Marcin Kafar | The University of Lodz (original) (raw)

Books by Marcin Kafar

[Research paper thumbnail of Wojciech J. Burszta, Marcin Kafar, Umykanie. Pomyślenia z etnografii życia, seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 5, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2023 [strony tytułowe, spisy rzeczy, fragment "Umykanie przed 'Umykaniem'"]](

Praca jest dwuautorskim przedsięwzięciem zorientowanym wokół konceptu „etnografii życia”, zapropo... more Praca jest dwuautorskim przedsięwzięciem zorientowanym wokół konceptu „etnografii życia”, zaproponowanego przez Wojciecha J. Bursztę, następnie podjętego i rozwiniętego przez Marcina Kafara. Etnografia życia jest hermeneutycznym narzędziem służącym do pracy nad własną pamięcią (ujmowana jest ona za pomocą metafory „katastru”), która w procesie myślenia i pisania o niej, pozwala autorowi/autorom docierać do zdarzeń doświadczonych niegdyś, dziś natomiast ponawianych w nieustającym procesie poszukiwania znaczeń. Jego zasadniczym celem jest próba nadawania sensu własnemu życiu jako narracyjnej jedności (Paul Ricoeur), w prezentowanym dziele rozpiętej między dwoma nawzajem dopełniającymi się biegunami: życia prywatnego i życia zawodowego/naukowego (związanego z aktywnością podejmowaną w świecie Akademii).
Wyróżnikiem publikacji jest „otwarta forma” (Umberto Eco), wymuszona specyficznymi okolicznościami jej powstawania. Podczas gdy zasadnicza część pisana była przez Wojciecha J. Bursztę, reszta tekstu przygotowana została po jego śmierci w 2021. Formuła „otwartości” nasycona została wówczas dopowiedzeniami o charakterze „gatunków zmąconych” (Clifford Geertz), przyjmujących postać auto/biograficznie zorientowanych objaśnień ukazujących wielorakie aspekty „życia i twórczości” Wojciecha J. Burszty. Obejmują one (i) ścieżkę wytrącania się konceptu „etnografii życia”, uwzględniającą jego antropologiczny i edukacyjny charakter, (ii) zaplecze formatywne dochodzenia do kluczowych zagadnień wariantu humanistyki polskiej przełomu wieków XX i XXI, ukazane za pomocą dialogowo skonstruowanych ustępów, a także (iii) wysoce osobiste, uwarunkowane kulturowo i społecznie, podłoże rozumienia siebie-człowieka jako stającego w obliczu nieuchronności własnej skończoności.

The work is a two-author project oriented around the concept of “ethnography of life,” proposed by Wojciech J. Burszta, then taken up and developed by Marcin Kafar. The ethnography of life is a hermeneutic tool for working on one’s own memory (it is captured by the metaphor of the “cadastre”), which–in the process of thinking and writing about it–allows the author/authors to reach events experienced in the past, but today renewed in the constant process of searching for meanings. Its main goal is an attempt to give meaning to one’s own life as a narrative unity (Paul Ricoeur), in the presented work stretched between two mutually complementary poles: private life and professional/scientific life (related to the activity undertaken in the world of the Academy).
The distinguishing feature of the publication is its “open form” (Umberto Eco), generated by the specific circumstances of its creation. While the main part was written by Wojciech J. Burszta, the rest of the text was prepared after his death in 2021. The formula of “openness” was then saturated with additions of “blurred genres” (Clifford Geertz), taking the form of auto/biographically oriented explanations showing multiple aspects of the “life and work” of Wojciech J. Burszta. They include e.g. (i) the path of precipitating the concept of “ethnography of life,” taking into account its anthropological and educational nature, (ii) the formative background for exploring the key issues of the variant of Polish humanities at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, expressed through dialogue-constructed passages, and (iii) highly personal (culturally and socially conditioned) ground for understanding the self-human as facing the inevitability of one’s own finitude.

[Research paper thumbnail of Autoetnograficzne "zbliżenia" i "oddalenia". O autoetnografii w Polsce, Marcin Kafar, Anna Kacperczyk (red.), seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 4, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2020 [strony tytułowe, spis treści i Prolog]](

Research paper thumbnail of Mistrz i Mistrzostwo w Kulturze, Społeczeństwie i Edukacji/Master and Mastery in Culture, Society, Art, and Education

"Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne/Educational Sciences: Interdisciplinary Studies," Volume 1, No. 8, 2019

[Research paper thumbnail of Edukacyjne wymiary badań biograficznych [Educational Dimensions of Biographical Research]](

"Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne/Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies", 2017

[Research paper thumbnail of Auto/biograficzne aspekty praktyk poznawczych [Auto/biographical Aspects of Cognitional Practices], Marcin Kafar (red.), seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 3, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016](

Edukacyjnych 91-408 Łódź, ul. Pomorska 46/48 RECENZENT Maria Mendel REDAKTOR INICJUJĄCY Urszula D... more Edukacyjnych 91-408 Łódź, ul. Pomorska 46/48 RECENZENT Maria Mendel REDAKTOR INICJUJĄCY Urszula Dzieciątkowska SKŁAD I ŁAMANIE Munda -Maciej Torz KOREKTA TECHNICZNA Leonora Wojciechowska PROJEKT OKŁADKI Katarzyna Turkowska Zdjęcie wykorzystane na okładce: © Publikacja bez opracowania redakcyjnego w Wydawnictwie UŁ

[Research paper thumbnail of Etyczno-moralne aspekty „praktyk humanistycznych” [Ethical and Moral Aspects of the ‘Humanities’ Practices’] [CAŁA KSIĄŻKA]](

