for every company, including small industry is one of the planning that need to be done by business owner. to achieve a break even point of sale in rupiah production of krupuk group of sari buah farmers must be able to sell the same product with Rp. 19,647,000 in each month or more of the sale. And to reach a unit that can be sold to cracker yam group sari buah farms do not suffer losses, it must be able to sell 767 kg in each month.
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR), Nov 1, 2018
Cassava cultivation in Siak Hulu District Kampar Riau of Province sold more in the form of prima... more Cassava cultivation in Siak Hulu District Kampar Riau of Province sold more in the form of primary goods or just processed into tape, opak and traditional cakes that have less economic value. This is because the lack of knowledge of farmers related to other processed cassava is one of them Flour Mocaf which has a function similar to wheat flour, rice and other flour, this flour has a huge market potential so it is very likely to be developed among farmers . So the level of dependence on wheat can be reduced, considering flour is imported products. The method used for making mocaf flour is cassava peeled, washed to mucil on cassava is lost and cut small then soak in drum that contains water for 3 days or 72 hours ago dried and finely ground and packed. If analyzed making mocaf flour is very likely for new farmers or entrepreneurs to start their business with greater profit, especially if processed products made from mocaf flour can be produced variously will certainly bring in greater profit. This means that after this activity, more farmers know the other benefits of cassava which has added value higher. Cassava can be processed into substitution products from wheat by way of processing cassava into mocaf flour through a very simple process so easily understood by farmers who have different educational background.
PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Nov 7, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis akselerasi penyediaan lapanganpekerjaan terhadap peny... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis akselerasi penyediaan lapanganpekerjaan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di Kota Pekanbaru karena sektorindustri saat ini memegang peran yang sangat penting bagi PDRB suatu daerah.Majunya suatu negara dilihat dari sektor industrinya yang mampu menciptakanproduk unggulan negara tersebut. Akselerasi penyediaan lapangan pekerjaanterhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja dapat dianalisis dengan menggunakan elastisitaskesempatan kerja, elastisitas kesempatan kerja sektor industri tahun 2008-2009semakin elastis artinya terdapat hubungan antara penyediaan lapangan kerjaterhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja yaitu dengan semakin elastisnya kesempatankerja untuk sektor industri yaitu 9,05% tahun 2008 dan 9,15% tahun 2009. Tahun2010-2011 kesempatan kerja menunjukkan semakin inelastis dari 0,40% turunmenjadi -1,95% berarti lemahnya akselerasi antara penyediaan lapangan kerjaterhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja ditandai dengan penurunan jumlah kesempatankerja sebagai akibat perubahan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi 5,98%. Jumlahpenyerapan tenaga kerja dari tahun 2008-2011 cenderung meningkat dari 2.249,67tenaga kerja menjadi 45.661,29 tenaga kerja terjadi peningkatan sebesar 43.411,62tenaga kerja artinya untuk sembilan sektor lapangan usaha di Kota Pekanbarumampu memberikan peluang untuk menekan angka pengangguran. Penyerapantenaga kerja untuk sektor industri juga meningkat dari 315,1707 tenaga kerjamenjadi 4.190,97 tenaga kerja yang berarti sektor industri mampu memberikanpeluang penyediaan lapangan pekerjaan dan penyerapan tenaga kerja sehinggasektor industri mampu memberikan kontribusinya untuk PDRB Kota pekanbaru. Kata Kunci : Penyediaan lapangan kerja, penyerapan tenaga kerja, kesempatankerja
PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Dec 12, 2019
In Lembah Sari village, Rumbai Peisisir Subdistrict, Pekanbaru city is an area where most of the ... more In Lembah Sari village, Rumbai Peisisir Subdistrict, Pekanbaru city is an area where most of the population is farming, gardening, fishing, and home business. Based on data from the kecamatan 2017 BPS, the most extensive land in the Rumbai Pesisir sub-district is the valley sari village area compared to other village villages. With the use of vacant land in the area, the community wants to cultivate land for agriculture, ponds and livestock. Based on interviews with the chairman of GAPOKTAN, not all land is vacant, farmers can use it, because some of the vast land is owned by several people which is only for investment in the form of land without thinking to be utilized. while some farmer groups in the area expect to be able to manage and cultivate the land and can produce the expected yields, in this case one that is an obstacle to the interest of members of farmer groups