M. Kafar, A.F. Kola, eds., Etyczno-moralne aspekty „praktyk humanistycznych” [Ethical and Moral A... more M. Kafar, A.F. Kola, eds., Etyczno-moralne aspekty „praktyk humanistycznych” [Ethical and Moral Aspects of the ‘Humanities’ Practices’], Toruń-Łódź: Humanistics Forum 2015, pp. 254 [PL]

Research paper thumbnail of Biografie naukowe. Perspektywa transdyscyplinarna, Marcin Kafar (red.), seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 1, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2011

Książka jest zbiorem refleksji dotyczących zależności istniejących między „profesjonalnym” i „nie... more Książka jest zbiorem refleksji dotyczących zależności istniejących między „profesjonalnym” i „nieprofesjonalnym” wymiarem uprawiania humanistyki oraz nauk społecznych. Wprowadzone rozróżnienie dobrze oddaje znaczący aspekt napięcia pojawiającego się na styku prywatnej sfery naszego życia ze sferą zawodową. Osobiste doświadczenie każdego z nas („nieprofesjonalna” część naszych biografii) nieustannie — świadomie lub nieświadomie — ciąży na wszystkim, co mieści się w polu poczynań „profesjonalnych”: począwszy od wyborów obszarów badawczych, a skończywszy na sposobach ich teoretycznej i metodologicznej konceptualizacji. Proces czerpania z doświadczenia zawodowego (naukowego, badawczego) rzutuje natomiast na życie pozazawodowe; tak więc często mamy do czynienia z czymś w rodzaju inwersji zwrotnej, sytuacji transformującej mnie-badacza jako człowieka ze wszystkimi tego konsekwencjami natury egzystencjalnej, społecznej oraz aksjologicznej.

Research paper thumbnail of W świecie wygnańców, wdów i sierot. O pewnym wariancie antropologii zaangażowanej, seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 2, Łódź

W świecie wygnańców, wdów i sierot. O pewnym wariancie antropologii zaangażowanej, seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 2, Łódź, 2013

Wydane przez Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego Wydanie I. W.06494.14.0.M ISBN (wersja drukowana)... more Wydane przez Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego Wydanie I. W.06494.14.0.M ISBN (wersja drukowana) 978-83-7969-075-6 ISBN (ebook) 97883-7969-184-5 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego 90-131 Łódź,

Research paper thumbnail of Scientific Biographies: Between the 'Professional' and 'Non-Professional' Dimensions of Humanistic Experiences, Marcin Kafar (ed.), series: "Biographical Perspectives", vol. I

In this volume, the wording ‘professional’ and ‘non-professional’ is central to our discussion of... more In this volume, the wording ‘professional’ and ‘non-professional’ is central to our discussion of concepts, since these notions reflect well the weighty aspect of the tension appearing at the junction of the private sphere of our life and the scientific one. Personal experience of each of us (the ‘non-professional’ part of our biography) continuously—consciously or unconsciously—gets imprinted in everything that is located in the area of ‘professional’ actions; from the choice of research areas to the ways of their theoretical and methodological conceptualization.

Research paper thumbnail of Autobiography-Biography-Narration: Research Practice for Biographical Perspectives, Marcin Kafar & Monika Modrzejewska-Świgulska (eds.), series: "Biographical Perspectives", vol. II

The articles that make up this volume are related to the multidimensional aspects of the narrativ... more The articles that make up this volume are related to the multidimensional aspects of the narrative-biographical research. Individual authors, positioning themselves between their source areas of knowledge (pedagogy, psychology, anthropology, sociology and literary studies) and a transdisciplinary auto/biographical research plane, pick up as their starting point the processual perspective of the socio-cultural world, whose central element is the active subject as the creator of his/her own biography. Such assumptions (expressed explicitly and implicitly) have provided the basis for reports on the Authors’ own research projects and a framework for ordering the purely theoretical aspects of narrative-biographical studies.

Papers by Marcin Kafar

Research paper thumbnail of W stronę upodmiotowiania twórczości naukowej - przypadek auto/biografii/Towards Subjectivizing Academic Creativity: Auto/Biography Case

"Er(r)go. Teoria - Literatura - Kultura/Er(r)go. Theory - Literature - Culture", nr/no. 48, s. 95-113., 2024

The article presents the problem of the tension arising between academic creativity and non-acade... more The article presents the problem of the tension arising between academic creativity and non-academic experiences of scholars. The individual subsections consist of approximations of expressive cases of scholarly auto/biographies that fall into the category of "consciously halved"-researchers whose works are situated at the intersection of what is personal with what is academic, giving it a specific cognitive tenor. The perspective adopted in the considerations is contained in the horizon of reflexive thinking, enabling the cultivation of hermeneutics of the Self in the area of "new humanities" as starting (and ending) with lived experiences of active human agents.

Research paper thumbnail of Otwarcie dialogiczne w sytuacji przeżywania żałoby albo pamiątka pewnej przyjaźni

Medycyna narracyjna i komunikacja w sytuacjach granicznych, A. Woźny (red.), Acta Universitatis Vratislaviensis 4179, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, s. 117-134, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of The Reverberations of War: Ukrainian and Polish Academics Write a Collective Autoethnography of Experiencing War in Ukraine

Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 2023

The article presents a form of collective autoethnography generated by members of an informal gro... more The article presents a form of collective autoethnography generated by members of an informal group of academics called The Autonomous Autoethnographic Collective. The leading idea we relate to is “reverberations” of multidimensional experiences of war in Ukraine that started on February 24, 2022. The aim of the text is to show the multiple perceptual views experienced by people situated in a borderline situation. Uncertainty of tomorrow, prolonged fear for one’s own life and that of his or her loved ones, and an attempt to survive in an environment exposed to a “constant fire” are aspects of both wartime feelings and—indicated by them—reflexive thinking. Adopting a dual perspective of the immersion in experience as lived and then analyzing it in the process of collectively shared knowledge is treated as method of inquiry. Life in the shadow of war leads to a variant of autoethnography that is subject to the principle of “reversed order,” and as such it manifests itself in the creat...