to be active in their activities, which eventually from some farmer groups is inactive and entrepreneurial spirit in management business is lacking, even there is no motivation to manage the farmer group well. The research objective was to find out and explore the potential and entrepreneurial motivation of Gapoktan Lestari Sejahtera LembahSari Village. The research method used is descriptive method with an internal factor approach and external factors in entrepreneurship. Types and sources of data used primary and secondary data. The results of the study, based on the Integrated Entrepreneurship Internal Factors of Sustainable Farmers Group, that courage, hard work, courage in facing business risks, the results strongly agree in the sense that members of farmer groups have an entrepreneurial spirit to be able to develop their business while the leadership ability and capital are less supportive this is because in terms of formal education the category of most members of farmer groups is elementary and junior high school. From formal education can influence the mindset in entrepreneurship and communication. Based on the results of research from External Entrepreneurship factors, both support from the family, friends, village officials are very encouraging and well motivated regarding the existence of the Sustainable Farmers Group Joint business activities in Lembahsari Village.
Martabe, Mar 26, 2021
This goal is to redesign the packaging for wajik tapai melayu that keeps up with the times withou... more This goal is to redesign the packaging for wajik tapai melayu that keeps up with the times without changing the logo and product names previously known, redesigning the packaging for wajik tapai melayu with more practical steps and calculating the performance of products and packaging for wajik tapai melayu. The method used is to coordinate with partners, assistance by providing views to partners about the redesign of the packaging for wajik tapai melayu and conducting market trials with new packaging from wajik tapai melayu by observing consumer responses related to changes in wajik tapai melayu packaging by going down to the shop where the product is marketed. The results show that 24 months before community service activities began, the average sales of new wajik tapai melayu were around Rp. 67 million per month after the partner's average income was Rp. 114 million per month or an increase of 69.4%. Then the increase in income resulted from an increase of 16.3% on average to IDR 132 million per month. From the p-value of .000 *** it can be ignored that the average increase that occurs is significant. That is, offering care and rejuvenation packaging that can significantly increase income for community service partners. The packaging comparison test results show that consumers agree to this contract and significant graphic design and packaging form changes. Meanwhile, there was relatively no significant difference in terms of information on the packaging (p-value = .159) between the old packaging and the new package. This is because there is not much information added or given from the two packages, so that the type of information presented is relatively the same by consumers.
Daya Saing : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Oct 28, 2019
Being an entrepreneur, working alone, managing, managing, and being responsible for the business,... more Being an entrepreneur, working alone, managing, managing, and being responsible for the business, offers great personal challenges because individuals work with others, prefer to be employees, and work for others. Milineal era is now the time for youth to have creative and innovative thinking, with this background it is necessary to conduct a study of the influence of personality factors and family environmental factors on entrepreneurial interest in the farmer youth group Makmur Okura Village, Rumbai Coastal District. This study aims to look at the influence of personality factors and family factors on entrepreneurial interest, both partially and simultaneously. The population in this study were all members of the youth farmer groups in Makmur Okura Village, Rumbai Pesisir sub-district. As for the data collection techniques with questionnaires, documentation, interviews. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of the study most of the members of the farmer group of high school and vocational students. The results showed that personality factors, family factors together (simultaneously) have an influence on entrepreneurial interest, while partially there is no influence of personality factors on entrepreneurial interest as well as for family factors no effect on entrepreneurial interest, there is a correlation between personality factors, family factors on entrepreneurial interest that is equal to 51.0%. R square of 0.260 which means that the independent variables (personality and family) have an effect of 26% on entrepreneurial interest, and the remaining 74% are influenced by other factors.
RESWARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Fokus utama dari kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana membantu UMKM Wajik tapai Melayu agar dapat memasa... more Fokus utama dari kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana membantu UMKM Wajik tapai Melayu agar dapat memasarkan produknya menembus pasar ekspor. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di kediaman UMKM yang beralamatkan di Jl. Muslimin Desa Pandau Jaya, Riau. Adapun permasalahan mitra ada pada kualitas dan ketahan produk yaitu tekstur produk yang cepat mengeras sebelum habis masa kadaluarsa serta proses produksi yang cukup lama. Cara yang digunakan dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut berupa pedampingan mulai dari diskusi dan menemukan referensi, pelatihan peningkatan kualitas produk, pelatihan efesiensi proses produksi, dan mengevaluasi. Kegiatan ini melibatkan 10 orang yang terdiri dari pemilik UMKM, pegawai, dan tenaga ahli pangan dengan lama nya waktu pengabdian lebih kurang 12 bulan. Hasil dari kegiatan yaitu setelah penggunaan Stabilex BR maka produk dapat bertahan hingga 1 tahun serta memiliki tekstur yang lembut. Pengguaan mesin Crystallization Evaporator mampu menghemat waktu 2 hingga 3 jam ser...
ADPEBI International Journal of Business and Social Science
The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between fiscal decentralization and unemploy... more The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between fiscal decentralization and unemployment in Indonesia, in this study uses panel data from 2017-2021. Where the results show that fiscal decentralization has a relationship with unemployment, but on the other hand, the level of civility and regional dependence to reduce unemployment has a negative impact, but the allocation of APBD funds is by existing regulations but still needs supervision from the central government and the area itself. Each region should seek to increase investment to reduce unemployment so that it can create jobs.
COMSEP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Bantan District is one of the rice-producing areas in the Bengkalis archipelago, with an area of ... more Bantan District is one of the rice-producing areas in the Bengkalis archipelago, with an area of 49,500 (ha), an area planted with rice of 1,425 (ha) and a total harvest of 5,785 tons based on data from the Bengkalis district agriculture service in 2012. So that the potential for grain or morning husks produced is also very large and so far only sold in the form of ordinary husks, this should be used as roasted husks which have a higher selling value. For this reason, coaching is needed in making roasted husks so that it becomes a product that has a high selling value, because the market is also high in Bengkalis. This roasted husk can be used as a mixture of soil in polybags so that it is fertile and loose. As well as used for plantation crops in the fields.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Dan Bisnis
This research was conducted to see how the company's financial condition before and after the... more This research was conducted to see how the company's financial condition before and after the launch of the satellite. Where for Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk, one of the strategies used is to invest in technology, namely by launching a satellite called BRIsat. With the launch of BRISat, it can help BRI in providing the best service. And also by having its own satellite, BRI can expand its service coverage to remote areas and maximize services. In its development, of course, it is hoped that there will be differences in the company's performance before and after the launch of the satellite. From the results of testing 9 hypotheses using SPSS, only 4 hypothesis tests were accepted. Namely on the variables ROE, BOPO, CAR, and DER. The other variables are QR, LDR, LAR, ROA, and NPM variables whose test results are not accepted. So it can be concluded as a whole that BRI's technology investment through BRISat has the most influence on bank management in managing capital, the ef...
Jurnal Daya Saing
Kajian ini merupakan studi literature yang bertujuan untuk mnganalisis relevansi konsep pendidik... more Kajian ini merupakan studi literature yang bertujuan untuk mnganalisis relevansi konsep pendidikan di perguruan tinggi yang berbasis keunggulan lokal terhadap pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Riau. Untuk menganalisis konsep pendidikan di perguruan tinggi tersebut dalam menekan angka pengangguran di Riau. Untuk menganalisis konsep pendidikan di perguruan tinggi yang berbasis keunggulan lokal terhadap pengembangan wilayah di Riau.Hasil dari kajian ini bahwa konsep pendidikan berbasis keuanggulan local hanya sampai pada tingkat pendidikan dasar an menengah saja. Konsep pendidikan dapat diarahkan ke konsep pendidikan berbasis keunggulan local. Sejauh ini perguruan tinggi di Riau hanya memasukkan mata kuliah Enterpreneurship Education (EE) kedalam kurikulum dan melaksanakan program kampus merdeka yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah
Menjadi seorang pengusaha, bekerja sendiri,mengatur, mengelola,dan bertanggung jawab untuk ... more Menjadi seorang pengusaha, bekerja sendiri,mengatur, mengelola,dan bertanggung jawab untuk bisnis, menawarkan tantangan pribadi yang besar karena individu bekerja dengan orang lain, lebih suka menjadi karyawan, dan bekerja untuk orang lain. Diera milineal saat ini sudah saatnya pemuda memiliki pemikiran yang kreatif dan inovatif, dengan latarbelakang tersebut maka perlu diadakannya penelitian faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi minat berwirausaha (studi kasus kelompok pemuda tani desa Makmur Okura Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi minat berwirausaha pada kelompok pemuda tani desa makmur Okura Kecamatan Rumbai Peisisr. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anggota kelompok pemuda tani Desa Makmur Okura kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir .Adapun tehnik pengumpulan data dengan angket, dokumentasi, wawancara. Metode analisis yang digunakan dengan regresi linier berganda. Hasil peneliti...