Research paper thumbnail of Iwona Kabzińska - szkic do portretu. Inspiracje kubistyczne

Antropologiczne wędrówki po "miejscach" dalekich i bliskich. Księga jubileuszowa dla Profesor Iwony Kabzińskiej, D. Demski, J. Derlicki, A. Woźniak (red.), Warszawa: Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN i Komitet Badań Etnologicznych PAN, 2020

In this article I am imitating an art of portraying Iwona Kanzińska - one of the Polish well know... more In this article I am imitating an art of portraying Iwona Kanzińska - one of the Polish well known ethnologist. Using a genre of humanistic essay I am 'drawing' a sketch for her portait that is inspired by Pablo Picasso's "Portrait of Gertrude Stein." The writing process I am applying to complete this task reminds a cubistic process of selecting motifs and re-composing them in order to achive a new perspective of seeing things. The aim is to show Iwona Kabzińska's 'real life' experiences as transposed into 'lived' experiences filled with emotions, values, and, last but not least, presenting her unique attitude to the world.

Research paper thumbnail of Od tekstu do kontekstu. O praktyce upodmiotowiania w przestrzeniach twórczości naukowej - prolegomena

"Przestrzenie Teorii", 2020

The article presents the practice of subjectivizing scientific creativity by referring to the rol... more The article presents the practice of subjectivizing scientific creativity by referring to the role of intuition in the creation process, introspective reports and comments on spatial information processing. One of the main emphases is placed on the interaction between the author's sense of subjectivity with the idea generated and developed by him, as well as on how the reader senses this interaction. These findings became the basis for adopting assumptions about individual and disciplinary differences in strategy and the intensity of the subjectivization of scientific texts by creators and recipients. The article was prepared in a performative and dialogical formula.

Research paper thumbnail of Legacy of Masters: Remarks on Life and Work with Professors

Educational Sciences: Interdisciplinary Studies, 2019

On January 25 th , 2019, The University of South Florida sponsored an event to honor the legacy o... more On January 25 th , 2019, The University of South Florida sponsored an event to honor the legacy of Carolyn Ellis and Arthur Bochner as they retire after more than 85 years (combined) teaching. In this paper, research collaborators, students, and friends present their testimonials commemorating their shared lives with Professors Ellis and Bochner. A collection of short stories reveals "official" and "non-official" (in some cases very personal) experiences as they were lived through, inviting readers to see how academic intergenerational relationships might develop as contextually situated and morally important.

[Research paper thumbnail of Człowiek w teorii - teoria w człowieku. Przykład biografii naukowej Czesława Robotyckiego (przyczynek do problemu upodmiotawiania dyskursów naukowych) [The Human Being in Theory-the Theory in the Human Being: The Example of Czesław Robotycki's Scientific Biography]](

Kultura i Społeczeństwo/Culture and Society, 2017

This article considers the dichotomy between theory and life, treating it as a reflection of the ... more This article considers the dichotomy between theory and life, treating it as a reflection of the process of subjectivization of discourse of the anthropological variety. In accord with the accepted premise, scientific theories do not emerge on their own but as a result of complicated conditions at the meeting point of subjective-individual experience and the language of theory, leading to a close connection between the maker of a given theory and the theory itself. In such a cognitive context, legitimacy is achieved by analytical-interpretative tasks, which consist in seeking meanings and discovering the sense of manifold signs of the presence of the human being in theory (thus someone real, who situates himself openly or covertly in the constructed descriptions of the world) and the theory in the human being, that is, the conceptual or otherwise indicated manifestations of self-understanding. An instructive exemplification of such analytical and interpretative work is the scientific autobiography of an outstanding Polish anthropologist, Czesław Robotycki, a scholar developing the contemporary theory of culture while taking into account cultural paradoxes and the attitude of anthropological distancing which were personally important to him.

[Research paper thumbnail of Zwroty badawcze jako zjawisko semiotyczne [Research ‘Turns’ as a Semiotic Occurrence].](

[Research paper thumbnail of W kręgu transgeneracyjnych biografii naukowych. Zaczynając od Heleny Radlińskiej i Kazimiery Zawistowicz-Adamskiej [Transgenerational Scientific Biographies. The Beginnings: Encountering Helena Radlińska and Kazimiera Zawistowicz-Adamska]](

"Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne/Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies", 2017

The article – focused on the exploration of the meanings of transgenerational scientific biograph... more The article – focused on the exploration of the meanings of transgenerational scientific biographies – is a form of a dialogic conversation carried on by the two members of the society of Łódź pedagogues. He – emerged in the society as a newcomer arriving from the world of anthropology and ethnography. She – a social pedagogue – made her way there from the circle of the family social work field. In spite of having different disciplinary origins, carrying on dialogue gives them a chance to recognize the paths indicating the existence of their common intellectual and experience connections. Using these common links, they work together on the interpretation and gradual detection of the signs of unacknowledged past, where ethnography and social pedagogy meets the foundations set by Helena Radlińska and Kazimiera Zawistowicz-Adamska.