Tujuan jangka panjang dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan di Pro... more Tujuan jangka panjang dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan di Provinsi Riau. Menganalisis Indeks Ketenagakerjaan di Provinsi Riau. Memberikan saran untuk kebijakan pembangunan ketenagakerjaan, baik untuk daerah maupun untuk Provinsi dalam hal ini melalui berbagai kebijakan ketenagakerjaan. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah: Perlu adanya stimulasi yang mampu mendorong pertumbuhan pembangunanan ketenagekerjaan khususnya penyediaan lapangan kerja, peningkatan daya beli dan mengurangi tingkat pengangguran.Perlu adanya pola pengaturan untuk pembangunanan ketenagakerjaan agar dapat berkembang menjadi lebih baik sehingga mampu mengatasi masalah ketenagekerjaan di Provinsi Riau.Agar adanya campur tangan pemerintah dalam pembangunan ketenagakerjaan sehingga dapat mengurangi pengangguran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa deskriptif kualitatif yaitu melalui: Tahap pertama untuk menganalisis pembangunaan ketenag...
Melalui program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kemenristekdikti 2017, tim PPMUniversitas Lancang Ku... more Melalui program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kemenristekdikti 2017, tim PPMUniversitas Lancang Kuning telah membantu kelompok tani sari buah dan ladang sari dalampeningkatan pendapatannya.Usaha kedua kelompok mitra tersebut memproduksi olahan kerupukdan awal mulanya kedua usaha kelompok mitra tersebut berproduksi secara konvensional,kemasannya tidak menarik serta tidak memiliki izin produksi sebagai usaha kecil rumahan. Tujuandan target PPM ini adalah kelompok mitra dapat menjadi lebih kreatif , inovatif serta dapatmembantu masyarakat terutama bagi ibu ibu rumah tangga yang ada didalam kelompok mitramampu meningkatan pendapatannya melalui diversifikasi produk olahannya,membuat kemasanmenjadi menarik, serta adanya izin Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PPIRT). Metode yangdigunakan dengan pelatihan , konseling manajemen usaha , membuat desain kemasan, sertamengurus PPIRT. Hasil dari PPM adalah produk yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok mitra memilikinama produk , nomor PPIRT serta kema...
Daya Saing : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Oct 30, 2022
With various bankruptcy detection tools, various crash models, which are useful for repairing, as... more With various bankruptcy detection tools, various crash models, which are useful for repairing, as well as anticipating bankruptcy. The bankruptcy detection tool used is the Altman Z-Score model. The bankruptcy analysis is known for its easy-to-understand way and the accuracy in determining predictions is quite accurate. The increase in industrial property can be used as an indication of the start of improvement or the revival of economic activity. This can be seen when the demand for property products is increasing. an early warning system that can detect potential bankruptcy early on, management will be very helpful. This study aims to determine and analyze Financial Distress at PT. Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk. This company is engaged in Property and Real Estate. The research method used is descriptive method using the Altman Z-Score model. By using secondary data for the 2017-2019 period which can be accessed from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website or the Indonesia Stock Exchange ( The results of this study with the destruction model used indicate that the calculation results based on the Altman Z-Score model at PT. Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk Period 2017-2019. The prediction results for 2017-2019 the company is in the category of bankruptcy or (financial distress) Z < 1.81. Because to achieve a healthy company value is 2.99.