[Research paper thumbnail of Zyskiwanie samowiedzy poznawczej jako proces edukacyjny [Gaining Cognitional Self-Awareness as an Educational Process]](

"Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne/Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies", 2017

The article is an attempt to present the reflexive approach in its auto/biographic form. In this ... more The article is an attempt to present the reflexive approach in its auto/biographic form. In this context two representative reflexive essays featured in Volume 4 of the periodical “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies” (“NOWIS”) are interpreted. Additionally, the text shows the problem of distance and proximity appearing among different perspectives of conducting educational-biographic research.

[Research paper thumbnail of Wojciech J. Burszta, Marcin Kafar, Umykanie. Pomyślenia z etnografii życia, seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 5, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2023 [strony tytułowe, spisy rzeczy, fragment "Umykanie przed 'Umykaniem'"]](

Praca jest dwuautorskim przedsięwzięciem zorientowanym wokół konceptu „etnografii życia”, zapropo... more Praca jest dwuautorskim przedsięwzięciem zorientowanym wokół konceptu „etnografii życia”, zaproponowanego przez Wojciecha J. Bursztę, następnie podjętego i rozwiniętego przez Marcina Kafara. Etnografia życia jest hermeneutycznym narzędziem służącym do pracy nad własną pamięcią (ujmowana jest ona za pomocą metafory „katastru”), która w procesie myślenia i pisania o niej, pozwala autorowi/autorom docierać do zdarzeń doświadczonych niegdyś, dziś natomiast ponawianych w nieustającym procesie poszukiwania znaczeń. Jego zasadniczym celem jest próba nadawania sensu własnemu życiu jako narracyjnej jedności (Paul Ricoeur), w prezentowanym dziele rozpiętej między dwoma nawzajem dopełniającymi się biegunami: życia prywatnego i życia zawodowego/naukowego (związanego z aktywnością podejmowaną w świecie Akademii).
Wyróżnikiem publikacji jest „otwarta forma” (Umberto Eco), wymuszona specyficznymi okolicznościami jej powstawania. Podczas gdy zasadnicza część pisana była przez Wojciecha J. Bursztę, reszta tekstu przygotowana została po jego śmierci w 2021. Formuła „otwartości” nasycona została wówczas dopowiedzeniami o charakterze „gatunków zmąconych” (Clifford Geertz), przyjmujących postać auto/biograficznie zorientowanych objaśnień ukazujących wielorakie aspekty „życia i twórczości” Wojciecha J. Burszty. Obejmują one (i) ścieżkę wytrącania się konceptu „etnografii życia”, uwzględniającą jego antropologiczny i edukacyjny charakter, (ii) zaplecze formatywne dochodzenia do kluczowych zagadnień wariantu humanistyki polskiej przełomu wieków XX i XXI, ukazane za pomocą dialogowo skonstruowanych ustępów, a także (iii) wysoce osobiste, uwarunkowane kulturowo i społecznie, podłoże rozumienia siebie-człowieka jako stającego w obliczu nieuchronności własnej skończoności.

The work is a two-author project oriented around the concept of “ethnography of life,” proposed by Wojciech J. Burszta, then taken up and developed by Marcin Kafar. The ethnography of life is a hermeneutic tool for working on one’s own memory (it is captured by the metaphor of the “cadastre”), which–in the process of thinking and writing about it–allows the author/authors to reach events experienced in the past, but today renewed in the constant process of searching for meanings. Its main goal is an attempt to give meaning to one’s own life as a narrative unity (Paul Ricoeur), in the presented work stretched between two mutually complementary poles: private life and professional/scientific life (related to the activity undertaken in the world of the Academy).
The distinguishing feature of the publication is its “open form” (Umberto Eco), generated by the specific circumstances of its creation. While the main part was written by Wojciech J. Burszta, the rest of the text was prepared after his death in 2021. The formula of “openness” was then saturated with additions of “blurred genres” (Clifford Geertz), taking the form of auto/biographically oriented explanations showing multiple aspects of the “life and work” of Wojciech J. Burszta. They include e.g. (i) the path of precipitating the concept of “ethnography of life,” taking into account its anthropological and educational nature, (ii) the formative background for exploring the key issues of the variant of Polish humanities at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, expressed through dialogue-constructed passages, and (iii) highly personal (culturally and socially conditioned) ground for understanding the self-human as facing the inevitability of one’s own finitude.

[Research paper thumbnail of Autoetnograficzne "zbliżenia" i "oddalenia". O autoetnografii w Polsce, Marcin Kafar, Anna Kacperczyk (red.), seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 4, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2020 [strony tytułowe, spis treści i Prolog]](

Research paper thumbnail of Mistrz i Mistrzostwo w Kulturze, Społeczeństwie i Edukacji/Master and Mastery in Culture, Society, Art, and Education

"Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne/Educational Sciences: Interdisciplinary Studies," Volume 1, No. 8, 2019

[Research paper thumbnail of Edukacyjne wymiary badań biograficznych [Educational Dimensions of Biographical Research]](

"Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne/Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies", 2017

[Research paper thumbnail of Auto/biograficzne aspekty praktyk poznawczych [Auto/biographical Aspects of Cognitional Practices], Marcin Kafar (red.), seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 3, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016](

Edukacyjnych 91-408 Łódź, ul. Pomorska 46/48 RECENZENT Maria Mendel REDAKTOR INICJUJĄCY Urszula D... more Edukacyjnych 91-408 Łódź, ul. Pomorska 46/48 RECENZENT Maria Mendel REDAKTOR INICJUJĄCY Urszula Dzieciątkowska SKŁAD I ŁAMANIE Munda -Maciej Torz KOREKTA TECHNICZNA Leonora Wojciechowska PROJEKT OKŁADKI Katarzyna Turkowska Zdjęcie wykorzystane na okładce: © Publikacja bez opracowania redakcyjnego w Wydawnictwie UŁ