Diklat review, Jun 30, 2019
Di Desa Lembah sari, terdapat beberapa kelompok tani, salah satunya kelompok tani Lokakarya, dima... more Di Desa Lembah sari, terdapat beberapa kelompok tani, salah satunya kelompok tani Lokakarya, dimana sudah beberapa tahun yang silam kelompok tani tersebut tidak aktif atau fakum , dikarenakan ada permasalahan pribadi. Berkenaan dengan hal ini kami menyampaikan inisiatif kepada ketua gabungan kelompok tani desa lembah sari yang diketuai oleh bapak Basuki dan menyampaikan untuk dapat dihidupkan kembali kegiatan kelompok tani tersebut. Dengan kondisi rata rata kehidupan para ibu ibu tersebut hanya mengurus rumah tangganya saja,kelompok Ibu Ibu ini kegiatan sehari hari dalam bersosial adalah kegiatan wirid dan arisan saja. Diantara kelompok Ibu Ibu tersebut sebagian besar rutinitas yang dijalaninya untuk membantu menopang biaya hidup keluarganya ada yang buruh kerja cuci gosok ditetangga yang membutuhkannya, ada juga yang buka warung harian. Untuk mengisi kekosongan waktu sehari harinya Ketua Gapoktan dan anggotanya merasa membutuhkan motivasi dan pelatihan dalam berwirausaha, yang harapannya Ibu
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu, Mar 10, 2020
Conflicts of interest are the entry point for the abuse of power and corruption. The implementati... more Conflicts of interest are the entry point for the abuse of power and corruption. The implementation of a manipulative ex-officio system that tends to perpetuate the oligarchy will cause a corrupt behavior in the governance of private higher education institutions. To date, studies on ex-officio related to higher education governance have never been discussed academically. The purpose of this study, thus, aims to criticize the application of ex-officio and its potential consequences in the supervision system at private higher education institutions. The study used a qualitative exploratory and the literature study was employed. The result reveals that the ex-officio is a legal model used in many higher education institutions. However, in its application it can lead to conflicts of interest and abuse of power which in turn has the potential of corrupt behavior university governance.
Daya Saing : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Jul 10, 2018
The business of cassava chips of farmer group located in Lembah Sari sub-district of Rumbai Peisi... more The business of cassava chips of farmer group located in Lembah Sari sub-district of Rumbai Peisisir is a small home-made business, which all of its members consist of housewives. Business business feasibility analysis is a thing to be considered and done in business management because every business requires a certain amount of capital investment and of course any investment is expected to grow and earn profit. The purpose of this research is to know whether the cassava chips business of Sari Lembari Farmer Group is feasible or not reviewed from the financial aspect. The research method used is descriptive method with the approach of business feasibility criteria such as; Payback Period (PBP), Net Present Value (NPV). Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Types and sources of data used secondary data, data obtained from records about costs, sales, through documents owned by farmers group juice of Lembah Sari Rumbai Coastal Valley. The results of research with various criteria of investment feasibility in general can be concluded that the business of cassava chips of Lembah Sari Village, Rumbai Pesisir Kecak District is implemented and developed as one of community effort. The Net Present Value (NPV) method yielded a positive value of Rp3 2,299,800.00, Benefit Cocst Ratio method, 2.78 greater than 1 (2.87> 1), Method (Internal Rate Of Return) calculation with IRR of 80.79% far above the required level of profit, Payback Period Method, only takes 1 year 1 month, while the economic life of the business for 3 years. Thus the business of cassava chips in Lembah Sari village of Rumbai Coastal Empowerment is feasible to be implemented and developed as a community effort.