[Research paper thumbnail of Etyczno-moralne aspekty „praktyk humanistycznych” [Ethical and Moral Aspects of the ‘Humanities’ Practices’] [CAŁA KSIĄŻKA]](

M. Kafar, A.F. Kola, eds., Etyczno-moralne aspekty „praktyk humanistycznych” [Ethical and Moral A... more M. Kafar, A.F. Kola, eds., Etyczno-moralne aspekty „praktyk humanistycznych” [Ethical and Moral Aspects of the ‘Humanities’ Practices’], Toruń-Łódź: Humanistics Forum 2015, pp. 254 [PL]

Research paper thumbnail of Biografie naukowe. Perspektywa transdyscyplinarna, Marcin Kafar (red.), seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 1, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2011

Książka jest zbiorem refleksji dotyczących zależności istniejących między „profesjonalnym” i „nie... more Książka jest zbiorem refleksji dotyczących zależności istniejących między „profesjonalnym” i „nieprofesjonalnym” wymiarem uprawiania humanistyki oraz nauk społecznych. Wprowadzone rozróżnienie dobrze oddaje znaczący aspekt napięcia pojawiającego się na styku prywatnej sfery naszego życia ze sferą zawodową. Osobiste doświadczenie każdego z nas („nieprofesjonalna” część naszych biografii) nieustannie — świadomie lub nieświadomie — ciąży na wszystkim, co mieści się w polu poczynań „profesjonalnych”: począwszy od wyborów obszarów badawczych, a skończywszy na sposobach ich teoretycznej i metodologicznej konceptualizacji. Proces czerpania z doświadczenia zawodowego (naukowego, badawczego) rzutuje natomiast na życie pozazawodowe; tak więc często mamy do czynienia z czymś w rodzaju inwersji zwrotnej, sytuacji transformującej mnie-badacza jako człowieka ze wszystkimi tego konsekwencjami natury egzystencjalnej, społecznej oraz aksjologicznej.

Research paper thumbnail of W świecie wygnańców, wdów i sierot. O pewnym wariancie antropologii zaangażowanej, seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 2, Łódź

W świecie wygnańców, wdów i sierot. O pewnym wariancie antropologii zaangażowanej, seria: "Perspektywy Biograficzne", t. 2, Łódź, 2013

Wydane przez Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego Wydanie I. W.06494.14.0.M ISBN (wersja drukowana)... more Wydane przez Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego Wydanie I. W.06494.14.0.M ISBN (wersja drukowana) 978-83-7969-075-6 ISBN (ebook) 97883-7969-184-5 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego 90-131 Łódź,

Research paper thumbnail of Scientific Biographies: Between the 'Professional' and 'Non-Professional' Dimensions of Humanistic Experiences, Marcin Kafar (ed.), series: "Biographical Perspectives", vol. I

In this volume, the wording ‘professional’ and ‘non-professional’ is central to our discussion of... more In this volume, the wording ‘professional’ and ‘non-professional’ is central to our discussion of concepts, since these notions reflect well the weighty aspect of the tension appearing at the junction of the private sphere of our life and the scientific one. Personal experience of each of us (the ‘non-professional’ part of our biography) continuously—consciously or unconsciously—gets imprinted in everything that is located in the area of ‘professional’ actions; from the choice of research areas to the ways of their theoretical and methodological conceptualization.

Research paper thumbnail of Autobiography-Biography-Narration: Research Practice for Biographical Perspectives, Marcin Kafar & Monika Modrzejewska-Świgulska (eds.), series: "Biographical Perspectives", vol. II

The articles that make up this volume are related to the multidimensional aspects of the narrativ... more The articles that make up this volume are related to the multidimensional aspects of the narrative-biographical research. Individual authors, positioning themselves between their source areas of knowledge (pedagogy, psychology, anthropology, sociology and literary studies) and a transdisciplinary auto/biographical research plane, pick up as their starting point the processual perspective of the socio-cultural world, whose central element is the active subject as the creator of his/her own biography. Such assumptions (expressed explicitly and implicitly) have provided the basis for reports on the Authors’ own research projects and a framework for ordering the purely theoretical aspects of narrative-biographical studies.

Research paper thumbnail of W stronę upodmiotowiania twórczości naukowej - przypadek auto/biografii/Towards Subjectivizing Academic Creativity: Auto/Biography Case

"Er(r)go. Teoria - Literatura - Kultura/Er(r)go. Theory - Literature - Culture", nr/no. 48, s. 95-113., 2024

The article presents the problem of the tension arising between academic creativity and non-acade... more The article presents the problem of the tension arising between academic creativity and non-academic experiences of scholars. The individual subsections consist of approximations of expressive cases of scholarly auto/biographies that fall into the category of "consciously halved"-researchers whose works are situated at the intersection of what is personal with what is academic, giving it a specific cognitive tenor. The perspective adopted in the considerations is contained in the horizon of reflexive thinking, enabling the cultivation of hermeneutics of the Self in the area of "new humanities" as starting (and ending) with lived experiences of active human agents.

Research paper thumbnail of Otwarcie dialogiczne w sytuacji przeżywania żałoby albo pamiątka pewnej przyjaźni

Medycyna narracyjna i komunikacja w sytuacjach granicznych, A. Woźny (red.), Acta Universitatis Vratislaviensis 4179, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, s. 117-134, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of The Reverberations of War: Ukrainian and Polish Academics Write a Collective Autoethnography of Experiencing War in Ukraine

Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 2023

The article presents a form of collective autoethnography generated by members of an informal gro... more The article presents a form of collective autoethnography generated by members of an informal group of academics called The Autonomous Autoethnographic Collective. The leading idea we relate to is “reverberations” of multidimensional experiences of war in Ukraine that started on February 24, 2022. The aim of the text is to show the multiple perceptual views experienced by people situated in a borderline situation. Uncertainty of tomorrow, prolonged fear for one’s own life and that of his or her loved ones, and an attempt to survive in an environment exposed to a “constant fire” are aspects of both wartime feelings and—indicated by them—reflexive thinking. Adopting a dual perspective of the immersion in experience as lived and then analyzing it in the process of collectively shared knowledge is treated as method of inquiry. Life in the shadow of war leads to a variant of autoethnography that is subject to the principle of “reversed order,” and as such it manifests itself in the creat...

Research paper thumbnail of Iwona Kabzińska - szkic do portretu. Inspiracje kubistyczne

Antropologiczne wędrówki po "miejscach" dalekich i bliskich. Księga jubileuszowa dla Profesor Iwony Kabzińskiej, D. Demski, J. Derlicki, A. Woźniak (red.), Warszawa: Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN i Komitet Badań Etnologicznych PAN, 2020

In this article I am imitating an art of portraying Iwona Kanzińska - one of the Polish well know... more In this article I am imitating an art of portraying Iwona Kanzińska - one of the Polish well known ethnologist. Using a genre of humanistic essay I am 'drawing' a sketch for her portait that is inspired by Pablo Picasso's "Portrait of Gertrude Stein." The writing process I am applying to complete this task reminds a cubistic process of selecting motifs and re-composing them in order to achive a new perspective of seeing things. The aim is to show Iwona Kabzińska's 'real life' experiences as transposed into 'lived' experiences filled with emotions, values, and, last but not least, presenting her unique attitude to the world.

Research paper thumbnail of Od tekstu do kontekstu. O praktyce upodmiotowiania w przestrzeniach twórczości naukowej - prolegomena

"Przestrzenie Teorii", 2020

The article presents the practice of subjectivizing scientific creativity by referring to the rol... more The article presents the practice of subjectivizing scientific creativity by referring to the role of intuition in the creation process, introspective reports and comments on spatial information processing. One of the main emphases is placed on the interaction between the author's sense of subjectivity with the idea generated and developed by him, as well as on how the reader senses this interaction. These findings became the basis for adopting assumptions about individual and disciplinary differences in strategy and the intensity of the subjectivization of scientific texts by creators and recipients. The article was prepared in a performative and dialogical formula.

Research paper thumbnail of Legacy of Masters: Remarks on Life and Work with Professors

Educational Sciences: Interdisciplinary Studies, 2019

On January 25 th , 2019, The University of South Florida sponsored an event to honor the legacy o... more On January 25 th , 2019, The University of South Florida sponsored an event to honor the legacy of Carolyn Ellis and Arthur Bochner as they retire after more than 85 years (combined) teaching. In this paper, research collaborators, students, and friends present their testimonials commemorating their shared lives with Professors Ellis and Bochner. A collection of short stories reveals "official" and "non-official" (in some cases very personal) experiences as they were lived through, inviting readers to see how academic intergenerational relationships might develop as contextually situated and morally important.

[Research paper thumbnail of Człowiek w teorii - teoria w człowieku. Przykład biografii naukowej Czesława Robotyckiego (przyczynek do problemu upodmiotawiania dyskursów naukowych) [The Human Being in Theory-the Theory in the Human Being: The Example of Czesław Robotycki's Scientific Biography]](

Kultura i Społeczeństwo/Culture and Society, 2017

This article considers the dichotomy between theory and life, treating it as a reflection of the ... more This article considers the dichotomy between theory and life, treating it as a reflection of the process of subjectivization of discourse of the anthropological variety. In accord with the accepted premise, scientific theories do not emerge on their own but as a result of complicated conditions at the meeting point of subjective-individual experience and the language of theory, leading to a close connection between the maker of a given theory and the theory itself. In such a cognitive context, legitimacy is achieved by analytical-interpretative tasks, which consist in seeking meanings and discovering the sense of manifold signs of the presence of the human being in theory (thus someone real, who situates himself openly or covertly in the constructed descriptions of the world) and the theory in the human being, that is, the conceptual or otherwise indicated manifestations of self-understanding. An instructive exemplification of such analytical and interpretative work is the scientific autobiography of an outstanding Polish anthropologist, Czesław Robotycki, a scholar developing the contemporary theory of culture while taking into account cultural paradoxes and the attitude of anthropological distancing which were personally important to him.

[Research paper thumbnail of Zwroty badawcze jako zjawisko semiotyczne [Research ‘Turns’ as a Semiotic Occurrence].](

[Research paper thumbnail of W kręgu transgeneracyjnych biografii naukowych. Zaczynając od Heleny Radlińskiej i Kazimiery Zawistowicz-Adamskiej [Transgenerational Scientific Biographies. The Beginnings: Encountering Helena Radlińska and Kazimiera Zawistowicz-Adamska]](

"Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne/Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies", 2017

The article – focused on the exploration of the meanings of transgenerational scientific biograph... more The article – focused on the exploration of the meanings of transgenerational scientific biographies – is a form of a dialogic conversation carried on by the two members of the society of Łódź pedagogues. He – emerged in the society as a newcomer arriving from the world of anthropology and ethnography. She – a social pedagogue – made her way there from the circle of the family social work field. In spite of having different disciplinary origins, carrying on dialogue gives them a chance to recognize the paths indicating the existence of their common intellectual and experience connections. Using these common links, they work together on the interpretation and gradual detection of the signs of unacknowledged past, where ethnography and social pedagogy meets the foundations set by Helena Radlińska and Kazimiera Zawistowicz-Adamska.