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Oct 19, 2021
PurposeThis paper investigates how to design traditional ready-to-eat food packaging by manipulat... more PurposeThis paper investigates how to design traditional ready-to-eat food packaging by manipulating its shape, font and slogan to promote consumer buying intention and willingness to pay (WTP).Design/methodology/approachTwo package designs, interplaying the square shapes (vertical vs horizontal), font formality (formal vs less formal/casual) and slogans (ethno-positioning vs short and catchy), were created and tested in an online experiment with 483 participants.FindingsThe results revealed that the differed package designs elicited relatively equal levels of attractiveness to consumers and their buying intentions. However, the designs significantly differentiated consumers' WTP. The results further show the significant direct and indirect effects on WTP of packaging attractiveness when it is moderated by package designs and mediated by buying intention. However, the varied package designs did not have significant direct or indirect impacts on WTP when mediated by packaging attractiveness and buying intention.Practical implicationsThe vertical square-shaped packaging, written in a less formal font and highlighting a short and catchy slogan, is more financially promising for marketers to get a better price for local food products perceived as hedonic and bought impulsively on casual occasions. Furthermore, besides prominent package design elements such as font, color, size, material and picture, packaging designers or marketing practitioners should consider other supporting factors, such as shelf efficiency.Originality/valueThis study complements existing studies of “cue utilization theory” and “packaging design theory” by demonstrating the importance of extrinsic packaging cues, such as shape, font style and slogan, in improving consumers' WTP for traditional food products. The study also fills some gaps in the literature by exploring the direct, mediating and moderating relationships between package design, packaging attractiveness, buying intention and WTP, especially in an emerging market such as Indonesia.
MATAPPA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jun 5, 2021
PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Apr 25, 2019
The Aneka Rasa Krupuk effort of Sari buah group is a farmer group business located in the Lembah ... more The Aneka Rasa Krupuk effort of Sari buah group is a farmer group business located in the Lembah Sari area of Rumbai Peisisir District, which all members consist of housewives who make home-based business such as snack making. Sari buah Farmer Group is chaired by Mrs. Sutarti who makes processed sweet potato crackers and banana crackers, the processed can only be marketed or based on one's order. In the way of farmers group effort conventionally and manually, starting from production process until its sale. Every day the farmer group always produce in large quantity but, in the planning of sale not yet arranged well and not yet have good profit plan, this is found at the time of preliminary survey, hence the required analysis of Break Even Point. Break even point analysis is a matter of concern in company management as it is part of cost analysis. Sales volume, profit. The purpose of research to know the break even point as profit planning, while the type and source of data using secondary data, secondary data can be obtained from the record of costs, sales, through documents owned by farmer group sari buah. Metode research with the method of calculating break even point in mathematically using both units in Rupiah and in Units. Based on data analysis conducted at farmer group Sari buah of Lembah sari sub district of Rumbai Pesisir, hence the conclusion that determining break Eve Point (BEP) for every company, including small industry is one of the planning that need to be done by business owner. to achieve a break even point of sale in rupiah production of krupuk group of sari buah farmers must be able to sell the same product with Rp. 19,647,000 in each month or more of the sale. And to reach a unit that can be sold to cracker yam group sari buah farms do not suffer losses, it must be able to sell 767 kg in each month.
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR), Nov 1, 2018
Cassava cultivation in Siak Hulu District Kampar Riau of Province sold more in the form of prima... more Cassava cultivation in Siak Hulu District Kampar Riau of Province sold more in the form of primary goods or just processed into tape, opak and traditional cakes that have less economic value. This is because the lack of knowledge of farmers related to other processed cassava is one of them Flour Mocaf which has a function similar to wheat flour, rice and other flour, this flour has a huge market potential so it is very likely to be developed among farmers . So the level of dependence on wheat can be reduced, considering flour is imported products. The method used for making mocaf flour is cassava peeled, washed to mucil on cassava is lost and cut small then soak in drum that contains water for 3 days or 72 hours ago dried and finely ground and packed. If analyzed making mocaf flour is very likely for new farmers or entrepreneurs to start their business with greater profit, especially if processed products made from mocaf flour can be produced variously will certainly bring in greater profit. This means that after this activity, more farmers know the other benefits of cassava which has added value higher. Cassava can be processed into substitution products from wheat by way of processing cassava into mocaf flour through a very simple process so easily understood by farmers who have different educational background.
PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Nov 7, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis akselerasi penyediaan lapanganpekerjaan terhadap peny... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis akselerasi penyediaan lapanganpekerjaan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di Kota Pekanbaru karena sektorindustri saat ini memegang peran yang sangat penting bagi PDRB suatu daerah.Majunya suatu negara dilihat dari sektor industrinya yang mampu menciptakanproduk unggulan negara tersebut. Akselerasi penyediaan lapangan pekerjaanterhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja dapat dianalisis dengan menggunakan elastisitaskesempatan kerja, elastisitas kesempatan kerja sektor industri tahun 2008-2009semakin elastis artinya terdapat hubungan antara penyediaan lapangan kerjaterhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja yaitu dengan semakin elastisnya kesempatankerja untuk sektor industri yaitu 9,05% tahun 2008 dan 9,15% tahun 2009. Tahun2010-2011 kesempatan kerja menunjukkan semakin inelastis dari 0,40% turunmenjadi -1,95% berarti lemahnya akselerasi antara penyediaan lapangan kerjaterhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja ditandai dengan penurunan jumlah kesempatankerja sebagai akibat perubahan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi 5,98%. Jumlahpenyerapan tenaga kerja dari tahun 2008-2011 cenderung meningkat dari 2.249,67tenaga kerja menjadi 45.661,29 tenaga kerja terjadi peningkatan sebesar 43.411,62tenaga kerja artinya untuk sembilan sektor lapangan usaha di Kota Pekanbarumampu memberikan peluang untuk menekan angka pengangguran. Penyerapantenaga kerja untuk sektor industri juga meningkat dari 315,1707 tenaga kerjamenjadi 4.190,97 tenaga kerja yang berarti sektor industri mampu memberikanpeluang penyediaan lapangan pekerjaan dan penyerapan tenaga kerja sehinggasektor industri mampu memberikan kontribusinya untuk PDRB Kota pekanbaru. Kata Kunci : Penyediaan lapangan kerja, penyerapan tenaga kerja, kesempatankerja
PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Dec 12, 2019
In Lembah Sari village, Rumbai Peisisir Subdistrict, Pekanbaru city is an area where most of the ... more In Lembah Sari village, Rumbai Peisisir Subdistrict, Pekanbaru city is an area where most of the population is farming, gardening, fishing, and home business. Based on data from the kecamatan 2017 BPS, the most extensive land in the Rumbai Pesisir sub-district is the valley sari village area compared to other village villages. With the use of vacant land in the area, the community wants to cultivate land for agriculture, ponds and livestock. Based on interviews with the chairman of GAPOKTAN, not all land is vacant, farmers can use it, because some of the vast land is owned by several people which is only for investment in the form of land without thinking to be utilized. while some farmer groups in the area expect to be able to manage and cultivate the land and can produce the expected yields, in this case one that is an obstacle to the interest of members of farmer groups to be active in their activities, which eventually from some farmer groups is inactive and entrepreneurial spirit in management business is lacking, even there is no motivation to manage the farmer group well. The research objective was to find out and explore the potential and entrepreneurial motivation of Gapoktan Lestari Sejahtera LembahSari Village. The research method used is descriptive method with an internal factor approach and external factors in entrepreneurship. Types and sources of data used primary and secondary data. The results of the study, based on the Integrated Entrepreneurship Internal Factors of Sustainable Farmers Group, that courage, hard work, courage in facing business risks, the results strongly agree in the sense that members of farmer groups have an entrepreneurial spirit to be able to develop their business while the leadership ability and capital are less supportive this is because in terms of formal education the category of most members of farmer groups is elementary and junior high school. From formal education can influence the mindset in entrepreneurship and communication. Based on the results of research from External Entrepreneurship factors, both support from the family, friends, village officials are very encouraging and well motivated regarding the existence of the Sustainable Farmers Group Joint business activities in Lembahsari Village.