[Research paper thumbnail of Zyskiwanie samowiedzy poznawczej jako proces edukacyjny [Gaining Cognitional Self-Awareness as an Educational Process]](

"Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne/Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies", 2017

The article is an attempt to present the reflexive approach in its auto/biographic form. In this ... more The article is an attempt to present the reflexive approach in its auto/biographic form. In this context two representative reflexive essays featured in Volume 4 of the periodical “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies” (“NOWIS”) are interpreted. Additionally, the text shows the problem of distance and proximity appearing among different perspectives of conducting educational-biographic research.

[Research paper thumbnail of "Teksty mniejsze", lecz nie pomniejsze. Wokół "Czarnoksięstw humanistów" Jerzego Kmity - Cz. II [The Lesser Writings – albeit not valued less. On "Humanists’ Sorceries" by Jerzy Kmita - Part II]](

"Sensus Historiae", 2016

Our article, written in the convention of a discussion, is the second part of the reflection insp... more Our article, written in the convention of a discussion, is the second part of the reflection inspired by Jerzy Kmita’s "Humanists’ Sorceries." In this part we talk about his program of humanities and ask what would have happened if we had finished with sorceries in humanities. In our opinion, there is no way out of the common sense, we always, one way or the other, fall into its traps, because nothing in culture is transparent for itself. The only thing we, as humanists, can do is deconstructing as much of our natural/silent shared believes as we are able to. That is the lesson to be drawn from Jerzy Kmita’s works. In the end of our article, we discuss the history of Polish humanities thinking. In our interpretation, we are members and eye-witnesses of pivotal turns in Polish humanities: we face a return to the non-nostalgic history of our schools and to the way of thinking which is basic for our identity both as researchers and human beings.

[Research paper thumbnail of "Teksty mniejsze", lecz nie pomniejsze. Wokół "Czarnoksięstw humanistów" Jerzego Kmity - Cz. I [The Lesser Writings – albeit not valued less. On "Humanists’ Sorceries" by Jerzy Kmita - Part I]](

"Sensus Historiae", 2016

Our article, written in the convention of a discussion, addresses the language of the socio-regul... more Our article, written in the convention of a discussion, addresses the language of the socio-regulatory theory of culture formulated by Jerzy Kmita. It is the well-known fact that this language was rather difficult to understand for those who did not cooperate with Kmita. It has been even said to be a cant. This language was frequently used in books by Kmita, but rarely in his short papers published in the 1970s in “Nurt” and other journals. In Jan Grad’s opinion, the cant was not used too often there, as their goal was to popularize Jerzy Kmita’s project of “scientific humanities”. We try to formulate another point of view on this issue, for we believe that there is a “Kmita’s style" of writing and that his way of writing never ceased to exist, which can be easily noticed in his last book ("Jak słowa łączą się ze światem. Studium krytyczne neopragmatyzmu", Poznań 1998). Jerzy Kmita is a Bloom’s strong poet; someone who creates his own vocabulary. The short papers of Kmita are another, but symmetric part of his science discourse as such, the former complement the latter. We also ask the question of origins of Kmita’s way of thinking, considering both the textual and the outer side thereof.

[Research paper thumbnail of "Prawdziwe zmyślenie" w praktyce badawczej. Między doświadczaniem "bycia w terenie" a doświadczaniem literatury - podróż z Paulem Austerem ["True Fabrication" in Research Practice. Beteewn Experiencing "Being in the Field" and Experiencing Literature - a Journey with Paul Auster].](

Auto/biograficzne aspekty praktyk poznawczych [Auto/biographical Aspects of Cognitional Practices], s. 147-172., Sep 9, 2016

My goal in this text is to display multi-level relationships existing between the real world and ... more My goal in this text is to display multi-level relationships existing between the real world and the fictional world. The keystone of these considerations I made an idiom “true fabrication” that appears in the works of a Polish postwar writer, Marek Hłasko.
The text begins with the disclosure of a paradox lying in a field of the semantic phrase “true fabrication.” Using this phrase I highlight the ambivalence which I encountered during my own field investigations, stretched between real presence and the presence mediated by thought and writing. In the subsequent parts of the essay, I combine―in accordance with the rule of the preliminary diagnosis―the level of experiencing “being in the field” with the level of experiencing literature. Throughout this process I am accompanied by Paul Auster―cognate to Marek Hłasko in his “true false” intuitions. Reporting to the Reader my reading of Oracle Night (built on the “true false” concept―this is an equivalent of Hłasko’s “true fabrication” in Austerian nomenclature), I take up the challenge of the “game of narration” (a term coined by Jacques Lacan), which enables extending the interpretation horizon with what does not entirely fit within the “truth” or within the “fiction”, occupying a roomy space “between” them.
Apart from Auster, Hłasko and Lacan, for such intellectual-experiential journey I am also taking Virginia Woolf, Paul Ricoeur, Rasmus R. Simonsen and Javier Marías.

[Research paper thumbnail of Mistrzowie - preliminaria. O założeniach pewnego projektu badawczego [Masters - Preliminaries. The Assumptions of a Certain Research Project]](

[Research paper thumbnail of Człowiek, życie i śmierć w kontekście etyczno-moralnych aspektów „praktyk humanistycznych” [Human, Life, and Death in the Context of Ethical and Moral Aspects of the ‘Humanities’ Practices]](

Etyczno-moralne aspekty „praktyk humanistycznych” [Ethical and Moral Aspects of the ‘Humanities’ Practices’], 2015

Human, Life, and Death in the Context of Ethical and Moral Aspects of the ‘Humanities’ Practices

[Research paper thumbnail of O etyczno-moralnych aspektach ‘praktyk humanistycznych’ słów kilka”, Etyczno-moralne aspekty „praktyk humanistycznych [Ethical and Moral Aspects of the ‘Humanities’ Practices’]](

Ethical and Moral Aspects of the ‘Humanities’ Practices’

Research paper thumbnail of Wokół humanizacji nauki - znaki, tropy, konteksty

"Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej", 3 (10) 2014, 16-31, Aug 31, 2014

The article is an attempt of thought synthesis relating to selected problems within the area of a... more The article is an attempt of thought synthesis relating to selected problems within the area of auto/biographical context of knowledge construction. Special attention is paid to the process of humanization of science that is considered in both historical and interdisciplinary perspectives. The main areas of interest include: humanistic medicine, philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, Polish sociology and ethnography (represented by Jan Szczepański and Kazimiera Zawistowicz-Adamska), as well as autoethnographic approach.