Martabe, Mar 26, 2021
This goal is to redesign the packaging for wajik tapai melayu that keeps up with the times withou... more This goal is to redesign the packaging for wajik tapai melayu that keeps up with the times without changing the logo and product names previously known, redesigning the packaging for wajik tapai melayu with more practical steps and calculating the performance of products and packaging for wajik tapai melayu. The method used is to coordinate with partners, assistance by providing views to partners about the redesign of the packaging for wajik tapai melayu and conducting market trials with new packaging from wajik tapai melayu by observing consumer responses related to changes in wajik tapai melayu packaging by going down to the shop where the product is marketed. The results show that 24 months before community service activities began, the average sales of new wajik tapai melayu were around Rp. 67 million per month after the partner's average income was Rp. 114 million per month or an increase of 69.4%. Then the increase in income resulted from an increase of 16.3% on average to IDR 132 million per month. From the p-value of .000 *** it can be ignored that the average increase that occurs is significant. That is, offering care and rejuvenation packaging that can significantly increase income for community service partners. The packaging comparison test results show that consumers agree to this contract and significant graphic design and packaging form changes. Meanwhile, there was relatively no significant difference in terms of information on the packaging (p-value = .159) between the old packaging and the new package. This is because there is not much information added or given from the two packages, so that the type of information presented is relatively the same by consumers.
Daya Saing : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Oct 28, 2019
Being an entrepreneur, working alone, managing, managing, and being responsible for the business,... more Being an entrepreneur, working alone, managing, managing, and being responsible for the business, offers great personal challenges because individuals work with others, prefer to be employees, and work for others. Milineal era is now the time for youth to have creative and innovative thinking, with this background it is necessary to conduct a study of the influence of personality factors and family environmental factors on entrepreneurial interest in the farmer youth group Makmur Okura Village, Rumbai Coastal District. This study aims to look at the influence of personality factors and family factors on entrepreneurial interest, both partially and simultaneously. The population in this study were all members of the youth farmer groups in Makmur Okura Village, Rumbai Pesisir sub-district. As for the data collection techniques with questionnaires, documentation, interviews. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of the study most of the members of the farmer group of high school and vocational students. The results showed that personality factors, family factors together (simultaneously) have an influence on entrepreneurial interest, while partially there is no influence of personality factors on entrepreneurial interest as well as for family factors no effect on entrepreneurial interest, there is a correlation between personality factors, family factors on entrepreneurial interest that is equal to 51.0%. R square of 0.260 which means that the independent variables (personality and family) have an effect of 26% on entrepreneurial interest, and the remaining 74% are influenced by other factors.
RESWARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Fokus utama dari kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana membantu UMKM Wajik tapai Melayu agar dapat memasa... more Fokus utama dari kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana membantu UMKM Wajik tapai Melayu agar dapat memasarkan produknya menembus pasar ekspor. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di kediaman UMKM yang beralamatkan di Jl. Muslimin Desa Pandau Jaya, Riau. Adapun permasalahan mitra ada pada kualitas dan ketahan produk yaitu tekstur produk yang cepat mengeras sebelum habis masa kadaluarsa serta proses produksi yang cukup lama. Cara yang digunakan dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut berupa pedampingan mulai dari diskusi dan menemukan referensi, pelatihan peningkatan kualitas produk, pelatihan efesiensi proses produksi, dan mengevaluasi. Kegiatan ini melibatkan 10 orang yang terdiri dari pemilik UMKM, pegawai, dan tenaga ahli pangan dengan lama nya waktu pengabdian lebih kurang 12 bulan. Hasil dari kegiatan yaitu setelah penggunaan Stabilex BR maka produk dapat bertahan hingga 1 tahun serta memiliki tekstur yang lembut. Pengguaan mesin Crystallization Evaporator mampu menghemat waktu 2 hingga 3 jam ser...
ADPEBI International Journal of Business and Social Science
The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between fiscal decentralization and unemploy... more The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between fiscal decentralization and unemployment in Indonesia, in this study uses panel data from 2017-2021. Where the results show that fiscal decentralization has a relationship with unemployment, but on the other hand, the level of civility and regional dependence to reduce unemployment has a negative impact, but the allocation of APBD funds is by existing regulations but still needs supervision from the central government and the area itself. Each region should seek to increase investment to reduce unemployment so that it can create jobs.