Research paper thumbnail of Autoethnography, Storytelling, and Life as Lived: A Conversation between Marcin Kafar and Carolyn Ellis

"Przegląd Socjologii Jakośckiowej / Qualitative Sociology Review", 3 (10) 2014, 124-143, Aug 31, 2014

This conversation takes place in Warsaw. Carolyn Ellis has come to Poland to accompany Jerry Rawi... more This conversation takes place in Warsaw. Carolyn Ellis has come to Poland to accompany Jerry Rawicki, a Warsaw Ghetto survivor, on his first trip back to Poland since the Holocaust. There she arranged to meet Marcin Kafar, a scholar in Poland who has spent time with her at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. During this visit, Marcin assists Carolyn with video recording Jerry’s experiences as they visit Holocaust sites, and Jerry remembers and reflects on his experience. Afterwards, Marcin converses with Carolyn about autoethnography, storytelling, and the importance of life in the context of searching for ethos by academics.

Research paper thumbnail of Around "Biographical Perspectives": An Introduction

[in:] Marcin Kafar (ed.), Scientific Biographies: Between the "Professional" and "Non-Professional" Dimensions of Humanistic Experiences (pp. 7-19), series: "Biographical Perspectives", vol. I, Lodz - Krakow: Univeristy of Lodz Press, Jagiellonian University Press, 2013

The 'Biographical Perspectives' book series is a meeting place for representatives of the humanit... more The 'Biographical Perspectives' book series is a meeting place for representatives of the humanities and social sciences who situate their research practices in the auto/biographical paradigm horizon in its various guises.

Research paper thumbnail of Biographical Epiphanies in the Context of Laying the Foundations of the Qualitative Thought Collective

[in:] Marcin Kafar (ed.), Scientific Biographies: Between the "Professional" and "Non-Professional" Dimensions of Humanistic Experiences (pp. 43-74), series: "Biographical Perspectives", vol. I, Lodz - Krakow: Univeristy of Lodz Press, Jagiellonian University Press, 2013

Danuta Urbaniak-Zając (UniversiĘ ot Ł6dż) Andrzej P. Wejland (UniversĘ of Ł6dź) {< The 'Biographi... more Danuta Urbaniak-Zając (UniversiĘ ot Ł6dż) Andrzej P. Wejland (UniversĘ of Ł6dź) {< The 'Biographical Perspectives' book series is a meeting place for representatives of the humanities and social sciences who situate their research practices in the auto/biographical paradigm horizon in its various guises.

Research paper thumbnail of Auto/biograficzne wymiary poznania naukowego

1 AUTO/BIOGRAFICZNE WYMIARY POZNANIA NAUKOWEGO WYKŁAD NA UNIWERSYTECIE IM. MIKOŁAJA KOPERNIKA 14.... more 1 AUTO/BIOGRAFICZNE WYMIARY POZNANIA NAUKOWEGO WYKŁAD NA UNIWERSYTECIE IM. MIKOŁAJA KOPERNIKA 14.01.2015 (fragmenty) Witam serdecznie wszystkich Państwa, którzy zechcieli przybyć na mój wykład poświęcony Auto/biograficznym wymiarom poznania naukowego. Bardzo dziękuję Dziekanowi Wydziałowi Nauk Pedagogicznych Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Panu Profesorowi Piotrowi Petrykowskiemu oraz Przewodniczącej Polskiego Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego Oddział Toruń, Pani Profesor Hannie Solarczyk-Szwec za zaproszenie do wygłoszenia wykładu i poprowadzenie warsztatów metodologicznych oraz mojej Koleżance, Pani dr Annie Koli, za zainicjowanie kontaktu naukowego, który doprowadził do naszego dzisiejszego spotkania.

Research paper thumbnail of CfP: Od „Mistrzów” do „mistrzostwa”

Zapraszamy na XI konferencję naukową z cyklu Colloquia Humaniorum Tematem tegorocznej konferencj... more Zapraszamy na XI konferencję naukową z cyklu Colloquia Humaniorum

Tematem tegorocznej konferencji uczyniliśmy zapomnianą w dzisiejszej Akademii instytucję intelektualnego Mistrza/mistrza i ściśle z nią powiązaną kategorię „mistrzostwa”.
Zapowiedzią konferencji było seminarium pt. Mistrzowie. Preliminaria, które odbyło się 12 grudnia 2015 roku w Toruniu (zob. ) , jego podstawy merytoryczne zostały zaś przedstawione w tekście pt. "Mistrzowie – preliminaria. O założeniach pewnego projektu badawczego" (zob. ).
Obraliśmy trzy współbieżne ścieżki myślenia/mówienia/pisania o Mistrzach/mistrzach, które stanowić będą szkielet zarówno konferencji w Pluskach, jak i projektowanej książki. Są to: (1) Przykład-anie do teorii; (2) Przykład-anie do świata; (3) Przykład-anie do życia.

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